TABLE OF CONTENTS...TABLE OF CONTENTS • 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars • Apocalypse World •...

Post on 20-Mar-2020

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TABLE OF CONTENTS• 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars• Apocalypse World• The Burning Wheel• Cthulhu Dark• Dogs in the Vineyard• Dread• Dungeon World• Fate Core, etc.• Fiasco• Lady Blackbird• Mouse Guard• Our Last Best Hope• A Thousand and One Nights/Campfire

Space troopers annihilate various alien menaces forthe glory of Terra!

Ages 12+

Time 2-3 hours

Keywords Action-orientedRules-lightScience fictionGenocideLevel-up weapons and gearMiniatures


The game that started the *World trend. A simple 2d6+stat mechanic drives the fiction … play to see what happens!

Ages 17+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumPost-apocalypsePlaybooksMovesMultiple scenariosMature audiences


Luke Crane's intricate fantasy system will challenge your character's Beliefs: what are you fighting for?

Ages 14+

Time 3-5 hours

Keywords Rules-heavyEpic fantasyDice poolMultiple scenarios


An extremely simple gameof Lovecraftian horror.

Ages 12+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-lightStory gameHorrorInvestigationSanity/insanityCthulhu mythosDark agesMultiple settings & scenarios


DOGS VINEYARDYou are the instruments of God's judgment in an Old West that never quite was. Will the righteous be punished? Will the sinner receive mercy? They're in your hands, Dog.

Ages 15+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-heavyOld WestMormon UtahDemons & sorceryRighteousness & judgmentMature audiences



A horror game in which aJenga® tower creates tension atthe table. When the tower falls… someone dies!

Ages 14+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Story gameCharacter-focusedDiceless (Jenga® tower)HorrorTensionZombie apocalypseMultiple scenarios


The renowned adventure game based on Apocalypse World. Mechanics drive the story, and the story drives mechanics.

Ages 12+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumStory gameEpic fantasyDungeon crawlModern system, classic feel


Made famous by The Dresden Files RPG, Fate Core puts characters at the center of the story. Create your character in minutes!

Ages 12+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumStory gameFUDGE diceQuick character creationDragon ridersStarfleetExplorationMultiple settings & scenarios


A game of powerful ambition and poor impulse control.

Ages 12+

Time 2-3 hours

Keywords CollaborativeStory gameRules-lightCoen brothersPulp FictionHeistMayhem


A one-shot adventure game inthe spirit of Firefly/Serenity,Star Wars: A New Hope, andthe steampunk genre.

Ages 12+

Time 2-4 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumStory gameSteampunkGoblinsSorceryWretched Hives of Scum & Villainy


Based on the series of graphic novels, using a simplified version of The Burning Wheel system. “It's not what you fight, but what you fight for.”

Ages 12+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumFantasyAnimal kingdomsAll ages


“An RPG to save the world.” A Crisis threatens to wipe out Humanity. You are our last best hope to save the Earth. Are you willing to pay the ultimate price?

Ages 12+

Time 2-3 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumStory gameApocalypseDisasterFiasco-style



Two separate games about a group of travelers passing the time through storytelling. Like other group-focused story games, the mechanics draw out compelling stories that may form an overarching narrative.

Ages 14+

Time 3-4 hours

Keywords Rules-mediumStory GameFree-formStories Within Stories
