TAIST-Tokyo Tech [Thailand Advanced Institute of Science ...20120718).pdfTAIST-Tokyo Tech 6 Message...

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TAIST-Tokyo Tech


TAIST-Tokyo Tech [Thailand Advanced Institute of Science

and Technology and Tokyo Institute of Technology]

Message from Tokyo Tech Executive Vice President 2 Message from NSTDA President 3 Message from KMITL Dean of International College 4 Message from KMUTT President 5 Message from SIIT Director 6 Message from KU President 7 1.Background 8 2. Location and operation of TAIST-Tokyo Tech 10

2-1. Location 2-2. Students 2-3. Faculty members and their duties 2-4. Others

3. Programs 12

3-1. Programs planned to be launched 3-2. Master of Engineering Program in Automotive Engineering 3-3. Master of Engineering Program in Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems 3-4. Master of Engineering Program in Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering

4. Establishment of TAIST-Tokyo Tech 27 5. Educational and Research Collaboration of Tokyo Tech with the Kingdom of Thailand 27 5-1. Partner Universities/Institutes 5-2. Students from Thailand attending Tokyo Tech 5-3. Collaboration Projects

6. Corporate Donation: Your support is vital to our project 29

TAIST-Tokyo Tech Applicants’ qualification 30

Poster of TAIST Tokyo Tech 31

Poster of Tokyo Institute of Technology 32

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Message from Tokyo Tech Executive Vice President

Universities the world over are facing great challenges at present.

Many are confronting the rapid globalization of higher education and the

resulting competition between educational institutions. Universities are

being forced to reinvent themselves in order to survive the changing

global environment. This process of reinvention necessitates appealing

to and attracting top students from around the world to our home

institutions as well as fostering international exchanges.

Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) aims to be one of the world’s top-ranking

universities in the fields of science and technology through its constant efforts in research and

education. Nonetheless, there are limits to what a single institution can achieve. This opens

the door to the possibility of cooperating with other academic institutions. From this starting

point, Tokyo Tech has developed a strategy to create a worldwide network of universities in the

fields of science and technology, which will facilitate communication and the exchange of

ideas between students and scholars of different institutions.

Over the course of many years, Tokyo Tech has endeavored to build up strong ties and mutual

understanding with diverse Thai universities and institutions. The fruit of these flourishing

relationships is the founding of the TAIST–Tokyo Tech Program, established through the joint

cooperation of Tokyo Tech, NSTDA and other Thai universities. The aim of this program is

to nurture highly sophisticated human resources and to further the expansion of science and

technology in Thailand. Video conferencing and distance learning systems have been put in

place to effectively support Japanese professors in delivering lectures at TAIST-Tokyo Tech.

This program is the first joint graduate program between Thailand and Japan.

Tokyo Tech expects all graduates of TAIST-Tokyo Tech to play active roles not only in

Thailand but around the world.

We greatly appreciate your continued support.


Yoshinao Mishima, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President for Education and International Affairs

Tokyo Institute of Technology

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Message from NSTDA President A key mission of the National Science and Technology Development

Agency (NSTDA) is research and development, and in the years ahead

NSTDA is looking for more active engagement with the private sector in

terms of joint research. This was not only benefit NSTDA but the

country as a whole by adding value to traditional sectors such as

agriculture, by helping industry do things smarter, and by creating new

businesses through research and innovation.

As part of its effort to increase cooperation with the private sector,

NSTDA has been collaborating with a number of universities, both domestically and abroad, to

establish a “virtual graduate school” to meet industry’s rapidly growing demand for

post-graduate personnel. We consider this to be an important initiative which will complement

NSTDA’s overall mission of increasing R&D activities throughout the country in order to

transform Thailand into a new knowledge-based society.

NSTDA is very privileged to be able to conclude an agreement with the Tokyo Institute of

Technology (Tokyo Tech), King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL),

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), King Mongkut’s University of

Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and Kasetsart University (KU) to offer the first graduate

degree courses of this virtual university. We have agreed to start with two programs, one in

Automotive Engineering (AE) and the other in Information and Communication Technology

for Embedded Systems (ICTES) since over the past few years the demand for human

resources in these areas has been growing rapidly and will continue to increase.

It is my wish that this collaboration between the Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and

Technology and Tokyo Institute of Technology (TAIST-Tokyo Tech) will expand into new

disciplines which are of mutual benefit. I am therefore pleased to announce that in the coming

year, TAIST-Tokyo Tech will proudly launch a new program in Environmental Engineering in

which students will learn to address problems of environmental sustainability through the

application of scientific knowledge. Two of Thailand’s leading universities, Thammasat

University and Kasetsart University, will play a very active role in the delivery of this new


NSTDA very much looks forward to the opportunity of working with the graduates of these

programs in our laboratories. These bright young scientists will no doubt help create an

environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those of have helped bring this

collaboration together, and wish the joint programs great success

Thaweesak Koanantakool, Ph.D.


National Science and Technology Development Agency

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Message from KMITL Dean of International College

International collaboration in education systems between academic

institutions and research organizations is a vital role in the progress of

the postgraduate studies, The establishment of Thailand Advanced

Institute of Science and Technology (TAIST) with supports of National

Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Tokyo

Institute of Technology and Thai universities is an important

co-operation. The main purpose is to produce international postgraduate

programmes with the high quality in teaching and research activities.

The outcome of the co-operation will lead to the increase in the competitiveness towards the

global society of many industries in Thailand.

King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) is very pleased to be a part of

the collaboration as a contributor in an automotive engineering programme. The programme

has been run since 2007, and nowadays is one of the most successful international programmes

at KMITL. International College which is an academic unit of KMITL, as a recent operator for

the automotive engineering programme, is grateful with the helpful contributions from both

NSTDA and Tokyo Institute of Technology. We wish that this collaboration is the

encouragement, and leads to the solid relationship among Thai and Japanese organizations for

the sustainable development in science and technology.

