TABLE OF CONTENTS - International College, Beirut · 2014-05-13 · There is no poem without...

Post on 15-Mar-2020

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The Weeping Willow ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

"The Flight"......................................................................................................................................................................... 2

The Darkest Hour ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

LOVE CHAIN ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Proud to be Lebanese ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Shades of a Woman ........................................................................................................................................... 7

Day Dream Chair ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Colored ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

Against All Odds ................................................................................................................................. 10

Wizters ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

The Liberator .................................................................................................................................................................... 14

The Day My Life Went Missing ...................................................................................................................................... 15

My Best Friend ............................................................................................................................................ 16

SCIENCE VS. MATH ................................................................................................................................................ 17

I’m Just Lucky ............................................................................................................................................. 18

Holden 10 Years Later ................................................................................................................................ 19

The Lion and His Sly Friends ................................................................................................................ 21


The Weeping Willow

I am as a willow tree.

Swaying my leaves in the breeze.

I long for the company of others.

Standing shyly in the darkness, I weep silently in my tomb of solitude.

My trunk is sturdy and strong, but my roots remain brittle and weak.

My image is that of beauty and sadness, for though you might contemplate my essence, Know that I yearn to leave my stone prison.

How I long to saunter around the nearby meadows.

How I desire to be with my brothers of nature, laughing with the breeze and murmuring with the other trees.

I'd rather soar with the birds than be trapped in my prison of serenity.

I am doomed to live a life of silence.

I am truly a boisterous soul, yet I must be alone.

I lurk in the shadows watching the others.

I remain mysterious and hidden.

I have been sentenced to eternal isolation.

Oh, how I despite being a willow tree.

By Sara Ghandour and Salah Itani

"The Flight"

A person is a butterfly,

Wondering, fluttering in the vast sky.

Its life starts off dark,

Conserved within the warmth of its cocoon.

It is safe, protected,

But life shouts out one day,

And light shines brightly on it.

Now it's a boastful butterfly,

Flaunting its beauty to the world.

The breeze gently caresses its wings


Like the soft hand of a mother on her child's cheek.

Then, it flies.

It's patterns are unique, unlike any around it.

It's showered in red and yellow,

Glowing in the sunlight.

Nature summons it,

Whispering its name over and over again,

But, oops, it's a trap.

Snap! Goes the snake's mouth,

Imprisoning this beautiful soul for the end of time.

It burns, it hurts.

It feels the venom flowing through it like endless rivers.

There goes the tranquility,

There goes the light.

Such a marvelous soul

Has turned into dust overnight.

The world is empty now,

Drowning in dullness.

This butterfly exists no more,

And we've lost an angel.

By: Huda Kandil & Ghida Anouti



The Darkest Hour I am the black swan,

a naked leafless tree,

in the hour before dawn,


floating above reality.

I was an alien at birth,

a fragrance less daisy.

Along the margins of the Earth

floating hastily.

I know not where I must go.

As I hang from a short thread.

Shifting through the inevitable flow,

my conscience will not go to bed.

The dark forest I now roam.

Escaping my own self-destruction.

Searching for my home,

as I place my life on auction.

The hour has passed,

as I see a shimmering light.

Hope has now filled

the void inside.

I can now see clearly


What I've been blind to see.

My life flashed abruptly

right in front of me.

I gasped the thread

and pulled myself to the peak.

My heart is finally fed

with the hope it must seek.

I am an odorless flower.

I am the black swan

waiting for the hour

and the hope after dawn.

Because it is true.

The darkest hour is the one before dawn.

By: Dareen Aboulmouna and Ali Saadedine



There is no poem without phrases

There is no phrases without words

There is no words without passion

There is no passion without love

There is no love without

By Reem Assi

6eme B

Proud to be Lebanese

Whether his name is God, Allah or Lord

Should not make you pull out your sword

If He is watching you from up above

He would want your hearts to be filled with love

Religion is only between God and us

Its diversity in Lebanon should be a plus

If you can hear church bells and mosque prayer call

Then you are in a country that should never fall

Lebanese from different sects have grudges and hate

But they all have qualities that are very great

Some of which are hospitality, honor, and many more

Like kinship and family which is more precious than ore


Lebanese migrate in huge numbers every year

But it is their dream to live and be buried over here

Different sects in Lebanon need the proper education

That shows them how we make one beautiful nation

If elders look through their children’s innocent eyes

They will wonder how their vision of Lebanon is so wise

All children need is a peaceful country with no war

Where nobody values you for your religion any more

By Mohamad Khalil

1st “C

Shades of a Woman

She walks around with power in her hand

Noisy crowds stand on the long routes

Those that make her journey a complex map

Not caring where she has to stand

Buzzing of opinions everywhere

Not a slight of expression of her face

She walks around with power in her hand

Stiff as a wall

Rigid, cold, and not even the hardest storm can make her fall

Delicate as a flower

Fragile, admired, and lives to be taken care of

Thrones put aside with no intention for evil

Oh how she walks around with power in her hand


Confidence is what fills her soul

Demanding all the respect she deserves

Standards so high they need rehab

Yet one thing can make her slip into the hole

The feeling of love strokes her feminine personality

Soft roses, red hearts, and sweet kisses…

Everyday becomes Valentine’s Day

Oh the things that steal her from reality

Just then, she cannot manage to steer the wheel

The journey conquers her directions

Hearts speak and minds listen

Thoughts don’t count as feelings sway

The sanity this sense can steal

God made women the closest thing to real

Filled with strength and passion

Oh how she walks around with power in her hand

By Reem Ghaziri and Layan Murad

Day Dream Chair

A dream is an ancient rocking chair

Swaying to and fro

Rocking as it makes its way

To soothe the tired soul

The chair relieves the weakened legs

That can no longer stand

It’s like my secret remedy


I reach a faraway land

The hugging chair feels safe and warm

When it is hope I lack

It always pushes me to the front

Whenever I rock back

Its creaking legs start to sing

It’s my peaceful song

Rocking roughly may be dangerous

If one rocks it too strong

One will tumble to the ground

The rocking chair won’t sway

Unless the seated person

Rocks it everyday

The ancient wooden rocking chair

The one that sets me free

The one that if I cease to push

Will then cease to push me

By Rasha Akel and lama Barhoumi

Colored I am colored

I am colored but a spat of dirt that causes annoyance

I am but a disease you try to cure

I am but a stray dog you look over with the corner of your eyes

Can you understand me?

Can you hear my heartbeat with the rhythm of your own?


Can you look into my eyes without superiority?

Can you? Would you?

I am colored.

Am the mistake He has inflicted on the world?

Am I the invisible ghost that frightens you in the dark?

Am I the haunted nightmare of mankind?

I am.

Remember me come Judgment Day.

Remember me when your sins unfold.

Remember me during the final breathes you take.


I am colored.

By Mariana Dabbagh and Nicholas Salloum

Against All Odds She is like a rose

Her beauty attracting all admiring eyes

Blooming like a diamond in the rye

Her petals exploding with a shimmering violet color

And purple hues

My! Oh my! How tears roll down other flowers eyes

But she remains out of reach

For blood flows at a touch

Beneath her beauty thorns stand fast

Protecting her from demise

He is like a snake

Sneaky and sly

Yet strong and brave


Going after everything he may crave

His poison is potent

Defending him, keeping him buoyant

Hated and judged against everyone he holds a grudge

Together they exist in harmony

For he is immune to her defense

As she is to he

Protecting her from harm's way

Preserving her innocence with a sneer

Maintaining her status as the diamond in the rye.

