Tax Collector Billing and Collection Process Analysis

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Tax Collector Billing and Collection Process


Miami-Dade County Office of Strategic Business Management

February 2010


Table of Contents Background and Project Objectives .................................................................................... 3 Approach & Methodology .................................................................................................. 4 Activity Analysis ................................................................................................................ 4 Process Mapping and Analysis ........................................................................................... 5 Findings and Recommendations ......................................................................................... 6 Appendix I: Activity Analysis Results ............................................................................ 11 Appendix II: Process Flowcharts ..................................................................................... 37 


Billing and Collection Process Analysis

Background and Project Objectives    The Tax Collector’s Office (TCO) asked the Office of Strategic Business Management (OSBM) to conduct an operational process analysis of its Billing and Collection processes. This office performs billing and collection operations for the following revenue sources:

• Ad Valorem Taxes • Tangible Personal Property Taxes • Local Business Taxes • Convention & Tourist Taxes • Auto Tag Fees

The TCO is in the process of acquiring a software package that will further automate their billing operations for all the revenue sources except Auto Tag Fees. In anticipation of this software acquisition, the TCO engaged OSBM to help them analyze and improve their Billing and Collection processes. TCO’s goal is to obtain maximum benefit from the new software by:

• Improving their current processes, and • Developing a clear and detailed understanding of how the new software

should support their operation. The objectives of this project were to:

• Determine the costs of all Billing and Collection processes and activities • Map, measure and analyze Billing and Collection processes for:

o Ad Valorem Taxes o Tangible Personal Property Taxes o Local Business Taxes o Convention & Tourist Taxes

• Develop findings, conclusions, recommendations and implementation

strategies that will:

o Streamline operations and improve processes wherever possible, o Improve service quality, efficiency and effectiveness, and o Make effective use of current and newly acquired technology


Approach & Methodology  The OSBM project team worked very closely with the Tax Collector’s management team and knowledge workers to analyze its various processes. Here is a summary of the project team’s approach and methodology for this project:

• Developed a comprehensive activity-based cost model for selected billing and collection processes - This cost model displays how the Tax Collector’s Office allocates its personnel resources across the various operational processes

• Facilitated a series of work sessions where each major process was mapped, measured and evaluated

• Facilitated additional work sessions and worked closely with key members of the management team to develop a preliminary list of operational and organizational recommendations

• Discussed functionality requirements with the Tax Collector’s Information Systems Administrator

• Presented preliminary recommendations to the Tax Collector and his Information Systems Administrator

• Finalized the recommendations after receiving the management team’s guidance and input

Activity Analysis  OSBM facilitated a work session with the Tax Collector’s staff to identify the cost of each major operational process. Employees were asked to categorize the major tasks that comprise their jobs (including general administration – referred to here as “miscellaneous activity”) and estimate the percentage of time spent on each task. These estimates were then matched with previously defined operational processes and employee-specific compensation data to build an activity-based cost model for the Tax Collector’s Office, summarized on Table 1 (below). More detailed results of the activity analysis are contained in Appendix I.


Total annual process costs were $6.8 million. The overall allocation of these costs to the various processes indicates that the Tax Collector’s Office is distributing its resources in accordance with its operational priorities. It should also be noted that taken together, the proportional cost of management, supervision and miscellaneous activity (14%) is well within acceptable limits for this type of administrative operation.

Process Mapping and Analysis  The project team facilitated several structured work sessions with Tax Collector staff members to map, measure and evaluate the following processes:

• Fast payment processing of mailed tax payments • Walk-in tax payments • Personal Property tax payments • Convention & Tourist tax payments

These work sessions produced detailed process maps for each selected process (see Appendix II), and a large number of process improvement opportunities in the following areas:

Auto Tag$476,670 


Ad Valorem$2,324,707 












TABLE 1:Tax Collector ‐ Activity Analysis Summary

Total Process Cost:  $6,819,771  


• Information Technology • Communication • Outreach/Maximizing Revenue

Although staff identified numerous process improvement opportunities, it should be noted that overall, the OSBM project team found no significant shortcomings in any of the Tax Collector’s major processes. Generally, the processes as currently designed are effective, and make efficient use of personnel.

The process improvement opportunities (see Appendix III) were approved by the Tax Collector and his management team, who directed the project team to pursue solutions in each of the areas of opportunity.

