Table of Contents - PRISMA · 2020. 5. 18. · Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan), Alsintan...

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Volume 11 : As of 18 May 2020

Table of Contents DISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

NATIONAL OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 3

1. Policy and regulation ............................................................................................................................... 3

2. Budget and program shifting ................................................................................................................... 4

3. Food supply ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Province : East Java ....................................................................................................................................... 5

1. Policy and regulation ............................................................................................................................... 5

2. Budget and program shifting ................................................................................................................... 5

3. Food supply ............................................................................................................................................. 6

4. Rural economy ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Province : Central Java ................................................................................................................................... 7

1. Policy and regulation ............................................................................................................................... 7

2. Budget and program shifting ................................................................................................................... 7

3. Food supply ............................................................................................................................................. 8

4. Rural economy ......................................................................................................................................... 8

5. Assistances needed by local government ............................................................................................... 9

Province : West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) ........................................................................................................ 10

1. Policy and regulation ............................................................................................................................. 10

2. Budget and program shifting ................................................................................................................. 10

3. Food supply ........................................................................................................................................... 11

4. Rural economy ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Province : East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) ......................................................................................................... 12

1. Policy and regulation ............................................................................................................................. 12

2. Budget and program shifting ................................................................................................................. 13

3. Food supply ........................................................................................................................................... 13

4. Rural economy ....................................................................................................................................... 14

5. Other crosscutting issues ...................................................................................................................... 14

Province : Papua ........................................................................................................................................... 15

1. Policy and Regulation ............................................................................................................................ 15

2. Budget and program shifting ..................................................................................................................... 15

3. Food supply .............................................................................................................................................. 15

4. Rural economy .......................................................................................................................................... 16

5. Assistances needed by local government ................................................................................................ 16

Province : West Papua ................................................................................................................................. 17

1. Policy and Regulation ............................................................................................................................ 17

2. Budget and program shifting ................................................................................................................. 17

3. Food supply ........................................................................................................................................... 17

4. Assistances needed by local government ............................................................................................. 18



PRISMA and Palladium attempt to verify the data and/or information in this report but, due to the rapid nature of the COVID-19 response, there may still be errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Subsequently, PRISMA and Palladium assume no responsibility or liability for the content of this report.



1. Policy and regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc

▪ The Minister of Agriculture urges farmers to continue working and to accelerate planting during the

COVID-19 pandemic to prevent food crisis. The Minister requested farmers to immediately do the

planting acceleration right after harvesting, so there will be no vacant land even for one month. In

addition, the minister hopes the use of technology such as agricultural machinery (Alsintan) can

increase rice production in the coming years.

▪ Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir asked all SOE companies to anticipate the

scenario of “The New Normal” as an impact of COVID-19 pandemic. This is stated in the Minister of

SOE Letter Number S-336/MBU/05/2020 addressed to all president directors of state companies.

▪ The Assessment and Application of Technology Agency (BPPT) announced plan to launch an early

detection system based on artificial intelligence (AI) that will be able to detect COVID-19 in a shorter

amount of time. “The artificial intelligence-based medical visual management is meant to process data

from X-rays and CT-scans. It is hoped to be a piece of aid equipment to determine a diagnosis on

suspected COVID-19 patients,” said BPPT Head Hammam Riza.


2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic

▪ According to the Minister of Agriculture, the optimization of swamp land is the answer to Indonesia's

availability and food security in the future. He added, one way to manage swamps in order to increase

productivity and the Planting Index (IP) is to optimize swamps. Indonesia has a potential swamp area

of 33.4 million hectares. Meanwhile, the Director General of Agriculture Infrastructure and Facilities

(PSP) Sarwo Edhy said that the facilities and infrastructure improvement become one of swamp land

optimization program focuses. This also includes the improvement of water channel infrastructure into

rice fields, as well as land intensification through new fields.

▪ The Ministry of Agriculture distributed agricultural machinery (alsintan) in order to achieve the goal of

sustainable food self-sufficiency. The assistance was distributed to the Farmers Group (Poktan), the

Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan), Alsintan Service Business (UPJA) and the dinas in the area of

production centre. During 2014 to 2019, MoA through the Directorate General of Agricultural

Infrastructure and Facilities (PSP) has distributed 447,047 units of pre-harvest alsintan, consist of 2-

wheel tractors, 4-wheel tractors, cultivators, water pumps, rice transplants and hand sprayers.

