Talismagick, Spells for Health Beauty and Protection

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Spells for Health, Beauty & Protection - Page.2

Fountain Of Youth This rite is used to help you gain a youthful complexion. Place a bowl of clean water on your altar. Open a container of salt, and keeping your eyes open, visualize the salt glowing brightly with a silver aura.Take as much time as you need, and think about the results you want from this spell. Now, using your left hand, take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into the water. Allow the salt to dissolve. Whilst this is taking place, stand erect and contemplate your objectives. When the salt has dissolved and the water has become cloudy, wash your hands and face in the water and say the following words in your mind; Salt Won’t Rot, Salt Won’t Die, Salt Will Only Purify. So May It Be According To My Objectives. Do not rush this procedure. When you have finished washing, stand straight and allow the water on your hands and face to dry on their own accord. When dry, go for a walk in pleasant surroundings, preferably somewhere you are fond of. While walking continue to think about a more youthful complexion. This ritual should be repeated for fourteen days. You should notice changes within this time!

Healthy Hair Used to keep your hair healthier and more beautiful. To keep your hair healthy, have it cut during a new moon. If you cut it during a full or waning moon, your hair will lose its shine and may turn grey prematurely. If you have dull hair try this; steal a few strands of hair from someone who has thick, shiny, natural hair. Put the strands in a pot with a drop of your blood. Bring it to the boil. When the liquid cools, pour it over your head and spread through your hair.

Sun Beauty Ceremony This spell helps to increase overall beauty and add vigor. Starting the day after the full moon, face the sun on every hour and say; O, Lord Sol, Pour Thine Healing Rays Into Me, Fill Me With Thine Splendour, Make Me Beautiful, Make Me Attractive, Make Me Sensuous, Make Me Sexual, That I May Radiate Loveliness And Charismatic Power. Do this every day for 28 days. Say it with feeling and conviction, in your head or out loud. You can replace beautiful and loveliness, with handsome and masculinity if you are a man!


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Elixir Of Youth A powerful spell for regaining younger looks. Fill a glass of water and cover with a saucer. Before noon, stand the glass on a window sill, facing south (or north if you are south of the equator). Do this only if the day is sunny. At midnight on a full moon, light a white candle. Put the glass of water on the right hand side of the candle. Take a photo which shows you when you were younger, and look steadily at it. Believe with all your heart that you can recapture this youthfulness. Now speak slowly and forcefully; The Fountain Of Youth I Behold. From It I Shall Drink With Confidence And With Faith. Change And Transform My Mind, Spirit And Body So That I May, Again Be Young, Carefree And Bold, And Enjoy Physical Power, Vitality And Youthfulness All Over Once More. Now look up and visualize a fountain of pure, sparkling water. Imagine it is the magickal, elixir of life. Picture yourself standing before this fountain and see its waters immersing you completely. See and feel the mystical force of this water washing away all age and fatigue, and bringing youthfulness, power and vitality. Bathe yourself in this glorious feeling for a few minutes. Take the photo and place it to the left of the candle. Hold the glass of water up before your eyes and say; O Elixir Of Youthfulness, Let Thine Mystic Power Renew Me; In Thy Power I Trust, I Drink In Belief, I Drink In Certainty. Youthfulness To Me Return. So Mote It Be. Drink the water. The ritual is now complete. Do this rite for three consecutive nights.

Vitality Ritual Use to increase vigor and stamina. Light a red candle on a Tuesday. Now picture yourself brimming with energy and strength. Imagine that you feel better than you ever have before and recite the following phrase nine times; Vitality! Vitality! Vitality! That Is The Thing For Me! I Am Spurred On By Red, Energized By Fire, Filled With Vitality, I Can Now Be All I Desire!


Spells for Health, Beauty & Protection - Page.4

Salt Healing Rite This rite is used to heal yourself. Place a bowl of warm water and a sponge on your altar. Stand straight before your altar and meditate on your objective. Take the lid off your salt container and, using your left hand, sprinkle the salt into the water and allow it to dissolve. Take the sponge, put it in the water and say; Salt Won’t Rot, Salt Won’t Die, Salt Will Only Purify. With This Water, This Blessed Water, I Wash Away My Ailment. Gently wash the afflicted area and repeat this ritual three times in a row. Continue for three consecutive days.

