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Issue 2 | Volume 20 | October 2018

The PhoenixF I R E B I R D B A S E B A L L


Firebirds defeat Miami Christian High School 3-2


Outrage sparks over Kaepernick’s ad withNike


Check out the upcoming movies releasing this season

fall edition

The Phoenixthe best high school news magazine

EDITORIAL TEAMVictoria RivasRichelle FergusonAlexis Brotons

WRITERSKatherin AriasAstrid Barrientos Renzo Calarota Angelica DiazClaudia Garcia Lia Garcia Liliana MarquezSol PenaKaren TaverasDestiny Zepeda


ADVISORCatherine Kononoff

PUBLISHERCarlos Ferralls

The Phoenix News Magazine is written anddesigned to industry standard adhering toAssociated Press writing style.

Our staff at The Phoenix would like to acknowl-edge and express our gratitude for the invaluable support of Principal Carlos Ferralls and the rest of the Firebird staff and administration. Finally, we want to thank our readers for their dedication and faithfulness to our student-run news magazine. You rock!


3.Baseball Team Begins Preseason

5.Colin Kaepernick’sNike Controversy

9.Fall Comics

11.Top 5 ConspiracyTheories

13.Fall Events

15.Fall Foods

17.Fall TV Shows

21.Fall Flicks

23.New Fall Releases

25.Trending Topics

2 | The Phoenix The Phoenix Issue 2 | Volume 20 | October 2018


The team especially

is very excited for

the season to begin.

“The preseason is

basically to know

where we are as a

team. We work hard

as a team and it pays

off,” said Ivan Zam-

brano (#11) of the

varsity base-

ball team.


hard and work-

ing hard is

key for a good

team. “We’re al-

ways on top of

our game,” said

Brian Perez

(#9), pitcher on

the junior var-

sity team. “By training,

we make sure we stay

on top of the presea-

son and ready for the

actual season in April.”

Since this is a spring

sport, it will take

a while until we

get to see the

Firebird baseball

team in its full

potential. Joining

a team like this

creates unforget-

table memories

and secures a

bright future.

Perez aspires

to enter minor league

baseball and even-

tually raise to a ma-

jor league baseball

team. “The first thing

I would achieve if I

got into the minor

leagues would be

to buy my mother

a house,” he said.

This dream is one

of many in our

beloved baseball


Past players

have succeeded

and entered a

league of their own.

This sets an example

for the bright, young

players of Doral

Academy. Through

meeting these players

and watching them

play, one notices how

much potential Coach

Ralph Suarez has

nurtured and created.

Suarez has created

solid tactics and strat-

egies to make sure

his team comes out

on top and although

top secret, Suarez can

assure it is a recipe for

greatness. The season

begins in April. The

first game will take

place on Friday,

April 19 against

iMater Charter at

an away non-con-

ference game at 7


3-2. Coach Ralph

Suarez works hard

with his junior varsi-

ty and varsity team

to ensure greatness.


pastime never goes

out of style. The

nostalgia baseball

possesses can never

be topped by any

other sport. The

nation thrives on

baseball and its

highly anticipated

season in spring.

The Firebird base-

ball team enters

the pre-season

with a bang,

winning their first

preseason game

Preseason Photo by Victoria Rivas

Brian Perez (#9) prepares to pitch the ball to the Ferguson batter.

Photo by Victoria Rivas The Firebird baseball team poses for a picture after the game against Ferguson.

Photo by Victoria Rivas Ivan Zambrano (#11) bats an incoming ball.

3 | The Phoenix The Phoenix | 4

c o n t r o v e r s y

The Phoenix | 65 | The Phoenix


“Girls from

Compton don’t play

tennis. They own it.

Believe in something

even if it means sac-

rificing everything.”

These words mean ev-

erything to little boys

and girls everywhere,

especially in a hotile

climate. A time where

acceptance and reas-

surance is everything.

Nike has recently re-

leased an ad with the

controversial football

player Colin Kaeper-

nick and 21 Grand

Slam title winner

tennis player Sere-

na Williams, causing

outrage among nu-

merous conservatives

across America. Colin

Kaepernick sparked

outrage during the

2016 football season

for kneeling during

the anthem. “I am not

going to stand up to

show pride in a flag

for a country that op-

presses black people

and people of color,”

Kaepernick told NFL

Media in an exclu-

sive interview after a

game. “To me, this is

bigger than football

and it would be self-

ish on

my part

to look

the oth-

er way.




in the



people getting paid

leave and getting

away with murder.”

This quickly

became a scandal and

Americans started

questioning them-

selves and their coun-

tries’ belief system.

Media outlets were

literaly set ablaze,

and the country

appeared to show its

true colors. After a

while, like everything

else, the turmoil died

down and people

forgot. Nike decid-

ed to restart the fire

and ignite a move-

ment. Inspirational

ads showed athletes

with disabilities per-

forming at their best.

Another ad showed a

young Serena Williams

learning tennis from

her father, Richard

Williams. Immediate-

ly after the ads aired

on television, there

were reports of peo-

ple burning their Nike

shoes and apparel.

