Tarot by Eliane Arthman - baralhomariapadilha.com.br · Zé Pelintra's Tarot by Eliane Arthman ....

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Title: Eliane Arthman's Tarots: Maria Padilha's Tarot by Eliane Arthman Dona Sete's Tarot by Eliane Arthman Zé Pelintra's Tarot by Eliane Arthman

The creation of Maria Padilha's Tarot by Eliane Arthman

In the midst of July 1997, I sat on a chair by the dining room table, lit a candle and poured a glass of some sweet liqueur. The thing is I never drink alcohol, not even during Holyday Seasons. After having lit the candle I vibrated the name of all of my Masters, they are many! A few minutes after I started praying a light began to shine behind the wall and I could feel a subtle female presence. -The flame won´t go out! She whispered! Forever this memory will touch the free consciousness and the Masters of the Universe will use the symbols drawn today like gates to learning dimensions, allowing a glimpse of the future! The authorization has been given today! The gates have finally been opened, for I was given the authorization to open them! "Authorization?” I thought to myself. The two last words had just vibrated and suddenly there was no more room, candle, glass nor table. At that moment, I was the Infinite. I could hear many whispers saying prayers and I could see mandalas being drawn (I am not sure if they were dots, drawings or mandalas.) From within that Light came up different “consciousness” which soon gave way to a beautiful woman. She was all in red, and she had a black fascinator gripping her shiny hair while she smiled. I have always been shy so I felt awkward when I saw her shaking her shoulders and bending her head backwards.

While I followed her visually and analyzed her figure, my eyes started to observe many luminous points that, to my mind, had given ectoplasm in order to "shape" that interesting woman.

It was past midnight and all was silent since I lived in a quiet street in Barra da Tijuca neighborhood. I held the glass and drank its content in three sips popping my tong after every sip, showing pleasure and refilled it. - My Lord! I have never drunk like this! Ever! (I was in awe.) Although my mind was alert, I was unable to control my moves or my thoughts. I could not understand that yellowish light coming from behind the wall, which seemed to be from a fire, which was yellow at its borders and very white in its core. There was no wall. No, I mean, there was! It wasn´t materialized at that moment though, for I could see through it. I did not see it with my eyes or hear it with my ears. In an altered state of consciousness, I began to draw the first card, which was in fact the Card #2, by the sound of millions of voices in prayer.

Even if I could understand those prayers the language in which they were spoken, was unknown to me. -Listen! Every card from this tarot will have a part of me. Do you understand? She asked with a firm and sweet voice. I was kind of hypnotized paying attention to her lipstick color while she was speaking and therefor I did not react to the question. I only came back to myself when I heard her pleasant laughter. -Yes, ma'am! I said recomposing myself on the chair. She was sharing the chair with me, at my right, writing with her hand on top of mine. I did not realize, at that moment, she was writing with her right hand and so was I. Therefore, she was sitting at the same spot as me, but her “consciousness” was away from mine. She pushed me gently, as if I were in her way. Before I could fall from the chair, I stood up. As I stood up I was surprised by the view of a road, alongside it there was an ocean. On its surface, there were millions of light bulbs lit and floating. There used to be a wall-to-wall mirror in the dining room but it had disappeared! Soon I could feel that the energy coming from the ocean was wonderful like a balm but somehow I felt the ocean did not belong from Earth. It belonged in a world from another dimension. Ahead there were coaches pulled by horses and a fire, gypsies danced around it, they clapped and sang joyfully. I couldn’t help joining in the dance and having fun as well, a little further I saw a slave cabin lit with many lamps, where black men and women clapped their hands, played drums and danced happily, surrounded by Orishas (that even though had no material bodies, could be seen by everyone around.). There was also a Cemetery Cross, illuminated by a pale red light almost pink, close by there was a large Fig tree, under the tree there were three beautiful women. I came close and could see: the first was Ms. Maria Padilha, the second was Ms. Rosa Tata of Calunga and the last one was Ms. Maria Mulambo. Many other “Marias”, hidden by the night, had also been there sending out grace and “axe”, in order to keep the clearing in the woods open until the whole message would have been sent out. They got the Light coming from the Full Moon and had their paths blessed by “Olorum, the Creator of the Universe! All those places I have visualized were part of the spiritual journey of the, until then, mysterious woman: Sea herds, Gypsy Clans, Old-Black Folks and the People of the Calunga! She also worked in many different dimensions in other worlds! In the background of all the places I have been there was always the full moon, emanating its chants and mysteries, as if it were a Queen of the Night. -Did you like my drawings? Her joyful voice brought me back from the dimensions I had been visiting. I looked at all the drawings and it was as if the Tarot’s cards were ready: the black backdrop, featuring white, golden and red motifs! The reverse of the cards contained seven red roses. It was very beautiful!

- Miss! I called her. What’s all this?

- “This”is an Oracle! She laughed. It will be dismantled in different oracles, when the

time comes! I looked at the cards again and, mentally, I could understand all they meant. She exhaled a delicious scent, I could never tell from which “Maison” it came from. The lace she was wearing made a very interesting noise, but what truly enchanted me was her humility and empathy. She treated me in a very kind and elegant manner. She explained everything calmly, never getting angry or hasty at my stupefaction. I had no clue of who she was … I thought she was some sort of noblewoman or maybe a European courtesan.

