Swiss Smart

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart




    This statement provides you with key information about this product.This statement is a part of the offering document.

    You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone.There is aGlossarysection at the end of this Product Key Facts Statement.For those italic words, please refer to theGlossarysection for explanation.

    June 2011

    Quick acts

    Name o insurance company:

    AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited

    (the Company)

    Single or regular premium:


    Regular premium requency:


    Minimum premium payment term:

    8 Beneft Years

    Policy currency:


    Minimum premium (per annum):

    First regular premium: USD3,600

    Subsequent regular premium (i applicable):


    Maximum premium (per annum):

    Subject to underwriting requirements

    Governing law o policy:

    AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    What is this product and how does it work?

    SwissSmart is an investment-linked insurance plan. It is a lie insurance policy issued by the Company. Thisis not a und authorised by the SFC pursuant to the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (UT Code).

    Your policy value will be calculated by the Company based on (i) the perormance o the reerence unds

    which correspond to the investment options you selected rom time to time and (ii) the ongoing ees and

    charges which will continue to be deducted rom your policy value.

    Note, however, that all premiums you pay towards your SwissSmart policy, and any investment made by the

    Company in the reerence unds which correspond to the investment options you selected, will become and

    remain the assets o the Company. You do not have any rights or ownership over any o those assets. Yourrecourse is against the Company only.

    Due to the various ees and charges levied by the Company on your SwissSmart policy, the return on your

    SwissSmart policy as a whole may be lower than the return o the reerence unds which correspond to the

    investment options you selected. Please see the section What are the ees and charges? as set out on

    page 3 or details o ees and charges payable by you.

    Reerence unds, which are linked to the investment options available or selection, are the unds listed in the

    Investment Options Leafet. These may include unds authorised by the SFC pursuant to the UT Code, but may

    also include other portolios internally managed by the Company on a discretionary basis not authorised by

    the SFC under the UT Code.

    Although your SwissSmart policy is a lie insurance policy, because the death beneit is linked to the

    perormance o the reerence unds which correspond to the investment options you selected rom time to

    time, the death benet is subject to investment risks and market fuctuations. The death benet payable

    may be signicantly less than your premiums paid and may not be sucient or your individual needs.

    More importantly, you should be aware o the ollowing regarding the death benet:

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    What are the key risks? (Cont)

    Foreign exchange (Currency) risks The investment returns o your SwissSmart policy may besubject to oreign exchange risks as (i) the reerence und(s) may be denominated in a currency which is

    dierent rom that o your policy; and (ii) the reerence und(s) may be invested in assets denominated in

    currency(ies) which is dierent rom that o the reerence und(s). Movement in the exchange rates between

    these currencies may aect the perormance o the investment option(s).

    Premium holiday During premium holiday, premium payments o your SwissSmart policy are suspended

    and the policy is still subject to applicable charges. Premiums or any supplementary riders will also

    continue to be deducted rom the account value. This will thereore lead to a signicant reduction in the

    account value and the death benet will be reduced accordingly. Premium holiday may lead to terminationo some supplementary riders, and may possibly lead to termination o your policy (including supplementary

    riders) i the Total Encashment Value is insucient to pay the relevant policy charges o the policy and

    premiums or supplementary riders. I your policy has taken a premium holiday, the premium payment term,

    the operation charge period (as specied in the What are the ees and charges? section), encashment

    charge period (as specied in the Quick acts section) and the period or calculating premium adjustment

    charge will accordingly be extended or such period during which the premium holiday was in eect.

    Partial encashment Partial encashment may be subject to an encashment charge and will lead to a

    reduction in the account value, and accordingly the death benet will be reduced. Partial encashment maypossibly lead to termination o your policy (including supplementary riders) i the Total Encashment Value is

    insucient to pay the relevant policy charges.

    Is there any guarantee?

    This product does not have any guarantee o the repayment o principal You may not get back the ull


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    What are the ees and charges? (Cont)

    Scheme level

    Rate Deduct rom




    onthevalueoftherelevantBeneft Account

    Each Beneft Accounton the 1st

    business day o each month bycancelling units o investmentoptions in proportion to thevalue o investment options heldunder the respective BeneitAccountas at the charging date

    Switching ee

    No switchingfeewillbe chargedforthefirst4switches o investment options per policy or eachPolicy Year

    Foreachsubsequentswitchina Policy Year, aswitching ee o up to 1% o the amount being

    switched out, subject to a minimum ee o USD12.50will be imposed on the relevant Beneit Account inwhich switching is eected.

    The amount being switched out




    onthevalueoftherelevantBeneft Account

    during the operation charge period which is the

    The relevant Beneit Accounton the 1

    stbusiness day o

    each month by cance l l ingunits o investment optionsin proportion to the value o

    investment options held under

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    What are the ees and charges? (Cont)

    Scheme level

    Rate Deduct rom



    30%of theamount reduced ( i .e . dierence in value) in AnnualisedPremium o the relevant Beneft Account


    rom the 2ndPolicy Year, subject to thischarge or any decrease in premiumduring the 2

    ndand 3


    The relevant Beneit Account the AnnualisedPremium o which is reduced by cancellingunits o investment options in proportion tothe value o investment options held under

    the respective Beneit Account as at thecharging date


    spreadCurrently waived


    Fromextraallocationatthetimewhenthisamount is credited

    Please reer to section FEES AND CHARGES (page 07 to 11) o the Product Brochure o SwissSmart or

    details o the charges.

    Reerence unds level

    You should note that the reerence unds o the investment options may have separate charges on

    management ee, perormance ee, bid-oer spread, etc. You do not pay these ees directly either (1) the

    ees will be deducted and such reduction will be refected in the unit price o the reerence unds or (2) units


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    Insurance companys inormation

    AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited

    Address : 20/F, 151 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Tel : (852) 2864 5600

    Fax : (852) 2864 5660

    Email :

    Website :


    AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited is subject to the prudential regulation o the Insurance Authority.

    However, the Insurance Authority does not give approval to individual insurance products, including SwissSmart

    reerred to in this statement.

    I you are in doubt, you should seek proessional advice.

    SwissSmart is authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission (the SFC). Such authorisation is not arecommendation or endorsement oSwissSmart nor does it guarantee the commercial merits oSwissSmart

    or its perormance. It does not mean SwissSmart is suitable or all investors nor is it an endorsement o its

    suitability or any particular investor or class o investors. The SFC takes no responsibility or the contents o

    this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.



  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    Product Brochure

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    Table of contents

    Product Description 02

    Insurer 02

    Policy Structure 02

    Premiums - Regular Premiums 03

    Investment Options and Allocation 05

    Fees and Charges 07

    Features and Conditions 12

    General Provisions and Notes 15

    Glossary 16

    P ti I l d 19

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    Your SwissSmart policy will comprise a Basic BeneitAccount and all Beneft Accounts.

    The Company will have the right to assign a Beneit

    Account under your SwissSmart policy to be the new Basic

    Beneit Account i the original Basic Beneit Account

    ceases to exist.


    Each Beneft Account runs on its own anniversary basedon its date o ormation and is subject to its own charges.

    Policy administration ee is currently waived. However,

    the Company reserves the right to impose a policy

    administration ee by giving you prior written notice o not

    less than three months or such shorter period according to

    the regulatory requirements. The policy administration ee

    will be charged on the policy but deducted rom the Basic

    Beneft Account only.

