[Szjug] Docker. Does it matter for java developer?

Post on 18-Jan-2017

310 views 1 download


Does it matter for Java Dev?

● happy father

● SA in EPAM Systems

● Java is a primary language

● hands-on-coding with Groovy, Ruby

● exploring FP with Erlang/Elixir

● passionate about agile, clean code and devops

Agenda● what is docker?● how to● dev env● demo● summary● q&a

Docker https://www.docker.com/

Docker - An open platform for distributed

applications for devs and ops.

● Develop an app with any programming language and any


● Ship the “Dockerized” app and dependencies anywhere

● Scale, move between data centers, update with zero

downtime and more




Virtualization vs Containerisation

Container under the hood

Running containers

Installation# apt-get update

# wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

Assumption: Ubuntu

Command Line$ docker images

$ docker pull webdizz/baseimage-java8

$ docker run -d --name=java8 webdizz/baseimage-java8

$ docker ps

$ docker logs java8

$ docker stop java8

$ docker start java8

$ docker top java8

$ docker build -t webdizz/baseimage-java8 .

DockerfileFROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.12

RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install software-properties-common

python-software-properties && add-apt-repository ppa:

webupd8team/java && apt-get clean

RUN apt-get -y update && echo oracle-java8-installer

shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true |

/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections && apt-get -y install oracle-

java8-installer && apt-get clean && update-alternatives --display java

ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle





Docker Hub● User accounts and Authentication

● Public namespaces

● Automated builds

● Registry for images with checksums

● Meta-data store (comments, stars, list public


Official images

Official images for Java

Official images for Java...● Clojure● Tomcat● Maven● Glassfish● Elasticsearch● Jenkins● SonarQube● And more non-official

Dev Env

Perfect together

Routine is boring

Docker-compose is our way● YAML syntax

● Configuration inclusion/inheritance

● Comprehensive CLI

● Bash completion

Docker-compose YAML● image● command● links● ports/expose● volumes● environment● ...

Docker-compose CLI● build● up● logs● ps● run● start/stop● scale

Demo Time

Summary ● Easy and fast building of images● Easy to share in your team● Easy to scale● Easy to work with new technologies● Of course learning curve● Production like dev env*


Izzet_Mustafayev@EPAM.com @webdizz webdizz izzetmustafaiev http://webdizz.name
