tate Bank of India

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 tate Bank of India


    tate Bank of India welcomes you to explore the world of premier bank in


    In this section, you can access detailed information on Overview of the Bank,

    Technology Upgradation in the Bank,Board of Directors, Financial Results

    and Shareholder Info.

    The Bank is actively involved since 1973 in non -profit activity called Community

    Services Banking. All our branches and administrative offices throughout the

    country sponsor and participate in large number of welfare activities and social

    causes. Our business is more than banking because we touch the lives of people

    anywhere in many ways.

    Our commitment to nation-building is complete & comprehensive.

    Since the establishment of the SBI Group, we have been expanding our

    financial ecosystem with securities business, banking business, and other

    financial services. Thereby, we have established an Internet-based financial

    conglomerate. For future growth, we aim to Pentagon Management of

    Financial Services with the 5 core businesses within the financial ecosystem.

    For this concept, we will allocate affiliated companies and businesses that

    possess core business support functions, and aggressively pursue synergy

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    effects with each core business and between core business and affiliated

    companies in order to promote exponential growth in each core business. In

    addition, we plan to promote the core business overseas.

    . Our financial ecosystem consists of five core businesses among our financial

    services: Securities, Banking, Non-life Insurance, Life Insurance(*1) and Settlement


    2. Create synergies by mutually linking core businesses to provoke exponential

    growth for the entire Group.

    3. Focusing on each core business, we will allocate affiliated companies and

    businesses that possess core business support functions, and aggressively pursue

    synergy effects with each core business in order to differentiate ourselves from our

    competitors, thereby promoting exponential growth in each core business.

    4. The face-to-face channels, such as SBI Money Plaza, will be expanded across

    Japan(2), to serve as an infrastructure business that will propel growth in the five

    core businesses and advance the fusion of the online and face-to-face services. This

    will enable the organization to provide, on a neutral basis, comparably superior

    products to customers whether inside or outside of the Group, so that the SBIH Group

    may become Japan's largest financial product distributor. SBI Money Plaza started

    preparation to establish consulting counter by accountants and financial planners

    5. By introducing the systems and know-how of our core businesses accumulated in

    Japan in tandem with the economic development of the emerging countries, SBIH will

    be positioned to promote the development of the financial services business in those


    (*1) Already started preparations to re-enter the life insurance business in a year or

    year and a half

    (*2) We plans to reach a Group total of 200 shops by early FY 2010

    "Corporate mission" is another way of describing a company's management

    philosophy: a company's long-term values and raison d'etre that do not change easily

    because of top management shifts or market changes. Corporate mission establishes a

    clear long-term goal for a company for all employees to aspire.

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    In contrast, a "corporate vision" concretely describes how a company sees itself in the

    future. In the current age of rapid change, a corporate vision is of a more medium-

    term nature.

    We shall undertake judgments on actions based not on whehter they violate

    the law or profit the company, but on whether or not they are socially

    justifiable. In the book entitled "Zen of Vegetable Roots (Caigentan)," which

    is a collection of social teachings that was written by Hong Ying Mingduring the era of the Ming Dynasty it is written, "Virtue is the foundation of

    a business."

    Bringing financial innovations to the forefront of the financial industry,

    capitalizing on new opportunities emerging via the Internet and developingfinancial services that further profit customers

    Becoming the leader in creating and growing pivotal 21st-century industry

    Continuing to be a company that evolves of its own volition through

    formation of an organization that flexibly adapts to changes in the operatingenvironment and a corporate DNA composed of"Ingenuity" and "Self-transformation"

    Ensuring each company in the SBI Group carries out its social and economicresponsibilities to all stakeholders and society.

    A "corporate vision" concretely describes how a company sees itself in the future, and

    therefore must be realistic and attainable. In the current age of rapid change, acorporate vision is of a more medium-term nature.

    Here at the SBI Group, we make a clear distinction between a "corporate mission" and

    "corporate vision." We define "management philosophy" as a company's long-term

    values and raison d'etre that do not change easily because of top management shifts or

    market changes.

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    As integral members of society, companies owe their own existence to the very

    existence of society. Consequently, no company can function as a going concern

    without contributing to the sustained development of society.