Findings and Recommendations  The findings and recommendations presented in this section of the report were developed in close consultation with the Tax Collector’s staff members and management team. OSBM facilitated a series of highly- structured, intense work sessions with Tax Collector staff to develop the foundation for these recommendations. Their hard work and valuable input were essential to the development of these findings and recommendations. The following recommendations were presented to and approved by the Tax Collector and his Information Systems Administrator. Information Technology Both the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector have large databases with very similar information. As businesses re-locate and residents move to new homes, both offices make adjustments to their databases. The Tax Collector’s enforcement staff relies on the Property Appraiser’s database to locate businesses and individuals who have become delinquent in the payment of their property taxes. When the Tax Collector’s enforcement staff members discover that businesses or individuals have re-located, they must currently inform the Property Appraiser verbally or in writing, and hope the correction is made in the Property Appraiser’s system. Recommendation – Create linkages between the Property Appraiser’s and Tax Collector’s systems that would enable the Property


Appraiser’s database to be updated quickly, when field staff discover that businesses or individuals have re-located. The Tax Collector’s Office currently receives a large number of requests from the public to locate specific businesses. The Tax Collector’s web page is not configured to respond to these types of inquiries. Recommendation – Re-configure the Tax Collector’s web page to enable staff or the public to locate businesses on that web page. The Tax Collector’s current system is not configured to enable customers to create and pay for new Local Business Tax (LBT) accounts on-line. It is also incapable of accepting various forms of payment, including credit card payments and partial payments. These limitations create inconveniences for customers, and additional work for Tax Collector staff. Recommendation – Configure the Tax Collector’s system to:

• Enable customers to create and pay for new LBT accounts on-line, and

• Accept credit card payments and partial payments. The Tax Collector’s field staff currently use various manual forms to record their findings, and log their daily output. This creates duplication in work effort when their findings are entered into the system, and delays in updating the status of enforcement efforts and other field work. Recommendation – Explore the feasibility of providing field staff with portable computer equipment, and automating various forms. This would improve the field workers’ productivity, and eliminate delays in updating the status of enforcement efforts and other field work. Convention and Tourist Tax (CTT) collection staff is currently barred from accessing County-prohibited web sites. According to staff, CTT could collect additional revenue if they had access to these sites. Recommendation – Allow selected staff in the Convention and Tourist Tax Section to access County-prohibited web sites. Communication During the facilitated work sessions that produced the foundation for many of the project team’s findings and recommendations, Tax Collector staff offered several recommendations for improving internal and external communication, customer service, and revenue generating capability. OSBM endorses staff’s recommendations, as long as sufficient funding is available to implement them.


Here is a summary of those recommendations:

• Provide more customer service training to staff at all levels.

• Conduct quarterly (or more frequent) staff meetings to share information and suggestions across the various work units.

• Distribute brochures with pertinent tax collection information to other county and state agencies.

• Include LBT reminders in Ad Valorem Tax Bills.

• Send Convention and Tourist Tax staff to statewide conferences so they will have immediate access to pertinent legislative and industry-related information.

Community Outreach/Maximizing Revenue Staff identified several avenues for the Tax Collector to access valuable information that could boost their revenue generating capability. The following recommendations emerged from those facilitated discussions:

• Obtain information from the Clerk of Courts and the Real Estate Industry regarding business sales, closings and transfers.

• Expand current efforts to compare the Tax collector’s database to those of other municipalities.

• Obtain greater access to commercial permitting data. Staff also offered the following recommendations to maximize the Tax Collector’s community outreach and revenue generation capabilities:

• Make Convention and Tourist Tax information available to property managers and relevant professional associations. According to staff, many condominium owners and business owners are unaware of their Convention and Tourist Tax obligations.

• To make more effective use of field enforcement staff, use letters to communicate with delinquent accounts whose past


due obligations are below an agreed threshold; and reserve the use of field staff to pursue past due accounts whose value exceeds the agreed threshold.

• Implement an amnesty program that would allow businesses with past due accounts to forego their obligation to pay penalties, as long as they agree to pay their delinquent taxes.

OSBM Staff Deployment Recommendation The Exceptions Unit’s current staffing level is 8 full time equivalent (FTE’s) positions. Employees in this unit spend 85% of their time creating, scanning and otherwise processing “Return Letters” to taxpayers who submitted tax payments that could not be immediately processed by the Tax Collector’s office. The Fast Payment Processing Unit (FPPU) informed the project team that they could create and scan Return Letters with 2 additional FTE’s. Several work units in the Tax Collector’s office have conservatively estimated that revenue could be increased by a minimum of $1,150,000 per year for 5 years if additional personnel were deployed to:

• Create new accounts through database analysis and other sorties;

• Enhance enforcement efforts to create new accounts and collect delinquent accounts; and

• Create new Convention and Tourist Tax accounts through additional canvassing and auditing of under-payments.

These revenue enhancement opportunities are summarized in Table 2 (below):

Table 2:


Revenue Potential: Resource Requirement:


LBT/TPP – New accounts through database analysis and sorties

$600,000 per year 2 FTEs

Enforcement - Collections on delinquencies and new accounts

$150,000 per year for 5-6 yrs.


