T h e Mo r e l a n d Me s s e n g e r - Orange High … 2019 Moreland...H e a l th , S a fe ty & W e...

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The Moreland Messenger Principal: Mrs. Tuttle

Assistant Principals: Mrs. Kidd Collins and Mr. Brewer

January 2019      




On behalf of the Moreland Hills Staff, we are wishing you a joyous and peaceful New Year! 

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recess Reminders Outdoor recess play is an important part of the day. MHS students will have indoor recess in the case of severe weather conditions such as steady rain, high winds, and temperatures below 15 degrees wind chill. Your child is not permitted to stay inside for recess unless a note from his/her physician is provided. Please be sure to send your child to school with appropriate winter clothing. Remember the 5 important items for winter recess are: Coats Boots Snow Pants Hats Gloves During indoor recess our students will have the option of selecting an activity to participate in while inside. Students will choose an activity from the provided menu just as they do for lunch count. The activity and room location will be listed on the menu board. Some activities include various board games, GoNoodle, quiet room, etc. There will be a limited number of students signed up for each room to avoid overcrowding. Once an activity has been selected the students must remain in that room for the duration of recess. We would like for every student to have a chance at selecting his or her choice activity so please make sure your child arrives to school on time. Special thanks to PTA for your support! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Technology Students grades 2-5 are working with Typing Club to improve their typing skills. Using the correct fingers with the associated keys are encouraged so that higher level lessons are learned more efficiently. Students who successfully pass selected lessons are "leveled up". This means that they have access to the next series of lessons that introduce another range of skill sets for typing. Students have access to Typing Club in school and at home or wherever there is Internet access. The Moreland Hills Typing Club address is this: https://moreland.typingclub.com Students will need to sign in using their school email address. Students will use the same password they use to log into their Chromebook while at school. Students can see Mr. Harvey if they need assistance with accessing TypingClub. Happy typing everyone!

Yearbook Cover Contest The winning Moreland Hills Elementary School yearbook cover design belongs to fifth grader Oriana Arnold! Oriana’s entry highlighted this year’s theme to Celebrate Diversity earning the most overall votes and the featured cover of the 2018-2019 MHS yearbook set to debut this spring. Congratulations to the following grade level winners: Kg - Sophie Daoudi 1st grade - Ceren Sareyyupoglu 2nd grade - Kyra Ginwalla

3rd grade - Nika Zhbankov 4th grade - Yarden Madave 5th grade - Oriana Arnold

Students in grades 2-5 had the opportunity to vote using their Chromebooks while kindergartners and first graders used a paper ballot. MHS staff enjoyed casting their ballots too. The contest winners are also being featured on the MHS front office TV and in the Chagrin Valley Times.


Be sure to follow Moreland Hills on Twitter @MHS_Orange to receive updates /

reminders / photos and so much more! #OrangeLearns

Important Parent Pick Up Reminders  

● Great news! We are making adjustments to the Parent Pick Up line in order to keep students safe and expedite the line.

● We encourage ALL families to utilize the Parent Pick Up Line. Parents who choose to pick up students from Cafe 2 MUST enter the building and present their photo ID or Car Sign.

● Beginning February 4th, families choosing to not utilize the Parent Pick Up Line will be required to pick students up in the Main Office area after car dismissal is completed. More information regarding this change will be forthcoming.

● Replacement and duplicate car signs are available from Melanie DePaul in the back office. She can be reached at 216.831.8600 ext. 4605 or through email at mdepaul@orangecsd.org

● Place your car sign on the passenger side dashboard of your vehicle. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

School Health 5 Myths About Head Lice: As we return from our Winter break, please be sure to check your child’s head for lice and read below to demystify the topic of lice:

1. Myth #1- Lice is easy to get. Head lice is mostly transmitted via prolong head-to-head contact. A head louse is a wingless insect that cannot jump or fly. Sharing beds is a significant risk factor.

2. Myth #2- Lice breed in furniture, carpet & other household objects. People are infested with head lice, not things or places. A head louse is dependent on a human host (eggs/nits are too).

3. Myth #3- Presence of nits/eggs indicates an active case of lice. Presence of a live louse is the gold standard for an active infestation of lice.

4. Mtyh #4- No nit policies reduce the transmission of head lice in schools. There is no evidence that no nit policies reduce transmission. If no nit policies were effective, why do we still have head lice?

5. Myth #5- Schools are a common place for lice transmission. Schools rarely provide an opportunity for close head-to-head contact, except maybe in preschool and kindergarten students. Spikes in lice cases after school breaks are due to being in the community for an extended period of time, not the school environment.

