Table of Contents · If anything, with all of the weight-loss diets and our advanced understanding...

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Table of Contents Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. ii

Copyright ............................................................................................................................................. v

Mission ................................................................................................................................................ vi

Legal Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................... vii

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... viii

PART 1: .................................................................................................................................................. x

WEIGHT-LOSS INDUSTRY DECEPTION ........................................................................................ x

Chapter 1 .........................................................................................................................................11

Obesity: A Growing Problem .....................................................................................................11

The Scary Complications of Being Obese .......................................................................................... 13 Dieting Myths....................................................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 17

The “Diet” Conspiracy ................................................................................................................ 17

The Fake Search for the Cure ............................................................................................................. 17 Diet Industry ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Food Companies ................................................................................................................................. 18 Big Pharma Profits .............................................................................................................................. 20

PART 2: .............................................................................................................................................. 23

THE TRUE CAUSE OF OBESITY .................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 24

How Your Body Stores Fat ...................................................................................................... 24

Insulin .................................................................................................................................................. 24 Fat/Sugar Connection ......................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 31

The True Cause of Obesity ....................................................................................................... 31

How Your Gut Biome Affects Your Weight Gain ................................................................................. 31 Gut Imbalance Symptoms ................................................................................................................... 33 Things that Destroy Good Bacteria ..................................................................................................... 34 Restoring Good Bacteria ..................................................................................................................... 35

PART 3: .............................................................................................................................................. 37

THE FAVORITE FOOD DIET PROGRAM .................................................................................... 37

Eating Your Favorite Foods and Still Losing Weight ......................................................... 38

Actual Results ..................................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 40

Re-Balancing Your Gut Biome ................................................................................................. 40

Why We Found Probiotic T50.............................................................................................................. 42

Chapter 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 45

The Favorite Food Diet .............................................................................................................. 45

How Have Our Diets Changed? .......................................................................................................... 46 Rule 1: The Importance of Whole Foods ............................................................................................ 49 Rule 2: Losing Weight through Fasting ............................................................................................... 50 Rule 3: Drink Clean Water Everyday .................................................................................................. 51 Fit Forever ........................................................................................................................................... 52

Chapter 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 53

Optional: Losing Weight with Your Mind ............................................................................ 53

21-Day Visualization Exercises ........................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 9 ...................................................................................................................................... 56

Questions & Answers ..................................................................................................................... 56

What Should I Expect on The Favorite Food Program? ..................................................................... 56

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 58

PART 4: .............................................................................................................................................. 60

FAVORITE FOOD RECIPES ............................................................................................................ 60

Chapter 10 ...................................................................................................................................... 61

Recipes ............................................................................................................................................... 61

Citations ............................................................................................................................................ 82

References ........................................................................................................................................ 84


Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved.

All literary work contained within this book belongs to and is the sole property of its

respective authors and publishers. Reproduction, copy, or any other form of use of the

pieces contained within the book is strictly forbidden without express permission from

the author. If plagiarism is discovered, the offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest

extent of the law. Please respect our property.

Please Note: The owner of this book is permitted to print one hardcopy of this eBook

for personal use. These rules have been established to protect the rights and ownership

of the authors and publishers and to ensure that their work is upheld as their own.


This book is dedicated to the activists and practitioners of natural medicine and natural

healing around the world.

We cannot cure disease by blindly following the fabricated, toxic, and profit-driven

therapies of the medical establishment. Since conventional treatments have failed to

cure any diseases, we must create our own holistic therapies and alternative methods.

As such, all of the royalties from the sale of this book are being used to help fund the

mission of educating people about natural health care and exposing corporate and

government corruption.

Once you’ve healed yourself using these methods, I ask you to join my mission by

sharing your positive experience with friends and family so they know there is another

path to vibrant health.

Legal Disclaimer

In this day and age, it is unbelievable to me that the world has come to this. It pains me

that I must write a disclaimer at the beginning of this book.

Imagine – a person who is supposed to be allowed to express his opinions under the

banner of "free speech" must still put a disclaimer as a preface to his words, thoughts,

and opinions.

Lawyers are squashing the rights of people like me from freely expressing their ideas.

So, with a figurative gun to my head, I write these words:

Before you read this book, you better check with your medical doctor and anyone you

feel is smarter than you and see if you can get permission to read what I have to say.

You must know that everything I say in this book is simply my opinion, and there are

many people who violently disagree with my conclusions.

If you do anything, I recommend that without the supervision of a licensed medical

doctor, you do so at your own risk. The publisher, author, distributors, and bookstores

presenting this information do so for educational purposes only.

I am not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment since under the laws of

the United States, only a licensed medical doctor (MD) can do so.

How sad! So ... this book is only my opinions, my thoughts, and my conclusions. Again, it

is for educational purposes only, and you and only you are responsible if you choose to

do anything based on what you read.


Welcome to The Favorite Food Diet. You’ve made a very smart choice in choosing this

program, and you’re one step closer to the body of your dreams.

As you probably already know, my name is Chrissie Mitchell. I’m a 42-year-old mother of

three, a loving wife, and a health and fitness fanatic.

And if you’re tired of dieting, starving yourself, and never seeing any results, this book is

for you. The information you’re about to learn will not only perfectly shape and

transform your body, it will also make sure you will never gain the weight back again.

How can I be so confident? Well, I’ve tried every diet under the sun and nothing worked.

And having developed this program and seeing countless women go through it, I know

it will work for you.

Trust me – I know how you feel. I’ve struggled with weight gain for years. Each

pregnancy left me fatter than before. It’s not that all of the diets I’ve tried over the years

didn’t work ... they did. It’s just that as soon as the diet was over, I’d go back to my

comfort foods and gain all the weight back and more.

After almost giving up and feeling like I was going to be fat forever, my husband and I

stumbled across some research that changed my life forever.

This is the same research that has helped thousands of women lose all of their fat and

get into the same shape they were in during their 20’s – sometimes even better! And all

while eating the foods they love and never feeling like they were missing out or starving.

You’ll learn the science behind this program and exactly what you need to get the beach

body you’ve always wanted.

I know I’ve finally found the solution to effortless, permanent weight loss, but don’t take

my word for it. Everything you’ll learn has been third-party tested and proven to work.

In fact, this diet worked 100% of the time during clinical trials.

I’ve included everything in a straightforward, no-nonsense book that acts as a practical

hands-on guide for what you should and should not do to burn fat without hardly


In the first part of this book, I’ll give you some alarming statistics about obesity and how

it’s affecting our country. I’ll share what’s wrong with current weight loss programs and

why most diets will never work.

In Part 2, I’ll open your eyes to the true cause of weight gain which has been discovered

through years of research and testing. It’s simple to understand, but it’s been

overlooked by the diet industry.

In Part 3, we’ll go over a 3-step plan to quickly and easily lose all of the fat you want and

how to keep it off permanently without even trying.

And finally, in the last part of the book, you’ll find delicious recipes you and your family

can enjoy while you’re on this program.

I’ve worked hard to write this book, and I promise The Favorite Food Diet is real. It will

change your life, and it’s time you discover how easy it is to get in the best shape of

your life. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. So ... what are you waiting

for? Let’s get you started!





Chapter 1 Obesity: A

Growing Problem

It’s not hard to see the many ways we are expanding our horizons in the United States.

Business, technology, international relations, and education are just a few examples that

come to mind. While those are all things to be optimistic about, there is a certain

expansion for which we need to be on high alert – obesity. But just how concerned

should we be?

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported an astonishing three-fold increase in

childhood obesity rates (children and adolescents ages 2-19) in the U.S. over the past

three decades. Maybe it’s just me, but that number puts me on the edge of my seat with

worry about the health and future of America’s children.









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Diabetes Worldwide


What about adults, you ask? Recent CDC data found that over 36% of adults in the U.S.

are obese with women slightly more obese than men.i What’s most concerning is that

like childhood obesity rates, the percentage of adults who are obese goes up nearly 3-

4% every year.2

Think about that for a minute ... essentially, more than one of every three adults in the

U.S. is obese, and children are not far behind. Isn’t it odd to think that in spite of all the

technology and advancements we’ve made in regards to food production and

nutritional science, we continue to get fatter?

If anything, with all of the weight-loss diets and our advanced understanding of human

nutritional needs, we should be getting slimmer.

To make matters more concerning, it is estimated that annual medical costs in the U.S.

for people who are obese are roughly $1,500 higher than costs for those in a normal

weight range. That adds up to 100s of billions of dollars in extra medical costs per year.

