Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color

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  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu, BE, M.Tech, aformer Senior Scientist and DeputyDirector of Defense Research andDevelopment Laboratory of Governmentof India, has been studying, researching,and practicing Hindu Astrology for thelast four decades. Member of the AFAand author of the much acclaimed Howto Read A Horoscope & How to MatchHoroscopes is known for his authenticwork in rare areas like Nadi Astrology.

    Though 70 yrs old & busy in his spirituallife his love for Saptarishis Astrology isthere right from its inception stage.

    ByDr. Pemmaraju VR Rayudu,India

    he following article is a free

    English translation from the book

    Jyotisha Siddhantammu published

    in 1970 written by my GuruDaivagnaRatna and Vidya Visarada Late

    Shri Divakaruni Venkata Subbarao in the

    South Indian Telugu language.

    Introductionhe main difference in this article

    is the Savya/ Aroha (direct) and

    Apasavya/ Avaroha (reverse)

    rotation of the five tatwas and the

    consideration of the antartatwas in thetatwas to arrive at the birth time

    rectification up to 12 seconds, as against the

    previously published literature on this


    From a long time, it has been a big problem

    for the Jyotish Pundits (astrologers). It is

    known to almost everybody that without

    properly fixing up the birth time it is a

    futile exercise to go ahead to give future

    predictions as per the horoscope. As far as



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    we know, many crores of people were born and are being born in this world in every lagna

    (ascendant). The whole populations of the world are in the twelve lagnas only! In a

    particular day, in a particular lagna, in a particular city many people are born. For all of them

    there would not be any difference in the lagna and the planetary positions. There would not

    be any difference in the latitude; the longitude and the Sun rise in those cities. If there is no

    difference in the birth time, for those born in the same city and in the same lagna, their

    progress, longevity, luck, children and other different aspects should be the same. But as per

    the experience this order does not hold good. In this creation no two individuals would

    undergo the good and bad effects in the same fashion. The direct evidence of this fact can be

    visualized from studying their thumbprints. Is it not from this reason the thumb prints have

    attained the importance? Therefore it is known that it is not possible for any two

    individuals, male or female humans or of any other species, to be born at the same muhurtha

    (time). It is understood that no two individuals can be born at the same time in one hospitalor in different maternity homes in a city. In their birth times there should at least some

    difference of time of liptas. Presently the minimum time duration used is seconds. In the

    ancient times, as per the Indian system of time the least time count is called viliptas. The

    difference in this time frame may not be visible in the gross level but it is accountable in the

    mathematical calculations. Practically the fixation of the Sun rise is very important for the

    fixation of the birth time. The great Parasara sage told about the sixteen Vargas (divisional

    charts). In that, up to the Shashtyamsa the order of predictions are narrated. Therefore, is it

    not the duty to at least rectify the birth time up to the Shashtyamsa level? As against this, itis not acceptable as per Shastra to give predictions based on the Rasi and Navamsha charts

    only. One Navamsha means 3 degrees 20 minutes in arc, which amounts to 13 minutes 20

    seconds in time. In spite of knowing that many people will be born in this time frame, to

    give predictions based on the Navamsha chart, the readers can understand that it amounts to

    ridiculing and misusing of the Shastra. The predictions given as per this order would not be

    experienced. In the sixteen Vargas, every Varga has got a particular Karakatwa

    (signification). For those Karakatwas, those Varga charts are to be examined, but all the

    twelve bhavas Karakatwas should not be interpreted on the basis of the Navamsha chart. Inunderstanding the above views, it is important in the Jyotish Shastra to fix the birth time

    correctly. To fix the correct birth time, the ancient authors had shown different methods. In

    these generally followed principles of methods, it is experienced that they are not

    satisfactory. In these methods it is generally seen that at least 25 minutes difference is

    required between two births on one particular weekday and in a particular birth (Moon) star,

    which it is against the experience and therefore it is to be understood that these methods can

    be applied to some horoscopes only and not to all horoscopes. In the villages it may be

    natural to have birth time of 25 minutes for each birth, but in cities where lakhs of peoplelive, the difference from birth to birth cannot 25 minutes. Therefore it is to be considered

    that these methods or rules are of gross level only.

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    Therefore it is imperative to delve deep into this rectification of birth time to the utmost

    possible interval of time for a particular birth with respect to the place of birth, sun rise, day

    of birth, birth (Moon) star and the lagna as per the male and female births. The tatwa

    Siddhantha would give the method of birth time rectification up to a time difference of 3

    minutes and the antar tatwa Siddhantha would still go further up to a time difference of 12


    Tatwa Siddhanthan this creation, everything follows an order. At certain times human births take place.

