Tacfit Commando

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Learn Previously Non-Disclosed Methods that Navy SEALS, Marines and Real-Life Secret Agents Are Using Right Now to Chisel Rock Hard Bodies and Maintain Mission Readiness — Anytime, Anywhere, With Absolutely No Equipment!


Tacfit Commando

Learn Previously Non-Disclosed Methods that Navy SEALS, Marines and Real-Life Secret Agents Are Using Right Now to Chisel Rock Hard Bodies

and Maintain Mission Readiness — Anytime, Anywhere, With Absolutely No Equipment

When Daniel Craig stepped out of the surf on a Bahamas beach, he melted women around the world and spiked browser searches from guys looking for that incredible James Bond physique. Fitness marketers capitalized on the moment by offering the usual bodybuilding-style workouts and labeling them Bond. But anyone who knows anything about tactical ops wasn’t fooled.

A guy like Bond needs more than show muscle to save the world — he needs serious go muscle — because it isn’t enough to look pretty when Blofeld comes calling. And when real life secret agents need go muscle, they turn to TACFIT Commando.

The entire TACFIT Commando program is bodyweight-only and can be completed in about the same amount of space you’d need to lie down in. It only takes 20 minutes, but we’ve packed it with an intensity and fat melting power most athletes don’t even tap in a full hour of training — because real-world tactical operators don’t have time to piss around.

As if that weren’t enough, TACFIT will also teach you a few of the slick moves used by real life spies in the field. You’ll be able to run, jump and slide like Bond in that crazy opening parkour sequence and you’ll floor the ladies just like he did when you walk up the beach.

Life doesn’t get any cooler than that.

Train Just Like The Guys Who Are The REAL DEAL

TACFIT Commando is based on actual programs “Flow Coach” Scott Sonnon is using right now to train Israeli counter-terrorism, SEALs and secret service, American special ops personnel, bodyguards to the Italian Prime Minister, US federal agents, firemen, law enforcement agencies and MMA fighters.

"Wouldn’t you like to get your hands on the very same training methods these guys demand—high performance workouts that are fast, intense, and can be done anywhere, anytime."

There’s a reason why women are obsessed with those firefighter calendars. Real-life heroes have to stay fit to stay safe on the job, but the high-intensity training methods they use also keep them shredded and “photo-ready.”

When you start using TACFIT Commando, you’ll be as impressive to look at as you are in the field.

Who else wants to train with the guy who whips the worlds elite warriors into shape?

"Flow Coach” Scott Sonnon was already an accomplished fighter with several championships under his belt when he traveled behind the tattered remains of the Iron

Curtain to seek out ancient martial wisdom backed by Soviet sport science.

He trained with all those shady groups we cast as movie bad guys in the 80’s: Spetsnaz, national and Olympic coaches, secret police, special forces, and even the cosmonaut program. Each new agency and department added another piece of the puzzle—but none of it came on a platter.

Every day behind the wall, they put him through a caliber of training most normal people would consider unendurable—but that real life special operatives would see as “all in a day’s work."

He returned to the United States six years later, and he brought this knowledge with him.

That depth of experience is just one of the reasons why Scott Sonnon is rapidly becoming the trainer of choice for those whose lives depend on their conditioning.

Why should that matter to you?

Because you never settle for second-best.

Your buddy just hired a trainer from the local gym down the street? Good for him (I guess). Your trainer works with secret agents and special ops.

Fully Disclosed To Civilians For the First Time

Now You Too Can Can Build The Body Of A SecretAgent & The High Performance Of A Navy SEAL

This previously-classified program hasn’t been published in the past because nondisclosure agreements are normally required when training these agencies. But the results were so amazing that Scott threatened to walk if he wasn’t allowed to release it to the public—and in a total break with precedent, the government types not only agreed, they’ve given testimonials in open support of the program!

There may not be anything new under the sun, but there’s an awful lot that’s been hidden in the shadows…

And for the first time you can get access to the exact same advanced health and fitness technology that the world’s top tactical experts are using.

What guy wouldn’t want to learn the methods that Navy SEALS, Marines and real-life secret agents are using right now to chisel those rock hard action-hero bodies…?

Say Goodbye To Mundane Fitness Programs —TACFIT Commando Keeps You Psyched and

LongingFor More!

Want to move like Mission Impossible? TACFIT will teach you how.

Crisis response demands a physical training program tailored to the specific needs of the field agent: tireless stamina, extreme range reactive strength, ballistic speed, the agility and coordination of a Free Runner, and active recovery and pre-habilitation.

This requires movements that are unorthodox, varied, unconventional, and improvised. They must also be capable of increasing in sophistication level as the skills of the operator grow. Translation: the greatest challenge and the most fun you’ve ever had "working out."

We’re talking wild inventive exercise movements 90% of personal trainers have never even dreamed of, let alone tried. Crazy breakdance-type coordination that builds the iron strength of a gymnast, the mobility of a yogi, the lightning speed of a martial art master, and the body of a commando.

You’re Only Getting Half The Truth… If You Want To Train With The Hardcore Intensity Of A

Commando, You Need To Know Their Secret Recovery Techniques

Tactical Fitness can’t make you bullet-proof, but it can make you injury-proof by giving your nervous system the ability to respond to sudden, overwhelming and forceful circumstances with ease and imagination.

The extreme psychological stress experienced by active tactical responders requires a method that safely reabsorbs the adrenal dump of “fight or flight.” You’re of no help to your teammates if you’re sick or burnt out.

"Your ammunition’s only as good as your rifle — and if your equipment breaks down you can't even shoot blanks."