3. Food supply Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc

▪ The Indonesian government through the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) ensures rice stocks in all parts

of Indonesia are safe until the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to

preliminary data, Bulog has 1.4 million tons of rice stock stored in warehouses throughout Indonesia.

The location is spread in most areas on Java island such as West Java, East Java, Central Java,

Yogyakarta and Banten. The location of the warehouses is closer to the main vessel distribution gate

to ensure smooth distribution.


Province : East Java

1. Policy and regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc


▪ Sidoarjo District COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force informed that anyone leaving their

houses during PSBB must show supporting documents from their workplace and/or related local

authorities. Sanctions to the policy violators include obligation to work in public kitchen, places of

worship, cemetery and others.

▪ A member of Surabaya City Parliament questioned the validity of government’s sugar stock data and

asked the city government to mitigate sugar scarcity risk before and during the Eid.

2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic


▪ Head of Extension Service Unit, District Agriculture

Agency of Ngawi said that the agency has modified its

extension service practices during the pandemic, to

implement Integrated Participatory Development and

Management of Irrigation Project (IPDMPIP) grant project.

IPDMIP plans to execute 60 field school activities to reach

1,800 farmers from 13 irrigation service area in Ngawi in



▪ Feby, an Agriculture Extension Service worker (PPL) in Banyuwangi understood that the role of todays’

PPLs have shifted from merely disseminating information to the new main role as facilitators, in

response to information technology progress.

▪ Tulungagung District Government has implemented curfew started from 16 May 2020 in order to

supress COVID-19 transmission.

▪ COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force of Surabaya City increases their effort in conducting the

mass rapid screening tests at traditional markets. To date, they have implemented it at Genteng Market,

Simo Market, and Keputran Market.

3. Food supply

Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc


▪ Due to panic paying, Sidoarjo District Government ends the implementation of open-close system at

Sidoarjo Market during PSBB Phase 2. Starting from Sunday, 17 May 2020, the market has been

operating with the same physical distancing protocols as in PSBB Phase 1.

▪ Following the PSBB implementation in Greater Malang area, vegetables farmers in Malang respond to

the stricter physical distancing implementation in the region’s traditional markets by throwing away their

vegetables to river and giving away their vegetables to road users for free.

▪ Behind the viral news about farmers/traders who throwed away vegetables to river and gave away their

vegetables for free to road users in Malang, one of traders explained that vegetables sales have been

decreasing 90% since the pandemic. The physical distancing policy has limit people from visiting

traditional markets and consequently decreases market demand to vegetables. Winarno, a member of

small trader’s association also added that more than 400 small traders at Kedungrejo traditional market

have suffered losses since the pandemic.

4. Rural economy

Impact at rural area such as continuity of farmers’ production; agriculture inputs availability; labour

availability at rural area; market access; etc


▪ Some farmers in Magetan District started mortgaging their tractors or other agriculture machineries at

state owned pawn offices to get Rp 7 to 10 million of fund, before Eid and harvest time. Head of State

Pawn Office of Barat Sub-District informed that it is a common practice among farmers. However,

number of farmers pawning their assets has increased 50% during the pandemic.

▪ City Government of Madiun has allowed restaurant and culinary kiosks to open and serve customers in

order to decrease the number of laid off workers so that they have job and income during to the


▪ Based on result of markets closure impact evaluation, the City Government of Surabaya decide to end

market closure policy due to the pandemic. The evaluation result suggests that there is no guarantee

that small traders in the closed market will not move to other locations and create new problems.


Province : Central Java

1. Policy and regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc


▪ Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir

agreed to jointly implement programs aimed at generating micro, small and medium enterprises

(MSMEs) after the COVID-19 pandemic. After health and social care, the Provincial Government has

begun to focus on the economy. Therefore, economic scenarios must be prepared to be able to rise

after the COVID-19 pandemic. The provincial government has cooperated with number of large national

e-commerce for training and other cooperation needs, but it is still constrained by the capital. According

to Governor Ganjar, state-owned banks are expected to open access to people's business credit (KUR).

If that can be done, the revival of Central Java economy especially from small and medium industries,

can be accomplished sooner.