    Please reer to the section FEESANDCHARGES as set

    out on page 07 or details about charges.

    The Principal Brochure o SwissSmart ("SwissSmart")consists o this Product Brochure, the Investment

    Options Lealet and the Product Key Facts Statement.

    This Product Brochure is issued and should be read in

    conjunction with the Investment Options Leaet and the

    Product Key Facts Statement.

    Please reer to the section GLOSSARY as set out on page

    16 or defnitions o various defned terms.

    You should not purchase this product unless you

    understand it and it has been explained to you how it is

    suitable or you. The fnal decision is yours.

    You should not invest based on this document only and

    should read the Investment Options Lealet and the

    Product Key Facts Statement o SwissSmart and the

    oering documents o the reerence unds, which are

    made available by the Company.

    I you have any queries on the content o this Product

    Brochure, the Investment Options Leaet and the Product

    Key Facts Statement, please contact your inancial

    consultant or assistance.


    The way a SwissSmart policy works:


    Account and i any Beneft Account(s)

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    PREMIUMS-REGULARPREMIUMSSwissSmart is denominated in US dollar ("USD"). You

    may choose to pay the premiums in Hong Kong dollar

    ("HKD"). Any payment in HKD will be converted into USD

    by the Company at the prevailing HKD/USD exchange rate

    determined by the Company rom time to time.

    Premiums are to be paid at the place designated by

    the Company rom time to time. Please contact the

    Company or your fnancial consultant or the available

    methods o payment as determined by the Company

    rom time to time.


    You may select the premium payment requency (monthly,

    quarterly, semi-annual or annual) at policy issuance.

    Once selected, it will apply to all regular premium Beneft

    Accounts subsequently taken out under the same policy.Subject to the approval o the Company, you may change

    the premium payment requency. Please contact the

    Company or such arrangement.

    The minimum premium payment term or each Beneit

    Account is eight years. The current minimum level o

    regular premium is as below:

    InvestmentAllocationandEncashmentYour regular premiums will be used by the Company to

    notionally allocate to the investment options in the orm o

    units in your relevant Beneft Account(s) according to your

    latest investment option allocation instruction, subject to

    applicable charges.

    I an encashment is made rom a Beneft Account beore

    the end o the Encashment Charge period, an Encashment

    Charge will apply to that Beneft Account. Please reer toEncashmentCharge as set out in the section FEESAND

    CHARGES on page 07 or details.


    During the frst Beneft Year, the Company will oer extra

    allocation (as a percentage o the premiums received in

    the frst Beneft Year) in the orm o units o the respective

    investment options in the relevant Beneit Account. The

    percentage will vary with the premium payment term and

    the amount o the Annualised Premium as ollows:

    For the For each









    8-9 10-14 15-19



  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    Premium payment term : 15 years

    First year Annualised Premium : USD15,000

    Applicable extra allocation rate : 3%

    Amount o First year Annualised Premium xextra allocation

    =Applicable extra allocation rate

    = USD15,000 x 3%

    = USD450

    The amount o extra allocation will be invested upon

    receipt o each premium in the frst Beneft Year.


    Provided that your policy has a suicient Total

    Encashment Value, you may elect in writing to the

    Company to suspend the payment o premium ater the

    end o the second Policy Year.

    Subject to the Company's approval, you may enjoy a

    premium holiday as long as the Total Encashment Value o

    the policy is sufcient to cover the ollowing:

    (i) Policy Charges o the policy; and/or

    (ii) premiums o all supplementary riders (as applicable).

    During the premium holiday per iod, the rate oEncashment Charge will remain the same as the

    applicable rate immediately beore the commencement o

    the premium holiday.

    Provided the policy is still in eect, you may elect in

    writing to the Company to end the premium holiday and

    recommence the payment o premiums, subject to the

    terms and conditions as determined rom time to time by

    the Company at its sole and absolute discretion.

    Please note that any premium holiday taken may adversely

    aect your ability to meet your investment targets. As a

    result, premium holiday is more suitable or a short period

    to help you with temporary fnancial difculties or needs.

    Please contact your fnancial consultant or the Company

    to obtain an application orm or premium holiday and

    inormation on the detailed arrangement o premium

    holiday, and how it would aect your benefts.


    I any regular premiums o the policy and/or any related

    policies are not paid by the expiry o the grace period or

    their payment, as long as the policy and/or any related

    policies has acquired an aggregate Total Encashment

    V l ( t d d ti t t di l d

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    I the payment o premiums is not resumed ater:i) 6 months ollowing the due date or the frst unpaid

    premium or policies with monthly, quarterly or

    semi-annual premium payment requencies, or

    ii) 12 months ollowing the due date or the frst unpaid

    premium or policies with annual premium payment


    the policy and the related policies will be converted to a

    paid up policy.

    Please reer to the section PaidUpPolicy as set out on

    page 05 or details.

    I the policy and the related policies cease to have any

    Total Encashment Value or the Total Encashment Value is

    insufcient to cover outstanding premiums, the policy will

    terminate without value.


    When the policy has a Total Encashment Value, subject to

    the conditions described in this section below, you may

    elect in writing to the Company to treat the policy as a

    paid up policy ater the end o the second Policy Year. No

    urther premiums will be due or the policy. The applicable

    charges will still apply and the rate o Encashment Charge

    ill i th th li bl t i di t l



    SwissSmart gives you a choice o dierent investment

    options across various inancial instruments and sectors

    in global markets. You can diversiy your investment by

    choosing investment options in a range o markets thereby

    balancing the risk o your investment portolio.

    Investment options available or selection under the

    relevant Beneit Accounts include investment options

    with their perormance determined with reerence to the

    perormance o their reerence unds which are SFC-

    authorised unds or are portolios o underlying assets

    internally managed by the Company on a discretionary

    basis not authorised by the SFC under the Code on Unit

    Trusts and Mutual Funds.

    A brie description o the investment options currently

    available and the investment objectives o the investment

    options or their reerence unds are set out in the

    Investment Options Lealet. The investment options

    available under SwissSmart can have very dierent

    eatures and risk proiles. Some may be o high risk.

    You should read careully the risk actors, investment

    and borrowing restrictions as set out in the oering

    d t( ) th d( ) th i t t

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    Allocation o your premiums to investment options isnotional in nature. Units o investment options are

    notionally allocated to your Beneit Account(s) solely

    or the purpose o determining your Beneit Account

    Value. The aggregate o your Beneft Account Value is the

    account value o your SwissSmart policy.

    The return under SwissSmart will be subject to Policy

    Charges, and such returns could be lower than the return

    o the reerence unds. Poor perormance o reerenceunds may urther magniy your investment losses, while

    all charges are still deductible.


    Your investment strategy may change rom time to time.

    To cope with your changing investment needs, SwissSmart

    gives you the exibility to switch your investment between

    investment options. Please note that switching investment

    options across your Beneft Accounts is not allowed.

    Currently, the frst our switches per policy or each Policy

    Year are ree o switching ee. For each subsequent

    switch in a Policy Year, a switching ee o up to 1% o

    the amount being switched out, subject to a minimum

    switching ee then in orce will be imposed. The current

    minimum amount o switching ee is USD12.50. Please

    t th ti FEES AND CHARGES t t

    UnitPricesEach unit o an investment option will have a Buying Price

    and a Selling Price. Unit prices are generally determined on

    a Business Day except otherwise speciied in the Investment

    Options Leaet.

