Synthesis of functional nanocrystallites through reactive thermal

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Synthesis of functional nanocrystallites throughreactive thermal plasma processingTo cite this article: Takamasa Ishigaki and Ji-Guang Li 2007 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 8 617


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Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623


Synthesis of functional nanocrystallites through reactivethermal plasma processing

Takamasa Ishigaki�, Ji-Guang Li

Plasma Processing Group, Nano Ceramics Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan

Received 18 July 2007; received in revised form 7 September 2007; accepted 10 September 2007

Available online 5 November 2007


A method of synthesizing functional nanostructured powders through reactive thermal plasma processing has been developed. The

synthesis of nanosized titanium oxide powders was performed by the oxidation of solid and liquid precursors. Quench gases, either

injected from the shoulder of the reactor or injected counter to the plasma plume from the bottom of the reactor, were used to vary the

quench rate, and therefore the particle size, of the resultant powders. The experimental results are well supported by numerical analysis

on the effects of the quench gas on the flow pattern and temperature field of the thermal plasma as well as on the trajectory and

temperature history of the particles. The plasma-synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles showed phase preferences different from those

synthesized by conventional wet-chemical processes. Nanosized particles of high crystallinity and nonequilibrium chemical composition

were formed in one step via reactive thermal plasma processing.

r 2007 NIMS and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nanosized particles; Thermal plasma processing; Nonequilibrium chemical composition; Particle size control; Phase formation; Reactor design


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617

2. Synthesis of ceramic nanoparticles in reactive thermal plasmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618

3. Size control of nanoparticles in thermal plasma processsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619

4. Synthesis of titanium oxide nanoparticles: phase selection and formation of nonequilibrium chemical composition . . . . . . 620

5. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623

1. Introduction

Nanoparticles offer one possibility for the breakthroughneeded to advance the conversion of substances into usefulmaterials [1]. When considering the utilization of nano-particles, their advantages may be described from twoviewpoints. One is the so-called ‘‘nanosize effect’’ expected

e front matter r 2007 NIMS and Elsevier Ltd. All rights rese


ing author. Tel.: +8129 860 4659; fax: +81 29 860 4701.

ess: (T. Ishigaki).

in physical properties such as luminescence or chemicalproperties such as catalytic activity. The other is theresource effect, which reduces the volume of materialsrequired for functionalization. In both cases, the funda-mental aim of nanoparticle production is to homoge-neously produce highly functional substances in largevolumes, and, if this could be achieved, the realization ofnanoparticle technologies would be possible.The present situation, however, is that the properties

of nanoparticles have not yet been fully applied. To apply



Fig. 1. Spherical TiC particles prepared by in-flight melting and

spheroidization in RF thermal plasma.

T. Ishigaki, J.-G. Li / Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623618

the properties of nanoparticles effectively, it will beimportant to control the crystallinity and surface proper-ties as well as the homogeneity of crystallite size andchemical composition.

Powder synthesis should be used to precisely control theparticle size, morphology and chemical composition.A monodispersed powder is defined as a powder with astandard deviation of particle size of below 10%.Conventionally synthesized nanopowders, however, gen-erally do not satisfy this requirement. The morphology andchemical composition of particles are closely related toparticles assembling and their functionalization. Thecontrol of surface properties is essential for the applicationof nanoparticles in functional ordered arrays and dispersedstructures.

The nanoparticle synthesis of ceramic materials hasconventionally been achieved by solution processes. Takingthe example of luminescence properties, major factors thathave hindered the functionalization of solution-synthesizedoxide nanoparticles have included low crystallinity,quenching by surface hydroxyl groups and incompletecomposition control (doping concentration, surface segre-gation). Moreover, the existence of surface hydroxyls isknown to have a big impact on the dispersion ofnanoparticles in a solvent.

The Plasma Processing Group of the Nano CeramicsCenter, NIMS, has addressed itself to the synthesis ofnanocrystalline powders by effectively utilizing thermalplasma with high temperatures exceeding 10,000K. In thisreview paper, the authors will first describe thermal plasmaprocessing and its characteristics, and then give itsadvantages in nanoparticle synthesis. Then, our researchachievements based on our aim of finding a scenario ofutilizing the highly functional nanoparticles synthesizedusing plasma will be presented.