- Miss! – I called her again. Sorry to ask but… What’s your name? Quickly she left the chair she had been sharing with me and holding her skirt took a bow before me:

- I am Ms. Maria Padilha of the Souls, young Lady! The vibration as she spoke made me tremble from head to toes. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again the wall was materialized once more, and all I had seem vanished like a magic trick. Her voice still echoed in my ears, for she came that night to open a Gate, after working a great lot, she insisted in getting God`s permission for all this with the approval of the Higher Spirits. This Gate would also be opened in the souls of those who used the Oracle created by her. I have only been an instrument. It belongs to all of those who respect and follow Ms. Maria Padilha, too! Although she passed on to me all her intuition regarding this Tarot she didn’t allow me to interfere in the meaning of each card, because each instructor would have their own interpretation of each of the cards depending on its position during the reading. She didn’t want to divulge how one should display the cards in order not to interfere negatively with the new instructors. I had to insist and nearly beg her to let me make a video showing the way I played the cards, since it wasn’t clear in the booklet that comes with the Tarot. She told me each set of her Tarot would have a Guardian, chosen by her, who would be responsible for the activation and preservation of the powers of the game. She also said I shall never deny authorization to those who want to organize introduction courses on how to read this Tarot, for her Herds and Her, had foreseen it all.

Even when it came to sanctifying the Tarot, she told me it should be done freely by each one I shouldn’t interfere in anything related to the Oracle. (She confined that all Tarots would already come sanctified by her.) I accepted everything she kindly asked of me, for I felt she made a strong point at reminding me of who the author of the Tarot was.

The difficult lesson In 2001, after been going to Mini Cidade do Amor, (mini city of love), of Friar Luis in Boiuna, since November 2000, I found out I had lung cancer. I told my daughter I would go to Medjugorje, Hezergovina, in July 2001, to see the Virgin Mary, to ask Her to cure me of the pain I felt on the right side of my face, which led me to remove all my teeth from the upper dental arch. It seemed the pain was coming from that spot but the teeth seemed perfect after the removal. The pain I felt was a “reflected pain” I later found out it came from the cancer of the right lung. The worst thing was, I wouldn’t be going to Medjugore to see the Virgin Mary, because once you are diagnosed with cancer, you can’t travel. It was very difficult to learn I had cancer which made me deeply disappointed with my Master. So I cast Him away from my life Even though I have spent my whole life speaking of Him, I couldn’t count on His mercy so I could have a milder diagnosis. (I treat Him as a He for I was told, years later, that “He” comes from a phantom reality where there is no form or name!) My sister, who is a doctor, tried to calm me down and to convince me to undertake chemotherapy, for I refused the treatment. She made me think of the possibility my daughter have some kind of disorder for seeing her mother perish a little each day until consumed by the disease. The tumor was huge and it had spread into the right lung. I had to go through chemo so as to try to shrink the tumor so the lung could be safely removed. Two days after the second chemo session, I couldn’t eat or drink anything. Early in the afternoon I wasn’t feeling well and I was sure my time had come. I told the maid, who worked for me, I wouldn’t make it to the following day and she lamented. I took the little strength I still had on me and I decided to take a shower because I knew I would have to stay in the hospital. It was Thursday, June 2001. I sat in the bathtub and let the water from the shower fall on my head. Meanwhile I thought of saying goodbye, while I was still alive, to the Master I loved so much.

At this very moment, I left my body and walked through a long, dark corridor until the entrance of my being. I opened the door and there He was, at the sill, shrunk at the door-frame, with His head down and with His arms around the knees. He looked up softly and faced me, not disguising His deep sadness.

- You have abandoned me!

I trembled from head to toes at the sound of His voice!

- I would never abandon You, Sir! I thought you didn’t love me anymore!

I tried to disguise but I was breathless.

- I make you an instructor and I always made it clear that those who follow me won’t have any privileges nor shall be spared!

His intonation seemed like an innocent’s who tried to justify himself, and for that I resented myself! Still retracted at the door-frame He spoke, or better yet, He whispered:

- Listen, the worst parent is the one who prevents a daughter from suffering, as the worst teacher is the one who takes the test for the student! You know this well!

I knelled before Him, because I didn’t resist the love flow He was emanating. He quickly took me in His arms and held me there for a long time.

- Don’t you knell before me for I consider my lamb not different from me!

I tried to free myself because I didn’t want His embrace or His love! It was too late! I would leave my body and I would lose myself in the unconsciousness of those who have been forgotten! But I had to say goodbye…

- My Lord, I will leave my body today…

I could barely speak, I was breathless.

- I will no longer follow You. I will leave this body and go straight to hell!

- Will you leave this body?

- Yes, Sir. I will!

- Why do you want to go to hell?

- Because I don’t deserve the blessing of your Love! He embraced me again.

- I will go to hell with you, girl!

- No, Sir!

I responded in awe by all that.

He held and examined my hands as if He could see all of my spiritual journey through the lines of my Destiny!

