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2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)



DEFINATION OF CREDIT: 1.Lecture (L): 1 hour/week/semester, hour/week/semester

Course Code

Course Name Theory

CD615 Campus to Corporate Training – II


Enterprise Computing Through .NET Frameworks

MCAL234 Operating System

MCAL227 Project – I

CPI001 Creativity, Problem Solving & Innovation

Departmental Elective – I

Departmental Elective – II


N- No CIE – Continuous internal evaluation

Y – Yes PSEE – Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial training etc..

SSH - Self-study hours

Course Code

Course Name Theory

MCAL225 Software Engineering and Testing

MCAL218 Distributed Computing

MCL2010 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

MCAL219 Biometrics and Authentication



SEMESTER – IV (Batch - 2018-21)

1 hour/week/semester, 2. Practical (P): 2 hour/week/semester


Teaching Hours SSH Credits

Theory Tutorial Practical

3 0 0 2 3

3 0 4 4 5

3 0 2 3 4

0 0 2 2 5

2 0 0 2 2

3 0 2 3 4

3 0 4 4 5

17 0 14 20 28

Total Teaching Hours 31

Continuous internal evaluation

Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial

Departmental Elective – I

Teaching Hours SSH Credits

Theory Tutorial Practical

3 0 2 3 4

3 0 2 3 4

3 0 2 3 4

3 0 2 3 4


Page 1


: 2 hour/week/semester 3. Tutorial(T): 2

Credits Audit

course CIE PSEE









Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial

Credits Audit

course CIE PSEE





2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Code

Course Name

MCAL321 Advanced Java

MCL2011 iOS Application Development

MCL2012 Advanced User Interface Technologies

N- No CIE – Continuous internal evaluation

Y – Yes PSEE – Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial training etc..

SSH - Self-study hours


Departmental Elective – II

Teaching Hours SSH





3 0 4 4 5

3 0 4 4 5

3 0 4 4 5

Continuous internal evaluation

Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial


Page 2


Audit cours




5 N Y Y

5 N Y Y

5 N Y Y

Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title: Campus to Corporate Training

Course Code: CD615

Course Credit:

Theory : 03

Practical : 00

Tutorial : 00

Credits : 03

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to● Prepare professional Resume.

● Solve different verbal and non

● Develop their comprehensive approach on job skills &

● Understand the importance of Portfolio preparation and

their individual documents.

● Assess their individual skills and develop techniques on the basis of their strength areas

● Perform in group discussion.

● Cultivate Public Speaking Skills and overcome stage fear.

● Employ with interview facing skills.

Detailed Syllabus:

Module Name of Chapter & Details

1. Verbal Ability: (Spotting errors, selecting words, Verbal analogies, synonyms, spellings, Antonyms.)

2. Essay Writing: Types of Essays/Paragraph writing, Structure of Essays

3. Resume Building: Formats of Resume, Difference between ResumeCV, Online Resume, Drafting resume

4. Cover Letter: Structure of Cover Letters, Importance of Cover Letter

5. Deportment Or Grooming: Components of Deportment, importance of grooming, Do’s and Don’ts of grooming

6. Group Discussion: Basicsand Don’ts of GD, Mock GD

7. Interview Skills: About Interview, Types of Interviews, Frequently asked interview questions, Blunders to be avoided during Interviews

8. Info-Graphics Analysis: About Info-graphics and daily life.

9 Presentation on Scope and opportunities in different industries: Brief about different sectors and industries, job opportunities and scope of growth in different sectors and industries.


Campus to Corporate Training – 2

Theory : 03

Practical : 00

Tutorial : 00

Credits : 03

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to professional Resume.

different verbal and non-verbal problems and puzzles

their comprehensive approach on job skills & they will be ready for placements.

the importance of Portfolio preparation and apply the techniques to develop

their individual documents.

their individual skills and develop techniques on the basis of their strength areas

oup discussion.

Public Speaking Skills and overcome stage fear.

with interview facing skills.

Name of Chapter & Details


(Spotting errors, selecting words, ordering of words, Idioms and phrases, Verbal analogies, synonyms, spellings, Antonyms.)

Essay Writing: Types of Essays/Paragraph writing, Structure of Essays

INTERVIEW READINESS Resume Building: Formats of Resume, Difference between ResumeCV, Online Resume, Drafting resume Cover Letter: Structure of Cover Letters, Importance of Cover LetterDeportment Or Grooming: Components of Deportment, importance of grooming, Do’s and Don’ts of grooming Group Discussion: Basics of GD, Different Formats to conduct GD, Do’s and Don’ts of GD, Mock GD Interview Skills: About Interview, Types of Interviews, Frequently asked interview questions, Blunders to be avoided during Interviews

Graphics Analysis: About Info-graphics, how to analyse info-graphics and daily life.

Presentation on Scope and opportunities in different industries: Brief about different sectors and industries, job opportunities and scope of growth in



Page 3

they will be ready for placements.

the techniques to develop

their individual skills and develop techniques on the basis of their strength areas.

Hours Allotted

ordering of words, Idioms and phrases, 06

Essay Writing: Types of Essays/Paragraph writing, Structure of Essays 03

Resume Building: Formats of Resume, Difference between Resume and 03

Cover Letter: Structure of Cover Letters, Importance of Cover Letter 02 Deportment Or Grooming: Components of Deportment, importance of


of GD, Different Formats to conduct GD, Do’s 05

Interview Skills: About Interview, Types of Interviews, Frequently asked 05

-graphics, 03

Presentation on Scope and opportunities in different industries: Brief about different sectors and industries, job opportunities and scope of growth in 05

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)


Creating Online Profile on different Digital Media Platforms:Different job portals, professional networking sites, how to create profile online. Thing to remember while creating online profiles, concept of video resumes.


Non-Verbal Reasoning: (Series, Analytical ReasoningImages, Analogy, Pattern CompletionClassification, Water Images

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

1. Participative – Student Centric Learning Method2. Activities and Role Plays and

participation. 3. Use of Online application to make classroom participation more active. Like (Kahoot,

Edmodo, Etc.)

Reference Book/Website:

1. 2.


Creating Online Profile on different Digital Media Platforms: Different job portals, professional networking sites, how to create profile online. Thing to remember while creating online profiles, concept of video

Verbal Reasoning: Analytical Reasoning, Paper Folding, Image Analysis

Pattern Completion, Paper Cutting, Cubes and DiceWater Images, Figure Matrix)

Total Hours

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Student Centric Learning Method Activities and Role Plays and Audio-Visual tools will be used to enhance student

Use of Online application to make classroom participation more active. Like (Kahoot,

Reference Book/Website:


Page 4

Different job portals, professional networking sites, how to create profile online. Thing to remember while creating online profiles, concept of video


Image Analysis, Mirror Cubes and Dice,


Total Hours 45

Visual tools will be used to enhance student

Use of Online application to make classroom participation more active. Like (Kahoot,

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Enterprise Computing Through .NET Frameworks

Course Code MCAL233

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: Understand the basic

CLR and .NET framework Develop clear and effective C# code for the given problem

Use the trace and debug utilit

Apply Microsoft ADO.NET and inbuilt data tools

in windows application

Develop, configure and

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter & details

1. Introduction The .NET Framework Features and Versions of Framework, Overview of different types of application development .NET Framework ComponentsMS.NET Base Class Intermediate Language, Common Type System, Common Language Runtime, Common Language Specification, Assemblies, Metadata, Namespaces, Assembly Cache, Reflection, Just In Time Compilation and its type, Garbage Collection


Enterprise Computing Through .NET Frameworks


Theory :3

Practical :2

Tutorial :0

Credits :5

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: concepts of C# and Windows programming, importance

CLR and .NET framework clear and effective C# code for the given problem

the trace and debug utilities that are provided with Visual Studio .NET

Microsoft ADO.NET and inbuilt data tools functionalities

and deploy windows application

Name of chapter & details


The .NET Framework - an Overview, .NET Framework Architecture, Features and Versions of Framework, Overview of different types of application development using MS.NET .NET Framework Components MS.NET Base Class Library(BCL), Managed/Unmanaged Code, Intermediate Language, Common Type System, Common Language Runtime, Common Language Specification, Assemblies, Metadata, Namespaces, Assembly Cache, Reflection, Just In Time Compilation and its type, Garbage Collection


Page 5

Enterprise Computing Through .NET Frameworks

concepts of C# and Windows programming, importance

provided with Visual Studio .NET

functionalities for accessing data

Hours Allotted

an Overview, .NET Framework Architecture, Features and Versions of Framework, Overview of different types of

Library(BCL), Managed/Unmanaged Code, Intermediate Language, Common Type System, Common Language Runtime, Common Language Specification, Assemblies, Metadata, Namespaces, Assembly Cache, Reflection, Just In Time Compilation and


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

2. Language Basics and Console Application DevelopmentIntroduction to Project and Solution in Studio, Exploring the IDE of VS.NET, Introduction to C# .Net language, Declaring main() Method, Organizing Libraries with Namespaces, ‘using’ Keyword, Application Development, Compiling and Executing using command line and IDE, Comments Data Types, Basics of structure and CTS types, Operators,making & Loop Control Structuresworking with methods parameters, Command Line ArgumentsBasics of Classes and Objects, Access specifiers, Inheritance, Method Overriding, get and set accessorKeywords – static, this, base, new, abstract, sealed

