TC1619 MyICPhone 8082 Installation-Troubleshooting Guide en Ed02

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Alcatel Lucent troubleshooting guide.


Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 1

Technical Communication TC1619 Ed 02 Date : 02/05/2012

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office Nb. of pages: 13

Subject: OmniTouch 8082 My IC Phone installation and trouble shooting

guide for OmniPCX Office R810

1. HOW TO INSTALL MY IC PHONE 8082 ON OXO IN "STATIC" MODE ............................................. 2

1.1 Check licences available in OXO ......................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Check Voip SIP Protocol ...................................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Check Presence of My IC Phone software package installed on the system .................................................... 3

1.4 Create a subscriber in OXO ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.5 Program the terminal "Mac address" in "SIP" parameter ............................................................................. 3

1.6 Connect My IC Phone to the LAN and set the phone IP parameters .............................................................. 4

2. HOW TO INSTALL "MY IC PHONE" 8082 ON OXO IN "DYNAMIC" MODE ...................................... 6

2.1. Check licences available in OXO ......................................................................................................................... 6

2.2. Check VoIP SIP Protocol ..................................................................................................................................... 6

2.3. Check Presence of My IC Phone software package installed on the system .................................................... 6

2.4. Program a "DHCP" range in OXO .................................................................................................................... 7

2.5. Connect My IC Phone to the LAN and go to "Admin" menu .......................................................................... 7

3. HOW TO MANAGE "USER" PASSWORD ........................................................................................... 9

4. HOW TO MANAGE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD ........................................................................ 10

5. HOW TO SET MY IC PHONE TO DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ....................................................... 10

6. HOW TO PERFORM 8082 MY IC PHONE SCREEN SHOTS (SEE ALSO § 7) ................................. 12

7. COMPLETE TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ....................................................................................... 13

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 2

This document is intended to resume the configuration requested in order to

install an OmniTouch 8082 My IC Phone on OXO R810. It provides also a

trouble shooting guide.

1. How to install My IC Phone 8082 on OXO in "static" mode

1.1 Check licences available in OXO

Using OMC/Modification typical/system/Software Key/details/Voice Communication menu:

Licenses for "My IC Phones" are the same as the ones used for regular IP sets.

1.2 Check Voip SIP Protocol

The system must be set-up in VOIP "SIP" protocol, in OMC/Voice Over IP/VoIP: Parameters/VoIP

protocol; if a change requested from "H323" to "SIP" a system warm reset is mandatory.

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 3

1.3 Check Presence of My IC Phone software package installed on the system

My IC phone software package must be installed during downloading process.

It could be verified by simulating a downloading using OMC/Tools/

"Voice Over IP Services" and "MyIC Phone" parameters must be selected.

Do not forget to validate “Data Saving” or your system will restart like after a cold reset.

Note: When upgrading your OXO with "My IC Phone" Package already installed, it is mandatory to

select the option "Download all files".

1.4 Create a subscriber in OXO

- In OMC/user base station list/Add, create a new IP Terminal.

- Then select and change the type of terminal to "OmniTouch 8082 My IC Phone".

- Then select "modify" to enable the selected choice.

1.5 Program the terminal "Mac address" in "SIP" parameter

- Then program the Mac Address's terminal in "SIP" parameters using OMC/users/details/IP/SIP

parameters and enter the MyIC Phone 8082 "Mac address" corresponding to the phone and available

on the sticker under the phone.

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 4

1.6 Connect My IC Phone to the LAN and set the phone IP parameters

- Connect My IC Phone to the LAN

- When the phone start it's initialization, in "step2", right after step "1.19", press on "settings" menu.

("Setting" menu is always available on the phone)

- Then go to "Admin" menu by pressing "Admin" icon

- You will be prompted to enter a password

- Enter "admin" password by default, and press "OK"

Caution: The administrator password of a new phone is: tx8000#

At this specific step, the password used is not the personal password (see § 3. and 4.)

