Tam-A-Gram | April-June 2008

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BEFORE: This is the April/May/June 2008 issue of the Tam-A-gram. This is what the magazine looked like before I took over and did a complete redesign and refocused the editorial content. This was the last issue before I took over in July/August/September 2008. This version was produced by an outside agency.


April – June 2008

Publ ished by the City of Tamarac Publ ic Information Committee

INSIDE2007 Community Survey ResultsTamarac Goes GreenConservation & Recycling

Hurricane Guidesat Your FingertipsThe City of Tamarac InsuranceAdvisory Board wants to make sureyou and your family are safe thishurricane season. To assist you withpreparations, the board recommendsthat you review the information ontheWeb sites listed below. Theseguides and the hurricane toolkit arefull of information to help youthrough the upcoming storm season.

Visit theWeb sites below:

Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders at:www.elderaffairs.state.fl.us/english/disaster.html(also available in Spanish)

Disaster Preparedness Guides - Hurricane Toolkit,Homeowners Checklist and Insuring Your Home/Condo at:www.myfloridacfo.com/Consumers/hurricane_2007/publications


The Tam-A-Gram, an official publicationof the City of Tamarac, Florida, ispublished quarterly and mailed toresidents and businesses of the City ofTamarac under the direction of thePublic Information Committee. Readercomment is earnestly solicited and maybe directed to:

Public Information Office7525 N.W. 88th AvenueTamarac, Florida 33321Phone 954-597-3523chadq@tamarac.org

This document and other informationabout the City of Tamarac is available onourWeb site at www.tamarac.org.

CITY COMMISSIONBeth Flansbaum-Talabisco, MayorMarc L. Sultanof, ViceMayorEdward C. Portner, CommissionerPatte Atkins-Grad, CommissionerHarry Dressler, Commissioner

CITYMANAGERJeffrey L. Miller

PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEEBen Chicofsky, ChairPaul DickMaxMarcusCarole Anne PaladinoMaryann ZicchinolfiJon Breslav, Alt.Claudia Krysiak, Alt.MauriceWeinreb, Alt.MiriamMarin, Alt.

On the CoverOverlooking the TamaracCommunity Center

Firefighter of the YearTamarac Fire Rescue is proud to announce that Lieutenant Steven Gothawas selected as “2007 City of Tamarac Firefighter of the Year.” Aproclamation was presented to him at the February 27, 2008 CityCommissionmeeting. Congratulations Lieutenant Gotha!

Pictured left to right: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco,Fire Chief Jim Budzinski, Firefighter of the Year Steve Gotha, Commissioner Edward C. Portner,Commissioner Patte Atkins-Grad, Vice-Mayor Marc. L. Sultanof and Commissioner Harry Dressler.


Got Tamarac? The City is calling on all camera buffs to submit an entry to the “ShowUs Your Tamarac!”monthly photo contest for a chance to win a City of Tamarac award plaque and t-shirt. During the year,look for categories to include plant life, wildlife, recreation, history, landscapeandmore. Entries will be judged by Tamarac City Staff and photos may besubmitted either digitally, by mail on a CD or via e-mail.

“ShowUs Your Tamarac!” is open to entrants 13 years of age andolder, and if under age 18, entries must be submitted with a signedpermission form from a parent or guardian. Entry forms, moreinformation and additional contest rules are available atwww.tamarac.org or by calling the Parks and RecreationDepartment at 954-597-3620.

Please send photo submissions and/orcontest inquiries to photos@tamarac.org.

Calling All Shutter Bugs: “Show Us Your Tamarac!”

The Roof Over Your HeadWith the rainy season just around the corner, now isthe perfect time to perform routine but important roofmaintenance and repairs.

Your roof is a critical component of your home, onethat all too often is overlooked until there is aproblem. Unfortunately, waiting until the roof leaks tomake repairs can result in serious consequencesincluding:

• Interior damage

• Wet attic insulation

• Deteriorated roof framing

• Damage to your electrical system

Roof repairs or replacement cannot be made in therain so interior damagemay continue unchecked forweeks, causingmore problems and resulting in

greater expense. Also, roofers arebusiest during summer months and emergencywork often equates to heftier charges.

If you address potential roof problems now, youwillhave time to obtain several estimates, compareproposals, check contractor references and possiblybenefit from discounts. Take the time to learn aboutdifferent types of roof systems and their comparativeadvantages. Gain a clear understanding of what willbe done, howmuch it will cost and how long it willtake to complete.

Most roofing jobs require a licensed contractor toobtain a building permit prior to starting the work. Ifyou have any questions about whether a contractor islicensed, or if a permit is required, please contact theCity Building Department at 954-597-3420.


Our renowned South Florida weatherunfortunately attracts more than tourists; itattracts criminals waiting to take advantage ofunsuspecting residents.

For those who have seen the hit FX-Networktelevision show, The Riches, youmay be familiarwith what are termed “Traveler” crimes.

A traveler’s criminal mission is simple. Usually ingroups of two or more, they go into residentialneighborhoods and look for easy targets. Once apotential target is spotted, such as an open garageor sliding glass door, these experienced thievescase the home for signs of activity. If none isdetected they slip in unnoticed, go to the masterbedroom, locate a jewelry box or other case thatholds jewelry, remove the contents and leave.

Another popular method is to use the traveler“family” to distract you by approaching youdirectly and saying that they are looking for thefamily dog whichmight have wandered intoyour backyard or that they are looking for a lost

Don’t be theNext Victim of“Traveler” Crime

child. It onlytakes momentsto draw yourattention awayfrom the designated traveler, who then slipsquickly in and out of your home.

Also beware of the fake utility or service personwho comes to your front door unsolicited. Underno circumstances should you give anyone entryinto your homewho you did not contact for aservice call. If someone arrives at your homestating that he or she is from a utility or servicecompany, and you did not make theappointment, call the Broward Sheriff’s Office(BSO) immediately.

Other tips from the Broward Sheriff’s Office:

➢ Be aware of your surroundings; if someoneis unfamiliar or looks suspicious, call954-765-4321.

➢ Secure your home. Even while doing yardwork, keep your doors closed and locked.

➢ Before answering your door, look out thewindow or through the peephole to help youestablish the person’s identity.

➢ Few legitimate sales people “just happen tobe in the neighborhood.” Do not let thesepeople into your home.