- Anywhere my friends go, I will follow them!

That statement echoes in my ears until today. I finished my shower, put some clothes on and headed to the clinic.

And I survived!

One night, three months after surgery, a little past midnight, I was still parted from the spiritual world, when something woke me, a noiseless noise.

As I opened my eyes I saw a woman sitting by the bed on the floor.

She was rolling a cigarette and before her there was a glass full of a bubbly drink with her red lipstick marks on it.

It seemed like the floor had yellowish lights under it, which gave her a wonderful and supernatural glow. I soon realized who she was, because she was elegant, wearing red lace and her beautiful black hair cascaded over her right shoulder, until under her breast.

The tinkling of her ornaments, her long red nails, ensured me of her identity.

I didn’t care about her or anybody else! On the contrary, I wanted distance!

Where had she been all the time I searched for help? Where had “Tranca-Ruas das Almas” (Lock-Road of the Souls) been, when I felt weak before the pain and the spiritual questioning?

She lifted her head and looked at me with her eyes moistened.

She soon started to speak, still rolling her smoke with her hands.

- We were poised, because the mentors of Friar Louis guaranteed you would survive.

Every time we searched for them, they would kindly come to us and clarified the good auspices of your case.

She dropped the cigarette and grabbed the glass to take a sip.

The day you took the surgery, we were all near you, we stayed outside the operation room, respectfully gathered, without any fear regarding your life. But after long hours waiting we saw a majestic figure that, even though it didn’t emit any light, had such great energy that moved us all.

He looked like a Master. He asked us to form a line for you would make the passage.

He said, upon your passage, we would lose all contact with you and we would go back to where we belonged.

He asked us to follow him to the operation room so we could embrace you before you were led to other spiritual grounds.

All those who composed the Crossroads and Cemeteries Herds, including myself were surprised with what we’d heard. We considered ourselves so strong, yet we weren’t given the chance of counteracting the Black Magic cowardly done against you in the cemetery to harvest your life.

We didn’t want to stay there because we felt that situation was so unfair. The Masters had guaranteed you would be fine! Thus being we disobeyed the orders and went off.

We wandered for an infinite time through deserted and silent streets, as if we were in a ghost city. We wanted vengeance from the woman who associated with Darkness to harm you. Though we walked exhaustively, we would always end up at the same place we started, the hospital’s entrance.

At last, we have been defeated by our own weakness and incompetence upon such a crucial moment when we wanted to prove our devotion to you.

We soon heard the voice of the Spiritual Master who had previously been in the hospital with us.

- Who are you looking for, my children? His intonation was similar to one of a caring father speaking to his dear children. There is no one to revenge! How can a student want vengeance from a teacher who gave him a difficult task? Consequently giving the pupil, by doing so, a great opportunity for intellectual growth. The lesson has to be learned! No matter how hard it is! No one is guilty! The woman who performed the work of magic gave you all, including this one who is parting from life, the chance to regenerate through the gift of forgiveness. You had to learn her lessons through your own experiences. And she, who parts from her body today, gave you all this unique opportunity, for she never retreated! One can never negotiate with the lessons of the inevitable! Do not lament! Come with me, she will be pleased to see you!

We were disoriented so we were thankful for the enlightening words.

Back to the operation room, we saw a doctor ask the anesthesiologist to go outside and say the lung wasn’t coming out. He would then close the cut and end the operation, without removing it.

Suddenly the door through which the anesthesiologist had left, swung open and we could see a tall and strong men, dressed in white, who looked like a doctor. We were unable to decipher if he was dead or living, for his vital energy seemed neutralized.

Unnoticing us, he put his right hand inside the incision the surgeon had made and said a few words we could not understand.

Soon, we saw many dark figures being formed, a multitude of them. The main figure had a horrendous look and howled to the man who had the hand in the incision:

- Get your hand out of there, she is with us! She’s been demanded and we are going to

take her!

We hadn’t noticed any spirits there they made themselves visible after that man entered the room.

- Where is her merit, having her life harvested by you?

The horrendous figure had a moment of hesitation for he didn’t understand what the man had in mind. Taking advantage of that the man inquired again:

- Where was her mistake? Where did she give you way, in this case, for your sinister intentions?

Still confused the figure responded:

- Well, well… She has been a heavy smoker, do you see!? She never cared about her health! This was the path through which we entered her body, with the help of microscope beings of the first dimension. They gave us the neoplastic bacteria we needed to take her away from her body!

After the explanation the man laughed, a hoarse and screechy laughter that made the room shake. It seemed like a display of power. Before his laughter stopped echoing, the man spoke once more:

- So if her error is at the lung, take it with you!

Once more the figure looked puzzled, not knowing what to do: - No way! It said. She’s been asked for and we have orders to take her with us!

- But you can only go where her merit can’t reach! I will show you then!