By Dahlia Yamout and Monah Khatib



Emily sat at her very small desk, admiring the cleanliness of her room. She had just recently cleaned it and it

was looking better than ever. Emily Armstrong was a sweet little 9 year old, who had long beautiful blonde hair,

which was now held up in a simple ponytail. She had bright blue eyes and a thin mouth. She lived with her dad in a

small house by the sea, even though she had no windows to catch the incredible views. Her mom, and basically, all her

family had died at her birth. She only had her dad. Her dad was a tall man, with green eyes. He had shaggy brown

hair and he usually wore his white vest and jeans. Funny, how they looked nothing alike, she probably took from her

mother. She would never know since there were no pictures remaining of her. Just then she heard her dad downstairs

shouting at someone. Who was it? Emily had no idea; she had been told that she was supposed to stay in her small,

half empty room until the next morning. Suddenly, Emily heard a crash down in the living room. They were having a

fight. Emily couldn’t believe that her mean but peaceful dad was actually having a fight. By mean Emily meant that he

had given her a tiny bedroom and she was mostly on her own in her room and she was not allowed to get out… She

had to know what was going on. So just for once, she would have to sneak out of her room disobeying her father’s

orders .

She quietly opened the door, good thing she took care of all the rust that was creaking her door every time

she opened it.

She walked down the stairs as quietly as she could. Emily’s hand shot straight over her mouth just to stop

herself from screaming. In the living room, there was the most incredible creature she had ever seen. It had the head

of a monster and it was wearing a wizard cape designed with stars and one big moon in the center. He was holding a

stick designed with jewels. Wait that was a wand; this was too much for poor Emily. But her curiosity took over. She

crept behind the kitchen pillar and peered at the face of the large animal. Then, something happened that she hadn’t

expected to. The monster sniffed and said “Emily Armstrong” .Her dad said “Emily, come out, we know that you are

here” Emily came out shivering. The monster swept its hand over Emily’s head and she felt herself falling into a deep

sleep and then everything went black.

Emily woke up in a box covered by a glass top that was very uncomfortable. She was connected to wires that were

plugged into a huge computer, so that she saw her name and an X-ray of her body with a blue gas labeled carbon

dioxide showing as if it were entering her body. She pushed the glass door open and everything around began

beeping. Panicking, Emily rushed for the exit. Too late… a group of the monsters she had seen in her kitchen grabbed

onto her collar as she began to cry helplessly. Where was her dad? Her dad was among the monsters smiling an evil

smile. He laughed… “Finally we have caught you, Emily Armstrong” Then he laughed again. Emily was shocked, her

dad, the man that had raised her entire life, was, for the first time, against her. The group of monsters raised their

wand, as dad shouted FIRE!!! Emily felt a surge of confidence and protection, she felt herself going hot and then her

body began to glow. The monsters stumbled. “Nooooo!” Her dad shouted “Not when everything was under control”.

The monsters fell to their feet and then disappeared.

“Dad!!!” Emily cried “How could you do this to me?”

“I want power, for my entire life, the only thing that I have wanted was power” He shouted angrily “You’re the only

one, now, that can give it to me”


“Now that I know I have power, I think I can defeat you, and I think I know how to use my power too” She smiled

confidently, “no one is going to get to me.”

“Is that so? Well, just wait and see. Oh, and one more thing before I leave” Her dad said

“What?” Emily asked

He smiled a disgusting toothy smile “I’m not your actual dad, Emily Armstrong”

With that, he was out of the door quicker than a cheetah.

Emily was exhausted. ‘What a day!’ She thought after all the events of the day she could barely stand, and with that,

she fainted. She woke up in a plain white room.

“Where am I?” Emily asked

“Hush, little one, you are in the Armstrong headquarters.” A beautiful woman appeared. She had her long, straight

black hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she was wearing a tight red dress with no sleeves. Her high heels were so

high, it made her look like a giant. She looked as if she was in her twenties.

“We are here to protect you. So you are Emily Armstrong born on February 11 2003, Your star sign is Aquarius and you

are an Armstrong golden fairy, you-”

“What in the world are you talking about?!!” Emily interrupted

“You surely know what an Armstrong fairy is,” the lady looked astonished

“By the way, you haven’t exactly introduced yourself miss”

“Oh, sorry I’m Isabella, but you can call me Bella”

“lovely name "Emily said

“Thanks,” She mumbled

“So if I have a power, what’s yours?” Emily asked astonished.

“Well, I kind of read mind actually, forget it, you wouldn’t understand,”

“Try me,” Emily said slyly. This woman definitely had an attitude problem.

“First of all, no I do not have an attitude problem. Second of all, I scan only fairies mind with an SFS. I can know if

people are lying, who they are, what they are thinking”

“What is an SFS?” Emily asked.

“Silver Fairy Scanner,” She answered “ As you may have noticed by my powers that I am a silver fairy.”

“I understand,” Emily said.

“You are smart little one,” Bella said

Emily felt a sudden glow. One of Isabella’s hands was pointing right at Emily’s heart. Emily had the urge to

move but something was holding her there. When she turned to the mirror, she was wearing a short gold dress, and it

was curved at the end with a high neck. She had beautiful, gold wings at the back of her dress with shining gems to

outline the plain color. Her hair was glowing and held back beautifully by a big golden flower. Her face was

surprisingly bright. She was wearing gold high heel shoes. No wonder she was a gold fairy. Many gathered around to

see her new, beautiful form. Emily felt pleased. Just then, there was a big beeping sound. Red lights flashed. THE


WIZTERS!!!!! They all came running through the door. They had their wands pointing right at Emily. When they saw

Emily’s new form they looked dazed for a while but they gained a little confidence after they thought about the power

they would earn. Still they were shivering. The Wizters could not take the slightest bit of light. They were only on full

power when there was darkness. As Bella whispered this to Emily, Bella handed her a torch. As Emily was fighting, she

had a surge of confidence, but this was to try out her powers. She absent-mindedly threw away her torch and began

to think, how she was going to get her power, apparently, none of what she attempted to do worked. In just a second

everything went wrong. Suddenly she found herself in the midst of a dark, black, hole.

Emily woke up in her house,

“No,” she whispered to herself, “this was not supposed to happen” she began to panic. Too bad she was in her room.

No windows at all. She crept out of her room to find the house empty, when she opened the door, an alarm went off.

She ran and ran until she couldn’t run anymore. She felt a feeling of victory, but all of that melted when she realized

that she was being followed with a GPS. She flung her hand as far as she can, but it was too late. About fifty Wizters

jumped out at her from every bush around her. They covered her half-open mouth and carried her into a truck. One

little injection and she felt herself drifting away.

She found herself in a empty room, and this time, she was surrounded by Secuzers, (Wizters + security), at least that is

what it said on their coats. She had to get away.

‘AHA’ that was it!!! She could use her powers. Bella had told her that it worked best when she believed she could

succeed. She closed her eyes and concentrated hard, knowing that she could do it. A surge of confidence and power

rushed quickly through her, the power died, she sighed with frustration, and she tried again and again until finally,

she found the Wizters, dead, on the cold, marble floor. She made a run for it! She rushed her way through a big glass

exit and found herself facing 32 large Wizters with weapons. She was done for. She stood there shaking, too scared to

find confidence. At that exact moment, all Wizters dropped dead as she found Bella standing tall and proud. Emily

was full of relief and gratefulness, and Isabella took care of Emily at the Armstrong headquarters, until she grew to be

a powerful, strong, golden fairy.

By Tara Assad/ 1st “C”

The Liberator

“A storm may emerge from far away, and a terrible evil may lay waste to our lands and slaughter the

peasants with no mercy. But fortunately, a hero would come to destroy this evil, and set the citizens free. I,

Cornelius Black, am that hero” Cornelius spoke with such honor. “And yet here I lay in this filth, in this foul,

repugnant and revolting room”.

“They keep me in this cell like some sort of animal, locked up because of my actions, because of my

heroism” Cornelius spat. His short red hair struck out from his pale skin. He wore some fine clothes that suited

him well. He would have looked completely normal if it weren’t for the stains of blood on his garments.

“Was I too late? Have the good people already been blinded by the king’s words?” Cornelius asked.

“What’s your name sir? Why are you here?” He turned to face a tall black man sitting silently in the corner of

the cell. The man was very slim and had ragged and battered clothes. He kept his eyes hidden under his long

black hair for some reason. “M-My name is Demetrius” he stammered, shivering in the dark.