CTT – New accounts through canvassing and auditing of underpayments

$400,000 per year 1 FTE

Total Potential Revenue:

$1,150,000 per year for 5-6 years

As previously stated, 85% of the 8 staff members’ time in the Exceptions Unit is spent creating, scanning and otherwise processing Return Letters. This translates to a time equivalency of 6.8 FTE’s (.85 X 8 FTE’s). Therefore, if this function were transferred to the FPPU, 2 FTE’s (rounded up from 1.2 FTE’s) would need to remain in the Exceptions Unit to handle the remaining work in that unit, and 6 FTE’s would become available to re-deploy to the revenue enhancing activities described on Table 2. Recommendation – Deploy the Exceptions Unit’s staff in the following manner:

• Retain 2 FTE’s in the Exceptions Unit

• Send 2 FTE’s to FPPU

• Send 3 FTE’s to rotate their work effort between the Local Business Tax (LBT), Tangible Personal Property (TPP) Tax and Enforcement work units

• Send 1 FTE to CTT

Redeploying the Exceptions Unit’s staff in this manner will position the Tax Collector’s office to collect a minimum of $1,150,000 per year for the next 5 years.


Appendix I:  Activity Analysis Results 

Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant I 1 Auto Tag AT 100% $ 63,409 $ -

Accountant I 1 Auto Tag AT 100% $ 58,042 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Auto Tag AT 100% $ 62,792 $ - Accountant III 1 Auto Tag AT 100% $ 125,604 $ - Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Daily Closeout AT 14% $ 18,896 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Auto Tag AT 100% $ 56,336 $ - Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Payments AT 15% $ 8,684 $ - 100%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Scan Payments AT 5% $ 2,895 $ - 100%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process E-Commerce

Trans. AT 5% $ 2,895 $ - 100%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 DMV License Plate

Inventory AT 5% $ 2,895 $ - 100%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Auto Tag Reject Letters AT 5% $ 2,895 $ - 80%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Research AT 8% $ 4,342 $ - 50%

Accountant II 1 Direct Supervisor AT 80% $ 59,543 $ -

Accountant II 1 Support the R/E & Auto Tag AT 10% $ 7,443 $ -

Auto Tag $ 476,670 $ - Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Bankruptcy AV 10% $ 7,409 5% $ 370 50%


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Research AV 8% $ 5,927 5% $ 296

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Court Hearings AV 2% $ 1,482 $ -

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 New Cases AV 5% $ 3,705 $ -

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Research AV 5% $ 4,250 5% $ 212 50%

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Cases (7,13,11,12) AV 8% $ 6,800 $ -

Paralegal 1 Court Hearings AV 3% $ 2,125 $ - Paralegal 1 Litigation Cases AV 5% $ 4,250 $ -

Paralegal 1 SFJ (Summary Final Judgment) AV 15% $ 12,749 2% $ 255

Accountant II 1 Reconciliation of Collections of Real Estate

AV 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Reconciliation of Sub funds 521-523-528 AV 15% $ 12,116 $ -

Accountant II 1 Audit of Returned Checks in Famis AV 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Audit of Returned Online Payments AV 5% $ 4,039 $ -

Accountant II 1 Close Year Ends AV 5% $ 4,039 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Incoming Wire Transfers AV 12% $ 9,689 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Escrow Deposits AV 6% $ 4,845 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Litigation Escrow Deposits AV 6% $ 4,845 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant II 1 Audit Manual Refund Request from Pre Deposits

AV 8% $ 6,460 $ -

Accountant II 1 Balance E-Checking Collection Daily AV 4% $ 3,230 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare Lock-Box Journal Entries AV 4% $ 3,230 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare Reconciliations (Escrow, Lit Escrow, Utilities)

AV 10% $ 8,074 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare & Gather up for Pre-Deposits AV 8% $ 6,460 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Auto Tag Av 60% $ 37,189 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Process Escrow Deposits AV 15% $ 9,297 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Process Litigation Deposits AV 10% $ 6,198 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Balance e-checking/JE for Charge Backs AV 12% $ 7,438 $ -

Accountant II 1 Maintenance of Refunds AV 30% $ 18,103 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Replacement Checks AV 30% $ 18,103 $ -

Accountant II 1 Customer Service AV 10% $ 6,034 $ -

Accountant II 1 Audit Returned Checks AV 15% $ 9,052 $ -

Accountant II 1 Review Bills to be Delivered AV 15% $ 9,052 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Process Real Estate

Payments AV 5% $ 21,319 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Create Return Letters AV 75% $ 319,788 2% $ 6,396

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Make Payment

Adjustments AV 1% $ 4,264 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Making Decisions on

Payments AV 5% $ 21,319 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Answer Questions Calls

from the 311 Center AV 2% $ 8,528 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Scanning Return Letters AV 10% $ 42,638 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 4 Looking up Front of Back

of Refund Info AV 20% $ 48,258 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 4 Process 2008 Refund AV 45% $ 108,581 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 4 Answer TSR from 311

Office AV 5% $ 12,065 5% $ 603

Tax Records Specialist II 4 Answer Calls Concerning

Refunds, Payment Quart AV 20% $ 48,258 5% $ 2,413

Tax Records Specialist II 4 Mail Out Correction

Assessment Notice & Bill AV 9% $ 21,716 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 4 Help in Research Office AV 1% $ 2,413 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Process Payments AV 35% $ 17,841 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Research Bankruptcy

Cases AV 20% $ 10,195 $ - 80%

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Verify Trustee Payments AV 25% $ 12,743 $ - 80%

