Task 4: Audience

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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This is a 17 year old guy, who lives in surrey. He dresses casually,

jeans, t-shirt and a snapback. He enjoys going out to concerts and

meals with his friends. He likes eating at places like Jimmy spices

and Nandos. He watches films like Batman, The Hobbit, Lord of the

Rings, Superman and Thor. He prefers watching them in the cinema

but will sometimes but them on DVD after or wait till it comes out.

He would watch stuff on TV like Arrow and Breaking Bad. The

music the guy would like would be dubstep e.g. Datsik, but would

listen to alternating genres. He prefers to buy music off iTunes

rather than listen to the radio. I think our film would appeal to this

guy as he is a stereotypical guy who enjoys going out with his

mates, therefore, if this film was out in the cinema, this may appeal

to him, as it’s a bit similar to what he likes to watch.