Even President Don-

ald Trump weighed in

on the controversy,

saying: “Nike is get-

ting absolutely killed

with anger and boy-

cotts. I wonder if they

had any idea that it


be this

way? As

far as

the NFL

is con-

cerned, I

just find

it hard to



always will, until they

stand for the FLAG!”

Unfortunately for

those opposing Nike’s

views, Nike received

more than $43 million Courtesy of USA TodayColin Kaepernick headlines Nike’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign.

Courtesy of twitter.comNike ad features Serena Williams, which created a controversy over social media.

in media exposure

from Kaepernick’s

tweet, estimated Apex

Marketing group in

an article from For-


Days before the

ad aired, Williams was

criticized for wearing

a full-body catsuit

at the 2018 French

Open in May this year,

which she wore to

prevent blood clots

after the birth of her

first child. “It feels like

this suit represents

all the women that

have been through

a lot mentally, physi-

cally, with their body

to come back and

have confidence and

to believe in them-

selves,” Williams told

the Guardian. “I defi-

nitely feel like it is an

opportunity for me

to inspire a whole

different group of

amazing wom-

en and kids.”

The same day

Williams’ Nike

ad premiered,

the athlete

returned to

the tennis

court wearing

a one-shoul-

der black Nike

dress with a


tutu skirt that

she helped design,

a leather jacket and

silver sneakers. The

Nike ad is scheduled

to air during the NFL’s

season opener.

Some state

government officials

have banned Nike

products from being

used. Republican Ken-

ner Mayor Ben Zahn

had issued a memo

saying that Nike prod-

ucts could not be pur-

chased for use at city

recreation facilities.

It also required the

parks and recreation

director to approve

all athletic purchas-

es by booster clubs

using the facilities.

The order prompted

a protest that includ-

ed three members of

the NFL’s New Orleans

Saints and hundreds

of others. Mississippi’s

public safety chief

said over the week-

end that state police

would no longer buy

Nike products, saying

that Nike doesn’t sup-

port law enforcement

and the military. It

wasn’t imme-

diately clear

how much

gear the state

police agency

buys from Nike,

though the de-

partment has

bought shoes,

shirts and tac-

tical training

uniforms from

the company.


Gov. Phil Bry-

ant praised the deci-


Nike has been

known to take a

stand on social issues

in its advertisements

and it’s almost al-

ways resulted in a

rise in sales. Numer-

ous athletes have

spoken out and given

their two-cents about

the controversial

ad, including bas-

ketball star Lebron

James,”I stand with

anyone who believes

in change.” stated

by SportingNews.

com. Over the days

following this ad

the NFL has spoken

out about the issues

raised by Kaeper-

nick”deserve our at-

tention and action”.

It’s obvious to see

the stance Nike has

taken on the large

spectrum of social is-

sues and justice. Nike

has always been on

left field and making

statements with every

new ad they make.

This one in particu-

lar though, has the

meaning and delivery

to change ideas and

to make people take

action and fix the

obvious divide within

the nation. Even if it’s

just an ad, it’s a start.

Courtesy of NPREric Reid (#35) and Colin Kaepernick (#7) take aknee during the National Anthem.

Courtesy of Savoir FlairThe 5 inspiring Middle Eastern women who took part of Nike’s #BelieveInMore campaign, whichadvocates empowerment for women in sports.

7 | The Phoenix The Phoenix | 8

DC Comic’s oldest and most popular heroes. (At one point, he was outselling SUPERMAN!) To commemorate his newfound popularity, superstar writer and former Creative Director of DC Comics, Geoff Johns, has teamed up with his old partner Dale Eagle-sham (Justice Society of America) to bring Billy and his marvelous family back to the fans! ($4.99 – 40 Pages)

Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality (11/21)Scott Snyder has quickly become THE comic book scribe of his generation. Mainly known for his critically acclaimed and wide-ly beloved run on the New 52 era of Batman, he has since penned one of the grandest and most important stories of DC’s recent history: Dark Nights Metal. Now, Scott and a bevy of equally renowned artists are taking on the biggest challenge of their careers: DC’s biggest pantheon, The Justice League! Follow-

Black Panther. His version of the character was quite a departure from the original comic: instead of an African warlord/cult leader, Jordan’s Killmonger was an exiled prince of Wakanda raised in the United States, hardened in the Special Forces and set on a path of vengeance in order to claim his birthright. This

Laurel Lance, the Black Canary. Oliver’s father, Robert Queen, and the doomed Shado. But what of these new faces? What of Emiko, Robert and Shado’s illegitimate daughter and Oliver’s half-sister? What of the nefarious Ninth Circle and their hellish plans for the city? Check out Green Arrow: Rebirth Deluxe Edition – Book 1 to find out! (Collects Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 and Green Arrow #1-11 – $34.99 – 304 Pages)