2. Synthesis of ceramic nanoparticles in reactive thermal


Thermal plasmas possess many advantages and provideunique reaction fields for material processing. The im-proved controllability of the reaction fields, in whichchemical reactions produce materials, should lead to thesynthesis of unique materials with respect to morphology,crystal structure and chemical composition [2–8]. Arcdischarge, which is often called as a thermal plasma, hasproven to be a useful tool in the synthesis and surfacemodification of a wide range of metals and inorganicmaterials. Its advantages as a reaction field are as follows.(1) Thermal plasmas have high temperatures (up too15,000K). Because the plasmas are generated at rela-tively high pressures (close to atmospheric pressure), theyhave high densities and are considered to be at equilibrium(local thermal equilibrium). That is, the temperatures ofheavy particles (such as atoms, molecules and ions) arealmost equal to those of light species (electrons); (2) highconcentrations of chemically reactive radicals enhance the

reactivity of thermal plasmas; (3) superfast quenching (o105



K/s) takes place in the plasma tail flame region.Thermal plasmas are mainly generated in DC arc torches

and RF induction torches. DC arc discharges with a highenergy density have been widely used for various industrialapplications, such as plasma spraying and plasma metal-lurgy [2], as well as for powder synthesis [9]. Comparedwith DC arc discharge, RF induction plasma has a numberof advantages. The plasma is inductively heated by an RFelectrical power over 10 kW and a frequency of MHz order.The diameter of the plasma is 30–40mm; thus, the plasmavolume is relatively large. The axial plasma velocity is aslow as 10–30m/s and the residence time in the high-temperature plasma flame is as long as 10–20ms, which issufficiently long for chemical reactions to proceed. Thegeneration of RF induction plasma does not use electrodes,and any type of gas can be used to generate the plasma,regardless of its oxidative, reductive or reactive properties.The above-mentioned characteristics of thermal plasmaprovide unique reaction fields for material processing.A representative industrial use of thermal plasma

processing is the spheroidization of materials with highmelting temperatures and large particle sizes (such as50–100 mm) (Fig. 1) [10]. For example, 30 kg of refractorytungsten metal particles can be treated per hour, whichcorresponds to 1 ton per week [11]. Because thermal plasmaprocessing has its inherent characteristics, that is, proces-sing at an industrially acceptable production rate, theresults of ongoing studies on the nanostructure control ofmaterials using thermal plasma technology are expected tobe realized soon for practical use.Nanosized particles are formed by a process of rapid

quenching and condensation after precursors are added tothe thermal plasma and are instantaneously evaporated.The rapid temperature decrease in the tail flame gives riseto supersaturation in the vapor phase, and then nucleation

ARTICLE IN PRESST. Ishigaki, J.-G. Li / Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623 619

takes place. In the same way, rapid cooling suppressesgrain growth, and therefore nanoparticles below 100 nm insize can be produced without difficulty. Advanced tech-nologies should be pursued to control the plasma reactionfields to yield (a) high production rates, (b) a reductionof particle size and a narrowing of size distribution and(c) high crystallinity and phase control. Practical applica-tions of nanosized particles will be possible once suchtechnologies have been developed.

Nanoparticle production utilizing the advantages ofthermal plasmas, i.e., a high-temperature heat source withan extremely large enthalpy, started with the use of solid-state precursors. Relatively coarse particles were intro-duced into thermal plasmas to synthesize nanosizedparticles through evaporation and subsequent coagulation.In this production method, problems arise from theresidual coarse particles. When precursor powders areinjected into a thermal plasma in which temperature andflow distributions exist both radially and axially, some ofthe precursor particles are not evaporated completely. Thenonevaporated part, although small, necessitates an addi-tional postseparation process [12,13].