    The Buying Price o a unit o an investment option will not

    exceed the value o such investment option based on the oer

    price o the reerence und o the investment option increased

    by relevant taxes and other expenses relating to the investmentoption, divided by the total number o units in the investment

    option, with the result being rounded up by not more than 1%.

    The Selling Price o a unit o an investment option will not be

    less than the value o such investment option based on the bid

    price o the reerence und o the investment option decreased

    by relevant taxes and other expenses relating to the investment

    option, divided by the total number o units in the investment

    option, with the result being rounded down by not more than 1%.

    Units o an investment option will be notionally allocated or

    cancelled on the Relevant Allocation Date which alls at least

    two Business Days ater receipt by the Company o the premium

    or notice o encashment rom you (as the case may be).

    In the calculation o number o units o investment options, a

    ti l th t th dth it ill t b

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    FEESANDCHARGESThe types o charges and the details are set out in the summary tables below:


    A monthly und management charge o 0.1166% (1.4% per annum) on the value o each

    Beneft Account will be deducted by cancelling units o investment options in proportion to the

    value o investment options held under the respective Beneft Account as at the charging date

    rom each Beneft Account on the 1st

    Business Day o the each month.

    Currently waived

    The company reserves the right to impose such ee by giving you prior written notice o not less

    than three months or such shorter period according to the regulatory requirements.

    A monthly operation charge o 0.2333% (2.8% per annum) on the value o the relevant Beneft

    Account will be deducted by cancelling units o investment options in proportion to the value o

    i t t ti h ld d th ti B ft A t t th h i d t th

    Policy administration


    Switching ee

    Fund management


    Bid/Oer Spread

    Operation charge


    Currently waived

    No switching ee will be charged or the frst 4 switches o investment options per policy

    each Policy Year. For each subsequent switch in a Policy Year, a switching ee o up to 1%o the amount being switched out, subject to a minimum ee o USD12.50, will be imposed

    on the relevant Beneft Account in which switching is eected.

    Switching ee will be deducted rom the amount being switched out.

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    For the determination o the Encashment Charge rate or a Beneft Account, please reer to the

    ollowing table:

    You may reer to the section IndicativeEncashmentChargerates as set out on page 18 or more


    Charging o the Encashment Charge on your SwissSmart policy will lead to a reduction in the

    account value and subsequently the Death Beneft.

    The earlier the partial encashment, or the termination o the policy, the higher the rate o the

    Encashment Charge will be imposed and thereore it may result in a signifcant loss o your

    i i l d t ll ti d d

    Encashment Charge


    Year 1

    Year 2 and




    Monthly und


    charge rate o

    the relevant

    Beneft Account

    x + x


    months in the


    Charge period

    as at the date o

    encashment + 1)


    operation charge



    months in

    the operation

    charge period

    as at the date o

    encashment + 1)

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    EncashmentCharge = Account value x Encashment Charge rate

    = USD100,000 x 37.80%

    = USD37,800

    TotalEncashmentValue = Account value - Encashment Charge

    = USD100,000 - USD37,800= USD62,200


    Premium payment term : 19 years

    Encashment occurs in : 99th


    Account value : USD500,000

    Applicable Encashment Charge period : 15 years

    Encashment Charge

    Monthly und


    charge rate

    1.4%/12 x (163+1) + 2.8%/12 x (79+1)





    x + x


    months in the


    Charge period

    as at the date o

    encashment + 1)


    operation charge



    months in

    the operation

    charge period

    as at the date o

    encashment + 1)

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    Premium payment term : 15 years

    Premium holiday start rom : 30th

    month's premium

    Premium holiday last or : 24 months

    Encashment occurs in : 57th


    Account value : USD300,000

    Applicable Encashment Charge period : 15 years

    Remaining months in the = (15 x 12 - 57 + 24) ) monthsapplicable Encashment Charge period = 147 months

    Applicable operation charge period : 8 years

    Remaining months in the = (8 x 12 - 57 + 24) monthsapplicable operation charge period = 63 months


    E h t Ch A t l E h t Ch t

    Encashment Charge

    Monthly undmanagement

    charge rate

    1.4%/12 x (147+1) + 2.8%/12 x (63+1)





    x + x


    months in the


    Charge period

    as at the date o

    encashment + 1)

    Monthlyoperation charge



    months in

    the operationcharge period

    as at the date o

    encashment + 1)

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    A. TotalEncashment

    You may encash the policy (all Beneit Accounts) in

    exchange or its Total Encashment Value subject to our

    receipt o:

    your valid written Total Encashment application in

    the orm specifed by us; and

    the original policy contract or your policy.

    Total Encashment Value means the aggregate o the

    Encashment Value o all Beneit Accounts under your


    Total Encashment during the Encashment Charge period

    is subject to an Encashment Charge. Please reer to

    EncashmentCharge as set out in the section FEESAND

    CHARGES on page 07 or details.

    The Total Encashment Value will normally be payable

    within 30 days ater our receipt o your valid written

    application and the original o your policy contract at

    the Company's oice. No interest is payable or the

    period rom the date the units are cancelled rom your

    Beneit Account(s) to the date o payment o the Total

    Encashment Value.

    These minimum amounts may be revised by the Companyrom time to time by giving you prior written notice o not

    less than three months or such shorter period according to

    the regulatory requirements.

    A Partial Encashment amount means the aggregate value

    o the units you encash rom your Beneft Account, ater

    the deduction o the Encashment Charge, i any. Partial

    Encashment during the Encashment Charge period

    is subject to an Encashment Charge. Please reer toEncashmentCharge as set out in the section FEESAND

    CHARGES on page 07 or details.

    Partial Encashment will lead to a reduction in the account

    value and accordingly the Death Beneit will be reduced.

    Partial Encashment may possibly lead to termination o

    your policy (including supplementary riders) i the Total

    Encashment Value is insufcient to pay the relevant Policy


    SwissSmart is intended or clients who have a medium to

    long-term investment horizon. Partial Encashment in the

    early years may result in a signifcant loss o your principal

    and any extra allocation awarded.

    C. DeathBeneft

    P t D th B ft d i th E h t Ch

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart




    Premium payment term : 15 years

    Death occurs at : Age 55

    : 20th

    month o the policy

    Total premium paid : USD600,000

    Partial Encashment amount : USD10,000

    Beneft Account Value : USD700,000Applicable Encashment Charge period : 15 years

    Remaining months in the applicable Encashment Charge period = (15 x 12 - 20) months

    = 160 months

    Applicable operation charge period : 8 years

    Remaining months in the applicable operation charge period = (8 x 12 - 20) months

    = 76 months


    Monthly und

    management charge


    1.4%/12 x (160+1) + 2.8%/12 x (76+1)





    x + x

    (Remaining months in

    the Encashment Charge

    period as at the date o

    encashment + 1)

    Monthly operation

    charge rate

    (Remaining months in

    the operation charge

    period as at the date

    o encashment + 1)

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart





    Premium payment term : 25 years

    Death occurs at : Age 67

    : 200th

    month o the policy

    Total premium paid : USD600,000

    Partial Encashment amount : USD10,000

    Beneft Account Value : USD1,000,000

    Applicable Encashment Charge period : 20 years

    Remaining months in the applicable Encashment Charge period = (20 x 12 - 200) months= 40 months

    Applicable operation charge period : 8 years

    Remaining months in the applicable operation charge period = 0 months (not applicable)


    Monthly und

    management chargerate

    1.4%/12 x (40+1) + 2.8%/12 x 0 (not applicable)





    x + x

    (Remaining months in

    the Encashment Charge

    period as at the date oencashment + 1)

    Monthly operation

    charge rate

    (Remaining months in

    the operation charge

    period as at the dateo encashment + 1)

    EncashmentCharge = Account value x Encashment Charge rate

    = USD1,000,000 x 4.783%

    USD47 830

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart




    SwissSmart is a whole o lie investment-linked insurance

    policy available to proposed insured age up to 70 (age as

    at next birthday).