Shazam #1 (11/21)Shazam’s first ongoing title in decades! Most recently brought into the public attention by the trailer for his new mov-ie, Shazam is one of

ing the events of Dark Nights Metal, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, The Flash, Cyborg and The Mar-tian Manhunter have reunited to combat evil wherever it may arise. But when a potentially reality-changing ob-ject known only as The Totality crash lands on Earth, what will it en-tail? And most impor-tantly, will the reformed league be able to keep

it out of the hands of Lex Luthor and his villainous Legion of Doom?! Find out in Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality! (Collects Justice League #1-7 – $17.99 – 176 Pages)

DC Nuclear Winter Special #1 (11/28)The world of superhe-roes has always been slightly exaggerated. That’s why the DC Heroes can’t have a regular winter like the rest of us: in the DC Universe, they have a nuclear winter! DC Comics meets Fallout in this post-apocalyptic Christmas special, and you’d need to have the brain of an irradiated cockroach to miss it! ($9.99 – 80 Pages)

MARVEL COMICSMerry X-Men Hol-iday Special #1 (12/5)Spend the Happy Hol-idays with the wacky dysfunctional family that is the X-Men! In this special one-shot story, we see an astonishing TWENTY-FIVE holiday tales following different members of the X Fam-ily: Magneto, Jubilee, Rogue and Gambit, and much more! Of the many, MANY writ-ers and artists brought together for this, some standouts are Chris Claremont, creator of some legendary X-men stories (The Dark Phoe-nix Saga, Days of Future

Past), Charles Soule, who recently revived everyone’s favorite Canadian in Return of Wolverine #1, and Kelly Thompson, author of the much-beloved and hilarious Mr & Mrs X miniseries currently coming out. With this much talent and vari-ety, there’s sure to be something for everyone. ($4.99 – 40 Pages)

Deadpool #7 (12/5)Deadpool vs. Santa Claus! What, do you need more? ($3.99 – 32 Pages) (PARENTAL ADVISORY: Recommended for teen and adult readers)

Killmonger #1 (12/5)Michael B. Jordan brought the Black Pan-ther’s greatest nemesis, Erik “Killmonger” Ste-vens, to life in 2018’s

FA L L C O M I C SBy Renzo Calarota

Courtesy of DC ComicsCover of Nuclear Winter Spcl #1

Courtesy of MarvelCover of Deadpool #7

Courtesy of MarvelCover of Killmonger #1

Courtesy of MarvelCover of Killmonger #2

Courtesy of DC ComicsCover of Shazam #1


Green Arrow:Rebirth Deluxe

Edition – Book 1 (10/17)

Fans of the CW TV show Arrow will feel right at home here! DC Comic’s Rebirth Initiative was just that: a rebirth for all of its heroes, and the perfect starting point for new and curi-ous fans. Green Arrow follows Oliver Queen’s battle against crime as his alter ego, the titular Emerald Archer. Along his journey, fans of the show will notice many familiar faces: John Diggle, ex-marine and bodyguard; Roy Harper, aka Arsenal aka Red Arrow; Dinah

Courtesy of DC ComicsCover of GA Rebirth: Book 1

The Phoenix | 109 | The Phoenix

new five-issueminise-ries will chronicle Erik’s quest to find the most wanted man in Wakan-da: Ulysses Klaw! His first stop…

Killmonger #2 (12/19)…a meeting with The Kingpin of Crime, Wilson Fisk! But if he wants help, Erik will need to do a favor for the King first: name-ly, hunting down four deadly assassins that have interfered with his operations. But can Erik trust the team Fisk has sent to help him? Find out in Killmonger! (Killmonger #1 – $4.99 – 40 Pages / Killmon-ger # 2 – $3.99 – 32 Pages)

Season’s Beatings #1 (12/19)The Marvel Universe has to save the holiday season in this special one-shot! Written by Jason Latour, with art by Marcos Martin, Chris Brunner, Irene Stry-chalski and a horde of other incredible talents, this comic promises to be page after page of unadulterated fun! Also, Deadpools in it! ($4.99 – 40 Pages)

The Phoenix | 1211 | The Phoenix

Top 4 MostChilling Conspiracy

TheoriesBy Richelle Ferguson

Since they could

communicate, humans

have come up with insane

stories and even crazier

situations. This October,

we go over the spookiest

and most chilling conspir-

acy theories of 2018.

The Illuminati This conspiracy

claims that there is a se-

cret organization running

the world and here to cre-

ate a one-world govern-

ment. Although many be-

lieve this group is not real,

it most certainly is, with

its origins tracing back to

France in the Enlighten-

ment era (responsible for

the outburst of the French

Revolution.). It started

out as a secret society that

opposed superstition,

obscurantism, religious

influence over public life

and abuses of state power.

In modern times however,

people believe this group

has a craving for world

domination and initiating

celebrities such Miley

Cyrus, Justin Bieber and

some even believe Be-

yonce and Jay-Z are the

leaders of the illuminati.