To solve this problem and to produce uniform nanosizedparticles, liquid precursors have been used [14]. When amist with a droplet size in the order of 10 mm is fed into aplasma having a high temperature exceeding 10,000K, themist vaporizes instantaneously, enabling the mass produc-tion of nanoparticles. Oxides with the prescribed cationratio of the liquid precursor itself can be synthesized by thistechnique, and it is also possible to control the chemicalcomposition, which is linked to the appearance offunctions. A nonequilibrium composition and nonequili-brium structure have been observed in nanoparticlesas a result of rapid cooling at the plasma tail flame, whichare extremely interesting phenomena from a scientificviewpoint.



quench gas supply





Fig. 2. Experimental setups for transverse swirl-flow inject

3. Size control of nanoparticles in thermal plasma


The effects of processing parameters are investigated inthe synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles via Ar/O2 RF thermalplasma oxidation of liquid precursor mists.The nanoscale size control of particles is crucial to the

control of their functions, in view of the quantum-size effectson catalytic, electric, magnetic and optical properties. Also,narrowing the size distribution should contribute to theextension of the application area. The easiest and mosteffective method of fabricating uniform nanosized particlesis to allow chemical reactions to proceed under diluteconditions. In contrast, practical process control should beperformed under high precursor loading conditions.Nucleation from the gas phase and the subsequent grain

growth take place in the plasma tail. Therefore, the sizeshould be controlled by modifying the temperature and flowdistribution in the downstream of the plasma. We havedemonstrated the particle-size-controlled synthesis of well-dispersed TiO2 nanopowders via Ar/O2 thermal plasmaoxidation of a liquid precursor mist, during which wemanipulated the cooling rate by injecting quench gases(Ar, He) [15]. In this case, the TiO2 nanoparticles weresynthesized via Ar/O2 thermal plasma oxidation of atomizedliquid precursors containing titanium tetrabutoxide (TTBO,as the titanium source) and diethanolamine (a chelatepreventing the hydrolysis of TTBO). RF power of 25kWat a frequency of 2MHz was introduced to generate theplasma at a pressure of 53.3 kPa. The precursor wasatomized into a mist at the tip of the atomization probeby Ar carrier gas flowing through the probe.Quench gas was injected in two different ways: transverse

injection (Fig. 2(a)) and counterinjection (Fig. 2(b)). Fig. 3shows a comparison of the morphologies of the TiO2

powders synthesized with and without the injection of Ar




ion (a) and counterflow injection (b) of quench gases.


200 nm

200 nm

200 nm




Fig. 3. SEM images showing morphologies of the TiO2 powders

synthesized (a) without the use of quench gas, (b) with a transverse

swirl-flow injection of 100 l/min of Ar and (c) with a counterflow injection

of 100 l/min of Ar.

T. Ishigaki, J.-G. Li / Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623620

quench gas. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that thesynthesized powders consisted of rutile and anatase phasesof TiO2. The majority of particles assume spherical shapes,

with sizes ranging from 5–10 to about 200nm. The plasma-generated particles show weak agglomeration, which is insharp contrast to those synthesized via most wet-chemicaltechniques.The overall morphology of the powder does not alter

significantly upon injecting 100 l/min of Ar in thetransverse mode (Fig. 3(b)), but the powder becomesappreciably finer by injecting the same amount of Ar in thecounterflow mode (Fig. 3(c)), revealing the significance ofthe quenching method in determining powder properties.The size distributions of the powders were evaluated by theanalysis of SEM images. It was found that the powderssynthesized without quench gas and with an Ar transverseflow have similar d50 values of �55 and 53 nm, respectively,while that synthesized with an Ar counterflow has aconsiderably smaller d50 of �35 nm. In addition, the sizedistribution of the powder becomes substantially narrowerupon applying the counterflow Ar quench gas. Thestandard deviation, s, for the powder synthesized withoutquench gas was evaluated to be 22 nm. The Ar transverseflow resulted in an increase in s to 30 nm, while the Arcounterflow decreased the value of s to 12 nm.Modeling was performed to obtain a better under-

standing of the effects of quench gases and to optimize theprocess parameters and reactor design [15]. The plasmaflow and temperature fields were simulated using a two-dimensional turbulence fluid model. Since the particles aresynthesized from the vapor phase of the precursors, theirtrajectories should follow the streamlines of the fluid due totheir small masses. As a simplified approach, we traced themotion of a test particle with negligible mass and infinitemelting point in the plasma flow. Fig. 4 shows thecalculated streamlines and temperature fields in the reactor.The dots in Fig. 4 indicate the predicted trajectories of atest particle released at the tip of the central probe.Comparing Figs. 4(a) and (b), we find that the transverseinjection of Ar does not significantly alter the temperaturefields of the plasma and the trajectories of the test particle.When Ar is injected counter to the plasma plume, on theother hand, the temperature field and also the trajectoriesof the particle are profoundly affected (Fig. 4(c)). Thegreatly decreased size of the plasma plume results in ashorter duration of the particle in the high-temperaturezone, and hence favors the formation of finer particles. Theabove results of numerical analysis agree well with theexperimental data given in Fig. 3.