    Application or a proposed insured under age 18 must be

    made by his or her parent or guardian.

    To apply or SwissSmart, simply complete and send the

    application orm to us with the premium required.

    The Company reserves the r ight to decl ine any

    applications or SwissSmart i the inormation provided

    by the proposed insured and/or the proposed policy owner

    during application is insuicient or does not meet our

    underwriting requirements.


    The account value o your policy is the sum o the value o

    your units in each investment option you select. The value

    o your units in each investment option is determined

    by multiplying the number o your units by the latest

    available Selling Price. Please contact us or visit www. or inormation o unit prices.

    GracePeriodThe Company allows a grace period o 31 days ollowing

    the due date or the payment o regular premiums or the

    policy. No penalty will be imposed or any late payment.

    I premium payment remains outstanding by the expiry

    o the grace period but the policy has acquired a Total

    Encashment Value (ater deduction o any outstanding

    loans and accrued interest) which is greater than the

    required amount to cover the overdue premiums, theseunpaid premiums will be deemed to be advanced rom an

    Automatic Premium Loan that will automatically be made

    to you on the security o the policy. Please reer to the

    section AutomaticPremiumLoan as set out on page 04

    or details.


    The policy will automatically terminate upon occurrence

    o the earliest o the ollowing:

    1. the date when premium due or the policy is not ully

    paid at the expiry o the relevant grace period and

    the policy has acquired a Total Encashment Value but

    an Automatic Premium Loan cannot be taken out in

    accordance with the section AutomaticPremiumLoan;


    2. the date o its Total Encashment; or

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    InterestIn the event o the death o the Primary Lie Insured under

    your SwissSmart policy, interest will be paid in respect o

    any relevant Beneft Account or the period rom the date

    on which notifcation o death is received by the Company

    to the date o payment o the Death Beneft as set out in

    the section FEATURESANDCONDITIONS on page 12 at a

    rate to be determined by the Company rom time to time.

    GoverningLawandJurisdictionThe policy is issued under and will be construed in

    accordance with the laws o Hong Kong. The policy will

    be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction o the Hong

    Kong courts.


    Taxation consequences o investing in the policy depend

    on the applicable tax laws o your particular situation. You

    are recommended to seek proessional advice about your

    particular tax consequences.


    Investment involves risks, including uctuation o market

    price o investment. The value o the investments and

    their yield may go down as well as up as a consequence

    o the general nature o various investments. Past

    perormance is not indicative o uture perormance. It

    GLOSSARYAnnualisedPremium means the amount calculated

    by multiplying each regular premium payment and its

    corresponding payment requency as presented by 12

    (monthly), 4 (quarterly), 2 (semi-annual) or 1 (annual), as

    the case may be.

    AutomaticPremiumLoan means a loan which is

    automatically made to the policy owner on the security

    o the policy i regular premiums are not paid by the

    expiry o the grace period or their payment and as long

    as the policy and any all related policies have acquired an

    aggregate Total Encashment Value (ater deduction o any

    outstanding loans and accrued interest) which is greater

    than the required amount to cover the overdue premiums.

    Please reer to the section AutomaticPremiumLoan as

    set out on page 04 or details.

    BasicBeneftAccount means the Beneft Account created

    or the frst lie insurance protection selected by the policy

    owner with the irst premium, or the Beneit Account

    assigned by the Company as the Basic Beneit Account

    when the existing Basic Beneft Account ceases to exist.

    BeneftAccount means each account ormed in respect o

    each stream o regular premiums and includes the Basic

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    BusinessDay means a day (other than Saturday) onwhich banks in Hong Kong are open or normal banking


    BuyingPrice means the price at which a unit o an

    investment option will be notionally allocated to the policy

    on a Dealing Day and as determined in accordance with

    the section UnitPrices.

    DeathBeneit means the death beneit determined inaccordance with the section DeathBeneft.

    EncashmentCharge means the charge imposed by us in

    respect o the payment o Total Encashment, payment on

    death o the Primary Lie Insured, Partial Encashment

    and termination o the policy as determined in accordance

    with the section FEESANDCHARGES.

    EncashmentValue means the Beneft Account Value ater

    deduction o any applicable Encashment Charge and

    outstanding Policy Charges.

    PartialEncashmentmeans a policy owner's request or us

    to encash some or all o the units held by the policy owner

    under a Beneit Account in exchange or a cash sum in

    accordance with the section PartialEncashmentand the

    expression "partially encash" will be construed accordingly.

    SellingPrice means the price at which a unit o aninvestment option will be cancelled rom the policy on a

    Dealing Day and as determined in accordance with the

    section UnitPrices.

    TotalEncashment means a policy owner's request or us

    to encash all the units held by the policy owner under the

    policy in exchange or a cash sum in accordance with the

    section TotalEncashment.

    TotalEncashmentValue means the aggregate o the

    Encashment Value o all Beneit Accounts under the


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    IndicativeEncashmentChargeratesThe table below sets out an indicative highest Encashment Charge rate applicable during each Beneft Year.

    In Year 1, the Encashment Charge rate remains the same throughout the year. For each subsequent Beneft Year, the

    Encashment Charge rate will decrease steadily during the Beneft Year rom the rates shown in the table.

    Monthly Encashment Charge rates or each Beneft Year will be made available by the Company upon request.



    8-9Years 10-14Years 15-19Years 20+Years

    1 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

    2 29.4% 32.2% 39.2% 46.2%

    3 25.2% 28.0% 35.0% 42.0%

    4 21.0% 23.8% 30.8% 37.8%

    5 16.8% 19.6% 26.6% 33.6%

    6 12.6% 15.4% 22.4% 29.4%

    7 8.4% 11.2% 18.2% 25.2%

    8 4.2% 7.0% 14.0% 21.0%

    9 N/A 2.8% 9.8% 16.8%

    10 N/A 1.4% 8.4% 15.4%

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart




    AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited


    151 Gloucester Road

    Wanchai, Hong Kong


    For inormation on the investment managers/advisers

    o the reerence unds, please reer to the oering

    documents o the reerence unds.

    AXAWealthManagement(HK)Limited isanauthorised




    Authoritydoesnotgiveapprovalto individualinsurance








    SWISS PRIVILEGE15/F Luk Kwok Centre

    72 Gloucester Road

    Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Tel: (852) 2864 5600

    Fax: (852) 2864 5660

    I you do not wish to receive any promotional materials rom us

    in uture, please email to

    (Not or use in Mainland China)

    June 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart



    Investment Options Leaflet

    This investment options leaflet is issued and should be read in conjunction with the Product Brochure and the Product Key Facts Statement of Privilege Personal Portfolio, Formula

    Suisse or SwissSmart (each the "Product") respectively as these documents together form the Principal Brochure of the relevant Product.