Accelerated recovery — in a crisis and in daily life — also plays into this goal. The RESET method employed in TACFIT Commando helps tactical operators recover their heart rate and breath up to 6X faster than a highly conditioned athlete. And as any skilled operator knows, the faster you recover the more often you can burst.

When you’re on TACFIT Commando you’ll be able to do more than the average guy, be more than the average guy, play harder and faster than anyone you know, and make it all look casual and easy. Effortless grace—just like Bond.

All of the above will accelerate performance, amaze your friends, and impress the hell out of the ladies, but it’s just the beginning of the transformation you’ll experience on this program. TACFIT Commando’s real secret weapon is its unique training wave of periodization.

TACFIT Commando applies a specific rotation of 4 different training modalities for built-in injury prevention and rapid recovery — so you’re always "mission ready", whether in the field or on the prowl.

This training wave is how we foster career longevity. And as any commanding officer will tell you, an experienced tactical operator with years of successful missions under his belt is always worth more than a fresh new recruit.

For the health and fitness enthusiast it means access to true high intensity workouts, consistent peaking and personal bests, no more injuries to sideline your training, and no lost progress.

Your most important bottom line is to be injury and pain free. If you can’t have that, what the hell good is your fitness program?

Even a guy with the attention span of a choca-holic five year old could never get bored with this!

That means you’ll stick with exercise for the long haul and you’ll make it to your goals. Those years of on again / off again “getting in shape” are gone forever.

But this isn’t enough.

The ideal tactical training program must also target the energy system of crisis response: that means high intensity, three-dimensional movements done for repeated bursts of short duration, with fast recovery—serious workouts for those who aren’t afraid to push limits others call impossible.

TACFIT meets these needs by using intense, fast paced circuits, tactically-specific movements, and a training wave that synchs up with your body’s natural energy and recovery patterns.

When you start training with TACFIT, you’ll begin to develop a superhuman ability to recover rapidly from exertion. That means you’re smiling a smug smile

while your buddies are still gasping red-faced on the floor. They’re lying there trying to catch their breath, and you’re already headed over the horizon with the girl.

Fitness—like fighting—isn’t a matter of who can do more, but who can do it more often. It isn’t the one who can go the longest at an easy pace, but the one who can collide, shake it off, and go again who survives.

"Get In And Get Out Quickly" — Special Ops MantraDon’t Believe The Myths About 90 Minute Time-


In order for TACFIT Commando to be accepted by tactical operators, the program had to meet the following criteria:

• Portability – operatives must be able to train “anywhere, at any time”• Efficient – tactical responders are constantly “operational,” and so their

conditioning must be time-compressed to fit into their hectic schedule• Tactically Relevant — the conditioning program must contribute to (rather than

compete with) tactical skills — no “exercise for exercise sake”!

We made TACFIT Commando portable by doing away with equipment. The entire workout is bodyweight-only, and can be completed in about the same amount of space you’d need to lie down in. You can do it in your living room, backyard, gym or hotel room. You can damn near do it while standing in the shower.

We made Commando efficient by limiting it to 20 minutes, and yet endowing it with a level of intensity and fat melting power most athletes don’t tap in a full hour of training. Anyone can find 20 minutes a few times per week, which means laziness just lost another excuse.

Finally, we made Commando tactically relevant by not only including movements that enhance an operator’s ability in the field, but by creating a protocol that will prime the operator to deal with the massive biochemical arousal of high stress situations. TACFIT trains you to respond to crisis situations while remaining level-headed, aware and “in flow”, so you’ll always keep a cool head when everyone around you is losing theirs.

None of the tactical responders we worked with expected that last variable—because they had no idea it was possible to train it as part of their conditioning routine.

Train Anywhere, Anytime—Always Be ReadyGet On The Program

Each week, TACFIT Commando incorporates:

• High-Intensity Fat-Burning Circuits: each mission in the TACFIT Commando dossier can be completed in less than 30 minutes, and those 30 intense minutes melt fat faster than hours of cardio-style exercise.

• Complex Skills Development that promotes “neurological sophistication”: time appears to slow down as you speed up, fine motor skills become more accurate, gross motor skills more efficient, you feel significantly less stress in a crisis, and even more so in daily life.

• Real Tactical Applications: each exercise has been carefully programmed to forge the highest level of specific conditioning while building and reinforcing tactically relevant skill sets. Want to move like Mission Impossible? TACFIT will teach you how.

• Injury-Proofing and Active Recovery: specific low-intensity mobility exercises accelerate your recovery from intense effort, prevent overtraining, and diminish the delayed muscle soreness typical of extreme exertion—which translates to constant mission readiness.

• Functional Muscle: Movement requires muscle. And nothing builds sleek, usable muscle like the exciting TACFIT Commando array of exercises. That’s the secret to the physique of the special ops guys. They build GO MUSCLE not SHOW MUSCLE.

Whether you dream of training exactly like the world’s elite special ops or you just want that shredded special ops physique, TACFIT Commando addresses both lean muscle gain

AND fat loss WHILE exposing you to a level of skill development that’s been kept “classified” until today.

And what guy doesn’t dream of learning the methods that Navy SEALS, Marines and real-life secret agents are using right now to chisel those rock hard bodies?

Being James Bond just got a whole lot easier.

Introducing TACFIT Commando…

The secret weapon of Special Operations personnelaround the world, and the only bodyweight fitness

system that delivers the HARDCORE INTENSITY requiredto build a shredded physique and jaw-dropping

performance while ensuring lightning quick recovery withsecret BULLETPROOF injury prevention techniques

For more info on Tacfit Commando, go to http://tinyurl.com/bodytacfit.