33% 1 in 3


Are Obese


The Scary Complications of Being Obese

Being overweight puts you at risk of a lot of other problems. That’s why it’s so important

you lose weight as soon as possible. You might feel fine now, but statistically,

overweight people have many more health challenges including:

Heart Disease & Strokes

Heart disease and strokes are the leading causes of death in America. The risks of

heart disease and strokes are 50% higher for adults that are obese.


In one of the largest studies every done (Nurses Health study), the risk of

developing diabetes was 93 times higher among women who were obese.


There is evidence of an association between obesity and cancers of the

esophagus, pancreas, colon, breast, and kidney.


New evidence confirms the relationship between obesity and depression exists. In

fact, research has discovered that obese people have a 55% higher risk of

developing depression.


Obesity can influence various aspects of reproduction from sexual activity to

conception. Obesity increases the risk of experiencing early- and late-term

miscarriages, infertility, and complications during labor and delivery.


Lung Function & Respiratory Disease

Excess weight impairs respiratory function via mechanical and metabolic

pathways. Asthma and obstructive sleep apnea are two common respiratory

diseases linked with obesity.

Memory & Cognitive Function

Being obese increases your risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 42%. It also increases

your risk for dementia.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Excess weight places mechanical and metabolic strains on bones, muscles, and

joints. Obese patients account for a third of all joint replacement operations.

There’s also an increased risk for back pain, lower limb pain, and disability.


Overweight people have an increased risk of death from all causes including

cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other life-threatening diseases.

Other Complications

Other complications obesity can cause include gallstones, gout, chronic kidney

disease, and non-alcoholic, fatty-liver disease.

The saddest part of all this is that obesity is easily reversible. Unfortunately, this isn’t a

good business model for the pharmaceutical or diet industry which stand to lose billions

of dollars a year.


Dieting Myths

The diet industry will do anything to confuse you and prevent you from achieving

permanent weight loss. Let’s look at a few myths they use to stop you from seeing real


Calories Are All That Matter

FALSE – When we look at the complexity of the human body and the biochemical

reactions that occur, it seems like an oversimplification to say that the body treats

all calories the same. The body has different hormonal responses to different

macronutrients, and hormones are ultimately what dictate how our body handles


In addition, there are many causes that have proven this to be wrong. For

example, in a diet called 80/10/10 where you only eat fruit all day long. People

are able to eat 3000-5000 calories and still lose weight, so it’s not just about


You Need to Exercise for Hours Every Day to Lose Weight

FALSE – The diet industry loves to sell you intense cardio programs through late

night infomercials to make money. But I’m here to tell you, you don’t need to do

intense cardio all the time to lose weight.

While exercise programs can help you tone your muscles, diet is the main factor

in whether or not you lose weight.

Genetics Are Keeping You Fat

FALSE – This is arguably the saddest excuse for being overweight. I know that

may seem harsh, but there is little basis to believe that even if you diet and


exercise properly, your body won’t lose weight. I’m not saying that genetics have

absolutely nothing to do with your bodyweight, because they certainly do; but

the idea that you have some sort of genetic abnormality that literally keeps your

body fat is just not the case.

Eating Smaller, More Frequent Meals Speeds Up Your Metabolism

FALSE – Many fitness “gurus” and nutritionists believe that if you eat more

frequently, you will naturally boost your metabolism. However, this is a flawed


Research has shown that eating more frequently leads to eating more bad foods

which ultimately means gaining more weight. In fact, the latest research says the

exact opposite – not eating for long periods of time or fasting is the best way to

lose weight.

Fat Makes You Fat

FALSE – This is taking the saying, “You are what you eat”, a bit too literally. While

fat does contain more calories per gram than carbohydrates and protein, it

doesn’t make you fat simply by consuming it.

Fat is an essential nutrient and plays an integral role in your health and well-

being. Essential fatty acids (like omega-3 fatty acids), are necessary for proper

cellular and heart function as well as fighting inflammation. Even saturated fatty

acids like those found in butter are necessary for proper function. If any of the

macronutrients were to blame, it would be carbohydrates.

Don’t believe everything published by the diet industry. If everyone really got in shape,

they would go out of business. It’s in their best interest to spread false information.



2 The “Diet” Conspiracy

The Fake Search for the Cure

Just think about this for a second ... how many thousands of dollars have you spent on

losing weight and getting fit? After all that money, what results did you get? Are you in

the best shape of your life, or are you overweight?

Last year in the United States alone, $20 billion was spent on diet books, diet drugs, and

weight loss surgeries – more than any other country spent. And yet our rates of obesity

are some of the highest in the world. How could we be spending the most money on

dieting and still have the highest level of obesity?

To get to the bottom of this, we’re going to have to do some good, old-fashioned

investigative work. When I look for the truth, the first thing I do is follow the money.

Diet Industry

Think about this ... all of those diet books, weight loss programs, supplements, and late-

night, exercise infomercials are selling thousands (if not millions) of copies each and

every year.

They use celebrity spokespeople to help push their products. Many of them struggle

themselves to keep their weight off (Kirstie Alley, Oprah Winfry, and Jennifer Hudson –

just to name a few).


Every year these companies get bigger and bigger, bringing in more profits and

expanding their product lines.

Why in the world would they want you to lose weight? Stay with me here, and think

about it ... if you actually lost all of the weight and kept it off for good, they would all go

out of business.

I know this industry very well. I’ve tried every diet I could find. Many of the products are

complete garbage, tendering on fraud (We’ll get to the later).

I’m not saying none of these diet work. They do. I’ve tried many of them that worked –

it’s just that they are not meant to work in the long run.

I’ll admit that I have seen a few, very dedicated individuals lose weight and keep it off in

the long run. But these people are very motivated, and most people do not achieve

these results – hence the disclaimer we see all too often, “Results not typical”.

My point is, the diet industry has no reason to ever cure obesity for good. Doing so

would put them out of business. Let’s look at the other culprits ... here’s where it gets


Food Companies

Since the introduction of modern food processing, our food has steadily been getting

worse, devoid of nutrients and packed with calories. It’s no wonder we have an obesity


The vast majority of Americans don’t cook anymore. We are rapidly becoming a culture

of fast food. And while I won’t disagree the stuff tastes great, we all know it’s junk. This

food is so processed that our bodies don’t even recognize it as food. Instead, it works its

hardest to eliminate everything you ate.


This means your body isn’t getting the nutrition it needs, so even after you eat a huge

meal, you’re still hungry. On top of that, the food companies add special chemicals that

make you feel even hungrier.

Again, all of this is done on purpose to sell more food and make money. The more you

eat, the bigger you get. The bigger you get, the more you eat. Everything equates to

making more money and skyrocketing profits.

Add billions of dollars in advertising, and how could anyone resist? I mean, you can’t

turn on the TV or drive down the street without seeing an advertisement for a new

cheeseburger or some ultra rich dessert. We are literally bombarded with messages to

eat, eat, eat!

My dad is a perfect example. Every time I visit, he’s watching the Food Network. Fast

forward an hour, and he and my mom are making what they just saw on TV, even

though they just ate.

But who could blame them? It’s hard to stay away from all that junk food. Veggies have

a hard time competing with chemically addictive, artificially flavored processed foods.

And even if you’re one of the good ones who mostly avoids these foods and shops at

the supermarket, your situation isn’t much better.

Except for the outermost perimeter of the store that usually holds healthier, whole, and

unprocessed foods, everything down the inner aisles is literally junk – food that’s

tweaked with chemicals for maximum “mouth feel” and “repeat appeal” (addictiveness).

Low-fat, light, lean, diet, zero, low-carb, low-cal, sugar-free, “healthy” – all marketing

words created to cover up more junk. And it’s all making us fat.

It’s best to avoid as much of this toxic food as possible. Not so you’ll lose weight, but so

you don’t get sick. Almost all diseases today are diet related. Don’t buy into the lie that


it’s about your genes. Nothing could be further from the truth. Disease is almost entirely

related to what you put in your mouth.

Having said that, there’s no way any of us can resist our favorite foods all of the time.

But don’t worry – later on in this book, I’ll show you how you can still eat those foods

and lose weight.

We all know that bad food is related to obesity. But there’s another connection that not

everyone knows about, and it’s the main reason the food industry wants us fat.

Big Pharma Profits

Here’s something that might shock you.

Major food companies are owned and run by the same bigwigs that own the big

pharmaceutical companies. Why?