Anantawat Kunakorn

Associate Professor


International College

King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Message from KMUTT President

The TAIST-Tokyo Tech is an excellent graduate program under the

collaboration among Tokyo Tech, NSTDA and Thai leading universities.

KMUTT is honored to be a part of this program. We support fully this

endeavor to strengthen graduate research programs in areas of high

relevance and with excellent international partners.

As a national research university, King Mongkut’s University of

Technology Thonburi, KMUTT is committed to becoming a specialized

university in engineering and technology with focus on learning,

technological and research excellence, producing talented and creative minded graduates and

gaining international acceptance. Strong emphasis is also placed on international collaboration

in research and education for modernizing and globalizing the university.

With the intensive cooperation and collaboration among the participating institutes and our

industrial networks, I am confident that TAIST- Tokyo Tech program will be successful at

contributing to increasing numbers of valuable knowledge workers for the industries and to

equip Thai society with adequate research work force, both of which will propel Thai as a

strong contributor to the global sustainable development.

Sakarindr Bhumiratna, Ph.D.


King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Message from SIIT Director

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), one of the first

international schools in engineering in Thailand, is honored to be a part of

the TAIST Tokyo Tech, a graduate program established under the

collaboration among the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the National

Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and leading Thai

universities since 2006.

As an international institute under Thammasat University in 1994, SIIT has

a vision to be a leading international institute of technology for both teaching/learning and

research. Our missions are primarily to produce high-quality engineers, scientists and

technologists who are able to handle advanced industrial technologies and use English as a

working language and also to conduct research and development in engineering, science and

technologies relevant to teaching and modern industries. Towards becoming a leading research

university in Thailand, SIIT faculty members have continuously conducted cutting-edge research

and development with very successful outputs.

With intensive cooperation and collaboration among the participating institutes, I am confident

that the TAIST Tokyo Tech program will foster high achievement in graduate study between

Thailand and Japan and contributing to advances in science and technology to our society. In

addition the program is an excellent educational and research incubator to produce high-caliber

engineers, technologists, and researchers for Thailand and the region.

Chongrak Polprasert, Ph.D.


Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Message from KU President

Kasetsart University is honored to be an integral part of TAIST Tokyo Tech Program, which is the collaboration between Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and Thailand’s universities. Under the TAIST Tokyo Tech Program, we have established the master’s degree program in Information and Communication Technology with Embedded Systems (ICTES) and have accepted students since

academic year 2008. Most of the students in our inaugural class have graduated and entered the workforce to serve the need of Thailand’s industry. In 2012, the master’s degree in “Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering” has been launched by our experienced and excellent professors from the departments of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science. This unique program aims to strengthen the collaborations not only among academic sectors but also industrial partners. Focusing not just the end-of-pipe problem. We perform forward to cover the scale of international and global environmental issues. In addition to expertise of the faculty of Kasetsart University, students in the program also benefit from the teaching of highly qualified professors from Tokyo Tech and researchers from NSTDA. Furthermore, students will have a chance to expose themselves to cutting-edge equipment from the new NTC Telecommunications research laboratory, which is funded by the Telecommunications Research and Industrial Development Institute (TRIDI) and is located on campus. Recently, we have extend the memorandum of understanding with all the partners involved to extend our collaboration to the next five years. This is the excellent news. I am confident that with this renewed collaboration and strong commitments from all the partners involved, both programs will continue to produce well-rounded and well-qualified graduates who are ready for the soon-to-come innovations and technologies

Vudtechai Kapilakanchana

Associate Professor

President of Kasetsart University

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


1. Background

TAIST (Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is based on the idea of

collaboration among NSTDA and partner universities in Thailand and a foreign institution to

develop the Thai human resources. TAIST will serve as a virtual institution and focal point.

NSTDA will provide researchers to act as adjunct professors, research projects and

scholarships for graduate students. A foreign institution or university will provide a world

class background, expertise and experience, academic instruction and research advice. Thai

universities will provide an academic frame work, academic staff to oversee and guide students

and degrees for the successful candidates. The viability of the idea is nicely demonstrated by

the creation of the first TAIST, namely TAIST-Tokyo Tech, with the cooperation of Tokyo

Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

(KMITL), Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), King Mongkut’s University

of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and Kasetsart University (KU). It is expected that several

similar collaborations will be established in the future.

The main objective of TAIST-Tokyo Tech is to establish an institution for human resource

development to foster and support world-class researchers and high-level engineers through a

combination of advising from Tokyo Tech professors, excellent facilities and research staff in

NSTDA, and established resources of Thai universities. At present, the participating

universities are KMITL, SIIT, KMUTT and KU; more universities from Japan and Thailand

are expected to join in the near future.

The structure of TAIST-Tokyo Tech is described in Fig. 1.

TAIST-Tokyo Tech

Fig. 1 Structure of TAIST-Tokyo Tech



- Researchers and research facility

-Educational space,

Thai Universities (KMITL,


-Academic programs and staff

- Researchers and thesis topics

-Students registration

Tokyo Tech +α

- Special Education

- Research Advice

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


TAIST-Tokyo Tech aims to harmonize advanced technology with the environment and to

realize research and human resource development for global sustainable development.

Looking back at the history of modernization through industrial development, factors such as

global warming, abnormal weather and the pollution of air, water and soil indicate that there is

a real risk of serious destruction of nature and life in the near future. It is urgent for us to

recognize this paradigm shift in science and technology and concentrate our effort and

intelligence on technologies which are in harmony with the environment. In Thailand,

development and industrialization have been so drastic, compared with developed countries,

that problems derived from these factors are much more serious as they become obvious. In

light of such a situation, expanding research and education to harmonize advanced technology

with the environment effectively and efficiently will be quite necessary and the outcome of

such effort will be valuable not only for Thailand, but also other countries of the world.