“And why are you here Demetrius?” Cornelius asked with curiosity.


Demetrius didn’t speak at first. “I… I stole some food from the local market” he said in a dim and

shameful voice. “But I had to!” he raised his tone all of a sudden. “My family is starving” he said, looking up

for the first time to face Cornelius. The serrated wide scar on his eye was showing. Cornelius didn’t flinch at the

sight of the wound; he only looked at him straight in the eye and smiled.

“Do not be ashamed my friend,” Cornelius spoke with a reassuring voice. “You are hungry, aren’t you?

No, you are starving!” he said apathetically. “You are starving, and there are many others who are like you,

Demetrius” the man explained. “There are the people like you, and then there’s… ‘The leader’, ‘the king’, ‘the

ruler’, call him what you want, but he is no savior, and he is no hero, and I had had enough of him, his throne,

and his castle. You are an example of how he treats the citizens” Cornelius seethed through gritting teeth. He

then forced himself to calm down. “And so, I had to take action… And I enjoyed every second of watching him

suffer as I pierced by blade into his heart. I do not regret it, and I never will. And as I walked out of the palace,

triumphal and satisfied, the people saw my actions as a way of terrorism, of Madness! Shows how ignorant they

can be”

“You are mad!” Demetrius interrupted him. His eyes were wild and filled with terror. “You call yourself

a hero?” He asked despicably.

“I am a hero!” Cornelius yelled in anger and aggravation. “And maybe, just maybe, a person needs a

little madness to keep him motivated, to keep him on the right track” he said, walking assertively to Demetrius.

Once again, he calmed himself down, returned to his hay bed, and sat down.

“Tomorrow is a good day” He said with a cold smile. “Before I am beheaded in the execution, I shall let

everyone know of how I did them a favor, and I shall tell them to look upon Cornelius Black, redeemer of the

city, and to watch him die before their eyes” Cornelius said with satisfaction. He lay down on the bed and

started to close his eyes. “Tomorrow will be a good day” he whispered before he slept.

By Karim Arrabi / 4th


The Day My Life Went Missing


I knew something was wrong when my mom forgot to give us her daily speech about why

taking our vitamins is very important. She’s usually very meticulous about that. My brother

and I were taking our breakfasts and the sweet calming smile of my mom was missing, she was

very passive that day. Nothing special was going on, I mean she’s not a very talkative person,

and she was more of a happy-go-lucky type of people who are not quite sure of the reason of

their happiness.

That day, mom looked very confused, as if a tornado was going on in her mind, but she was

calm, sipping her usual Turkish coffee looking in the distance. She wasn’t looking at me, nor at

my brother, no, she was looking beyond us, she was looking far into the dark depths of the

future that was yet to come.


Of course, my very curious self was not going to be retained by any earthly means. I had

hundreds of questions in my mind, mom may have said nothing at all, but her eyes are an

abundant fountain of uncertainty, and a mixture of hope and despair. I rushed into the kitchen

and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. She gave me a big hug and kissed my forehead. She

gave me the kind of long, strong hug and said silently with not a single expression on her face:

“son, we’re leaving…” I looked at her surprisingly: “we’re moving?”-No we’re leaving the

country, we’re not safe anymore, they’re eventually getting here, and they won’t leave a

single village without infecting it with this disgusting disease!-What disease?-The disease of


To see the rest of this thrilling adventure wait for the book and buy a copy! Thank you for


By Maher Abdel Samad

My Best Friend

One plus one obviously equals two, but somehow it’s different between me

and you. When we are together it’s like we share one single mind. Trust me it’s the

best you will ever find!

You know my dreams and all my thoughts, it’s like you have been thought to

be my best friend from so long.

We are not twins, not even sisters by blood, but I’m not complete unless

you’re around. It’s like I’m lost without your presence by my side.

You make my world such a better place, when I see that smile on your face. I

could never imagine a day without you. It’s like a big nightmare that I can’t even

imagine! I, without you, just am not the same.

When you are sick and you are not with me, I feel lost in this big city. You

make me feel strong; you fill me with pleasure that’s why you are my most precious


It takes two halves to make a complete whole, but you and me, just make one


By Tala Kadi / 6eme B



Man your stations fire!!!BOOM! One day in the deserts of Egypt Exponent and Factor were ordered by

Prime (Commander) to spy on when Science will attack. Math and Science were fighting for the power of

Social Studies and the outer rim of the galaxy. So Factor and Exponent were on the quest.

4 hours later Exponent and Factor saw a gloomy shadow in the distance that looked like a shiny area;

Factor rubbed his eyes and saw that it was the Solar Octagon the science base. And then he remembered

when he saw an Explosive-Nuclear-Power-Bomb in his pocket that he had to destroy the Octagon. So he gave

it to Exponent and he made it smaller all the way until it was the size of a piece of popcorn. Then he threw the

bomb with a tremendous throw and it broke through the window and they jumped on a helicopter that just

came overhead.3-2-1 KA-BOOM. Nucleus (General of Science) and some other troops managed to escape but

most of the troops were caught in the explosion, while Nucleolus (King of Science) just hovered out on his

magical floater just like he expected it coming. “Guys were going to war”, Nucleus said, As he watched the last

of the helicopter fade in the distance.

2 weeks later Nucleus and Prime made armies and they met together at the center of the desert. “May

the better side win,” Nucleus and Prime both said, as they shook hands. They went back to their sides and the

war started with a big Bang of a cymbal. And they rushed at each other like ants on an ant farm. First, Nucleus

was using the cytoplasm turning people into a gel like material. Then prime used the product chamber

cannon. This made a bullet as powerful as a bomb and then releasing it. The two armies were called Vascular

(Science) and Composite (Math). They were the most powerful armies in the subject galaxy. While they were

having their battle Chloroplast, Mitochondrion, and Vacuole were going around feeding and hydrating the

cells and organisms making them ready for battle. There was a vertebrate named Master Bull and he risked his

life to kill the Math but at the end he sadly failed and got stabbed by Prime. Science needed to release their

secret weapon Carbon Monoxide or the Silent Killer. So they wouldn’t die they put the Cell Membrane shield

up which protected them till the Carbon Monoxide went away. Science had an advantage because the Silent

Killer killed a lot of Math troops. Now it was time to release Math’s secret weapon Prime Factoring when they

used it Science troops got smaller and smaller until they disappeared. After 4 more days of fighting the only

people left were Prime and Nucleus and of course Vacuole, Chloroplast, and Mitochondrion but they weren’t

in the battle. So Prime and Nucleus had a sword duel until Nucleus was holding Prime by his neck on the

ground and when he was about to stab him, Capitol (General of Social Studies) got a bow and star and shot a

red shiny star at both of them and they both fell to the ground dead. Capital said, “I think we’d rather work

alone.” Then he left. So at the end neither Math nor Science got the power of Social Studies.


By Rida Mroue

I’m Just Lucky

My mom embraced me with one last hug before she said: “Good luck.” I smiled and thanked her as I

walked to the school bus hopping in. I sat in my usual seat and the bus began its way to school. Once there, I

hopped off the bus swinging my backpack around my arms. I walked to the big building decorated with flowers

and trees. I walked through the halls where the sound of the teachers clacking they’re heels can be heard. I

walked to class and placed my backpack to my chair and sat down quietly and began revising for the English

test I haven’t studied for. I thought how hard it would be. I even could imagine the grade I would get. The bell

rang as all of the students ran to class. Most of the girls were giggling and laughing as I sat there feeling left out.