Because eating poorly is the major contributor to disease. So not only do they profit

while you overeat on their scientifically created junk food, they also profit on your

suffering when you develop a major disease.

Don’t believe me? Look it up.

Think about it ... in a world where no sickness existed, do you think pharmaceutical

companies could be near as wealthy as they are nowadays?

The sicker we are as a society, the more Big Pharma drugs they can sell. And don’t worry

– doctors hand out most prescription drugs like candy these days since they often

receive a kickback from pharmaceutical companies for each patient they prescribe to.

It may sound cynical, but the pharmaceutical and medical industries as a whole like it

when we are sick – it keeps them in business.


This is why the title of this chapter includes the word “conspiracy”, because food

companies and Big Pharma realize that fat people are sick people, and that brings more

drug sales. It’s quite a brilliant scheme when you think about it, but it’s a despicable one

as well, to say the least.

None of this will ever be reported on in the news. Can you guess why? Those same

companies also connected to major media companies.

Government Protection?

“What about the government?” you ask. Doesn’t the Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) step in and make sure food companies stay honest and keep food safe?

Well … that’s what it was first created for, but today, it doesn’t work anything like that

anymore. Pharmaceutical companies have been spending millions of dollars lining the

pockets of corrupt politicians in order to keep the drugs flowing.

In fact, most of the top executives at the FDA either worked for Big Pharma in the past

or were offered high-paying jobs right after their terms in office.

So, you can’t trust any of their recommendations, and yes, this includes their food


Congress has had numerous meetings and panels to come up with the “best” dietary

guidelines. But instead of looking at real world science, they line the panels with people

who have direct ties with the pharmaceutical industry.

In the last 50 years, they have changed their guidelines a handful of times, and each

time the guidelines were changed, there was a sharp increase in obesity.


Listen, the cause of obesity is well known. It has been for years, yet the government’s

suggestions are the exact opposite. They are all working together to keep you fat, all for

the sake of profits and lining their pockets.

I know – it’s easier to believe what you’ve been told and follow everyone else rather

than think for yourself. This is part of human nature. We want to believe that what the

government and drug companies tell us about food is true. Unfortunately, most of it


This disinformation is driven into people’s minds to such an extent that hearing anything

different sounds crazy to them.

If people knew the truth, these industries would lose huge profits because the financial

”health” of these operations depends on them having complete control over what the

public knows about their own nutrition and health.

Unfortunately, you just can’t trust the nutritional information provided by the

government anymore. We have to start listening to our bodies.

Obesity is all about the money, and the food industry and pharmaceutical companies

are making a killing off of your suffering. Yo-yo dieting used to be your only option, but

we both know that doesn’t work.

In the next chapter, I’ll show you a new science. One that is not driven by profits, but

instead, one that is meant to put an end to all of the pain and suffering caused by







Chapter 3 How Your Body

Stores Fat

Now that we know how the diet, food, and drug industries have conspired with the

government to keep us fat, it’s time to learn the truth.

You may feel like the victim right now, but as you will soon find out, the solution to all

obesity is pretty simple.

First, let’s learn a little more about how our body stores fat. Understanding this is key to

figuring out what to do about the problem.

Most people get fat in common places. For men, it’s around the belly, and for women,

it’s the hips, thighs, and buttocks. But did you know this is a key indicator of hormonal


If you have struggled to lose weight or keep it off, I guarantee that your hormones are

at play. Your hormones control every aspect of weight loss including your metabolism,

where you store your fat, your appetite, and even your cravings!

This means any form of hormonal imbalance will sabotage your efforts – regardless of

your diet and exercise habits. While there are many hormones that affect weight gain,

I’m going to focus all of my attention on the only one that really matters ... insulin.


It’s no longer a secret. Why your body stores fat has been well known for many years –

and that reason is insulin.

Insulin is the hormone in your body directly responsible for converting excess sugar into

fat. That’s its job. The more insulin you have, the more fat you gain. It’s literally that

simple. Insulin = Fat.


Let me give you an example ... if everything was working properly and your insulin levels

were normal, you would eat around 2000 calories, your body would burn 2000 calories,

and your body weight would stay the same.


But what would happen if you ate those same 2000 calories and your insulin levels were

too high? Well, since insulin is responsible for converting sugar into fat, it would take

some of those calories and instantly store them as fat. In this example, around 500

calories would be stored as fat.

But it get worse. Say your body needs those 2000 calories to function throughout the

day. Since you stored 500 calories, you’re body is 500 calories short of its daily

requirement, so it tells your brain that you’re hungry. So you eat and eat and store more

and more fat, and you’re always hungry.

This is why almost all Type 2 diabetics taking insulin injections are overweight. They are

getting way too much insulin. But you don’t have to be diabetic to have too much


If you are overweight, I can guarantee it’s because you suffer from some form of insulin

resistance. Because of that, your body compensates by making too much insulin. This

leads to easy weight gain and constant food cravings. But what causes insulin resistance,

and how do you fix it?


Fat/Sugar Connection

This is important, and you won’t find this information anywhere else, so read carefully.

Your body is made up of trillions of cells, and each one of them needs energy to survive

– just like you do. Your cells primarily feed off of sugar in the form of glucose.

Everything you eat ultimately gets converted into glucose and sent into your


In a perfectly healthy environment, glucose is easily absorbed through the cell walls. The

cells don’t require insulin to absorb glucose – that is a myth. (10) (11)

When you eat a typical meal, say pork chops and potatoes, you take in a large amount

of fat and glucose – fat from pork chops that might be fried, and glucose from the

broken-down carbohydrates from the potatoes.



Healthy Glucose Metabolism

Healthy cells can easily absorb

glucose from the bloodstream.

Insulin is not required for this to take

place as the medical industry has

tricked you into believing.


Now, if you took some of your blood after this meal and put it into a centrifuge (a

machine that spins things really fast), you’d separate the red blood cells from everything

else. And what you’ll see floating at the top is a murky layer of fat. The fat you ate for

dinner is now traveling through your arteries.

If your body has a high amount of fat floating in your blood (lipids), your cells get

coated with a layer of fat. This makes it impossible for glucose to enter the cell. Cells

become weak, and sugar builds up in your blood stream because it’s not being

absorbed by the cells.

Insulin is how your body deals with excess glucose in the bloodstream.

In order to deal with this excess glucose and protect your body from harm, your

pancreas creates insulin which then grabs excess glucose and stores it as fat.

Excess Glucose


High Lipid Glucose Metabolism

High blood lipids (FAT) are very sticky

and coat the outside of your cells,

making it very difficult for the glucose

to be absorbed by the cells.

This is why your blood sugar spikes

and you still feel tired. High blood

sugar is dangerous, and that’s where

insulin comes in.



Since the way you’ve been eating has caused your cells to be chronically covered in fat

and filled your blood with sugar, your pancreas has to produce an excessive amount of

insulin, day after day.

To clarify – the reason your body makes too

much insulin is TOO MUCH FAT and TOO

MUCH SUGAR in your bloodstream at the

same time.

It’s not that either fat or sugar is bad for you. It’s when you eat excessive amounts of

both with every meal.

For example, you could eat a diet that’s pure sugar, and as long as you eat little to no

fat, you would lose weight. In fact, a raw, fruit-only diet does exactly that, and it’s super

high in sugar.

Glucose Stored as Fat


Insulin Function

The body releases insulin to get rid of

excess glucose in the bloodstream.

Without insulin, your body would go

into shock.




The same goes for a diet high in fat. You can eat all the bacon and butter you want as

long as you don’t eat sugar or carbohydrates at the same time. The Atkins Diet and the

Paleo Diet are just a couple of the diets that work on this principle.

But wait a second…

How come there are people who can eat anything they want yet still remain skinny?

They eat fat and sugar all the time and don’t gain an ounce of fat. Why are they so


I’m here to tell you they have a secret – something overweight people don’t have, and

I’ll reveal exactly what that secret is as well as how you can use it in the next chapter.


Chapter 4 The True Cause

of Obesity

In the last chapter, we learned that too much insulin is the cause of unwanted fat gain,

and that your body releases too much insulin because we are eating too much fat and

too much sugar at the same time.

Now I want to explain how those lucky few can eat anything they want (including mixing

fats and sugars) and get away with it.

And trust me, it has nothing to do with their metabolism.

The truth is it all comes down to their gut!

In a groundbreaking study, researchers discovered that the bacteria in the guts of those

who were obese were completely different from the gut bacteria of those who were


But the researchers went further and isolated the exact bacteria responsible for keeping

people skinny and gave them to overweight people. And guess what happened? They

all lost weight without changing a thing about their lives.