The establishment of this joint graduate program will be a

historical step for Tokyo Tech, which aims to be one of

the top science and technology universities in the world.

The first phase in creating this program is the exchange of

academic staff and students according to agreements set

forth by two institutions. The second phase is to

facilitate lectures accredited in recipient universities

through a distance education system as has already been

conducted in both Thailand and the Philippines. The

third phase is to establish an internationally cooperative graduate institute as well as to conduct

HRD through education and researches. Many European and Australian universities are quite

active not only in terms of accepting foreign students, but also in providing education in

overseas campuses. The establishment of TAIST-Tokyo Tech is extremely important since

Tokyo Tech is now coming onto center stage, and with joint cooperation between Tokyo Tech

and Thai partners, TAIST-Tokyo Tech will become a similarly prominent institution.

The TAIST-Tokyo Tech project will maintain a competitive edge over those of western

countries by mobilization of whole institutional resources based on long history of education

and research of Tokyo Tech, NSTDA, KMITL, SIIT, KMUTT, KU and other participating

universities. Tokyo Tech and TAIST-Tokyo Tech share the same philosophy of education and

research - “HRD by promoting cutting-edge research activities”. It is expected that

TAIST-Tokyo Tech will initiate the start of a positive spiral of human resource development

system in Asian region.

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


2. Location and operation of TAIST-Tokyo Tech

2-1. Location

- TAIST-Tokyo Tech is located at NSTDA in Thailand Science Park (TSP)

- Research and education are conducted at the research institutions under NSTDA, namely

NECTEC, MTEC, BIOTEC, NANOTEC and TMC and at the participating universities,

namely KMITL, SIIT, KMUTT and KU.

2-2. Students

- TAIST-Tokyo Tech will eventually have master’s and doctoral level programs. The master’s

program will be set up first, and the doctoral program will be initiated at a later stage.

- In the first year, all students will be Thai. Later, it is expected that TAIST-Tokyo Tech will

also accept students from other Asian countries and all over the world.

- Students will be registered at one of the participating universities of TAIST-Tokyo Tech

program. NSTDA will award scholarships to all TAIST-Tokyo Tech students.

- Successful TAIST-Tokyo Tech students will be awarded master’s degrees from KMITL,

and will also receive certificates from the TAIST-Tokyo Tech program. This certificate will

be signed jointly by representatives of Tokyo Tech and NSTDA. The issue of joint degrees

and certificates will be a matter of further discussion.

- Some Tokyo Tech students will be encouraged to study at TAIST-Tokyo Tech for short


- Personnel from industrial companies can request to participate in individual courses.

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


2-3. Faculty members and their duties

- The majority of courses will be taught by professors from Tokyo Tech with participation from

Thai counterparts. Professors from Tokyo Tech may include retired professors or

contract-based experts from specific industries. Tokyo Tech professors will also provide

research cooperation on strategic topics.

- Tokyo Tech will dispatch professors for education and research using its own budget. The

expected duration of staying in Thailand will be as follows:

Program management: 2-3months (total)/year;

Professors for education & research: 10-20 persons/program, 1-3weeks/time;

Professors for R&D: 1 week/time

- Most lecture courses will be taught in the form of intensive courses over a period of 1-3

weeks. These “face-to-face lectures” might be combined with distance education.

- Participation from other universities in Japan is most welcome. Possible candidates for

participation are Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine

Science and Technology, etc.

2-4. Others

- Researches at TAIST-Tokyo Tech will base upon collaboration among Tokyo Tech, Thai

universities and NSTDA and utilize mainly the human resources and facilities at NSTDA.

- Cooperation with various industries will be enhanced through activities at TAIST-Tokyo


- The Thai government is initiating an Institution to serve as a central funding and coordinating

body for projects similar and analogous to TAIST-Tokyo Tech. After this concept is realized,

the structure and affiliation of TAIST-Tokyo Tech may be modified.

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


3. Programs

3-1. Programs planned to be launched

Environmental consideration will be essential to all of the advanced technological fields of AE,

ICTES and BIO in conducting researches and developing human resources for sustainable

development in harmony with the environment. Fig.2 shows the structure of such synergy.

According to the situation of the Thai industry and preparation by Tokyo Tech, the Automotive

Engineering program and related Environmental Engineering courses will be the first ones


Fig.2 Program structure of TAIST Tokyo Tech

Common issue in the region

(Water, air, soil pollution, recycling resource, global warming)



ch In



- Automotive Engineering (AE): KMITL, KMUTT

- Information and Communication Technology on Embedded System (ICTES): SIIT, KU

- Environmental Engineering (EnvE) : KU

- Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


3-2. Master of Engineering Program in Automotive Engineering

In order to achieve an environmentally friendly transportation of the

next generation, a sophisticated automobile has to be developed and

widely used throughout the entire world. All automotive industries

require trained engineers who have global perspective, international

exposure and knowledge of diverse topics. Taking the requirements of

automotive industries in mind and considering the expansion that is

taking place, the Master of Engineering Program in Automotive

Engineering has been developed to create industry-ready engineers

who have essential required qualities and more advanced concepts. In

the first year, Automotive Engineering courses which are lectured

mostly by academic staffs from Tokyo Tech, consist of wide ranging

engineering aspects from fundamentals of automotive engineering,

such as electric controls, aerodynamics, combustion and production, to practice of automotive

design. In the second year, students commence their research projects which are supervised by

NSTDA researchers and academic staffs from Thai host university (KMITL or KMUTT) and