    At some other times the animals, the birds, the trees etc. are created. In human births,

    the male and female births follow a certain order. Time is under the control of the five

    bhutas. As per the order of the bhutas, the names of the weeks are formed. Sun (Ravi) and

    Mars (Mangal) are Tejo tatwa planets. On Sunday and Tuesday (Mangal), certain period of

    time after Sunrise is under the control of Sun and Mars. Knowing this ancient Rishis named

    these weeks after Sun and Mars. Monday (Soma) follows the Jala tatwa planet of Soma

    (Moon). Wednesday (Budhavara) follows Prithvi tatwa planet Mercury (Buddha),

    Thursday (Guruvara) follows Akasha tatwa planet Jupiter (Guru), Friday (Sukravara)

    follows Jala tatwa planet Venus (Sukra), Saturday (Sanivara) follows Vayu tatwa planet

    Saturn (Sani). In the weeks, certain period of time from the Sunrise is under the control of

    the lords of these weekdays. The rest of the time is under the control of the lords of the

    prithvi, jala, agni, vayu and akash tatwas. The planets would not go in any other different

    order other than this order. As per the lords of the tatwas, the male and female births take

    place in the human births. Under the control of time of Moon, Venus, Saturn the female

    births take place and male births take place from the time control of Sun, Mars, Mercury and

    Jupiter. That means under the time of jala and vayu tatwas the female births and under the

    time of bhu, tejo and akash tatwas male births take place. There is a connection amongst the

    tatwa times, the star in which the Moon is posited, the characteristics of the birth sign, the

    lord of the birth week and the male and female divisions. Since these five divisions are

    connected to the five bhutas, Lord Brahma has created these births consisting of these five

    bhutas. The species cannot live without connection with five bhutas. As per this order in this

    vast time frame, human births take place at certain times only. This is as per the Sastra and

    accepted by those who have read the Sastras. Moon receives the life energy from Sun. Due to

    the effect of the Moon, this energy is converted into the birth of the species. For the time of

    the birth depending on the tatwa the male female order of the birth, the mental and physical

    characteristics are formed. In the five bhutas the first bhuta of Akash is the centre of

    electricity. In the human body the important part of the brain, which is the seat of nervous

    system, belongs to akhash tatwa. The second one the vayu (air) is important for the survival

    of the species. The third one of agni (fire) is required to improve the human cells meaning


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    oxygen without which the agni or fire cannot be generated and the birth cells are important

    for life. The fourth one of jala is 80% of the human body. The jala is equivalent to the blood

    of the body and if this blood is solidified it is difficult to live. The fifth one of prithvi

    represents the body. However much the body is cleaned but still the earthy smell of the

    prithvi comes out.

    Tatwashe connection between the human body and the five tatwas has been shown. These

    tatwas follow their time division regularly in their lordship weekdays. The tatwas

    follow their time one after the other as Prithvi: 6minutes; jala: 12 minutes; Tejo: 18

    minutes; vayu: 24 minutes; Akash: 30 minutes. That means, for every 90 minutes the first

    rotation of the tatwas in the above order of Prithvi, jala, Tejo, vayu and Akash would be

    completed and the second rotation would be started in reverse order. In this order there

    would be 16 rotations of the tatwas in 24 hours. In these rotations, the odd rotations would be

    in direct (savya) order and the even rotations would be in reverse (apasavya) order. That

    means, the first rotation of the tatwas would be in the direct order of Prithvi, jala, Tejo, vayu

    and Akash, the second rotation would be in the reverse order of Akash, Vayu,Tejo, jala and

    Prithvi, the third rotation would be in direct order, the fourth rotation would be in reverse

    order and so on till the 16 rotations are completed. These direct and reverse rotations of the

    tatwas is referred in the book Jataka Phala Chintamani as follows:

    Avalambavaagni bhoovyoma jala vavyadipah khagah

    Kramaat arkodayo vaare sa swakaala pravartakah ||

    Bhoomyadi paadaghatikaa vrudhisyadhardha yaamake

    Yaamottharaadhe thadraasyath aarohakshava rphanam||

    Parivrutthi dhwayam yaame prathiprahaara meedhrusham

    Sthreejanam jalavavyosyaath bhoonabhognishu pumjanmani||

    Yethena ghatika jnaanam thena lagnamvinidhrisheth||

    The tatwas, their lords, weekdays and sex are as: Prithvi- Mercury-Wednesday-Male; Jala-

    Moon, Venus-Monday, Friday- Female; Tejo- Sun, Mars- Sunday, Tuesday- Male; Vayu-

    Saturn- Saturday- Female; Akash- Jupiter- Thursday- Male

    The Prithvi tatwa would remain for 6 minutes after the Sunrise on Wednesday, the jala

    tatwa would remain for 12 minutes after sun rise on Monday and Friday, the Tejo tatwa

    would remain for 18 minutes on Sunday and Tuesday after Sun rise, the vayu tatwa would

    remain for 24 minutes on Saturday after the Sun rise and the Akash tatwa would remain for30 minutes on Thursday after the Sun rise.