The man moved his hands over the body and it gained light, shining colors, projecting many enlightened faces at the ceiling and at the room’s wall, leaving the man and all his crowd scared. The lights went round and round the room like a multi-color hurricane, provoking unspeakable emotions on everyone there. We saw the inhabitants of hell being looked after by their guides, disguised in demons. We then began to see the herds with whom you had worked with and which we had not even heard of. There were lepers, mentally disabled, suicidal, some with incurable diseases and the exorcist saints. The only part that remained visible, carnal, human, touchable had been the lung that was dark due to the disease. The Figure, that claimed your body and so your life, didn’t know what to do in order to take you with them. The man in white accessed the incision made by the doctor again and effortlessly took out the organ, placing it at the hands of those who claimed it. That was the end of a plot that in fact had been a memorable encounter between Darkness and Light. The figure stood there holding the organ not wanting to exit the room, distracted by all that had happened. The lights then penetrated the spiritual bodies of all of those in the room, causing such sensations they have never experienced before. At that exact moment, the surgeon tried and finally was able to remote the lung, place clips at the bronchi and make the organ pass by the rib cage. We were very pleased to have you with us! She took one more sip of the sparkling wine she’d be holding and lifted it smiling.

- A toast to life!

Explanatory Booklet

The meaning of the cards

So now, let’s take this journey on the meaning of the cards and its probable readings in the game. I would also like to point out that in beginning of the game we shouldn’t ask the consultant what subject have brought them there. We shall ask the person to shuffle the cards, then split them in two and then reassemble them. After they should make the Mystic Cross: which consists of nine mounts placed five vertically and four horizontally, in the shape of a cross. This way you will see clearly the reason that brought the consultant to you!

The Mystic Cross

Remember that the same cards may have different meanings when positioned in different places. Horizontally they may present a meaning, diagonally another meaning, vertically a third meaning and yet another meaning when the cards cross in the end of the game. The figures “The Consultant – male”, The Consultant – female”, “An intermediate man” and “An intermediate woman” may also suffer this variation. Example: a card that horizontally displays the consultant’s mother vertically may be his lover, diagonally his “Pomba-Gira” and when crossing the cards his boss, etc. It’s very important to observe the cards around every time, without being stuck in only one meaning.

How to lay Maria Padilha’s Tarot

Shuffle the card deck thinking about the question or the purpose of the consultation. Place it on the table in front of you face down. Put your hand over the deck, cut it into two or three parts and reunite the cards into one part. Holding the deck on one hand fan the cards into small groups (careful not to place too many cards on one pile so you can’t complete all the piles) in the shape of a cross, five piles on the vertical and four on the horizontal. Make the cross top-bottom, five piles vertically and four horizontally. In case you are reading for someone, ask the consultant to place the cross in front of him or her.

Example: [01] [06] [07] [02] [08] [09] [03] [04] [05] The vertical cards are read freely, based on the position and meaning of each card.

The cards that appear on the consultant’s left side (cards 06 and 07) refer to personal, family or love life topics. The cards that appear on the consultant’s right side (cards 08 and 09) refer to work, financial or away-from-home topics. Reading flow will improve with practice. The cross should be done three times before the full reading. For the full reading, the cards should be displayed into four rows with nine cards each. [01]-[02]-[03]-[04]-[05]-[06]-[07]-[08]-[09]




(Attention: The numbers above refer to the order in which the cards should be displayed and not to the cards’ original numbers.)

The meaning of the cards: Card 01 – The crystals Virtues, Wisdom Depending on the cards around, it can mean the intercession of a good counselor, a guide or Master on behalf of the consultant. This card emits light and positivity. It represents a magician or a Spiritual Master in which the consultant believes. It also means a Star that enlightens the whole game. I could also represent an “Orisha” crown, if it is besides cards: 14, 25, 26 or 27. It transforms the negative into good vibrations. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means the consultant has spiritual merits that will help in his or her life journey. Card 02 – The Pencil Breaking News This is a neutral, supporting card that points out “time”. It indicates that things are going to happen soon. It doesn’t just refer to our daily life or facts that are happening around us but it also signals, depending on the cards around it, what is coming on the near future. It’s the

game of life that makes us careful and thoughtful before we make any move, because afterwards that move can make all the difference. In case this card is the first on the Mystic Cross, it represents facts that have just happened or facts that are about to happen. This card plays a supporting role it will depend on the cards around it to be truly and clearly interpreted. Card 03 – The Glove Past, Lost Love This is a neutral card, supporting as well, that also underlines “Time”, but in a different way. It advises that one should accept life’s limitations and unpredictability. It points out slowness regarding old facts that relate to contemporary facts. It may indicate the return, presence or memory of someone who has been in the consultant life and they are remembered or reappear. It also indicates old facts that were important in the consultant’s life. Ex.: in case it comes besides card 09, it may indicate a disease, depression or a problem of spiritual order, etc, that the consultant or someone close had long ago. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates that facts from the past are influencing the consultant’s life at present. This card revolves the consultant’s inner-self, exposing unresolved or poorly resolved problems. Such problems should be revisited or reanalyzed so they can be worked out. In some rounds, The Glove card may indicate slowness or delay. It can signal that facts that happened in the past, good or bad, related to different aspects can be intertwined with current affairs. It can refer to work (Card 22), family (Card 32), Justice (Card 17), Affections (Cards 21, 14, 35, 34) or Passion (Card 13). The cards around it should be analyzed, for the best possible interpretation of the game. Card 04 – The Candle Magic, Witchcraft The Candle card recommends caution, when it comes alone. Although showing some tension, it emits neutrality and points out Spirituality. It may represent the Gypsies and the way they deal with events as well as how they solve serious problems with songs and dances. It can also indicates, a Mermaid song or mantra that exorcizes and removes the bad energies after showing them to the consultant. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates the strong presence of messengers that carry not such pleasant news, but which can be solved and healed with the help of the People of the Street. It is important to observe the cards around it. (This card indicates the presence and intercession of those who live in the “backstage” of life.) We need to verify what the true intentions of these presences are and we can do it by analyzing the surrounding cards. These presences can be from the Crossroads, Woods, Seas or Gypsies. They could also be “eguns”, evil or dominating spirits. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it may indicate trouble sleeping or some psychological discomfort that hinders the consultant’s life. This card also refers to the spiritual magic or may be something that involves a person’s enchants or charisma.