Lizard People

Are Running

the World

This is a very sci-

fi, Hollywood variation on

secret groups controlling

us, famously coined by

David Icke, a professional

conspiracy theorist from

Britain, who is also a big

player in the “truther”

movement. The idea

also has support from 12

million Americans, ac-

cording to a 2013 national

survey.What they believe

is that the top of our

government is actually

controlled by shape-shift-

ing reptilian aliens, who

have been lording power

over humans to make

them into mindless slaves

for their own purposes.

The Moon

Landing was


One of the

most amazing scientific

achievements in the world

often comes under scru-

tiny. Some people believe

the moon landing in

September 13, 1959 never

happened, and that it was

faked by NASA and the

U.S government to beat

the Russians during the

Cold War in order to rise

national pride. Supporters

of the idea point to such

things as the flag appear-

ing to move in photos

from the moon, some-

thing that should not hap-

pen as there is no wind in

space. This was disproved

by pointing out that the

flag only appears to move

during the moment of

unfurling, something

which would happen even

without wind. A varia-

tion of this theory even

goes so far as to say that

the famous film director

Stanley Kubrick was the

mastermind behind the

fake footage of the land-


Crisis Actors This conspiracy

has been fact checked

numerous times by Vox.

com and Snopes.com. It

entails whenever a massa-

cre or crisis occurs people

will go on television while

it is happening or already

happened and act like the

victims of the tragedies.

Especially during 9/11

and Sandy Hook, there

were multiple people

pointing out the same

people through the years

that have coincidentally

been victims of other

tragedies. In recent dates,

Vox.com has documented

crisis actors at the Park-

land shooting that hap-

pened back in February. Courtesy of Untara Elkona

The Illuminati symbol on the dollar bill.

Courtesy of HorrorTubeHD

Buzz Aldrin in the image of the suspected fake moon landing.

13 | The Phoenix The Phoenix | 14

With fall

around the corner it

is time to get in spirit




of the






has to offer. Hal-

loween is the first

significant fall

holiday there are

several spooky

places throughout

Florida where get-

ting scared is the

number one priority.

Halloween Horror

Nights at Universal

Studios is legend-

ary throughout the

country and every

year it attracts thou-

sands of people

from all around the

country, with their

extravagant themes.

This year the themes

include Stranger

Things, imitating the

popular Netflix show,

the Poletergeist, and

Halloween 4 The

Return of Michael

Myers. Universal

Studios has add-

ed extra days

due to popular

demand. The

event will run

from September

14 to November 3.

If you are traveling

with little ones or

simply do not enjoy

getting scared, you

can visit Mickey’s

Not So Scary Hallow-

een at Disney World.

You can dress up in

your favorite Hallow-

een costume and

enjoy the “happiest

haunting on Earth”

at Magic Kingdom.

This event runs from

August 17 till Octo-

ber 31.

Fall events in Miami

are unlike any oth-

er, especially since

there is no sweater

necessary. Many

events that occur

throughout the city

that bring excite-

ment and antici-

pation. Going to

a pumpkin patch

and picking out the

pumpkin that you

want to carve is an

essential halloween

tradition. In Miami

there are plenty to

choose from includ-

ing the Pumpkin

Patch at Little Farm

in 13401 SW 224 St.

The patch is open

Monday thru Friday,

10 am till 7 pm (If you

want to visit on Sat-

urday or Sunday you

need to contact the

patch to view their

opening time). Apart

from picking pump-

kins you can ride

ponies and pet the

Fall Events

By Liliana Marquez and Katherin Arias

animals at the pet-

ting farm. Another

place that is family

friendly is the Kiteo-

ber Fest at Haulover

Park. It's a festival

dedicated exclu-

sively to the flying

of colorful kites. This

event will take place

on October 20 and

21, festival admission

is free. You can bring

your own kite or buy

one there. Addition-

ally, the Seed Food

and Wine Week is

for those that love

festival foods but

do not want to feel

guilty about indulg-

ing. All the food that

is served throughout

the week is plant

based. There are a

lot of things to enjoy

throughout the week

with events such as

kickoff parties, sum-

mits, fancy dinners,

fashion shows, group

meditation and

yoga, a tasting vil-

lage and after party.

Ticket prices range

depending on the

events that you want

to partake in an the

location is still to be


Courtesy of seedfoodandwine.comWoman takes a picture of her burger from Seed Food and Wine Festival.

Courtesy of floridahauntedhouses.comA little girl poses with pumpkins at Little Farm’s Pumpkin Patch.

Courtesy of nerdreactor.comAdvertisement poster for Universal’s Hal-loween Horror Nights,

Courtesy of disneyparks.disney.go.comMickey and Minnie dressed as a wizard and a witch.

15 | The Phoenix The Phoenix | 16

Food of the Fall

While the months of September, October and November pass by; the peak of autumn foods begin to become a craving. Details of domestic recipes from the hugely admired foods this autumn be-

come popular. The following are top recipes used this autumn for all upcoming occasions.

Flash-Braised Pork Chops with Apples

and Cream

1. Season pork with salt and pepper. In a very large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add pork chops. Cook for 2 minutes, turn-ing once halfway through cooking. Transfer pork to a plate. Add apples to skillet. Cook until nicely browned, 3 to 4 minutes.