The boys were fooling around in class saying jokes, whispering. It’s like nobody knew about this test! The

teacher came in slamming the door shut after her as she walked to her desk setting down her book bag. “Good

morning class. I hope you studied well for the English test we’re having today.” I chewed on my lower lip

getting worried. She distributed the papers to all of the class. I immediately wrote down my name as I read the

first exercise thanking god it was multiple choice. I answered the best I could. I heard someone whisper behind

me. “Pssssst. Hey, what’s the answer to number 3?” I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Don’t try and ask

I won’t answer” The teacher said “No talking, Rasha.” “Sorry.” I mumbled and felt my feet go numb. My hands

were sweaty as I read the word ‘explain’ I wrote down all I knew expecting it to be wrong. Oh god, I’m sure to

get 40. I flipped to the next page and flashed a week smile because I knew this perfectly. I filled the blank and

flipped to the last page as my palms started to get sweaty. I sunk my teeth deeper into my skin and finished the

exam revising my best answers. I didn’t feel like I’d get that much of a low grade. I mean, I did do my best. I

gave her my paper after making sure all was correct and began doodling on my notebook. I heard a slight giggle

in the back and the teacher said “Rasha! That’s enough!” I felt confused. “Excuse me?” “Stop talking while

your friends are in the middle of an exam!” Oh god. “Yeah, Rasha that’s impolite,” answered the boy who was

giggling. “Quiet.” I took a deep breath and went back to doodling. I heard someone whisper “Pffft. This is too

hard.” No it’s not, I thought in my head. I wrote my name and colored it in as I heard someone trying to hide his

laugh. I sighed annoyed from all the noise they were making. “Rasha, please quiet. Stop laughing this is your

last warning.” The teacher said. “W-what? But it wasn’t me!” I said still surprised. “This is it! You’re coming

with me to the principal’s office!” My eyes went instantly wide. I followed her outside as she began threatening

me. “What’s wrong with you today? First you begin asking for the answers, than you talk in the middle of a test

and now you’re all of the sudden; laughing?” I was on the verge of tears as she continued her threat which was

interrupted by the boy who was the reason of all this. “Excuse me miss, but you can’t punish her for what I

did.” I wiped off the tears and took a deep breath as she responded “What?” “It was me who interrupted the

class, laughed and tried to cheat. And I take all responsibility.” I bit my bottom lip and played with my fingers

still scared. “Sorry Rasha, you can come with me to the principal’s office” She said gesturing to the boy. I

inhaled and exhaled relaxed. I entered the class again and began writing. ‘Today was easy, but tomorrow will be harder. Be careful and study well

before a test and don’t answer to whoever talks to you in the middle of the


About a week later, she gave back the tests. I began panicking. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and took a sip of

water from my bottle as I hopped up and down excited. She began giving back the sheets as she gave back mine which


was flipped to the other blank side. I closed one eye and carefully turned it around and couldn’t believe my eyes. I just got

97 over a 1OO. This is unbelievable. I flashed a smile showing off my teeth. I looked over at my three mistakes before

shoving it in my backpack and I starred at my feet. This just, it can’t be true.

By Rasha Haddad / 6eme “A”

Holden 10 Years Later

Introduction: In this short story I speak from the point of view of Holden who in the 10 years following

the events of catcher in the rye does not improve his condition, he instead deteriorates greatly leaving him in a

deep state of depression after everything that he considered stable and constant in his life has been almost

systematically destroyed.

3650 Days of Disaster

I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details of how I just barely made it through high school. And I

specially don’t want to talk about how barely any university would accept me because of my grades; or how I

ended up dropping out after the my first year at the community college. In fact I don’t even want to talk about

myself at all. Why we start with me telling you how depressing life has been lately. Everyone around me knows

that there is one thing I hate in life more than anything, and that is phonies. It burns my eyes bursts my

eardrums and crushes my soul every time I see someone pretending to be something that they are not. I swear to

god they should all win Oscars for their performances. And you want to know what the worst part is? The part

that burns me deep down in my spirit, the part that makes me want to pour acid down my throat is that in the

real world, phonies almost always get what they want. It doesn’t matter if you are a Harvard graduate or high

school dropout; as long as you have a quick wit and a pretty face you can pretty much get anywhere in life. And

to me at least, that is depressing. Thinking about how many people have "made it" in life by being fakes and

phonies makes me sick to my stomach. Take Stradlater for instance, that phony bastard could barely write a

word of English. Look at him now, Mr. Stradlater Assistant Vice President of public relations at the Barclays

Bank. Things would be different for him had he not spent his time getting cozy with the daughter of the banks

president. At least he doesn’t have to wake up every morning at 6am and get ready for his minimum wage job.

Oh yeah, that’s another thing I forgot to mention my parents cut me off. Isn’t that just dandy, my own parents

the ones who raised me, the ones who "loved" me and "cared" about me disowned me. No more trust fund no

more money what so ever. You must think I'm some sort of selfish bastard now... it's funny how you can judge

me just by hearing me say that one sentence. I remember when I used to be a teenager I let myself get molded

by society, and what society expected me to be. Once I even almost hired a prostitute just so that I would be on


par with the standards of the world. And only now do I realize that I shouldn’t have been molded by society, I

should’ve burst out of the mold and escaped the prison of daily life, transforming into a flawlessly random

abstract form. That is quit quizzical isn’t it? "Flawlessly random" how is it that randomness can be equivalent to

perfection? It is not randomness itself, but the uniqueness that is implied when things are random. But then I

think; would it even be worth it? Let's say my life did turn out perfect and just the way I imagined it. So what?

Recently I find myself questioning everything I do. Every step I take in my life I am thinking: "what was the

point of that?" "Why am doing this?" This has become extreme to the point that I cannot even make an

everyday decision without deeply assessing the value of this decision in my life. You must be just about ready

to kill yourself after hearing me rant about all that philosophical nonsense. How about I waste your time instead

by telling you more reasons why I might be depressed in a shallower perspective. Over the past ten years

leading me to this sordid state of being, the four pillars of strength and stability that have been supporting my

life have decayed and crumbled one by one. Actually it's more like "broken down and destroyed". And it

actually started before 10 years ago with the death of my brother Allie. I don’t think I ever fully recovered from

his death. You're going to think I'm stupid but honestly I still talk to him sometimes. Increasingly during the

past few weeks I've been feeling really low. His death was the first step in an avalanching wave of misfortune

that "God" thought it would be amusing to bestow upon me. The next blow really hurt me. Mainly because it

was inflicted excruciatingly slowly, by the time I realized what was happening it was already too late… You

know what I'm talking about. Jane. O beautiful wonderful graceful amazing Jane, the epitome of innocence and

perfection, the holy grail of all desiring men out there. O how I was mistaken to cling to such foolish beliefs for

such a long time. It amazes me to think that out of the countless lies I've told and the countless amount of

people I have lied to, the person I was the least honest to was myself. Let's be frank now, I have always known

with at least some part of me that Jane was not the same girl anymore. We were young, at an age where

everyone can be perceived as pure. But that image of purity that I had of her was the one that stuck; I never did

get to see her changing and becoming a phony. Not that I never had the opportunity to see her, it was because I

didn’t want to let myself see her changing. I tried as best as I could to preserve that flawless image I had of her

in my mind. Finally realizing and accepting that Jane was not innocent anymore on its own contributed to my

depression. But the thoughts that came hand in hand with this realization are what really scared me. I began to

think:" What about Pheobie" at this time she had just graduated from high school with honors, go figure. And

she was going away for college; she had been accepted to Harvard University. That’s one of the most

prestigious colleges in the United States! But that’s half the world away. I can only imagine what she is doing

over there, what if she gets corrupted and becomes phony? This thought has given me many sleepless nights;

she was one of the only things I had left that were preserving some of my faith in mankind. My faith that not all

people are Stradlaters and Janes, with her gone doing who knows what all I had left my one shred of salvation


that I was confident that no one would could ever change was the museum. At least I had this one constant in

my life, something that I could go to whenever I needed comfort and solace (as long as I ignored all the F words

written all over the place) The museum was my savior I went there and sat in the mummies room for hours

every day. This activity would give me the feeling of peace. The museum was a constant in my life, it would

always be there, or so I thought. This one came as a real shocker to me. Apparently the economy is going

through a rough patch lately, and budget cuts need to be made. The government finds the managing and staffing

of a museum too costly in comparison to the benefits of it. They are shutting the museum down. This was the

last straw. My lake has frozen, and I'm sure that I do not know how to breathe through the ice, if only I knew

where the ducks go. I used to dream of saving children from falling off of cliffs in their lives, but in my attempts

I have fallen. May my dead body at the bottom of the abyss serve as a warning to all those on the edge of the

cliff, and may it scare them and stop them from repeating my mistake.