Report any suspicious activity to BSO or toCrime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS.A reward ofup to $15,000 is offered for information leadingto an arrest.


Be on the lookout for criminals posing as a“Service/Utility Worker”If you did not call for service then:

DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE INTO YOUR HOMEIf you have called for service, check for proper i.d. and confirm the

worker’s identity by calling the company before opening your door.

If you suspect fraudulent activity or feel pressured byany workers please call the Broward Sheriff's Office at




Code CornerFair Housing It’sNot An Option,It’s The Law!Fair housing laws prohibitdiscrimination in the rentalor sale of housing because of:• Race• Sex• Color• Age• National Origin• Religion• Disability• Sexual Orientation• Familial Status• Marital Status

Do you suspect you havebeen a victim of housingdiscrimination? Help isavailable. Don’t delay.

Call the H.O.P.E. Inc.Discrimination HelplineDade: 305-651-HOPE (4673)Broward: 954-567-0545

Pit Bull Regulations:Protect Your Dog, Yourself and Others

Did you know that it is unlawful to owna pit bull in the City of Tamarac withoutregistering with the City? The TamaracCity Code specifically states that youmust register your pit bull terrier, alsoknown as a Staffordshire terrier. Therules also call for the dog to be muzzledand/or confined at all times.

Specific regulations relating to theownership of pit bulls are that theyshould be:1. confined in a home or other locked,

non-public premise; or2. secured within a totally enclosed and

lockable pen with a top, made of 6-foot chain link fence material; or

3. muzzled and on a leashno greater than 8 feet inlength and securelyheld by the personwalking the dog.

What You Should KnowAboutThe National Do Not Call RegistryThe National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receivetelemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once ithas been listed on the registry for 31 days. You can register your home or mobilephone for free by logging on to www.donnotcall.gov or calling 1-888-382-1222 andfollowing the prompts.

Your registration will not expire. The Federal Trade Commissionwill not drop any telephone numbers from the National DoNot Call Registry based on a five-year expiration periodpending final Congressional or agency action on whether tomake registration permanent. Readmore about it atwww.ftc.gov/opa/2007/10/dnctestimony.shtm.

Requirements for registrationare as follows:1. Every person owning a pit bull

will complete an application forregistration in the City Clerk’soffice.

2. Each application requires thefollowing information:• Name, address and telephonenumber of owner/lessee of thedwelling where the dog isbeing kept.

• The dog’s breed, sex, color andany other distinguishingphysical characteristics.

• Acopy of the requiredinoculations andmedicalinformation.

• Evidence of a one milliondollar liability insurancepolicy.

• An affidavit from the owneracknowledging receipt of theserequirements and agreeing toabide by them.


Housing Opportunities Projectfor Excellence, Inc.

Fair HousingMonth


Friday, April 4Broward County

Convention Center1950 Eisenhower BoulevardFort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Broward BeautifulThe 2008 Broward Beautiful Community Grant application andWorkshop Schedule is currently available.The Broward Beautiful Community grant program partners with local home-owner groups to implementenvironmentally responsible landscape beautification projects. Applications are available on our website atwww.broward.org/bio/bb_grant_application.pdf . Grant applications must be submitted no later thannoon on June 6, 2008. Applications also will be available at our Pre-applicationWorkshops listed below, ormay be requested by calling 954-519-0326 or emailing BrowardBeautiful@broward.org.

To assist applicants, Broward Beautiful will offer a one-hour Pre-Application InformationalWorkshop.Attendance is not mandatory; however applicants are strongly encouraged to attend one of three

scheduled workshops:

•April 3, 2008, 6:30 p.m. at the Southwest Regional Library,16835 Sheridan Street, Pembroke Pines. 954-538-9996

•April 7, 2008, 6:30 p.m. at theNorth Regional Library,1100 Coconut Creek Boulevard, Coconut Creek. 954-201-2600

•April 29, 2008, 6:30 p.m. at theAfrican-American Research Library,2650 Sistrunk Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale. 954-625-2800

For additional information and answers to FAQs, please visit ourweb-site at www.broward.org/bio/browardbeautiful.htm,or call 954-519-0326.

During the summer of 2007 a survey* wasconducted on behalf of The City of Tamaracpolling residents and businesses to find out justhow the City rates in a variety of areas and todeterminewhat the community’s priorities are.Overall, Tamarac received an 83% satisfaction rate,compared to the national average of only 53%.Other good news is that the survey revealed that

The City rates significantly above thenational average inmajor categoriesincluding:

• Communications• Customer service• Enforcement of codes and ordinances• Management of traffic flow• Police services• Water and sewer utilities

The survey also helped us to identifythe top concerns of our residents. These concerns,

and The City’s efforts to address these concerns, areas follows:Management of traffic flow• Problem areas in the City have been identifiedand traffic calming devices have been installed

• BSO has increased visibility and traffic violationenforcement

Police Services• ABroward Sheriff’s Office Command Staffmember attends HOAmeetings on a regular basis

• Increased traffic and commercial vehicleenforcement

• Weeklymounted patrols in the City• Increased use of BSODeputies on bicycle patrolAppearance of canals• 31 Boat ramps are currently being installed City-wide. These rampswill be utilized to launchmaintenance equipment for cleaning, spraying,and aquatic growth harvesting.


2007 Community Survey

*Conducted by ETC institute, the DirectionFinder® survey was based on a random sample of 1,650 households. 748 households completed the survey either by phone or by mail.Survey results were compiled based on those who had an opinion and the results for the random sample of 748 households have a 95% level of confidence. Additionally a separaterandom sample of 205 business owners also resulted in a 95% confidence level.

Together, wewillcontinue movingforward tomakethe City ofTamarac “OurCommunity ofChoice.”