Frankowski, B., Weiner, L. (2002, September). Head lice: American Academy of Pediatrics clinical report. Pediatrics, 110(3), 638-643. National Association of School Nurses. (2017). Position Statement: Head Lice Management in the School Setting. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from http://www.nasn.org ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pride Powers Classroom Trophy Winners K, 1st, 2nd Grade Week of 11/5 - 1/7 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Mrs. Eucker Mrs. Ford Mrs. Zimmerman Mr. Mike White Mrs. Ferlito Mrs. Croft Mrs. Maloney Mrs. Moorefield Mrs. Lukes Mrs. Shapiro Mrs. Newman Mrs. Lauer Mrs. Dechant Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. Crow Mrs. Pawlaczyk Mrs. Benjamin Mrs. Hogan Mrs. Roberto Miss D’Amore Mrs. Aiello Mrs. Grano Mrs. Endsley Mr. Kenney Miss Sprinkle Mrs. DePaula Mrs. Lake Mrs. Vickers

Pride Powers Way ● MHS students enjoyed a school wide celebration for all their hard work, dedication and

positive efforts in continuing to follow the Pride Powers Way and earning the Pride Powers Silver Recognition Award. Students were awarded a Pajama Day and Popcorn Treat while participating in an organized Read-a-thon and game activities with a partnering class. Thank you for your support in making 2018 a positive year!

● MHS students were welcomed back to the first 2019 school day with a cheer! Enthusiastic staff members waving banners encouraging the K-5 students to "Think Positive," "Smile," and "Be Yourself" greeted students as they arrived. The Pride Powers Way continues to shine into the new year!

Orange Elementary & Middle School PTA

Like us on FACEBOOK // Visit us ONLINE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An Evening Discussion with Kevin Kemelhar, Psychologist Childhood Anxiety: Understanding childhood anxiety and the tools that help parents and caretakers best support their child.

Thursday, January 17, 2019 7-8:30 p.m. Orange Public Library

Our Health, Safety & Wellness Committee invites you to an evening with Kevin Kemelhar, Psychologist. Childhood anxiety is rapidly increasing. Whether it’s anxiety over school work, friendships, separation or anything else, most children are dealing with feelings of anxiety in some way. Kevin Kemelhar, M.Ed., Ed.S., will discuss anxiety in elementary-aged children and provide strategies for ways to support your child. There will also be time for Q&A where Kevin will answer specific questions related to anxiety. We hope you can join us!

Kevin Kemelhar, M.Ed., Ed.S. has been practicing as an outpatient therapist since 1995. In addition to his experience as a school psychologist serving several area systems, his expertise focuses upon treatment with children, adolescents, young adults and families. His specialties include child behavior management; parent guidance counseling; self-esteem, anxiety and depression in all age groups; coping with eating disorders; and liaison with school personnel to develop academic programming for elementary, middle school and high-school students.

Health, Safety & Wellness Committee Lauren Lepene / laurenlepene@yahoo.com Lisa Zucker / zuckergroup@gmail.com

Lauren Munk / lbush76@yahoo.com Tracy Stepanyan / tracy.stepanyan@gmail.com

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Night // 2.21.2019 We’re celebrating the cultural diversity that abounds at MHS with an evening of food and entertainment. The International Night is planned as a potluck celebration. Bring a dish to share, a cultural experience, or an item that sparks conversation. Everyone is welcome – parents, students, siblings, friends. We hope you can join us!

Fill out this survey to help us plan for a great evening. https://goo.gl/forms/zvq6XvZhmobSAakn1

FOR MORE INFORMATION Reach out to our organizing committee with any questions or to request more information. mhsinternational216@gmail.com Nadira Seepersadsingh Najla Navadeh

Isabel Rius-Solsona Senayt Fekadu

Yawen Peng Sandra Wint


January 2019 Upcoming Events at MHS

January 7 School Resumes Orange Week

January 11 Student Council Meeting (all grades), 8-8:30am January 14 Black Week January 15 Basketball Intramurals, 7:50-8:30am January 18 Kindergarten Winter Intersession January 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School for Students

Orange Week January 23 PTA Advisory Meeting, 10:30am January 25 MHS Spirit Day! January 28 Black Week January 29 Basketball Intramurals, 7:50-8:30am

Western Reserve Historical Society Field Trip (Ondercin/Lukes) Cleveland Museum of Art (Grano/Pawlaczyk/Shapiro/White)

January 30 Western Reserve Historical Society Field Trip (Lake/Crow) Cleveland Museum of Art (Kenney/Kehres/Lazuka)

January 31 Western Reserve Historical Society Field Trip (Benjamin/Degnovivo/ Endsley)