By Monah Khatib / 4th


The Lion and His Sly Friends

Once upon a time in a faraway jungle, lived a strong lion who was crowned as king. His

cunning and sly friends, the crow and hyena used to shower their king with lovely

complements about how strong and brave he is. The lion was pleased, so in return, he promised

to let his friends eat the left-overs of the animals he feeds on knowing that crows and hyenas

don’t have good hunting skills.

One day, when the lion went to hunt his prey in the pasture, he bumped into an elephant.

The elephant wanted to take his kingdom and become king of the jungle. The lion refused,

ignored him and walked away from him continuing his way to the pasture. When the lion did

that, the elephant got really angry and started a fight with him. The lion asked his friends for

some help, but the acted as if they didn’t hear anything. He sadly had to risk his life alone. After

many hours of fighting, the elephant won. The lion became very weak and could hardly move.

The poor lion thought that now it was time for the crow and hyena to help him. He begged them

to get him some food but, they agreed together that will not get him food and that they will

leave him and find another air-headed lion who they could fool like this one.

Days passed and the lion got weaker. But, when his brother saw him dying, he hurried to

him with some food. His brother stayed with him until he became better. During this time, the


lion told his sibling about what happened to him, so his brother told him: “Be careful when

choosing your friends, because some animals are not true friends and they may deceive you.

By Dima Itani / 1st C

Dancing Plants

The only way to make plants grow is to make it listen to classical music. Once upon a

time, Tom was reading a story called (Ways to Make Plants Grow) as this idea came to his

mind. While reading he was shocked by the way they explained how plants grow with classical

music. The second day at school he kept reading his book and did not focus in class! All he was

thinking about was getting a plant and seeing how it grows to classical music. The third day he

finally decided to buy a sunflower seed and give it water, sun, Air but most importantly

classical music. He searched his father’s bag to find a Beethoven classical music CD and he did!

So he ran to his room and began with his experiment. It’s been two weeks with the same

process but the plant did not grow at all. Not even a tiny green sprout! So he stopped the CD

player that had been on for two weeks straight and decided to play some rock music because

he got so tiered of classical music. One he turned on the music the plant suddenly gave a tiny

sprout! Tom was shocked! He never knew all his plant needed was rock music! So he kept his

rock music on for another two weeks and finally it grew into a beautiful sunflower! And from

that day on he used to play rock music to his plant and it would dance along to the music! He

called it the “Dancing Plant”

By Alia Bissat / 1st C


Table de Matières Une parole de trop ................................................................................................ 2

Dans un jardin public ........................................................................................ 4

Une parole de trop Dans un jardin public ..................................................... 5

Le poignard .......................................................................................................... 7

Une mésaventure marine ................................................................................... 8

Le grenier interdit ........................................................................................ 8

Imagination ......................................................................................................... 10

Adieu été ......................................................................................................... 18

Hommage à toi, mon Père ............................................................................ 20


Une parole de trop SCENE 1 :

M. Latour , Mme Latour

Dans un jardin public

Mme Latour, tenant la main de M. Latour. – Quelle belle journée pour nous promener ensemble !

M. Latour. – Je suis tout à fait d’accord.

Mme Latour, regardant le ciel. – Regardez le beau ciel bleu et les oiseaux qui voltigent gracieusement.

M. Latour. – Ma chère femme, vous êtes bien heureuse aujourd’hui, et je vais en profiter pour vous parler de la

belle surprise que j’ai préparée.

Mme Latour. – Une surprise ? Pour moi ? De quoi parlez-vous ?

M. Latour. – Oui, une très belle surprise en plus ! Je connais un ami qui allait voyager avec sa sœur en Italie,

mais sa sœur ne pouvait plus y aller, alors il m’a vendu les billets d’avion.

Mme Latour, d’un ton excité. – Oh ! Quelle belle surprise ! J’ai hâte de rencontrer votre bon ami.

M. Latour. – Quelle chance ! Le voici, assis sur le banc, là-bas, près de cette fontaine ! Allons lui dire bonjour.


M. Latour , Mme Latour , M. Verdin

M. Latour, à M. Verdin. – Bonjour cher ami ! Comment allez-vous ?

M. Verdin. – Bonjour M. Latour ! Il s’avance pour l’embrasser.

M. Latour. – J’aimerais vous remercier encore un fois pour les billets d’avion que vous m’avez offerts.

M. Verdin. – Ce n’était rien. Se tournant vers Mme Latour. J’aimerais bien faire la connaissance de la belle

femme qui vous accompagnera mais, excusez-moi pour la question suivante, n’était-elle pas blonde ?

Mme Latour, mettant la main sur ses cheveux. – Moi ?! Blonde ? Je n’ai jamais été blonde ! Mes cheveux sont

noirs depuis mon enfance.

M. Latour, donnant un coup de pied à M. Verdin. – De quoi parlez-vous M. Verdin ? Je ne suis jamais venu ici

avec une autre femme !

M. Verdin. – Ah, c’est votre femme ? Je crois qu’il est bien temps de lui avouer que vous la trompez avant

qu’elle ne vous donne un coup comme celui que vous m’avez donné !

Mme Latour, d’un air choqué, à M. Latour. – Monsieur ! Vous êtes en train de me tromper ?! D’un ton furieux.

Et moi qui pensais que vous me prépariez une belle surprise ! Vous appelez tout cela une belle surprise, espèce

de lâche ?!

M. Latour, d’un ton embarrassé. – Non, non ! Bien sûr que non ! Vous êtes la seule femme que j’aime, et je ne

vous tromperai jamais !


M. Verdin. – Mais bien sûr que si ! À Mme Latour. Croyez-moi Madame, j’ai vu votre mari plusieurs fois en

train de se promener ici avec une belle femme blonde aux yeux bleus.

Mme Latour, à M. Verdin. – Vous rappelez-vous le nom de cette femme mystérieuse ?

M. Verdin. – Non. Malheureusement, je ne connais pas son nom, puisque M. Latour ne me l’a jamais présentée.

M. Latour, d’un ton furieux. – Vous ne l’avez pas rencontrée parce qu’elle n’existe pas ! Tout ce que vous dites

n’est pas vrai.

Mme Latour, hurlant . – Tout cela suffit ! Je ne veux plus de mensonges, espèce de traître ! Vous m’avez

trompée et je le sais bien grâce à votre cher M. Verdin !

M. Latour, effrayé. – Je vous le promets ! Je ne vous ai jamais trompée ! Pourquoi vous ferai-je une belle

surprise si je vous trompe ?

Mme Latour, d’un ton hystérique. – Surprise ?! Tu me parles encore de surprise ? Je t’en ferai moi, une belle

surprise ! Elle retire sa chaussure et commence à courir après son mari pour le frapper.


Tamara Raad ,



Scène 1

M. Latour, Mme Latour (Dans un jardin public)

Mme Latour.- Quelle belle journée pour se promener.

M. Latour.-Tu as raison, on doit faire cela plus souvent.

Mme Latour.- Oui. Est-ce que tu as le temps d’aller demain à la banque retirer 200 francs pour que je

puisse acheter le bijou que j’avais choisi ?

M. Latour.- Non, mais peut-être dans une semaine je pourrai me libérer de mon travail pour le faire.

(A part) Dans une semaine, mon salaire aura été déposé à la banque.

Scène 2

M.Latour, Mme. Latour, M. Verdin

Mme Latour, (montrant M. Verdin).-N’est-ce pas le directeur de la banque où nous avons placé notre

argent ?

M. Latour, (d’un ton inquiet).- Oui…

Mme Latour,(à M. Verdin).- Bonjour, pourquoi es-tu ici ? En congé ?

