Synod 2015 - Saturday

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way!

Morning Prayer begins at 8:30 am134th DIOCESAN SYNOD

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Synod Keynote AddressThe Rev. Canon Dr. Isaac Kabuki Mukasa ACC/TEC Africa Relations Coordinator and Officer

Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way

Custodians of the Faith in Secular Society

Session Three: Kairos and Glimmers of Hope

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

Jane Maxwell Chair, PWRDF


Engaging with the World - Ottawa Synod 2015 -

Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund

“PWRDF is one of the best good news stories of the Anglican Church of Canada.”

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate

Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund

Thank you for helping PWRDF to createa truly just, healthy and peaceful world.

What is PWRDF?

Our Canadian Anglican response to emergency relief, refugees, long term development and social justice.

An investment in life, how we, as Anglicans, engage with the world outside our borders.

REFUGEES: Syrian & Middle East Crisis

PWRDF Ride for Refuge Team 2015

Food, water, shelter, psycho-social support to over 300,000 refugees in

Greece, Serbia and Hungary.

Farmer Alima Alvide on her farm in Nampula, Mozambique

Diocese of Masasi – TanzaniaFarmer Joyce Mtauka on her farm

Food Security in Canada’s North

Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Program: Child Health Monitoring in Mozambique

Canadian Anglicans have donated 140 bicycle ambulances to communities in Mozambique, Burundi and Bangladesh

PWRDF helping to preserve language and

culture of Canada’s First Nations

Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way!

Covenant Chain Link VI“Walking together – The Reconciliation Journey”

Building bridges of understanding between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal peoples through respectful relationships.

Ottawa, October 16-17th, 2015

PWRDF & TRC Calls to Action

PWRDF Challenges you to:

❖ Identify your PWRDF parish rep. and find a way to support them.

❖ Learn more about a PWRDF program – refugees, food security, maternal and child health – in a parish or diocesan workshop

❖ Commit your parish to learning more about Canadian Aboriginal History – Identify an “Act of Reconciliation” with our Indigenous neighbours.


❖Website: ❖Diocese of Ottawa PWRDF website "Enough for All” ❖Email:

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Outreach Committee The Reverend Doug Richards Incumbent, Holy Trinity Hawkesbury

Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way!

Outreach Committee Report to Synod October 2015

Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way!

What is the Outreach Committee?

Informal Survey Results

What is the Outreach Committee?

❖ ‘I know very little I am ashamed to say, I only think of the PWRDF ‘

❖ ‘Both of us don’t recall hearing anything about it’

❖ ‘involved in supporting the dioceses’s social services - Like Centre 454, St Luke’s Table’

Informal Survey Results (2)

❖ ‘I am not totally sure I have even heard or read the name of the Outreach Committee, although it “sort of rings a bell”.’ 

❖ ‘Not sure of all the topics it covers but I believe it includes:  refugees, PWRDF, greening, aboriginal, trafficking, child poverty’.

Creation Matters

Providing information and programmes concerning care of God’s creation in response to the fifth mark of mission.

Hospital Ministry

Accompanying those who find themselves in a health care environment and feel vulnerable and alone.

Peacemaking Centre

To follow the path of the nonviolent Jesus and to promote peace and justice through education and training.

PWRDF Working Group

To provide programmes and information in the Diocese of Ottawa about the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

Refugee Working Group

A resource to parishes engaged in the refugee ministry and as an advocate for refugees in Canada and abroad.

Temple Pastures

To provide hospitality to all who come to Temple Pastures as a sign of the Church’s ministry to those seeking for renewal and a place of retreat.

Child Poverty Working Group

To develop and maintain programming relating to the alleviation of child poverty.

All My Relations

Responding to the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and sharing in the work of reconciliation and healing

Outreach Committee

‘Table Talk’ Questions

1. How can we best inform you about the work of the Outreach Committee ?

2. What can the Outreach Committee do to make you want to be part of its ministries?

The Outreach Committee

“Thank you!” from

Financial DevelopmentCanon Monica Patten Chair, Financial Development Panel The Reverend Mark Whittall Incumbent, Saint Alban's

Financial Development

Toward an annual appeal for. . .

❖ Parish Ministries

❖ Diocesan Ministries

❖ Community Ministries

Round Table Discussions

1. How do you imagine your parish’s involvement in the annual appeal?

2. What diocesan ministries would you like to see supported by the annual appeal?

3. What advice can you give us concerning an annual appeal?

4. What would you name this annual appeal?

Motion #17

It is moved by the Rev. Rick Durrett and seconded by Kim Chadsey

that Synod endorse the Bishop’s vision for the establishment of an annual appeal and authorize Diocesan Council, in consultation with the Bishop’s Financial Development Advisory Panel, to consider the strategic direction and budgetary implications of the annual appeal in the 2017-2019 budget.