How Your Gut Biome Affects Your Weight Gain

You might be a little confused at this point because in the last chapter I said fat gain is

caused by insulin, and now I’m saying it’s caused by gut bacteria.


They’re one and the same, and I’ll show you how they are related.

In your body, you have literally trillions of little bacteria living in your intestines. They are

essential to digesting and absorbing your food. If they are out of balance, all sorts of

things start going wrong.

These bacteria are critical not only to weight loss, but also to good health in general. But

out of all the wonderful things they do, there are two things that stand out.

1. Good Bacteria Prevents Bad Microbes from Overgrowing

In your gut, there are thousands of different species of bacteria competing for

survival. Some are good, and some are bad. When you have the right balance

(about 85% good to 15% bad), your good bacteria keeps the bad bacteria at bay.

It also keeps a different type of microbe in check … fungus. These guys are a real

problem. You see, fungus can change shapes and turn into rods that can poke

holes in your intestines.

If you have these holes (and most overweight people do), food can pass through

the intestine undigested. This causes excess fat in the bloodstream. As we learned


in the last chapter, excess fat in the bloodstream coats the cells, preventing them

from using glucose, which is the cause of insulin resistance. In turn, your body

keeps producing excessive insulin to keep blood sugar down. Now you know how

good bacteria and insulin are related.

2. Good Bacteria Slows the Release of High Sugar Foods

The second important thing these good bacteria do is help your body digest

food more thoroughly. This means carbohydrates (such as bread, pasta, and

potatoes) digest more slowly causing less insulin to be produced.

Now you know why good bacteria are critical to weight loss. If you have any of the

following symptoms, you can be certain a bacteria imbalance is the main cause of your

weight gain.

Gut Imbalance Symptoms

Sign 1: Digestive Issues - The first thing you’ll notice is digestive problems including

gas, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel disease.

Sign 2: Mental Issues – Did you know the health of your gut could be affecting the

health of your brain? It’s true! Scientists have already discovered that gut bacteria

produces neurotransmitters that keep you happy. People with depression, anxiety, brain

fog, and OCD are commonly found to have gut imbalances.

Sign 3: Skin Conditions – For many skin problems, the problem is not the skin but an

unhealthy gut. If you have acne, rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema, you most likely have a gut



But why do skinny people have this good bacteria and you don’t? Let’s find out how you

lost this important good bacteria.

Things that Destroy Good Bacteria

Everyone gets their good bacteria at birth through bacteria found in a mother’s milk.

Those who where born via C-Section or fed with formula may not have this good


Other factors that destroy good bacteria throughout life include:

1. Antibiotics

As opposed to probiotics (which means "for life"), antibiotics (which means

"against life") indiscriminately destroy all bacteria in the body as a way of

eliminating disease. Don't get me wrong – antibiotics can be lifesavers. When

used prudently and properly (when nothing else will work), they can be very

effective. But most people who take antibiotics never make any effort afterwards

to restore their good bacteria when the course of medication ends.

2. Prescription Drugs

Pharmaceutical drugs are toxic not only to your body, but also to your gut

bacteria as well. Avoid them at all costs – unless it’s a medical emergency.

3. Chlorinated/ Fluorinated Water

Drinking chlorinated/fluorinated water can make it almost impossible to maintain

ideal bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract because they kill all bacteria,

regardless of whether they are good or bad.

4. Amalgam Dental Fillings & Vaccines

Mercury is extremely toxic. There’s little doubt that it disrupts the normal micro-

flora in your mouth and affects the entire gut.

5. Stress

By now, we all know that stress is unhealthy. It raises blood pressure, affects the

immune system, disrupts sleep, causes headaches, and can even raise blood

cholesterol levels. I was surprised to learn, however, that human stress is also

unhealthy for our gut micro-biome.

6. Excess Meat or Dairy Consumption

Good bacteria prefer fruits and vegetables. Meat and dairy clog up your

intestines and are filled with bad bacteria.

7. Alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages excessively can reduce the number of healthy

bacteria in your digestive tract.

Restoring Good Bacteria

There are literally thousands of different types of good bacteria. Science has only

recently discovered how key they are to health and weight loss. It might be years before

we have a complete understanding. Of all the probiotic bacteria studied to date,

Streptococcus thermophilu shows the most promising effects on weight loss. Numerous

studies in rodents have found that it has anti-obesity effects.

Also known as S. thermophilu, the Streptococcus thermophilu strain is one you don’t

hear about often. It is, however, extremely powerful for weight maintenance and

possibly protection against harmful organisms.



A 2013 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported obese adults who

took L. gasseri SBT2055/LG2055 lost almost 10% of their body fat in a few short weeks,

simply by adding this strain of probiotics to their diet. [7]

Remember – this is without changing their diet and without exercising at all!

However, when the participants stopped taking the probiotic, they gained back all the

fat within a month.

So how to you get this miracle probiotic?

Let’s find out in the next chapter.






Eating Your Favorite Foods and

Still Losing Weight

So far, I’ve explained the background to the current obesity epidemic, the standard diets

and why they’ll never work, and the new science that makes it easy to lose fat and keep

it off permanently without giving up your favorite foods!

Now it’s time to get to the specifics of The Favorite Food Diet Program. I’ve spent years

studying weight loss, and I promise you – this program works!

Just follow this easy, 3-Step Program, and you’ll be shocked at how quickly your fat

melts away and how sexy you look in your clothes. Follow these simple steps, and watch

in amazement as you get your dream body!

“Wow, wow, wow. The Favorite Food Diet is exactly what you

said it was and much more. I’m on day 4, and I’ve already lost 2

pounds. I have tried for months to get my weight to budge ... and

here I am with an ice cream sundae and loving every minute of

it ... Chrissie, you are my hero!”


Actual Results

Favorite Food Success Story - Rebecca


Re-Balance Your Gut Biome

The proper functioning of your liver and pancreas is crucial to

reversing diabetes. In this first step, you’ll use a powerful

combination of herbs to gently cleanse and reactivate the

cells in your liver and pancreas.

The Favorite Food Diet

The Favorite Food Diet is simple. We’ve broken down the diet

into easy-to-understand guidelines, so you can’t go wrong.

And the best part … you’ll still be able to eat all the foods you

love and desire!

OPTIONAL – Mind Exercises

Finally, I’ll show you how to use your mind to create changes

at the cellular level. We all know our minds are powerful

things, but did you know that just thinking and believing

you’re in great shape can actually help make it happen?

Once you start seeing results, remember to send us a testimonial with before and after

pictures so we can share it with others and highlight the benefits of this powerful






Chapter 5 Re-Balancing Your Gut


As we discussed in Chapter 4, your gut is full of microbes that in many ways, dictate

what your body does with the food you eat. You also learned that overweight

individuals lack a key bacterium, Streptococcus thermophilu that has been shown to

induce weight loss when restored via supplement.

Unfortunately, it can be tough to restore healthy gut bacteria and microbes with diet

alone, especially when you’re overweight. To get your gut back to where it needs to be

for weight loss, we are going to employ the use of a powerful supplement containing

scientifically proven ingredients.

I want to stress that these ingredients are crucial to your success on The Favorite Food

Diet. By using these ingredients as instructed, you will greatly accelerate your weight

loss and path to better health.

Restoring Healthy Microbes in the Gut

The first order of business for restoring healthy microbes in your gut is to supplement

with a probiotic that contains the specific bacterial strain we’re after – Streptococcus thermophilu.

In conjunction with that, we have found two other synergistic ingredients that act as a

pre-biotic and appetite suppressant to further enhance your gut health and reduce

sugar cravings.


While these ingredients have some positives on their own, their power is greatly

amplified when combined. Trust me – this stuff works, and your results will be

remarkable when you take these ingredients while following The Favorite Food Diet.

And now that we’ve had thousands of people go through the program, I can guarantee

you this stuff works. Let’s look at the individual herbs to understand its true potential.

Ingredient Properties



Research has shown that Streptococcus thermophilusupplementation in obese individuals results in reduction of

body weight even when they don’t reduce their total calorie

intake or even exercise.

Essentially, this is the key, anti-obesity bacterial strain found in

abundance in slim individuals who seemingly eat anything and


Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium Lactis & Bifidum has been studied extensively

for weight loss because of one of its unique properties – It reduces levels of the pro-inflammatory substance called lipopolysaccharides (LPS). This ultimately keeps your insulin

levels down and the weight off.