M. Verdin.- Non, je fais mon travail, je viens vous dire que vous n’avez plus d’argent à la banque.

Mme Latour.- Comment !? Qui l’a retiré !?

M. Verdin.- En fait…

M. Latour, (en lui donnant des coups de pieds).- Je pense que tu te trompes, j’ai regardé ce matin

même et il y avait 700 francs.

M. Verdin.- Je ne me trompe pas ! Si tu veux, tu peux voir le reçu.

M. Latour, (en lui donnant un autre coup de pied).- Mais de quoi tu parles enfin ?!

M. Verdin.- Aïe ! Ca fait mal !


Mme Latour, (à son mari).- Vraiment, arrête ! (À M. Verdun), Laisse-moi voir ce reçu s’il te plaît.

M. Verdin., (en lui donnant le reçu). – Bien sûr !

Mme Latour. - Il a raison, mon mari, on n’a plus d’argent.

M. Verdin. -En fait, ton mari n’a pas menti, il était à la banque ce matin et il y avait 700 francs mais il

les a retirés.

Mme Latour, (choquée et en colère contre son mari). –Butor, tu as retiré 700 francs sans me le dire et

maintenant on n’a plus d’argent !!! Tu pouvais au moins me dire la vérité !

M. Latour, (qui recule puis qui tombe).- Je peux expliquer : j’avais 700 francs de dette à payer et les

personnes voulaient que je leur rende l’argent aujourd’hui sinon ils allaient me tuer.

Mme. Latour, (saisit une branche et se met à frapper son mari).-Qu’est-ce que tu as acheté avec 700

francs ?!

M. Latour. –Des chaussures !

Mme. Latour, (qui arrête de frapper son mari).-Quoi ? Et où sont ces chaussures ?

M. Latour, (en pleurant).- Perdues !

Mme. Latour, (recommence à frapper son mari).- Perdues ?

M. Verdun. –Moi je pars, au revoir !

(Il sort en courant)

Naïm Zgheib,

5ème C

Dans un jardin public

Scène1 Mme Latour

Mme Latour, en souriant.-Mon beau mari j’aimerais bien aujourd’hui prendre un café dans ce jardin public.

M.Latour.-Comme vous voulez. J’appelle M.Verdin pour lui dire de venir prendre le café avec nous.

Mme. Latour.- Si vous voulez, j’accepte !

M.Latour, en prenant son portable.-J’appelle M.Verdin et je lui dis de venir à une heure trente.

Mme. Latour.- D’accord, s’il a le temps.

Scène2 Mme Latour

M.Verdin.-Bonjour Mme Latour.

M. Latour.-Bonjour, prenons le café maintenant.

Mme Latour.-Asseyons-nous sur ce grand banc là-bas.



M.Verdin.-Dis- moi, Latour, elle coûtait combien la bague que tu as vendue hier ?

M.Latour, faisant semblant d’être étonné.

Mais quelle bague ?

M.Verdin.-La bague en diamant.

M.Latour, en donnant des coups de pied à M.Verdin.-Mais je n’ai jamais vendu de bague en diamant !

Mme. Latour, en regardant bien la main droite de M.Latour.-Où est ta bague ?

M.Latour.-Dans ma poche.

M.Verdin.-Dis la vérité. Ne mens pas ,Latour.

Mme Latour, d’un air choqué.-Comment ?! Ne me dis pas… Notre bague de mariage ?

M.Latour, balbutiant Heu…oui…bon… d’accord…la bague de notre mariage.

Mme Latour, en courant.-Donc c’est fini, tout est rompu entre nous.

Et elle jette son parapluie de loin.

Yasmina Bsat,

5ème C

Une parole de trop Dans un jardin public


M. Latour , Mme Latour

Mme Latour, tenant la main de M. Latour. – Quelle belle journée pour nous promener ensemble !

M. Latour. – Je suis tout à fait d’accord.

Mme Latour, regardant le ciel. – Regardez le beau ciel bleu et les oiseaux qui voltigent gracieusement.

M. Latour. – Ma chère femme, vous êtes bien heureuse aujourd’hui, et je vais en profiter pour vous parler de la

belle surprise que j’ai préparée.

Mme Latour. – Une surprise ? Pour moi ? De quoi parlez-vous ?

M. Latour. – Oui, une très belle surprise en plus ! Je connais un ami qui allait voyager avec sa sœur en Italie,

mais sa sœur ne pouvait plus y aller, alors il m’a vendu les billets d’avion.

Mme Latour, d’un ton excité. – Oh ! Quelle belle surprise ! J’ai hâte de rencontrer votre bon ami.

M. Latour. – Quelle chance ! Le voici, assis sur le banc, là-bas, près de cette fontaine ! Allons lui dire bonjour.



M. Latour , Mme Latour , M. Verdin

M. Latour, à M. Verdin. – Bonjour cher ami ! Comment allez-vous ?

M. Verdin. – Bonjour M. Latour ! Il s’avance pour l’embrasser.

M. Latour. – J’aimerais vous remercier encore un fois pour les billets d’avion que vous m’avez offerts.

M. Verdin. – Ce n’était rien. Se tournant vers Mme Latour. J’aimerais bien faire la connaissance de la belle

femme qui vous accompagnera mais, excusez-moi pour la question suivante, n’était-elle pas blonde ?

Mme Latour, mettant la main sur ses cheveux. – Moi ?! Blonde ? Je n’ai jamais été blonde ! Mes cheveux sont

noirs depuis mon enfance.

M. Latour, donnant un coup de pied à M. Verdin. – De quoi parlez-vous M. Verdin ? Je ne suis jamais venu ici

avec une autre femme !

M. Verdin. – Ah, c’est votre femme ? Je crois qu’il est bien temps de lui avouer que vous la trompez avant

qu’elle ne vous donne un coup comme celui que vous m’avez donné !

Mme Latour, d’un air choqué, à M. Latour. – Monsieur ! Vous êtes en train de me tromper ?! D’un ton furieux.

Et moi qui pensais que vous me prépariez une belle surprise ! Vous appelez tout cela une belle surprise, espèce

de lâche ?!

M. Latour, d’un ton embarrassé. – Non, non ! Bien sûr que non ! Vous êtes la seule femme que j’aime, et je ne

vous tromperai jamais !

M. Verdin. – Mais bien sûr que si ! À Mme Latour. Croyez-moi Madame, j’ai vu votre mari plusieurs fois en

train de se promener ici avec une belle femme blonde aux yeux bleus.

Mme Latour, à M. Verdin. – Vous rappelez-vous le nom de cette femme mystérieuse ?

M. Verdin. – Non. Malheureusement, je ne connais pas son nom, puisque M. Latour ne me l’a jamais présentée.

M. Latour, d’un ton furieux. – Vous ne l’avez pas rencontrée parce qu’elle n’existe pas ! Tout ce que vous dites

n’est pas vrai.

Mme Latour, hurlant . – Tout cela suffit ! Je ne veux plus de mensonges, espèce de traître ! Vous m’avez

trompée et je le sais bien grâce à votre cher M. Verdin !

M. Latour, effrayé. – Je vous le promets ! Je ne vous ai jamais trompée ! Pourquoi vous ferai-je une belle

surprise si je vous trompe ?

Mme Latour, d’un ton hystérique. – Surprise ?! Tu me parles encore de surprise ? Je t’en ferai moi, une belle

surprise ! Elle retire sa chaussure et commence à courir après son mari pour le frapper.


Tamara Raad ,




Le poignard

Je venais d’arriver dans ma nouvelle maison en Bretagne, elle était éloignée du village et tout était

calme silencieux. J’avais un an pour finir un livre que j’écrivais et je cherchais du calme pour le faire. Le

propriétaire de la maison voulait la vendre à tout prix et partir pour Londres.

La maison était vaste, les murs étaient un peu noircis ; dans le jardin, les arbres dénudés aux troncs

noueux rendaient l’atmosphère déserte et délaissée. La mélancolie régnait à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur.