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Prepare Refunds AV 10% $ 5,097 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Splits & Groupings

(Processing) AV 1% $ 640 5% $ 32

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Delinquent Paid in Error

(Processing) AV 15% $ 9,594 5% $ 480

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Tax Deeds (Processing) AV 15% $ 9,594 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Scanning (Processing) AV 15% $ 9,594 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 TSR's (Processing) AV 6% $ 3,837 2% $ 77

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Inventory AV 2% $ 1,279 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Homestead Violation

Lien Payment AV 13% $ 8,315 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 List of Lands (Payment

Process) AV 5% $ 3,198 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 RCC Committee (Green

Initiatives) AV 2% $ 1,279 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Certificate Breakdown

(Process) AV 2% $ 1,279 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Telephone - (Research

Also) AV 14% $ 8,954 2% $ 179

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Research Tax Records AV 5% $ 3,198 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 National Title Request AV 1% $ 640 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Customer Service

(Counter) AV 3% $ 1,919 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Waste Removals AV 1% $ 640 $ -

Accountant III 1 Management/Supervision AV 70% $ 63,150 $ -

Accountant II 1 Monthly Distributions of Monies AV 30% $ 30,314 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant II 1 Reconcile Daily Reports AV 30% $ 30,314 $ -

Accountant II 1 Send Reports to Municipalities (Monthly) AV 10% $ 10,105 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Process Quarterly R/E Distribution AV 30% $ 18,689 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Balance Daily Receipts AV 10% $ 6,230 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Distribute Daily Reports AV 5% $ 3,115 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Daily Closeout AV 14% $ 18,896 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Collect Property Taxes from Walk-in Customers AV 5% $ 6,749 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Process Quarterly Applications AV 5% $ 6,749 $ -

Accountant Clerk 2 Voucher - Process Ref &

Pmt AV 25% $ 28,589 1% $ 286 5%

Accountant Clerk 2 Manual Refunds AV 10% $ 11,435 3% $ 343 1%

Accountant Clerk 2 Emergency Refunds

(Manual) AV 3% $ 2,859 $ - 1%

Accountant Clerk 2 Interface Auditing AV 5% $ 5,718 $ -

Accountant Clerk 2 Research & Phone Calls AV 8% $ 8,577 $ - 20%

Acct. Clerk 1 Process Escrow Pre-Deposits AV 40% $ 22,871 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Make JE for Pre-Deposits AV 20% $ 11,435 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Acct. Clerk 1 Produce Buyers Redemption Reports AV 15% $ 8,577 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Process Refund Requests AV 10% $ 5,718 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Other Activities AV 15% $ 8,577 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Collecting Payments for

R/E Taxes in Person AV 50% $ 365,472 1% $ 3,655 100%

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Answering Questions for

R/E & LBT in Person AV 5% $ 36,547 1% $ 365 70%

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Processing Research

Fees/Mail AV 7% $ 51,166 1% $ 512 70%

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Answer TSR's/Phone

Calls AV 2% $ 14,619 94% $ 13,742 70%

Temp 1 Return e-checking Collections AV 55% $ 16,225 $ -

Temp 1 Customer Service AV 30% $ 8,850 $ - Temp 1 Filing AV 15% $ 4,425 $ - Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Tax Deed

Applications AV 25% $ 14,345 5% $ 717 95%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Unapplied

Payment Reports AV 20% $ 11,476 $ - 90%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Requests/Process Title

Searches AV 30% $ 17,214 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Inquiries From Tax

Payers - TSR's AV 25% $ 14,345 $ - 60%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Process Tax Deed

Applications AV 10% $ 9,975 5% $ 499 95%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Request Refunds AV 5% $ 4,987 $ - 85%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Balancing Mass

Payments/TDA'S AV 5% $ 4,987 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Research - Fixing

Mistakes AV 25% $ 24,937 $ - 50%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Process Unapplied

Payment Reports AV 10% $ 9,975 $ - 90%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Responding to Tax

Payers - (Phones) AV 20% $ 19,949 $ - 80%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Examining Tax Files for

Court AV 10% $ 9,975 $ - 50%

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Process Refunds AV 5% $ 6,619 20% $ 1,324 5%

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Loss Check Affidavits AV 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Research Letters, Phone,

Fax AV 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 311 Research AV 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Stop Payments & Voids AV 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Reissue Refunds AV 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 State Dated Refund AV 5% $ 6,619 20% $ 1,324

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Process Refunds/Corrections AV 68% $ 45,890 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Maintain File & Correspond Deferred Taxes

AV 12% $ 8,098 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Provide E-Check Cancelation Info AV 10% $ 6,749 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Register Certificate

Bidders AV 5% $ 3,155 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Maintain Certificate

Bidder Files AV 10% $ 6,311 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Research/Process

Redemptions Payments AV 10% $ 6,311 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Maintain Prior Year

Information AV 10% $ 6,311 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Tax Certificate

Sale Info AV 10% $ 6,311 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Annual Tax Certificate

Sale AV 30% $ 18,932 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Monthly Certificate

