Sydney Region iPad Trial inspire2013

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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This is the PoweerPoint Presentation from today's workshop


  • 1. Lena Arena ICT Consultant K-12, Sydney RegionAmanda Miller Carlton Public SchoolSydney Region Public Schools

2. 2010 Discussions with Regional Director iPads provided to selected regional staff How could iPads impact on the learning outcomesof students? Beyond the wow factor! 2010 Research Discussion with Catholic Education Diocese ofParramatta Project implementation strategies Project outcomes What were other states/schools doing? How? Why? 3. Explore the use of iPads in the classroom Explore the use of educational apps in theclassroom Collect evidence of how the iPad has impactedon: Student engagement Student learning outcomes Student learning behaviours Teacher practice Inform Sydney Region on the best strategies toeffectively implement learning with mobiletechnologies. 4. Document strategies adopted in the use ofthe iPad in the classroom: 1 to 1 implementation 1 to many implementation Identify and document the limitations,workarounds and compromises for usingiPads within the NSW DEC networkinfrastructure 5. Equipment 75 Wi-Fi only iPad2 purchased (with covers) 3 Wireless Access Points purchased 3 VGA connectors purchased $50 iTunes card purchased for each iPad Teacher relief for professional learning Set-up 75 iTunes accounts created using generic emailaddresses ( No personal account details used Out-going email only 6. Training 2 day workshops led by IT Support Team Setting up the iPad for first use Creating libraries, downloading and synching apps Apple Education Consultant Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre using mobiletechnologies 1 day visit to Apple Sandpit Suitable apps iTunesU 7. Schools 3 primary schools (including 1 low socio-economic) 31 iPads each to 2 schools 13 iPads to 1 school Each class teacher received an iPad Trial length approx 18 weeks Cohorts 2 x Year 3 classes 1 x Year 6 class 1 x Composite Year 4/5/6 class School implementation 2 schools implemented 1:1 1 school implemented 1:2 8. Dr Kristy Goodwin Director - Every Chance to Learn Lecturer, Macquarie University Full evaluation report Executive Summary Methodology Lesson observations Teacher and student on-line surveys Teacher, student, principal and parent interviews Digital work samples Teacher and student blogs App matrix 9. Puentedura (2006) developed a Substitution,Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition (SAMR)model. Designed to help educators identify differentways in which they can integrate technology intoteaching and learning practices. Puenteduras model can be considered as acontinuum from novice level (substitution) to anadvanced, ideal level of technology integration(redefinition) to encourage teachers to seekoptimal ways to include technology in learningexperiences. 10. Technological Pedagogical ContentKnowledge (TPACK) is a framework thatidentifies the knowledge teachers need toteach effectively with technology. Developed by Koehler (2011) it advancesShulmans (1986) model of PedagogicalContent Knowledge, 11. Learning ContentTeaching and Teacher Planning & Preparation LearningStudent Learning Pedagogy Implications Parent Questions & Concerns Device Set-Up Technical & School Infrastructure ConsiderationsLogistical Management of devicesConsiderations Technical Issues Encountered 12. KeyFindings Student Learning 13. Increased engagement and motivation Improved student knowledge and skills Enhanced communication and communicationbetween students Learning for students easy to personalise Ease of differentiation 14. Students enabled to easily produce aprofessional finished product Instant access to provide just-in-timelearning Preference for content-creation apps Transformative models of technologyintegration provided by teachers use of theiPad 15. KeyFindings Pedagogy 16. Student-centred pedagogies supported withthe iPad students learn with not fromtechnology Synchronous use of a range of peripheraldigital technologies Multimodal nature of the device afforded newopportunities for learning Sharing work and just-in time feedback 17. Using Puenteduras SAMR model (2006) inthe lessons observed.many of the lessonsusing the iPads could be categorised at amodification or redefinition stage. Theteachers devised tasks with the iPads that werecompletely novel (redefinition) or significantlyredesigned tasks (modification).Dr Kristy Goodwin :Use of Tablet Technology in the Classroom,Page 62 18. In the trial, the participating teachers showedhigh levels of awareness of how technology,pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK)intersected. A teacher capable of negotiatingthese relationships represents a form ofexpertise which is different from subjectmatter experts or pedagogy specialists.Dr Kristy Goodwin :Use of Tablet Technology in the Classroom,Page 68 19. Technical and LogisticalConsiderations 20. Deployment strategies Apple Configurator App licensing and deployment Apple Volume Purchase program Wireless access School wide vs targeted spaces iPad storage and charging Synching stations Sharing and saving of work Email, Dropbox, Edmodo, wikis Ongoing maintenance 21. Resources 22. NSWCLIC YouTube Channel 26 videos 23. Implications 24. Teachers and school decision makers needto think carefully about the technical andlogistical implications of using iPads in theclassroom before purchasing the devices. this trail has made it clear that the teacherand the pedagogical approaches and tasksthey implement are critical to the success ofthe device. The iPad must be embedded into authenticstudent-centred tasks that allow the studentsto utilise many of the iPads features. 25. Conclusion 26. The iPad encouraged a shift towards astudent-centred, personalised learningenvironment. .As with any technologicalinnovation .it is the role of the teacher that iscentral to its success. As this study hasexemplified, teachers play a critical role inaligning curriculum, pedagogy and technologythrough the design and implementation ofauthentic and engaging learning experiences.Dr Kristy Goodwin 27. Dr Kristy Goodwin , Lecturer Institute of EarlyChildhood Macquarie University Sydney Region IT Support Teachers from the trial schools (CarletonPublic school, Banksmeadow Public School,Plunkett Street Public School) Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre(CLIC) 28. Trial School Example 29. Students had 1:1 access to the iPads Group work in HSIE, PD/H/PE Open-ended questions in Maths Talking and listening activities in English Further involvement with technology 30. Work Samples- Comic StripStudents were able to write procedures then publish them in a creative way. 31. Strip DesignStudents personality and creativeness was given a real opportunity to bloom. 32. Students took charge of their own learning Interest level towards learning improved Engagement of students was amazing Differentiation- for all students Immediate success in learning/quick access Open- ended questions Talking and listening opportunities increased Creative learning opportunities across all KLA 33. Disappointment of giving back the iPadsAll students had a great sense of pride and connection to the iPads. Especially in relation to how they helped them learn. 34. No longer teacher centred Students teaching student/teacher Style of assessments changed Students took control of their own learning 35. 2851