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    Nadi Grandhasn the Nadi grandhas, each sign (rashi) is divided into 150 divisions giving a particular

    name for each Nadi amshas and each Nadi amsha is further divided into two parts as

    first and second part amounting a total of 300 divisions. If the lagna is taken as 2 hours

    duration, this amounts to 24 seconds in time frame. In some other Nadi literature, 600divisions are made which equals to 12 seconds in times frame. The Nadi amshas are given

    starting from the beginning in the movable signs in direct order, from the end in the fixed

    signs in reverse order and from the centre of the dual signs in the direct order. Many details

    of life pattern of the persons born in each Nadi amsha are given. Even though presently the

    secrets of these Nadi grandhas are not known, since these grandhas are considered as

    authoritative it is almost certain that there is a human birth for every 12 seconds. This

    duration of minimum 12 seconds can be seen in the antartatwa of Prithvi in the main tatwa

    of Prithvi as given below.

    Antar Tatwashe complete rotation time frame for all the five tatwas for one cycle of direct and

    reverse order is 180 minutes (90 + 90). The duration of the Prithvi tatwa is 6

    minutes. The duration of the Prithvi antartatwa in the Prithvi tatwa is calculated as

    6 minutes multiplied by 6 minutes divided by 180 minutes, which amounts to 12 seconds. Theduration of the jala antartatwa in the Prithvi tatwa would be 6 minutes multiplied by 12

    minutes divided by 180 minutes, which amounts to 24 seconds. Similarly the other

    antartatwas of Tejo, vayu and Akash in the Prithvi tatwa can be found out. The antartatwas

    would also rotate direct and reverse in each tatwa.

    Antar TatwasS.No. Main tatwa Aroha Avaroha

    Antartatwa Time Min:


    Antartatwa Time Min:

    Sec1. Prithvi Prithvi 00: 12 Akash 01: 00(Mercury) Jala 00: 24 vayu 00: 48

    (Wednesday) Tejo 00: 36 Tejo 00: 36

    Vayu 00: 48 Jala 00: 24

    Akash 01: 00 Prithvi 00: 12

    Total 03: 00 03: 002. Jala Jala 00: 48 Prithvi 00: 24( Moon, Venus) Tejo 01: 12 Akash 02: 00

    (Monday, Vayu 01: 36 Vayu 01: 36



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    Akash 02: 00 Tejo 01: 12

    Prithvi 00:24 Jala 00: 48

    Total 06: 00 06:003. Tejo Tejo 01: 48 Jala 01:12(Sun, Mars) Vayu 02: 24 Prithvi 00: 36(Sunday,


    Akash 03: 00 Akash 03: 00

    Prithvi 00: 36 Vayu 02: 24

    Jala 01: 12 Tejo 01: 48

    Total 09: 00 09: 004. vayu Vayu 03: 12 Tejo 02: 24(Saturn) Akash 04: 00 Jala` 01: 36

    (Saturday) Prithvi 00: 48 Prithvi 00: 48

    Jala 01: 36 Akash 04: 00

    Tejo 02: 24 Vayu 03: 12

    Total 12: 00 12: 005. Akash Akash 05:00 Vayu 04: 00(Jupiter) Prithvi 01: 00 Tejo 03: 00

    ( Thursday) Jala 02: 00 Jala 02: 00

    Tejo 03: 00 Prithvi 01: 00

    Vayu 04: 00 Akash 05: 00

    Total 15: 00 15: 00

    Therefore from the above it can be seen that for every 12 seconds there is a possibility of

    male birth in the Prithvi antartatwa of the main Prithvi tatwa. Of course, the division of

    time may not be applicable to the modern times when there is birth rate is fast nowadays.

    However in the Shashtra there no other information better than this division of 12 seconds

    difference in the birth time. There are some rules to fix up the birth time from the

    conception time, but even in these rules there is no way to rectify the birth time better than

    12 seconds difference.

    Birth Time Rectification Tablen the Birth time Rectification enclosed at the end of this article, the Sunrise is given as

    0600 hrs (6 AM). The table starts from 0603 hrs to 0430 hrs. The time given as 0003

    means it is after the midnight 3 minutes. The time given as 1203 means it is after the

    noon 3 minutes. The time given as 1303 means it is after the noon 1 hour 3 minutes. 2400 hrs

    means it is midnight. 0603 means it is in the morning 6 hours 3 minutes and 2145 means it isthe night 9 hours 45 minutes.

    The lagna signs are given as Movable signs, Fixed signs and Dual signs. They are as follows:


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    Movable signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn; Fixed signs- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and


    Dual signs- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

    The Moon star (Birth star) lord, that is the lord of the star in which Moon is deposited, is

    given as Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus.