Motion #3

It is moved by the Rev. Brian Kauk and seconded by Michael Perkin

that Synod approve for immediate implementation the Buildings and Parish Ministry Task Force Action Plan.

Motion #4

It is moved by the Rev. Kerri Brennan and seconded by the Rev. Canon Pat Johnston

that Synod approve the Engaging the World Task Force Action Plan, subject to Diocesan Council identifying funding for those recommendations that may require funds.

Motion #5

It is moved by the Rev. Beth Bretzlaff and seconded by Lynn Burritt

that Synod approve the Parish Ministry Committee Charter for a Parish Ministry Institute, subject to Diocesan Council identifying funding for program costs.

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Community Ministry Committee

The Reverend Brian Kauk Incumbent, Saint Mark’s Chair, Community Ministry Committee

Committee Members

❖ Margaret Bloodworth

❖ The Rev. Brian Kauk, Chair

❖ Audrey Lawrence

❖ The Rev. Hilary Murray

❖ The Rev. Kathryn Otley

❖ Monica Patten

❖ Heather Thomson

❖ Rebecca Volk

❖ The Rev. Mark Whittall


❖Jennifer Crawford, Executive Director of Centre 454

❖Heidi Danson, Minute Taker

❖Sue Garvey, Executive Director of Cornerstone

❖The Ven. Dr. Peter John Hobbs, Director of Mission

❖Shea Kiely, Executive Director of St Luke’s Table

❖Rachel Robinson, Acting Director of the Well

❖Sharon York, Executive Director of the Ottawa Pastoral Counselling Centre


Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way!

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task ForceSue Garvey, Task Force Chair

Synod Resolution #5: November 6-8, 2014

Last year we agreed to:

❖Endorse 2013 Joint Assembly resolution on homelessness and affordable housing

❖Implement a co-ordinated action plan

❖Encourage innovative approaches in prayer, learning, advocacy and action

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

Ven. Rob Davis, Holy Trinity, Pembroke Jim Davison, Buildings in the Shape of Parish Ministry

Sue Garvey, Cornerstone Housing for Women

Ven. Dr. Peter John Hobbs, Director of Mission

Rev. Laurette Glasgow, Special Advisor for Government Relations

Larry Langlois, Day Programs and Aboriginal voice

Rev. Kathryn Otley, Anglican Provincial Council

Gay Richardson, Multi-Faith Housing

Mollie Stokes, St. Matthew’s, Ottawa

Rev. Brian Kauk, Community Ministries Committee

Members ❖Ven. Rob Davis, Holy Trinity, Pembroke ❖Jim Davison, Real Estate Advisory Panel ❖Sue Garvey, Cornerstone Housing for Women ❖Ven. Dr. Peter John Hobbs, Director of Mission ❖Rev. Laurette Glasgow, Special Advisor for Government Relations ❖Larry Langlois, Day Programs and Aboriginal voice ❖Rev. Kathryn Otley, Ontario Provincial Council ❖Gay Richardson, Multifaith Housing Initiative ❖Mollie Stokes, St. Matthew’s, Ottawa ❖Rev. Brian Kauk, Community Ministries Committee

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

Three Pillars

1. Leadership

2. Capacity

3. Engagement

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

5 Year Targets

1. 125 new units of affordable housing

2. Every parish engaged

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Picture of Aboriginal housing

Find out about your First Nations neighbours

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Transformation of a church property

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Centre 454

Centre 454

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


The Well

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


St. Luke’s Table

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Ottawa Pastoral Counselling Centre

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force



Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

Picture of new Multi-faith housing project


Multifaith Housing Initiative

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force


Transform a Rectory

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

Next Steps

❖Recommendations of Task Force by November 2015: Working Group Established

Homelessness and Affordable Housing Task Force

Why Get on Board?

❖Priority for our National Church and our Diocese ❖Aligned with Embracing God’s Future ❖Powerful witness of God’s love ❖Transform your parish and your community

❖We can make a difference!

Choose Hope!

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Government RelationsThe Reverend Laurette Glasgow Special Advisor for Government Relations

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Cathedral Hill Development

David Morgan Chair, Cathedral Hill Foundation

Collect for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

“…increase in us your gift of faith, that forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to what is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy...”

Embracing God’s Future - We’re on the Way!

Cathedral Hill Foundation David Morgan, Chair Pro Tem

Cathedral Hill Foundation

What Lies Behind:

❖A Cathedral Properties Commission “mobilized” by Bishop Coffin – January 2006;

❖Agreement between the Cathedral & Diocese to contribute (almost exactly equal) land holdings and to share jointly (50%-50%) in any future costs and revenues;

❖Agreement in Principle signed with Windmill Developments, based on their “triple bottom line” philosophy of development designed to optimize environmental and social impacts, and economic returns – November 2009;

❖Cathedral Hill Foundation received Letters Patent to operate as a Federally incorporated not-for-profit corporation with CRA certification as a registered charity – April 2010;

❖Phase I, a 21-storey Residential Condominium tower, 10 Townhouses, a new Great Hall for the Cathedral, incorporating new Archival space, a modern Kitchen and 25 Underground Parking Spaces is finally in the process of being delivered – Late 2015.