Card 05 – The Coins

Coins, Wealth This card reveals prosperity or luck on material ways. It is a positive card that signals good auspices. It may indicate the presence of Orishas like “Obara”, “Ogun” or “Oxossi”. In one of the possible variations it may be transformed into a spear of a Native Warrior or even into a trident. It could also represent Saint Michael’s shield or it could illustrate the presence of “Oxum”, who is known as “The Mother of Gold”.

Although this card brings good auspices, it can be transformed into shortage or damages, when surrounded by negative cards. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates financial matters in the consultant’s life. It’s important to check the cards around it. Card 06 – The Flower Vase Good News, Good Words, Good Perspectives, Good Auspices. This card minimizes the negativity from the cards around it. It states that things will improve. This is a positive, self-explaining card. It signals a period of hope and protection. Everything will be softened and the gates and paths will be more “flexible” for the person. It is a card that represents a spiritual protection which allows the consultant’s to breathe in fresh air and recover from the daily struggles.

In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means the consultant’s paths will be softened and he or she will be rewarded for the study, sacrifices and courage they have had. The spiritual compensations shall protect the person through their spiritual merits, because of their efforts and dedication. It is important to observe the cards that come around it. Card 07 – The Moon reflected on the Sea Sadness, Depression, Tears. This card indicates that the consultant will go through a period of trial and it could also mean emotional imbalance. In case it starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates that the person may need psychological help, either professional or from people who give emotional support and stimulate the person daily. The cards around it will demonstrate which area of the person’s life will be affected by this card and what the perspectives of recovery are.

Card 08 – The Lit Bulb Surprises This card has a clear and positive value, indicating something unpredicted will come up. It may be a spiritual light, someone’s kindness, the hope of a better life, good intuitions or even pregnancy. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means good auspices, good news on the way, good intuitions, an exceptional physical healing, peace of mind or recognition in the person’s life. The cards around it should be observed as well. Card 09 – The Black Armchair Death or Someone who has gone away This is a mystic and tense card, it highlights spirituality, mediumship, disease, secrets, magic and even psychiatric disorder. It may reflect the help of spiritual friends or it might as well indicate the presence of those who should be treated carefully and attentively like “eguns”, evil or dominating spirits. This card shows different kinds of problems. One must be careful and attentive analyzing its meaning. I am going to give a few examples of possible meanings: depression, disease (severe), secrets, black magic, gossip, psychological problems and distress. It will all depend on the game or part of the game. The cards around it should be the thermometer. We can’t say it’s a bad card. Not at all! There are “demons” that work in the name of God and this card may indicate the spiritual “condition” of a figure that permeates the person, as when the person of whom you speak is incarnated. It could also indicate the presence of an “Exu” or of a “Pomba-Gira”. But as I explained in the beginning of this booklet, all cards have different a meaning according to the position in which they appear in the game, depending on how the tarot is read: horizontally, vertically, diagonally or when the cards are crossed. So in case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means the person is in a “carnal” moment of his or her journey, which demands spiritual responsibilities that require attention, care and effort from the consultant. The cards around it should be analyzed for a better interpretation of the game. Card 10 – Tight knots on a Rope Entanglements and Difficulties, Confusion, Misunderstandings. This is a tense and provocative card that demands attention and observation. This card may also mean bad intuition, bad influences, difficulties in finding and understating Destiny’s

signals, misconceptions, entangled routes and misunderstandings in interpersonal relationships. If this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means the consultant needs to pay more attention to his or her strategies, seeking a greater perception in order to overcome obstacles. It is important to analyze the cards around it. Card 11 – The Menorah Higher Spirituality This is a card that emits light and positivity. It represents God, “Orunmila”, a Wizard or a Spiritual Master in which the person believes. It may mean that a big Sun is illuminating the whole game. In other rounds, it may represent an Orisha crown. We should pay attention to its position on the game, for it may also mean the person’s Guardian Angel is willing to leave a message or a warning. It is the opposite of card 12, which represents the Lower Spirituality. This card brings good auspices, smoothing in a certain way some of the negative meaning of the cards around it and it shows that the person is going to be blessed. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means that God’s Light is close to the person and he or she can believe happiness is on its way. (The Menorah or the candelabrum with seven branches is one of the most known symbols mentioned in the Bible. The Book of Exodus mentions the history of how Moses had a Divine revelation at Mount Sinai. It concerned the construction of the tabernacle, with details of its inner and outer parts and how this “candelabrum” or Menorah would fit in it.) Card 12 – The Dagger