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Community Center 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Broward County Library 9:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 1:01 2:01 3:01 4:012 Section 11,13 9:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 1:03 2:03 3:03 4:03

Rockest/ColonyWest 9:06 10:06 11:06 12:06 1:06 2:06 3:06 4:063 Sands Point /Versailles Gardens 9:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 1:08 2:08 3:08 4:08

McNab Rd/Lagos De Campo 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:104 University Dr/Mcnab Rd.(CVS) 9:12 10:12 11:12 12:12 1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12

NW 70 Ave/McNab Rd 9:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 1:13 2:13 3:13 4:135 SW 81 Ave / McNab 9:15 10:15 11:15 12:15 1:15 2:15 3:15 4:156 Shaker Village 9:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 1:16 2:16 3:16 4:167 Bermuda Club 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:208 Sabal Palm/Carriage Hills 9:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 1:25 2:25 3:25 4:259 Wal-Mart 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:3010 Mainlands 4,5,1,2 9:35 10:35 11:35 12:35 1:35 2:35 3:35 4:3511 Old Time Pottery/ Sunshine Publix 9:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:38 4:3812 Commercial & Shaker Village 9:41 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:41 3:41 4:41

Commercial & 64th-Walgreens 9:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 1:43 2:43 3:43 4:4313 Midway Publix 9:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 1:48 2:48 3:48 4:481 Community Center 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 4:55Note: Fee Change – 50 cents per ride


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Community Center 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Broward County Library 9:01 10:01 11:01 12:01 1:01 2:01 3:01 4:012 Aquatic Complex 9:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04

Clubhouse #20 9:06 10:06 11:06 12:06 1:06 2:06 3:06 4:063 Lime Bay Clubhouse 9:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 1:08 2:08 3:08 4:08

N.W 70th Place 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:104 Market PlaceMovies 9:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 1:14 2:14 3:14 4:145 Kings Point / NW 77 ST 9:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 1:19 2:19 3:19 4:196 Southgate & Nob Hill Rd 9:22 10:22 11:22 12:22 1:22 2:22 3:22 4:227 Town Square Publix 9:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 1:25 2:25 3:25 4:258 Tamarac City Hall 9:29 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:29 3:29 4:299 The Greens 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:3010 Walgreens/Pine Island 9:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 1:33 2:33 3:33 4:33

Piccadilly 9:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 1:36 2:36 3:36 4:3611 Section 16 Clubhouse 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:40

Section 17 Clubhouse 9:41 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:41 3:41 4:4112 Walgreens NW 82nd Street 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:4513 Parks & Rec Center 9:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 2:47 3:47 4:4714 University Hospital. 9:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 4:4915 Midway Plaza Publix 9:52 10:52 11:52 12:52 1:52 2:52 3:52 4:521 Community Center 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 4:55Note: Fee - 50 cents per ride

Transit Routes


It’s that time of year whenmany of us turn the airconditioner up full blast to keep cool. Below aretips to help you get the most for your coolingdollar. Just a few quick checks or simpleadjustments couldmake a big difference in yourelectric bill, ensure that your air conditioner isfunctioning properly and ultimately extend thelife of your cooling equipment.

• Clear all shrubs and other obstructions fromaround your air conditioner.

• Keep all filters clean. While monthly filterreplacement or cleaning is recommended, ifyou have pets youmay need to clean or replacefilters more often.

• Restricted airflow, both inside and outside, willdecrease air conditioning efficiency andincrease your electric bill.

• On the hottest days, try and set yourthermostat to a slightly warmer temperature.

• Consider using a digital setback thermostat thatallows you to adjust the temperature to ahigher level when you’re away and a coolerlevel while you’re home.

•Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment isa process involving the removal of heat andhumidity:

1. Removing humidity in South Florida can oftenbe as taxing to the equipment as removing heat.

2. Make sure all of your windows and doors fittightly and the weather stripping is snug tokeep out humidity.

3. Make sure your bathroom exhaust fan is ingoodworking order and use it whenshowering with hot water to help remove thehumidity.

• Consider having an energy audit performed onyour home in order to determine if your airconditioner, ducts and insulation are operating atmaximum efficiency.

• Contact FPL about energy conservation programsand rebates.

If you have any questions or would like to confirmthat your air conditioning contractor is licensed,please call the City of Tamarac BuildingDepartmentat 954-597-3420. Enjoy a cool summer!

“Cool It” This SummerEnergy tips to help you save money as you beat the heat

City of Tamarac & the Tamarac Veterans’ Affairs Committee presents

MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONYYou are cordially invited to attend City of Tamarac’s

Memorial Day Ceremony onMonday, May 26, 2008

10:00 a.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Park • 7825 Southgate Boulevard

Please join us as we pay tribute to those who gavetheir lives to protect our freedom.Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, call Tamarac Parks & Recreation at 954-596-3620.


Although the recent rain hashelped coastal communities,

water levels for Lake Okeechobeeandmany other lakes, rivers,

wetlands and aquifers still areextremely low. That's why the SouthFloridaWater Management Districtinitiated one-day-per-week watering

restrictions. Landscape irrigation accounts for upto half of all household water consumption inFlorida and totals more than seven billion gallonsper day nationwide.

RestrictionsMake a DifferenceWater restrictions already have proven effectiveduring the ongoing regional water shortage. InTamarac, water consumption has dropped nearlyone million gallons per day. That’s even lowerthan the amount used in 1995, when Tamarac’spopulation was 20% less.

Here are some of the current restrictions:

• Irrigation restrictions apply whether usingcity, canal or well water.

• Home irrigation is limited to 4:00 a.m. to8:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

• Irrigation is permitted at odd numberaddresses onMonday only.

• Irrigation is permitted at even numberaddresses on Thursday only.

• Handwatering with one hose fitted with anautomatic shut-off nozzle is allowed for 10minutes per day to prevent plants from dying.

• Pressure cleaning is limited to only low-volume pressure cleaners that produce awater pressure of 1,000 to 4,000 pounds persquare inch.

• There are no limitations on car or boatwashing. It is best to use an automatic shut-offnozzle on your hose.

• Serving water in restaurants is prohibitedunless requested by a customer.

• No restrictions apply to other outside wateruses, such as decorative fountains andwaterrecreation, including swimming pools andwater slides.

For more information, visit www.tamarac.org.Report violations to City of Tamarac CodeEnforcement at 954-597-3425.After 5 p.m. or on weekends, call the Broward’sSheriff Office at 954-765-4321. Do not call 911.

Water Restrictions in Effect

Toilet Rebates Still AvailableOn average more than 30% of indoor residential water usage occurs by flushing toilets.To help customers reduce water use, the City of Tamarac offers an extraordinary rebateprogram to those who replace high-flow toilets with newer low-flowmodels. The Cityis offering a limited number of rebates: $100 for the first toilet, $75 for the second.