Tokyo Tech. It is a unique opportunity for Thai students (and students from abroad) to establish

an international career and profit from the outsourcing wave that is benefiting all sectors of the


Grid generation for structure analysis, Vibration analysis for suspension, Bumper

mould manufacturing, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Development of Fuel


Bumper Mold Manufacturing By


NCD Corp. (2006) Vibration Analysis By

Prof. M. Okuma

Grid Generation for

Structure Analysis From

JSAE Magazine

Computer Fluid Dynamics

from JSAE Magazine

Fuel Cell Analysis using MRI

by Prof. S.Hirai


Katsunori Hanamura,

Tokyo Tech

Program Chair

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Automotive Structural

System Engineering



Advanced Material

Science and Engineering

Advanced Internal Combustion

Engine Engineering and

Future Power Train

Automotive Comfort

Mechanics Engineering

Current Topics in Automotive engineering

Seminar in Automotive Engineering

Basics of Automotive Design

Practice of Automotive Design

Fundamental of



Curriculum-flow of Automotive Engineering Courses

Temperature sensor

Exhaust gas recirculation : EGR

Under-floor catalytic converter : DOC

Trap and Reaction in Diesel Particulate Filter :DPF

Temperature sensor

Oxygen sensor

Spray Flame in

Combustion Chamber

(by Prof. H. Kosaka)



SEM Image of PMs trapped on DPF Walls

(by Prof. K. Hanamura)


Diesel Combustion (Transient Spray Flame) and After-Treatment

Differential Pressure sensor

Primary catalytic converter : DOC

Advanced Production


Audi A8 3.0 TDI Quattro http://www.vwvortex.com

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


1. Automotive Structural System Engineering 3 (3-0-0) Credits

1.1.Overview on Vehicle Research and Development (15 hours, Prof. T. Kitahara)

1.1.1 Vehicle Planning and Design (1) From Advanced Research to Marketing

(2) The Past and the Future Prospect 1.1.2 Vehicle Components

(1) Propulsion, Engine (2) Body and Suspension

1.1.3 Vehicle Characteristics (1) Performance of Man-Machine-Environment System

(2) Active Safety and Passive Safety

1.2. Suspension and Drive-train Systems (15 hours, Prof. H. Morimura )

1.2.1 Suspension system

1.2.2 Steering System

1.2.3 Tire and its interaction with road surface

1.2.4 Braking System

1.2.5 Friction and tribology

1.2.6 Drive-train

1.2.7 Stability and manoeuvrability analysis

1.2.8 Advanced Control System

1.3 Structural Mechanics for Automobiles (15 hours, Prof. K. Inaba )

1.3.1 Automobile body

1.3.2 Structural requirements

1.3.3 Structural elements

1.3.4 Body bending

1.3.5 Body torsion

1.3.6 Crashworthiness

2. Automotive Comfort Mechanics Engineering 3 (3-0-0) Credits 2.1. Electronics and Control Engineering (15 hours, Prof. M. Yamakita)

2.1.1 Introduction of electronics and control in automobiles

2.1.2 Electric control of engines and transmission

2.1.3 Electronics in operation monitoring

2.2. Aerodynamics and Air Conditioning (15 hours, Prof. K.Hanamura)

2.2.1 Fundamentals of Fluid-Dynamics

2.2.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 2.2.3 Aerodynamics in Vehicles

2.2.4 Thermodynamics in Air-Conditioners

2.2.5 Air-Conditioning Systems in Vehicles

4. Courses in Automotive Engineering Program at KMITL/KMUTT under TAIST Tokyo Tech

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


2.3. Vibration and Noise Engineering (15 hours, Prof. M.Okuma )

2.3.1 Introduction of automotive vibration and noise problems 2.3.2 Measurement and data processing for vibration and noise 2.3.3 Modelling for vibration and noise analysis, and comfortability

2.3.4 Numerical simulation of vibration and noise

2.3.5 Structural design and technology for vibration noise reduction

3. Combustion Engineering 3 (3-0-0) Credits

3.1. Fundamentals of Combustion (15 hours, Prof. S. Hirai)

3.1.1 Reactive gas dynamics (laminar and turbulent flames)

3.1.2 Ignition and extinction

3.1.3 Reaction kinetics and simulation

3.2. Thermodynamics in Internal Combustion Engines (15hours, Prof. H. Kosaka)

3.2.1 First and second laws of thermodynamics in internal combustion engines

3.2.2 Gas cycles of internal combustion engines

3.2.3 Thermodynamic analysis of heat release rate in internal combustion engines

3.3.Combustion Technologies in Internal Combustion Engines (15 hours, Prof. H. Kosaka) 3.3.1 Combustion technologies in spark ignition engine

3.3.2 Combustion technologies in compression ignition engine

3.3.3 Combustion technologies for high efficiency and clean exhaust gas

4. Advanced Internal Combustion Engine Engineering and Future Power Train 3 (3-0-0) Credits

4.1. Fundamentals of Combustion and Diagnostics in IC Engines (15 hours, Prof. H. Kosaka)

4.1.1 Reaction kinetics and simulation 4.1.2 Flow diagnostics in IC engines

4.1.3 Combustion diagnostics in IC engines

4.2. Zero Emission Technologies (15 hours, Prof. K. Hanamura)

4.2.1 Production and control of NOx 4.2.2 Production and control of particulate matters

4.2.3 Advanced zero emission technologies

4.3. Future Power Train for Sustainable Community (15 hours, Prof. S. Hirai)

4.3.1 Energy consumption and environmental protection

-Present status in South-East Asia and World- 4.3.2 Future energy systems for sustainability 4.3.3 Present status and future prospect of sustainable mobility / Battery electrical vehicle,

hybrid vehicle, fuel cell vehicle.