Lower Spirituality This is a mystic and tense card that highlights spirituality. It may reflect the help of spiritual friends or it might as well indicate the presence of those who should be treated carefully and attentively like “eguns”, evil or dominating spirits. It will all depend on the cards displayed on the game. The other cards will work as a thermometer of the energy from this card. We can’t say it’s a bad card. Not at all! There are “demons” that work in the name of God and this card may indicate the spiritual “condition” of a figure that permeates it, as when the person of whom you speak is incarnated. It could also indicate the presence of an “Exu” or of a “Pomba-Gira”. But as I explained in the beginning of this booklet, all cards have different meanings according to the position in which they appear on the game, depending on how the game is read: horizontally, vertically, diagonally or when the cards are crossed. So in case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means the person is in a “carnal” moment of his or her journey, which demands spiritual responsibilities that require attention, care and effort from the consultant.

The cards around it should be analyzed for a better interpretation of the game. (This card refers to the intermediate spirits that work for the dimension in which we live. They are called “Peoples of the Way”. They are the ones who materialize, on this plan, the orders given by the Hierarchies of Light.)

Card 13 – The Goblet served by the Hand with the Snake Ring. Betrayal This card emits strong sensual and carnal vibrations and that’s why it requires attention in its interpretation. It may often indicate an undeclared desire or it can signal many kinds of betrayals, like from a spouse, friend, boss or business partner, etc. It may also indicate a rational person. Someone who despites believing in God, lives with the heart and mind devoted to material facts. It can also signify desire or sexual attraction. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it may signal the consultant has been, is or will be cheated or yet that any of the meaning corresponding to this card may occur. It’s important to observe the cards around it. (We should analyze the cards around it in order to identify where this cheating is coming from. But after some experience with the Tarot, we can verify that some entities may manifest through it. Among these we can find “Exus” and “Pombas-Gira”. That’s why it is important to analyze this card’s meaning deeply). Card 14 – The Gold Bracelet Great Love This is an emotional or affective card, in a certain way it needs other cards to have its meaning clarified. But anyways it’s a card that emits positivity, being able to neutralize or mitigate the meanings that try to unbalance it. This card shows kindness, good intentions and true love. Surrounded by certain cards it could suggest the present of the Goddess or Orisha: “Oxum”. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it may be the beginning of a new friendship, a true love relationship, a new job long awaited by the person or a happy event that will bring joy to the consultant’s life. It’s important to observe the cards around it so the consultee can interpret its meaning more appropriately. (This card refers to a romantic event. After analyzing the cards around it, one will understand which context or situation it refers to. Sometimes it can be interpreted as a promising partnership or sympathy among friends). Card 15 – The Triangle and The Egg

Trips, Life Changes This is a neutral card and it has a clear meaning. It refers to a change or trip. Another meaning could be inconstancy, indecision. It could also indicate a distant place, overseas or even a foreigner or someone who works as a flight attendant or a crew member or someone who travels constantly. The meaning of this card will vary depending on the cards around it. Possible meanings may include: the deities or Orishas that control the seas, psychic variations and mood swings, like bi-polar syndrome or even pregnancy. As it represents change it may refer to any aspect of the consultant’s life, including a change of mind or heart. Its main idea is change: a change of job, house, relationship status, social status, religion or trips. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it represents change in the consultant’s life and it’s important to observe the cards around it to know where this change will come from.

Card 16 – The Portrait of a Clown

Joy and Celebration This card has a joyful and easy-going “feeling”, which soften the cards around it. It may announce the arrival of a child or signal that soon a desire or dream will come true. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates surprising news. But to know what kind of surprises, we need to observe the cards around it on the game. This card refers to happiness and fulfillment in some aspects of the consultant’s life.

Card 17 – The Scale

Justice, Emotional Balance This is a neutral card that points out justice and equilibrium. It may refer to obstacles and barriers or indicate a lawyer, a judge, a law suit, an inventory or an Orisha called “Shango”. It may also mean: a tumor, an aneurism or an abscess or yet the need for balance and peace of mind to solve or think of solutions to difficult matters. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it refers to legal matters, law suits, trials, admission papers, some position at any government level or other topics involving justice. It is important to check the cards around it to have a better interpretation of the game.

