TappingForMiracles Bonus Gift

Post on 21-Apr-2015

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Do any of these sound familiar?

Miracles happen to other people, not me!

Everywhere I look I see scarcity and suffering in the world, but not many miracles!

I pray for miracles, hope for miracles, but they never show up.

Maybe God has forgotten about me.

You’re not alone. The second we say the word “miracles” we get triggered!

Welcome to your Bonus Gift!!!!

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 Copyright © 2012  Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com 



Tapping Points Basic Instructions: Using 2 fingers of either hand (or both hands if preferred), tap 7-8 times on each point. There are mirror image of points on both sides of the face and body, all can be used interchangeable or you can tap with two hands on both sets of points at once.

This is a forgiving process, DON'T WORRY...you can't do it wrong!

Top of Head

Optional Fingertip Points Great for discreet tapping!


Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Introduction - Theme Selection A First theme to test for yourself:

So, I want everyone to think about the New Year and think about your money goals,

wealth goals, business goals.

Test this phrase aloud in two ways:

I have to make it happen. (with all the emphasis on ‘have’ )

Notice the feeling in that, and how true it feels. What is the emotion?

Now say it this way with the emphasis on ‘make’.

I have to make it happen.

Notice the feelings in your body when you say it that way.

TappingRound1onThemeSelectionA:(KarateChopPoint)Even though the truth is I have to make it happen it’s all me, I’ve got to do it, I accept

all of me.

Even though I have to make this happen, I feel that pressure, that constriction, but I

can’t just let this go! I accept all of my feelings.

Even though the truth is, it’s all me. I’ve got to do it. I have to make this happen.

Otherwise I will fail, and that will be all on me. I love and accept myself anyway.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

It is all on me.

It’s always been on me.

I can’t just trust.

I can’t let go.

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

That would be slacking off

I have to make this happen,

Make it happen with my will,

With my own two hands,

My blood sweat and tears.

It’s exhausting,

But I keep doing it.

I got to make this happen.

Not a lot of fun in that.

A lot of pressure,

A lot of desperation,

Always battling failure.

So much at stake.

I can’t just trust in the Universe

That would be crazy

I’ve got to do it

It’s all me.

Tapping Round 2, Power Reframe on Theme Selection A: (KarateChopPoint)Even though I’ve built a life making stuff happen and I often say, oh I’ll just do it

myself, I usually do it better, I usually put in more time, and I do it to my standards, I’m

open to the idea that there’s a conflict in this for me. I’m not very open to help.

Even though I love getting stuff done, I love making great things happen, I’m open to

the idea, that I could be an amazing achiever, and have an open window to streams the

Divine brilliance, Divine guidance, inspiration, even miracles. That makes all my

achieving fun.

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Even though I’ve operated this way for a long time, saying, ‘No thanks, I got it. I’ve got

to do it all myself.’ I’m now opening a window, and I’m propping it open with a stick,

so I can’t close it easily. This window is open to the Divine co-creating with me. I

actually don’t need to do everything myself. I can’t always see the big picture. I don’t

really know the mind of God. Maybe God’s trying to give me more than I’ve even

dreamed of.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

I’ve been doing it this way for a long time.

If I trust and let go,

Would I judge myself a slacker?

Or naïve?

I wonder what would happen,

If I open this window

And allowed the Divine

To stream into my life,

Bringing me more brilliance,

More inspiration,

Absolute miracles,

Co-creating with me.

I wonder how that would feel.

I wonder how it would feel in my body,

To achieve that way.

This would feel different.

Retest original statement:

Say that again, ‘I have to make it happen.’

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Now try saying it this way:

‘I love making it happen.’

‘I have no idea what “it” is – but I love it!’

Introduction - Theme Selection B Test this: When you think about your life and how hard you’ve worked and how much

you’ve tried, I want you to think about the idea and say this out loud:

‘God has let me down.’

TappingRound1,ThemeSelectionB:(KarateChopPoint)Even though sometimes I feel that I’ve done my part, sacrificed, worked so hard, and

God has let me down. Why me? I see other people’s success. Why not me?! I accept all

my feelings about this.

Even though I have this deep sadness, about how hard I’ve worked and God letting me

down, maybe miracles are for other people, but not for me. I love and accept myself


Even though this is really hard to look at, there’s some hurt and sadness there, and a

really big question why? Why haven’t you given me more? I’m a really good person!

And I try so hard. When is it going to be my turn? I honor all of this anyway, even as

bad as it sounds.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

I’m supposed to be grateful,

And I am grateful

For so many things;

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

But I feel let down.

I’ve tried so hard.

Maybe it’s karmic.

Maybe it’s cosmic.

I feel like God is letting me down

Or maybe just ignoring me.

Questions about God,

Questioning God,

This sadness about how I feel,

And how much I’ve lost,

Feeling separated

From God,

From the Divine.

All this deep sadness,

All this old programming,

About the nature of God.

I honor all this sadness

And the price I’ve paid,

And I’m open to healing this

For my highest good.

TappingRound2,ThemeSelectionB:(KarateChopPoint)Even though I feel the deep sadness about this, and all the hidden assumptions I’ve

made – God must hate me! or at least not care; I love and honor me.

Even though I have all this deep sadness, which shows me how painful it is to carry this

belief, that God doesn’t love me, this separation from the Divine causes great pain, I’m

open to healing this mind body and soul.

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Even though I feel the sadness, because of this belief I’ve carried, this assumption that

I’ve made based on evidence, that God doesn’t care, or is out to get me, punishing me,

I’m open to healing this belief. It’s become a barrier to my connection to God. I’m open

to healing this.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

I forgive myself

For carrying this belief.

All the pain I feel

Shows me what it’s like

To believe that belief,

And carry it as Truth.