    Investment Risks that may be relevant to your investment

    Investment involves risks, including fluctuation of market price of investment. The value of the investments and their yield may go down as well as up as a consequence of the

    general nature of various investments. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. It is important for you to know your risk tolerance level and the level of risks

    associated with your investment before making any investment decisions.

    You are strongly recommended to read the offering documents of the respective reference funds carefully for the risks associated with the investment. Copies of the offering

    documents of the reference funds are made available by AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited (the Company).

    In general, the performance of investment options will be affected by a number of risk factors:

    Market Risk

    The fund price of reference fund may fluctuate as a result of a variety of changes in the market and the economy, including but not limited to changes in interest rates, exchange

    rate, credit rating of the issuer or guarantor, inflation (including actual and outlook) and a general decline in the investment market as a whole.

    Counterparty Risk

    Investment may be subject to the credit risk and default risk of the issuer or guarantor.

    Liquidity Risk

    The reference fund may invest in instruments where the volume of transactions may fluctuate significantly depending on market sentiment. There is a risk that investments made

    by the reference fund may become less liquid in response to market developments or adverse investor perceptions.

    Currency Risk

    The reference fund that holds assets denominated in non-local currency is subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation.

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    AXA Wealth Sfr

    Money MarketFund

    AXA Wealth Euro

    Money Market


    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Australian

    Dollar Currency


    AXA Wealth US$

    Money Market


    AXA WealthSterling Money

    Market Fund











    Up to 0.60%

    Up to 0.72%


    Up to 0.72%

    Up to 0.72%

    AXA Wealth

    Management (HK)Limited

    AXA Wealth

    Management (HK)


    FIL Limited

    AXA Wealth

    Management (HK)


    AXA WealthManagement (HK)



    Managed by theCompany


    Managed by the


    Fidelity Funds II -

    Australian Dollar

    Currency Fund


    Managed by the


    InternallyManaged by the


    Invests worldwide primarily in SFR-denominated money market instruments (particularly treasury notes,

    certificates of deposit, commercial paper, medium-term notes and bankers acceptances), short-term treasurybills and/or fixed-interest bonds and f loating-rate debt securities

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swaps, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Invests worldwide primarily in EUR-denominated money market instruments (particularly treasury notes,

    certificates of deposit, commercial paper, medium-term notes and bankers acceptances), short-term treasury

    bills and/or fixed-interest bonds and f loating-rate debt securities

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Invests primarily in Australian Dollar denominated debt securities and other permitted assets

    Invests worldwide primarily in USD-denominated money market instruments (particularly treasury notes,

    certificates of deposit, commercial paper, medium-term notes and bankers acceptances), short-term treasury

    bills and/or fixed-interest bonds and f loating-rate debt securities

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Invests worldwide primarily in GBP-denominated money market instruments (particularly treasury notes,certificates of deposit, commercial paper, medium-term notes and bankers acceptances), short-term treasury

    bills and/or fixed-interest bonds and f loating-rate debt securities

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Investment OptionName

    1 Risk Rating: Low Risk

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


    You are given a choice of different investment options across various financial instruments and sectors in global markets. It is easy for you to diversify your investment by investing in a range of markets while balancing the risk ofyour investment portfolio. The currently available investment options are set out as below:

  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    2 Risk Rating: Low to Medium Risk

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Absolute Return

    Global Diversified


    AXA Wealth SwissBond Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Dynamic US$

    Bond Fund

    AXA Wealth



    Bond Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Schroder ISF Asian

    Bond Absolute

    Return Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Templeton Global

    Bond Fund

    AXA Wealth



    Bond Fund

    AXA Wealth

    BlackRock Local

    Emerging Markets

    Short Duration

    Bond Fund

























    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    AXA WealthManagement (HK)


    AXA Wealth

    Management (HK)


    AXA Wealth

    Management (HK)





    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Franklin Templeton


    FIL Limited


    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Pictet - Absolute

    Return Global


    InternallyManaged by the



    Managed by the



    Managed by the




    Selection Fund -

    Asian Bond

    Absolute Return

    Franklin Templeton

    Investment Funds

    - TempletonGlobal Bond Fund

    Fidelity Funds -


    Bond Fund

    BlackRock Global

    Funds - Local

    Emerging Markets

    Short Duration

    Bond Fund

    Aims to provide investors with an absolute positive return primarily by investing in a broad and extremely

    diversified selection of assets. All the various strategies aim to provide investors with a return greater than its

    benchmark index, EONIA (the "Euro Over Night Index Average" which reflects the average weighted rate of

    interbank investments from one day to the next in the eurozone)

    Maximizes the return from a Swiss Franc denominated bond portfolio

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Maximizes the return by investing mainly in US$ denominated bonds (including convertible bonds) across the

    entire range of borrower ratings and maturities issued by public, private and semi-private issuers worldwide

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Maximizes the return by investing mainly in readily marketable bonds across the entire range of borrower ratings

    and maturities. Investments are made globally with no restrictions as to country, currency or sector

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk and financial derivative instrument risk. The investment may use financial derivative instruments (e.g.

    forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio management and/or

    hedging purposes

    Provides an absolute return of capital growth and income primarily through investment in a portfolio of bonds

    and other fixed and floating rate securities issued by governments, government agencies, supra national and

    corporate issuers in Asia excluding Japan

    Aims to maximise, consistent with prudent investment management, total investment return consisting of a

    combination of interest income, capital appreciation and currency gains by investing principally in a portfolio

    of fixed or floating rate debt securities (including non-investment grade securities) and debt obligations issuedby government or government-related issuers worldwide

    Invests in international markets to maximize performance measured in US Dollars

    Seeks to maximize total return. The reference fund invests at least 70% of its total assets in local

    currency-denominated fixed income transferable securities with a duration of less than five years issued by

    governments, agencies and companies domiciled in, or exercising the predominant part of their economic

    activity in, developing markets. The average duration is not more than two years. The full spectrum of available

    securities, including non-investment grade, may be utilised. Currency exposure is flexibly managed

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    AXA Wealth


    American Income

    Portfolio Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Global Emerging

    Debt Fund

    AXA Wealth

    BlackRock Asian

    Tiger Bond Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Templeton Global

    Total Return Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Morgan Stanley

    Global Convertible

    Bond Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Latin American

    Local Currency

    Debt Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity US High

    Yield Fund

    AXA Wealth


    Global High Yield

    Portfolio Fund
























    (1) 1.70%^

    (2) 1.50%^


    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.


    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Franklin Templeton


    Morgan Stanley




    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    FIL Limited


    (Luxembourg) S.A.