2. Season with salt. Transfer to plate with pork.

3. Reduce heat to medium. Add butter and shallots to the skillet and cook for about 3 minutes. Add garlic and sage sprigs; cook until just fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add 2 tablespoons of the vinegar; stir to release browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add cider; bring to a simmer. Return pork chops and their juices to pan; reduce heat to low. Cover and gently simmer until pork is done (145 degrees ), about 10 minutes, adding the apples during the last 5 minutes of cooking. Transfer pork and apples to a plate.

4. Increase heat to medium-high. Simmer mixture until reduced by about half, about 5 minutes. Whisk in cream, mustard, chopped sage and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon vinegar. Simmer 1 to 2 minutes more or until thickened a bit. Return pork and apples to skillet and serve.

Bacon-Pear Macaroni and Cheese

1. Cook pasta according to package directions; drain. Return pasta to hot pan; cover to keep warm. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp, turning once. Drain bacon on paper towels, reserving 3 tablespoons bacon drippings in skillet. Crumble and set aside. Reserve 3 tablespoons bacon drippings in skillet.

3. Cook onion and garlic in bacon drippings over medium heat for 30 seconds. Stir in flour, dry mustard and pepper. Add milk all at once. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly; reduce heat. Add smoked Gouda cheese and cream cheese; cook and stir until almost melted.

4. Pour cheese sauce over the cooked pasta. Stir in oregano and all but 2 tablespoons of the crumbled bacon. Transfer mixture to an ungreased to 2-quart rectangular bak-ing dish; cover with foil. Bake in a 350 degrees oven for 25 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, melt butter in a clean, large skillet. Stir in brown sugar; add pear slices. Cook, turning occasionally, until pears are tender, about 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from heat. Remove foil from the baking dish. Stir about half of the cooked, sliced pears into the macaroni and cheese. Spoon the remaining pear slices atop macaroni and cheese; sprinkle with Parmesan and reserved crumbled bacon. Return to oven and bake 5 minutes or until Parmesan has softened. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Peanut ButterBuckeye Brownie


1. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions, using the 13x9x2-inch pan option. Cool completely on a wire rack; set aside. Cut brownies into bars. Using about 3/4 of the bars, press brownies into the bottom of a 9x3-inch springform pan, forming an even crust. Spread with the fudge ice cream topping; set aside. Crumble remaining 1/4 of the brownies; set aside.

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine cream cheese and peanut butter. Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed for until just combined. Add sweetened condensed milk. Beat until just com-bined. In a medium bowl, beat whipping cream until soft peaks form. Add powdered sugar. Beat until stiff peaks form. Reserve 1/2 cup of the whipped cream mixture. Fold remaining whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.

3. Spread one-half of the cream cheese mixture over the hot fudge topping in pan. Sprinkle with one-half of the reserved brown-ie crumbles. Spread remaining cream cheese mixture over the brownies. Top with the reserved 1/2 cup whipping cream. Sprinkle remaining brownie crumbles and chopped peanut butter cups. Drizzle with chocolate syrup. Cover and chill for 4 to 24 hours.

By Destiny Zepeda

The Phoenix | 1817 | The Phoenix

Fallin’ for TV

Manifest i s an American drama televis ion ser ies , created by Jef f Rake, that premiered on September 24 , 2018 , on NBC . The ser ies centers on the passengers and crew of a commercial air l iner who suddenly reappear af ter being presumed dead for f ive years . I t stars Mel i ssa Roxburgh, Josh Dallas , Athena Karkanis , J . R . Ramirez , Parveen Kaur and Luna Blaise .On August 23 , 2017, i t was announced that NBC had given the production a pi lot com-mitment . The pi lot was writ ten by Jef f Rake who was also set to executive pro- duce along-side Rober t Ze- meckis and Jack Rapke. Jack- ie Levine serves as co-exec- utive pro-ducer. Production c o m p a n i e s involved with the pi lot in-clude Compari En- ter tainment and Warner Bros . T e l e v i s i o n . On January 23 , i t was repor t-ed that NBC had given the production a pi- lot order. A week later, i t was a n n o u n c e d that David Frankel would direct and executive pro- duce the pi-lot . On May 10, i t was announced that NBC had given the production a ser ies order. A few days later, i t was announced that the ser ies would pre-miere in the fal l of 2018 and air on Mondays at 10 p.m. On June 19, i t was announced that the ser ies would of f ic ial ly premiere on September 24 , 2018 .

Kevin Hart takes time out of his busy schedule to introduce the world to some of his favorite up-and-coming comedians , including James Da-vis , Wil l iam “Spank” Horton, Tacarra Wil l iams and Marvin Hunter. Now’s their chance to make it big and break on through to The Next Level .The Next Level i s back with an al l-new roster of Kevin Hart-approved stand-up comedians taking the next step in their careers : a televised half-hour special . Season 2 kicks of f on Fr iday, August 3 at 1 1 :00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Cen- t r a l . Each episode s p o t -l ights a s ingle p e r -former, opening on an interview with H a r t that leads into a spe-cial f rom the f e a -tured comedi- a n . " I can' t wait to s h o w the world what the y 've been miss- ing in these s ix amaz- i n g talents ," said H a r t . "The Next Lev- el i s the country 's op- p o r t u -nity to get in on the GROUND FLOOR w i t h the next generation of stand-up headliners ."

