Switch - Making Change Happen

Post on 14-Sep-2014

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In their new book "Switch", Chip and Dan Heath present nine principles for creating change. Learn how to apply these principles in your keynote presentations, training courses, workshops, seminars, webinars and other presentations.



Making change happen through a


Gihan PereraGihanPerera.com




shape the path

motivate the elephant

direct the rider

direct the rider

motivate the elephant

direct the rider

shape the path

motivate the elephant

direct the rider

direct the rider

direct the rider

find the bright spots

direct the rider

script the critical moves

find the bright spots

direct the rider

script the critical moves

point to the destination

find the bright spots

motivate the elephant

motivate the elephant

find the feeling

motivate the elephant

find the feeling

shrink the change

motivate the elephant

find the feeling

grow your people

shrink the change

shape the path

shape the path

tweak the environment

shape the path

tweak the environment

build habits

shape the path

tweak the environment

rally the herd

build habits

shape the path

motivate the elephant

direct the rider

rally the herd

build habits

find the feeling

shrink the change

script the critical moves

point to the destination

find the bright spots

grow your people

tweak the environment

shape the path

motivate the elephant

direct the rider

shape the path

motivate the elephant

direct the rider

Gihan PereraGihanPerera.com