Heal A Wound Use this rite to heal a wound or infliction only on yourself. This ritual can be started any day. But, must be performed for nine consecutive days. To begin, light a blue candle and visualize a bright blue light penetrating and healing the wound. As you do this repeat the following three times; Blue Heals, Blue Pacifies, This Wound Is Healed, Its Scourge Dies. Life’s Healing Power I Trust. I Feel Better Already, For The Healing Power, Is So Positive, So Just.

To Stop A Fever Try this spell to remove a fever and bring you back to normal. Begin this ritual as soon as you detect signs of a fever. Light a white candle and perform this rite every day until the symptoms subside. Say the words below nine times; Burn This Fever, O Flame. Destroy This Fever, O Sacred Light. Fever, Return From Whence Thy Came; Leave Me So That I May Be Well Again.


Spells for Health, Beauty & Protection - Page.5

Healing Spell Use this spell to provide general healing for another person. On a Sunday, preferably at night, light a gold or yellow candle and imagine the person you want to heal is already healthy and well. After a few minutes repeat this ritual nine times. Shine Thy Rays Of Golden Health Upon This Deserving Soul. Let Thine Healthful Rays Penetrate His/her Body, And Make Him/her Whole. This ritual must be continued for seven consecutive days!

Magnetic Healing This spell is also used to heal another person. Get the patient to lay down on a bed. Stand before him/her with your arms held out wide, palms facing up and say the following with great sincerity and feeling; I Am Thy Divine Magnetic Instrument. In Thee, O Lord, I Shall Draw Out All Negativity From...(patient) And Cast It To The Four Winds. Close your eyes for a moment and think only of your patient as being completely healed from their affliction. Now grasp his/her feet firmly and mentally feel the negative matter being drawn from his/her body. To protect yourself, and ensure your patient’s negativity doesn’t enter your aura, shake your hands violently, and say; I Am Shaking Off All This Negativity, In The Name Of The Holiest Of Names I Banish This Negativity From My Presence. Wash your hands immediately to complete the purification process. Return to the patient, lift up your eyes and say; I Thank Thee O Lord For This Divine And Miraculous Healing! The healing ritual is now over. This rite sometimes has an immediate effect on the patient, causing an instant cure. If not, don’t hesitate to continue using the ritual on a daily basis until he/she feels better.


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Healing Kidneys Or Liver Use this spell to heal a liver or kidney complaint. Light a blue candle on a Thursday and repeat the following ritual three times; O Healing Light, Work Thy Charm. Rid Me Of This Complaint. In Thee I Trust. For Thine Power Is Strong. My Expectation Is Great, With Thee I Can’t Go Wrong. Continue this ritual every day until the complaint is cured.

Magick Aspirin Try this ritual if you suffer from headaches and migraines. Please note: if you have a regular problem with head pains we recommend that you consult a medical practitioner. Continual head pains can sometimes be a sign of something more serious! On Wednesday, light a yellow candle and repeat the following words five times; Emptiness Ceases Pain. Only Peace Can Reign. My Head Is Clear, Free And Empty. Relief, What Blessed Relief! I Am At Peace With Myself; At Peace With The World, Now That I Have Relief. Rub pure olive oil into the most painful area when you have finished the ritual and continue every day until your problem has gone.

Cold Prevention A simple spell for preventing the common cold. Light a pale blue candle and peel a small, raw potato. While you do this concentrate hard on keeping free from colds. Imagine yourself immune to such things. Keep the potato on your person throughout winter. You will be cold proof!


Spells for Health, Beauty & Protection - Page.7

Home Insurance This spell is used to protect your home from thieves and fire. Stand before your altar. Take a moment to consider the objectives of this rite. Remove the lid from your salt container and imagine the contents glowing with a fiery red aura. Now using your left, take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into the air, just above your head. As you do this recite the following incantation; I, (state your name), Now Secure The Protection Of This Room From Both Thieves And Fire By The True Power Of Salt Magick! Meditate on the spell for a moment, and then repeat the ceremony in every room of your house (including the toilet!). Make sure no one else is home at the time, and don’t rush it.

Fixing Problem Neighbors This ritual is used to stop bad neighbors from ruining your life. Use this simple spell when you have tried being nice to your neighbors to no avail. Light a candle with a match. Say these words; This Is My Desire For Peace. I Have Been Rejected. Write the name or names of your neighbors on a clean piece of paper. Burn the paper with the candle and collect the ashes. Recite the following; I Bind Your Eyes I Bind Your Ears I Bind Your Mouth I Bind Your Nose I Bind Your Hands You Are Powerless Against Me You Will Have Pain You Will Suffer Until You Make Your Peace With Me. Take the ashes outside, and blow them in your neighbor’s direction. Perform this rite on seven consecutive days. On these days the moon should be waning!


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Self-Protection Rite This rite will protect you from people who dislike you. Perform this ritual at night time at the start of the new moon. On your altar, break and egg into a clean bowl and say; This Is The Mind And Body Of My Enemies Take a sharp knife, break the yolk and mix the egg together while saying; I Mix Their Minds And Their Bodies I Create Confusion And Bewilderment Using your left-hand sprinkle the egg liberally with salt and say; The Salt Is Pure And Not Corrupt It Destroys Their Minds And Bodies Light a match and extinguish it in the egg and say; With This Fire I Destroy Them Completely Their Minds Will Be Confused, Their Purpose Will Be Lost They Will Suffer What I Have Suffered Now throw the egg away somewhere unpleasant, i.e. the garbage bin or toilet. This ritual must be repeated for seven consecutive nights.

House Cleaning Use this ritual to rid your home of evil spirits or unpleasant feelings. Consecrate 50 grams of salt and one liter of water (see purification spell), walking in a clockwise direction (at any time of the day) sprinkle a ring of water completely around your house. Again walking in a clockwise direction, sprinkle a ring of salt around your house. Remain inside of the circle, do not step over or onto it. Now standing at your front door, facing out, recite the following rite; Mighty Elements, Hasten To My Aid! Sun, Sea, Earth And Sky! I Am Strong And Courageous! I Am A Center Of Spiritual Light! This Home Of Mine, And All That Is In It Is Safe, Happy And Secure! Evil Forces Begone Now And Forever! End of ritual. Your home is now protected by divine forces, and free of evil influences.


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Family Protection Use to protect family and friends from psychic attack. At noon or midnight on a Saturday, light three candles, one lavender and two white. Burn sandalwood incense. Using royal blue ink, write on a piece of parchment the talismanic numbers of Saturn, shown below; 4 9 2 3 5 7 8 1 6 Place the parchment on top of a photos of the person/s you wish to protect. Touch the lavender candle with your hand (lavender often symbolizes protection) and imagine a golden stream of purified light shining upon the parchment and photos. Now speak out loud with great conviction the following words; I Invoke The Divine Light Of Protection To Cleanse The Mind/s, Body/ies Of (say the person/s names), And Cast Out Completely All Negativity Within Him/Her/Them. Free His/Her/Their Thoughts and Spirit/s from Bondage And Illuminate (names) with Divine Strength, Power And Fortitude, Dispel Forever All Such Dark Forces From The Soul/s Of (names), And Give Him/Her/Them Peace, Joy And Happiness. Let The Divine Light Forever Protect (names)...Amen. So Mote It Be. Perform every Saturday until you feel the curse or negative thoughts have been banished.

Night Travel Safety This spell is used for protection when travelling alone at night. Light a blue candle before you travel, and say three times out loud; In Thee I Trust, In Thee I Am Safe. Concentrate on your safety for a moment and extinguish the candle.

Protection From Sudden Death Ritual to protect those under the threat of daily violence or death. Light a blue candle and picture yourself at the center of a strong, calm blue light and say the following three times; Thine Power Is Great Around Me, My Safety Is Sure, My Faith Is Total, My Earthly Existence Secure.


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Revealing Your Enemies This ritual is used to unmask your enemies. Light a lavender candle and say the following words; Reveal Unto Me This Person. Let This Person’s Face Appear Unto Me And Let Me Have Wisdom. Let Me See Now! Repeat this ritual three times and concentrate deeply as you do so. Imagine you are looking into a pond of still water. Keep looking into the water until an image of your nemesis appears. Continue using this ceremony nightly until you get results.

Protection Spell Use this spell to protect yourself at all times. Stand in front of your altar, take a minute to think about the spell. Remove the lid from a container of salt and, using your left hand, sprinkle three pinches of salt into a paper bag. As you are doing this say; I, (say your own name), Secure My Overall Protection With The True Power Of Salt Magick. So May It Be According To My Objectives. Take the paper bag and fold it in half, and half again. Carry this in your wallet or purse at all times for protection. You must kiss both sides of the bag every morning when you awaken.

Travel Protection Useful in protecting yourself during times of travel. On the night before you travel, light a blue candle and say three times; Blue Light, Blue Light, Surround Me In My Travel. O Great Universal Lord, Protect And Keep Me Within Thy Sight.