Lactobacillus Plantarum is a strain of bacteria that helps the body out in several ways. The biggest impact is by binding to the intestinal mucosa which helps to increase the population of beneficial bacteria. This helps to prevents the fungus from

boring holes in your intestines, again reducing the amount of

fat getting into your bloodstream.

Lactis & Bifidum

These ingredients can be purchased at most natural and health food stores, online at or other online natural health sellers. The challenges with buying and using

these supplements are:

1. We cannot be certain they contain the listed ingredients in the way of quality and


2. You may not be able to get the exact ratio of what is required to optimize the

results of your program

3. It can be very expensive to purchase all three

Because of the above and some other specific reasons (you will read below) we

recommend Probiotic T-50.

Why We Chose Probiotic T-50

When we first started sharing the Favorite Food Diet, we used to recommend third-party

supplements to help support the amazing results of the program. Unfortunately, over

time, we found we were recommending supplements with deteriorating quality. The

Manufacturers slowly started decreasing the needed ingredients (Streptococcus thermophilu, Bifidobacterium Lactis & Bifidum, Lactobacillus Plantarum) to increase

profits. When this started occurring, favorite foods customers were not seeing the

expected weight losses.

This did not sit well with us.

Our corporate mission is to bring health and wellness alternatives to the masses – a

revolutionary diet program and products that ACTUALLY work, are of the highest quality

at a price point that most consumers could afford. Naturally, we weren’t happy

continuing to recommend a substandard product to our customers.


So we searched far and wide and wide, until we came across Dr. Ryan Shelton MD. He has put together a miracle cocktail that will repair your gut and help your waistline. It's an amazing synergistic combination that probably everyone should be taking.

Not only does Probiotic T-50 contain all the ingredients listed above at effective

dosages, it’s also more cost effective. This is a product that we proudly and confidently

stand behind in source ingredients, quality and potency, so our customers can get

optimal results.

Probiotic T-50 is the only guaranteed way to get this specific strain of bacteria used in

the study at effective dosages. And it’s available exclusively for Favorite Foods Diet


Each bottle contains a 30 day supply that you take with water daily.



How To Get It

If you did not order a bottle of Probiotic T-50 with your purchase of Favorite

Food Diet, you can still get it!

FOR A LIMITED TIME: New customers are eligible for a 30% discount if

you order within 7 days of purchasing the Favorite Food Diet.

Note: It’s made in small batches to ensure potency and quality, so sometimes

they run out of stock. It’s best to order as soon as possible, so you aren’t

delayed starting the Favorite Food Diet.

YES! Give Me Probiotic T-50 Now!


Chapter 6 The Favorite Food Diet

Now that you know the exact supplement you need to restore your gut bacteria, it’s

time to add a special diet that accelerates weight loss even further.

Using the probiotic and diet together is the

one-two punch and magic behind The

Favorite Food Diet Program. With these two

steps, you’ll have your dream body in no time.

The Favorite Food Diet is divided into two


The first phase is for rapid fat loss. You don’t need to do this part, but it’s simple and will

help you see the most drastic results.

The second phase starts after you’ve reached your ideal body weight. This is more of a

guide to keeping the weight off for rest of your life.

If you’re thinking you’ll be on a restricted diet your whole life, don’t worry. You’ll still be

able to enjoy all the foods you love. In addition, this new way of eating will improve your

health, boost your energy levels, and have you feeling happier than ever before!

Let’s get started.


How Have Our Diets Changed?

Many, many years ago, our great ancestors led a very different life. Although our

digestive systems haven’t evolved much since then, it is important to note that our diets

have changed tremendously. In this section, we will explore how this affects your body,

and more specifically, how it causes you to gain weight.

What Did Early Humans Eat?

Although our diet evolved over millions of years, I want to focus on three major shifts

that got us where we are today.

It’s now known that early humans ate a diet almost identical to our closest genetic

relatives – the great apes. In fact, studies have shown that 99.4% of our DNA is identical

to animals such as the Bonobo chimpanzee. They ate a diet that was primarily fruit. This

makes sense because early humans lived in tropical regions to stay warm since they

didn’t wear clothes yet, and fruit is plentiful and delicious in such areas.

What’s important to note is that their diet was almost entirely carbohydrate-based

because of the sugar in fruit. This means they ate a lot of sugar and little to no fat. Yet

none of these early humans were overweight.

Our first shift happened nearly 40,000 years ago. At this point and as populations grew,

some humans began to migrate north into colder areas. Fruit became so rare in these

locations that they were forced to expand their diet to include animal products for

survival. They ate every part of the animal (especially the fat) and used the fur to make


It wasn’t easy to digest the meat, but this is when our early ancestors started gaining

bacteria in their intestines to digest food. They got it from eating rotting flesh that

already contained bacteria. As gross as that sounds, they would never have been able to

survive on this unnatural diet without such bacteria.


The significance here is they ate a lot of fat but very little sugar. Again, none of them

were overweight.

The second shift happened about 10,000 years ago. This is when humans started to eat

grains. Grains are full of carbohydrates which eventually turn into simple sugars. These

grains were stone ground and less processed, so they didn’t spike insulin as much as the

breads we eat today. Plus at this time, they had even more bacteria in their intestines.

Bacteria they got from eating unwashed grains.

The third shift happened in the early 1950s. This is when our consumption of

industrialized processed foods began, and food quality dropped rapidly. Processed

carbohydrates and high fructose syrup have very high glycemic indexes that force your

body to produce large amounts of insulin. Just look at how much more sugar we

consume each year.


We’ve gone from consuming five pounds of sugar a year to eating an astonishing 100

pounds of sugar a year in the blink of an eye in human history. This wouldn’t have been

much of a problem if we didn’t also increase our consumption of fat, but that’s exactly

what happened.

Just look at these statistics:

What’s important to remember is that our consumption of both fat and sugar has gone

up drastically in the last 100 years. Throughout history, there has never been another

time when we ate so much sugar and so much fat at the same time.

This is also about the time antibiotics were discovered and started being prescribed for

everything. All of these factors combined to create the epidemic of obesity we see


Now that we know we are eating too much fat and too much sugar, let’s find out what

we should be eating to make The Favorite Food Diet work.

U.S. Fat Consumption 1909 - 2005




Rule 1: The Importance of Whole Foods

While you can eat any of your favorite foods on this diet, it’s best to eat as many whole

foods as possible. This is especially true of fruit and vegetables.

Taking the probiotic we recommend will get the specific bacteria in your gut, but that

bacteria needs to eat to live and survive, and their favorite foods are raw fruits and


The first rule of The Favorite Food Diet is that 80% of your diet must be healthy whole

foods. This means fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and meat. Remember – fruit and

veggies are their favorites, so eat a lot of those.

For the rest of your diet, eat anything you wish. Although you’ll still lose weight if you

eat junk food, I can’t say it will be good for your health.


First, whole foods contain many more nutrients compared to processed foods. Many of

these vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients are required in order for your body to

function properly.

Second, whole foods still have all of their fiber. Since it’s harder for your body to digest

fiber, the amount of glucose released through digestion is slower. This means less

insulin and fewer spikes in blood sugar.

Third, whole foods keep you full longer. Instead of getting hungry an hour after you eat,

you’ll feel satisfied throughout the day, and this leads to choosing healthier foods and

eating less.

This is why The Favorite Food Diet is built around whole foods.

Rule 2: Losing Weight through Fasting

The first phase of The Favorite Food Program involves fasting. That means periods of

time when you’re eating very little or nothing at all. New research suggests this is really

good for you in general, and it’s especially good for fat loss.

It works on the principles of intermittent fasting. It’s simple – eat as much as you want

but only within a 10-hour window. For example, if you had breakfast at noon, you can

have any amount of the allowed foods until 10 PM that evening, and then you can’t eat

again until noon the next day.


My 24 Hour 18/9 Intermittent Fasting Timeline

This is my day-to-day life as far as routine goes. I stick to this as much as possible!

When the 10-hour window starts and stops is up to you. The great part is sleeping is

included in the 14-hour fasting time. The only thing you can consume during the fasting

period is water and unsweetened tea.

Rule 3: Drink Clean Water Everyday

During this first phase, you’ll need to drink a lot of water – at least two liters per day.

Here’s why ... there are many metabolites that build from fat mobilization and have to

be eliminated from the body.

If you are adequately hydrated, these metabolites will preferentially be eliminated

through the kidneys. If you are dehydrated, the liver is going to be responsible for

moving a lot of those metabolites into the bile and stool for excretion. When losing

body fat, the liver is also the main area where mobilized fat is processed.