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


5. Advanced Production Engineering 3 (3-0-0) Credits

5.1. Fundamentals of Production Technology (15 hours, Prof. M. Yoshino)

5.1.1 Production Processes for Automotive Engineering

5.1.2 Integrated and Intelligent Manufacturing System 5.1.3 Structure and Function of Machine Tool

5.1.4 Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools

5.1.5 Practical Training of CAD/CAM and CNC Machine Tools

5.2. Welding and Joining (15 hours, Prof. K. Takahashi)

5.2.1 Physics and Basic Engineering in Welding and Joining 5.2.2 Welding and Joining processes 5.2.3 Equipments for Welding and Joining

5.2.4 Behaviour of Materials in Welding and Joining

5.2.5 Design and Construction of Joints

5.2.6 Analyses of Joints

5.2.7 Examples of Welding and Joining process

5.3. Quality and Operations Management (15 hours, Prof. S. Suzuki)

5.3.1 Quality Management

5.3.2 Inventory Management

5.3.3 Production Management

5.3.3 Project Management

5.3.4 Theory of Constraints

5.3.5 Supply Chain Management

6. Basics of Automotive Design 3 (3-0-0) Credits

6.1 Basics of CAD (15 hours, Prof. M. Okuma)

6.1.1 Overview of CAD

6.1.2 Theory of Curved Line and Curved Surface

6.1.3 Theory of Mesh Generation

6.1.4 Theory of Reverse Engineering

6.2 Basics of CAE (15 hours, Prof. H. Morimura)

6.2.1 Overview of CAE 6.2.2 Technology for Analysis

(Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method, Optimization Analysis, Control Engineering)

6.2.3 Application examples

6.3 CAE Model (15 hours, Prof. H. Morimura, Prof. M. Okuma )

6.3.1 Generating CAE Model from CAD

6.3.2 Generating CAE Model from Measured DATA

6.3.3 Generating CAE Model from Experiments

6.3.4 Identification of CAE Model

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


7. Practice of Automotive Design 3 (2-1-0) Credits 7.1 Practice of Design (1) / Design of SAE-Formula Car (15 hours, Prof. H. Morimura)

7.1.1 Planning of Vehicle

7.1.2 Harmonization of Performance and Components

7.1.3 Concept of Frame Structures

7.1.4 Analysis of Strength and Stiffness with CAD/CAE

7.2 Practice of Design (2) / Analysis of SAE-Formula Car (15 hours, Prof. H. Morimura)

7.2.1 Tuning of Engine Performance and Gear ratio

7.2.2 Braking effort and Brake-lock

7.2.3 Performance of Circling Movements

7.2.4 Manoeuvrability

7.3 Assembly and Disassembly of Engine and Beam Model (15 hours, Prof. H. Morimura)

7.3.1 Disassembly of Engine and Measurement of Components

7.3.2 Assembly of Engine

7.3.3 Assembly of Miniature Beam Model for Frame Structure

7.3.4 Measurement of Beam Model

8. Advanced Material Science and Engineering (3-0-0)Credits

8.1 Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Material Science (15 hours, Dr. J. Kajornchaiyakul)

8.1.1 Irreversible Thermodynamics

8.1.2 Diffusional Transport : Fick’s First Law; Fick’s Second Law

8.1.3 Phase Transformation : Nucleation; Growth; Solidification; Diffusionless Phenomena

8.2 Micro Structure of Engineering Materials (15 hours, Prof. N. Ohtake)

8.2.1 Potential energy and bonding of atoms

8.2.2 Crystal structure and crystal defects

8.2.3 Dislocation and plastic deformation

8.2.4 Strengthening mechanisms

8.2.5 X-ray diffraction

8.2.6 Analytical technique (SEM, TEM, EPMA, Ellipsometry, FT-IR, etc.)

8.3 Fracture Mechanics and Material Analysis (15 hours, Dr. V. Uthaisangsuk)

8.3.1 Testing of strength and deformation behaviour

8.3.2 Testing of toughness behaviour 8.3.3 Material testing of sheet metals

8.3.4 FEM in material analysis

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


3-3. Master of Engineering Program in Information and Communication Technology for

Embedded Systems (ICTES)

In today's world, embedded systems are everywhere -- homes, offices, cars,

factories, hospitals, plans and consumer electronics. Those key

technologies are to bring us a true ubiquitous society. Their huge

numbers and new complexity call for a new design approach based on

understanding of system design on computational platforms, one that

emphasizes algorithm design, platform design, hardware/software

tradeoffs and real time design rather than low-level assembly-language

programming and RTL or logic design.

An embedded systems designer needs to be a multidisciplinary engineer

with software programming skills and a broad background in electronic

engineering. They must know how to implement procedures

to control the target system effectively. In addition to that, the important element in an embedded

systems engineer’s career is the ability to manage projects of various complexities. The 1st year

study of TAIST, ICTES program has launched in such a best environment that the advanced

academic education is provided by either intensive lectures or distance learning leaded by a

group of novel professors in Tokyo Inst. of Tech, supported by Thailand Sirindhorn International

Institute of Technology (SIIT) and Kasetsart University (KU) professors. (Please refer a subject

list of the course study) In addition, the practical research on ICTES has been performed as a

project of National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), NSTDA, advised

by TIT and Thai University Professors and NECTEC researchers.

Professional engineers are involved in creating the technology demanded by society to cater for

its needs in consumer goods, medical equipment, transportation, communication and industrial

tools. Graduates of ICTES program are likely to be employed in a diverse range of industries

with a higher salary. Those, who want to study professional research, may enter into PhD

courses in either Tokyo Institute of Technology, or Thai universities.