▪ Vice Head of Tegal District admits it will be difficult to apply large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) or

restrictions on community activities (PKM) in the area. It is ineffective in supressing the spread of

COVID-19 due to its large population. According to him, PSBB and PKM is more suitable to be applied

in urban areas with smaller population.

2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic


▪ There are many social assistance schemes provided by the government as a form of social safety net

(JPS) amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Vice Head of Kebumen District said that social assistance

aimed for food security for disadvantaged people affected by COVID-19. The assistance certainly

reduces the source of village fund since the fund will be cut 30%.


▪ The Community and Village Empowerment Office (Dinpermasdes) Boyolali District said that the village-

level government has the authority to use village funds for COVID-19 prevention and handling. The total

amount of village fund for handling COVID-19 has been calculated and reached Rp 63 billion for 261

villages in Boyolali. Therefore, the district government asked the village government to hold a special

village meeting in order to determine the program beneficiaries.

3. Food supply

Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc


▪ Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo together with national-level e-commerce providers prepared

an action to revive the provincial economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor had

discussions with the owners of national level e-commerce services related to the plan. The e-commerce

services that Ganjar has engaged with are Tokopedia and, while soon he will contact

Bukalapak. In terms of the budget, it has been decided that the Central Java Regional Budget of 2021

will be optimized to carry out an emergency due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


▪ The rice reserves stored in Bulog warehouse in Kebumen are 600 tons to date. It is expected to be safe

for the next four months. The Head of Bulog warehouse explained that the rice stock in Bulog Selang

warehouse has good quality and suitable for consumption. The distribution will be done as soon as the

data collection completed.

▪ The price of shallots in New Wergu Market Kudus during Ramadan rose to Rp 65.000/kg. This increase

occurred during the past week. One of the shallot traders confirmed that the price has reached Rp

65.000/kg for large-size shallot and Rp 45.000/kg for small-size shallot.

4. Rural economy

Impact at rural area such as continuity of farmers’ production; agriculture inputs availability; labour

availability at rural area; market access; etc


▪ As the dry season come, Sendang Dawung Village Government in Kendal agreed to install a water

pump from Kali Pening and to channel it to the rice fields. The budget for irrigation water pumps

construction is Rp 227 million, as a collaboration between Village Fund and assistance program from

Kendal District Agriculture Office. This irrigation pump able to irrigate an area of 10 ha.


▪ Temanggung District Government will assist farmers by providing rice seed to support food security as

the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was said by the Head of Temanggung District that in order to

support food security, it is necessary to increase production and productivity of food crop commodities,

one of which is by providing assistance of food crop seed to farmers. In addition, by having hybrid rice

seed assistance, farmers in Temanggung Distrcit can reduce their production costs for July – October

planting period with total budget of Rp 670 million.

5. Assistances needed by local government

Assistances in order to accelerate the recovery of economy at post pandemic period)


▪ Central Java Bappeda invited PRISMA to provide input to food and agriculture related institutions in

Central Java. This was a follow up from previous PRISMA's presentation to Bappeda, when the Head

of Bappeda required PRISMA to deliver more details and direct to the relevant Dinas and OPDs. The

presentation meeting was conducted via online platform on 14 and 15 May 2020. PRISMA delivered

presentations, which were divided into two topic clusters: (i) ICT and Off-farm cluster; and (ii) On-farm

cluster. The ICT and Off-farm cluster included: nutrition; e-commerce-based supply chains; marketing

digitalization for SMEs and fertilizers; empowering young farmers; and financing through Kartu Tani.

While the On-farm cluster covered: the safety of milk production; optimization of mechanization;

irrigation; increased maize and mung bean production. The participants of the meeting are: Bappeda

as the host; the Agriculture and Plantation Office; the Livestock and Animal Health Office; the Food

Security Office; the Cooperative and SME Office; the Civil Works and Water Resources Office; and

ISDA Bureau. At the end of presentation, Bappeda expressed their gratitude to PRISMA and stated that

input from PRISMA with responses from the Dinas and OPDs, will be considered in the framework of

2021 Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) discussion. Source: MoM from the meeting.

▪ The spread of the COVID-19 affects economic growth in Central Java. Governor Ganjar Pranowo said

that in the first quarter of 2020, the economy growth in the province is only 2.6%, dropped from 5.2 %.