4. Synthesis of titanium oxide nanoparticles: phase selection

and formation of nonequilibrium chemical composition

TiO2, which has often been used as a white pigment,exhibits interesting properties, such as high transparency inthe visible wavelength region, a high refractive index, andremarkable chemical and thermal stability, allowing its newapplication in photocatalysis, solar cells, semiconductinggas sensors and biosensors, and as building blocks forphotonic crystals. For its use as a photocatalyst, doping







1000−100 −50 0 50 100

r (mm)

z (m







1000−100 −50 0 50 100

r (mm)

z (m







1000−100 −50 0 50 100

r (mm)

z (m



T (103 K)01234567891011

T (103 K)01234567891011

T (103 K)

Fig. 4. Streamlines and temperature distribution for (a) no quench gas, (b) transverse swirl-flow injection of Ar at 100 slpm and (c) counterflow injection

of Ar at 100 slpm.

T. Ishigaki, J.-G. Li / Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623 621

TiO2 with nitrogen and transition-metal ions has beenshown to be an effective method of enhancing thephotocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation, whichextends its application to indoor use. Recently, transition-metal-doped TiO2 has been extensively studied for itspotential application as a ferromagnetic semiconductor,since room-temperature ferromagnetic properties havebeen reported in Co-doped TiO2 thin films [16].

In high-temperature thermal plasma, highly crystallinenanosized particles modified by doping are formed by one-step processing, without further heat treatment. Thepresent authors have reported the synthesis of TiO2

particles through the plasma oxidation of TiC [12,13] andTiN [17] powder precursors. In the powder oxidationmethod, a high degree of supersaturation is attained in thevapor phase compared with vapor-phase precursor proces-sing. Then, TiO2 particles of micron–submicron–nanosizewere formed depending on the degree of supersaturation inthe vapor phase [12,13,18]. TiO2 is known to have twocommon polymorphs: anatase and rutile. Interestingly,thermodynamically metastable anatase predominated theundoped TiO2 nanopowders, which can be explained froma kinetic point of view based on classical homogeneousnucleation theory [18,19], while decreasing the oxygenpartial pressure in the vapor phase produced pure rutilenanoparticles [20].

Also, liquid mixtures in which some metal elements existas ions in aqueous solutions or as constituent atoms ofmetallorganic compounds have been used as precursors.The use of liquid precursors enables uniform nanoparticlesto be formed and has the advantage of a high productionrate. Precise control of the chemical composition alsoallows the formation of particles with nonequilibriumdoping, in which the doping quantity is greater than thesolubility limit under an equilibrium condition.

TiO2 nanoparticles have been synthesized via Ar/O2

thermal plasma oxidation of atomized liquid precursors. Inthe case of iron doping, mixtures of TTBO and ferrocenedissolved in ethanol were used as precursors [19]. Theliquid precursor used for Eu doping was made by thefollowing procedure [20]. Diethanolamine was added toTTBO to stabilize it against hydrolysis. Separately,europium nitrate and citric acid were dissolved in water,and the pH of the solution was adjusted to 9.0 usingammonia solution. Mixing the above two solutions yieldeda stable clear solution that could be used as a liquidprecursor. Also, the stabilization of alkoxides against waterenables the use of a simple procedure for the fabrication ofTiO2 nanoparticles in ambient air [21], while a water-sensitive alkoxide requires handling in a glove box filledwith Ar gas [22].In iron-doped TiO2 nanoparticles, no phases apart from