Prof.Hiroaki Kunieda,

Tokyo Tech

Program Chair

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Communication Theory for Embedded Systems

Intelligence Processing

Software Designs for Embedded Systems Hardware Designs for Embedded Systems

Computational Mathematics for Embedded SystemsSoftware Concepts for Embedded Systems Hardware Concepts for Embedded Systems

Digital Signal Processing for Embedded Systems

Environment and Control Systems

Special Topics in ICTES

Research Methods in ICTESSeminar in ICTES

Thesis (2 semesters)

Curriculum-flow of ICTES Course

Mobile Phone: Example of Embedded System and its hardware and software structure.

A board of Embedded System

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


TAIST ICTES List of Lectures

Lecture Lecturer

1 Software for Embedded Systems

1.1 Algorithm and Software Design Shuichi Ueno

1.2 Embedded Software Design Techniques (IL) Tsuyoshi Isshiki

1.3 Real Time System Design (IL) Nobuhiko Sugino

2 Hardware for Embedded Systems

2.1 Basic Digital System Design Tsuyoshi Isshiki

2.2 Processor Architecture Design Hideo Maejima, Nobuhiko Sugino

2.3 VLSI Design Methodologies Hiroaki Kunieda

3 Communication

3.1 Information Theory and Coding Theory

Tomohiko Uyematsu,

Ryutaro Matsumoto

3.2 Wireless Communication Engineering Kiyomichi Araki

3.3 Information Communication Network Yoshinori Sakai, Katsunori Yamaoka

4 Signal Processing

4.1 Digital Signal Processing Theory Akinori Nishihara

4.2 Speech and language processing Takao Kobayashi, Manabu Okumura

4.3 Video Processing Yoshinori Hatori, Takashi Ida

5 Intelligence Processing

5.1 Human Interface

Makoto Sato, Yasuharu Koike, Xiaolin


5.2 Human Information Processing

Keiji Uchikawa, Hirohiko Kaneko,

Makio Kashino

5.3 Artificial Intelligence Itsuo Kumazawa, Kaoru Hirota

6 Environment and Control Systems

6.1 Control Systems Theory Dr. Waree Kongprawechnon(SIIT)

6.2 Environment Control Systems Yukio Kosugi, Shigeru Kakumoto

6.3 Power Electronics Systems Hirohumi Akagi, Hideaki Fujita

7 Software Design Exercise

8 Hardware Design Exercise

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


3-4 Master of Engineering Program in Advanced and Sustainable Environmental

Engineering (EnvE)

Environmental problems, both regional and global levels, are mostly

caused by the infinite demand for human’s better living, by increasing

of technological development and inventions. The effects of

environmental problems are not only existed at the moment, but also

passed to the next generations. To overcome the present problems and

be protective for the future, engineers and researchers, who are creative

and ethical, with a solid background of advanced knowledge on

sustainable environment, are definitely required. There exist so many

technological issues, which can be solved only by them. Therefore,

Kasetsart University, the National Science and Technology Development Agency and Tokyo

Institute of Technology, Japan, propose a Master Program in Advanced and Sustainable

Environmental Engineering to produce such the engineers. With a project-based learning

approach under the supervision by professors and researchers from Thailand and Japan, the

students in the program will be guided through a strong academic curriculum specifically

designed, emphasizing on researching for assigned projects. The program will also promote the

academic collaborations among the higher education Institutes, Governmental Agencies, and

Industrial sector, in term of research outcomes of the projects. These will lead to the

environmental sustainability, national and worldwide.

LCA-GHG calculation of Biodiesel Production Automatic HAZOP Simulator

Professor Masaaki Suzuki Tokyo Tech Program Chair

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


The curriculum structure of Master of Engineering Program in Advanced and Sustainable

Environmental Engineering

Year 1st Semester 1st

01230511 Principle of Sustainable Environmental 2(2-0-4)

01230512 Global Sustainable Environmental Issues and



01230513 Sustainable Environmental Engineering Ethics 1(1-0-2)

01230514 Environmental Risk Analysis 1(1-0-2)

01230522 Chemical Model in Atmosphere 1(1-0-2)

01230534 Hazardous Wastes Treatment and Disposal 1(1-0-2)

01230535 Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal 1(1-0-2)

01230541 Creative Designing for Sustainable

Environmental Engineering


01230546 Global and Local Environmental Modeling 1(1-0-2)

01230591 Life Cycle Assessment 1(1-0-2)

sum 12(12-0-24)

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Year 1st Semester2nd

01230515 Life Cycle Assessment 1(1-0-2)

01230516 Statistics for Sustainable Environment 1(1-0-2)

01230521 Utilization of Resources and Waste for

Sustainable Environment


01230531 Advanced Environmental Pollutant Analysis 2(1-3-4)

01230536 Zero Emission Technology 1(1-0-2)

01230538 Principle of Sustainable Environmental



01230542 Process Design in Sustainable Environmental



01230543 Economic and Ecological Design 1(1-0-2)

01230547 LCA and Eco-design Modeling Software 1(1-0-2)

01230597 Seminar 1

sum 13(10-6-24)

Year 2nd Semester 1st

01230597 Seminar 1

01230599 Master Thesis 6

sum 7

- Written Comprehensive Examination

Year 2nd Semester 2nd

01xxx599 Master Thesis 6

sum 6

- Final Defense Examination

sum 38

TAIST EnvE List of Lecturer

Subjects Lecturer

1st Semester

Principle of Sustainable Environmental Dr. Warounsak Liamleam (TU)

Global Sustainable Environmental Issues and

Regulations Prof. Wiwut Tathapanichakoon (TIT)

Sustainable Environmental Engineering Ethics Prof. Yoshihei Hashimoto (TIT)

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Environmental Risk Analysis

Assoc.Prof. Thumrongrut


Assoc.Prof.Wilai Chiemchaisri (KU)