By Lia Garcia and Karen Taveras


Courtesy of US MagazineMelissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone and Josh Dallas as Ben Stone in NBC’s ‘Manifest.’

The Next Level

Courtesy of IMDbKevin Hart and Will ‘Spank’ Horton in Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level.

19 | The Phoenix The Phoenix | 20

It's become a tradition on The Flash that each new season introduces us to a new batch of weird and wonderful takes on Harrison Wells, all played by the in-comparable Cavanagh.The first and most prominent will be the Holmes-inspired 'Sherloque' Wells, but we can expect some more variations as the episodes un-r a v e l . T h e theme for this season is "legacy" and as con- firmed by The Flash s h o w r u n -ner, Wally West will re appear in this new season and will be in three ep- i s o d e s . M e a n - w h i l e , Chris Klein — best known for p l a y i n g Oz in the A m e r i ca n Pie mov- ies — will be shed- ding his nice guy persona for a considerably darker turn as the Big Bad in the new sea-son of the DC TV series.They will also explore Caitlin Snow's childhood in more detail. It was always assumed that Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) only be-came Killer Frost as an adult, but a recent memory revealed that she's actu-ally been carrying her icy alter-ego around from a very young age. All these new ordeals will be explored in the new season, set to release on October 9.

Over the last 15 years (300+ episodes!), the beloved medical drama has

given us all the feels — and way more heartbreak than one could ask for. Like

all other seasons, this one will bring a lot of drama into the hospital and personal

lives of the characters. There will be comebacks of old characters… like Thatch-

er Grey, w h o

will come b a c k

into the lives of

many for e i t h e r

good… or bad. In

case you n e e d

a refresh: Thatch-

er, who w a s

once mar- r i e d

to Mere- d i t h ' s

m o t h - er El-

lis, wasn't part of

his daugh- ter's life

for nearly 20 years. He remarried and had two more children, Lexie and Molly

Grey. With the help of his late wife Susan, Thatcher became more invested in

Meredith's life as he got older and even sought her medical help for kidney

stones and a liver transplant. This 15th season will also show Meredith Grey

more focused on her children and her work than anything else in her life.

The Flash Grey’s Anatomy

Courtesy of The Hollywood ReporterGrant Gustin stars as Barry Allen in ‘The Flash’.

Courtesy of Study Breaks MagazineThe cast of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’.

The Phoenix | 2221 | The Phoenix


By Angelica Diaz and Claudia Garcia

Creed II: November 21, 2018This epic sequel features the life of Adonis Creed becoming a balancing act. Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight, he is up against the challenge of his life. Facing an opponent with ties to his family’s past only inten-sifies his impending battle in the ring. Rocky Balboa is there by his side through it all and, together, Rocky and Adonis will confront their shared legacy, question what’s worth fighting for, and discover that nothing’s more important than family. Courtesy of The Verge

Adonis and Rocky in the ring.

Halloween II: September 27, 2018Here’s the gist of the monumental sequel, the movie takes place 40 years after Laurie Strode survived a vicious at-tack from crazed killer Michael Myers on Halloween night. Locked up in an institution, Myers manages to escape when his bus transfer goes horribly wrong. Laurie now fac-es a terrifying showdown when the masked madman re-turns to Haddonfield, Ill. -- but this time, she’s ready for him. Courtesy of Vanity Fair

Highlights the poisonous price of righteous female anger.

A Star Is Born: October 5, 2018A Star Is Born is about a seasoned musician Jackson Maine, who discovers -- and falls in love with -- a struggling art-ist named Ally. She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer until Jackson coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally’s career takes off, the per-sonal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack-son fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons. Courtesy of Variety

Lady Gage and Bradley Cooper star in the film.

Bad Times at the El Royale: October 12, 2018This mystery is about seven strangers, each with a secret to bury. They meet at a run-down hotel in Lake Tahoe in 1960s California. Over the course of a fateful night, they all get one last shot at redemption before everything goes wrong. The movie features some of Hollywood’s favorites, Dakota John-son, Chris Hemsworth and Jeff Bridges. Make sure to tune in!

Courtesy of SinemiaFeaturing this phenominal cast that audiences will adore.

First Man: October 12, 2018On the heels of their six-time Academy Award-winning smash, La La Land, Oscar-winning director Damien Chazelle and star Ryan Gosling reteam for Universal Pictures’ First Man, the riveting sto-ry of NASA’s mission to land a man on the moon, focusing on Neil Armstrong and the years 1961-1969. A visceral, first-person account, based on the book by James R. Hansen, the movie will explore the sacrifices and the cost made by Armstrong and the na-tion for one of the most dangerous missions in history. Written by Academy Award winner Josh Singer (Spotlight), the drama is pro-duced by Wyck Godfrey & Marty Bowen (The Twilight Saga, The Fault in Our Stars) through their Temple Hill Entertainment ban-ner, alongside Chazelle and Gosling. Isaac Klausner (The Fault in Our Stars) executive produces. DreamWorks Pictures co-financ-es the film. This film will without a doubt be one for the books.