Transfers AV 10% $ 6,311 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Payments AV 15% $ 8,684 $ - 100%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Bill Printing AV 8% $ 4,342 25% $ 1,086 100%

Accountant II 1 Support the R/E & Auto Tag AV 10% $ 7,443 $ -

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Process Court Payments AV 15% $ 13,356 5% $ 668

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 File Claims In Probate

Court AV 10% $ 8,904 5% $ 445

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Research Tax Rolls &

Payments AV 25% $ 22,260 5% $ 1,113

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Process Mail AV 5% $ 4,452 5% $ 223

Accountant I 1 Process Bills to Customers AV 30% $ 18,000 $ -

Accountant I 1 Customer Service AV 10% $ 6,000 $ - Accountant I 1 Process Cancellations AV 6% $ 3,600 $ - Accountant Clerk 1 Process Manual

Cancellation AV 15% $ 9,311 $ -

Accountant Clerk 1 Distribute Daily Reports AV 5% $ 3,104 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant Clerk 1 Other Activities AV 15% $ 9,311 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Mortgage (Mass # of Acct) Payment AV 40% $ 29,982 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Mortgage Refunds from Mass Payment AV 15% $ 11,243 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Requesting Refunds (Individual Folios) AV 25% $ 18,739 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Researching Answers for TSR AV 5% $ 3,748 98% $ 3,673 80%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Homestead

Violation Liens AV 5% $ 3,016 $ - 95%

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Adding PIE (Paid In

Error) AV 3% $ 1,810 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Research AV 5% $ 3,016 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Answering Telephones AV 7% $ 4,223 $ - 90%

Ad Valorem $ 2,324,707 $ 41,287 Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Supervise three Cashiers CT 40% $ 29,696 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Balancing Daily Collections CT 20% $ 14,848 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Cancellations CT 5% $ 3,712 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Balancing Monthly Collections CT 10% $ 7,424 $ -

Senior Tax Record 1 Canvassing for New

Accounts CT 5% $ 3,712 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.


Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Work with ETSD CT 5% $ 3,712 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Walk in Customers CT 5% $ 3,712 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Corrections of Collection Errors CT 5% $ 3,712 $ -

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Bankruptcy CT 10% $ 7,409 5% $ 370 50%

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Research CT 8% $ 5,927 5% $ 296

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Court Hearings CT 2% $ 1,482 $ -

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 New Cases CT 5% $ 3,705 $ -

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Research CT 5% $ 4,250 5% $ 212 50%

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Cases (7,13,11,12) CT 8% $ 6,800 $ -

Paralegal 1 Court Hearings CT 3% $ 2,125 $ -

CTT Manager 1 Overseeing Card T Collections CT 50% $ 61,181 $ -

CTT Manager 1 Resolving Card T Disputes CT 10% $ 12,236 $ -

CTT Manager 1 Month End Balancing & Recording CT 20% $ 24,472 $ -

Tax Examiner 1 Send Audit Letters CT 15% $ 9,553 $ - Tax Examiner 1 Conduct Audits CT 50% $ 31,842 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Examiner 1 Conduct Assignments CT 25% $ 15,921 $ - Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Daily Closeout CT 12% $ 16,196 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Collect on Past Due Accounts CT 20% $ 15,595 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Canvas on New Accounts CT 15% $ 11,696 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Field Work CT 20% $ 15,595 $ - 90%

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Issue Warrants CT 5% $ 3,899 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Garnish Bank Accounts CT 5% $ 3,899 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Telephone Contacts CT 15% $ 11,696 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Walk in Customers CT 5% $ 3,899 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Corrections on Accounts CT 5% $ 3,899 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Bad Checks CT 5% $ 3,899 $ -

Enforcement & C&T Collection Officer

1 Open Mail CT 5% $ 3,899 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant II 1 Check Accuracy of CT Collection Information CT 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process & Prepare JE to Distribute Conv. Tourist Taxes

CT 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Reconcile Conv. & Tourist Revenues & Expenditure to Famis

CT 20% $ 16,155 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare & Maintain Reconciliation Spread Sheets

CT 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Assistant Tax Collector 1 Oversee & Monitor CT 10% $ 16,211 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Assist Clients CT 20% $ 8,390 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Assist Enforcement

Officers CT 10% $ 4,195 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Special Projects CT 10% $ 4,195 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 5 Process Mail CT 50% $ 118,158 $ -

Con./Tourist $ 543,135 $ 879

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Bankruptcy LB 10% $ 7,409 5% $ 370 50%

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Research LB 7% $ 5,186 5% $ 259

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Court Hearings LB 2% $ 1,482 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 New Cases LB 5% $ 3,705 $ -

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Research LB 5% $ 4,250 5% $ 212 50%

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Cases (7,13,11,12) LB 7% $ 5,950 $ -

Paralegal 1 Court Hearings LB 3% $ 2,125 $ - Tax Record Specialist II 1 Process all Monies

Brought In LB 20% $ 12,745 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Data Entry & Update LB 20% $ 12,745 $ - 80%

