Task 9-Fanzine

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Task 9- Fanzine








As apart of this design I have developed the original layout of a broadsheet newspaper using columns but varying this in size of different widths and lengths of the text to be formatted into. The headline its self will create this gradual drop effect down the centre of the page while the image will be set behind to frame the text and been more of a background feature. As well as the columns changing in size the text will also be in a number of different sizes across the page, to achieve more of a fanzine article appropriate for a younger audience that will also reflect the lary colours and lifestyle of the hippies.



Text Head


Sub Heading


Sub Heading

The placement of these text and images has been distorted some what in this case by staying away from the norm with a blurred and obscured design with the font choice and text box rotation, and again the image will be set behind this text following the path of this in an ‘s’ shape. When it comes to what is been incorporated into the page design in this case I will be using a sub heading unlike some of the others as a taster of the rest of the story and in terms of sizing is a lot bigger. The copy will also be found in some sort of order within a number of columns all of which will include another part of the main story.




Sub Heading


Sub Heading

Here I have looked at a different form of orientations for the text to based upon and could be seen as more appropriate when the image takes more of an important role and there is more of a ratio of image to text, of a good professional high quality. That could feature a number of different fashion images to create a collage of the hippie fashion which this design will be based upon, and also be more of a urban edgy design than then could be emphasized with marker been over the original images created on paper of a distorted looking model from a number of different magazines and cut out. The headline will also be diagonally across the centre panel of the page and give the illusion of it leaning.


Headline Sub Heading




In this case I would like to achieve something more minimalistic, I will use white space as a design choice to base to whole landscape page around and inspired by the likes of vogue and Elle magazine all known for there very high fashion designer brands, that are presented in a specific way to reflect the chic house style of these types of magazines. But like the usual presentation of a larger header followed by smaller text, these principles will not come into practise as the smaller headline will be found at the bottom of the page while the main body of text will be found spread across the top of the page in a considerably bigger font, from the rest and will be found in arrange of different traditional and modern fonts from a number of different sizes.

Research Before creating my own fanzine article based around the hippie subculture, I looked at some existing products both from the past and present day for inspiration and get an idea of what is already on the market. In terms of design there are no rules and anything works as every product is different. However there seems to be a divide in a basic style from a very graphic and hand drawn and urban style in comparison to some that are a lot more simplistic in design and use white space as an advantage and incorporate it into the design. Text and typographic are an important part of the article as it steers away from the norm and can be warped, wrapped and twisted across the page and range in size and gradually increase or decrease to create something very different to the traditional column style used my many tabloid and broadsheet newspapers, which helps to keep the reader interested giving it that edge especially when you a presenting the main body of text. However, with this design means that when it comes to putting the fanzine together it can use a lot more pages, or the original article may need to be cut down to reduce this to make it less wordy. It is also common to see a lot more decorative fonts then normal which can be sourced from sites such as dafont. The spacing is also another element to consider as some can use more of a crammed design to base the text around with over lapping words, while some may have a couple of words spread across a page creating a more staggered and minimalistic design. The images are also an important part of the product as this is what makes it different and a fanzine article whether this been your own hand drawn images and magazines cut out to create a collage effect or even a some created which is heavily edited and distorted on Photoshop which will achieve something of an experimental nature. Or in contrast to this the images could be simplistic with extreme brightness and in a black and white filter something which could be found as apart of a high fashion fanzine magazine .

ImagesWhen it comes to putting all the content together both

the text and images the visual elements are an important part of the design that catches the attention of the

audience and makes it more attractive to read into. It can be used to really frame the text and wrap about this. It can

give the content are certain style flair to it, In this case looking at two apposing ideas. One with a very

minimalistic and simplistic design using white space to an advantage and incorporating it into part of the design.

Using black and white photographs with a high contrast and the image themselves been very basic with one key

element that has been heavily staged, and compliment the sans serif modern font which the text can sit around. In

contrast to this another idea have been looked at which is a lot more urban and edgy images that will reflect the

large graphic and decorative font, the images themselves been a combination of colour and black and white prints

and sketches created both on Photoshop and hand drawn, to create this very rough design, Something that is more relevant to the hippie style and festival chic. In terms of

the image content, as the article is based around the hippie fashion revival and the idea of it been blog inspired

the images will reflect this with hand drawn fashion silhouettes and designs, newspaper print and symbols and

objects that represent hippies, and with a mix of neon's and bright, primary colours to attract the attention of the

audience and be a bit more relevant to the younger readers.

