Takami sachiko140225

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Skogsmulle Export to


Gösta  Frohms  Skogsmulles23else    Vice  Chairman      Sachiko  Takami  

Swedish Outdoor Association •  82000 members •  32700 Children and youth •  Several thousands leaders •  200 I Ur och Skur preschools and schools  •  1.5 miljon Swedish children met Skogsmulle

Presentation I Ur och Skur Japan

Skogsmulle is the symbol for Nature protection

Skogsmulle meets families

I Ur och Skur Preschool

•  Good for health •  Selfconfidence •  Social training •  Reduce stress and sickness related to stress •  Fantasy and creativity •  Strengthen bone structure

and muscle •  Develop concentration •  Environmental


Outdoor Education and Research results



Klipp ur ledartidningen På Tur nr 4 1988 utgiven av Friluftsfrämjandet, Stockholms distriktsförbund

Summer in 1988 I tried Outdoor school In Japan with my Daugheter and her class. Sucess!

When started? What made me to start

SkogsMulle? •  In the middle of 80’s, motorway built in my home

town without any environmental concern. •  Growing numbers of children who do not play

outdoor. Their contacts with nature were disappearing

•  Lack of ecological knowledge The rivers bottom and the sides are covered with


Japanese Outdoor Association established In 1992 Chairman: Yutaka Takami

Förklaring att bilda vänföreningar Det är vår uttalade önskan att bestående vänskapsband skall etableras mellan våra föreningar. Det är vår förhoppning att vänskapsbanden skall stärkas och att den påbörjade Skogsmulleverksamheten i Japan skall bli allt aktivare och spridas inom landet. Vi är beredda att stödja varandras föreningar. Vi förväntar oss att våra ledares utbyte av erfarenheter och kultur kommer att bidra till ömsesidig förståelse. Lidingö 23 augusti 1992 Yutaka Takami Magnus Linde

15th universary of SkogsMulle in Japan

15 April 2008

Linde from Sweden Politicians And Parents

Milestones in History of SkogsMulle in Japan

•  1990 First SkogsMulle school in Japan introduced •  1991 First SkogsMulle leaders course held in Japan •  1992 Japanese Outdoor Association established in Japan •  1995 First Mulle leaders course led by Japanese instructors. •  1997 Three local offices established •  2007 7th local office established •  2012 International Skogsmulle Symposium held in Kobe •  2013 Skogsmulle Export to Japan got an award

How successful are they in Japan? **  Dark green district has local office

**  Green district has Mulleleaders

2000 leaders * 70 leaders in South Korea



2000  children  (50  preschools  and  20  groupes)    Par2cipate  in    Skogsmulle  ac2vi2es  each  year.    30.000  children  met  Skogsmulle  in  Japan.    

SkogsMulle in 20 years at Ichijima preschool

Niigata is the biggest local office with 16 preschools, 250 leaders

Mulle in Tokyo

They use Nearby Park

What are the keys to the sucess? 1.  Japanese Outdoor Association esablished and

trains Mulle leader by themselves 160 Mulle leader courses held over 2000 leaders are born

2. Strong support from Municipality for the bottom up Mulle Movement from the beginning



3. Strong support from Swedish Mulle leaders

Japan send their Mull leaders For training every year since 1997

4. A lot of Fire souls and leaderships

Cop 10 in Nagoya 2010 Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren

visited the booth of FF Japan

Interna2onal  Skogsmulle  Symposium  in  Japan  nov.2012

150 participants from 10 countries

Skogsmulle export to Japan got an award

New Demand

•  Mitsubishi Electric Co.wants to train 1000

leaders in house



Challenges •  Otani University starts Mulleleader course 2014 •  Japanese Mulle book published •  Mulle introduced •  National TV in June 08 and in 2010

More  informa2on

•  Frilu&sfrämjandet  Japan  homepage            hLp://www7.ocn.ne.jp/~mulle/index.html      

•  NHK    TV  program  on  Skogsmulle  http://cgi4.nhk.or.jp/eco-channel/en/movie/play.cgi?did=D0013880192_00000