Synthesis Presentation

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Synthesis presentation for ITECH 299


Motivations in taking this class

Broaden horizons of technology◦i.e. iPods, podcasts, microblogs, etc.

Learning new information about technologies◦i.e. MMOGs and games help with active

learning styleGain knowledge of using such

technologies◦i.e. iPods with an app for flashcards

Personal Learning Preferences

Personal Learning PreferencesActive Vs. Reflective

Reflective -7I agree with the results of this part of the learning

survey. I am much more of a reflective learner than I am an active learner. I prefer to work alone and

only depend on myself to figure out the problem. I like the satisfaction of knowing I figured out the problem. Another reason why I agree that I am a reflective learner is because I tend to think things

out more before acting upon the situation. I think of things from all different aspects and even all the possible outcomes before I choose what to do. I want to make sure I make the right decision.

Personal Learning Preferences

Sensing Vs. IntuitiveSensing -1

I do agree that I am a little bit of both but am more on the sensory side. I

rather learn facts and tell others about them, which helps to store it in my

memory bank. When it comes to solving problems a method that I know is the

best most of the time will be my method of choice or even the method I

know the most.

Personal Learning Preferences

Visual Vs. VerbalVerbal -1

I agree and disagree with the verbal survey outcome. I actually thought when I see

something done I learn better from it, but I guess since the outcome is an even amount of both I guess I would also have to agree. I think it depends on the subject, for example math. In math you can tell me how to solve a problem,

but I won’t understand how you solved it unless I see it drawn out. However, when it comes to

biology if I hear it said to me I better understand and I tend to learn it more.

Personal Learning PreferencesSequential Vs. Global

Sequential-1I agree that I am an even amount of both

however; I fall a little more on the sequential portion. I do learn more when steps are given

to solve problems or understand topics. I am an equally global learner as well because I may

learn the details, however; my memory sometimes gets a little hazy when it comes to explaining it. I tend to forget the correct terms

when explaining which just adds to the confusion of the person I’m explaining the

information to.

Learning Preferences:Thoughts

Learning Preferences: Thoughts

I’m more intuitive with my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning.◦ I now know what works best for me and what I lack in

and I try to apply what I lack in into learning new information.

◦ I want to balance each learning preference to where they are completely even and I can learn anyway I want.

Knowing your learning preferences does make a different in your personal learning success because it will help you out more when you know which way of learning works for you.◦ If you aren’t aware of how you learn then you will

continue to struggle in finding ways to learn and retain the information that is being presented to you.

Sage Learning Pathway

Learning Pathway: Sage

Learning Sage PathwayPrimary Goal

◦New Knowledge - Broader investigation into more technologies

◦Selection of this pathway should be choosen if you want to learn more about different technologies and how they can be used for learning in general

Top 3 Technologies: Podcasts, Multimedia, and iPod/mp3 players

Podcasts◦ Before I learned about and explored the subject of

podcasts I didn’t know much about them. I thought of they were short 2-3 minute informative announcements.

◦ However, when I viewed the presentation and performed the level 2 portion I realized there was much more to it. When I performed the level 2 predict, use, and evaluate activities I explored 4 out of the 5 possible links given. I was able to learn about a variety of topics such as physics, which is a very interesting topic to me. i.e. The physics podcast helped remind me about E=mc2 and

a variety of topics relating to the subject. Knowing where I could find podcasts relating to my classes with specific subjects pertaining to what we are learning definitely helped me gain a way to learn new information.

Top 3 Technologies: Podcasts, Multimedia, and iPod/mp3 players

Multimedia◦ I knew of various types of multimedia such as

videos, animation, etc. However, I never knew they could be so beneficial to my learning.

◦ I was always exposed to different types of multimedia in my classes, especially when it came to science. Examples of experiments or how processes work in the body were always shown to us in videos or in animations.

◦ I never thought to use the variety of videos, animations, presentations, etc. out there put out by people who are very knowledgeable in the topic to help me learn. Using these types of multimedia did definitely improve my learning of how to do better in my classes.

Top 3 Technologies: Podcasts, Multimedia, and iPod/mp3 players

iPod/mp3 players◦ When I first think of iPods and mp3 players I think of

music and apps, and with my iPod, that’s it is exactly what I used it for. I didn’t think that an mp3 player would benefit me so much.

◦ When I explored the links given in the level 2 technology quest, it showed me new ways I could use my device to help me learn.

◦ For example the flashcards app, I was able to create tons of flashcards and take them with me everywhere and not have to worry about losing any or lugging around large stacks of cards. Another great app was the chemistry podcasts app.

◦ Like the flashcards, I was able to have all these podcasts at the click of a button. Knowing ways to make my iPod beneficial to my learning was the best.


Technologies: Experiences The podcast technology quest was one of the technology

quests that worked well when it came to my learning preferences.

According to my survey results I am a more verbal than visual learner, which I never found to be true myself. ◦ When I found this out I decided to accommodate the learning

preference by finding the technologies that would better help my verbal learning preference which was podcasts, and it definitely helped me.