Card 18 – The Red Rose Long Paths, Slow Coming News

This is a neutral, supporting card that highlights the idea of “Time” and advises that one should accept life’s limitations and unpredictability. It describes slowness regarding old facts that relate to contemporary facts. It may indicate the return, presence or memory of someone who has been in the consultant’s life and is remembered or reappears. It also indicates old facts that were important in the consultant’s life. Ex.: in case it comes besides card 09, it may indicate a disease, depression or a problem of spiritual order, etc, that the consultant or someone close had long ago. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates that facts from the past are influencing the consultant’s life at present. This card revolves the consultant’s inner-self, exposing unresolved or poorly resolved problems. Such problems should be revisited or reanalyzed in so they can be worked out. In some rounds, card 18 may indicate slowness or delay. It can signal that facts that happened in the past, good or bad, related to different aspects of the person’s life can be intertwined with current affairs. It can refer to work (Card 22), family (Card 32), Justice (Card 17), Affections (Cards 21, 14, 35, 34). The cards around it should be analyzed, for a better interpretation of the game. Card 19 – The Lit Cigarette Vices or Stubbornness This card is tense and requires attention. It describes misconduct, compulsion, immoderate or non-standard behavior. It advises the person to revise his or hers thoughts and actions, which could be somehow sick or ill-intended. This card points out one should be careful with permissiveness. Another possible meaning refers to the need to “unload” or clean bad energies. The person or the house could be cleaned off these bad energies or influences by burning an incense stick or frankincense.

In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it indicates one should be careful with one’s own actions, in order to prevent undesirable reactions. Card 20 – The Red Bulb Danger or Difficulties along the way This card is tense and may indicate danger. This card is a warning for risk or harmful situations. It could also mean that negative thoughts are preventing the person from gaining the victory. It is advisable that person be careful with his or her own safety. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates vulnerability in some aspect of the consultant’s life. It is an alert so as to make the person aware of a possible risk or danger in the person’s daily life.

Card 21 – The Bride’s Veil Marriage This is a neutral, self-explaining card. Beside other cards it can have its meaning altered but without losing its original essence. Beside card 35, it may mean break up, divorce, the end of a friendship, business partnership or other. Beside other cards its meaning may be altered but its main idea will remain. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it indicates that matters regarding marriage, friendship, business partnership or related subjects will be present in the consultant’s life. We should analyze the cards around it for clearer understanding of the game.

This card may also refer to union or alliance in many aspects of the consultant’s life. It could mean a business partnership, marriage or a romantic proposal, or even a financial surprise in the person’s economic life. Card 22 – The Hand Shake Alliance or New Business Opportunities This is a neutral, supporting card. It underlines Business and Profession.

Even though this card may have its meaning altered when surrounded by negative cards, it indicates the arrival of new financial or professional opportunities in the consultant’s life. It could also indicate spiritual, philosophical or holistic work. A third meaning points out: doctor’s appointments, diagnoses, a post-graduate degree or the arrival of a new employee, etc. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it indicates that the consultant’s life will be entailed with financial or professional matters. It’s important to observe the cards around this one in order to get a better interpretation of the game. This card can also refer to new opportunities that will come to the person’s life: a new partnership, an expansion in business or someone new and important in the consultant’s life. Card 23 – The Anchor Confirmation This is a neutral and supportive card among those that are around it. It could also indicate a lock or barrier on the person’s way. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it shows a confirmation at a given matter of the consultant’s life. The cards around should be observed for the best interpretation of the game. This card confirms the cards around it.

Card 24 – The Pair of Pants

An intermediate person (man) This card refers to a man and the cards around it may indicate who this is or even if it is an Orisha, a protector or even an enemy (“egun”, an evil, dominating or haunting spirit) that follows the consultant. Card 25 – The Skirt

An intermediate person (woman) This card refers to a woman and the cards around it may indicate who this is. It may even be an Orisha, a protector or even an enemy (an evil, dominating or haunting spirit) that follows the consultant. Card 26 –The Silhouette of a Woman The consultant (in case it’s a woman) This card portraits the consultant (in case it’s a woman) or the consultant’s wife, fiancée or lover.

Card 27 –The Silhouette of a Man

The consultant (in case it’s a man) This card portraits the consultant (in case it’s a man) or the consultant’s husband, fiancé or lover. Card 28 – The Hound A Friend or Ally This is a neutral and supportive card. It may indicate the help of a faithful friend, carnal or spiritual or it can point out a good friend. In some rounds it might suggest the presence of a spiritual friend close to the consultant.

Card 29 – The Star of David Victory This is a positive and self-explaining card. It means that blessings and spiritual protection will come to the consultant’s life. If it comes beside a figure it may show the presence of a saint protector or even someone who could act positively in some aspect of the consultant’s life. A negative card beside it can alter its meaning but it will never become totally harmful. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it indicates victory or a great protection that shields the consultant’s ways, allowing the person to reach their goals peacefully. It’s important to consider the cards around it for a better interpretation of the game. Card 30 – The Horseshoe Good Luck This is a neutral and supporting card that interacts with the ones around it. It refers to luck or good-fortune in some aspect of the consultant’s life. In case it stars the Mystic Cross it means the person will be successful in some area of his or her life. But this meaning may vary according to the cards around it and also depending on the question the consultant might have asked. Card 31 – The Rascal