3. Advanced Concepts of C#Interface, Delegates and Events, Indexers, Expressions, Regular Expressions, Multithreading, GenericsCollection classes

4. Windows ProgrammingIntroduction, SDI and MDI Applications, Working with MDI and Child Forms, Dialog box (Modal and Modeless), Controls Container Controls, Menu and Tool Bars, Data Controls, Dialogs, Application Setup and Deployment

5. Data Access using ADO.NETEvolution of ADO.NET, ADO .NET Architecture, Disconnected Models, Understanding the Connection object, Building the Connection String, Understanding DataReader, DataSet, DataTable, DataColumn, DataRow, DataRelation, and DataView

6. Working with WPF Introduction to WPF, XAML, Routed Events, Development Workflow of a WPF Projectand Custom Controls, Layouts, Implementing Styles and Templates, Data Binding with WPF Controls, Deployment of WPF applications

7. Report and Windows ServicesIntroduction, Types of report, Report Fields, Implementation of Reports in Application Windows Services: Purpose, Advantages, Developing, Deploying Debugging, and Sending Custom events


Language Basics and Console Application Development Introduction to Project and Solution in Studio, Exploring the IDE of VS.NET, Introduction to C# .Net language, Declaring main() Method, Organizing Libraries with Namespaces, ‘using’ Keyword, Application Development, Compiling and Executing using command line

Data Types, Basics of structure and CTS types, Operators, making & Loop Control Structures, Working with different types of Arrays

- pass by value and pass by reference, out parameters, Command Line Arguments Basics of Classes and Objects, Access specifiers, Inheritance, Method Overriding, get and set accessors, String Operations

static, this, base, new, abstract, sealed

Advanced Concepts of C# Interface, Delegates and Events, Indexers, Lambda Expressions, Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions, Implementing Exception Handling

Generics, UsingBuilt in Generic and Non

Windows Programming Introduction, SDI and MDI Applications, Working with MDI and Child Forms, Dialog box (Modal and Modeless), Controls - General Controls, Container Controls, Menu and Tool Bars, Data Controls, Dialogs, Application Setup and Deployment


Data Access using ADO.NET Evolution of ADO.NET, ADO .NET Architecture, ADO.NET Connected and

Understanding the Connection object, Building the Connection String, Understanding DataReader, DataSet, DataAdapter, DataTable, DataColumn, DataRow, DataRelation, and DataView

Introduction to WPF, XAML, Routed Events, Logical and Visual TreeDevelopment Workflow of a WPF Project, Built-in Controls of WPF

, Layouts, Implementing Styles and Templates, Data Binding with WPF Controls, Deployment of WPF applications

Report and Windows Services Introduction, Types of report, Report Fields, Implementation of Reports in

Purpose, Advantages, Developing, Deploying Debugging, and Sending Custom events


Page 6

Introduction to Project and Solution in Studio, Exploring the IDE of VS.NET, Introduction to C# .Net language, Declaring main() Method, Organizing Libraries with Namespaces, ‘using’ Keyword, Console Application Development, Compiling and Executing using command line

Decisions , Working with different types of Arrays,

pass by value and pass by reference, out

Basics of Classes and Objects, Access specifiers, Inheritance, Method


Lambda Expressions, Regular Implementing Exception Handling,

Generic and Non-Generic 08

Introduction, SDI and MDI Applications, Working with MDI and Child General Controls,

Container Controls, Menu and Tool Bars, Data Controls, Dialogs, 06

Total 21

ADO.NET Connected and Understanding the Connection object, Building the



and Visual Tree, in Controls of WPF, User

, Layouts, Implementing Styles and Templates, Data 15

Introduction, Types of report, Report Fields, Implementation of Reports in

Purpose, Advantages, Developing, Deploying 02

Total 21

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projectorand black board

Assignments based on will be evaluated at regular interval

Experiments will be basedinterval.

Students will be guided to develop the

concepts of application

Reference Books:

Title : Programming in C#, Tata McGrawAuthor(s): E Balagurusamy

Title :Visual Studio .Net Programming Black Book, DAuthor(s): Kogent Learning Solutions Inc

Title : Professional C#, Wrox PublicationAuthor(s): Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson, Morgan Skinner

Additional Resources


Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projectorand black board.

course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval. Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be

d to develop the real-world application


Title : Programming in C#, Tata McGraw-Hill Balagurusamy

.Net Programming Black Book, Dreamtech pressKogent Learning Solutions Inc.

, Wrox Publication : Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson, Morgan Skinner


Page 7

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the

course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

will be evaluated at regular

world applications with the advanced

reamtech press

: Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson, Morgan Skinner

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Operating

Course Code MCAL23

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

Understand the structure and functions of OS

Develop synchronized programs which share resources.

Acquire knowledge of major OS components: process management, memory

management, file systems, and input/output mechanisms

Analyze and Compare


Create various scripts to perform operating system tasks

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter and

1. Introduction to Operating SystemIntroduction, Importance of OS: Objectives and Functions, Evolution of OS, Types of OS, Instruction Cycle, Concept of Interrupt, OS Services, System calls

2. Process and Threads The concept of Process, Creation and Termination of Process, Process States and Models, PCB, Concept of Threads, TCB, Multithreading

3. IPC : Process SynchronizationCritical Section Problem, Resolving race conditions with and without busy waiting, Semaphores, Mutex, Monitors, ProducerClassical IPC Problems: Sleeping barber, Dining Philosophers, ReadersWriters


Operating System


Theory :3

Practical :1

Tutorial :0

Credits :4

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

the structure and functions of OS

programs which share resources.

knowledge of major OS components: process management, memory

management, file systems, and input/output mechanisms

various process scheduling algorithms with

various scripts to perform operating system tasks

Name of chapter and details


Introduction to Operating System Introduction, Importance of OS: Objectives and Functions, Evolution of OS,

OS, Instruction Cycle, Concept of Interrupt, OS Services, System

The concept of Process, Creation and Termination of Process, Process States and Models, PCB, Concept of Threads, TCB, Multithreading

Synchronization Critical Section Problem, Resolving race conditions with and without busy waiting, Semaphores, Mutex, Monitors, Producer-Consumer problem, Classical IPC Problems: Sleeping barber, Dining Philosophers, Readers


Page 8

knowledge of major OS components: process management, memory

various process scheduling algorithms with reference to their

Hours Allotted

Introduction, Importance of OS: Objectives and Functions, Evolution of OS, OS, Instruction Cycle, Concept of Interrupt, OS Services, System


The concept of Process, Creation and Termination of Process, Process States and Models, PCB, Concept of Threads, TCB, Multithreading


Critical Section Problem, Resolving race conditions with and without busy Consumer problem,

Classical IPC Problems: Sleeping barber, Dining Philosophers, Readers-06

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

4. CPU Scheduling Scheduling Concepts, Preemptive and nonfor Scheduling, Different Scheduling Algorithms

5. Deadlock Concept of Deadlock, Deadlock Characterization, Prevention, Avoidance and Detection, Recovery

6. Memory Management Introduction, Memory parSwapping, Page replacement algorithms, Design Issues of Paging Systems, Implementation Issues in Paging, Segmentation

7. I/O Management and Disk SchedulingPrinciples of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, I/O Software Layers, Disks: Structure, formatting, disk arm scheduling algorithms, error handling, stable storage, Buffering, RAID

8. File System and DirectoriesFile concept - File Naming, File Structure, and File Types, File organization and access mechanism, File Attributes, File Operations, File System Implementation, and Directories: Directory Levels, pathnames, Directory Operations, Disk space all

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use

of multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of will be evaluated at regular interval.

Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular interval.


Scheduling Concepts, Preemptive and non-preemptive Scheduling, Criteria for Scheduling, Different Scheduling Algorithms


Deadlock Characterization, Prevention, Avoidance and Detection, Recovery from deadlock

Introduction, Memory partitioning techniques, Paging, Virtual Memory, Swapping, Page replacement algorithms, Design Issues of Paging Systems, Implementation Issues in Paging, Segmentation

I/O Management and Disk Scheduling Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, I/O Software Layers, Disks: Structure, formatting, disk arm scheduling algorithms, error handling, stable storage, Buffering, RAID

Directories File Naming, File Structure, and File Types, File organization

and access mechanism, File Attributes, File Operations, File System Implementation, and Directories: Directory Levels, pathnames, Directory Operations, Disk space allocation methods

ethod and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use

of multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of will be evaluated at regular interval. Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular


Page 9

preemptive Scheduling, Criteria 07

Total 21

Deadlock Characterization, Prevention, Avoidance 04

Virtual Memory, Swapping, Page replacement algorithms, Design Issues of Paging


Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, I/O Software Layers, Disks: Structure, formatting, disk arm scheduling algorithms, error handling,


File Naming, File Structure, and File Types, File organization and access mechanism, File Attributes, File Operations, File System Implementation, and Directories: Directory Levels, pathnames, Directory


Total 21

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Reference Books:

Title: “Modern Operating System”, PHI PublicationAuthor: Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Title: “Operating System Principles”, Seventh Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.Author: Silberschatz Galvin & Gagne

Title: “Operating System, Internals and Design Principles”, PHI PublicationAuthor: William Stallings

Title: “Operating Systems” TMH PublicatiAuthor: D. M. Dhamdhare

Title: “UNIX Concepts & Application”, TMH PublicationAuthor: Sumitaba Das

Additional Resources




Title: “Modern Operating System”, PHI Publication Author: Andrew S. Tanenbaum Title: “Operating System Principles”, Seventh Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.Author: Silberschatz Galvin & Gagne Title: “Operating System, Internals and Design Principles”, PHI PublicationAuthor: William Stallings Title: “Operating Systems” TMH Publication Author: D. M. Dhamdhare Title: “UNIX Concepts & Application”, TMH Publication

(Tutorials on Linux)



Page 10

Title: “Operating System Principles”, Seventh Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

Title: “Operating System, Internals and Design Principles”, PHI Publication


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Project

Course Code MCAL227

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: Explore depth knowledge of Technologies and Project

DevelopmentProcess Solve enterprise problem with their knowledge Understand the importance of project development deadlines and how to

meet them Work in team collaboratively Deploy application for real use

Detailed Syllabus

The students will select a project definition. They will work in a group with maximum of two members. The project should involve use of knowledge of development tools. At the end of semester, they will submit completely running project.