He stated that this condition had the most impact on small economic actors. Therefore, he invited the

whole community, especially in Central Java to reawaken the entrepreneurial spirit.

▪ Farmer members of KTNA (Kontak Tani Nelayan Andalan) in Central Java are exciting about the

harvest season amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They donate 5 tons of rice and 500 kg of eggs to those

who are impacted by COVID-19 through the provincial government. The Chairperson of KTNA in

Central Java said that the assistance was a form of concern from Central Java farmers in handling the

COVID-19 pandemic.


Province : West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)

1. Policy and regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc


▪ Lombok Timur District Government will hold a large-scale operation against the people who will enter

the district, starting effectively on Monday, 18 May 2020. This operation is called COVID-19 Friendly

Operation. Anyone coming from the western regions such as Lombok Tengah, Lombok Barat and

Mataram must enter the guard post where the medical team are on duty.

2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic


▪ In order to keep the local economy running amid the COVID-19 pandemic, NTB provincial government

allocated a budget for economic stimulus of Rp 278 billion. Derived from two budget sources: (i)

Unexpected Expenditure (BTT) which was the result of budget reallocation and refocusing of Rp 90

billion to strengthen SMEs (IKM-UMKM) and farmers; and (ii) physical activities or projects from relevant

Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) of Rp 188 billion, were transferred to cash-intensive programs.


3. Food supply

Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc

PROVINCIAL LEVEL ▪ Approaching Eid, beef demand usually

increases. However, the demand for beef

this year has declined significantly. The

COVID-19 emergency response status

has impacted to beef demand decline of

30% – 40%. Head of Animal Husbandry

and Animal Health Office (Disnakeswan)

of NTB Province, Hj Budi Septiani

explained that currently, the beef

production in NTB is sufficient. However,

due to current conditions during COVID-

19 pandemic situation, the meat demand

has been decreasing.


▪ The Sumbawa Barat District (KSB) Department of Food Security (DKP) claims that the availability of

food, especially rice, is sufficient until the end of 2020. The rice reserves in warehouses currently reach

24 tons and ready to be distributed.

▪ The Lombok Barat District Government is currently activating community groups to optimize their plots

by growing vegetables and raising fish for food security at the family level.

▪ The Lombok Timur Logistics Agency (Bulog) asked the public not to worry about the rice stocks

availability amid the COVID-19 pandemic because the absorption of farmers' grain by Bulog continues

to run. So far, 2,251 tons out of a total 4,500 tons have been released. The availability of this stock

continues to increase every day. Bulog continued to provide services and procurement in order to

achieve the target of 14,170 tons farmers' grain absorption in 2020. With this stock condition, Bulog

guarantees the availability and durability of the stock in Lotim is quite safe.

▪ Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Sumbawa District is currently experiencing peak production with a

marked harvest of maize. Sumbawa District has successfully exported 6,600 tons of maize to


4. Rural economy

Impact at rural area such as continuity of farmers’ production; agriculture inputs availability; labour

availability at rural area; market access; etc


▪ Head of the Sumbawa Agriculture Service, Ir. Syirajuddin asked farmers to register farm insurance

every season in order to guarantee their food crop, especially rice and maize. When it fails to harvest,

the farmer will get compensation for his losses. As the the Dry Season (MK) I is coming, the Department

of Agriculture begins conducting data collection. Normally, there are around 4,000 farmers register for

insurance every season, however it is expected more farmers will register during MK I.

▪ Maize price in Sumbawa District is considered the most expensive compared to maize price in other

regions. It reached Rp 3,100 to Rp 3,200 per kilogram. According to PT Seger Agro Nusantara, if there

is a price difference in the field, it is due to the costs of other components before the maize enters the

warehouse, such as milling costs, labor costs and transport costs.