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Help Inspectors

w/Questions LB 10% $ 6,373 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Research When They

Call In LB 10% $ 6,373 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Issue Warrants when

Necessary LB 3% $ 1,593 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Monthly Reports LB 5% $ 2,807 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Create LBT Records LB 14% $ 7,860 $ - 50%

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Refunds & Cancelations LB 10% $ 5,614 $ - 60%

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Update LBT Records LB 15% $ 8,421 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Balancing Web Payments LB 5% $ 2,807 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Bingos LB 5% $ 2,807 $ - 80%


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Database Access LB 1% $ 561 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Bad Checks LB 5% $ 2,807 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Research LB 20% $ 11,229 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Public Information LB 20% $ 11,229 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Complete TSR LB 2% $ 8,528 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Create LBT/Collect Money from Code Enforcement

LB 5% $ 6,749 $ -

Finance Collections Enforcement Officer

15 Conduct Collections Research LB 25% $ 292,399 $ - 90%

Finance Collections Enforcement Officer

15 Telephone Collections LB 5% $ 58,480 $ -

Finance Collections Enforcement Officer

15 Collections Fieldwork LB 20% $ 233,919 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 12

Collecting Payments for Local Business Taxes in Person

LB 30% $ 219,283 1% $ 2,193 90%

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Answering Questions for

R/E & LBT in Person LB 5% $ 36,547 1% $ 365 70%


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Process Refunds LB 5% $ 6,619 20% $ 1,324 5%

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Loss Check Affidavits LB 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Research Letters, Phone,

Fax LB 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Reissue Refunds LB 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Create/Update LBT

Records LB 15% $ 11,163 $ - 75%

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Update Monthly

Collection Reports LB 12% $ 8,930 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 LBT Renewal/Delinquent

Mail Out LB 16% $ 11,907 $ - 95%

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Quality Control of

Employee Work LB 10% $ 7,442 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Employee Computer

Access LB 2% $ 1,488 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Adjusting Penalties on

LBT Records LB 5% $ 3,721 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Public

Contact/Information LB 10% $ 7,442 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Web Payment Refunds LB 2% $ 1,488 $ - 90%

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Web Payment Deposits

in Famis LB 2% $ 1,488 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Supervision LB 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Answer Calls LB 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Senior Tax Record 1 Process Mail LB 13% $ 8,436 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.


Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Other Activities LB 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Payments LB 15% $ 8,684 $ - 100%

Accountant II 1 Check Accuracy of LB Collections Information LB 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 LB 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Reconcile LB Taxes Revenues & Expenditures

LB 20% $ 16,155 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare & Maintain Reconciliation Spread Sheets

LB 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 5 Answer Phones LB 15% $ 35,447 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 5 Answer E-Mails LB 15% $ 35,447 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 5 Scan Documents LB 10% $ 23,632 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Balance Collections LB 20% $ 11,229 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Process Cancellation LB 20% $ 11,229 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Assist Cashiers LB 10% $ 5,614 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Act as Liaison w/other Departments LB 25% $ 14,036 $ -

Tax Record Specialist I 2 Process Mail LB 50% $ 41,950 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Record Specialist I 2 Research LB 40% $ 33,560 $ -

Tax Record Specialist I 2 Filing LB 10% $ 8,390 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 5 Other Activities LB 10% $ 23,632 $ -

Loc./Bus $ 1,390,505 $ 4,724

Accountant II 1 Review of Cancellation in Tax Collector (Ret. Checks)

MS 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Customer Services MS 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Review of Refunds Generated for Ret. Checks

MS 5% $ 4,039 $ -

Accountant II 1 Review of Replacement Checks Applied to Tax Coll.

MS 5% $ 4,039 $ -

Accountant II 1 Supervise two Clerks/Other MS 8% $ 6,460 $ -

Accountant II 1 Supervision MS 30% $ 30,314 $ - Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Assist Clerk with Tax Payer Problems MS 25% $ 33,743 15% $ 5,061 20%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Process Tax Deed

Applications MS 10% $ 9,975 5% $ 499 95%

Delinquent R/F Supervisor II 1 Examining Tax Files for

Court MS 5% $ 4,987 $ - 50%

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Update Employee

Activity Reports MS 16% $ 11,907 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 PAR MS 5% $ 3,721 $ -

Tax Collector Supervisor I 1 Personnel (Evaluations) MS 5% $ 3,721 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

TAX COLLECTOR 1 Management/Supervision MS 100% $ 163,140 $ -

Mgt/Supv. $ 292,198 $ 5,560 Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Database Management OT 10% $ 7,409 $ -

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Mail Processing OT 10% $ 7,409 1% $ 74

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Training OT 3% $ 2,223 25% $ 556

CTT Manager 1 Special Projects OT 20% $ 24,472 $ - 90%

Accountant II 1 Process Utility Excise Tax Payments OT 15% $ 12,112 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare Reconciliations (Escrow, Lit Escrow, Utilities)