    - American

    Income Portfolio#

    Pictet - Global

    Emerging Debt

    BlackRock Global

    Funds - Asian

    Tiger Bond Fund

    Franklin Templeton

    Investment Funds

    - Templeton

    Global Total

    Return Fund

    Morgan Stanley

    Investment Funds

    Global Convertible

    Bond Fund

    Pictet - Latin

    American Local

    Currency Debt

    Fidelity Funds -

    US High Yield



    - Global High

    Yield Portfolio#

    Seeks to provide a high level of current income with the potential for capital appreciation by investing in a

    diversified portfolio of U.S.dollar-denominated fixed income securities. The reference fund invests solely in

    U.S. dollar denominated fixed income securities, including investment grade and high yield securities of issuers

    domiciled within and outside the U.S. Under normal market conditions, a minimum of 50% of the Portfolio

    assets will be invested in investment grade securities. At least 65% of the assets must be issued by issuers

    domiciled within the United StatesSeeks revenue and capital growth by investing its portfolio in bonds and money market instruments in emerging

    countries, within the limits allowed by the investment restrictions

    Seeks to maximize total return. The reference fund invests at least 70% of it s total assets in the fixed income

    transferable securities of issuers domiciled in, or exercising the predominant part of their economic activity in,

    Asian Tiger countries. The reference fund may invest in the full spectrum of available securities, including

    non-investment grade. The currency exposure of the reference fund is flexibly managed

    Aims to maximize, consistent with prudent investment management, total investment return consisting of a

    combination of interest income, capital appreciation, and currency gains by investing principally in a portfolio

    of fixed and/or floating rate debt securities and debt obligations issued by government and government-related

    issuers or corporate entities worldwide

    Seeks long-term capital appreciation, measured in US Dollars, through investment primarily in convertible

    bonds issued by companies organised or operating in either the developed or emerging markets which will be

    denominated in global currencies

    Seeks revenue and capital growth by investing a minimum of two-thirds of its total assets or wealth in a

    diversified portfolio of bonds and other debt securities linked to local Latin American emerging countries

    Seeks a high level of current income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in high-yielding, sub

    investment grade securities of issuers that have their head office or exercise a predominant part of their

    economic activity in the United States. The type of debt securities in which the reference fund will primarily

    invest will be subject to high risk and will not be required to meet a minimum rating standard and may not be

    rated for creditworthiness by any internationally recognised rating agency. Sub investment grade securities

    mean securities with a rating of BB+ or less from Standard and Poor's (S&P) or equivalent rating from an

    internationally recognised rating agencySeeks to produce high current income as well as overall total return by investing primarily in a portfolio of high

    yield debt securities of issuers located throughout the world, including the U.S. and emerging countries. The

    reference fund invests in both U.S. dollar and non-U.S. dollar denominated securities. The Investment Manager

    utilizes the investment research of both its global fixed income and high yield teams

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    3 Risk Rating: Medium Risk

    AXA Wealth

    Global Balanced


    AXA WealthBlackRock Global

    Allocation Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Invesco Asia

    Balanced Fund










    AXA Wealth

    Management (HK)


    BlackRock(Luxembourg) S.A.


    Management S.A.


    Managed by the


    BlackRock GlobalFunds - Global

    Allocation Fund

    Invesco Funds -

    Invesco Asia

    Balanced Fund

    Seeks to maximize capital growth over the medium to long-term through investment in a global portfolio of fixed

    income securities and equities. The broad investment policy across securities markets and by asset allocation

    is designed to produce a balanced portfolio for investors

    The investment is subject to country risk, currency risk, fixed-income securities risk, structured debt securities

    risk, financial derivative instrument risk and equity securities risk. The investment may use financial derivative

    instruments (e.g. forwards, futures, options, swap, etc.) for investments purposes and/or efficient portfolio

    management and/or hedging purposes

    Seeks to maximize total return. The reference fund invests globally in equity, debt and short-term securities, ofboth corporate and governmental issuers, with no prescribed limits. In normal market conditions the reference

    fund will invest at least 70% of its total assets in the securities of corporate and governmental issuers. The

    reference fund generally will seek to invest in securities that are, in the opinion of the Investment Adviser,

    undervalued. The reference fund may also invest in the equity securities of small and emerging growth

    companies. The reference fund may also invest a portion of its debt portfolio in high yield fixed income

    transferable securities. Currency exposure is flexibly managed

    Generates income from investment in Asia-Pacific equities and debt securities (excluding Japan). The reference

    fund will also aim to provide long-term capital appreciation

    AXA Wealth BNP

    Paribas Bond Best

    Selection World

    Emerging Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Asian

    High Yield Fund







    BNP Paribas




    FIL Limited

    BNP Paribas L1

    Bond Best

    Selection World


    Fidelity Funds -

    Asian High Yield


    Invests at least 2/3 of its assets in a limited number of bonds and debt securities or other securities issued by

    emerging countries (Chile, Korea, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and

    Turkey, and the countries that do not belong to OECD) or by companies characterised by a strong financial

    structure and/or potential for profitable growth that have their registered offices or conduct a majority of their

    business activities in these countries, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset

    The remaining portion, namely a maximum of 1/3 of its assets, may be invested in any other transferable

    securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, and up to 5% of its assets in

    other UCITs or UCIs

    Certain markets are not currently considered regulated markets, so direct investments on these markets must

    be limited to 10% of net assets. Russia is one of these non-regulated markets, except for the Russian Trading

    System Stock Exchange ("RTS Stock Exchange") and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange ("MICEX")

    which are considered regulated Russian markets and on which investments can exceed 10% of net assets

    Seeks a high level of current income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in high-yielding, sub

    investment grade securities of issuers that have their principal business activities in the Asian region. This

    reference fund will suit those investors seeking high income and capital appreciation and who are prepared to

    accept the risks associated with this type of investment. The type of debt securities in which the reference fund

    will primarily invest will be subject to high risk and will not be required to meet a minimum rating standard.

    Most but not all will be rated for creditworthiness by an internationally recognised rating agency. Sub

    investment grade securities mean securities with a rating of BB+ or less from Standard and Poor's (S&P) or

    equivalent rating from an internationally recognised rating agency

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    AXA Wealth BNP

    Paribas Equity

    World Utilities


    AXA Wealth Janus

    US Strategic

    Value Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Invesco Japanese

    Equity Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Franklin Mutual

    Beacon Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity European

    Growth Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity America


    AXA Wealth

    Schroder ISF Euro

    Equity Fund

    AXA Wealth


    Global Growth

    Trends Portfolio


    AXA Wealth

    Templeton Global



























    (1) 1.70%^^

    (2) 1.50%^^


    BNP Paribas




    Janus Capital



    Invesco Global

    Asset Management


    Franklin Templeton


    FIL Limited

    FIL Limited

    Schroder Investment


    (Luxembourg) S.A.