Province : East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)

1. Policy and regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc


▪ As the confirmed cases of COVID-19 increased, the NTT Parliament asked the Governments of Kupang

City and Manggarai Barat District to propose the large scale of social restrictions (PSBB)

implementation. On the other hand, the NTT Government still has no plan to implement the PSBB

despite the increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases in the province. According to the NTT

Provincial Secretary, Benediktus Polo Maing, the government still continues evaluating the progress of

the pandemic situation every day.;

▪ The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) prepares the readiness and stability of road

and bridge infrastructures. This is done to support the logistics path, that needs a special foundation

requested by the government to implement the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) due to COVID-19

and 2020 Eid holiday. One of them is a national strategic road in the border of NTT Province and Timor

Leste, with the length about 179.99 km, or known as the red sector eastern belts from the District of

Belu until the Malacca District. The border road has an important function, especially for the trading of

commodities such as eucalyptus, moringa and cashew.


▪ All district heads across Sumba Island have made an agreement to conduct a "rapid test" for the early

detection of COVID-19 virus on every person who cross the border in each district on the island. The

agreement involved the head districts of Sumba Timur, Sumba Tengah, Sumba Barat and Sumba Barat


▪ The City Government of Kupang will impose restrictions on traditional market opening hours in the area

in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 after one of the local meat traders died due to being infected

of COVID-19. The government will not totally close trading activities in the market, rather only limiting


opening hours so that citizens still can buy basic needs and the community's economy continue to grow.

The government only limits the opening hours of traditional markets from 05.00 until 10.00 in the

morning, and then from 15.00 until 18.00 in the afternoon.

▪ The District Government of Manggarai has closed land transportation access from the of Manggarai

Barat District area, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Head of District, Kamelus Deno

explained, the decision was made following the increasing cases in the Manggarai Barat District.

▪ The District Head of Sikka, Roby Idong appealed to leaders of government agencies, religious leaders,

businesspeople, sub-district heads and village heads to limit the activities of residents. Starting 14 May,

residents' activities are limited to 17.00 local time and people are asked to stay at home. All religious

activities involving mass mobilization are also prohibited. Businesses activities such as restaurants,

cafes, and street vendors may only serve take away order.

▪ 3 out of 7 positive COVID-19 patients in Lembor Sub-District, Manggarai Barat are traders at Lembor

Market. To prevent the wider spread of COVID-19, this traditional market has been temporarily closed

for 9 days starting 15 May 2020. However, the market activity is not completely stopped; groceries are

still allowed to sell, from 9.00 in the morning until 14.00 in the afternoon.

2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic


▪ The Ombudsman NTT Provincial Office asked the provincial and district governments in the area to

provide complaints channels for the community in relation to the implementation of social assistance

(bansos) due to the impact of COVID-19. This will help the local governments to know the problems

occur and faced by the community, and what kind of solutions to be taken.


▪ The Head of Sumba Timur District, Gidion Mbilijora ensured that there is an incentive prepared for

medical personnel who handled cases of COVID-19 in the area. The incentive is prepared by the central

government, although it has not been realized yet. According to him, if the central government does not

realize the incentive, the medical staff in the district will still get the incentive from district government.

▪ 157 out of 173 villages in Sumba Barat Daya District are ready to disburse village cash transfer funds

(BLT) in 2020. 113 villages have entered the data of BLT fund and ready to be distributed. While other

villages are still in the process. Meanwhile, 16 villages that had not yet entered data on the BLT recipient

candidates have been asked to immediately submit. The District Office of Community and Village

Empowerment (PMD) of Sumba Barat Daya conveyed this during COVID-19 evaluation forum.

3. Food supply

Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc


▪ The Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries (KKP) buys the catches of fishermen and fisheries small

and medium businesses (SMEs) to be distributed to COVID-19 affected residents in NTT province. The

purchase is as a form of KKP's concern in helping lighten the burden of fishermen due to COVID-19,

as stated by the Office of Fish Quarantine Station, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products

(KIPM) of Kupang City. In the series of 2020 quality quarantine months, the office has prepared 1,500

fish aid packages for residents throughout the province.



▪ 5,000 packages of nine basic needs (sembako) of the president’s food aids have been received by the

City Government of Kupang. The food aids will then be distributed to the citizens affected by the COVID-

19 pandemic in the city. Each package consists of 10 kg rice, 1 kg sugar, tea leaves and one litre of

cooking oil.

▪ The price of chicken eggs in number of traditional

markets in Kupang City returned to normal at Rp

50,000 per rack (with 30 items) after being rose at Rp

55,000 per rack in the last three weeks. The trader at

Pasar Inpres said, the fall in chicken egg price is due

to the impact of COVID-19 which led to a decline in

people's purchasing power. And due to the pandemic,

the buyers rarely come shopping at the market.