I was able to use podcasts to see how much I could learn after listening to them really well and it resulted in me learning a lot more information I thought.

Podcasts accommodated my verbal learning preference◦ there were no visuals for me to see or reference to when the

podcasts were playing. I had to focus more on what was being said instead of focusing on

pictures that were included.

Physiological factors

Physiological factors: Personal Use

The Good◦ The technology categories that interested me the most as

learning tools was the multimedia and iPod/mp3 players I never knew how much and how well I could learn from these two

technologies, especially my using my iPod.

◦ Technology categories I want to explore further to improve learning are the multimedia. I feel I learn best when I have a visual to reference to. Having a

visual whether it is a picture, a slideshow, animations, etc. I learn it more without trying too much to learn what is going on

which helps me tremendously.

◦ Multimedia worked well for me because I am a visual and verbal learner but lean more towards the verbal portion. However, I feel as if I learn better with visuals such as animations and pictures. By using the links in what multimedia had to offer I felt like it

accommodated my visual learning by having me view photos, play animations, and even read texts.

Physiological factors: Personal Use

The Bad◦The technology that did not seem to

work as well as a learning tool was microblogging. I felt like I didn’t and couldn’t learn much from little excerpts given in microblogs. The microblogs could tell me some

information, but not enough, so I would have to look to other sources to find out more information.

Physiological factors: Personal Use

The BestThe technology that worked best for

me was games and MMOGs. ◦Playing the games helped me to improve

my sequential learning since I was in the middle when it came to whether or not I was a sequential or global learner.

◦By playing the games and having to take certain steps in order to complete the task really accommodated my sequential learning.

Physiological factors: Personal Use

Personal Benefits◦ couple of technologies that can be used to promote

personal well-being as a learner are iPod and mp3 players. I chose these technologies is because they are used so

frequently, they are taken everywhere and can be used anywhere for anything at almost any time

◦ Earlier in class we learned about the physiology of learning how to improve how and how much we can learn. when learning overload can occur and stress can be induced

from it. By using iPods and mp3 players we can either download music

or even apps that help to improve ourselves while also improving our learning.

For example an app that contains meditation workouts or music This will help to improve your stress load when it comes to learning large

amounts of material or anything else stressful relating to school.


Future Use I will continue to use after this class will be active and

reflective learning. ◦ For example, if I were to purchase a Mac laptop, which I have

never used before, I would have to incorporate my active learning by playing around with the computer and learning how it works on my own. While also using my reflective in which I would have to think of the way to get to certain programs installed on the device.

The technologies I will continue to use for learning after this class is multimedia◦ An example of how they could be used outside of school is

organizing your closet. I am bad at organizing anything, so by looking up tutorials such as how to websites or even videos on how to better organize your belongings would help me to become organized.

The technologies I will use for non-learning purposes will be an iPod and mp3 player. ◦ I normally use it for music and even playing games, so I have

already been using them for non-learning purposes.

Future Use I will continue to integrate physiological factors into my own

learning practices by getting the sleep I need every night along with needed nutrition my body needs to perform at its best. ◦ incorporating more sleep and even more nutritional food into my diet I

will be able to perform my best at any task I have ahead of me such as a busy school day or just a busy day in general.

I am pretty shy when you first get to know me, so it will be sort of hard for me to integrate social factors into my personal learning practices. ◦ I plan to try to do more group study sessions and even homework

sessions to better integrate social factors into my own learning practices.

I will continue to integrate psychological factors of learning into my personal learning practices by using physiological factors that will help me to improve myself.◦ By sleeping more, my brain will be more alert and I will be more

focused in whatever I am doing.◦ Possibly incorporating meditation or some type of stress reducing

practice will help to keep my stress levels low and my head leveled which will keep me sane in a time where chaos is overpowering my world.

Learning Sage Pathway: Summary

I chose the learning sage pathway in the beginning of the class because I wanted to broaden my use of different kinds of technology to help me in learning and even research

I believe I was successful in getting a broader knowledge of different technologies◦ I believe I was successful because even though I knew of

most of the technologies discussed, I didn’t know how to apply them to me and my learning.

◦ By going through the entire tech quests I was able to broaden my horizons when it came to using multiple technologies to learn the new information. The quests also introduced me to new technologies I could use to

learning which helped tremendously. I did not change my pathway because I wanted to gain a broader

knowledge of the different technologies out there. By continuing with the sage pathway I was able further my knowledge in


In ConclusionIn conclusion, this class has taught me a lot.

From showing me how I learn as an individual to how learning can affect me and my body, to even showing me ways of obtaining new information when researching. Everything that was taught that I learned from the class had benefited me. As a learning sage pathway chooser, I felt I learned everything that was needed to be learned to fulfill my objective in the pathway. With the knowledge the class provided me I feel like I have learned so many more ways of obtaining information and using it to the best of my abilities which was the major plus in taking this course.