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Instructor will help the students in selecting the project definition. Continuously monitoring of student’s project progress during the semester. Students will present their work in regular time interval during the semester. Instructor will help the students during project development life cycle of their project.


Project - I


Theory : 0

Practical : 2

Tutorial : 0

Credits : 5

Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: depth knowledge of Technologies and Project

enterprise problem with their knowledge the importance of project development deadlines and how to

in team collaboratively application for real use

The students will select a project definition. They will work in a group with maximum of two project should involve use of knowledge of development tools. At the end of

semester, they will submit completely running project.

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Instructor will help the students in selecting the project definition.monitoring of student’s project progress during the semester.

Students will present their work in regular time interval during the semester.Instructor will help the students during project development life cycle of their project.


Page 11

depth knowledge of Technologies and Project

the importance of project development deadlines and how to

The students will select a project definition. They will work in a group with maximum of two project should involve use of knowledge of development tools. At the end of

Instructor will help the students in selecting the project definition. monitoring of student’s project progress during the semester.

Students will present their work in regular time interval during the semester. Instructor will help the students during project development life cycle of their project..

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Software Engineering and Testing

Course Code MCAL225

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

Justify role of SDLC in Software Project Development and evaluate importance of Software Engineering in Project Life Cycle

Describe needs for Software Requirement Specifications Construct various UML models for various development stages of System using the

appropriate UML notation Design and apply testing strategies for software applications Generate project schedule and can construct, design and develop diagram Prepare and Deliver technical reports

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter & details

1. Software, Software Process Models and AgilityIntroduction: Software and Software Engineering, Software Application Domains, Software Development Process, Software Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Model, Evolutionary Model, Concurrent Model, Agility: Introduction, Agile Process, Agile Process Models: XP, Scrum

2. Software Requirement EngineeringBasics of Requirement Engineering, Different tasks Engineering, Overview of SRS

3. Software Design EngineeringDesign Concepts, Software Design Model: Architectural Design, Component Level Design: Concepts of Coupling & Cohesion &User Interface Design: Golden rules, Analysis & Design of UI Pattern Based Software Design and Different Design Patterns


Software Engineering and Testing


Theory :3

Practical :1

Tutorial :0

Credits :4

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

role of SDLC in Software Project Development and evaluate importance of Software Engineering in Project Life Cycle

needs for Software Requirement Specifications various UML models for various development stages of System using the

opriate UML notation testing strategies for software applications

project schedule and can construct, design and develop diagramtechnical reports

Name of chapter & details


Software, Software Process Models and Agility Introduction: Software and Software Engineering, Software Application Domains, Software Development Process, Software Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Model, Evolutionary Model, Concurrent Model, Agility: Introduction, Agile Process, Agile Process Models: XP, Scrum

Software Requirement Engineering Basics of Requirement Engineering, Different tasks for requirement Engineering, Overview of SRS

Software Design Engineering Design Concepts, Software Design Model: Architectural Design, Component Level Design: Concepts of Coupling & Cohesion & User Interface Design: Golden rules, Analysis & Design of UI Pattern Based Software Design and Different Design Patterns


Page 12

role of SDLC in Software Project Development and evaluate importance of

various UML models for various development stages of System using the

project schedule and can construct, design and develop diagram

Hours Allotted

Introduction: Software and Software Engineering, Software Application

Software Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Model, Evolutionary 06

for requirement 02

Design Concepts, Software Design Model: Architectural Design, its types, 05

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

4. Anatomy of UML Overview of UML, Building Blocks of the UML Relationships

5. UML Diagrams Overview of different types of UML diagrams, Development of UML Diagrams - Class Diagram, UseActivity Diagram, Case Study on UML diagrams and SRS

6. Software Testing Strategic Approach to Testing, Issue of Software Testing, Software Testing Strategies: Unit, Integration, Validation, SystemUnit and Integration Testing for Conventional Software, System Testing, Debugging Techniques White-Box Testing: Basis Path TestingBlack- Box Testing: Model

7. Software Project Management, Estimation and SchedulingIntroduction to Software Project Management, Project Decomposition Techniques: FP, LOC, Empirical Estimation Models : COCOMO Project Scheduling : Time

8. Case study Software Development Process and Project Estimation and Scheduling

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom use of multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.


Overview of UML, Building Blocks of the UML – Things (Structural) and

Overview of different types of UML diagrams, Development of UML Class Diagram, Use-case Diagram, Sequence Diagram,

Activity Diagram, Case Study on UML diagrams and SRS


Strategic Approach to Testing, Issue of Software Testing, Software Testing Strategies: Unit, Integration, Validation, SystemUnit and Integration Testing for Conventional Software, System Testing,

Box Testing: Basis Path Testing, Control Structure Testing Box Testing: Model-Based Testing

Software Project Management, Estimation and Scheduling Introduction to Software Project Management, Project Decomposition Techniques: FP, LOC, Empirical Estimation Models : COCOMO Project Scheduling : Time-line charts, Tracking Schedule

Software Development Process and Project Estimation and Scheduling

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projector and black board. Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.


Page 13

Things (Structural) and 02

Overview of different types of UML diagrams, Development of UML case Diagram, Sequence Diagram,


Total 21

Software Testing Strategies: Unit, Integration, Validation, System Unit and Integration Testing for Conventional Software, System Testing,

, Control Structure Testing


Introduction to Software Project Management, Project Decomposition Techniques: FP, LOC, Empirical Estimation Models : COCOMO - II,


Software Development Process and Project Estimation and Scheduling 02

Total 21

Response Systems with the

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Reference Books:

Title: Software Engineering: A Author(s): Pressman R.S.

Title: The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Pearson

Author(s): Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson Title: Software Engineering, Addision

Author(s): Sommerville I.

Title: Software Engineering

Author(s): Waman S. Jawadekar

Title: Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication

Author(s): Rajib Mall

Title: Analysis and Design of Information Systems, TMGH Publication

Author(s): James A. Senn

Additional Resources


Title: Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, TMGH PublicationPressman R.S.

Title: The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Pearson

Author(s): Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson Title: Software Engineering, Addision-Wesley

: Sommerville I.

Software Engineering – Principles and Practices, TMGH Publication

: Waman S. Jawadekar

Title: Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication

Title: Analysis and Design of Information Systems, TMGH Publication

: James A. Senn


Page 14

Practitioner's Approach, TMGH Publication

Principles and Practices, TMGH Publication

Title: Analysis and Design of Information Systems, TMGH Publication

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Distributed Computing

Course Code MCAL2

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able Implement various objects in computing

Understand the concept of Corba

Design and build application programs on distributed computing

Develop appropriate variations of existing solutions t


Develop, test and debug

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter & details

1. Distributed ComputingIntroduction , Definitions , History of Distributed Computing , Distributed Computing Models, Strengths and Architecture of Distributed Applications

2. Communication Basic of Communication, Inter process Communication, Message passing, and client- server system. Layered Protocols, Remote Procedure Call, Remote Object invocation , Message oriented communication

3. Processes Thread , Client , Servers, Code Migration , Software Agent, Blocking versus Non Blocking Primitives, Buffered verses unbuffered primitives , Client/Server Model


Distributed Computing


Theory :3

Practical :1

Tutorial :0

Credits :4

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: various objects in computing

the concept of Corba

application programs on distributed computing

appropriate variations of existing solutions to meet the development

debug RPC based client –server programs

Name of chapter & details


Distributed Computing Introduction , Definitions , History of Distributed Computing , Distributed Computing Models, Strengths and Weakness of Distributed Computing, Architecture of Distributed Applications

Basic of Communication, Inter process Communication, Message passing, server system. Layered Protocols, Remote Procedure Call,

invocation , Message – oriented communication , stream

Thread , Client , Servers, Code Migration , Software Agent, Blocking versus Non Blocking Primitives, Buffered verses unbuffered primitives ,


Page 15

application programs on distributed computing

o meet the development

Hours Allotted

Introduction , Definitions , History of Distributed Computing , Distributed Weakness of Distributed Computing,


Basic of Communication, Inter process Communication, Message passing, server system. Layered Protocols, Remote Procedure Call,

oriented communication , stream – 07

Thread , Client , Servers, Code Migration , Software Agent, Blocking versus Non Blocking Primitives, Buffered verses unbuffered primitives ,