▪ Manggarai Timur District Government ensured that the food stock during the COVID-19 pandemic

remains secured until December 2020. The Head of Manggarai Timur Agriculture Agency, Yohanes

Sentis said, rice production in the current planting season this year increased, so that rice and maize

stocks can be maintained until the end of the year. Meanwhile, number of sub-districts are just entering

the harvest season, so the production amount will increase. Further explained, annual rice productivity

in Manggarai Timur District is averaged 4 to 5 tons per hectare from a harvest area of 14,355 hectares

in 9 sub-districts. While the annual maize productivity is averaged 3 tons per hectare from a harvest

area of 4,986.1 hectares.

4. Rural economy

Impact at rural area such as continuity of farmers’ production; agriculture inputs availability; labour

availability at rural area; market access; etc


▪ The District Government of Sumba Timur encourages farmers in that area to continue cultivating

seaweed in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. The head of the district, Gidion Mbilijora said, seaweed

is the community's leading economic sector, and farmers do not worry about selling their products,

because the district government is ready to assist in its marketing.

▪ The paddy field at Satar Padut Village, Manggarai Timur District, has been targeted as the main paddy

production site of the area. This is referring to the total planting areas as well as the productivity of

paddy in each planting season which reaches 4.0 ton per hectare. This is stated by the Head of

Manggarai Timur District, Agas Andreas when conducting paddy harvest of the ‘inpari-32’ variety at

Satar Padut Village, Lambaleda Sub-Distritc.

5. Other crosscutting issues

Gender, disability, youth

▪ Becoming a farmer brings pleasure for a female farmer, Serilia Bunga. Since 2016, she and her

husband have been trying seriously in their profession as professional farmers. On one hectare of land

located in Kampung Ka-Ruteng Vilage, the District of Manggarai, she plants a variety of horticultural

crops, such as chili and various types of vegetables. From this business, she and her husband can earn

Rp 150 million at harvest time.

▪ As a form of solidarity with others, the Youth Group of Sinode GMIT runs a free rice command post

(Posko) at Anugerah Church, Kupang City. The Posko provides free rice for those in need. The activity

is an initiative of the youth group, to help the people affected by COVID-19, that is appreciated by the

Mayor of Kupang, Jefri Riwukore.


Province : Papua

1. Policy and Regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc


▪ Despite having three Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests, the Papua Provincial Government is

planning to procure three more units of the highest quality. The three PCR test kits are planned to be

placed in Merauke (Anim Ha), Biak (Saireri) and Nabire (La Pago/Mee Pago) districts.

2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic


▪ The budget of isolation rooms construction in Biak Numfor District hospitals is Rp 38, 28 billion, which will be handled directly by the Ministry of PUPR and BNPN. Head of Biak Numfor District, Herry Ario Naap, has requested for assistance to the Ministry of PUPR. The request has been approved by the Chief of National COVID-19 Task Force to build additional facilities in two regional hospitals.

3. Food supply

Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc



▪ During the COVID-19 pandemic and ahead of Eid al-Fitr, stock of staple food in Papua are safe. The availability of rice in Papua Bulog is still sufficient to meet the needs. This was confirmed by the Head of Papua and West Papua Bulog, Sofran Kenedy in Jayapura. He admitted that currently Papua Bulog warehouse still has 18,900 tons of rice stock, while Jayapura City Bulog warehouse has 6,000 tons. "This means that our rice stocks are safe for the next three months, assuming the distribution of 6,000 tons per month," said Kenedy.


▪ The surge in staple food prices that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be overcome

soon. PT Pelni (Persero), together with one of its subsidiaries, PT SBN, which serves the distribution

of staple food in Indonesia, took steps to maintain the stability of basic commodities prices by holding

a cheap market (bazaar) through PELNI Mart outlets starting Friday, 15 May in Merauke.

4. Rural economy

Impact at rural area such as continuity of farmers’ production; agriculture inputs availability; labour

availability at rural area; market access; etc


▪ The Deputy Governor of Papua, Klemen Tinal, asked Jayapura District to be more proactive in

preparing local food security in the situation of COVID-19 pandemic, given the large potential of

agricultural land in the area. "Jayapura District must become a local food supplier to support provincial

and city governments in the current situation," explained Klemen.