    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Franklin Templeton


    BNP Paribas L1

    Equity World


    Janus Capital

    Funds Plc -

    Perkins US

    Strategic Value


    Invesco Funds

    Series 1 - Invesco

    Japanese Equity


    Franklin Templeton

    Investment Funds

    - Franklin Mutual

    Beacon Fund

    Fidelity Funds -

    European Growth


    Fidelity Funds -

    America Fund



    Selection Fund -

    EURO EquityAllianceBernstein

    - Global Growth

    Trends Portfolio#

    Franklin Templeton

    Investment Funds

    - Templeton

    Global Fund

    Invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities of companies that conduct the majority of their

    business activities in the local authorities services sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative

    financial instruments on this type of asset

    The remaining portion, namely a maximum of 1/3 of its assets, may be invested in any other transferable

    securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investmentsin debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and up to 10% of its assets in other UCITs or UCIs

    Seeks long-term growth of capital through investments primarily in common stocks using a "value" approach,

    which emphasizes investments in companies Janus believes are undervalued relative to their intrinsic worth

    Achieves long-term capital growth by investing in securities of Japanese companies

    Primarily aims for capital appreciation with income as a secondary objective; pursues its objectives principally

    through investments in common stock, preferred stock, and debt securities convertible or expected to be

    convertible into common or preferred stock. The reference fund may also seek to invest in the securities of

    companies involved in mergers, consolidations, liquidations and reorganizations or as to which there exist

    tender or exchange offers, and may participate in such transactions. To a lesser extent, the reference fund may

    also purchase debt securities, both secured and unsecured, of companies involved in reorganisation or f inancial


    Invests principally in equity securities quoted on European stock exchanges

    Invests primarily in US equity securities

    Provides capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities of companies in countries

    participating in Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

    Seeks long-term capital growth by investing in a global portfolio of equity securities. The reference fund

    currently consists of six sub-portfolios, each managed by an in-house, senior sector analyst-manager. Currently,

    these sectors consist of health care, infrastructure, consumer growth, information technology, energy & natural

    resources and finance. Applying a research-driven, bottom-up stock selection process, each of the sub-portfolio

    analyst-managers uses the investment manager's proprietary research to seek attractive companies in their sectors

    Seeks to achieve capital appreciation through a policy of investing in equity and debt obligations of companies

    and governments of any nation throughout the world, including emerging markets. The reference fund invests

    principally in common stocks

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    4 Risk Rating: High Risk

    AXA Wealth

    Invesco Global

    Health Care Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Water Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Australia


    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Security Fund

    AXA Wealth BNP

    Paribas Equity

    High Dividend

    Pacific Fund
















    Invesco Global

    Asset Management


    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    FIL Limited

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    BNP Paribas




    Invesco Funds

    Series 3 - Invesco

    Global HealthCare Fund

    Pictet - Water

    Fidelity Funds -

    Australia Fund

    Pictet - Security

    BNP Paribas L1

    Equity High

    Dividend Pacific

    Achieves long-term capital growth by investing in healthcare companies throughout the world; the reference

    fund is invested principally in four different sectors of the healthcare markets, these being pharmaceuticals,

    biotechnology, healthcare services and medical technology and supplies

    Aims to invest in equities issued by companies operating in the water and air sector worldwide. The companies

    targeted in the water sector will include water production companies, water conditioning and desalination

    companies, water suppliers, water bottling, transport and dispatching companies, companies specialising in the

    treatment of waste water, sewage and solid, liquid and chemical waste, companies operating sewage treatment

    plants and companies providing equipment, consulting and engineering services in connection with the

    above-described activities. The companies targeted in the air sector will include companies responsible for

    inspecting air quality, suppliers of air-filtration equipment and manufacturers of catalytic converters for vehicles

    Invests principally in Australian equity securities

    Applies a capital growth strategy by investing primarily in shares or similar securities issued by companies that

    contribute to providing integrity, health, and freedom, whether it be individual, corporate or political. Thereference fund will invest at least two-thirds of its total assets or wealth in equities issued by companies

    operating in this sector

    Invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that

    have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the Pacific region and whose

    dividend return is greater than the average of the Pacific market, as well as in derivative financial instruments

    on this type of asset

    May also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments,

    derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not

    exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Germany


    AXA Wealth

    Morgan Stanley

    European PropertyFund

    AXA Wealth

    Henderson Global

    Property Equities


    AXA Wealth Janus

    Global Real Estate














    FIL Limited

    Morgan Stanley



    Henderson Fund


    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Janus Capital



    Fidelity Funds -

    Germany Fund

    Morgan Stanley

    Investment Funds

    EuropeanProperty Fund


    Horizon Fund -

    Global Property

    Equities Fund*

    Janus Capital

    Funds Plc - Janus

    Global Real

    Estate Fund

    Invests principally in German equity securities

    Seeks long-term capital appreciation, measured in Euro, through investment in the equity securities of

    companies in the European real estate industry

    Seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in the quoted equity securities of companies or Real Estate

    Investment Trusts (or its equivalents) listed or traded on a regulated market which derive the main part of their

    revenue from the ownership, management and/or development of real estate, throughout the world

    Seeks total return through a combination of capital appreciation and current income from both US and non-US

    securities. It invests primarily in companies engaged in or related to the property industry, or which own

    significant property assets. These can include real estate operating and service companies as well as REITs

    (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Global

    Financial Services


    AXA Wealth Invesco

    Japanese Small/MidCap Equity Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Generics Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet




    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Biotech Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Schroder Global

    Climate Change

    Equity Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Premium Brands


    AXA Wealth

    Invesco Global

    Leisure Fund

    AXA Wealth Fidelity

    European Smaller

    Companies Fund

    AXA Wealth Janus

    Global Technology
































    FIL Limited

    Invesco Global

    Asset ManagementLimited

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.




    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.


    Management S.A.

    FIL Limited

    Janus Capital



    Fidelity Funds -

    Global Financial

    Services Fund

    Invesco Funds

    Series 4 - InvescoJapanese

    Small/Mid Cap

    Equity Fund

    Pictet - Generics

    Pictet - Digital


    Pictet - Biotech



    Selection Fund -

    Global Climate

    Change Equity

    Pictet - Premium


    Invesco Funds -

    Invesco Global

    Leisure Fund

    Fidelity Funds -

    European Smaller

    Companies Fund

    Janus Capital

    Funds Plc - Janus

    Global Technology


    Provides investors with long-term capital growth, principally through investment in the equity securities of

    companies throughout the world which are involved in providing financial services to consumers and industries

    Achieves long-term capital growth by investing in small to medium sized Japanese companies

    Achieves capital growth by investing at least two-thirds of its total assets or wealth in equities or similar

    securities issued by companies that are active in the field of generic drugs. Geographically, its investment

    universe is not restricted to a particular area

    Aims to achieve capital growth by investing at least two-thirds of its total assets or wealth in equities or any other

    securities related to securities issued by companies using digital technology to offer interactive services and/or

    products related to interactive services in the communications sector

    Aims to achieve growth by investing in equities or similar securities issued by biopharmaceutical companies

    that are at the forefront of innovation in the medical sector. The reference fund will invest at least two-thirds of

    its total assets or wealth in equities issued by companies operating in this sector. Geographically, the reference

    fund's investment universe is not restricted to a particular area. However, in light of the particularly innovative

    nature of the pharmaceutical industry in North America and Western Europe, the vast majority of investments

    will focus on these regions

    Provides capital growth primarily through investment in equities securities of worldwide issuers which will

    benefit from efforts to accommodate or limit the impact of global climate change

    Applies a capital growth strategy by investing at least two-thirds of its total assets or wealth in equities issued

    by companies operating in the premium brands sector, which offer high quality services and products. These

    companies benefit from strong market recognition because they have the ability to create or channel consumer

    trends. They may also have a certain capacity to set prices. These companies are particularly specialised in

    high-end products and services or in financing this type of activity. The reference fund's investment universe

    will not be limited to any particular regionAims to provide long-term capital growth from an international portfolio of investments in companies

    predominantly engaged in the design, production or distribution of products and services related to the leisure

    time activities of individuals

    Invests principally in equity securities of small and medium-sized European companies

    Seeks long-term growth of capital by investing primarily in technology-related equity securities of companies

    located anywhere in the world and selected for their growth potential

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    AXA Wealth

    Aberdeen Global

    Asia Pacific

    Equity Fund

    AXA WealthAberdeen Global

    Emerging Markets

    Equity Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Templeton Global


    Companies Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity ASEAN


    AXA Wealth

    Morgan Stanley

    EM Europe,

    Middle East and

    Africa Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Investec GSF

    Global Energy Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Asian

    Special Situations


    AXA Wealth

    Aberdeen GlobalChinese Equity


    AXA Wealth

    Invesco Asia



    AXA Wealth

    Morgan Stanley

    Asian Property
































    Aberdeen Global

    Services S.A.