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

4. Synchronization Clock Synchronization, Logical Clocks, Physical Clocks, Global state, Mutual exclusion, Event Synchronization, Timeouts and Threading, Deadlocks and Timeouts. Atomic Transaction

5. File System Distributed databases : Distributed DBMS Architecture ,Storing Data in a Distributed DBMS ,Distributed DBMS ,Distributed catalog Management , Distributed query processing ,Updating distributed data, Distributed transaction management , Distributed Concurre

6. Name Services Introduction, Name services and the Domain Name System, Directory and discovery services, Case study of the Global Name Service

7. Distributed Objects Message Passing versus Distributed Objects, An Object Architecture, Distributed Object Systems, Remote Method Invocation, The Java RMI Architecture, The API for the Java RMI, A Sample RMI Application, Steps for Building an RMI Application, Testing and Debugging, Comparison of RMI

8. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture The Basic Architecture, The CORBA Object Interface, InterProtocols, Object Servers and Object Clients, CORBA Object References, CORBA Naming Service , CORBA Object Services, ObjectIDL

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projectorand black board

Assignments based on

will be evaluated at regular interval

Reference Books:


Clock Synchronization, Logical Clocks, Physical Clocks, Global state, Mutual exclusion, Event Synchronization, Timeouts and Threading, Deadlocks and Timeouts. Atomic Transaction


Distributed databases : Distributed DBMS Architecture ,Storing Data in a Distributed DBMS ,Distributed DBMS ,Distributed catalog Management , Distributed query processing ,Updating distributed data, Distributed transaction management , Distributed Concurrency control , Recovery

Introduction, Name services and the Domain Name System, Directory and discovery services, Case study of the Global Name Service

Message Passing versus Distributed Objects, An Archetypal Distributed Object Architecture, Distributed Object Systems, Remote Method Invocation, The Java RMI Architecture, The API for the Java RMI, A Sample RMI Application, Steps for Building an RMI Application, Testing and Debugging, Comparison of RMI And Socket APIs

The Common Object Request Broker Architecture The Basic Architecture, The CORBA Object Interface, InterProtocols, Object Servers and Object Clients, CORBA Object References, CORBA Naming Service , CORBA Object Services, Object Adapters, Java

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projectorand black board.

course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

will be evaluated at regular interval.


Page 16

Clock Synchronization, Logical Clocks, Physical Clocks, Global state, Mutual exclusion, Event Synchronization, Timeouts and Threading,


Total 23

Distributed databases : Distributed DBMS Architecture ,Storing Data in a Distributed DBMS ,Distributed DBMS ,Distributed catalog Management , Distributed query processing ,Updating distributed data, Distributed

ncy control , Recovery


Introduction, Name services and the Domain Name System, Directory and 05

Archetypal Distributed Object Architecture, Distributed Object Systems, Remote Method Invocation, The Java RMI Architecture, The API for the Java RMI, A Sample RMI Application, Steps for Building an RMI Application, Testing


The Basic Architecture, The CORBA Object Interface, Inter-ORB Protocols, Object Servers and Object Clients, CORBA Object References,

Adapters, Java 05

Total 23

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the

course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Title : Distributed Computing,

Author(s) :Sunita Mahajan , Seema Shah

Title : Distributed Computing Principles and Applications, Pearson Education

Author(s) : M. L. Liu

Title: Distributed Systems: Computing over Networks, PHI

Author(s): Crichlow

Title: Distributed Systems

Author(s): Tanenbaum & Sten.

Title :SOA using JAVA Web Services, Prentice Hall

Author(s) :Mark Hansen

Additional Resources


Title : Distributed Computing, Oxford University Press, 2010

Sunita Mahajan , Seema Shah

Distributed Computing Principles and Applications, Pearson Education

Title: Distributed Systems: Computing over Networks, PHI

Title: Distributed Systems – Principles and Paradigms, PHI

: Tanenbaum & Sten.

SOA using JAVA Web Services, Prentice Hall



Page 17

Distributed Computing Principles and Applications, Pearson Education

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Course Code MCL

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: Understand concept of knowledge representation and predicate logic and transform

the real-life information in different representation. Understand state space and its searching strategies. Understand machine learning concepts and range of problems that can be handled

by machine learning. Explore the nature of human intelligence and its role in problem solving of different

application area like expert syste Recognize various machine learning techniques such as classification, regression

etc. across several use cases Apply the machine learning concepts in real life problems.

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter

1. Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceDefinition of an AI, Major Introduction to AI Problems and Space Search, Problem

2. Search Techniques Generate-And-Test, Hill Climbing, BestConstraint Satisfaction, Means

3. Knowledge Representation theory and Predicate logicKnowledge Representation Approaches, Issues in knowledge representationPredicate Logic - Representation Simple Facts Instance and Isa Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates, Resolution


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Theory :3

Practical :1

Tutorial :0

Credits :4

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: concept of knowledge representation and predicate logic and transform

life information in different representation. space and its searching strategies.

machine learning concepts and range of problems that can be handled

the nature of human intelligence and its role in problem solving of different application area like expert systems, neural networks and game playing.

various machine learning techniques such as classification, regression etc. across several use cases

the machine learning concepts in real life problems.

Name of chapter and details


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Definition of an AI, Major Areas of Artificial Intelligence, AI Techniques, Introduction to AI Problems and Applications, Defining Problems as a

earch, Problem Characteristics, Production Systems

Test, Hill Climbing, Best-First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis

Knowledge Representation theory and Predicate logic Knowledge Representation - Representation and Mappings, Different Approaches, Issues in knowledge representation

Representation Simple Facts in Logic, Representing Instance and Isa Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates,


Page 18

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

concept of knowledge representation and predicate logic and transform

machine learning concepts and range of problems that can be handled

the nature of human intelligence and its role in problem solving of different ms, neural networks and game playing.

various machine learning techniques such as classification, regression

Hours Allotted

echniques, roblems as a State


First Search, Problem Reduction, 4

Representation and Mappings, Different

Logic, Representing Instance and Isa Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates,


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

4 Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logicFuzzy Set Operations, Membership Fuzzy Proposition and Inference

5 Introduction Machine LearningDigital Data – Structured, Unstructured, Machine Learning?Why Machine Learning? Concept of Learning, Types of Machine Learning, Industrial Domains Such as Healthcare, Finance, Retail etc.

6 Unsupervised Learning What is Clustering? Applications of Clustering, Similarity Partition BasedClustering Techniques Hierarchical Clustering, Density

7 Supervised Learning: Regression, Classification What is Regression? Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, What isClassification? Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, k-Nearest Neighbour, Support VectorMachine

8 Neural Networks Introduction to Neural Networks, Activation Stochastic Gradient Descent, Feed Deep Learning Networks

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted based on

multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.

Experiments will be based on the practical interval.


Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic perations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy Logic, Hedges,

roposition and Inference Rules, Fuzzy Systems.


Introduction Machine Learning Structured, Unstructured, Semi-Structured Data,

Machine Learning?Why Machine Learning? Concept of Learning, Types of Industrial Applications of Machine Learning Across

uch as Healthcare, Finance, Retail etc.

Unsupervised Learning - Clustering What is Clustering? Applications of Clustering, Similarity M

asedClustering Techniques – K means Clustering, klustering, Density Based Clustering, Cluster Validation

Supervised Learning: Regression, Classification What is Regression? Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, What isClassification? Logistic Regression, Decision Tree,

Nearest Neighbour, Support VectorMachine.

Introduction to Neural Networks, Activation Functions, Learning Stochastic Gradient Descent, Feed Forward, Back Propagation, Basics of Deep Learning Networks.

ethod and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted based on Classroom Response Systems with the use of

multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval. Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular


Page 19

ogic, Hedges, 4

Total 21

ata, what is Machine Learning?Why Machine Learning? Concept of Learning, Types of

cross 5

Measures, lustering, k-medoid,



What is Regression? Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, What isClassification? Logistic Regression, Decision Tree,


unctions, Learning Rate, ropagation, Basics of


Total 21

Classroom Response Systems with the use of

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

curriculum and will be evaluated at regular

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Reference Books:

Title: “Machine LearningAuthor(s): Tom M Mitchell

Title: “Introduction to Machine Learning” Author(s): E. Alpaydin, MIT Press Edition 2nd Edition, 2009 Title: “Artificial Intelligence

Author(s): E.Rich& K. Knight

Title: " Artificial Intelligence

Author(s): P. H. Winston

Additional Resources


Machine Learning” by McGraw Hill. Tom M Mitchell

Introduction to Machine Learning” Author(s): E. Alpaydin, MIT Press Edition 2nd Edition, 2009

Artificial Intelligence”, Second Edition, Tata-Mc Graw Hill Author(s): E.Rich& K. Knight

Artificial Intelligence", Third Edition, Pearson Education.