Cathedral Hill Foundation

What is before:

❖Next Spring we look forward to the recently re-planted Garth returning to its former glory with the blooming of the new bulbs and perennials, which are already in the ground;

❖We can now look forward with confidence to the receipt of the single, lump-sum land-lease payment for Phase I, early in 2016;

❖The Cathedral Forecourt (from the West doors to Sparks Street) will receive a facelift, giving it an entirely new, inviting look;

❖Phase II, which remains in “selling mode”, is, in Windmill’s words, “gaining traction”, looking to a hoped-for commencement of construction in Spring 2016 of a 12-14 story Commercial Condominium, in which the CHF will hold a minimum of 75 underground parking spaces, promising to yield a minimum $200K/annum, before market rate escalation.

Personal Note


Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Debate of Motions The Right Reverend John H. Chapman Bishop of Ottawa

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Closing Motions The Right Reverend John H. Chapman Bishop of Ottawa

Motion - Appointment of Auditors

It is moved by John McBride and seconded by Warren Trickey

that Synod appoint the firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP as auditors for the 2015 financial statements of The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa.

Motion - Adoption of Minutes

It is moved by the Lay Secretary and seconded by the Rev. Jonathan Askwith

that Synod accept the minutes of the 134th session of Synod, as adopted by the Committee to Review the Minutes, and approve them for publication in the Synod Journal.

Motion of Thanks

It is moved by the Lay Secretary and seconded by the Ven. Peter Crosby

Motion read by the Lay Secretary

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Announcements to Synod The Right Reverend John H. Chapman Bishop of Ottawa

Embracing God's Future - We're on the Way!

Episcopal Blessing The Right Reverend John H. Chapman Bishop of Ottawa

“Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.”

Motion #7

It is moved by the Ven. David Selzer and seconded by Peter Martin

that Synod receive the amendments to Regulation 3.38(11) concerning the Benefits Subcommittee as approved by Diocesan Council and found on page 17 of the Synod circular.

Motion #8

It is moved by Peter Martin and seconded by the Rev. Arran Thorpe

that Synod receive the addition of Regulation 5.01(2)(b)(ix) concerning vendor take-back mortgages as approved by Diocesan Council and found on page 18 of the Synod circular.

Motion #9

It is moved by the Rev. Rhondda MacKay and seconded by the Rev. Jonathan Askwith

that Synod endorse the Response of the Churches to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the ongoing work of General Synod, including the Primate’s Commission on Discovery, Reconciliation and Justice.

Motion #10

It is moved by Audrey Lawrence and seconded by Ashley Russell

that Synod direct Diocesan Council to further the work of reconciliation and healing in partnership with Indigenous peoples through building and maintaining of respectful relationships, diocesan education, and action.

Motion #13

It is moved by Patricia Bays and seconded by the Rev. Canon Pat Johnston

that Synod direct Diocesan Council to provide education on climate change and fossil fuel divestment at the personal, parish and diocesan levels.

Motion #14

It is moved by Paul Merriam and seconded by Elizabeth Harris

that Synod direct Diocesan Council to chart a course for complete decarbonization of all the buildings of the Diocese, that will involve measurable benchmarks and a defined set of actions.

Motion #15

It is moved by Jane Maxwell and seconded by the Rev. Patrick Stephens

that Synod endorse the Call to Prayer and Action on Syrian refugees issued on September 3, 2015 by the Primate, Archbishop Fred J. Hiltz, and Ms. Adele Finney (Executive Director of PWRDF), including financially supporting the work of PWRDF and its partners in the region.

Motion #16

It is moved by the Rev. Patrick Stephens and seconded by Jane Maxwell

that Synod direct Diocesan Council to 1) develop processes to permit ad hoc community groups to undertake fully funded private sponsorships of refugees through the Diocese in its capacity as a Sponsorship Agreement Holder, 2) develop processes to permit Canadian friends and relatives of refugees overseas to partner with the Diocese, and 3) pursue extra-budgetary funding to cover the cost of operations.

Motion #17

It is moved by the Rev. Rick Durrett and seconded by Kim Chadsey

that Synod endorse the Bishop’s vision for the establishment of an annual appeal and authorize Diocesan Council, in consultation with the Bishop’s Financial Development Advisory Panel, to consider the strategic direction and budgetary implications of the annual appeal in the 2017-2019 budget.