OT 5% $ 4,037 $ -

Accountant II 1 Supervise two Clerks/Other OT 2% $ 1,615 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Order Supplies & Keep

Inventory OT 5% $ 3,186 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 PAR OT 5% $ 3,186 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Collect on my Free Time OT 2% $ 1,275 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Answer Questions Calls

from the 311 Center OT 2% $ 8,528 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Complete TSR OT 2% $ 8,528 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Other Activities OT 10% $ 6,230 $ - Tax Examiner 1 Special Projects OT 10% $ 6,368 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

SPA II 1 Special Projects OT 100% $ 113,366 $ - Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Answering Phone & 311 E-Mail OT 10% $ 13,497 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Itemize Daily Work/Checks and bills OT 5% $ 6,749 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Process Dog Tags OT 1% $ 7,309 1% $ 73 100%

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 TSR's (311 Response) & Phone Calls OT 10% $ 6,749 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Handle Phone Calls -

Tax Bidders OT 15% $ 9,466 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Mail Distribution OT 5% $ 2,895 $ - 100%

Administrative Officer II 1 General Administration OT 100% $ 78,258 $ -

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Process Escrow

Payments OT 15% $ 13,356 5% $ 668 95%

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Public Contact OT 5% $ 4,452 5% $ 223

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Process Law Suit

(Subpoena) OT 10% $ 8,904 5% $ 445

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Process Escrow

Payments OT 5% $ 4,452 5% $ 223 95%

Assistant Tax Collector 1 Review FS & Local Laws OT 10% $ 16,211 $ - 30%

Assistant Tax Collector 1 Implement New

Processes OT 10% $ 16,211 2% $ 324

Assistant Tax Collector 1 Personnel OT 60% $ 97,268 25% $ 24,317 80%

Assistant Tax Collector 1 Budget OT 10% $ 16,211 10%


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant Clerk 1 Distribute AV Delinquent

Payments OT 30% $ 18,622 $ -

Accountant Clerk 1 Distribute PP Delinquent

Payments OT 30% $ 18,622 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Refunds (Cut

Outs) Delinquent OT 80% $ 48,258 10% $ 4,826 95%

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Process Refunds OT 60% $ 25,170 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Other Activities OT 25% $ 14,036 $ -

Other $ 636,640 $ 31,728 Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Bankruptcy TP 10% $ 7,409 5% $ 370 50%

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Research TP 7% $ 5,186 5% $ 259

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 Court Hearings TP 2% $ 1,482 $ -

Paralegal Collection Specialist

1 New Cases TP 5% $ 3,705 $ -

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Research TP 5% $ 4,250 5% $ 212 50%

Paralegal 1 Bankruptcy Cases (7,13,11,12) TP 7% $ 5,950 $ -

Paralegal 1 Court Hearings TP 3% $ 2,125 $ - Paralegal 1 Litigation Cases TP 5% $ 4,250 $ -

Paralegal 1 SFJ (Summary Final Judgment) TP 15% $ 12,749 2% $ 255

Accountant II 1 Reconciliation of Collections of Real Estate

TP 10% $ 8,077 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Accountant II 1 Reconciliation of Sub funds 521-523-528 TP 15% $ 12,116 $ -

Accountant II 1 Audit of Returned Checks in Famis TP 10% $ 8,077 $ -

Accountant II 1 Audit of Returned Online Payments TP 5% $ 4,039 $ -

Accountant II 1 Close Year Ends TP 5% $ 4,039 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Incoming Wire Transfers TP 3% $ 2,422 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Escrow Deposits TP 15% $ 12,112 $ -

Accountant II 1 Process Litigation Escrow Deposits TP 15% $ 12,112 $ -

Accountant II 1 Audit Manual Refund Request from Pre Deposits

TP 2% $ 1,615 $ -

Accountant II 1 Balance E-Checking Collection Daily TP 1% $ 807 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare Lock-Box Journal Entries TP 1% $ 807 $ -

Accountant II 1 Prepare & Gather up for Pre-Deposits TP 2% $ 1,615 $ -

Acct. Clerk 1 Balance e-checking/JE for Charge Backs TP 3% $ 1,859 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1

Check in Work From Inspectors in the Field (LPT & TPP)

TP 10% $ 6,373 $ - 80%

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Process all Monies

Brought In TP 10% $ 6,373 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Data Entry & Update TP 10% $ 6,373 $ - 80%

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Help Inspectors

w/Questions TP 5% $ 3,186 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Research When They

Call In TP 5% $ 3,186 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Issue Warrants when

Necessary TP 3% $ 1,593 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Answer TP Questions

over the Phone TP 3% $ 1,912 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 7 Complete TSR TP 2% $ 8,528 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Process Payments TP 5% $ 2,549 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 1 Research Bankruptcy

Cases TP 5% $ 2,549 $ - 80%

Accountant III 1 Management/Supervision TP 30% $ 27,064 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Process Current P/P TP 30% $ 18,689 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Balance Daily Receipts TP 10% $ 6,230 $ -

Account Clerk 1 Distribute Daily Reports TP 5% $ 3,115 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