Author(s): P. H. Winston


Page 20

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Biometrics and

Course Code MCAL2

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: Analyze and evaluate various biometrics systemscomparatively Identify the considerations of various authentication techniques in real scenario Apply relevant computational methods for biometrics authentication Recognize the key elements of different security policies needed in authentication

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter

1. Introduction to BiometricsBiometrics: Introduction Security, Identification, Verification, Authentication, Basic Biometric Matching, Accuracy, False Match Rate, False NonFailure to Enroll Rate, Derived Metrics, Layered Biometric Solutions

2. Fingerprint Identification TechnologyFinger Scan: Features, Components, Steps Finger Scan Technologies, Strength Used for Interpretation

3. Facial scan Identification TechnologyFacial Scan: Features, Components, Steps Facial Scan Technologies, Strength

4. Iris scan Technology Features of Iris Scan Technology, Components, Iris Scan Process Competing Iris Scan Technologies, Strength


Biometrics and Authentication


Theory :3

Practical :1

Tutorial :0

Credits :4

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: various biometrics systemscomparatively

the considerations of various authentication techniques in real scenariorelevant computational methods for biometrics authentication

the key elements of different security policies needed in authentication

Name of chapter and details


Introduction to Biometrics Biometrics: Introduction and Reasons to Biometrics, Benefits of Biometric Security, Identification, Verification, Authentication, Basic wBiometric Matching, Accuracy, False Match Rate, False Non-Match Rate,

o Enroll Rate, Derived Metrics, Layered Biometric Solutions

Fingerprint Identification Technology Finger Scan: Features, Components, Steps in Finger Scan, C

can Technologies, Strength and Weakness, Types of Algorithms

Facial scan Identification Technology Facial Scan: Features, Components, Steps in Facial Scan, Competing

can Technologies, Strength and Weakness

can Technology, Components, Iris Scan Process

can Technologies, Strength and Weakness


Page 21

various biometrics systemscomparatively the considerations of various authentication techniques in real scenario

relevant computational methods for biometrics authentication the key elements of different security policies needed in authentication

Hours Allotted

f Biometric working of

Match Rate, o Enroll Rate, Derived Metrics, Layered Biometric Solutions


Competing f Algorithms


acial Scan, Competing 05

can Technology, Components, Iris Scan Process Steps, 05

Total 21

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

5. Voice scan Technology Voice Scan Technology Competing Voice Scan Technologies, Strength

6. Other Physiological Biometrics and Behavioral Techniques Key Concepts and Features Finger Print Identification Systems), Behavioral Scan, Keystroke Scan

7. Current Market and Biometric Applications (Brief Overview)Categorizing Biometric Employee-Facing Application, CustomerVertical Markets

8. Using Biometrics for Network Security Recommended Biometric Statistical Measures of B

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projectorand black board

Assignments based on will be evaluated at regular interval

Reference Books:

Title : Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World, Wiley Computer Publishing Author(s) : Samir Nanavati, Michael Thieme,

Title : Biometrics for Network Security, Pearson EducationAuthor(s) : Paul Reid

Title : Biometrics - The Ultimate Reference, Dreamtech PressAuthor(s) : John D. Woodward

Title : Biometric Systems, SpringerAuthor(s) : James Wayman& Others

Title : Biometrics: Personal Identifixation in Networked Society, Kluwer Acedemic Publishers Author(s) : Anil Jain & Others

Title : Handbook of Biometrics, SpringerAuthor(s) : Anil Jain & Others

Additional Resources



Voice scan Technology echnology Features, Components, Voice Scan

can Technologies, Strength and Weakness

Other Physiological Biometrics and Behavioral Techniques nd Features of: Hand Scan, Retina Scan, AFIS (Automatic

Finger Print Identification Systems), Behavioral Biometrics: Signature

nd Biometric Applications (Brief Overview) iometric Applications, Citizen-Facing Applications,

pplication, Customer-Facing Applications. Biometric

Using Biometrics for Network Security iometric for Network Security, An Introduction

Biometrics, The Biometric Transaction

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the use of multimedia projectorand black board.

course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.

Title : Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World, Wiley Computer

Author(s) : Samir Nanavati, Michael Thieme, Raj Nanavati Title : Biometrics for Network Security, Pearson Education

The Ultimate Reference, Dreamtech Press Author(s) : John D. Woodward Title : Biometric Systems, Springer Author(s) : James Wayman& Others

tle : Biometrics: Personal Identifixation in Networked Society, Kluwer Acedemic

Author(s) : Anil Jain & Others Title : Handbook of Biometrics, Springer Author(s) : Anil Jain & Others


Page 22

can Process, 05

Hand Scan, Retina Scan, AFIS (Automatic

iometrics: Signature 05


pplications. Biometric 06

ntroduction to 05

Total 21

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the

course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

Title : Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World, Wiley Computer

tle : Biometrics: Personal Identifixation in Networked Society, Kluwer Acedemic

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)



Page 23

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Advanced Java

Course Code MCAL321

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: Understand advance java concepts. Develop, deploy and manage

JSP, Struts, Spring, and Develop distributed application using RMI. Apply appropriate design pattern for real world problems Perform unit testing to validate developed application

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of chapter & details

1. Introduction to J2EE J2EE architecture, Enterprise application concepts, nconcepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, web application, Web containers and Application servers.

2. Introduction to RMI RMI architecture, RMI registry, Implementation of distributed application with RMI, Naming services, Naming JNDI, Object serialization and Internationalization.

3. Design Pattern Introduction, Singleton, DAO objects, MVC, Front Controller, Factory Method

4. Maven Introduction, Requirement, Ant Vs Maven, Maven Repository, understanding pom.xml, Working with Maven.


Advanced Java


Theory :3

Practical :2

Tutorial :0

Credits :5

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: java concepts.

Develop, deploy and manage dynamic and secure web applications using Servlet, Spring, and Hibernate.

distributed application using RMI. appropriate design pattern for real world problems

unit testing to validate developed application

Name of chapter & details


J2EE architecture, Enterprise application concepts, n-tier application concepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, web application, Web containers

RMI architecture, RMI registry, Implementation of distributed application with RMI, Naming services, Naming and Directory Services, Overview of JNDI, Object serialization and Internationalization.

Introduction, Singleton, DAO - Data access object, DTO - Data transfer Front Controller, Factory Method

Introduction, Requirement, Ant Vs Maven, Maven Repository, , Working with Maven.


Page 24

dynamic and secure web applications using Servlet,

Hours Allotte


tier application concepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, web application, Web containers


RMI architecture, RMI registry, Implementation of distributed application nd Directory Services, Overview of


Data transfer 03

Introduction, Requirement, Ant Vs Maven, Maven Repository, 03

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

5. Servlet Introduction, Features, Skeleton of Servlet, Structure of Servlet, ServletConfig and ServletContext Objects, Servlet Request: HttpServletRequest, Handling Form Data, Reading Form Data, Reading Request Headers, Status Code, Servlet Response: HttpServletRespResponse Headers, Response Redirections, Auto Refresh / Wait Pages, Servlet implementation using JDBC, Session Tracking, Security Issues, Introduction to filters with writing simple filter application. Securing Web Application, authentication, author

6. JSP Introduction, The Problem with Servlet. The Structure of a JSP Page, JSP Processing. JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment, Generating Dynamic Content, Using Scripting Elements, Implicit JSP Objects, Conditional Processing Expression, to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing Data Between JSP pages, Requests, and Users Passing Control and Date between Pages and Application Data –Basics, Using JSTL c:if,c:choose,c:set,c:remove, c:import,Tags

7. Hibernate Introduction, Mapping Techniques, Retrieving Objects Efficiently, Transactions and Concurrency, Hibernate Caching, Designing Hibernate based Applications

8. Struts2 Framework Introduction, Basics of Struts, Model 1 v/s. Model 2 Architecture, StrutsFeatures, Steps to create StrutsValidation

9. Spring Framework Introduction, Basics of Springs, Spring Modules, Steps to create Spring Application, IOC Container, Dependency Injection.

10. Junit Introduction, Requirement, Types of Testing, Annotations used in Assert class, Test Cases


Introduction, Features, Skeleton of Servlet, Structure of Servlet, ServletConfig and ServletContext Objects, Servlet Request: HttpServletRequest, Handling Form Data, Reading Form Data, Reading Request Headers, Status Code, Servlet Response: HttpServletRespResponse Headers, Response Redirections, Auto Refresh / Wait Pages, Servlet implementation using JDBC, Session Tracking, Security Issues, Introduction to filters with writing simple filter application. Securing Web Application, authentication, authorization, using deployment description


Introduction, The Problem with Servlet. The Structure of a JSP Page, JSP Processing. JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment, Generating Dynamic Content, Using Scripting Elements, Implicit JSP Objects, Conditional Processing – Displaying Values Using an Expression, to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing Data Between JSP pages, Requests, and Users Passing Control and Date between Pages – Sharing Session

– Memory Usage Considerations, Tag Library Basics, Using JSTL – c:out, c:forEach, c:forTokens, c:if,c:choose,c:set,c:remove, c:import, c:url, c:param,c:redirect and

Introduction, Mapping Techniques, Retrieving Objects Efficiently, Transactions and Concurrency, Hibernate Caching, Designing Hibernate

Introduction, Basics of Struts, Model 1 v/s. Model 2 Architecture, StrutsFeatures, Steps to create Struts-2 Application, Structs-2 Action, Struts

Introduction, Basics of Springs, Spring Modules, Steps to create Spring Application, IOC Container, Dependency Injection.