If the liver has to strain to eliminate metabolites, it has less capability to metabolize

stored fat into usable energy. Staying well hydrated frees the liver to process body fat so

that it can be burned as fuel.


That’s it. Just follow these three simple rules and take Biofi as directed, and you’ll be on

your way to the most effortless weight loss you’ve ever imagined.

Fit Forever

So ... you’ve completed the first phase of the diet. You’re in perfect shape – now what?

This part is even easier, and there is just one rule – continue taking Biofi to keep up your

good bacteria. That’s it. You can eat whatever you want. I know – it’s too good to be

true, but it is. Try it for yourself.

I’ve given you everything you need to start The Favorite Food Diet Program and change

your life forever.

Now I’m going to go over a few more ideas that will accelerate your results.


Chapter 8 Optional: Losing Weight

with Your Mind

In the past decade or so, hundreds of studies have been conducted that demonstrate

the powerful connection between mind and body. While Napoleon Hill figured it out

many years ago, many scientists now believe that what you think about actually shapes

your life.

For example, if you truly believe you need to starve yourself and exercise for hours, your

body will agree. Research has shown that your body changes the chemicals it makes

(including insulin, leptin, and cortisol) based on what you’re thinking about.

In landmark studies, Dr. Bruce Lipton proved that your mind can affect the cells of your

body and even your DNA. He goes on to explain how our expectations and desires can

affect our body’s ability to fight illnesses and heal itself.

So how do you use this “natural power” to heal your diabetes? Let’s find out.

Is Your Subconscious Keeping You Fat?

Each and every one of us has an image of ourselves in our subconscious mind. Your

current self-image is built and shaped by the interpretations and evaluations you place

on past experiences.

For example, let’s just say that at some point of time in your past, someone may have

mentioned that obesity runs in your family. Now regardless of whether you were at a

higher risk of being excessively overweight or not, you may have started thinking that


you were. You may have imagined yourself being fat. This may be something you

consciously or subconsciously remember and play out in your mind.

My point is that it doesn’t matter if the experience is real or imagined – your mind sees

it the same, and these thoughts affect your self-image. Your mind and body react to

your internal self-image, so if your self-image is one of an overweight individual, your

body will do everything it can to make that true.

In order to lose weight and keep it off, it’s imperative to change your self-image. Luckily,

there’s an easy way to do this.

21-Day Visualization Exercises

The mind is a powerful thing to waste. It can do so much for us, and very few of us

actually use its power to shape our self-image and create perfect health.

The first thing to do is get a clear image in your mind’s eye of what it would feel like to

be slim and not have to worry so much about every morsel of food you consume. This is

the ideal you.

Begin by imagining yourself completely free of stress from being overweight ... free of

rigid diets that fall short of their false promises ... free to eat all of the foods you love.

I promise you – if you give this an honest effort, you’ll be thrilled with the results, and

you’ll choose to continue using this tool for the rest of your life.

We have purposefully asked you to challenge yourself for three weeks, because research

has proven that it takes 21 days to make a substantial change of your self-image.

As I’ve said before, your current self-image was created by your imagination, so we can

use the same method to create a new self-image where you enjoy your perfectly healthy



Remember – all you have to do is sit back, relax, and imagine yourself as you wish to be.

Here’s how ...

Grab a piece of paper, and write a brief description of the image you

intend to view in your mind’s eye. This will be the movie you play

repeatedly in your mind.

Every day, find a quiet place to relax where you won’t be disturbed. Close

your eyes, and in your mind, begin playing the movie you wrote about in

Step 1 for at least 20 minutes.

For the first seven days, refine your movie to picture your body exactly as

you desire it to be, and during the remaining 14 days, play this exact

movie in your mind over and over again.



Most people find they get better results if they imagine themselves

sitting in a theater and watching themselves as the star character in

a movie on the big screen.

It’s important to make your mental movie of yourself as vivid and

detailed as possible in order to simulate actual experiences. For

example, instead of just picturing your body being slim, imagine

yourself excited as friends tell you how good you look. Imagine the

opposite sex drooling over the new you.

Pay attention to small details. The more detailed you are, the more

your subconscious will believe it to be an actual experience. Make

sure to use all of your senses.






What Should I Expect on The Favorite Food Program?

The First Few Days

Many people find the first few days to be the toughest during the adjustment to eating

during just 10 hours of the day. In addition, when you introduce the good bacteria to

your gut, you may experience some slight discomforts such as gas or bloating. That’s

just a little battle going on while the good bacteria is taking over your gut territory. It

will quickly pass, and your digestion should actually improve.

During the first phase of the program, you will lose a lot of weight quickly. Some of it

will be fat, but a lot of it will be water. As your body starts cleansing itself, it uses water

to flush out the fat and other toxins. This is why it’s important to drink at least two liters

of water each day. Otherwise, you will become constipated and experience flu-like detox


Although everyone is different, here is what you should expect during the first two


• You may be a little tired in the first week, but you’ll get a surge of energy by

week two as your body clears out some fat and adjusts to your new diet.

• You may lose between 5-20 pounds of weight. Some of it is water, but a lot of it

will be fat.

• You might become less hungry, and this is normal. You don’t have to eat if

you’re not hungry. It’s just a sign that your body is finally getting the nutrition it


Chapter 9 Questions & Answers


Once You’ve Reached Your Target Weight

Once you’ve completed phase one, your body will have transformed. Your energy levels

will be higher, you’ll be sleeping better, and you’ll feel a real sense of achievement.

It’s time to celebrate with your friends and family. You might even need to buy some

new clothes to match the new slimmer you. It’s also a good time to pull out the photos

you took at the beginning of this journey. Take a new photo, and post the before and

after pictures on Facebook and other social media sites.

Don’t forget to send us your testimonial so we can give other people the confidence to

try The Favorite Food Diet Program.

You can add your testimonial by visiting

Actual Results

“This is a huge breakthrough … I went from 186 and

I’m all the way down to 159 in just 1 month … It’s

really amazing!”

Favorite Food Diet Success Story - Olive Monson Price



You now have everything you need to get into the best shape of your life!

This concludes the details of the 3-Step Plan that has been used successfully by

thousands of people in order to drop inches and weight for good. Here’s a recap:

Re-Balance Your Gut Biome

The proper functioning of your liver and pancreas is crucial to

reversing diabetes. In this first step, you’ll use a powerful

combination of herbs to gently cleanse and reactivate the

cells in your liver and pancreas.

The Favorite Food Diet

The Favorite Food Diet is simple. We’ve broken down the diet

into easy-to-understand guidelines, so you can’t go wrong.

And the best part is you’ll still be able to eat all of the foods

you love and desire!

OPTIONAL – Mind Exercises

Finally, I showed you how to use your mind to create changes

at the cellular level. We all know our minds are powerful

things, but did you know that just envisioning yourself in

great shape can actually help make it happen?





Once you start seeing results, remember to send us a testimonial with before and after

pictures so we can share it with others and showcase the benefits of this powerful


I’ve made everything as easy as possible, so there’s no reason to delay starting right

away. We even have a support team to answer any questions you may have.

But the choice about whether or not you are going to be overweight is now yours. I’ve

given you all of the information you need, but you still have to follow it to see the

results for yourself.

I guarantee you’ll be shocked by your transformation, just like so many before you who

used this program successfully.

The time to change your life is now. Don’t wait! The devastating effects of obesity are

waiting for you, so do it now. Don’t wait another minute.

Join my cause. No one should have to suffer with being overweight when there is a

simple and effective solution that’s proven to work.

I know that once you’re at your ideal weight, you’ll want to shout it from the rooftops,

so send us your testimonial and help show other people what’s possible.

You can add your testimonial by visiting:

I can’t wait to hear from you! Thank you for taking a chance on The Favorite Food Diet

and believing the truth. Remember to stay positive, and enjoy your new, fit, and sexy






Simple Spring Salad


10 min.






• 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil

• 1 bag of spring salad mix

• ¼ cup red onion, diced

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 2 oz. roasted pecans

• 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

• 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

• ½ tsp. black pepper

• ½ tsp. sea salt


1. Blend all ingredients except olive oil and pecans in a high-speed blender or food

processor until smooth.

2. Once smooth, slowly add in the olive oil until fully emulsified.

3. Serve on top of your choice of salad greens.

4. Sprinkle with roasted pecans and serve.

Chapter 10 Recipes


Simple Coleslaw


10 min.






