Swktm gdg presentation v1.0

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Presentation by Brijendra Rochan Joshi and Pravin Raj Joshi on Startup Weekend Kathmandu


Kathmandu | Feb 2013


Really what is aStartup Weekend?

What is aStartup Weekend Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement to foster entrepreneurial spirit

100+ 600 5k+presence in with over

countries events startups


From an idea to prototype No talk. All Action

A 54-hour event where developers, designers, marketers, students, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups !

A startup weekend provides : networking, resources and incentives for individuals / teams to go from idea to launch.

Global support for the SW movement

Alright, any real startups coming out of Startup Weekend?

SW Startups

…and many more

Building Communitiesacross the worldNew York Paris London Boston San-Francisco SeattleLas-Vegas Atlanta New Delhi Amsterdam Stockholm Moscow Bangalore Milan Athens Venice Ahmedabad Copenhagen Rome Hawaii Miami Detroit Denver Cambridge Sydney Singapore Beijing Mexico-City Tokyo Madrid Barcelona

* 350+ cities

Join us in bringingStartup Weekend to Nepal

#SWKTMFeb 8, 2013

Startup WeekendIs this event for me?


Technical - Developers- Coders- Designers


Business - Marketing- Finance- Law

SW attendees’ backgrounds are :

Startup WeekendIs this event for me?

What unites all attendees is a common interest in entrepreneurship.

Whether a serial entrepreneur or new to the startup scene, every attendee is interested in working with a like-minded, motivated and skilled team to develop a product or business in one weekend.

Any additional incentives?Only for GDG members!

Majority of the ticket price goes towards paying for the 7-time meals, snacks and beverages that we provide during the weekend. Also covers for other swag items and/or stationary as available by our event sponsors.

Flat 20% discount for all GTUG member participants.

20%* off 2800NRS=

for additional details, Contact :

Brijendra Rochan Joshi 9851084889(brijendra@gmail.com)

Pravin Raj Joshi 9851007980(pravenj@gmail.com)

Dadiram Nepal :9851076047(yourssymbol@gmail.com)