Courtesy of KMUWRyan Gosling stars as Neil Armstrong. Courtesy of The Weekly Standard

Bohemian Rhapsody: November 2, 2018Bohemian Rhapsody is a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mer-cury. Freddie defied stereotypes and shattered convention to become one of the most beloved entertainers on the plan-et. The film traces the meteoric rise of the band through their iconic songs and revolutionary sound. They reach unparalleled success, but in an unexpected turn Freddie, surrounded by darker influences, shuns Queen in pursuit of his solo career.

Venom: October 5th, 2018Journalist Eddie Brock is trying to take down Carlton Drake, the notorious and brilliant founder of the Life Foundation. While investigating one of Drake’s experiments, Eddie’s body merges with the alien Venom -- leaving him with superhuman strength and power. Twisted, dark and fueled by rage, Venom tries to control the new and dangerous abilities that Eddie finds so intoxicating.Courtesy of VenomMovie on Twitter

Tom Hardy stars as Venom aka Eddie Brock.

Fantastic Beasts II: November 16, 2018Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald touches bases on the efforts that will occur to thwart Grindelwald’s plans of raising pure-blood wizards to rule over all non-magical beings. Albus Dumbledore will enlist his former student Newt Scamander, who agrees to help, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead. In the film, lines are drawn as love and loyalty are tested, even among the truest friends and family, in an increasingly divided wizard world. Courtesy of Digital Spy

The group of brilliant wizards featured in the sequel.

Courtesy of Digital SpyRami Malek is the lead of the film starring as Freddie.

YANDHI - Kanye’s soon to be released album, ‘YANDHI’ is said to incorporate topics not yet done by previous artists. As West mentioned on SNL, “I started incorporating sounds that you never heard before and pushing and having concepts that people don’t talk about … We have concepts talking about body-shaming and women being looked down upon for how many people that they slept with.” Although the album was sup-posed to be released on November 23, his manager suggested postponing the date in order to record in Africa, “I felt this energy when I was in Chicago. I felt the roots. We have to go to what is known as Africa.” Many have high expectations for this upcoming album.

More records coming out this fall:

September 2018:14th - “7” by David Guetta21st - “Binge EP” by Machine Gun Kelly21st - “Iridescence” by Brockhampton28th - “Young Sinatra IV” by Logic28th - “Tha Carter V” by Lil Wayne28th - “Dancing Queen” by Cher28th - “Hollywood Africans” by Jon Batiste

October 2018:5th - “Trench” by Twenty One Pilots12th - “Ella Mai” by Ella Mai19th - “Forever Neverland” by MO19th - “Nuthin to Prove” by Lil Yachty

November 2018:16th - “Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1/LP: No Past. NO Future. No Sun16th - “Love” by Michael Buble23rd - “Phoenix” by Rita Ora29th - “YANDHI” by Kanye

New Fall Music Releases

By Astrid Barrientos

Ella Mai - The self-titled album, said to be released on October 12, will include three of Ella Mai’s top singles: Boo’d Up, Trip, and Naked. The plan, explained by DJ Mustard, was to release three singles and to see how much popularity the songs would receive. The single ‘Boo’d Up’, also in the album ‘Ready’, reached top five in Billboard Top 100. With the success of gaining enough publicity, ‘Ella Mai’ was to be completed, and is being called a throwback R&B record.

The Phoenix | 2423 | The Phoenix

Courtesy of W MagazineKanye West photoshoot for W Magazine.

Courtesy of Interscope RecordsCover of Ella Mai’s self-titled album.

Trending TopicsBy Sol Pena

ABC’s hit show “Dancing with the Stars” is making some changes. Instead of bringing in adult celeb-rities, they’re bringing 12 kids to the ballroom floor along with profes-sional junior ballroom dancers. The lineup

consists of a Screen Ac-tors Guild Award-nom-inated actor, a profes-sional skateboarder, an ABC comedy star and a runway model. Two Disney Channel stars and the youngest boy to compete in Scripps National Spelling Bee. The show will start

with a two-hour season premiere at 8 p.m. ET on October 7 on ABC.

Jimmy Kimmel returns to New York for a week of “Jimmy Kim-mel Live!”. The Brook-lyn shows come about a year after Kimmel

garnered in-creased at-tention for his heart-felt gun v i o l e n c e monologues following a mass shoot-ing in Las Vegas and healthcare reform after

his son, Billy recovered from heart surgery. In a current interview with CNN, Kimmel opened up about those mono-logues and President Trump. These were some of the gossip filled questions he answered.Q: So you’re back in Brooklyn. Why don’t

you just stay? Most of the other late-night hosts are here.