    Moon Stars And LordsMoon Star 1 Moon Star 2 Moon Star 3 Moon Star LordAshwini Makha Moola KetuBharani Poorva phalguni Poorva shada VenusKrittika Uttara phalguni Uttara shada SunRohini Hasta Shravana MoonMrigasira Chitta Dhanista MarsArudra Swathi Satabhisha RahuPunarvasu Visakha Poorva bhadra JupiterPushyami Anuradha Uttara bhadra SaturnAshlesha Jyestha Revati Mercury

    Time In Rectification TableSince the birth times are given in the Rectification table for Sunrise of 0600 hours, the birth

    time in the table is to be obtained for the actual given birth time as per the following rules:

    1) If the Sunrise is before 0600 hours, the difference between the local Sunrise and 0600 hours

    is to be added to the actual given local birth time.

    Example: Local Sun Rise: 0542hrs, Local birth time given: 1026hrs. Then the time which is to

    be seen in the Rectification table is 1026 + (0600 0542) = 1044 hrs.

    2) If the Sunrise is after 0600 hrs, the difference between the local Sunrise and 0600 hrs is to

    be deducted from the given local birth time.

    Example: Sunrise 0618 hrs, Birth time 1356 hrs. Then the time which is to be seen in the

    Rectification table is 1356 (0618 0600) = 1338 hrs.

    3) If the birth is before the Sunrise, the Sunrise of the previous day is to be taken.

    4) If the birth is in the early morning between 0432 hrs and 0603 hrs, 0900 hrs is to be

    deducted from the birth time. The birth obtained as such is to be considered as in the evening

    of the previous day.

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    Example: Birth time: 0504 hrs, Sunrise 0512 hrs. Then the calculation is as follows:

    0504 +1200 = 1704; 1704-0900= 0804; 0804 + (0600 0512) = 0852 hrs in the evening of the

    previous day, that is, 2052 hrs.

    Example: Birth time: 0454 hrs, Birth date: 12 /13 December 1926, Sunrise: 0614 hrs.

    Then 0454 +1200= 1654; 1654 0900= 0754. Since the Sunrise on 12 December 1926 is 14minutes after 0600 hrs, 0754-0014=0740 hrs in the evening of 12 December 1926.

    5) The weekday is always to be considered from Sunrise of the given date to the Sunrise of

    the next date.

    Rectification of Birth Time from the Rectification Tablence the time to be seen in the Rectification table is obtained as stated above for the

    given local birth time, this time in the table is to be adjusted to match the birthday,

    lagna sign, Moon star lord for the given sex of the individual as male or female.

    From this adjusted time in the table, the birth time is to be recalculated backwards and this

    time would be the rectified birth time.

    Example 1: Birth date 5 April 1932, Birth time in the early morning 2 hrs 7 minutes, that is,

    0207 hrs on 6 April 1932, Female birth, Tuesday, Moon star Revati (Mercury), Capricorn

    lagna(moveable sign), Sunrise 0556. Then the time to be seen in the Rectification table is 0207+

    (0600- -0556) = 0211 hrs. In the S.No.43 of the Rectification table, for 0209 for Mercury star,

    moveable sign, for Tuesday, it is given as male birth in Akash tatwa. But the given birth is

    female. In the table, female birth is given for Mercury star and moveable lagna in S.No.34 at

    0142 and again in S.No.52 at 0236. These two times differ from the given birth time by 29

    minutes and 25 minutes. Therefore, it should not be so far away. Since the birth time is given

    as born in hospital, there can be only a small difference in time. When it is visualized that

    there cannot be much difference, then in such doubtful cases Antar tatwas are to beconsidered to rectify the given time. In this horoscope, as per the Rectification table, Akash

    tatwa is from 0151 to 0220.That means30 minutes. Since the tatwas are rotating in reverse

    (avaroha) fashion for every 90 minutes, after the direct(aroha) 90 + reverse(avaroha) 90= 180

    minutes , the tatwas would again rotate in the direct fashion. Akash tatwa would measure 30

    minutes. If the Antartatwas are considered in this, there will be 15 minutes of direct (aroha)

    motion. That means the aroha will be up to 0150+ 15= 0205. In the aroha there will be antar

    tatwas of Akash, Prithvi, Jala, Tejo and Vayu. Since the last tatwa is Vayu, in the avaroha

    starting with Vayu it will end with Tejo, Jala, Prithvi and Akash. It is given as 24 minutesfor Vayu tatwa duration. For 180 minutes, the Akash tatwa is 30 minutes and 24 minutes of

    vayu tatwa, the Antar tatwa of Vayu in Akash would be 30 divided by 180 and multiplied by


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    24 which amounts to 4 minutes. That means in the avaroha there will be vayu tatwa from

    0206 to 0209. This is Female birth. In the Rectification table, the time seen is 0211 hrs. The

    limit of female birth as seen above is up to 0209 hrs. That means there is a difference of 2

    minutes. Birth time is given as 0207 hrs. Then 0207 minus 2 minutes would be 0205, which is

    to be considered as the rectified birth time. This is the local birth time. In this horoscope, the

    difference between the local time and the standard time is 7 minutes 12 seconds. This

    difference is to be added to the local rectified birth time to get the rectified standard time.