anatase and rutile TiO2 were identified for a wide range ofiron-to-titanium atomic ratios (RFe/Ti) ranging from 0 to0.2, although the solubility of iron in TiO2 was reported tobe approximately 5 at% in conventional wet-chemicalprocesses. Upon iron doping, the formation of rutile wasstrongly promoted, because rutile is more tolerant thananatase to defects such as oxygen vacancies resulting fromthe substitution of Fe3+ for Ti4+ in TiO2. The concentra-tion of oxygen vacancies reached its maximum atRFe/Ti ¼ 2%, above which the excess oxygen vacanciestended to concentrate. As a result of this clustering, anextended defect-like crystallographic shear structure devel-oped (Fig. 5) [19]. The highly iron-doped TiO2 nanocrystalsshowed paramagnetic properties. Fe3+ substitutes for Ti4+

and is uniformly distributed in the TiO2 lattice [23].Photocatalytic activity appeared under both UV andvisible-light irradiation, and the activity depended on theiron dopant concentration [24].


3.24 Å


2 nm

2 nm

Fig. 5. HRTEM images of highly iron-doped nanopowder with RFe/

Ti ¼ 0.2. The d spacing of 0.324 nm corresponds to rutile {1 1 0} planes.

500 550 600 650 700 750




ty (



Wavelength (nm)



0.5at% Eu3+




Fj transitions

5at% Eu3+

Fig. 6. Emission spectra of Eu3+-doped TiO2 nanopowders compared

with those of Eu2O3 and Eu2Ti2O7.

T. Ishigaki, J.-G. Li / Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623622

The amount of Eu3+ that can be doped into the TiO2

lattice was limited to 0.5 at%, above which Eu2Ti2O7

pyrochlore was formed. Such a phenomenon is conceivablefrom the large size discrepancy between Ti


(0.0605 nm for6-fold coordination) and Eu


(0.0947 nm for 6-foldcoordination) ions. Fig. 6 shows typical emission spectraof TiO2:Eu


nanoparticles as well as those of pure Eu2O3

and Eu2Ti2O7 under 325 nm He–Cd laser excitation [25].The



F2 transition gives a bright red color. The Eu3+

-doped samples exhibited clearly different emissions fromthose of Eu2O3 and Eu2Ti2O7 in terms of peak positionsand peak shapes, implying different local environments.Efficient nonradiative energy transfer from the TiO2 hostto Eu


ions, which has seldom been reported innanoparticles or thin films of the same system derived bywet-chemical processes, was confirmed by combinedstudies of excitation, UV–vis absorption, and photolumi-nescence spectroscopy.

5. Summary

When aiming at the application of highly functionalnanoparticles, it is considered necessary to structurenanoparticles in the form of (1) dispersoids, (2) fillers and(3) patterns. For example, in the case of red, green and bluefluorescent particles used in plasma displays, fluorescentparticles of several micrometers in diameter produced via asolid-phase method by comminution are currently used.However, when using even smaller fluorescent nanoparti-cles of several tens of nanometers with excellent dispersion,the resolution markedly improves and light scatteringdecreases, and as a result, high energy efficiency can beexpected. Similarly, the absorption properties of GHz andelectromagnetic wave absorbers used in mobile devices aresignificantly improved with the use of magnetic nanopar-ticles completely dispersed in plastic matrices.Consequently, whether using the liquid phase or the

vapor method for synthesis, the most important tasks atpresent are to improve the crystallinity of the nanoparti-cles, create additional functions through compositioncontrol, prevent aggregation through surface propertycontrol and prepare complete dispersoids. In situ disper-sion is expected to become a key word, regardless of thesynthesis method used.In thermal plasma processing, nanoparticles are formed

through coagulation from the vapor phase. The thermalplasma method, although similar to the spray pyrolysismethod and the flame spray method, can produce highlycrystalline nanoparticles with little surface residue, sincethe synthesis temperature is far higher. Because highcrystallinity is related to functionalization and the surfacecontrol is indispensable to dispersion, thermal plasma

ARTICLE IN PRESST. Ishigaki, J.-G. Li / Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8 (2007) 617–623 623

processing is expected to make a significant contribution tonanoparticle applications. Also, the SEM images in Fig. 3show that the plasma-synthesized nanoparticles are sphe-rical and hardly agglomerated. We are now conductingresearch into the fabrication of functional structurescomposed of well-dispersed nanoparticles.


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