As I let go of this belief,

I heal the pain,

I release the sadness,

And I feel light.

I feel calm.

I feel Divine light,

From above me,

From around me,

From within me.

What if it’s always been there,

Waiting for me to let this go?

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Tapping Round 3, Power Reframe on Theme Selection B: (KarateChopPoint)Even though I’ve carried some really weird beliefs about God and lots of people have

helped me with those beliefs, I’m open to a whole new relationship with God, the

Divine, the Universe, all of it. I’m open to this unfolding in the right way for me.

Even though I feel really unsupported most of the time, I’m open to feeling totally

supported, Divinely held, and safe in the hands of God.

Even though I’m really focused on doing, I’ve been shut down to receiving, I’ve been

saying, “No thank you.” on some unconscious level, I’m choosing to be open to

receiving, all the miracles God has been sending me.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

I’m open to a stronger connection,

A stronger calling,

A stronger feeling of Divine love,

A stronger feeling of Divine forgiveness.

I’m open to a stronger feeling of acceptance,

Of all that I am,

As this is how God accepts me.

This is how S/He made me.

I’m open to feeling

The God light of my soul,

My eternal soul,

My connection to Source.

My soul doesn’t care what I get done.

My soul cares about me being me.

My soul cares about me walking my life purpose.

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

I’m open to feeling a stronger connection to my own soul,

A part of me that’s connected to the Divine,

The part of me that’s connected to miracles,

The part of me that remembers I’m a miracle.

TappingRound4,ThemeSelectionB:(KarateChopPoint)Even though I’m not a good receiver, (there, I said it!) I’m a fantastic giver. I forgive

myself for that, and I hope other people can forgive me too. It’s not fun to give to

someone who doesn’t receive well, and that’s been me. I’m open to growing myself into

a fantastic and gracious receiver.

Even though I’ve been saying, “No thank you.” to God and his miracles, I’m now open

to receiving and I’m going to practice every day, because I want to get it right.

Even though I haven’t been a great receiver , I accept all that I am, out of balance in that,

and I’m open tor growing myself into a fantastic receiver.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

I am open to receiving.

I’m open to receiving miracles.

I’m open to receiving money.

I’m open to receiving 10 bucks.

I’ll say thank you every time.

I’m open to receiving big things.

I’m open to receiving little things.

I’m open to receiving checks and cash.

I’m open to receiving help and support.

I’m open to receiving fantastic ideas,

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Million dollar ideas.

I’m open to receiving everything I need

To walk my life purpose.

I’m open to receiving it in Divine timing,

And I’m going to say, ‘Yes, thank you!’ all day long.

Thank you for money.

Yes to help.

Thank you for divine inspiration.

Yes to abundance,

In all its forms.

I’m saying yes to joy.

I’m saying yes to love.

I’m saying yes to heartfelt thank you’s

That others give to me.

I totally honor my deserving.

I’m now open to receiving

From the moment I wake up

To the moment I go to bed,

Thank you, thank you, all day long.

Introduction - Theme Selection C Look at the idea of this sentence:

The miracle that I want this year is money. Picture yourself standing there, and put

God in the picture. Now you’re standing there, and you’re holding up your income goal

on a big sign, and you’re holding it up to God, and you’re saying, ‘The miracle that I

want this year is money.’

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

And what I want you to do in that picture is look for any negative feeling there or any

judgment that you might be guessing God might have about your desire for your

miracle to be in the form of money, any judgment that God might have about your goal;

and anything about the way it feels for you to be standing there with God revealing how

much money you actually want.

TappingRound1,ThemeSelectionC:(KarateChopPoint)Even though the truth is the miracle I want this year is money, and I’m not sure how I

feel about that, I’m not sure how God would feel about that, I’m open to releasing all

my negative judgments about money. I’m open to allowing money to be a miraculous

swirling, nurturing, flow in my life. Money has been flowing through my life in a


I’m now allowing it to be a river.

Even though ‘miracles’ is a really big word, I’m open to being a miracle in my own life.

I’m open to being the miracle in other people’s lives.

Even though ‘miracles’ really seems like a stretch, I’m open to widening my view and

suddenly seeing miracles unfolding all around me, in every smile, in every sunset, and

every person.

Even though it’s hard to believe in miracles, I’m open to seeing the miraculous things

that have already happened in my life; how far I’ve come, how much I’ve manifested.

Now Tapping Through the Points:

The miracle I want this year is money,

And I have a lot of judgments about that,

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

And I worry God has those same judgments.

I’m ready to let go of that pretty bold assumption,

That I know the mind of God.

I’m open to allowing

Money to be a miraculous flow in my life,

Flowing and swirling and nurturing

In and out of my life.

Through money I’m connected to millions of people.

I’m connected through giving and receiving.

I’m connected through our value.

Money connects millions of people across the world.

I’m open to letting that swirling energy

Flow into my life like a river.

And I’m open to being a walking, talking miracle myself.

I’m open to being the miracle in my own life.

I’m open to being the miracle in the lives of others.

A miracle of self-acceptance,

A miracle of self-love,

A miracle of abundance,

Letting everyone around me feel that miracle too.

I’m open to all miracles showing up.

Little miracles,

Big miracles,

Miraculous inspired miracles.

I am now open to widening my view

And seeing miracles unfolding everywhere.

The miracle of every blade of grass,

Copyright © 2012 Margaret M. Lynch, EFT Expert, Success Coach Author of Secret of Intentional Wealth www.margaretmlynch.com

Of every hug offered and given (and received, – since we tapped on receiving)

And in that moment

I commit

That I will now pause

And allow that miracle

To wash over me,

Electrify me,

Inspire me,

Mind body and soul.

It’s 2012 and I am totally wired for miracles!!!!!!