    Then the rectified standard time would be 02hrs 05 minutes + 07 minutes 12 seconds= 02 hrs

    12 minutes 12 seconds.

    Example 2: Birth time 1246, Sunrise 0551, Punarvasu star (Jupiter), Leo lagna (Fixed),Thursday, Male birth. The table time is 1246+ (0600-0551) = 1255. As per S.No.48 in the table,

    on Thursday in fixed lagna on Jupiter star in jala tatwa there is female birth. But the male

    birth is given. Now the antar tatwas are to be examined. Jala tatwa is for 12 minutes. In thisaroha is 6 minutes and avaroha is 6 minutes. As per table, jala tatwa starts from 1245, the

    aroha ends at 12:51. From there the avaroha starts. While the aroha ends with Prithvi tatwa,

    the avaroha starts with Prithvi tatwa. That means, starting from 1250 with Prithvi tatwa for

    4 minutes there will be Prithvi, jala, Akash and vayu tatwas accordingly. There will Tejo

    tatwa from 1254 to 1255 for 2 minutes time. Since the table time is 1255, male birth takes place

    in Tejo tatwa. Since there is no correction for this table time, the given local birth time of

    1246 can be taken as correct.

    Example 3: Birth time Indian standard time (IST) 04:38:12 hrs in the morning on 10 Oct 1926,Moon star Anuradha, Virgo lagna, Sunday, Male birth. Sunrise 05:54.The difference between

    IST and local time is 7 minutes 12 seconds. So local time is 04:38:12 00:07:12= 04:31:00. Dual

    lagna, Moon star lord is Saturn. The time to be seen in the Rectification table is 04:31 +

    (06:00-05:54) = 04:37. This should be seen as 0437+1200=1637, 1637-0900=0737 in the evening of

    Sunday. As seen in S.No.2 in the table, for the stars of Saturn of Pushyami, Anuradha and

    Uttarabhadra, for the dual lagna, for Sunday, for Tejo tatwa and for male birth, the timings

    given are 0736, 0737, and 0738, out which the timing of 0737 corresponds to Anuradha star.Since there is no difference in the time there is no necessity of time correction and the birth

    time given as 04:38 can be fixed.

    Example 4: Birth date 4 April 1957, Thursday, Krittika star (Sun), Gemini lagna (dual sign),

    IST 11:46:16, Female birth. Sunrise 0556.The difference between IST and local time is 8min

    16secs. Therefore the local time is 11:46:16- 00:08:16= 11:38. The time in the table is 1138 +

    (0600-0556) = 1142. In the S.No.24 in the table, in the Sun stars of Krittika, Uttara and

    Uttarashiada, in vayu tatwa, female birth is given at 1142, 1143 and 1144 in which 1142

    corresponds to Krittika star. So there is no rectification of the given birth time.

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    Example 5: Birth 1 March 1956, Thursday, Swati star,( Rahu), Virgo lagna (Dual sign) , IST

    7:57:16 PM. Sunrise 06:19:46. The difference between the IST and local time is 8 min 16 secs.

    So the local time is 7:57:16- 0:8:16= 7:49 PM, that is 19:49 hrs. The table time is 1949-(06:19:46-

    06:00:00) = 19:29:14 hrs which can be taken as 1930 in the table. In the S.No.90 of the table, on

    Thursday, in dual lagna, for Rahu stars of Arudra, Swati and Satabhisha, for vayu tatwa, for

    female birth, the timings given are 1930, 1931 and 1932 in order. So the time is taken as 1931 for

    Swati star, which is 1 minute more. Therefore the local time is 1949 + I minute= 1950 and the

    IST would be 1950+8 min 16 secs = 19:58:16 hrs i.e. 7:58:16 PM.

    Characteristics of TatwasThe general characteristics of the people born in various tatwas are as follows:

    Prithvi Tatwa: The lord of this tatwa, Mercury (Buddha) is intellectual. Science, philosophy,mathematics, business, saved amounts are represented. The characteristics of this tatwa has

    got very good connection with Saturn characteristics. Those born in this tatwa would have

    self- confidence, patience, imagination, future planning and interest in material prospects.

    They will have practical tendencies such as giving loans, accumulate money and gain from

    mines etc

    Jala Tatwa: The lords of this tatwa are Moon and Venus. Imagination, good thinking power,enjoying life, expertise in fine arts, research in scientific fields particularly connected with

    research in medical fields are represented. Those born in this tatwa, though having the above

    quoted qualities, would get tired sometimes and want to take rest and idleness is one quality.

    Generally active, experts in different fields, can adapt to any situation and behave, will have

    self-respect and compassion, will have low profile, will build castles in air being lazy, can

    become very active when doing practical things, will perform the jobs with determination,

    though not having natural strength will see that jobs are done. When Moon is strong they

    become political experts.