Text When looking at the different styles of text I looked at a

number of different copy from da font, with a vast amount of traditional and modern fonts for a range of different purposes. Firstly looking at traditional fonts reflective of the 1920s era and could be seen as more

showbiz style type face both in bold, capital letters and can also been seen as very retro for its audience

however something of a little more decorative nature could work well as a part of a title or headline, a mix of different fonts could also work well and are reflective of

a fanzine article in order to create something more visually appealing with a mixture of different sizes,

rotations and placement across the page. The fonts will be based around a black and white colour scheme which will make it clearer to read as fanzines are

traditionally a lot more unusual therefore at some point the text has to be readable. I have also been looking at

font that are a lot more hand written and scrapbook like in style so achieve this vintage and retro look of the

fashion article which will be featured on this page. Both style of fonts the more traditional and more quirky and decorative fonts have been looked specially at to fit the images that I have also chosen and complement each

other some of which could need refining when it comes to warping the text round the images for example the bunting style font and pearl jam which may need to be

thought about more carefully .

In terms of the images for a part of my fanzine I feel that they are in extreme cases more important than the text as it is what really sells the product and, and are also a way of getting across this message in a more powerful and moving way, and so here are some examples of the processes I went though to achieve my final product, the original image taken from Google that really shows what the hippie lifestyle is about the relaxed vibes, flower power, young and carefree, that is also feminine. With this image on Photoshop I experimented with the colors and changed it to this harsh black and white cartoon effect to give it this scrapbook style, which also will contrast well with a white text. However if I were looking at some of the negatives to an image like this I would have to say that the fact that this stronger contrast has been used distorts the image somewhat and for some people that haven't seen the original photograph could be been as difficult to understand as well as the fact that this style of photograph doesn’t really live up to the connotations of the hippie culture, and would work better with something like a punk subculture. From this I also looked created a gradual fade effect though the image to give it this ombre effect and the use of the makes a smoother run from image to white background to what already has been created and caused a problem with the design. therefore with this technique I have experimented further with when it comes to some of my other designs. Been happy with this effect allowed me to experiment and develop this further in this case by adding a clipping mask from the hanging letter that gives more of a suitable effect and could be used as a part of the title/headline of the fanzine.

After experimenting with images it was important to incorporate both the text and images together, but in more of a creative and different way. My inspiration was the work of ray gun that is extremely different to what you see on the market and this layouts can

cause images and text to fall of the page rotation and stretching, in order to stay away from the norm. Before concentrating of the text I looked at the positioning of the text and images trying to push the boundaries in this case to the text moving the text around the page

in irregular sized columns, overlapping of text, and as the copy moves on the text both increases and decreases in size to give the audience this very unusual overall look, with the idea of the text scattered across the page. However it was still of importance to make

the headline larger then the main body of text either in one way or another here showing two versions of this with and without the first image I created as it can change the whole perception of the newspaper and works well at complementing the colors well showing the contrast from light to dark. But I feel that I should also try out colored images to see which images I prefer and the overall outcome.

From first trying out the this gradual lighting effect I felt that I could incorporate into the whole design. Firstly by taking ‘hippie fashion photography’ from the internet and using the lasso tool to cut out the main feature of the images, a variety of models from long and mid shot, which are a good combination when it comes to layering up these pieces so create a collage style piece of work. From this I added the gradual

faded effect to the overall image that I had created because using it on each individual model didn’t work as well as the transition wasn’t as smooth. I feel that this effect also helps to compliment a better overall color scheme for this design and using more pastel feminine tones. The

fact that the images a placed towards the right of the page allows the text to fall around this as well as experimenting with further backgrounds to set the page upon duplicating and rotating the design more than once to give this idea of reflection

As I have kept developing the original images I sourced off the internet, as well as using the white

space within my design I looked at creating something a little more busy, with a newspaper print background to set the models behind sourced from the internet,

with this original newspaper print I have experimented with the filters to give more of a sutal

effect by increasing the brightness and contrast of the print in order to create something like this, which I could look to develop even further with different

textures and patterns for the text to be placed upon anything from a floral background to a more

distressed paper look. To highlight this point even further I have added transparent style boxes over the top of the newspaper print with a hint of color, all of the sepia variety which suggests this Idea of age and time to the piece and communicates this idea of how

long the hippie subculture has been around for as well as reflecting the color of the colors that are worn

by hippies today especially when the aim of the article is to talk about the rediscovery of this style.

That has taken place in the form of rectangular boxes that have been distorted and scattered across the page to add interest to the article giving another

angle to the images as the boxes can subtly been seen through the boxes behind. To emphasize this aged

look. Which also allows the text to sit a little differently too then the norm giving the effect of the

text fitting in these boxes/collums but seen as distorted slightly .