    The SBIH Group has a strong awareness of the social nature of companies and the

    need to be a strong and respected company. With this in mind, the Group is

    aggressively conducting many corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs

    nhancing CSR Efforts

    The SBI Group is vigorously promoting business activities in harmony with corporate

    social responsibility (CSR) With our password to success, "integrity is the basis of

    profit," the SBI Group is demonstrating that honest business activities will be


    Direct Contributions to Society Thus Far

    The SBI Group believes an enterprise can only prosper in harmony with society.

    Building a better company naturally produces better future results. As Professor

    Michael E. Porter of Harvard University has stated, "corporate social contribution

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    activities are like strategic investments for a company." In addition to indirect

    contributions to society through main business activities, the SBI Group is also taking

    the initiative to engage in direct social contribution activities.


    The Softbank Finance board of directors established a basic policy.Each group company that earns over 300 million yen in profits after taxdeductions donates 1% of its profit to the Children's Social Welfare


    Charitable activities took hold.After receiving the support of nine special government ordinance-designated

    cities and 39 prefectures, SBI donated 167.1 million yen (173 facilities) to

    children's homes and infant homes that are under local government jurisdiction.2004/12

    SBI established the SBI Child Welfare Limited Liability Intermediate

    Corporation.In addition to donations from each SBI company, SBI became the firstenterprise in Japan to make use of stock options and securities as donationsfrom supporters.


    SBI Child Welfare Limited Liability Intermediate Corporation became

    fully active.

    SBI representatives visit local governments and child welfare facilities across

    Japan to learn about child welfare facilities.SBI representatives visit local authorities across Japan and participate in publichearings.


    SBI Child Welfare Limited Liability Intermediate Corporation started to

    receive donations from supporters.Founders of newly listed companies began to donate treasury stock.

    Unlisted companies began to donate stock option rights.2005/10

    The SBI Children's Hope Foundation was established.


    The SBI Group invites supporters from a wide cross-section of society toparticipate in the Foundation. The Foundation was established to help children

    become self-reliant adults and to contribute to child welfare through activitiesto enhance child welfare awareness in Japanese industry.



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    As a direct social contribution, the SBI Group is engaged in activities to improve child

    welfare. With so many different kinds of problems in society, why has the SBI Group

    chosen to focus on child welfare? The main reason is because child welfare in Japan

    faces grave challenges.

    Even though Japan is in the midst of a declining birthrate, every year more and more

    abused or neglected children are being placed children's homes. The number of

    facilities (555 as of 2005/12) to treat abused children is increasing nationwide, but

    chronic overcrowding persists with many needy children placed on waiting lists to

    receive care. In FY 2005 the social security budget was 84.2668 trillion yen out of

    which only a mere 3.8% went towards expenses related to children and family.

    Expenses related to care for the elderly took up 70.4% of the total budget. This is an

    enormous gap in priorities.

    Children, the weakest members of society, are completely dependant upon parents and

    thus deserve their unconditional love and support. Unfortunately, many children who

    should receive the love of their parents are being abused by them, which is a social

    trend of deep concern to the SBI Group. Japan, which has few natural resources, relies

    on manpower as its greatest asset. Children, who are born with unlimited potential,

    require parental affection to grow up as healthy and strong members of society. The

    future of Japan is in the hands of this precious resource.

    An enterprise cannot flourish without the steady development of society just as society

    cannot develop without the active growth its individual members. In other words, the

    progress of SBI Group depends on the growth of people, who in turn will bear the

    society of the future. That is exactly why activities to help children, who are our future

    stakeholders, is such an important enterprise strategy.

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    For these reasons, the SBI Group will make full use of the knowledge and expertise

    gained over the years in private business to contribute towards solving child welfare


    Profile of the Foundation

    The SBI Children's Hope Foundation will make use of the SBI Group's network and

    knowledge built up over the years as a private enterprise to help abused children grow

    up as self-reliant adults and to improve child welfare conditions.


    CICI Group offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retailcustomers through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised group companies,subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of personal banking, investment banking, life and generalinsurance, venture capital and asset management. With a strong customer focus, the ICICI GroupCompanies have maintained and enhanced their leadership position in their respective sectors.

    ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of Rs. 3,793.01 billion (US$ 75 billion) at March31, 2009 and profit after tax Rs. 37.58 billion for the year ended March 31, 2009. The Bank has a networkof 1,451 branches and about 4,721 ATMs in India and presence in 18 countries.


    ICICI Group has always been at the forefront of developing innovative financial products, which caters to various

    needs of people from all walks of life. Over the years, it has launched several financial products that offer

    financial support, security and more to not just individuals, but to big and small organisations too.Banking

    y Personal Bankingooo

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    y Global Private Clients

    y Corporate Bankingoooooooo

    y Business Bankingooooo

    y NRI Bankingoooooo

    Insurance & Investment

    y Life Insuranceoooo

    y General Insuranceooooo



    y Mutual Fundoooo

    y Private Equity Practice


    To be the leading provider of financial services in India and a major global bank.

    Mission:We will leverage our people, technology, speed and financial capital to:

    y be the banker of first choice for our customers by delivering high quality, world -classproducts and services.

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    y expand the frontiers of our business globally.y play a proactive role in the full realisation of Indias potential.y maintain a healthy financial profile and diversify our earnings across businesses and

    geographies.y maintain high standards of governance and ethics.y contribute positively to the various countries and markets in which we operate.y create value for our stakeholders.

    Code of Commitment

    ICICI Bank follows a voluntary Code, which sets minimum standards of banking practiceswhen they are dealing with individual customers. More>>

    Privacy Policy

    ICICI Bank is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its customers. More>>

    DNC (Don't Call Registry)

    ICICI Bank do respect your privacy, and appreciate that som e of you may not want to becontacted over the phone for our telemarketing activities. If this is the case with you, youmay use the Do Not Call form given below and register your phone number(s) that youwant excluded from our telemarketing list. The deta ils that you enter in the form will remainconfidential. More>>

    Towards Sustainable Development

    As India's fastest growing financial services conglomerate, with deep moorings in the Indian

    economy for over five decades, ICICI Group of companies have endeavoured to contribute

    to address the challenges posed to the community in multiple ways.

    1) ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth: (ICICI Foundation) was founded by the ICICI

    Group in early 2008 to give focus to its efforts to promote inclusive growth amongst low -

    income Indian households. ICICI Foundation's mission is to create and support strong

    independent organisations which work towards empowering the poor to participate in and

    benefit from the Indian growth process. The Foundation has built partnerships with dedicated

    and knowledgeable organisations working in the five areas that we believe provide essential

    elements for inclusive growth: primary health, elementary education, acce ss to financialservices, strengthening civil societies, and environmental sustainability. More>>

    2) ICICI Group's financial inclusion initiatives: ICICI Group's financial inclusion initiatives

    include microfinance initiatives, introduction of biometric cards, models like Business

    Correspondents, microinsurance and micro systematic investment plans. More>>

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    3) Disha Counselling: Disha Financial Counselling services are free to all in areas like

    financial education, credit counselling and debt management. More>>

    4) Technology Finance Group: TFG's programmes are designed to assist industry and

    institutions to undertake collaborative R&D and technology development projects. More>>

    5) Read to Lead campaign: ICICI Bank has pledged to educate 1,00,000 children through

    the 'Read to Lead initiative. Because education today means a better life tomorrow. More>>

    6) Go Green. Each one for a better earth: ICICI Bank, is a responsible corporate citizen

    and believes that every small 'green' step today would go a long way in building a greener

    future and that each one of us can work towards a better earth.

    Go Green' is an organisation wide initiative that moves beyond moving ourselves, our

    processes and our customers to cost efficient automated channels to building awarenessand consciousness of our environment, our nation and our society.