Theft, Loss, Harm or Someone Dangerous This is a tense card that in some cases may have a spiritual meaning. In some cases it advises the consultant to be careful with transactions in general, as in signing a contract or closing any kind of deal that requires the person’s signature or official papers. In other cases it may signal the interference of spiritual entities connected with The Gypsies or with “the People of the Street” like “Zé Pelintra” and many others traced in different lines and spiritual herds that want to show, offer help or alert for danger. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it means the consultant should beware of topics involving money, buying a house, personal security or of the so called “false friends”. The cards around it should be observed for a better interpretation of the game. Card 32 – The House Window Home, Family, Intimacy, Inner-self, Personal Impressions This is a neutral and supporting card that needs the visualization of the surrounding card to be fairly analyzed. It refers to family or personal affairs. It could also mean that the consultant is keeping something deep down inside, as their own impressions or sometimes it could be the intimate of someone else, in case cards 25 and26 are around it. It may relate to a family

affair or something that involves family members or close friends. Its value will be given according to its position on the game. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross, it refers to facts that happened inside the family or inside the consultant. It’s important to observe the cards around it to have a better interpretation of the game. Card 33 – The Exit Door Outside, Away-from-Home This is a neutral and self-explaining card. It refers to matters involving facts that happened at work, in the streets or out of the house, or family matters, that concern family members who don’t live with the consultant or home related topics that may happen at the children’s school or workplace. It may indicate a family member will move out of the house to move into another house or to live abroad. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it means the consultant will deal with various topics away from home, these matters may include work, legal issues, fights, love, passion etc, depending on the cards around which must be carefully observed. Card 34 – Butterflies on Flowers Happy Marriage This is an emotional, affective card that in a certain way needs other cards to have its meaning revealed. But anyhow this card emits positivity, being able to neutralize and alleviate the meanings that tend to unbalance the consultant. This card may indicate kindness, good intentions, true love and also show the presence of someone who is well-intended in the consultant’s life. Beside card 25 it could point out the presence of an Orisha or deity called “Oxum”. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it indicates the arrival of a new friendship, true love or along wanted job or position that shall bring joy to the consultant’s life. The cards around should be observed so as to have its meaning clarified. Card 35 – The Broken Chain Break up, Separation This is a neutral and self-explaining card. It evokes separations, break-ups, dissolutions, a surgery, a part of the body being drained, someone’s death or parting, the cut from a disease or its cure, job dismissal, severance or elimination of a position. It’s important to analyze the cards around it to come to clear conclusions. It could also mean the sword or arrow of an Orisha, once it can represent a cutting tool or war. In case this card starts the Mystic Cross it means something or someone has been cut off the consultant’s life. Something extinguished. Observe the cards around it carefully.

Card 36 – Sunny Ways

Free, Open Roads This card is positive and it brings in itself good auspices, growth and good expectations in life. It means that the consultant will feel a vital or intellectual power that will guide him or her through their projects. As if something in which they have been working on would suddenly speed up, flow or expand, stimulating and giving emotional incentives. It could also mean the start of a learning process (like a new language) or even the expansion of your consciousness. It may also include a spiritual discovery or a change of faith. It is important to observe the cards around it to have a better interpretation of the game. So this card relates to the consultant’s spiritual, intellectual or emotional growth. Something will come to change the person’s perception of life, to stimulate and to bring him or her joy and faith. If this card starts the Mystic Cross it means there will be improvements in areas such as knowledge, culture or in the consultant’s emotional life. It is indispensable to analyze the cards that go with it.

Additional Information Ms. Maria Padilha always makes it clear I shouldn’t interfere in the way the new instructors read her Tarot cards, but whenever someone asks me for clarification, she promptly gives me intuition at that moment. Once a young man made contact with me through messenger (Facebook) saying he was a very intuitive Tarot player and he would take the time to play the cards for me, in order to prove his ability. He said he had worked with many tarots from different lines and that Maria Padilha’s Tarot was his favorite. Though he could never answer questions related to health because he didn’t know which cards referred to it. Immediately Maria Padilha came before me and started to speak, showing she knew my counterpart well. It seemed like both of them connected through the things she asked me to tell him. He even felt touched by her and told me at that very moment he knew how to understand the health related questions even without me saying a word. Here is what she asked me to tell him: In case someone asks you a health related question, make a Mystic Cross and observe the starting card. Card 9 could indicate what the matter was. Card 06 – Could indicate stomach problems. Card 10 – Could show a problem either in the intestines or in the brain. Card 13 - Could indicate the liver. Card 17 – Could indicate the kidneys Card 18 – Could point out an obstruction, thrombosis or an aneurism. Card 22 – Could signal a heart problem. Card 34 – Could refer to the lungs. I insist that everyone should read the cards according to their own intuition.


When playing the Tarot, one should analyze and observe the position of each card, because the oracle goes beyond what the cards portray. Intuition is tuned to good entities that come near the consultant and the consultee, showing them the truth and warning them of possible dangers that may come from all aspects of life. When an Oracle is created the entity’s strength can manifest through it, and it gets even stronger if this entity knows and respects the majesty of the Great Lord of all things! We shall never refrain from prayer, for they will bring the necessary assertiveness to every aspect, each time we play. Prayer has a transforming power, which neutralizes and softens the dangers that go round the world. I send you all, positive energy and good vibrations, so there may be light and peace in all of your ways! May Maria Padilha’s energy or “axe” protect you! Author: Eliane Arthman Translator: Mathieu Nyssens