    Tejo Tatwa: Sun and Mars are the lords. The general characteristics are enthusiasm, goodphysique, force, oratory powers and passion. Those born in this tatwa will courageous and

    adventurous. Can occupy high positions with self-effort. Very ambitious, wise, believable,

    can perform duties with determination and with self-mind, advocates, politicians, experts in

    mathematics, engineers, adepts in surgery, military employees, best sportsmen, sometimes

    behaves cruel.

    Vayu Tatwa: Lord Saturn. The characteristics are best thinking, meditation, self-enquiry,solitary residence, steadiness, patience and hard work. Those born in this tatwa are practical,experts in philosophical studies, panderers on God, enthusiastic, cunning and imaginative.

    Though they speak harshly, they are not cruel. They will not tolerate untruth and

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    ingratitude. They can grasp anything very quickly. Unsteady persons, political leaders,

    philosophers, researchers, geologists, ascetics etc are born in this tatwa.

    Akash Tatwa: Jupiter is the lord. For those born in Akasha tatwa, the natural characteristicsare joy, delight, happiness, pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, faith in good periods,

    liberality, generosity, augmentation, growth, addition, improvement, progress, success,prosperity, fullness, consciousness of possession of means or strength, absence of anxiety,

    fear or apprehension, power of attracting, drawing towards ones self, drawing away from

    attraction and fascination, they will have changes in their mental and physical

    temperaments. In favorable circumstances, they will be torchbearers for high ideals with

    great qualities, enthusiasm, energy, generosity and independence. In unfavorable

    circumstances, they can have depressions, dissipating energy. They will have natural

    confidence, reliance, and mental and physical strength. They will be interested in education

    in philosophy, finance, law and writings. They will have fame and name. Poets, lawyers,yogis, persons with divine strength, persons who talk decisively, generous persons, persons

    who do not know secret dealings, friendly persons are getting born in this tatwa.

    Conclusionhave been using this method of rectification of birth time. I cannot clarify any doubts

    in this context, since my Guru is no more available. Of course, in my opinion, the pastevents of the individual should also be checked with respect to the horoscope along with

    this method and the birth time is to be rectified judiciously. It is up to the readers to use this

    method intelligently and satisfy themselves. I have further researched in the matter and

    revised the Birth Time Rectification Table. This revised Birth Time Rectification Table is

    also given at the end & readers are suggested to follow this revised table for the purpose of

    Birth Time Rectification.


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    Birth Time Rectification Table


    Wed Mon




    Sat Thur Movable Fixed Dual

    1 0003 0603 1033 1503 1933 Male










    Sun Mars Jupi

    2 0006 0606 1036 1506 1936 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    3 0009 0609 1039 1509 1939 Fem


    ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    4 0012 0612 1042 1512 1942 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    5 0015 0615 1045 1515 1945 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    6 0018 0618 1048 1518 1948 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    7 0021 0621 1051 1521 1951 Male


    ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    8 0024 0624 1054 1524 1954 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    9 0027 0627 1057 1527 1957 ,, ,, ,, Male


    ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    10 0030 0630 1100 1530 2000 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    11 0033 0633 1103 1533 2003 ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Male


    Moon Rahu Satu

    12 0036 0636 1106 1536 2006 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    13 0039 0639 1109 1539 2009 Fem


    ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Rahu Satu Ketu

    14 0042 0642 1112 1542 2012 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    15 0045 0645 1115 1545 2015 ,, ,, Male


    ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    16 0048 0648 1118 1548 2018 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    17 0051 0651 1121 1551 2021 ,, ,, ,, ,, Male


    Ketu Sun Mars

    18 0054 0654 1124 1554 2024 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    19 0057 0657 1127 1557 2027 ,, Male


    ,, Male


    ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    20 0100 0700 1130 1600 2030 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    21 0103 0703 1133 1603 2033 Male


    ,, ,, Fem


    ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    22 0106 0706 1136 1606 2036 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    23 0109 0709 1139 1609 2039 ,, ,, ,, ,, FemVayu

    Jupi Merc Ven

    24 0112 0712 1142 1612 2042 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    25 0115 0715 1145 1615 2045 ,, ,, Male




    ,, Merc Ven Moon

    26 0118 0718 1148 1618 2048 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    27 0121 0721 1151 1621 2051 ,, ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    28 0124 0724 1154 1624 2054 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    29 0127 0727 1157 1627 2057 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    30 0130 0730 1200 1630 2100 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    31 0133 0733 1203 1633 2103 Male










    Rahu Satu Ketu

    32 0136 0736 1206 1636 2106 Male










    Jupi Merc Ven

    33 0139 0739 1209 1639 2109 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    34 0142 0742 1212 1642 2112 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon35 0145 0745 1215 1645 2115 ,, ,,



    ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    36 0148 0748 1218 1648 2118 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    37 0151 0751 1221 1651 2121 ,, ,, Male




    ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    38 0154 0754 1224 1654 2124 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    39 0157 0757 1227 1657 2127 ,, ,, ,, ,, Male


