Task 16 evaluation question 1 double page spread

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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-One main model on one page

-No other photos


-Interview layout

Interview layout

Both of these double page spreads have got the article in three columns. This is a norm for magazine articles as three leaves enough room to get a good amount of text in and not seem to crowded, also three is a symmetrical number so the article looks more appealing than if it was in two rows. Also both of our articles have the interview questions set out differently. In my magazine the questions are in the middle of the row and in the other magazine they have put them on top of a box. This is often done in magazines to make the text seem less bulky and also makes it look more like an interview.

My article hasn’t broken any magazine convention codes as it is just a normal article you would expect to find in a magazine such as the one I have compared it with.

Main model

Both mine and the other magazines double page spread uses only one main model. This is common in music magazines (especially rock specialised ones) because it makes the audience feel closer and more intimate with the model which might make them feel more interactive with the magazine and therefore might be more likely to buy it. Both mine and the other magazine have stretched the model to be the full size of the page. This is common because they are the main attraction for that page and so editors want them to have all the attention, also the photo makes the page and the article look less word heavy and boring. I haven’t broke any magazine convention codes by only using one model and by making her big because it is a normal thing to do for a magazine and can be seen in most magazines such as the one I'm comparing it to.

No other photos

Both mine and the Q magazine double page spread only have one main photo on a full page and no other photos. Often magazines will have other photos on their double page spreads maybe in between paragraphs or at the side of pages. They do this to make the page look more spacey and interesting. I did not do this and therefore have broken magazine convention codes.

I didn’t put these other photos in my magazine as I fel like it would lighten the mood and maybe make the page seem less edgy and gothic which is what I wanted because that fits with the rock genre.


Quotes in big writing

Questions on a box

Title on a different page

Magazine logo

Page number

Magazine logo

My magazine has a small logo of the title of my magazine in the top corner of the left page. This is a magazine convention code and is important to have because it shows of the brand and if the brand starts to become recognisable and iconic it will sell better. I also did this because I felt that the logo would add a bit more colour to the page so that it didn’t seem all to dark and therefore boring, also I thought the logo looked edgy and would make the page look more rock.

Page number

My double page spread has a page number in yellow at the bottom of the page. It is a magazine convention code to have these as it tells readers what page there on and if they read on the contents page about an article they like then they can quickly go to that page. I also have put page numbers on to add more colour because I wanted Thrashes yellow theme to be consitant through out the magazine.

Q magazine has not put in the page number on this double page spread and has therefore broke the magazine convention codes.

Title and subtitle layout

The title and subtitles of my double page spread are all on the left side of the page where my model is. I did this as I wanted this to me the main page and the centre of attention and by doing this I haven’t broke any magazine convention codes as that is usually what magazines do. I also did this because I wanted the right page to be heavy on words because I felt that if there was a lot of spaces and different size writing then the page would seem more light hearted and not fit in with the rock genre.

Q magazine has not done this and has put the title in large across the whole of the right page, by doing this they have broke magazine convention codes.


On my double page spread I have some quotes bigger than others. I did this because if the article was all the same in big blocks then the page would seem dull and not worth reading so by using the big quotes I am attracting the audience in more. This is a magazine convention code I have followed in order to make my magazine look better and more easy to read.

Q magazine has not done this and is therefore breaking magazine convention codes however I think its okay for them to do it as their article is shorter than mine and they have made their questions stand out more.