    To be a Leading Global Bank with Pan India footprints and become a household brand in the Indo-Gangetic

    Plains providing entire range of financial products and services under one roof"


    "Banking for the unbanked"


    Punjab under the British especially after annexation in 1849 witnessed a period of rapid development giving risto a new educated class fired with a desire for freedom from the yoke of slavery. Amongst the cherished desiresof this new class was also an overriding ambition to start a Swadeshi Bank with Indian Capital and managementrepresenting all sections of the Indian community. The idea was first mooted by Rai Mool Raj of Arya Samaj who,as reported by Lal Lajpat Rai, had long cherished the idea that Indians should have a national bank of their own.He felt keenly "the fact that the Indian capital was being used to run English banks and companies, the profitaccruing from which went entirely to the Britishers whilst Indians had to contend themselves with a small intereston their own capital".At the instance of Rai Mool Raj, Lala Lajpat Rai sent round a circular to selected friends insisting on an IndiaJoint Stock Bank as the first special step in constructive Swadeshi. Lala Harkrishan Lal who had returned fromEngland with ideas regarding commerce and industry, was eager to give them practical shape.On May 23, 1894, the efforts materialized. The founding board was drawn from different parts of India professingdifferent faiths and a varied back-ground with, however, the common objective of providing country with a trulynational bank which would further the economic interest of the country.The Bank opened for business on 12 April, 1895. The first Board of 7 Directors comprised of Sardar Dayal SinghMajithia, who was also the founder of Dayal Singh College and the Tribune; Lala Lalchand one of the founders ofDAV College and President of its Management Society; Kali Prosanna Roy, eminent Bengali pleader who wasalso the Chairman of the Reception committee of the Indian National Congress at its Lahore session in 1900;Lala Harkishan Lal who became widely known as the first industrialist of Punjab; EC Jessawala, a well knownParsi merchant and partner of Jamshedji & Co. of Lahore; Lala Prabhu Dayal, a leading Rais, merchant andphilanthropist of Multan; Bakshi Jaishi Ram, an eminent Civil Lawyer of Lahore; and Lala Dholan Dass, a greatbanker, merchant and Rais of Amritsar. Thus a Bengali, Parsi, a Sikh and a few Hindus joined hands in a purelynational and cosmopolitan spirit to found this Bank which opened its doors to the public on 12th of April 1895

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    They went about it with a Missionary Zeal. Sh. Dayal Singh Majithia was the first Chairman, Lala Harkishan Lal,the first secretary to the Board and Shri Bulaki Ram Shastri Barrister at Lahore, was appointed Manager.A Maiden Dividend of 4% was declared after only 7 months of operation. Lala Lajpat Rai was the first to open anaccount with the bank which was housed in the building opposite the Arya Samaj Mandir in Anarkali in Lahore.His younger brother joined the Bank as a Manager. Authorised total capital of the Bank was Rs. 2 lakhs, theworking capital was Rs. 20000. It had total staff strength of nine and the total monthly salary amounted to Rs.320.The first branch outside Lahore was opened in Rawalpindi in 1900. The Bank made slow, but steady progress i

    the first decade of its existence. Lala Lajpat Rai joined the Board of Directors soon after. in 1913, the bankingindustry in India was hit by a severe crisis following the failure of the Peoples Bank of India founded by LalaHarkishan Lal. As many as 78 banks failed during this crisis. Punjab National Bank survived. Mr. JH Maynard, thethen Financial Commissioner, Punjab, remarked...."Your Bank survived...no doubt due to good management". Itspoke volumes for the measure of confidence reposed by the public in the Bank's management.The years 1926 to 1936 were turbulent and loss ridden ones for the banking industry the world over. The 192Wall Street crash plunged the world into a severe economic crisis.It was during this period that the Jalianwala Bagh Committee account was opened in the Bank, which in thdecade that followed, was operated by Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The five years from 1941to 1946 were ones of unprecedented growth. From a modest base of 71, the number of branches increased to278. Deposits grew from Rs. 10 crores to Rs. 62 crores. On March 31, 1947, the Bank officials decided to leaveLahore and transfer the registered office of the Bank to Delhi and permission for transfer was obtained from theLahore High Court on June 20, 1947.PNB was then housed in the precincts of Sreeniwas in the salubrious Civil Lines, Delhi. Many a staff member fellvictim to the widespread riots in the discharge of their duties. The conditions deteriorated further. The Bank wasforced to close 92 offices in West Pakistan constituting 33 percent of the total number and having 40% of the totaldeposits. The Bank, however, continued to maintain a few caretaker branches.The Bank then embarked on its task of rehabilitating the displaced account holders. The migrants from Pakistanwere repaid their deposits based upon whatever evidence they could produce. Such gestures cemented theitrusts in the bank and PNB became a symbol of Trust and a name you can bank upon. Surplus staff posed a bigproblem. Fast expansion became a priority. The policy paid rich dividends by opening up an era of phenomenagrowth.In 1951, the Bank took over the assets and liabilities of Bharat Bank Ltd. and became the second largest bank inthe private sector. In 1962, it amalgamated the Indo-Commercial Bank with it. From its dwindled deposits of Rs.43 crores in 1949 it rose to cross the Rs. 355 crores mark by the July 1969. Its number of offices had increasedto 569 and advances from Rs. 19 crores in 1949 to Rs. 243 crores by July 1969 when it was nationalised.Since inception in 1895, PNB has always been a "People's bank" serving millions of people throughout thcountry and also had the proud distinction of serving great national leaders like Sarvshri Jawahar Lal NehruGobind Ballabh Pant, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, Smt. Indira Gandhi etc. amongst other whobanked with us.Crore

    Parameters Mar'08 Mar'09 Mar'10 CAGR (%)

    Operating Profit 4006 5690 7326 22.29

    Net Profit 2049 3091 3905 23.98

    Deposit 166457 209760 249330 14.42

    Advance 119502 154703 186601 16.01

    Total Business 285959 364463 435931 15.09


    Agriculture and Farmers related initiatives:

    Increased lending to Agriculture/Weaker sector/Women which

    results in impacting their lives through income generation.

    The Bank has established two trusts viz., PNB Farmers Welfare

    Trust and PNB Centenary Rural Development Trust. These

    trusts are involved in running training centres which imparts

    training in farming and also other non-farm activities

    Financial Inclusion Initiatives

    Rickshaw Projects

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    The Bank is financing rickshaw pullers in collaboration with

    MFIs/NGOs/BCs at Varanasi, Allahabad, Lucknow, Kanpur,

    Patna, Meerut, Ahmedabad, Ara, Darbhanga, Ludhiana, Agra,

    Rohtak, Bareilly, Bharatpur and Jabalpur. Further, the scheme

    has been extended throughout the country at DRI rate to

    individual rickshaw pullers so as to assist them to stand on

    their own by supplementing their daily livelihood and thereby

    improving their standard of living. So far, the bank has financed

    6400 rickshaw pullers and the amount disbursed is Rs 629 Lakh.

    Health Initiatives:

    During 2009-10, 131 Human Health Check Up Camps,

    97 Animal Health Check Up Camps and 25 Blood Donation

    camps were conducted with the active involvement of the staff.

    Green Initiatives:

    Bank shares concerns about environmental issues especiallythe Green House Gas emissions. Bank feels that besides

    creating awareness about pollution which is responsible for

    global warming there is a need for taking steps for reducing

    pollution by banking system as a whole.

    Education Initiatives:

    The bank is also maintaining Library-cum-Reading Rooms in

    rural areas in Punjab, M.P., Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal,

    Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal states.

    Number of Education loan accounts stood at 78,278 with an

    amount of Rs 2,272 crore (outstanding) and Rs. 924 crore

    port Activities:

    Bank continued in its efforts to promote sports and nurturing

    young talents. Towards this end, PNB Hockey Academy was

    established in the year 2002 for searching and grooming young

    talented players in the age group of 14 to 19 years as part of

    Junior Hockey Team and is according due support to their

    education, employment & physical well being.

    Other CSR Initiatives:

    Asha Project

    Asha is an NGO working for the community development

    and providing the basic amenities of life to the slum dwellers

    in Delhi

    Nanhi Chhaan Project

    Bank has associated itself with the Nanhi Chhaan foundation,

    a philanthropic project promoted by M/s Impact Projects Pvt.

    Ltd. for creating awareness of female foeticide and the

    depletion of Indias forest cover. Under this project, families

    who visit their respective places of religious worship are given

    plant saplings (by the Foundation) as religious offerings

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    (prashad) whenever a girl enters their family either as a new

    born or as daughter in law.