    Mars Jupi Merc

    40 0200 0800 1230 1700 2130 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    41 0203 0803 1233 1703 2133 Fem


    ,, ,, Male


    ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    42 0206 0806 1236 1706 2136 ,, , ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    43 0209 0809 1239 1709 2139 ,, Fem


    ,, Male


    ,, Merc Ven Moon

    44 0212 0812 1242 1712 2142 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    45 0215 0815 1245 1715 2145 ,, ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Ven Moon Rahu

    46 0218 0818 1248 1718 2148 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    47 0221 0821 1251 1721 2151 ,, ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    48 0224 0824 1254 1724 2154 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    49 0227 0827 1257 1727 2157 Male


    ,, ,, ,, Male


    Rahu Satu Ketu

    50 0230 0830 1300 1730 2200 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    51 0233 0833 1303 1733 2203 ,, Male


    ,, ,, Male


    Satu Ketu Sun

    52 0236 0836 1306 1736 2206 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    53 0239 0839 1309 1739 2209 ,, ,, ,, FemVayu

    ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    54 0242 0842 1312 1742 2212 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    55 0245 0845 1315 1745 2215 Fem


    ,, Male


    ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    56 0248 0848 1318 1748 2218 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    57 0251 0851 1321 1751 2221 ,, Fem


    ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    58 0254 0854 1324 1754 2224 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    59 0257 0857 1327 1757 2227 Male


    ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    60 0300 0900 1330 1800 2230 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    61 0303 0903 1333 1803 2233 Male










    Merc Ven Moon

    62 0306 0906 1336 1806 2236 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    63 0309 0909 1339 1809 2239 Fem










    Ven Moon Rahu

    64 0312 0912 1342 1812 2242 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    65 0315 0915 1345 1815 2245 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    66 0318 0918 1348 1818 2248 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    67 0321 0921 1351 1821 2251 Male


    ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    68 0324 0924 1354 1824 2254 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    69 0327 0927 1357 1827 2257 ,, ,, ,, Male


    ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    70 0330 0930 1400 1830 2300 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    71 0333 0933 1403 1833 2303 ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Male


    Ketu Sun Mars

    72 0336 0936 1406 1836 2306 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu73 0339 0939 1409 1839 2309 Fem


    ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Sun Mars Jupi

    74 0342 0942 1412 1842 2312 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    75 0345 0945 1415 1845 2315 ,, ,, Male


    ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    76 0348 0948 1418 1848 2318 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    77 0351 0951 1421 1851 2321 ,, ,, ,, ,, Male


    Jupi Merc Ven

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    78 0354 0954 1424 1854` 2324 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    79 0357 0957 1427 1857 2327 ,, Male


    ,, Male


    ,, Merc Ven Moon

    80 0400 1000 1430 1900 2330 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    81 0403 1003 1433 1903 2333 Male


    ,, ,, Fem


    ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    82 0406 1006 1436 1906 2336 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    83 0409 1009 1439 1909 2339 ,, ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Moon Rahu Satu

    84 0412 1012 1442 1912 2342 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    85 0415 1015 1445 1915 2345 ,, ,, Male




    ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    86 0418 1018 1448 1918 2348 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    87 0421 1021 1451 1921 2351 ,, ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    88 0424 1024 1454 1924 2354 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    89 0427 1027 1457 1927 2357 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    90 0430 1030 1500 1930 2400 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    Birth Time Rectification Table (Revised)


    Wed Mon




    Sat Thur Movable Fixed Dual

    1 0003 0603 1500 1503 2400 Male










    Sun Mars Jupi

    2 0006 0606 1457 1506 2357 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    3 0009 0609 1454 1509 2354 Fem


    ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    4 0012 0612 1451 1512 2351 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    5 0015 0615 1448 1515 2348 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    6 0018 0618 1445 1518 2345 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    7 0021 0621 1442 1521 2342 Male


    ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    8 0024 0624 1439 1524 2339 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    9 0027 0627 1436 1527 2336 ,, ,, ,, Male


    ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    10 0030 0630 1433 1530 2333 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    11 0033 0633 1430 1533 2330 ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Male


    Moon Rahu Satu

    12 0036 0636 1427 1536 2327 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    13 0039 0639 1424 1539 2324 Fem


    ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Rahu Satu Ketu

    14 0042 0642 1421 1542 2321 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    15 0045 0645 1418 1545 2318 ,, ,, Male


    ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    16 0048 0648 1415 1548 2315 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    17 0051 0651 1412 1551 2312 ,, ,, ,, ,, Male Ketu Sun Mars

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color



    18 0054 0654 1409 1554 2309 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    19 0057 0657 1406 1557 2306 ,, Male


    ,, Male


    ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    20 0100 0700 1403 1600 2303 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    21 0103 0703 1400 1603 2300 Male


    ,, ,, Fem


    ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    22 0106 0706 1357 1606 2257 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    23 0109 0709 1354 1609 2254 ,, ,, ,, ,, FemVayu