    Aberdeen GlobalServices S.A.

    Franklin Templeton


    FIL Limited

    Morgan Stanley




    Investec Global

    Strategy Fund

    FIL Limited

    Aberdeen Global

    Services S.A.


    Management S.A.

    Morgan Stanley




    Aberdeen Global -

    Asia Pacific

    Equity Fund

    Aberdeen Global -Emerging Markets

    Equity Fund

    Franklin Templeton

    Investment Funds

    - Templeton

    Global Smaller

    Companies Fund

    Fidelity Funds -

    ASEAN Fund

    Morgan Stanley

    Investment Funds

    Emerging Europe,

    Middle East and

    Africa Equity Fund

    Investec Global

    Strategy Fund -

    Global Energy


    Fidelity Funds -

    Asian Special

    Situations Fund

    Aberdeen Global -

    Chinese EquityFund

    Invesco Funds -

    Invesco Asia



    Morgan Stanley

    Investment Funds

    Asian Property


    Achieves long-term total return by investing at least two-thirds of the reference fund's assets in equities and

    equity-related securities of companies with their registered office in Asia Pacific countries (excluding Japan);

    and/or, of companies which have the preponderance of their business activities in Asia Pacific countries

    (excluding Japan); and/or, of holding companies that have the preponderance of their assets in companies with

    their registered office in Asia Pacific countries (excluding Japan)

    Achieves long-term total return by investing at least two-thirds of the reference fund's assets in equities andequity-related securities of companies with their registered office in an emerging market country; and/or, of

    companies which have the preponderance of their business activities in an emerging market country; and/or, of

    holding companies that have the preponderance of their assets in companies with their registered office in an

    emerging market country

    Achieves long-term capital appreciation by investing in equity and debt obligations of smaller companies

    throughout the world, including emerging markets. The reference fund invests principally in common stocks

    Invests principally in equity securities quoted on stock exchanges in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,

    Philippines, Indonesia

    Seeks long-term capital appreciation, measured in Euro, by investing primarily in equity securities of issuers in

    Central, Eastern and Southern Europe (including the Russian Federation), the Middle East and Africa

    Achieves capital growth by investing in the equity instruments of internationally quoted companies throughout

    the world involved in the exploration, production or distribution of oil, gas and other energy sources. In addition,

    investments may also be made in companies which service the energy industry

    Invests principally in special situations stocks and smaller growth companies in Asia, excluding Japan. Special

    situations stocks generally have valuations which are attractive in relation to net assets or earnings potential

    with additional factors which may have a positive influence on the share price. Up to 25% of the portfolio can

    consist of investments other than special situations stocks and smaller growth companies

    Achieves long-term total return by investing at least two-thirds of the reference fund's assets in equities and

    equity-related securities of companies with their registered office in China; and/or, of companies which have thepreponderance of their business activities in China; and/or, of holding companies that have the preponderance

    of their assets in companies with their registered office in China

    Aims to achieve long-term capital growth from investments in a diversified portfolio of Asian securities of issuers

    which are predominantly engaged in infrastructure activities

    Seeks long-term capital appreciation, measured in US Dollars, through investment in the equity securities of

    companies in the real estate industry located throughout Asia and Oceania

    Investment OptionName

    Currency ofReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestmentOption

    Fund ManagementFee of ReferenceFund/InternallyManagedInvestment OptionPer Annum (% ofNet Asset Value)

    Manager ofReference Fund/Internally ManagedInvestment Option

    Reference Fund Investment Objective of Reference Fund/Internally Managed Investment Option


  • 8/2/2019 Swiss Smart


    AXA Wealth Fidelity

    Thailand Fund

    AXA Wealth BNP

    Paribas Equity

    World Materials


    AXA Wealth

    Schroder ISF

    Hong Kong Equity


    AXA Wealth

    Schroder ISF

    Greater China


    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity South

    East Asia Fund

    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity Taiwan


    AXA Wealth

    BlackRock New

    Energy Fund

    AXA Wealth Pictet

    Clean Energy


    AXA Wealth

    Fidelity ChinaFocus Fund

    AXA Wealth


    Frontier Markets
































    FIL Limited

    BNP Paribas







    (Luxembourg) S.A.




    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    FIL Limited

    FIL Limited


    (Luxembourg) S.A.

    Pictet Funds

    (Europe) S.A.

    FIL Limited

    Franklin Templeton


    Fidelity Funds -

    Thailand Fund

    BNP Paribas L1

    Equity World




    Selection Fund -

    Hong Kong Equity



    Selection Fund -

    Greater China

    Fidelity Funds -

    South East Asia


    Fidelity Funds -

    Taiwan Fund

    BlackRock Global

    Funds - New

    Energy Fund

    Pictet - Clean


    Fidelity Funds -

    China Focus Fund



    Investment Funds

    - Templeton

    Frontier Markets


    Invests principally in equity securities quoted on the stock exchange in Thailand

    Invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities of companies that conduct the majority of their

    business activities in the materials sector (e.g. among others, in building and packaging materials, base

    chemicals, metals, forestry, paper etc.) and related or connected sectors, as well as in derivative financial

    instruments on this type of asset

    The remaining portion, namely a maximum of 1/3 of its assets, may be invested in any other transferable

    securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in

    debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and up to 10% of its assets in other UCITs or UCIs

    Provides capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities of Hong Kong SAR companies

    Provides capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities of the People's Republic of China,

    Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan companies

    Invests principally in equity securities quoted on stock exchanges in the Pacific Basin excluding Japan. The

    reference fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in China A Shares

    Invests principally in Taiwanese equities

    Seeks to maximize total return. The reference fund invests globally at least 70% of its total assets in the equity

    securities of new energy companies. New energy companies are those which are engaged in alternative energy

    and energy technologies including renewable energy, alternative fuels, automotive and on-site power generation,

    materials technology, energy storage and enabling energy technologies

    Applies a capital growth strategy by investing at least two-thirds of its total assets or wealth in shares issued by

    companies that contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions (by encouraging the production and use of clean

    energy, for example). The investment universe is not limited to a specific geographic region

    Primarily focuses on China through investment in securities of Chinese companies listed in China and Hong

    Kong, as well as securities in non-Chinese companies which have a significant portion of their activities inChina. The reference fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in China A Shares

    Provides long-term capital appreciation. The reference fund invests principally in transferable equity securities

    of companies incorporated in the Frontier Markets countries, and/or which have their principal business

    activities in Frontier Markets countries across the market capitalisation spectrum. The Frontier Markets

    countries are smaller, less developed and less accessible Emerging Markets countries, but with "investable"

    equity markets and include those defined as Frontier Markets by the International Finance Corporation as well

    as included in Frontier Markets related indices (including but not limited to