Tablets: is aviation ready for the post-pc era - Singapore 2011

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Here's the keynote presentation that I gave at the Aircraft Commerce Airline & Aerospace MRO & Operators IT Conference in Singapore on the 19th October 2011


Paul Saunders I work for Conduce Consulting & Conduce Software

questions, comments & arguments


scan these for more info

this kind…

…not this kind

“we are living in a post-PC world”

“we are living in a post-PC world”

“we are living in a post-PC world”

“we are living in a post-PC world”

“we are living in a post-PC world”

“we are living in a post-PC world”

“we are living in a post-PC world”



tablets aren’t a new idea….

tablets aren’t a new idea….

tablets aren’t a new idea….

tablets aren’t a new idea….

tablets aren’t a new idea….

not desirable

PCs with trick keyboards

no better battery life

more of the same software

meanwhile in Cupertino…. smartphones


3rd category device

existing market

existing market

new market

is there room for a 3rd category device?

is there room for a 3rd category device?

all day battery life


lighter & smaller than a laptop

bigger screen than a phone

fast forward to 2011….

million iPads sold to date

more than every tablet PC ever sold

fast forward to 2011….

% of Fortune 500 deploying or piloting iPad

the tablet is a proven market

this is not a fad…


you had to be there…

Paul drew & explained the Hype Cycle

“flummoxed competition…”

% tablet market share


“flummoxed competition…”

tablet apps Android + RIM + others have < 1000


apps for aviation

there are very few tablet apps available

today developed

specifically for commercial aviation

barriers to app development

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace

barrier #1

there’s no easy money in aerospace


GoodReader for iPad

multiply by number of iPads

X 1400 less Apple’s cut

$4890.20 that’s just

June 2011 April 2011 May 2011 March 2011

Fatigue Survey an iPad app timeline

February 2011





7th February: we start developing Fatigue Survey 16th March: 37 days later our app is submitted to the App Store 24th March: 8 days later our app is approved by Apple 3rd June: 71 days later we receive our first payment from Apple

Go! submitted



app sales

barrier #2

changing platforms is a pain

barrier #2

changing platforms is a pain

barrier #2

changing platforms is a pain

barrier #2

changing platforms is a pain

Developer, 70%

Apple, 30%

iOS App Revenue

barrier #3

lack of openness in aviation

what can we do with tablets?

what are tablets good at?

noting & annotating

browsing & reviewing

consuming media

reading messaging






home travel

working smarter

tech pubs

you had to be there…

Paul demonstrated the Our Choice app by Al Gore illustrating the trend for non-linear reading experiences

data acquisition


charts & navigation

in-flight entertainment

business intelligence


we’re nearly finished….

hang in there

the future of tablets in aviation

native apps vs web apps


HTML5 web apps

offline capability

app store independence

zero day releases

device & OS integration

platform neutral development

offline capability

app store independence

zero day releases

device & OS integration

platform neutral development

ruggedized tablets

entry level tablets

extending apps with peripherals image credit Mike Kneufel

near field communication sensors

near field communication sensors

near field communication sensors

near field communication sensors

near field communication sensors

near field communication sensors

fast forward to 2015….

genuine ubiquity

*Gartner study

thank you


your questions

more information…

scan this for more of my stuff

even more information…

image credits: Most images sourced via Creative Commons Licenses on Flickr. Thanks to the following Flickr users: Pills by Erix!, Filmore_photography, smoking_2much, Debs, Martin_Cathrae & xJasonRogersx Low Hanging Fruit by Kevin_Grocki; Platform 3,4 & 5 by The Justified Sinner; iPads in Education by datbates The image of the iPad in use by a pilot was taken from the Alaska Airlines press release. Thanks also to & for the other free backgrounds All logos and product images taken from vendor websites. The rest were screenshots or my own photos & images.

source data: Most data for this presentation has come directly or indirectly from Apple Inc. Unless specific surveys or data sources were identified all information is anecdotal. Information sources include but are not limited to: Wired, Engadget, Gizmodo, Flight Global, Aviation Week, Slideshare, Tech Crunch, BGR, TNW, Forbes

This presentation is published with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License You are free to share, copy, distribute and transmit this work and you are free to remix and adapt this work on condition that you attribute the work and distribute the resulting work using the same or similar license. Thank you - Paul