    Jupi Merc Ven

    24 0112 0712 1351 1612 2251 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    25 0115 0715 1348 1615 2248 ,, ,, Male




    ,, Merc Ven Moon

    26 0118 0718 1345 1618 2245 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    27 0121 0721 1342 1621 2242 ,, ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    28 0124 0724 1339 1624 2239 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    29 0127 0727 1336 1627 2236 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    30 0130 0730 1333 1630 2233 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    31 0133 0733 1330 1633 2230 Male










    Rahu Satu Ketu

    32 0136 0736 1327 1636 2227 Male










    Jupi Merc Ven

    33 0139 0739 1324 1639 2224 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    34 0142 0742 1321 1642 2221 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    35 0145 0745 1318 1645 2218 ,, ,,



    ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    36 0148 0748 1315 1648 2215 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    37 0151 0751 1312 1651 2212 ,, ,, Male Fem ,, Sun Mars Jupi

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    Akash Jala

    38 0154 0754 1309 1654 2209 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    39 0157 0757 1306 1657 2206 ,, ,, ,, ,, Male


    Mars Jupi Merc

    40 0200 0800 1303 1700 2203 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    41 0203 0803 1300 1703 2200 Fem


    ,, ,, Male


    ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    42 0206 0806 1257 1706 2157 ,, , ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    43 0209 0809 1254 1709 2154 ,, Fem


    ,, Male


    ,, Merc Ven Moon

    44 0212 0812 1251 1712 2151 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    45 0215 0815 1248 1715 2148 ,, ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Ven Moon Rahu

    46 0218 0818 1245 1718 2145 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    47 0221 0821 1242 1721 2142 ,, ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    48 0224 0824 1239 1724 2139 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    49 0227 0827 1236 1727 2136 Male


    ,, ,, ,, Male


    Rahu Satu Ketu

    50 0230 0830 1233 1730 2133 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    51 0233 0833 1230 1733 2130 ,, Male


    ,, ,, Male


    Satu Ketu Sun

    52 0236 0836 1227 1736 2127 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    53 0239 0839 1224 1739 2124 ,, ,, ,, FemVayu

    ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    54 0242 0842 1221 1742 2121 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    55 0245 0845 1218 1745 2118 Fem


    ,, Male


    ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    56 0248 0848 1215 1748 2115 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    57 0251 0851 1212 1751 2112 ,, Fem


    ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    58 0254 0854 1209 1754 2109 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    59 0257 0857 1206 1757 2106 Male


    ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    60 0300 0900 1203 1800 2103 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    61 0303 0903 1200 1803 2100 Male










    Merc Ven Moon

    62 0306 0906 1157 1806 2057 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    63 0309 0909 1154 1809 2054 Fem










    Ven Moon Rahu

    64 0312 0912 1151 1812 2051 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    65 0315 0915 1148 1815 2048 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    66 0318 0918 1145 1818 2045 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    67 0321 0921 1142 1821 2042 Male


    ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    68 0324 0924 1139 1824 2039 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    69 0327 0927 1136 1827 2036 ,, ,, ,, Male


    ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    70 0330 0930 1133 1830 2033 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    71 0333 0933 1130 1833 2030 ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Male


    Ketu Sun Mars

    72 0336 0936 1127 1836 2027 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu73 0339 0939 1124 1839 2024 Fem


    ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Sun Mars Jupi

    74 0342 0942 1121 1842 2021 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Moon Rahu Satu

    75 0345 0945 1118 1845 2018 ,, ,, Male


    ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    76 0348 0948 1115 1848 2015 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    77 0351 0951 1112 1851 2012 ,, ,, ,, ,, Male


    Jupi Merc Ven

    78 0354 0954 1109 1854` 2009 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    79 0357 0957 1106 1857 2006 ,, Male ,, Male ,, Merc Ven Moon

  • 7/28/2019 Tat Waan Tart Atwa Method Color


    Akash Prithvi

    80 0400 1000 1103 1900 2003 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    81 0403 1003 1100 1903 2000 Male


    ,, ,, Fem


    ,, Ven Moon Rahu

    82 0406 1006 1057 1906 1957 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Sun Mars Jupi

    83 0409 1009 1054 1909 1954 ,, ,, ,, ,, Fem


    Moon Rahu Satu

    84 0412 1012 1051 1912 1951 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mars Jupi Merc

    85 0415 1015 1048 1915 1948 ,, ,, Male




    ,, Rahu Satu Ketu

    86 0418 1018 1045 1918 1945 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Jupi Merc Ven

    87 0421 1021 1042 1921 1942 ,, ,, Fem


    ,, ,, Satu Ketu Sun

    88 0424 1024 1039 1924 1939 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Merc Ven Moon

    89 0427 1027 1036 1927 1936 ,, Male


    ,, ,, ,, Ketu Sun Mars

    90 0430 1030 1033 1930 1933 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ven Moon Rahu