• 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil

• 1 bag of coleslaw salad mix

• ¼ cup red onion, diced

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 2 oz. roasted pecans

• 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

• 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

• ½ tsp. black pepper

• ½ tsp. sea salt


1. Blend all ingredients except olive oil and pecans in a high-speed blender or food

processor until smooth.

2. Once smooth, slowly add in the olive oil until fully emulsified.

3. Serve on top of your choice of salad greens.

4. Sprinkle with roasted pecans and serve.


Creamy Caesar Salad


10 min.






• 3 hearts of romaine lettuce, chopped

• 1 ripe avocado, diced

• 1 large egg

• 3 cloves garlic, smashed

• 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

• 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

• ⅓ cup of avocado oil

• 2 tbsp. raw cashew pieces

• sea salt & black pepper to taste


1. Add egg, two garlic cloves, lemon juice, mustard, oil, and salt and pepper to a tall

glass jar that’s barely wide enough to accommodate the head of your immersion

blender and let it sit until the egg settles at the bottom.

2. Insert your immersion blender and push it all the way down until it touches the

bottom of the jar.

3. Push the power button and do not move the blender. This will cause dressing to

emulsify and become thick and creamy. Blend for approximately 20 seconds.

4. Add cashews, remaining garlic clove, and salt to a food processor and give them a

few quick pulses until texture resembles that of grated parmesan cheese.

5. Add lettuce, avocado, and dressing to a large mixing bowl.

6. Toss to combine.

7. Divide salad between four plates and sprinkle with parmesan-like mixture.

8. Serve immediately.


Creamy Dill Cucumber Salad


10 min.






• 4 mini cucumbers

• ¼ cup of mayonnaise

• 2 tbsp. fresh dill, finely chopped

• 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

• ½ tsp. Dijon mustard

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. In a small bowl, combine all the ingredients except for the cumbers, and mix well

with a fork.

2. Pour over the sliced cucumbers and stir delicately until well combined.

3. Optional: Cover and place in fridge for two hours to allow flavors to meld.


Tomato/Cucumber/Avocado Salad


10 min.






• 3 cucumbers, peeled, sliced, and halved

• 2 cups cherry tomatoes, sliced

• 2 avocados, cubed

• ¼ cup olive oil

• 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

• 1 tbsp. dried oregano

• 2 tsp. dried basil leaf

• sea salt & pepper, to taste


1. Wash veggies. Peel and slice cucumbers and tomatoes.

2. Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with parmesan cheese (optional).

3. In a separate small bowl, add olive oil, balsamic vinegar, oregano, basil, salt, and

pepper. Mix well.

4. Pour dressing over veggies and mix.

5. Place in refrigerator until ready to serve.

6. Add avocados just before serving.

7. Enjoy!


Crunchy Kale Salad


15 min.






• 1 bunch of kale

• 1 carrot, julienned

• ½ cup golden beets, julienned

• 1 lemon, juiced

• zest of 1 lemon

• 1 tbsp. olive oil

• ¼ cup nuts, chopped

• sea salt & pepper to taste.


1. Cut the kale leaves thinly down the middle along the vein, then stack and thinly slice

into ribbons. Place in a large bowl.

2. Add the julienned carrot and beets, lemon juice and zest, olive oil, salt, and pepper

to the kale. Stir thoroughly to combine.

3. For best results, allow the salad to sit for at least 30 minutes before serving. The

veggies will soften just a bit.

4. Top with chopped nuts for a bit more crunch.


Asian Salad


10 Min






2 cups shredded carrots

1 head of Napa cabbage, chopped

½ cup cashews (optional)

Whole chicken, torn into shreds

¼ cup Tamari sauce

¼ cup white wine vinegar

3 tbsp. finely minced ginger

3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

2 tbsp. Hoisin sauce

1 tbsp. toasted sesame oil

1 tsp. spicy chili oil (1 tsp. Sriracha if you like it more spicy)

5 green onions, green & white parts, chopped

1 tbsp. white sesame seeds, 1 tbsp. black sesame seeds ½ tsp. sea salt


1. In a small mason jar with lid, add tamari, vinegar, minced ginger, olive oil, hoisin

sauce, toasted sesame oil, chili oil, sea salt, and chopped green onions. Secure the lid

and shake vigorously. Set aside.

2. Next, put chopped cabbage, shredded carrots, cilantro, sesame seeds, cashews, and

enough dressing to coat (around half) into a large plastic bag. Seal and shake vigorously

until well incorporated. Adjust amount of dressing as needed.

3. Place on a plate and top with remaining dressing.




10 min.


25 Min.




• 1 lb. ground beef

• ½ onion, finely chopped

• ½ green pepper, finely chopped

• 1 tbsp. chili powder

• 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

• 2 egg whites

• 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard


1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Crumble ground beef into a large bowl.

2. Add chopped onion, green pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and Dijon mustard.

Combine with a fork.

3. Add eggs and stir again until well blended. You may need to use your hands.

4. Spoon mixture into prepared muffin pan and bake for 25 minutes before serving.


Pesto Chicken & Tomato Kebabs


40 min.


10 min.




• 2 lbs. chicken, cut into 1-inch cubes

• 24 cherry tomatoes

• 1 clove of garlic

• 1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. In a food processor, pulse basil, garlic, salt, and pepper until smooth.

2. In a bowl, combine the raw chicken with pesto and marinate for a few hours. Soak

wooden skewers in water for at least 30 minutes (or use metal ones to avoid this

step). Beginning and ending with chicken, alternately thread chicken with tomatoes

onto eight pairs of parallel skewers to make eight kebabs total.

3. Heat the outdoor or indoor grill on medium heat until hot. Be sure the grates are

clean. Place kebabs on the hot grill and cook for about 3-4 minutes; turn and

continue grilling until chicken is cooked throughout (about 2-3 minutes).

4. Serve and enjoy!


Garlic-Lime Pork Chops


25 min.


10 min.




• 4 pork chops

• 4 garlic cloves, crushed

• 1 tsp. cumin

• 1 tsp. chili powder

• 1 tsp. paprika

• sea salt & pepper to taste

• ½ lime, juiced


1. In a large bowl, season pork with garlic, cumin, chili powder, paprika, salt, and

pepper. Squeeze lime juice over the meat, add zest from the lime, and let it marinade

at least 20 minutes.

2. Line broiler pan with foil for easy clean up. Place pork chops on the broiler pan and

broil about 4-5 minutes on each side or until nicely browned.


Summer Veggies & Sausage


10 min.


20 min.




• 14 oz. Italian sausage, sliced 1-inch thick

• 1 large onion, chopped

• ½ orange bell pepper, diced

• ½ yellow bell pepper, diced

• ½ red bell pepper, diced

• 2 cups zucchini, ½-inch thick & quartered

• 4 garlic cloves, smashed

• 2 tbsp. fresh rosemary

• sea salt & pepper to taste.


1. Add sausage to the skillet and sauté over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally

until browned but not quite cooked through (about 10 minutes).

2. Season chopped vegetables with salt and pepper. Add onions, peppers, garlic, and

rosemary to the skillet and mix.

3. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally until onions and peppers become slightly


4. Add zucchini and cook an additional 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until cooked



Bacon & Eggs




10 min.




• 3 eggs

• 4 bacon slices, cooked

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. Using a large skillet, place slices of bacon in pan over medium-high heat. Turn down

the heat as soon as the bacon starts to sizzle.

2. Cook it while turning every couple of minutes until it reaches desired crispness.

3. Drain bacon on a plate layered with paper towels.

4. Once it’s cooked, turn down the heat to medium-low. Don’t drain the bacon fat – use

it to fry your eggs.

5. Crack three eggs into the pan. Use a slotted spatula to remove the eggs from the

pan once cooked.

6. Blot each egg with a paper towel before putting plating with bacon.

7. Salt & pepper to taste.


Grilled Rosemary Lamb Chops


1 hour


20 min.




• 4 lamb chops

• 3 garlic cloves

• ¼ cup fresh lemon juice

• 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary leaves

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. Combine lemon juice, garlic, and rosemary.

2. Season lamb with salt & pepper, and cover with garlic mixture.

3. Marinate at least one hour, overnight if possible.

4. Discard marinade and grill over medium-high heat or broil in the oven to desired



BBQ Ribs


5 min.


90 min.




• 4 lbs. baby back pork ribs

• cayenne pepper

• garlic powder

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. Preheat grill on high heat.