Chemical Model in Atmosphere Prof. Teijiro Ichimura (TIT)

Hazardous Wastes Treatment and Disposal

Assoc.Prof.Wilai Chiemchaisri (KU)

Assoc. Prof. Chart Chiemchaisri (KU)

Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal Prof. Masaaki Suzuki (TIT)

Creative Designing for Sustainable Prof. Junjiro Kawasaki (TIT, TU)

Global and Local Environmental Modeling Asst. Prof. Panu Danwanichkul (TU)

Environmental Research Methodology Prof. Junichi Takada (TIT)

2nd Semester

Life Cycle Assessment

Dr. Rattanawan Mangkang (KU)

Dr. Rungnapa Tongpool (NSTDA)

Statistics for Sustainable Environment Assoc. Prof. Chihiro Yoshimura (TIT)

Utilization of Resources and Waste for

Sustainable Environment

Prof. Nobuaki Otsuki (TIT)

Prof. Kiyohiko Nakasaki (TIT)

Assoc. Prof. Ryuichi Egashira (TIT)

Assoc. Prof. Prasert Suwanvitaya (KU)

Advanced Environmental Pollutant Analysis

Assoc. Prof. Ryuichi Egashira (TIT)

Asst. Prof. Hiroaki Habaki (TIT)

Zero Emission Technology Prof. Katsunori Hanamura (TIT)

Principle of Sustainable Environmental


Asst. Prof. Tippabust Eksangsri (TU)

Process Design in Sustainable Environmental


Assoc. Prof. Tetsuo Fuchino (TIT)

Economic and Ecological Design

Dr. Hanpol Puengrassamee (TU)

Dr. Kittinan Unnanon (NSTDA)

LCA and Eco-design Modeling Software

Dr. Kittinan Unnanon (NSTDA)

Dr. Jitti Makalasiri (NSTDA)

Dr. Rungnapa Tongpool (NSTDA)

Seminar Assoc. Prof. Thongchai Srinophakun (KU)

3rd Semester

Seminar Assoc. Prof. Thongchai Srinophakun (KU)

Master Thesis

4th Semester

Master Thesis Assoc. Prof. Thongchai Srinophakun (KU)

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


Selected Topics

Advanced Air Pollution Control

Prof. Hirofumi Hinode (TIT)

Assit. Prof. Chris Salim (TIT)

Advanced Remediation Technology

Assoc. Prof. Thirapong Pipatpongsa (TIT)

Assoc. Prof. Jiro Takemura (TIT)

Asst. Prof. Cheema Soralump (KU)

Hazardous Wastes Treatment and Disposal Assoc. Prof. Chart Chiemchaisri (KU)

Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal Prof. Masaaki Suzuki (TIT)

Zero Emission Technology Prof. Katsunori Hanamura (TIT)

Future Power Train for Sustainable Community Prof. Shuichiro Hirai (TIT)

Principle of Environmental Management Asst. Prof. Tippabust Eksangsri (TU)

Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment

Prof. Emer. Makoto Shoda (TIT)

Prof. Chart Chiemchaisri (KU)

Project Management and Evaluation for

Sustainable Environment

Assoc. Prof. Shinya Hanaoka (TIT)

Global and Local Environmental Modeling Asst. Prof. Panu Danwanichkul (TU)

LCA and Eco-design Modeling Software

Dr. Kittinan Unnanon (NSTDA)

Dr. Jitti Makalasiri (NSTDA)

Dr. Rungnapa Tongpool (NSTDA)

Selected Topic in Sustainable Environmental

Engineering Assoc. Prof. Thongchai Srinophakun (KU)

Special Problems Assoc. Prof. Thongchai Srinophakun (KU)

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


4. Establishment of TAIST Tokyo Tech

Sep. 2001: MOU between Tokyo Tech and NSTDA. The idea for a joint graduate institute

was introduced including the idea of distribution of lectures via a satellite


Oct. 2002: Tokyo Tech Office (Thailand) launched in NSTDA, TSP.

Nov. 2005: Meeting between Dr. Aizawa, President of Tokyo Tech, and senior officials

from NSTDA. Discussion was on feasibility of the establishment of a joint

graduate institute.

Apr. 2006: First visit by the AE group of Tokyo Tech to Thailand and preparation for an

Automotive Engineering Conference.

May 2006: Drafting of AE program and courses started by Tokyo Tech, NSTDA, KMITL

and SIIT.

Jul. 2006: Visit by the ICT group of Tokyo Tech to


Jul. 2006: Workshop at Tokyo Tech by the BIO group.

Aug. 2006: Automotive Engineering Conference at


Nov. 2006: Forum on EnvE and ICT held at Tokyo Tech.

Dec. 2006: Signing of “Sub-agreement of the Memorandum of Understanding on the

Cooperation in the First Phase of a Joint Graduate Institute” by Tokyo Tech,


Jan. 2007: Formal processes started by KMITL to seek approval for the AE program.

Apr. 2007: Interview of potential students.

Jun. 2007: Launching of TAIST Tokyo Tech and start of instructions.

Sep. 2007: Grand Opening Ceremony held at Thailand Science Park.