Introduction, Requirement, Types of Testing, Annotations used in Assert class, Test Cases


Page 25

Introduction, Features, Skeleton of Servlet, Structure of Servlet, ServletConfig and ServletContext Objects, Servlet Request: HttpServletRequest, Handling Form Data, Reading Form Data, Reading Request Headers, Status Code, Servlet Response: HttpServletResponse, Response Headers, Response Redirections, Auto Refresh / Wait Pages, Servlet implementation using JDBC, Session Tracking, Security Issues, Introduction to filters with writing simple filter application. Securing Web

ization, using deployment description


Total 21

Introduction, The Problem with Servlet. The Structure of a JSP Page, JSP Processing. JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment, Generating Dynamic Content, Using Scripting Elements,

ying Values Using an Expression, to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing Data Between JSP pages, Requests,

Sharing Session sage Considerations, Tag Library –

c:forEach, c:forTokens, and c:catch


Introduction, Mapping Techniques, Retrieving Objects Efficiently, Transactions and Concurrency, Hibernate Caching, Designing Hibernate


Introduction, Basics of Struts, Model 1 v/s. Model 2 Architecture, Struts-2 2 Action, Struts-2


Introduction, Basics of Springs, Spring Modules, Steps to create Spring 04

Introduction, Requirement, Types of Testing, Annotations used in Junit, 02

Total 21

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

Conduction of the lecture will include effective use of During the lecture,topic After completion of each

on time. Tutorials will be provided periodically for each modeling that must be practiced during

the lab lesions under continues monitoring. Active learning methodologies will be introduced like problem

according to the topic requirement.

Reference Books:

Title: Java Server Programming, Java EE6, Black Book, Dreamtech Press, Edition 2010 Author(s): Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.

Title: The Complete Reference J2EE 5th Edition, Tata McGrawJim Keogh

Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume Education Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown

Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume Education Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown, Yaakov Chaikin

Title: Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition, Apress publicationsAuthors: Subrahmanyam Allamaraju, Cedric Buest

Additional Resources


Instructional method and Pedagogy:

Conduction of the lecture will include effective use of multimedia will be covered by doing the programming on the spot.

After completion of each unit, the assignment will be provided which will be evaluated

Tutorials will be provided periodically for each modeling that must be practiced during nder continues monitoring.

Active learning methodologies will be introduced like problemaccording to the topic requirement.

Title: Java Server Programming, Java EE6, Black Book, Dreamtech Press, Edition

Author(s): Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. Title: The Complete Reference J2EE 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition Author(s):

Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume - 1, 2nd edition,

Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume - 2, 2nd edition, Pearson

Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown, Yaakov Chaikin Title: Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition, Apress publicationsAuthors: Subrahmanyam Allamaraju, Cedric Buest


Page 26

projector. will be covered by doing the programming on the spot.

the assignment will be provided which will be evaluated

Tutorials will be provided periodically for each modeling that must be practiced during

Active learning methodologies will be introduced like problem-based, quiz etc,

Title: Java Server Programming, Java EE6, Black Book, Dreamtech Press, Edition

Hill Edition Author(s):

edition, Pearson

2, 2nd edition, Pearson

Title: Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition, Apress publications

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

Conduction of the lecture will include effective use of During the lecture,topic After completion of each

on time. Tutorials will be provided periodically for each modeling that must

the lab lesions under continues monitoring. Active learning methodologies will be introduced like problem

according to the topic requirement.

Reference Books:

Title: Java Server Programming, Java EE6, Black Book, 2010 Author(s): Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.

Title: The Complete Reference J2EE 5th Edition, Tata McGrawJim Keogh

Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume Education Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown

Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume Education Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown, Yaakov Chaikin

Title: Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition, Apress publicationsAuthors: Subrahmanyam Allamaraju, Cedric Buest

Additional Resources


Instructional method and Pedagogy:

Conduction of the lecture will include effective use of multimedia will be covered by doing the programming on the spot.

After completion of each unit, the assignment will be provided which will be evaluated

Tutorials will be provided periodically for each modeling that must the lab lesions under continues monitoring. Active learning methodologies will be introduced like problemaccording to the topic requirement.

Title: Java Server Programming, Java EE6, Black Book, Dreamtech Press, Edition

Author(s): Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. Title: The Complete Reference J2EE 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition Author(s):

Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume - 1, 2nd edition,

Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown Title: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume - 2, 2nd edition, Pearson

Author(s): Marty Hall, Larry Brown, Yaakov Chaikin Title: Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition, Apress publicationsAuthors: Subrahmanyam Allamaraju, Cedric Buest


Page 27

projector. will be covered by doing the programming on the spot.

the assignment will be provided which will be evaluated

Tutorials will be provided periodically for each modeling that must be practiced during

Active learning methodologies will be introduced like problem-based, quiz etc,

Dreamtech Press, Edition

Hill Edition Author(s):

edition, Pearson

2, 2nd edition, Pearson

Title: Professional Java Server Programming, J2EE 1.3 Edition, Apress publications

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title Advanced User Interface Technologies

Course Code MCL2012

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: Implement NoSQL Database CURD operations Acquire knowledge about Server Acquire knowledge about functionalities of Client

frameworks Explore Angular features and Design Front-end web pages and

Detailed Syllabus

Sr. No.

Name of

1. Twitter Bootstrap: Getting Started with Bootstrap, Demystifying Grids, Off Canvas, Bootstrap Components, JS Plugins

2. Introduction to NoSQL Database Introduction to NoSQL Database, Importance of MongoDB, CAP/Brewer’s Theorem, BASE approach, Comparison of MongoDB with RDBMS, Installations, Configuration and MongoDB, Implementation of Basic CRUD Functions, Groups and A

3. Introduction to Server-Introductionto Node JSCreating Web Servers with HTTP (Request & Response)GET & POST Implementationusing Node JS,Implementation of CRUD


Advanced User Interface Technologies


Theory :3

Practical :2

Tutorial :0

Credits :5

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to: NoSQL Database CURD operations

knowledge about Server-side JS framework to make Database Connectivityknowledge about functionalities of Client-side and Server

Angular features and create component-based web pages end web pages and connect to the Back-end Databases.

Name of chapter & details


: Getting Started with Bootstrap, Demystifying Grids, Off Canvas, Bootstrap Components, JS Plugins - Customization

Introduction to NoSQL Database - MongoDB Introduction to NoSQL Database, Importance of MongoDB, CAP/Brewer’s Theorem, BASE approach, Comparison of MongoDB with RDBMS, Installations, Configuration and Structure of MongoDB, Terminologies in MongoDB, Implementation of Basic CRUD Operations, A

Accumulator Operators

-side JS Framework – Node.js ode JS,Architecture, Features, Installation and ervers with HTTP (Request & Response),Event mplementation, Modules, connect to NoSQL

mplementation of CRUD Operations


Page 28

Advanced User Interface Technologies

side JS framework to make Database Connectivity side and Server-side JS

based web pages using them end Databases.

Hours Allotted

: Getting Started with Bootstrap, Demystifying Grids, Off 03

Introduction to NoSQL Database, Importance of MongoDB, CAP/Brewer’s Theorem, BASE approach, Comparison of MongoDB with RDBMS,

tructure of MongoDB, Terminologies in Aggregate


nstallation and Setup. vent Handling,

to NoSQL Database 09

Total 21

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

4. Introduction to TypeScriptIntroduction to TypeScriptVariables, Datatypes,EnumInterfaces, Generics, ModulesConfiguration

5. Introduction to Client-side JS Framework Introduction to AngularConfiguration, Components and ModulesDirectives, Pipes, Nested Components

6. Introduction to Client-Angular Template Driven Forms,Validators, Dependency InjectionRouting

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted

multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.

Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular interval.

Reference Books:

Title :Mastering TypeScriptAuthor(s) :Nathan Rozentals

Title :ng-book, The Complete Book on Angular 4Author(s) :2. Nate Murray, Felipe Coury, Ari Lerner and Carlos Taborda

Title :MongoDB Cookbook PaperbackAuthor(s) :Amol Nayak

Title :Node.js by Example Author(s) :KrasimirTsonev



Introduction to TypeScript Introduction to TypeScript, Features of TypeScript, Installation setup

Enum, Array, Tuples, Functions, OOP conceptsModules, Decorators, Compiler Options

side JS Framework – Basics of AngularIntroduction to Angular, Needs & Evolution, Features, Setup and

Components and Modules, Templates, Data BindingNested Components

-side JS Framework – Forms and Routing in

, Model Driven Forms or Reactive FormsDependency Injection, Services,RxJS Observables

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted based on Classroom Response Systems with the use of

multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval. Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular

Mastering TypeScript Nathan Rozentals

book, The Complete Book on Angular 4 Nate Murray, Felipe Coury, Ari Lerner and Carlos Taborda

MongoDB Cookbook Paperback

Node.js by Example Paperback KrasimirTsonev


Page 29

Installation setup, OOP concepts, ptions, Project


Basics of Angular Setup and

Data Binding, 07

Forms and Routing in

Model Driven Forms or Reactive Forms, Custom RxJS Observables, HTTP,


Total 21

Response Systems with the use of

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic and

Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at regular

Nate Murray, Felipe Coury, Ari Lerner and Carlos Taborda

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Additional Resources

Web link for TypeScript: Web link for Angular4.0: Web link for Node.js: Web link for MongoDB:


: Web link for Angular4.0: Web link for MongoDB:


Page 30

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Course Title iOS Application Development

Course Code MCL2011

Course Credits





Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

● Demonstrate various terminologies

● Use basic iOS programming concepts in real life applications.

● Design & deploy native iOS app.

● Examine various functionality into properly designed components.