A: It’s a good idea, I never really thought about that. I think if I stayed, I’d weigh 350 pounds. I don’t have the self-control to live here.

Q: You have Democratic congressional candi-date Alexandria Oca-sio-Cortez on the show this week. Why did you think it was neces-sary and important to have her as a guest?

A: I don’t think it’s necessary or import-ant. I think it’ll be fun to talk to her, though. I’ve been interested in her, and I see that she’s got a real spark.Q: You had President Trump on as a can-didate. Say he came on the show again as president, what would you talk about?

A: He’s an interesting character, I think, be-cause when he’s sit-ting next to you, much like we saw with Kanye [ W e s t ] , he’ll agree with what you say. And I don’t think he’s being dis-ingenuous, I think he is a cha-meleon in that way. I mean, the guy was a Demo-crat 12 years ago. The guy was one of Hillary C l i n t o n ’ s s u p p o r t -ers and now it’s all so preposterous.It’s funny because I used to think well, may-be I could convince him of something, and that’s indeed what I

tried to do when it came to immigration. And he sat there, and it seemed like we made some kind of progress. And then

it became clear that I was an idiot, and we didn’t make any progress be-cause what-ever room he’s in, w h o e v e r ’ s in that room applauding him, or en-c o u r a g i n g him, those are the peo-ple that he’s going to go along with.

Fans may be shocked about Ar-iana Grande and Pete Davidson‘s breakup, but their inner circles are “relieved” that their months-long en-gagement is over.“She threw herself into the

relationship with Pete. She is young, but at least mature enough to realize this wasn’t the right relationship or the right time to get mar-ried,” an insider said. “[Her loved ones] always thought the engagement to Pete happened way too quickly. They didn’t want her to get mar-ried to Pete. And Ar-iana never got to the wedding planning stage. It was all way too soon,” the insid-er shares.The Satur-day Night Live star, 24, proposed to the pop star, 25, in June just weeks after they began dating following Grande’s May breakup from rapper Mac Mill-er, who died in Sep-tember of a suspected overdose. Ariana has had several stressful situations in the past couple of years. She really isn’t in a position to make huge life deci-sions. Her family thinks

she should just focus on work and not stress about other stuff,” the insider says. In addi-tion to giving back her 3-carat, $93K engage-ment ring, Grande is

no longer living with Davidson. “Pete’s no longer at the house be-cause why would he be? They broke up. He has no reason to go there,” says another insider. “Everyone on both sides are relieved it’s over.”

In other news, Mariah Carey is head-ed back to TV, and this

time it’s as an adviser on season 15 of NBC’s “The Voice.” Carey made the announce-ment on her Insta-gram account Tuesday. Carey will be an adviser

on Jennifer Hud-son’s team during this season’s knockout rounds.“The sessions with the contestants, some of them have completely blown me away,” Car-ey said after the news was revealed on NBC’s “Today” show. “It’s like a humbling experi-ence to be around

all the raw talent.”Carey will mentor the 32 remaining contes-tants from coaches Adam Levine, Kel-ly Clarkson, Hudson and Blake Shelton. You can see Carey, start-ing at 8 p.m. ET Monday.

Courtesy of ew.comJunior contestants of ‘Dancing with the Stars.’

Courtesy of The Washington PostJimmy KImmel returns to ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’

Courtesy of Getty ImagesPete Davidson and Ariana Grande break up.

The Phoenix | 2625 | The Phoenix

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida adheres to a policy of nondiscrimination in employmentand educational programs/activities and strives affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as requiredby:

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, ornational origin.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended - prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis ofrace, color, religion, gender, or national origin.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender.Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) as amended - prohibits discrimination on the basisof age with respect to individuals who are at least 40.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 as amended - prohibits gender discrimination in payment of wages to women andmen performing substantially equal work in the same establishment.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - prohibits discrimination against the disabled.Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabili-tiesin employment, public service, public accommodations and telecommunications.

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) - requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeksof unpaid, job-protected leave to “eligible” employees for certain family and medical reasons.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 - prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis ofpregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.Florida Educational Equity Act (FEEA) - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, gender, national ori-gin,marital status, or handicap against a student or employee.Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 - secures for all individuals within the state freedom from discriminationbecause of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) - prohibits discrimination againstemployees or applicants because of genetic information.Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2002 – no public school shall deny equal access to, or a fairopportunity for groups to meet on school premises or in school facilities before or after school hours, ordiscriminate against any group officially affiliated with Boy Scouts of America or any other youth orcommunity group listed in Title 36 (as a patriotic society).Veterans are provided re-employment rights in accordance with P.L. 93-508 (Federal Law) and Section 295.07(Florida Statutes), which stipulate categorical preferences for employment.In Addition:School Board Policies 1362, 3362, 4362, and 5517 - Prohibit harassment and/or discrimination againststudents, employees, or applicants on the basis of sex, race, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, maritalstatus, disability, genetic information, age, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, gender identification,social and family background, linguistic preference, pregnancy, and any other legally prohibited basis.Retaliation for engaging in a protected activity is also prohibited.


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