Jun. 2008: Launching of ICTES Program

Sep. 2009: First Graduation Ceremony

Aug. 2010: Second Graduation Ceremony

Aug. 2011: Third Graduation Ceremony & Job Fair

Jun. 2012: Launching of EnvE Program

5. Educational and Research Collaborations of Tokyo Tech with the Kingdom of Thailand

5-1. Partner Universities/Institutes

- Chulalongkorn University (Oct. 1985)

- King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (Nov. 1992)

- Thammasat University (Mar. 1996)

- Kasetsart University (Dec. 1996)

- National Science and Technology Development Agency (Sep. 2001)

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


- King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok (Jan 2005)

- Asian Institute of Technology (Dec. 2005)

- King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Oct. 2007)

6-2. Students from Thailand attending Tokyo Tech

AY Total Undergraduate Master’s Doctoral Non-Degree

2001 55 6 0 32 7 2002 48 6 7 27 8 2003 59 3 16 27 13 2004 52 1 16 26 9 2005 54 1 16 27 10 2006 57 3 19 29 6 2007 56 6 16 29 5 2008 52 7 12 28 5 2009 71 10 26 25 10 2010 88 10 42 27 9 2011 120 8 54 44 14 2012 117 8 48 60 1

5-3. Collaboration Projects

- UNESCO International Course for Advanced Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


- Support for the Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University (1994-2000)

- Support for the Research Centre of Communication and Information Technology, KMITL


- JSPS-NRCT Core University Program in the field of Environmental Engineering (1999 - )

- MOU with NSTDA (2001 - )

- Distance Education Project (2002 - )

- Tokyo Tech Office (Thailand) (2002 - )

- Research Collaboration with NSTDA in the field of Solar Cell Technology (2003 - )

- Tokyo Tech UNESCO International Research Course for the Environment (2004 - )

TAIST-Tokyo Tech


6. Corporate donation: Your support is vital to our project

Tokyo Tech, NSTDA, KMITL and SIIT will jointly establish TAIST Tokyo Tech, which aims to

promote and supply the following personnel to manufacturing in Thailand:

・ Engineers and researchers educated by the faculty members of Tokyo Tech, NSTDA

and Thai universities.

・ Experts with a wide and global view.

・ Experts who contribute to development and solving problems in the region.

TAIST Tokyo Tech will do the following activities for the company and the organization which

support for the programs:

・ Consultation, support and problem solving by research and development.

・ Introduction of research laboratories in Thailand.

・ Construction of a new human network not only in Thailand but also in neighbouring


TAIST Tokyo Tech will create a lot of advantages for universities, research laboratories and also

for the supporting companies and organizations.

If you have any questions, requests or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us (please see

the last page of this brochure).

Your kind offer to support TAIST Tokyo Tech would be highly appreciated

Companies / Organization

TAIST Tokyo Tech

Special EducationResearch Advice

Dr. Degree Students & Researcher

Educational SpaceResearchers

Facilities Scholarships

High levelResearchers

Academic programsStaffs and Students

Researchers Thesis topics

Human Resource DevelopmentGraduates as Engineers


Support Fund

Neighboring Countries Regional Area

Local SocietyNew Human


NSTDA Thai UniversitiesTokyo Tech

TAIST-Tokyo Tech

TAIST-Tokyo Tech Applicants’ Qualifications

1. The applicant must stay in Thai or other Asia Pacific countries. Applicants from other countries will be considered in case-by-case basis.

2. The applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering, science, technology and related field that is accepted by the TAIST-Tokyo Tech Executive Committee.

3. The applicant must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 or at least two years work experience or sufficient relevant research as specified by the Executive Committee.

4. The applicant must submit an official score of an English test, such as TU-GET, KU-TEST, CU-TEP, TOEFEL and IELTS or come to take an English test conducted by TAIST-Tokyo Tech.

Admission and Selection Process

1. The applicant downloades the application form at the following URL. http://www.nstda.or.th/taist_tokyo_tech/

2. The applicant fills in the application form and submits it together with the following documents:

2.1 Two 1-inch X 1-inch recent portrait.

2.2 An official transcript for bachelor’s degree (and master’s degree if exists).

2.3 A recommendation from a teacher, a supervisor, or a qualified person.

3. The applicants are requested to send all documents to the following email.

Miss Chayanan Lurdjarupong E-mail:chayanan@nstda.or.th

4. The applicant without the English proficiency test needs to take an English test held by TAIST-Tokyo Tech.

5. The applicant comes to be interviewed as a specified date and time.

6. The list of the qualified applicants will be announced at the following URL. http://www.nstda.or.th/taist_tokyo_tech

“TAIST-Tokyo Tech application period is during November-February every year.”


Poster of TAIST-Tokyo Tech

http://www.nstda.or.th/taist_tokyo_tech/taist@jim.titech.ac.jp  Tokyo Tech Office(Thailand) +66-2-564-8016~18


Poster of Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology東京工業大学

History and Current Status

Founded as Tokyo Vocational School in 1881 and promoted to the universitystatus in 1929, Tokyo Institute of Technology is now evolved to the biggestScience and Technology University in Japan.

It has 6 graduate schools, 3 undergraduate schools and 7 researchlaboratories. It has 1722 academic staffs, 1553 Ph.D. students, 3547 MSstudents and 4803 undergraduate students. 1168 international students arestudying there that includes 117 Thai students (as of May 1, 2012)

“With over 130 years of proud history and tradition, Tokyo Institute ofTechnology continues to evolve today as one of the World’s leading scienceand Technology universities in the 21st century. It has been acclaimed both inJapan and overseas for its outstanding achievements and the high standardsof education it provides.” (Extracted from words of Dr. Kenichi IGA, Presidentof Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Tokyo Institute of Technology opened Tokyo Tech Office (Thailand) in 2002at the Science park of Thailand. It promotes collaborative educational program,researches, student exchanges etc. between Japan and Thailand.

Tokyo Tech Office (Thailand): Rm P-205 Thailand Science Park, 111 Paholyothin Rd., Klong 1, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120Tel: 02-564-8016 FAX: 02-564-8019 e-mail: tokyotech@titech.in.thContact: Ms.Krittaya Vijitsanguan

Tokyo Institute of TechnologyTel: +81-(0)3-5734-2237 Fax:+81-(0)3-5734-3685 e-mail: taist@jim.titech.ac.jpContact: Ms.Eriko Kitajima