2 Create LBT/Collect Money from Code Enforcement

TP 5% $ 6,749 $ -

Accountant Clerk 2 Voucher - Process Ref &

Pmt TP 25% $ 28,589 1% $ 286 5%

Accountant Clerk 2 Manual Refunds TP 10% $ 11,435 3% $ 343 1%

Accountant Clerk 2 Emergency Refunds

(Manual) TP 3% $ 2,859 $ - 1%

Accountant Clerk 2 Interface Auditing TP 5% $ 5,718 $ -

Accountant Clerk 2 Research Payments &

Refunds TP 8% $ 8,577 $ - 20%


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Finance Collections Enforcement Officer

15 Conduct Collections Research TP 25% $ 292,399 $ - 90%

Finance Collections Enforcement Officer

15 Telephone Collections TP 5% $ 58,480 $ -

Finance Collections Enforcement Officer

15 Collections Fieldwork TP 20% $ 233,919 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Answer TSR's/Phone

Calls TP 2% $ 14,619 94% $ 13,742 70%

Tax Records Specialist II 12 Collecting TP Payments TP 5% $ 36,547 1% $ 365 100%

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Process Corrections To Tax roll (Cut Out) TP 20% $ 14,989 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Process Refunds: Current & Prior Years TP 70% $ 52,469 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Manual Corrections TP 5% $ 3,748 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Process Unapplied Payment Reports TP 5% $ 3,748 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Process Refunds TP 5% $ 6,619 20% $ 1,324 5%

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Process Refunds TP 5% $ 6,619 20% $ 1,324 5%

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Loss Check Affidavits TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Loss Check Affidavits TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Research Letters, Phone,

Fax TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Research Letters, Phone,

Fax TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Stop Payments & Voids TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Reissue Refunds TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Tax Record Specialist II 2 Reissue Refunds TP 5% $ 6,619 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Supervision TP 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Answer Calls TP 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Process Mail TP 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Other Activities TP 13% $ 8,436 $ -

Tax Records Specialist II 1 Process Payments TP 15% $ 8,684 $ - 100%

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Process Court Payments TP 5% $ 4,452 5% $ 223

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 File Claims In Probate

Court TP 10% $ 8,904 5% $ 445

Paralegal Coll. Specialist 1 Research Tax Rolls &

Payments TP 5% $ 4,452 5% $ 223

Accountant I 1 Process Cancellations TP 54% $ 32,400 $ - Accountant Clerk 1 Distribute Daily Reports TP 5% $ 3,104 $ -


Tax Collector - Activity Analysis

Position #FTE's Activity Process %Time Activity Cost ($)


Re-Work Cost ($)

% Info. Avail.

Senior Tax Record Specialist

1 Erroneous Payment Process TP 15% $ 11,243 2% $ 225 99%

Pers/Prop. $ 1,155,917 $ 19,596

Totals: $ 6,819,771 $ 103,775



Appendix II:  Process Flowcharts Ta

x R


d Sp


list 2


0 O








t 2Ta

x R


d Su




FPPU Receives envelope

Places envelope on 3660 machine

which slits envelope

Runs payment check and bill through S.I.I.


Walks batched payments with Log to

Exceptions Unit to resolve

Is payment exact or within


Payment is accepted and processed via 7780 machine

Distributes workload in mail trays to TSR2

Other discrepancies or

omissions found?

Processable?Adjusts bill manually

Payment can be returned to Customer or to FPPU for


Operator rejected?

Machine rejected?

Conducts necessary research

Provides payment envelopes in trays to 7780 Operator

for processing

Yes Yes





Checks restacked for deposit

Prints letter indicating reason

for rejection

No No






Last Revised 8/7/09 – after work session.









ist 2







ist 2




s O



x R


d Sp


list 1

or 2




s O


rNew Local Business Tax

(Tax Collector is the Appraiser, Assessor, billing entity and collector of this tax)

No (1%)

Yes (99%)

Last revised 8/27/09 after work session.

Mails, faxes, or scans & emails application

to Tax Collector

Business accesses website for information

and application

Tax collector verifies Fictitious Name, Tax

ID, licenses, etc.

Calculates and Mails bill to business

Pays for Local Business Tax

Is payment amount correct?

Resolve with Business


* Historically, approximately 16,000 businesses are added to the database each year, 45,000 removed.* Approximately 30-40% of local businesses stay “under the radar”

ETSD prints in batches and

delivers licenses to TC

Mails LBT License

Establishing Account in person

or by website?

Provides required documents to

Cashier (TRS2)

Calculates amount due

for LBT license

Pays for LBT license and is

issued payment receipt

In person

By website

Takes # and waits to be called

Researches fictitious name et.


Via FPPU, walkin or online.

+-2 days from payment applied to ETSD printing.

Approx. 2 days later (held in case corrections come in

from new business owner)

FPPU-received payment vouchers are sent down for storage; Paper applications are scanned into EDMS by date, hard copies kept for 5 years (because EDMS is not

yet certified.)