Cette nuit était sombre, les étoiles ne brillaient pas et le ciel était cerné par des nuages grisâtres.

J’écrivais les dernières lignes d’un chapitre quand soudain, la porte du grenier claqua brutalement. Je fis

tomber mon crayon et en un bond je me levai. Je restais figée sur place quelques minutes, puis je m’assis

tout en me tranquillisant : c’était le vent. Je continuai mon travail calmement, mais la fenêtre s’ouvrit seule

et se referma brutalement. Un souffle froid effleura ma nuque. Je tremblais de tous mes membres, mes mains

devinrent moites et mes cheveux se hérissèrent tant j’étais effrayée. J’entendis un grincement sourd dans la

cuisine, je m’y dirigeai en hésitant et en ouvrant la porte je criai de toutes mes forces ; un poignard flottait

dans le vide. Au fond de moi je savais qu’il fallait fuir mais j’étais saisie.

Agilement j’évitais le coup que le poignard m’avait donné et je m’enfuis vers l’escalier ; il me

rattrapa et me blessa. La seule chandelle allumée s’éteignit, je ne voyais plus que le métal luisant. Je me

débattais dans le vide et mon cœur battait la chamade. Malgré ma peur, je me relevai et je courus vers ma

voiture. Je partis pour Londres.

Je n’avais jamais eu si peur et j’étais devenue morbide. Je ne quittai plus Londres pour ne plus revoir

cet objet maléfique qui me hantait.

Lara Chehabeddine

4ème C


Une mésaventure marine

Tout s’était passé dans un navire particulier le « S.S. Wilson » mes chers lecteurs. Celui-ci semblait

magnifique. Il était fabriqué en bois de cèdre, le plus solide du Liban, les voiles étaient brodées avec de la soie de

Chine, et sa proue construite avec .de l’or splendide et éblouissant. J’étais un mousse en ce temps-là, prêt à naviguer

sur le « S.S. Wilson » de Londres à Boston aux États-Unis. Les dames qui avaient chacune des mouchoirs à la main et

les yeux inondés de larmes faisaient leurs adieux à leurs amis et aux membres de leur famille. Et finalement le bateau

partit. J’étais excité, c’était la première fois que je voyageais en mer. Le coucher du soleil arriva rapidement. Le vent

chuchotait ses paroles anonymes dans mes oreilles, et le mauvais temps arriva. L’équipage se rassembla autour d’un

feu allumé et on se raconta des histoires. On s’échangeait des légendes de fantômes et de vampire. Mais l’histoire qui

resta imprimée dans ma mémoire était celle de Jean qui parlait de la légende d’un monstre marin gigantesque et

terrorisant qui détruisait tout ce qui passait par l’océan Atlantique.

On descendit sur le pont pour regagner nos chambres. Je me sentais fiévreux. Je frissonnais sous ma

couverture. J’entendais aussi le bruit d’un orage et des coups de tonnerre qui retentirent fortement comme un tambour

dans une parade. Pendant mon sommeil, je me vis sur une barque au milieu de l’été. Je transpirais beaucoup. Soudain,

je remarquai une silhouette gigantesque sous l’eau et je vis la créature de la légende avec sa bouche ouverte prête à me

dévorer tout cru. Je me réveillai en sursaut au milieu de la nuit, transpirant de peur. L’orage semblait s’apaiser et alors

je sortis de ma chambre pour prendre l’air puisque je ne trouvais pas le sommeil. Le vent était léger. Tout était calme,

quand soudain, mon sang se glaça dans mes veines. La raison en était simple, mais incroyable : le monstre avait surgi

de la surface de l’océan Atlantique, et poussa un cri strident. Je sentais mes jambes se dérober sous moi. La créature

me fixait d’un regard terrorisant et affreux. Je voulais m’enfuir mais j’étais paralysé de peur. Mon sang ne fit qu’un

tour, et le monstre me frappa avec sa queue gigantesque alors je tombai sur le sol et m’évanouis. Quand je me

réveillai, le soleil se réveilla aussi de son sommeil lourd. Mes collègues et mes amis me dirent qu’ils m’avaient trouvé

allongé sur le sol, la veille. Je me levai et je me posai, toute la journée, cette même question qui retentit plusieurs fois

dans ma tête : qu’était-il advenu du monstre maléfique qui hantait l’Atlantique ?

Hassan El-Ghoul



Le grenier interdit

On avait l’habitude d’aller, chaque été, chez grand-mère et grand-père pour passer quelques semaines

chez eux. Ils vivaient au Havre, leur maison se trouvait dans une ruelle isolée loin du port. C’était donc un

jour d’été, il y a quelques années, et le temps était maussade. Maman était sortie avec grand-mère et grand-

père, je ne sais plus pourquoi, et m’avait fait confiance en laissant mon frère Luc à la maison, sous ma

responsabilité. « N’aie pas peur. » avais-je répondu, un sourire malicieux sur les lèvres quand maman

m’avait dit de bien m’occuper de Luc.

Nous jouâmes, Luc et moi, nous regardâmes la télé… Et à huit heures, je m’adressai à Luc en

prenant un air sérieux :

- « Luc, il est grand temps d’aller au lit !


- Mais… rétorqua Luc.

- Pas un mot ! Rappelle-toi la promesse que tu as faite à maman.»

Mon frère se dirigea vers la chambre en faisant la moue. Après tout, ce n’était pas ce qu’il attendait

de sa sœur. Il m’avait toujours fait confiance, mais il se trompait cette fois-ci.

Je montai les escaliers qui menaient à ce fameux grenier «interdit aux petits» d’après maman, le

cœur battant d’enthousiasme, prête à mettre à exécution le plan que je mijotais depuis quelques semaines et

impatiente de découvrir le mystère que cachait ce fameux grenier.

J’ouvris la porte du grenier. Elle émit un grincement aigu. Devant moi se trouvait la pièce la plus

sombre que je n’avais jamais vue. Tac, tac, tac. Je fis quelques pas prudents. Un craquement sec

accompagné d’un grincement constant et strident se fit entendre. Un air glacial régnait dans la pièce : le vent

qui mugissait et soufflait en rafales faisait trembler les vitres sur lesquelles se reflétait la lumière du disque

argenté dans un ciel ensemencé d’étoiles. Un frisson d’angoisse m’étreignit la poitrine. Avec le peu de

courage qui me restait, je fis deux autres pas. «Aaaaahhhh…!» Je venais d’écraser la queue d’un rat éperdu

qui semblait fuir devant une épouvante. Anxieuse, je tâtonnai le sol. «Miaaouu…» «Aaaahhh!» Je poussai

un cri assourdissant qui retentit en écho : je venais d’attraper un chat ; pas n’importe lequel, un spécimen

noir aux yeux jaunes et chimériques dont l’éclat s’accentuait dans le noir. «Oouu, oouu…» Une voix se

propagea dans la pièce. Je sentis mes cheveux se dresser sur ma tête. Mais malgré la frayeur que

j’éprouvais, je me dirigeai promptement vers le coffre-fort qui se trouvait au fond du grenier. Une force

étrange et mystérieuse m’y attirait. Je l’ouvris et, vous n’allez pas le croire, mais je vis la silhouette d’un

fantôme surgir et se dessiner dans le brouillard de la réalité. Et puis, tout à coup, le fantôme dont la

monstrueuse exubérance déchirait en lambeau le manteau de la nuit, m’adressa la parole d’une voix

familière que je reconnus tout de suite : c’était la voix de maman ! Il me dit : «Sois prudente ! Je te fais

confiance Nour, occupe-toi bien de Luc ! » Mon sang ne fit qu’un tour. Frappée d’horreur, je voulus pousser

un cri ; mais pas un mot, pas un cri ne parvint à franchir mes lèvres paralysées.