A toilet manufactured prior to 1980 uses between 5 and 7.5 gallons per flush (gpf). Toiletsmanufactured after 1980 use 3.5 gpf. New ultra-low flow toilet uses only 1.6 gpf. Thatmeans an average household of four (each flushing four times per day) using an ultra-lowflow toilet would save 54.4 gallons per day or about 20,000 gallons per year andwould saveapproximately $90 annually.

For eligibility and an application, log onto the City’sWeb site at www.tamarac.org/utilitiesor call Bill Franqui at 954-597-3792


Tamarac is going green, just in time for Earth Day onApril 22. TheCity’s application for a Green City designation has been submitted to theFlorida Green Building Coalition (FGBC), a non-profit organizationdedicated to improving city and community environments throughconservation efforts. Under the FGBC’s Green Local Government Standard,the City of Tamaracwould receive credit formany of the greeninitiatives that are already in place and also receive direction onhow to implement additional green practices.

Guidelines established by the FGBC evaluate a localgovernment’s performance in implementing environmentalgreen programs for energy, water, air, land andwaste. The Cityenvironmental leaderswill base Tamarac’s green-focusedinitiatives on sound economic decisions thatmake sense for astrong, aswell as health-conscious economy.

Although the green concept is a fairly new one,many citieshave initiated environmentally friendly practices. Recently, there has been astrong push to gain official recognition for green initiatives and programs thathave been City policy for years, such as Tamarac’s recycling program andwater conservation efforts.

Alongwith official Green Local Government certification, a future educationalcampaignwill highlight best green practices aswell as detail the expansion ofthe City’s free/discounted product program including faucet aerators, rainsensor devices, showerheads, leak detection tablets, rebates for ultra-low flowtoilets and other innovative green products.

See the next issue of the Tam-A-Gram to learnmore about Tamarac’s on-goinggreen journey!

GoodnewsTamaracresidents!The City of Tamarachas moved itsannual householdhazardous wasteand electronicsrecycling collectionday from SeptembertoMay. Residentswill have theopportunity to dropoff householdhazardous wasteand electronics at theTamarac PublicWorks Complexlocated at6011 NobHill Roadon Sunday, May 4,between 8:00 a.m.and 3:00 p.m.

Shedding Light on RecyclingFluorescent BulbsMost of us whowork in offices don’t think twiceabout the overhead fluorescent lights. Whilefluorescent bulbs may seem harmless, they containmercury that can be harmful to people and theenvironment if improperly discarded. Other typesof light bulbs including high-intensity discharge,neon, mercury-vapor, high-pressure sodium, compactfluorescent andmetal halide lamps, also may containmercury, lead and cadmium.

For more information about federal rules for the properdisposal of mercury and other toxic metal-containing bulbsvisit www.epa.gov.

Tamarac Is Going


How to safely dispose of householdhazardous wasteTamarac’s Household HazardousWaste (HHW)program is a cooperative effort with BrowardCountyWaste and Recycling Services designed toreduce the amount of hazardous waste that isdisposed of improperly, causing environmentalharm. The program also seeks to educate residentsabout the dangers associated with hazardous wasteand encourage proper waste management.

Household hazardous waste includes all used orleftover contents of products that contain chemicalswith one of the four characteristics defined by theEPA: toxic, ignitable, corrosive and reactive.

Most residents use small amounts of hazardouschemicals in their homes daily. Even small amountscan cause problems if introduced into drinkingwater and, when collected as curbside trash, arepotentially harmful to sanitation workers. Thesafest way to dispose of hazardous home chemicalsis to carefully pack them up and bring them to oneof Broward County’s Household HazardousWasteCollection Centers. The HHWprogram acceptsdrops-offs from Broward County residents free ofcharge and disposes or recycles them according toall local, state and federal regulations.

Items acceptable for drop-off include:• Paint • Cell phones• Solvents • Propane tanks• Pesticides • Fire extinguishers• Household cleaners • Televisions• Lawn& pool chemicals • Computers• Mercury thermometers • Monitors• Motor oil • Keyboards• Auto batteries • Printers• Rechargeable batteries • Fax machines

Items NOT acceptable for drop-off include:• Explosives – contact your local law enforcement• Business-generated waste• Biohazardous waste (medical waste)

For everyone’s safety:• Keep products in original container• Label products if not in original container• Seal lids tightly• Leaky products need to be placed in largeplastic containers

For more information on the Household HazardousWaste/Electronics Recycling program, please contactthe Broward County hotline at 954-765-4999 or theCity of Tamarac PublicWorks Department at954-597-3700.

Recycling News You Can Use


HowDoesYourGardenGrow?Do you have a Green �umb?

Do you know the difference between a pigeon plum and a plum?

Join our group and �nd out!

9e Parks & Recreation Department is forming a volunteerCommunity Garden group for a City project.

Please contact Michelle Sendik at 954-597-3620 or Vince Dixon at954-597-3644 for more information and how to get involved!

The collection center for Tamarac residents is located at 2780 North Powerline Roadand is open to the public on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


2008 Schedule

Neil Simon’s Festival:California Suite, comedy

May 10 – June 1

Jason Robert Brown’sThe Last Five YearsJune 28 – July 20

Show times are Saturdays at 2 and 8 p.m.and Sundays at 2 p.m.Tickets: $20 per show

Formore information call 954-726-7898or visit www.ttopa.org.

An Intellectual SmorgasbordServed up with refreshments

April 9: Eli Kavon –Wives of the Presidents

Wednesday, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.Single tickets are $10;2 tickets are $9 each;

3 or more tickets are $8 each.

For more information, call 954-724-1110.Limited seating.

Emergencies DIAL 9-1-1MAINNUMBER 954-597-3500Building Inspections 954-597-3430Building Inspection Results 954-597-3435Building Services 954-597-3420City Commission 954-597-3460CityManager 954-597-3510City Clerk 954-597-3505Code Compliance 954-597-3425Community Development 954-597-3530Engineering 954-597-3712Finance 954-597-3550Fire RescueNon-Emergency 954-597-3800Human Resources 954-597-3600Job Hotline 954-597-3615Mayor and Commission 954-597-3462Occupational License 954-597-3536Police Non-Emergency 954-765-4321Public Information 954-597-3523PublicWorks 954-597-3700Purchasing 954-597-3570Recycling & Trash Hotline 954-597-3740RiskManagement 954-597-3613Satellite City Hall 954-597-3580Social Services 954-597-3642Tamarac Transit 954-597-3649Parks & Recreation:Community Center 954-597-3620Recreation Center 954-597-3644Aquatic & Fitness Center 954-597-3660Service Providers:All Service Refuse 954-583-1830Comcast Cable 954-252-1937WasteManagement 954-974-7500Post Office (Tamarac) 954-722-3152Tamarac Branch Library 954-720-2282Utilities BillingCustomer Service 954-597-3590Utilities (Leaks, breaks, 954-597-3750meters, etc.)

