Take a Stand 1.I believe that if you live in this country, you should dress like it? 2.I believe...

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Culture of the United States

Chapter 8


The student will describe the interaction of physical and human systems that have shaped contemporary Canada

and the United States.

c. Explain the reasons for the population distribution in Canada and the United States.

d. Explain how the physical geography of Canada and the United States contributed to regional growth and development.

e. Describe the ethnic and religious groups in Canada and the United States; include major customs and traditions.

People & Culture

• traditions, foods, & beliefs from all over the world

• U.S. is very culturally diverse

• More than 99% of Americans are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants

• Immigrant: A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another

People and Culture continued

• Most Americans are of European descent– People whose ancestors came from Great Britain,

Germany, France, and other European countries

• 12% of Americans trace their origins to Africa

• 14% of Americans are Hispanic

• 5% are Asian

• Hispanic & Asian populations are growing the fastest


• Since colonial times, English has been main language of U.S.– Because England colonized the United States

• U.S. has no official language

• The second most widely spoken language is Spanish

• Spanish is particularly common along U.S.-Mexico border– Ex: Texas, New Mexico, and Southern California

Language continued

• Many Spanish speakers are bilingual

• Bilingual: people are able to speak two languages

• Hundreds of other languages are spoken in U.S.


• There are more than 1,200 religious groups in the country

• Many of these religions were brought to America by immigrants

Religion continued

• Christianity is the major religion – This includes Protestant & Catholic

• More than half of Americans are Protestant Christians

• Major Protestant groups include Baptists, Lutherans, & Methodists

• About 25% of Americans are Roman Catholic– Most have Spanish, Italian, or Irish ancestors

Religion continued

• 6 million Jewish Americans live in US

• Buddhism, Hinduism, & Islam have grown over recent years

Arts, Customs, & Traditions

• Parts of US culture used throughout world:

1. Movies2. Music3. Fast food 4. Sports5. Architecture

• US was the first country to build skyscrapers– Now used throughout the world

Sears Tower

Chicago, Illinois

Arts, Customs, and Traditions

• Baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse, & volleyball created in US– Baseball and basketball have spread

throughout the world

Arts, Customs, and Traditions

• Major holidays include Christmas & Easter– Because majority of Americans are Christian

• Music created in U.S. includes blues, jazz, country, rock, & rap

International Demographics & Migration Background

• Throughout history, U.S. population concentrated in Northeast

• Reason: start of European colonies– Also, sight of first large U.S. cities

• Over the last 60 years, U.S. population has shifted in 2 ways:

1. Areas of population2. Ethnicities moving to U.S.

1. Areas of Population

• Americans have migrated from Northeast & Midwest to South & West – Caused by push & pull factors

• Push factor: Northeastern industries have closed causing loss of jobs– AKA: Rust Belt –heavily industrial area of northeastern

U.S. containing older industries & factories

• Pull factor: warmer climate & job opportunities in South & West have changed where people live– AKA: Sun Belt– southern & southwestern region of U.S.

Map of Sunbelt & Rustbelt areas

Impact of Population Migration

1. Led to the growth of Southern & Western states– Continues today

2. Changing power in U.S. government

3. Impacting taxes & jobs in different areas– North: less tax money, shrinking cities, & job

opportunities– South: more money, growing cities, & businesses


Population Gains & Losses from migration in U.S.

2. Changing Demographics

• Until 1960s, most immigrants came from Europe– Large Greek, Irish, & Italian neighborhoods

• Now most immigrants arriving from Latin America & Asia

• Result: changing American culture, language, & traditions

U.S. Census Population Projections (based on 2010 Census)

2015 2060

Whites 61.8% 42.6%

African Americans 13.2% 14.7%

Asian Americans 5.3% 8.2%

Multiracial Americans

2.6% 6.4%

Hispanics/Latinos 17.8% 30.6%

Demographics by Region

• The fastest growing ethnicities are Asian & Hispanic

• Each region is seeing a growth of different ethnicities

4 areas of focus:

1. Northeast2. Midwest3. South4. West

1. Northeast

• For last 100 years, mainly Italian & Irish


1. Russian & Ukrainian migrants

2. Puerto Rican & Dominican Republic

3. Korean

Puerto Rican Day Parade NYC

2. Midwest

• Mainly German ancestry

• Large growth of Asian population

Frankenmuth, Michigan

Frankenmuth, Michigan

3. South

• Largest African American population– Atlanta largest African American city in U.S.

• Large growth of Hispanics

• 70% of Cuban Americans live in Florida

Little Havana, Miami

4. West

• Large Asian population in Washington & Oregon– CA contains country’s largest Chinese


• Huge Mexican & Latino population in California, Arizona, & New Mexico

Impact of Migration & Changing Demographics

1. Population increasing in South & West while decreasing in Midwest & Northeast– Impacts voting & politics

2. Growth of illegal immigrants & migrant workers from Mexico & Latin America– Fears over job losses to non-Americans

3. Drug cartels & gangs from Latin America spreading into U.S.

4. New ethnicities bringing new languages, culture, music, & foods to mainstream America– Ex: sushi & Latin music

Great BBC clip on US demographics

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOeuMymIezg