Tate britain

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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The main displays hold permanent collections of historic British art, as well as contemporary work. It also has rooms dedicated to works by one artist, such as: Tracey Emin, John Latham, Douglas Gordon, though these, like the rest of the collection, are subject to rotation similarly the gallery holds temporary major exhibitions for example Frank Auerbach.During our time at the gallery we got to experience an array of art as a method of enhancing our creative knowledge and giving us inspiration for current and future projects, we were given a booklet of tasks to complete and had to use these tasks to expand on original or create our own ideas and sketches.

Task:“Go beyond an artwork. Expand outside the frame or space that exists within.Exhaust all thoughts, ideas and possibilities about and around the artwork and the artist – and then keep going, see where this takes you. Make a drawing that leads out from the frame or the space of artwork. Where do the lines take you, where does the sculptural form end if you take it further, what is above, below or around it.”

Task:“Draw a birds eye view map of the room you are in, marking all the artworks and exits.Now move through the space thinking about how each artwork makes you feel. Move according to that feeling. Would something make you slouch or something exciting make o wiggle. Make a key of your responses out of symbols. Use marks such as dashes, dots and jittery lines, zigzags and shapes that show how you moved and where.Next, draw your journey through the room, which artworks did you go to, which did you avoid? Use your key to express your feelings

Task: “ Find a home appliance you recognize, so some kind of machine or thing used in your home maybe for cleaning or cooking or other home things. Who usually uses this machine in your home, what is it for, who is usually using this machine. Draw this appliance.Find a bosy, or a piece od a body, inside or outside. What kind of body is it, if it is a body part why has it been seperated from the rest of the body or real bodies. Is this body alive or dead? Where do you usually see this kind of body on the TV, in movies or ads? Draw this body or piece of body.Combine the two images”