TAMARACAt your service

Registration packets will be availablebeginningApril 7:

Tamarac Community CenterSundays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Monday through Saturday from8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Tamarac ParkMonday through Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Registrations will be taken bymail only.Resident mail-in can be postmarked beginningApril 14.Non-resident mail-in can be postmarked beginningApril 21.

Hot Fun in the Summer Time!Get Ready for Summer Camp

June 16 through August 8

Ages: 5-12 years old (Campers must be5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2008 toattend camp. Birth certificate required).

Camp hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Artist of the Month ExhibitVisit the Tamarac Community Center to view theArtist-of-the-Month exhibition:April Leo Kaplan, “Leo Kaplan -Assemblage”

(Found Objects)May Sammoy Irving, “Variety of Titles” (Watercolor)June David Gonzalez, “Mouse Creations” (Computer)Attention artists, if you are interested in displaying your artwork,applications are available at the Tamarac Community Center. Formore information, call 954-597-3635.


April – June 2008

Community Garage SaleOne person’s junk is another person’s treasure.Get started early on your spring cleaning andreserve your spot at the Tamarac CommunityCenter for our Community Garage Sale.Vendor space is available for $15 per spot.Saturday, April 5 from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Classical ConcertJoin us at the Tamarac Community Centerballroom to enjoy the sounds of classical musicby pianist Adolfo Vidal. Light refreshmentswill be served.Tickets: $5 per person and available at theTamarac Community Center front desk.Friday, April 25 at 7:00 p.m.

Veteran’s AssemblyLearn about organizations and services that areavailable to assist you during a presentation atthe Tamarac Community Center. There will be aspecial guest speaker, refreshments and liveentertainment.Wednesday, April 30 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Hurricane PreparednessExpoThe Hurricane Preparedness Expo providesuseful resources and information to the publicabout how to prepare for a hurricane. Speakersand various vendors will be on site to answerquestions and assist you in preparing for the 2008season and beyond. The Expo will take place atthe Tamarac Community Center.Saturday, May 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Mother’s Day DanceMother’s and children will enjoy an evening ofdancing, food, prizes and a souvenir photo at theTamarac Community Center.Tickets: Residents: $10 per coupleNon-residents: $15 per coupleEach additional child: $5Saturday, May 10 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

ArtServeArtsEXPRESSEnjoy a fabulous free performance by JubileeDance Theatre which will perform a variety ofdance styles including ballet, modern jazz andhip-hop. For information: 954-462-8190, ext. 207 or 954-597-3620.Tamarac Community Center • Tuesday, April 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

SwimWithThe Sharks!The Tamarac andNorth Lauderdale parks and recreation departments havejoined forces to form theNorth Lauderdale/Tamarac Sharks SwimTeam.Those 5 years of age (at time of registration) to 17 years of age are eligible.High school studentswho have turned 18 during senior year also areeligible. Birth certificates are required at registration.

Practices areMonday through Thursday, fromMarch 3 through July 27,from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., with practice locations alternatingmonthly.March,May and July practiceswill be held at theNorth LauderdaleAquaticCenter. April and June practiceswill be held at CaporellaAquatic Center.

PAYMENT/REGISTRATION: Daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at theTamarac CaporellaAquatic Center, 9300NW58th Street orMondaythrough Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at theNorth LauderdaleAquatic Center, 701 SW 71Avenue (behindNorth Lauderdale CityHall).

FEES: $35monthly dues, plus a one-time application fee of $15 and boosterfee of $15.

FORMORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:City of Tamarac at 954-597-3660;ACEllis@tamarac.orgCity of North Lauderdale at 954-724-7063; aquatics@nlauderdale.org






SSESBallet, Tap, & JazzSaturdays 10:00 to 10:45 a.m.

Ages 3 – 5 years oldResidents: $40Non-residents: $50(4-week sessions)

CheerleadingSaturdays 11:00 to 11:45 a.m.Ages 5 – 10 years oldResidents: $40Non-residents: $50(4-week sessions)

HipHopDanceSaturdays , 12:00 to 12:45 p.m.Ages 6 –11 years oldResidents: $40Non-residents: $50(4-week sessions)

Stage DanceSaturdays 1:00 to 1:45 p.m.Ages 6 – 12 years oldResidents: $40Non-residents: $50(4-week sessions)

Beat Street Youth andTeenHipHopDanceTamaracMulti-Purpose Center7531 North University DriveAges 10-12:Wednesdays 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.Ages 13 – 18:Wednesdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.Residents: $40Non-residents: $50(4-week sessions)

Sports & FitnessAll classes held at Tamarac Recreation Center,7501 N. University Drive, 954-597-3645.

Jumpstart After-SchoolThis fitness program is designed to encourage children tobecomemore physically active and adopt heart-healthy eatinghabits, essential for a healthy, life-long lifestyle.Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.Ages 7 – 11 years old$10 for a 4-week session

Youth Tennis LessonsInstruction includes hand-eye coordination, racquet skills andstroke production for beginners and intermediate students.Sessions are four weeks. Lessons are held at the Tamarac SportsComplex, 9901 NW 77th St.Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.Ages 6 - 12 years oldResidents: $40/Non-residents: $50

Dance ClassesUnless otherwise noted, all classes are held at the Tamarac CommunityCenter, 8601 W. Commercial Boulevard, 954-597-3635.

Health And Fitness FairHeld at the Tamarac Community Center, the ninth-annual Health and Fitness Fair features free healthscreenings for osteoporosis, hearing, and bloodpressure, as well as general health information.Rounding out the festivities will be freerefreshments, a bounce house, prizes, fitnessdemonstrations, andmuchmore. For moreinformation, call the Tamarac Social Services Officeat 954-597-3642.Saturday, May 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

3 on 3 BasketballTournamentTeams of ages 13 to 17 or 18 years and older can testtheir mettle at hoops during this exciting basketballchallenge held at the TamaracMulti-Purpose Center.The tournament is free; register your team now!Wednesday, May 21 at 6:00 p.m.

Memorial Day CeremonyThe City of Tamarac VeteransAffairs Committee, theMayor and the Tamarac City Commission invite youto join them at Veterans’ Park to pay tribute to thosewho gave their lives to protect our freedom. Lightrefreshments will served after the traditional wreath-laying ceremony.Winners of the “What MemorialDayMeans toMe” essay contest will be recognized.Monday,May 26 at 10:00 a.m.

Father’s Day FishingTournamentKids, ages 5 -17, bring your dad out to CaporellaPark to celebrate his day with a morning of fishingon the lake. A special gift will be given to all fathers.Participants must use their own fishing equipmentand bait. Prizes will be awarded for “Largest Fish”and “Most Fish Caught.”$10 per family.Saturday, June 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.



Register for all trips at the Tamarac Community Center located at8601 W. Commercial Boulevard from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.All bus trips will leave from this location. For information,call 954-597-3620. Trips are subject to cancellation.No refunds one month prior to trip date (no exceptions).


Youth Specialty ClassesAll classes held at Tamarac Recreation Center,7501 N. University Dr., 954-597-3645; unless otherwise noted.

Teen CouncilThis program is designed to assist teens in developing andmaintaining high standards of health, education, characterand citizenship necessary to grow into responsible,productive adults. Teenswill enjoy interactivemeetings,field trips, fitness programs, volunteer work andmuchmore.Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Ages: 12 – 17 years oldResidents: $15 per year/Non-residents: $25 per year

Music/Piano LessonsThis music class will teach children how to identify notes,readmusic, the location of keys on a piano and properplacement of fingers on a piano to play songs. Classes areheld at the Tamarac Community Center.Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Ages 6 -11 years oldResidents: $40/Non-residents: $50 (4-week session)

Tutorial ProgramTamarac offers an after-school tutorial program in readingandmath. This is a computer-based program that directlyrelates to the Florida ComprehensiveAssessment Test. Thistutorial programwill help your child in the area of mathand reading while preparing him/her for the FCAT.Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Ages 7 -14 years oldResidents: $69/Non-residents: $79 (4-week session)

Art AppreciationStudents are inspired to create an art masterpiece bylearning about Egyptian art, Monet, Picasso andmore.Wednesdays, 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Ages 4 -11 years oldResidents: $49/Non-residents: $59 (4-week session)

Beyond BeautyChildren will learn manners, greetings, hairstyles, the art ofposing, how to set a table, use of utensils andmuchmore.Wednesdays, 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Ages 4 -11 years oldResidents: $35/Non-residents: $45 (4-week session)

Drama ClassSo you think you can act!! Then this class is for you.DRAMAwill teach your child self-confidence, discipline,motivation and team building skills. Classes are held at theTamarac Community Center.Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Ages 6-12 years oldResidents: $60/Non-residents: $70 (4-week sessions)

Spring Break Camp “CLUB PLAY”Children can enjoy their time off of school at Tamarac’sSpring Break Camp. The fun-filledweekwill include fieldtrips, games, sports, outdoor activities andmore! Campwillbe held at the TamaracMulti-Purpose CenterMonday – Friday,March 31 throughApril 4 from 8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. •Ages: 6 -11 years old (Kindergarten-5th grade)Residents: $75/Non-residents, $85

Sea Escape CruiseThursday, April 10Cruise with us on a fun-filled trip starting with a continentalbreakfast and including a lavish buffet brunch. Try your luck in a LasVegas-style casino. Enjoy playing bingo, horse racing, liveentertainment & revue, poolside activities, movies in the cinema orjust take a dip and relax by the pool. Get a $10 free play with VIPsign-ups. Buffet gratuity is not included. Bus leaves at 9:00 a.m. andreturns at 5:30 p.m.Residents: $30/Non-residents: $40

Broward Center Twelve AngryMenTuesday, April 29There are twelve jurors from twelve walks of life and only twowaysto rule: guilty or not guilty. What seems like an open-and-shutmurder case becomes a twisted puzzle of prejudice and intrigue. Asprejudice is tested and evidence weighed, the entire jury is forced tolook past the show of the courtroom to unearth the shocking truth.Faced with playing the hangman, these dozenmenmust facethemselves. Bus leaves at 6:30 p.m. and returns at 11:30 p.m.Residents: $53/Non-residents: $63

Stage Door Theatre The Immigrant/Verdi’sRestaurantThursday, May 8The Immigrant is a newAmericanmusical about a young EuropeanJew fleeing Czarist Russia in 1909, who gets off the boat at Galvestonand enters the world of the tiny Baptist town of Hamilton, Texas.This comedic musical features a breathtaking score of uncommonpower and beauty. Enjoy lunch at Verdi’s Restaurant prior to theshow. Bus leaves at 11:00 a.m. and returns at 5:00 p.m.Residents: $64/Non-residents: $74

Hard Rock CasinoFridayMay, 23How about a fun night at the HollywoodHard Rock with $10 in“Free Play” and a $5 food voucher? Try your luck in the casino,stroll through the shops or dance to the music playing in theAtrium.Bus leaves at 3:45 p.m. and returns at 10:00 p.m.Residents: $15/Non-residents: $25

LaffingMatterzThursday, June 12The LaffingMatterz Theater is recognized as one of the toprestaurants in South Florida, offering gourmet dining and liveentertainment. It’s a musical experience that will leave youwipingtears of laughter from your eyes and begging for more. The musicalsatire exposes the folly and vice we see every day on TV, in politics,courtrooms, sports andHollywood. Bus leaves 6:30 p.m. andwillreturn at approximately 11:00 p.m.Residents: $59/Non-residents: $69



Services/GroupsAll services and groups are located at the Tamarac Community Center8601 West Commercial Boulevard, 954-597-3620.

Alzheimer’s Support GroupFirst and ThirdMonday of eachmonth, 10:30 a.m.

Bereavement Support GroupMondays, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Blood Pressure ScreeningsThirdWednesday of eachmonth, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Consumer Affairs AdvisorDo you have a consumer related problem? Youmust be aTamarac resident with no legal representation.10:00 a.m. to noon. Call 954-597-3626 for an appointment.

Eye ScreeningsPlease call 954-597-3642 to set up an appointment.

Hearing ScreeningsFirst Wednesday of the month, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

LUNCH –Meals onWheelsServed at 11:30 a.m. for seniors 60 and older. Suggesteddonation is $2. Provided by BrowardMeals onWheels. Mustreserve a meal no later than noon the day prior by calling PatrickMassaquoi at 954-724-2544 between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

MammovanMobile Mammography Screening provided by North BrowardHospital District. Most insurance is accepted. If insurance isunavailable, there will be a $58 fee to cover the cost. A referral isrecommended. NoHMO taken.Call 954-597-3642 to schedule your appointment.

Osteoporosis Screenings9:00 a.m. to noon. Call 800-257-0944 for an appointment.

Free 911 Cell Phones for SeniorsFree cell phones that dial 911 for seniors 60 and older whoqualify. Project S.A.F.E. meets every secondMonday of themonth at 9:30 a.m. Call 954-597-3642 to set up an appointment.Donations of cell phones are accepted.

Senior Coping Skills GroupSecond and fourth Tuesday of eachmonth, 10:30 a.m. to noon

Senior SocialJoin us for bagels, coffee and an educational lecture sponsoredby Coral SpringsMedical Center. Every third Tuesday of themonth, 10:00 a.m.

SHINE CounselorServing Health Insurance Needs for the Elderly. Second andfourth Friday of the month. Call 954-597-3642 to set up anappointment.

Veterans AdvisorFridays, 8:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m.

The Social Services Division is pleased to offer these services to ourresidents. All services are provided at the Tamarac Community Center(TCC) unless otherwise noted. Call the Information and Referral lineat 954-597-3642 any time you need information about social serviceprograms that may be available in Broward County.

For any transportation issues, to register for our TransportationProgram or to inquire about transit, call the Transportation Officedirect line at 954-597-3649.

Women’s Support GroupWomen’s Success Group is a therapeutic support group forwomen of all ages. Topics include empowerment, self-improvement, relationships, legal issues, domestic violence andparenting. Sessions are facilitated by Lakshmi Subrahmanian, alicensedmental health counselor.Second and fourth Tuesdays of themonth6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sessions are freeCall 954-597-3642 to register.

FISH (Families Invested Support Health)FISH is a free support group for families with childrenwhosebehavior challenges family relationships, social developmentand school performance. Sponsored by theMental HealthAssociation and funded by the Broward CountyHumanServices Department. Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Call 954-746-2055 or e-mail FISH@mhabroward.org.

Free Eyeglass Repair ProgramGet free help repairing your eyeglasses: screw and nosereplacements, minor frame and nose pad adjustments. Noappointment necessary.Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Choose to Lose ProgramJoin Licensed DieticianAnn Chickowski for this free five-weekweight loss program focusing on healthy eating and including alight walking program.Wednesdays during April, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Guiding Good ChoicesGuiding Good Choices is a five-session program of study toeducate adults about the challenges and difficulties faced bytoday’s youth. Sponsored by the Broward County SubstanceAbuse Commission and facilitated by Tamarac BrowardSheriff’s Office. Mondays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Call Dwight at 954-661-9365 for more information.

League for the Hard of HearingProvides amplified phones and TDDs free of charge to residentsof the State of Florida who are deaf and/or hard of hearing.ThirdWednesday of eachmonth, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.Call Social Services at 954-597-3642 for more information.

Hard of Hearing Awareness KitsTheAwareness Kit is a tool to assist with successfulcommunication between hospital/medical staff and hard ofhearing patients. Pick up a kit at the League for the Hard ofHearingmeetings.



Health & FitnessJazzerciseMondays, 9:00 a.m.Tuesdays, Thursdays, andFridays, 10:00 a.m..

Senior ZumbaMondays, 11:30 a.m.

MeditationMondays, 12:30 p.m.

Tai ChiMondays, 1:00 p.m.

Line DancingFridays, 12:15 p.m.

Balance ExerciseWednesdays, 11:00 a.m.Fridays, 1:30 p.m.

Co-ed BasketballTuesdays and Fridays,11:30 a.m.

VolleyballMondays, 11:45 a.m.Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.Thursdays, 11:30 a.m.

YogalitesWednesdays & Fridays,12:15 p.m.

Stretch & ToneWednesdays & Fridays,11:00 a.m.

YogaMondays, 10:30 a.m.

Chair YogaTuesdays & Thursdays,11:30 a.m.

Water Fitness ClassWednesdays, noon

Clubs &ActivitiesScrabble/Dominoes ClubMondays, 10:00 a.m.

Coffee TalkSecond and fourthMonday, 10:00 a.m.

MovieMatineeMondays &Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m.(free popcorn)

BingoMondays, 1:00 p.m.

HappyHookers Knitting ClubMondays, 2:00 p.m.

CreativeWriting GroupTuesdays, 10:00 a.m.

Painting ClassTuesdays, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

American Sign LanguageTuesdays, 11:00 a.m. & Fridays, 9:00 a.m.

What’s Your Opinion?Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.

CraniumQuiz GameWednesdays, 10:00 a.m.

Walking ClubThursdays, 9:00 a.m.

Meet andGreet DanceThursdays, 1:00 p.m.

Arts & CraftsThursdays, 1:00 p.m.

Computer ClubFirst Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m.

Battle of the Sexes TriviaFridays, 2:00 p.m.

Daily Card PlayingMonday through Friday, 12:30 p.m.

Duplicate BridgeWednesdays and Fridays, 1:00 p.m.Residents: $4/Non-residents: $5

All classes held at Tamarac Community Center,8601 West Commercial Boulevard. 954-597-3620.Be part of the fun and become amember of theaward winning Tamarac Community Centersenior program!Enjoy a variety of classes that pertain to arts andcrafts, fitness, computers, card playing andmuch,muchmore. Join today!Residents: $12.50/Non-residents: $22.50 (Expires 9/30/08)


Dance ClassesLine Dancing: TuesdaysIntermediate: 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.Residents: $5/Non-residents: $6

Line Dancing: ThursdaysBeginner: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Intermediate: 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Residents: $7/Non-residents: $8

Middle Eastern DanceTuesdays, 7:10 p.m. to 8:40 p.m.Saturdays, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.Residents: $45/Non-residents: $55(6-week sessions)

Specialty ClassesClayWorkshopPrice includes some clay and use of kilnMondays &Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Residents: $55/Non-residents: $65(8-week sessions)

Beginner SpanishTuesdays, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Residents: $35/Non-residents: $45(8-week sessions)

ComputerClassesLearn the basics ofcomputer wordprocessingor navigating theInternet.

WindowsComputerTuesdays &Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.to 8:30 p.m.Residents: $35/Non-residents: $45(4-class sessions)

Beginner InternetTuesdays & Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Residents: $35/Non-residents: $45(4-class sessions)

All classes held at Tamarac Community Center, 8601West Commercial Boulevard. 954-597-3620.


ZUMBA!Zumba is a dynamic and exciting class full of Latinand exotic music flavors. The routines feature aerobicinterval training with a combination of fast and slowrhythms that tone and sculpt the body.Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.4-week session, Residents: $25/Non-residents: $356-week session, Residents: $32/Non-residents: $428-week session, Residents: $35/Non-residents: $45

Butt, Guts and StretchLast Thursday of eachmonth, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Residents: $5 per class/Non-residents: $6 per class

BadmintonMondays: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Wednesdays: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Saturdays: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Residents: $2/person, Non-residents: $4/person

Table TennisSaturdays, 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Residents: $1/Non-residents: $2

Adult Cardio TennisLearn instruction in serve, forehand, backhand andvolley, for beginner or intermediate level at theTamarac Sports Complex.Ages: 16 &OverSaturdays, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.Residents: $45/Non-residents: $55(4-week sessions)

OpenGymTamarac Community CenterAdults: Sundays, 10:00 a.m. to noonYouth: Monday through Friday, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.& Sundays, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.TamaracMulti-Purpose CenterYouth: Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Adults: $3 per visitYouth residents: $5/Youth non-residents: $10

Youth &Adult TaekwondoClasses are held at the TamaracMulti-Purpose Center.Tuesdays & ThursdaysBeginners: ages 7-12, 5:00 p.m. to 6 p.m.Advanced: ages 7 & older, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.Adult, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.Residents: $70/Non-residents: $80(4-week sessions; 50% discount for additionalfamily member)


The following sports leagues are offered in the City of Tamarac.Please contact the sports league at the phone number providedfor more information.

Youth Sports Leagues Phone NumberLittle League 954-720-0301T-Ball/Coach Pitch 954-720-0301Youth Soccer 954-804-5022Youth Basketball 954-722-1166Girl’s Softball 954-720-7080Youth Football/ 954-721-5131Flag Football/Cheerleading

Adult Leagues Phone NumberMen’s Basketball 954-533-5538Men’s Softball 954-726-2013Men’s Soccer 954-553-0272Coed Softball 954-720-7103


Fitness SchedulePer class fees: Residents: $4/Non-residents: $5Fee for 10 classes: Residents: $36/Non-residents: $46Annual membership fee: Residents: $106/Non-residents: $159

Step AerobicsMondays &Wednesdays6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

PilatesMondays7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Boot CampWednesdays7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Hi/ Low Impact AerobicsTuesdays6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

YogaMondays 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Body SculptingThursdays and Fridays:6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


Swim LessonsSwim lessons areoffered for beginnerlevel swimmers.Swimmers will learnfront float, back float,and general arm andleg motions forswimming freestyleand backstroke.Parent – Tot:Ages 3 – 5Level 1:Ages 6 & olderLevel 2: IntermediateSaturdays, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.Residents: $40/Non-residents: $50

Water FitnessGet a total body workout to improve motor skills,balance, strength and posture. Moderate- to high-levelcardio.Mondays &Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.Residents: $45/Non-residents: $55

Pro-active ArthritisWater Exercise ClassWork on balance and coordination while increasingrange of motion, joint flexibility, muscle strength andcardiovascular fitness without causing strain.Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.Senior ProgramMembers: FreeNon-Senior ProgramMembers: $2


Visit the Caporella Aquatic Center located at 9300 NW 58th Street. Enjoythe many amenities, including a 25-meter swimming pool with zero-depthentry and slide; children’s water playground; 3,000 square-foot fitnessroom; locker rooms; picnic tables; a large pavilion; and concession stand.

Pool Hours:Weekdays• Pool: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.• Slide and Sprayground: 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Weekends• Pool: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.• Slide and Sprayground: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Early Lap Swimming:Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Pool Fees:Daily Fees (All must show ID) Resident Non-residentAdult $3 $3.50Senior*/Student/Military $2 $2.25Child (12 and under) $1.75 $2

Splash Card (10 visits) Resident Non-resident(All must show ID)Adult $27 $31.50Senior*/Student/Military $18 $20.25Child (12 and under) $15.75 $18*Seniors = 55 and older

Groups of 15 ormore people receive a 10% discount –must book in advance.For rental information and fees, please call 954-597-3660.


Get in shape by joining the Tamarac Wellness Center. The WellnessCenter offers free weights, machines, treadmills, elliptical cross trainers,recumbent lifecycles and more. Visit the Tamarac Wellness Center forinformation about membership fees and packages or call 954-597-3661.

Individual Membership (fees are pro-rated andmembershipsexpire on September 30, 2008)

Residents Non-ResidentsApril 1 $79.50 $132.50July 1 $39.75 $ 66.25One time visit $ 7.95 $ 9.01

April – June 2008

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The City of Tamarac’s newest park is going to the dogs – literally! Andwe need your help to name this newcanine paradise, where dogs and their owners canmeet and greet.Construction already has begun on Tamarac's first-ever dog park – the latest, exciting addition to the City’spark system. Approximately 3.5 acres in size, the dog parkwill be located on Southgate Boulevard just west ofUniversity Drive and Tamarac Veterans’ Park.Nowyou can submit your idea for naming the park. Entries will be accepted inMarch andshould be submitted inwriting to Director of Parks and RecreationGregoryWarnerat the Tamarac Community Center, 8601West Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac,Fla. 33321. Park information packets also are available at the Community Center.The City’s Parks and Recreation Boardwill review name submissions for thedog park and recommend the top three finalists in the competition. Notice ofthe finalists will be posted in the local newspaper once over a 30-day periodfor Tamarac citizens to review. All comments and recommendationsmust besubmitted inwriting to the Director of Parks and Recreation and postmarkedwithin the 30-day public-notice period. The top three recommended namesthenwill be submitted to the CityManager and brought before the CityCommission for final selection and approval.For further information or questions, please contact Director ofParks and RecreationGregoryWarner at 954-597-3620.

Calling All Residents To Name That Park