● Demonstrate iOS application deployment on apple app store.

● Examine and subdivide app functionality into properly designed components.

Detailed Syllabus


No. Name of chapter & details

1. Introduction to iOS Application and Environment:

iOS Architecture and SDK framework, iOS and SDK

Compatibility, iOS application life cycle (MVC), XCode: Tour of IDE,

Templates, Projects and workspace, Simulators, Asset Management,

Swift Playground, Connecting the UI to code, Build and Run


iOS Application Development


Theory :3

Practical :2

Tutorial :0

Credits :5

Course Learning Outcomes:

On the completion of the course, students will be able to:

various terminologies related to Swift and iOS programming.

basic iOS programming concepts in real life applications.

native iOS app.

various functionality into properly designed components.

iOS application deployment on apple app store.

and subdivide app functionality into properly designed components.

Name of chapter & details


Introduction to iOS Application and Environment:

iOS Architecture and SDK framework, iOS and SDK

Compatibility, iOS application life cycle (MVC), XCode: Tour of IDE,

Templates, Projects and workspace, Simulators, Asset Management,

Swift Playground, Connecting the UI to code, Build and Run


Page 31

related to Swift and iOS programming.

various functionality into properly designed components.

and subdivide app functionality into properly designed components.




Compatibility, iOS application life cycle (MVC), XCode: Tour of IDE,

Templates, Projects and workspace, Simulators, Asset Management,


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

2. Basics of Swift Programming

Introduction, Swift vs. Objective C, Swift Playground, File Structure, Data

types, Variables, Constants, Flow Control Statements: Loops, If and

Switch statements.

3. Functions, Arrays, Dictionaries and Sets

Swift Functions, Swift Arrays, Swift Dictionaries, Swift

4. Tuples, Optionals, Enumerations and Closures

Tuples, Optionals, Enumerations, Closures, Getters and Setters

Property Observer

5. Classes and Structures -

Introduction to Classes in Swift, Classes

Properties, Subclasses, Structures

6. User Interface and Application Development

Single View Application Development, User Interface Design Controls

with Properties and Actions, Understanding

Deployment of Application

7. Storyboard Based Application

Introduction to Storyboard, Adding Scenes, Segues, Transition, auto

layout, intro to adaptive layout

8. Master-detail view application

Table Views: Static and Dynamic

Sources, Table View Styles, Custom Cells

Collection View: Custom Cell, Collection View Style, Delegates and Data


AVKit : Audio Player, Video Player


Basics of Swift Programming

Swift vs. Objective C, Swift Playground, File Structure, Data

types, Variables, Constants, Flow Control Statements: Loops, If and

Functions, Arrays, Dictionaries and Sets

Swift Functions, Swift Arrays, Swift Dictionaries, Swift Sets

Tuples, Optionals, Enumerations and Closures

Tuples, Optionals, Enumerations, Closures, Getters and Setters

- The Heart of Swift

Introduction to Classes in Swift, Classes - Access Levels and Computed

Properties, Subclasses, Structures - Not Just a Simple Container


User Interface and Application Development

Single View Application Development, User Interface Design Controls

with Properties and Actions, Understanding Outlets And Actions, ,

Deployment of Application

Storyboard Based Application

Introduction to Storyboard, Adding Scenes, Segues, Transition, auto

layout, intro to adaptive layout

detail view application

Table Views: Static and Dynamic Table Views,Delegates and Data

Sources, Table View Styles, Custom Cells

Collection View: Custom Cell, Collection View Style, Delegates and Data

AVKit : Audio Player, Video Player


Page 32

Swift vs. Objective C, Swift Playground, File Structure, Data

types, Variables, Constants, Flow Control Statements: Loops, If and 05


Tuples, Optionals, Enumerations, Closures, Getters and Setters - A 04



Total 21

Single View Application Development, User Interface Design Controls

Outlets And Actions, , 05

Introduction to Storyboard, Adding Scenes, Segues, Transition, auto 03

Table Views,Delegates and Data

Collection View: Custom Cell, Collection View Style, Delegates and Data 09

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Map View : Designing and implementation of Map View using Apple


Navigation Based Applications: Root View Controller, Creating the

Navigation Controller, Controlling the Stack Navigation


9. Working with Data

Overview of Core Data, SQLite Integration, Retrieving and Modifying

Data, Sending HTTP GET and POST Requests, Parsing JSON, Parsing


Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

● Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the

use of multimedia projector and black board.

● Assignments based on course

and will be evaluated at regular interval.

● Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at

regular interval.

● Students will be guided to develop the real

concepts of application development.


Map View : Designing and implementation of Map View using Apple

Navigation Based Applications: Root View Controller, Creating the

Navigation Controller, Controlling the Stack Navigation

Overview of Core Data, SQLite Integration, Retrieving and Modifying

GET and POST Requests, Parsing JSON, Parsing

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the

use of multimedia projector and black board.

Assignments based on course contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic

and will be evaluated at regular interval.

Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at

Students will be guided to develop the real-world applications

concepts of application development.


Page 33

Map View : Designing and implementation of Map View using Apple

Navigation Based Applications: Root View Controller, Creating the

Navigation Controller, Controlling the Stack Navigation

Overview of Core Data, SQLite Integration, Retrieving and Modifying

GET and POST Requests, Parsing JSON, Parsing 04

Total 21

Lectures will be conducted on the basis of Classroom Response Systems with the

contents will be given at the end of each unit/topic

Experiments will be based on the practical curriculum and will be evaluated at

world applications with the advanced

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

Reference Books:

● Title: “iOS 10 Programming Fundamentals with Swift”

Author(s) : Matt Neuburg

● Title: " Swift for Beginner: Develop and Design” Author(s) :Boisy G. Pitre

● Title : Building iPhone and iPad Electronic Projects

Media Pub.

Title : Head First iPhone and iPad Development, 2nd Edition

Additional Resources










Title: “iOS 10 Programming Fundamentals with Swift”

Title: " Swift for Beginner: Develop and Design” Author(s) :Boisy G. Pitre

Title : Building iPhone and iPad Electronic Projects - MikeWesterfield

Title : Head First iPhone and iPad Development, 2nd Edition - Dan Pilone, Tracey Pilone



Page 34

Title: " Swift for Beginner: Develop and Design” Author(s) :Boisy G. Pitre

MikeWesterfield - O'Reilly

Dan Pilone, Tracey Pilone


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)


Course Code CPI001

Course Credit

Lecture :


Practical :

Total :

Sr. No


Thinking practices & methods of questioning

Introduction need and impact of the course on the future of students. Psychology of Problem Solving; Vertical versus Lateral Strategy of Questioning; Method of Questioning; Importance of asking the right questions.


Method of learning & visualization Learning and Its Importance; Sources of Learning; Methods of Learning. Purpose and Value of Education in Future; Creativity in Real Life. Strategy of Knowing How to See; Making your thoughts visible; Visualizing thinking; Mind Mapping; Fishbone Diagram.


Systematic thinking with novel combination

Strategy of Thinking Fluency; Generating all possibilities, more the better; Quantity without screening is helpful; SCAMPER Technique; Creative or divergent idea generating thinking versus Critical or thinking. Strategy of Fusing of Ideas; Making Novel combinations; Connecting the unconnected.


Innovation by collaboration

Strategy of Looking at the Other Side, looking in other world, finding what you are not looking for and following it up.Strategy of play, importance of play; relaxation; break; diversion; Unstructured activities for sheer joy. Stop thinking and do activities for JOY. Let subconscious




e :02

Tutorial : 00

al :00

tal :02

Detailed Syllabus:

Name of chapter & Details


Thinking practices & methods of questioning

Introduction need and impact of the course on the future of students. Psychology of Problem Solving; Vertical versus Lateral Thinking Strategy of Questioning; Method of Questioning; Importance of asking the right

Method of learning & visualization Learning and Its Importance; Sources of Learning; Methods of Learning. Purpose and Value of Education in Future; Creativity in Real Life. Strategy of Knowing How to See; Making your thoughts visible; Visualizing thinking; Mind Mapping; Fishbone Diagram. Systematic thinking with novel combination

Strategy of Thinking Fluency; Generating all possibilities, more the better; Quantity without screening is helpful; SCAMPER Technique; Creative or divergent idea generating thinking versus Critical or convergent idea selection

Strategy of Fusing of Ideas; Making Novel combinations; Connecting the


Innovation by collaboration

Strategy of Looking at the Other Side, looking in other world, finding what you not looking for and following it up.

Strategy of play, importance of play; relaxation; break; diversion; Unstructured activities for sheer joy. Stop thinking and do activities for JOY. Let subconscious


Page 35


Session Allotted

Introduction need and impact of the course on the future of students.

Strategy of Questioning; Method of Questioning; Importance of asking the right


Learning and Its Importance; Sources of Learning; Methods of Learning. Purpose

Strategy of Knowing How to See; Making your thoughts visible; Visualizing


Strategy of Thinking Fluency; Generating all possibilities, more the better; Quantity without screening is helpful; SCAMPER Technique; Creative or

convergent idea selection

Strategy of Fusing of Ideas; Making Novel combinations; Connecting the


Strategy of Looking at the Other Side, looking in other world, finding what you

Strategy of play, importance of play; relaxation; break; diversion; Unstructured activities for sheer joy. Stop thinking and do activities for JOY. Let subconscious


2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

figure it out. Sleep on it. Various puzzles as play orStrategy of Awakening the Collaborative Spirit. Collaborative thinking, Brainstorming, Brain Writing. Innovation requires collaboration to make it happen.