▪ Pasar Mitra Tani/TTIC Papua not only conduct cheap food bazaar, but also provided food for medical

personnel in Jayapura Regional Hospital. The Papua Head of Agriculture and Food Office, Semuel

Siriwa said that the provision of food for medical personnel is the collaboration between the institution

and the Regional Hospital.

5. Assistances needed by local government

Assistances in order to accelerate the recovery of economy at post pandemic period


▪ Papua Provincial Government distributed 17,991 of food package assistance to indigenous Papuans

(OAP) in Jayapura City and District, who have been affected by social restrictions policy. The assistance

targeting OAP who do not have ID card and OAP students who live in dorms.

▪ 12 tons of local food in the form of sago, cassava, sweet potato, taro, fruit and vegetables, have been

distributed to indigenous Papuans (OAP) who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in

Jayapura City and District. Not only local food, the provincial government also provided rice, shallots

and tomatoes. The local food prepared are mostly bought from native Papuan traders in Sentani,

Jayapura District and Jayapura Youtefa market


▪ Head of Jayapura District, Mathius Awoitauw, SE, M.Si has launched a sago cultivation program in the

community-owned Dusun Sagu at Kalkote Beach in Sentani Timur District. This program is carried out

by the government as an effort to maintain local food security for the people of Jayapura District.


Province : West Papua

1. Policy and Regulation

Impact at change or enactment of governments’ policy & regulation in response to the pandemic, such as

lock-down and other types of restriction, roles of government’s task force, etc


▪ In order to supress the spread of COVID-19 in Sorong City, West Papua, the distribution of cash or

social assistance was carried out by implementing health protocols. The distribution took place at

Sorong city post office where residents were asked to sit in distance and washing their hands before

entering the area.

2. Budget and program shifting

Impact at shifting of government’s budget & program to respond to the pandemic


▪ Sorong City Government budgeted Rp 43 billion for handling COVID-19 in Sorong City. According to

the Mayor of Sorong City, Drs. Ec. Lamberth Jitmau, the budget planning has been agreed after a

meeting with Head and Members of Sorong City DPRD Budget Board.

3. Food supply

Impact at food supply continuity; food price; etc


▪ Bulog: The price of sugar in Eastern Indonesia is expected to be no more than Rp 13,500 per kilogram.

Specifically in Papua, the average price of sugar has reached Rp 19,350/kg, while in West Papua is at

Rp 20,250/kg.


▪ The Ministry of Transportation ensures the distribution of logistics to eastern Indonesia via sea toll ship

operate normally, especially for logistics distribution visited Papua, West Papua, and Maluku during the

COVID-19 pandemic and ahead Eid. Director of Sea Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation,

Wisnu Handoko said that the operation was also expected to keep the prices stable. For example, in

Fak-Fak, the price of cayenne pepper is stable at Rp 40,000/kg and curly chillies stable at Rp 30,000/kg.

In Sorong, cayenne pepper is stable at Rp25,000/kg to Rp 35,000/kg, while and curly chilli is stable at

Rp25,000/kg. Likewise, with the price of garlic in Oransbari and Jayapura is still stable at Rp 55,000/kg

and shallot at Rp 60,000/kg. While in Merauke, the price of garlic is stable at IDR 45,000/kg and shallot

at Rp 40,000/kg.


▪ The Head of Fakfak Sub-Drive Bulog, Inung Tari Adandi, said, specifically for Fakfak Distirct, the supply

of staple food is certainly sufficient to serve the needs for at least the next 3 months. There are currently

560 tons of rice in Fakfak Bulog warehouse and 900 tons of rice in Fakfak port. The total rice stock

currently in Fakfak is 1,460 tons.

4. Assistances needed by local government

Assistances in order to accelerate the recovery of economy at post pandemic period)


▪ Head of Tambrauw District, Gabriel Asem, SE, M.Sc officially inaugurated the COVID-19 Task Force

Command Post located in Mubrani district, Tambrauw. In addition to inaugurating the Command Post,

Head of Asem District symbolically delivered food assistance to COVID-19 affected residents in 6

coastal districts in Tambrauw namely Kasi, Mubrani, Mpur, Amberbaken, West Amberbaken and Abun