Ensuite, tout se passa très rapidement : des objets sortirent du coffre-fort et commencèrent à

tourbillonner autour de moi. Mon cœur se mit à battre la chamade. C’était ma peluche, et mon jeu-vidéo, et

mon livre, mon téléphone portable… Tous ces objets, maman me les avait confisqués ! Ma raison était-elle à

ce point altérée ? Etait-ce une hallucination ? Je reculai de deux pas… et je glissai puis traversai un trou

profond en forme de spirale. Boum ! Je tombai et ne pus me relever.

Nour Chanouha

4ème C



Sur les Pyramides d’Egypte

Sur les temples de Grèce

Sur le mur de Berlin

Je graverai tes idées

Sur les troncs des Cèdres

Sur les flots des mers

Sur les rayons du soleil

Je graverai tes idées

Sur mes cahiers de classe

Sur les pixels des écrans

Sur l’écho de mon enfance

Je graverai tes idées


Sayle Makdessi

3ème A


Dans les fragments des bombes

Dans les ailes des colombes

Dans la tristesse des tombes

Je te garde

Dans la fontaine de lumière

Dans le vent des prières

Dans la tempête guerrière

Je te garde

Dans l’ouragan des sorts

Dans le destin des morts


Dans la nuit des aurores

Je te garde

Dans l’univers des armes

Dans ce monde sans armes

Dans les cœurs en larmes

Je te garde


Yasmina Al Ghadban

3ème A

Souvenirs Joyeux

Ô belles rêveries, ô souvenirs joyeux

Vous remettez l’éclat, l’étincelle dans nos yeux.

Ô comme les inoubliables sensations,

Charmantes émotions, rallument nos passions !

Les danses joviales, paroles d’amour,

Aventures d’enfance, sont remèdes pour cœurs lourds.

Ces images d’antan illustrent nos mémoires,

Transformant nos vies en magnifiques histoires.

Riad Tabbara

3ème B



Qu’il est terrible

Le cri des enfants qui pleurent

Qu’il est terrible

Le cri des gens qui meurent

Oh Liban n’abandonne pas !

Oh Liban relève-toi !

Oh Liban ne les laisse pas

Te torturer , redresse-toi !

Frère , ayons du courage

Pour combattre cette rage

Qui nous a pratiquement tout détruit

Le Liban surpassera cette misère

Si on se tient main par la main avec autrui

Il n’y aura plus de guerre

Bakri Sakr

3ème B




En cette saison d’hiver

Ton cœur s’est perdu

Ton âme s’est glacée

Tes larmes se sont cristallisées

Te voilà condamnée

Venise tu te noies !

Adieu Oh célèbre carnaval

Finies les gondoles sur le grand canal

Adieu amour et discours de toujours

Saint-Marc tu ne verras que des vautours

Venise tu te noies !

Non tu ne disparaîtras pas

De l’abîme tu ressusciteras

Ton histoire a marqué tant de siècles

Qu’aucun spectre ne saura effacer

Un seul souvenir de ton passé

Venise tu te noies !

Guerrière de toujours

Porte ton bouclier

Et défend ta cité

Montre au monde entier

Le courage d’une ancienne ville


Qui, avec ses églises, ses musées et ses bals masqués

Restera Venise pour l’éternité.

Yara Bekdache

3ème B


Je t’avais dit, ma ville, que tu es charmante

Je t’avais dit, ma ville, que les nuits sont imprudentes

Je t’avais dit, ma ville, de protéger cette beauté

Je t’avais dit, ma ville, de ne pas me laisser tomber

Ton chemin se perd désormais

Tu erres, tu cherches, plus rien n’est parfait

Tes habitants sont appauvris

Dans tes rues, personne ne rit

Tes enfants ont froid, tes enfants ont faim

L’espoir naît avec le lendemain

Tes enfants sont perdus, tes enfants ont peur

Partout on entend leurs cris et leurs pleurs

Ma belle ville, sèche donc tes larmes

Tu vas te débarrasser de ce drame

Tu vas te lever et résoudre tes problèmes

Tire ton courage du désespoir même


Compatriotes, révoltons-nous

Empruntons le chemin du non retour

Balayons les dictateurs

Débarrassons-nous du malheur

La victoire sera à la portée de nos yeux

Les colombes envahiront les cieux

Les gens viendront du monde entier

Célébrer notre liberté

Je t’avais dit, ma ville, que tu es charmante

Je t’avais dit, ma ville, que les nuits sont imprudentes

Et toi, tu m’avais répondu : " On s’en sortira

Je suis bien plus forte que ça."

Yasmine Haydar,

3ème B

Dans une tranchée, je reste ce soir

Mes amis sont morts mais il faut garder espoir

J’ai une peine qui me pique le cœur

Je ferme les yeux, le cœur envahi de douleur

La nuit est passée dans le silence

J’ouvre les yeux, je vois une lumière, je sens une présence

Suis-je mort ? Je ne le sais pas

Qui est-ce qui me regarde là-bas ?

Sami Boukhaled

3ème C


Assis autour du feu le soir

Je regarde tes yeux qui me donnent espoir

Assis dans la prairie

Nous nous livrons à la rêverie

Mais ensuite vient la tragédie

Mon amour est mort dans un incendie

Il y a un vide dans mon cœur

Maintenant rempli de douleur

Rawi Kammoun

3ème C

C’est bien dans mon cœur

Que je ressens la plus grande douleur

C’est toujours toi le vainqueur

Qui me parles d’un ton moqueur

Pourquoi dois-je ressentir autant de malheur ?

Quand j’ai toujours l’espoir d’avoir du bonheur

C’est bien le plus douloureux

D’avoir un cœur qui pleure.

Lana Nsouli

3ème C


Où es-tu parti ?

Me laissant seul chaque soir

Moi, ayant perdu tout espoir,

Où es-tu parti ?

ô beaux jours dans la prairie !

ô jours éternels dans mes rêveries !

ô soirs décorés par les libellules !

Où on jouait ensemble, en contemplant le crépuscule.

Où sont-ils partis ces moments heureux ?

Ces jours à jamais lumineux

Maudite soit cette tragédie

Où tu fus victime d’un incendie !

Emile Kanazi

3ème C

Je m’allonge dans la prairie

Je plonge dans une rêverie

J’ouvre mes petits yeux

L’azur est lumineux


Là-bas, l’astre de la nuit

Me contemple et me sourit

Il me dit : « Tu vas m’oublier

Une fois dans les bras de Morphée ! »

Malek Daouk

3ème C

Et c’est en pensant à toi chaque soir

Dans la lueur de tes yeux pleins d’espoir

Que je revis cette belle sensation

Qui me rend fou : c’est une passion

Et c’est bien en écoutant le silence

Le temps passe je n’ai plus de patience

Seul ton sourire peut me rendre heureux

Et le regard sur ton visage lumineux

Sarah Wehbe

3ème C

Adieu été

L’été ferme ses portes à l’arrivée de l’automne

Toutes ces feuilles mortes donnent un air monotone

Comme de la poussière le vent les balaie

Les rues elles-mêmes ont un air effaré


Mes mains seront froides même glacées

De nouveau le froid règnerait

Je regarde le ciel attristée

Qui lui-même pleure car l’été s’est achevé.


Le voilà à rôder dans la nuit

Discret, dans une tenue noire

Il a le diable en lui,

Il se prépare depuis le soir.

A pas de loup

Il franchit le seuil de ma maison

Il voit à la loupe

Mes fourrures et mes bijoux bretons

Agile comme un chat

Il vole tous mes achats

Le voilà parti

Rôder dans la nuit

Comme un chien sans abri.

Lara Chehabeddine

4ème C


Hommage à toi, mon Père

Poème Rimé

Chaque soir

J’attends avec espoir

De te retrouver dans notre prairie

Dans chacune de mes rêveries

Je te regarde dans les yeux

Et je te vois si joyeux

On s’assoit près du feu

Et on joue à notre jeu

Avec un peu de musique

Qui donne un effet exotique

Je te vois heureux

Un sourire lumineux

Parce que tu es mon papa

Je n’aimerais pas vivre sans toi

Tu es toujours dans mon cœur

Et tu ne me portes jamais malheur

Tatiana Mourad

3ème B