Cognitive research trust&problem Review strategies for creative per Fogler & Leblanc. Stanford d school approach shown as video. (DT)Strategy for critical thinking for Choosing. Creative or divergent thinking needs follow up by Critical thinking or Convergent thinking isolution for implementation. KepnerEdward De Bono CoRT thinking process including PMI (Plus, Minus and Interesting). Also Edward de Bono method of decision making called Six thinking hats.


Idea to innovation This is Edward de Bono day for the entire 2 hours with himself explaining and teaching his ideas having evolved many years ago consisting as CoRT thinking tool, Lateral thinking and the decision making by Six thinking hats method.Strategy for Making; From idea to innovation

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

1. Lecture on the theme with slide presentation

2. Videos for the presentation

3. Individual test on thinking or the theme for 5 minutes

4. Case Study on the theme as per Harvard

5. Group Activity & Test during the class for 20

6. Internet search based Many TED talks and other sources for videos, slide shares, problems,

etc have been identified and selection will be made from these collections in the fin

detailed syllabus for the course as per the above outline

Students Learning Outcomes:

After Successful completion of the above course, students will be able to:1.Improves the quality of problem solving and decision making in both faculties as well as

Students. 2.Entails effective communicative abilities and a commitment to overcome our native

egocentrism and sociocentrism. 3.Enhances language and presentation 4.It provides the tools for the process of self5.It helps one think creatively “outside the box.”6.Students who rigorously apply the skills will become more independent and self


Reference Books:

1. Zig Zag, The surprising path to greater creativity by R. Keith Sawyer. 2013. 2. Group Genius by Keith Sawyer, the creative power of Collaboration. 2007


figure it out. Sleep on it. Various puzzles as play or fun. Strategy of Awakening the Collaborative Spirit. Collaborative thinking, Brainstorming, Brain Writing. Innovation requires collaboration to make it

&problem-solving approach

Review strategies for creative problem-solving methods. Five Building Blocks as per Fogler & Leblanc. Stanford d school approach shown as video. (DT)Strategy for critical thinking for Choosing. Creative or divergent thinking needs follow up by Critical thinking or Convergent thinking in order to choose the solution for implementation. Kepner-Tregoe (K.T.) method with an example. Edward De Bono CoRT thinking process including PMI (Plus, Minus and Interesting). Also Edward de Bono method of decision making called Six thinking

This is Edward de Bono day for the entire 2 hours with himself explaining and teaching his ideas having evolved many years ago consisting as CoRT thinking tool, Lateral thinking and the decision making by Six thinking hats method.Strategy for Making; From idea to innovation

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

Lecture on the theme with slide presentation

Videos for the presentation

Individual test on thinking or the theme for 5 minutes

Case Study on the theme as per Harvard Business School Method

Group Activity & Test during the class for 20-30 minutes

Internet search based Many TED talks and other sources for videos, slide shares, problems,

etc have been identified and selection will be made from these collections in the fin

detailed syllabus for the course as per the above outline

After Successful completion of the above course, students will be able to: Improves the quality of problem solving and decision making in both faculties as well as

Entails effective communicative abilities and a commitment to overcome our native egocentrism and sociocentrism.

Enhances language and presentation skills It provides the tools for the process of self-evaluation It helps one think creatively “outside the box.” Students who rigorously apply the skills will become more independent and self

1. Zig Zag, The surprising path to greater creativity by R. Keith Sawyer. 2013. 2. Group Genius by Keith Sawyer, the creative power of Collaboration. 2007


Page 36

Strategy of Awakening the Collaborative Spirit. Collaborative thinking, Brainstorming, Brain Writing. Innovation requires collaboration to make it

solving methods. Five Building Blocks as per Fogler & Leblanc. Stanford d school approach shown as video. (DT) Strategy for critical thinking for Choosing. Creative or divergent thinking needs

n order to choose the Tregoe (K.T.) method with an example.

Edward De Bono CoRT thinking process including PMI (Plus, Minus and Interesting). Also Edward de Bono method of decision making called Six thinking


This is Edward de Bono day for the entire 2 hours with himself explaining and teaching his ideas having evolved many years ago consisting as CoRT thinking tool, Lateral thinking and the decision making by Six thinking hats method.


Internet search based Many TED talks and other sources for videos, slide shares, problems,

etc have been identified and selection will be made from these collections in the final

Improves the quality of problem solving and decision making in both faculties as well as

Entails effective communicative abilities and a commitment to overcome our native

Students who rigorously apply the skills will become more independent and self-directed

1. Zig Zag, The surprising path to greater creativity by R. Keith Sawyer. 2013. 2. Group Genius by Keith Sawyer, the creative power of Collaboration. 2007

2019-20 MCA 4TH SEM (2018-21 BATCH)

3. Crackling Creativity, The secrets of creative genius by Michael Michalko. 2001 4. Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko, second edition 2006 5. De Bono’s Thinking Course by Edward De Bono, Revised Edition 1994 6. Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono Revised and updated edition 1999 7. Lateral thinking, Creativity Step by Step by Edward De Bono. 1973 8. How to Mind Map by Tony Buzan. 2002 9. Mapping Inner Space by Nancy Margulies with Nusa Maal. Second edition.2002 10. The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun. Expanded and revised edition 2010 11. The art of Innovation by Tom Kelly with Jonathan Littman12. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom Kelly and David Kelly. 2013 13. A Whack on the side of the head by Roger von Oech. Revised edition 1998 14. A Kick in the seat of the pants by Roger von Oech.1986 15. They all laughed by Ira Flatow. 1992 16. Imagine, How creativity works by Jonah Lehrer. 2012 17. 101 Creative problem18. Creative approach to problem solving by Scott G Isaksen, K Brian Dorval, Donald J Treffinger. 2000 19. Creative problem solving An Introduction by Donald J. Treffinger, Scott G Isaksen and K. Brian Stead=Dorval. 4th edition, 2006 20. Strategies for creative problem solving by H. Scott Fogler & Steven E. LeBlanc. Second edition 2008 21. Game storming by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanufo.2010 22. Creating minds by Howard Gardner. 1993 23. Creativity –Flow and Psychology of Discovery and InvenCsikzentmihalyi.1996 24. Aha! Insight by Martin Gardner. 1978 25. The Ultimate Lateral & Critical Thinking Puzzle book by Paul Sloane, Des MacHale & M. A. DiSpezio. 2002 26. Test your Lateral Thinking IQ by Paul Sloane. 1994 27. Intriguing Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Paul Sloane & Des MacHale.1996.


3. Crackling Creativity, The secrets of creative genius by Michael Michalko. 2001 Michael Michalko, second edition 2006

5. De Bono’s Thinking Course by Edward De Bono, Revised Edition 1994 6. Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono Revised and updated edition 1999 7. Lateral thinking, Creativity Step by Step by Edward De Bono. 1973

How to Mind Map by Tony Buzan. 2002 9. Mapping Inner Space by Nancy Margulies with Nusa Maal. Second edition.2002 10. The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun. Expanded and revised edition 2010 11. The art of Innovation by Tom Kelly with Jonathan Littman. 2001 12. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom Kelly and

13. A Whack on the side of the head by Roger von Oech. Revised edition 1998 14. A Kick in the seat of the pants by Roger von Oech.1986

They all laughed by Ira Flatow. 1992 16. Imagine, How creativity works by Jonah Lehrer. 2012 17. 101 Creative problem-solving techniques by James m Higgins.1994 18. Creative approach to problem solving by Scott G Isaksen, K Brian Dorval, Donald J

19. Creative problem solving An Introduction by Donald J. Treffinger, Scott G Isaksen and K. Brian Stead=Dorval. 4th edition, 2006

reative problem solving by H. Scott Fogler & Steven E. LeBlanc. Second

21. Game storming by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanufo.2010 22. Creating minds by Howard Gardner. 1993

Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention by Mihaly

24. Aha! Insight by Martin Gardner. 1978 25. The Ultimate Lateral & Critical Thinking Puzzle book by Paul Sloane, Des MacHale & M.

26. Test your Lateral Thinking IQ by Paul Sloane. 1994 ng Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Paul Sloane & Des MacHale.1996.


Page 37

3. Crackling Creativity, The secrets of creative genius by Michael Michalko. 2001

5. De Bono’s Thinking Course by Edward De Bono, Revised Edition 1994 6. Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono Revised and updated edition 1999

9. Mapping Inner Space by Nancy Margulies with Nusa Maal. Second edition.2002 10. The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun. Expanded and revised edition 2010

12. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom Kelly and

13. A Whack on the side of the head by Roger von Oech. Revised edition 1998

solving techniques by James m Higgins.1994 18. Creative approach to problem solving by Scott G Isaksen, K Brian Dorval, Donald J

19. Creative problem solving An Introduction by Donald J. Treffinger, Scott G Isaksen and K.

reative problem solving by H. Scott Fogler & Steven E. LeBlanc. Second

21. Game storming by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanufo.2010

tion by Mihaly

25. The Ultimate Lateral & Critical Thinking Puzzle book by Paul Sloane, Des MacHale & M.

ng Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Paul Sloane & Des MacHale.1996.