2. Place ribs on large sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil.

3. Mix all the spices together to make a dry rub.

4. Rub all sides of the ribs with spice mixture.

5. Place ribs in foil on the grill and cook for one hour.

6. Remove ribs from foil and place directly on grill for 30 additional minutes.


Balsamic Roast Beef


30 min.


6 hours




• 3 lbs. boneless beef chuck roast

• 4 carrots, cut into big pieces

• 1 onion, sliced

• 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary

• 2 bay leaves

• 2 garlic cloves, minced

• ⅓ cup balsamic vinegar

• 1½ cups beef stock

• sea salt & black pepper to taste.


1. Season the roast on all sides with sea salt & black pepper.

2. Melt cooking fat in a large skillet over medium-high heat, and sear the roast for 2-3

minutes on each side.

3. Place the meat in a slow cooker and top with onion, garlic, balsamic vinegar, beef

stock, bay leaves, and rosemary. Cover the slow cooker, cook on low for six hours.

4. Remove and discard the two bay leaves and rosemary sprigs.

5. Pour the liquid from the slow cooker into a saucepan and bring to a slow boil over

medium-high heat until you get the desired consistency for your sauce.

6. Pour the sauce back in the slow cooker and serve with the meat and vegetables.


Butterflied Roasted Chicken


15 min.


1 hour




• 1 whole chicken

• 2 onions, peeled and quartered

• 4 carrots, peeled and sliced

• 2 bell peppers, chopped

• 2 lemons, halved

• 3 tbsp. fresh rosemary, finely chopped

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 400°F.

2. Place the chicken breast-side down on cutting board. Cut along both sides of the

backbone from end to end with kitchen shears and remove the backbone. Flip the

chicken, and open it like a book. With your palm, press firmly on the breasts to


3. Place the chicken in Pyrex baking sheet and surround with vegetables and lemon.

4. Season chicken and vegetables with rosemary, salt, and pepper to taste.

5. Place baking sheet in the oven and cook for an hour.


Bean-Less Chili


10 min.


30 min.




• 5 lbs. ground beef

• 2 cups water

• 1 cup tomatoes

• 1 onion, finely chopped

• 5 celery stalks, chopped

• 5 carrots, chopped

• 4 cups button mushrooms, chopped

• 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

• 4 bay leaves

• 3 thyme sprigs

• 2 tbsp. fresh parsley

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. In a large skillet over a medium heat, cook the ground beef with some cooking fat if


2. In a very large saucepan over a medium heat, sauté the garlic in olive oil. Cook for

about two minutes or until the garlic is fragrant.

3. Add the onion, celery, carrots, tomatoes, and mushrooms to the saucepan. Stir well,

and cook for another 5-10 minutes until vegetables are soft.

4. Add cooked ground beef and bay leaves, thyme, and parsley. Stir well.

5. Season to taste with salt and pepper, reduce heat to low, and simmer uncovered for

about four hours or until thick, stirring occasionally.

6. Adjust the seasoning by adding salt or pepper if needed, and remove the bay leaves

and thyme sprigs.


Quick Fish Curry


10 min.


20 min.




• 20 oz. fish, cut into 1-inch chunks

• 1 onion, finely chopped

• 2 tomatoes, chopped

• 3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

• 2 tbsp. freshly grated ginger

• 2 tbsp. coconut oil

• 2 tsp. medium curry powder

• 1 tsp. ground turmeric

• 10 leaves of curry and coriander

• 12 oz. coconut milk

• sea salt


1. Melt the coconut oil in a medium saucepan.

2. Sauté the onion over a medium heat until translucent and just starting to brown.

3. Add garlic and ginger and cook for an additional minute.

4. Add turmeric, curry powder and curry leaves.

5. Continue to cook for one minute, and slowly stir in the coconut milk. Bring to a


6. Add the chopped tomatoes and simmer for five minutes until the tomatoes begin to


7. Add the fish, season to taste with salt, and gently poach for 6-8 minutes until fish is

cooked. Gently stir in coriander and lime juice.

8. Serve with cauliflower rice.


Baked Avocado Fries


10 min.


15 min.




• 2 ripe but firm avocados, pits removed

• 1 large egg, beaten

• 2 tsp. garlic powder

• 1 tsp. onion powder

• 1 tsp. paprika

• ½ tsp. fine sea salt

• ½ tsp. black pepper

• ⅓ cup arrowroot (tapioca) flour

• 1 tsp. stone-ground mustard

• 1½ cups crushed pork rinds


1. Preheat the oven to 425°F and line a baking sheet with foil.

2. Slice avocados in half and carefully remove the pit. Cut each half into three or four

slices and set aside.

3. You'll need three small bowls for the dipping stations. In the first bowl, combine the

arrowroot and half the seasonings. In the second, combine the beaten egg, water,

and mustard. In the third, combine the pork rinds and the other half of the


4. Dip the avocado slices in the arrowroot, then the eggs, and then the pork rinds. Lay

them on the baking sheet. When they're all dipped, bake the avocado fries for 10-12

minutes, flip, and bake another 2-4 minutes. They're best enjoyed hot and fresh!


Spicy Chicken Bites


20 min.


40 min.




• 1 lbs. chicken tenders

• 2 eggs

• 2¼ cups almond flour

• ¼ cup tapioca or potato starch

• ½ tsp. sea salt

• ¼ tsp. fresh cracked pepper

• ½ tsp. garlic powder

• ⅓ cup unsweetened hot sauce

(Franks brand works great!)


1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place the almond flour, garlic powder, sea salt, and fresh cracked pepper in a bowl

and mix together. Place the eggs in another bowl with a splash of water and whisk.

3. One at a time, dip the chicken tenders into the tapioca or potato starch, then into

the egg, and then the almond flour. Lay chicken tenders on the prepared baking

sheet. Bake for 40 minutes or until crispy and turning golden brown.

4. Serve with hot sauce as a dipping sauce.


Shepherd’s Pie


30 min.


30 min.




• 1 lbs. ground beef

• 1 small onion, diced

• 2 celery ribs, diced

• 2 carrots, diced

• 1 head of cauliflower, chopped

• 2 garlic cloves, minced

• ½ cup beef broth

• 2 tbsp. parsley, chopped

• sea salt & pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Grease a 2-3 quart casserole dish and set aside.

2. In a large pot, steam or boil cauliflower until tender.

3. In a large skillet or saucepan over medium-high heat, add onion, celery, carrots,

and garlic and cook until beginning to soften, around five minutes.

4. Add ground meat to the pan and cook until browned. Add beef broth as

necessary to keep the mixture wet. Add ketchup or tomato paste (if using),

parsley, and season with salt and pepper. Let simmer while you prepare the

cauliflower topping.

5. To make the topping, drain cooked cauliflower. Mash or puree with stick blender

until smooth. Add two tablespoons of fat, and season with salt and pepper.

6. Assemble by spreading meat mixture evenly in dish. Top with the cauliflower

mixture and smooth with a spoon. Cover with shredded cheese, if desired.

7. Bake 30 minutes or until the top is brown and bubbly. Serve warm.



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68. Herbal Medicines And Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease… (PMC)

Hong Yao (2016) Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is characterized by

excessive fat accumulation in the liver of patients who consume little or no…

69. Treatment Of Rats With Jiangzhi Capsule Improves Liquid Fructose… (PMC)

Yuanyang Zhao (2015) Jiangzhi Capsule is an Australian listed patented

traditional Chinese medicine and has been used for management of lipid…

70. Crude Extracts From Lycium Barbarum Suppress SREBP-1c Expressi… (PMC)

Wang Li (2014) Lycium barbarum polysaccharide is well known in traditional

Chinese herbal medicine that, has beneficial effects. Previous study reported…

71. Recent Advances In The Herbal Treatment Of Non-Alcoholic Fatty… (PMC)

Jia Xiao (2013) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the leading causes of

chronic liver injury across the world. It is strongly related to other pathological…


72. A Recipe Composed Of Chinese Herbal Active Components regulates… (PMC)

Sheng-xi Meng (2016) This study is to investigate the therapeutic effects of the

recipe composed of Atractylodes macrocephala polysaccharide, chlorogenic…

73. Chinese Medicine Formula Lingguizhugan Decoction Improves Beta… (PMC)

Tao Liu (2013) Lingguizhugan decoction, a classic traditional Chinese medicine

formula, has been used to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia in recent years…

74. The Liver And Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home… (Book)

Mortz A (2007) Most people unknowingly suffer from a dangerous buildup of

gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. These stones clog up the body’s…