- You are now in "admin" mode (menu): "admin" led has turned ON to green

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 5

- Then select "Network/DM" and enter your DM https://@cpu/dmcfg/

for example and by default : (PowerCPU DM @ by default)

- Then go to "IP" parameters and enter your "IP" information's and program:

- DHCP mode: "Static" then press "OK"

- IP address : @ MyIC Phone, for example :

- Set-up and program "Vlan" information's if necessary

- Do not enter "Domain name" (upgrade problems can occur), or you need to

configure in your "DNS" server, the OXO with following name

"" for instance, if your domain name is "yourcompany"

- The "Mask": (it should be ending by "0" and not "000").

- The "Gateway": @ gateway, for example: (Power Cpu @ by default):

- then back to "Home" menu by pressing "Home" key.

- The Phone will now reboot .

- After step 6 of initialization, you will be prompted to enter the "User" password (1515 by default).

- This password is corresponding to your voice mail password.

- As soon the password has been entered, you will be asked to enter your new "User" (voice mail)

password and confirm.

- Your MyIC 8082 phone is now operational.

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 6

Caution: by default the password is "1515"; but if the phone has been used before, it may contain a

different password.

If an incorrect password is enter, a specific error icon (red triangle ) is displayed on the upper right

corner; in this case the "MyIC Phone" is not connected to "OXO web services" and will not work with

full feature.

See § 3 to modify the password.

2. How to install "My IC Phone" 8082 on OXO in "Dynamic" mode

2.1. Check licences available in OXO

Using OMC/Modification typical/system/Software Key/details menu:

Licenses for "My IC Phones" are the same as the ones used for regular IP sets.

2.2. Check VoIP SIP Protocol

The system must be set-up in VOIP "SIP" protocol, in OMC/Voice Over IP/VoIP : Parameters/VoIp

protocol; if a change requested from "H323" to "SIP" a system warm reset is mandatory.

2.3. Check Presence of My IC Phone software package installed on the system

My IC Phone software package must be installed during downloading process.

It could be verified by simulating a downloading using OMC/Tools/

"Voice Over IP Services" and "MyIC Phone" parameters must be selected.

Note: When upgrading your OXO with "My IC Phone" Package already installed, it is mandatory to

select the option "Download all files".

Do not forget to validate “Data Saving” or your system will restart like after a cold reset.

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 7

2.4. Program a "DHCP" range in OXO

- In OMC/Hardware and Limits/LAN-IP Configuration/DNS-DHCP.

Then select "Enable Integrated DHCP Server" and program an IP address range.

2.5. Connect My IC Phone to the LAN and go to "Admin" menu

- Connect My IC Phone to the LAN

- When the phone start it's initialization, in "step2", right after step "1.19", press on "settings" menu.

- Then go to admin mode by pressing "Admin" icon .

- You will be prompted to enter a password

- Enter "admin" password by default, and press "OK"

Caution: The administrator password of a new phone is: tx8000#

At this specific step, the password used is not the personal password (see § 4.)

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 8

- You are now in "admin" mode (menu): "admin" button (led) has turned ON to green

- Then go to "IP" parameters and enter your "IP" information's and program:

- DHCP mode: "Dynamic-Alcatel" then press "OK"

That's the only parameter to set-up for Dynamic mode !

- Set-up and program "Vlan" information's if necessary.

- Then back to "Home" menu by pressing "Home" icon.

Note: 2 choices are proposed for dynamic mode (see expert doc § 2.3.1 for details):

- "Dynamic Alcatel": only the specific OXO "DHCP" will answer to the "DHCP" request

(AVA Alcatel -Lucent proprietary protocol)

- "Dynamic": for standard DHCP on the LAN

- The Phone will now reboot.

- After step 6, you will be asked to enter the "User" password.

- This password is corresponding to your voice mail password.

- As soon a password has been entered, you will be asked to enter your new "User" (voice mail)

password and confirm.

- Your My IC Phone is now operational.

It is possible to visualize it's "IP parameters", selecting "Setting/Network/IP menus.

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 9

Caution: by default the password is "1515"; but if the phone has been used before, it may contain a

different password.

If an incorrect password is enter, a specific error message (red triangle ) is display on the upper

left corner; in this case the "MyIC Phone" is not connected to "OXO web services" and will not work

with full feature.

See § 3 to modify the password.

3. How to manage "User" password

By default the password is "1515"; but if the phone has been used before, it may contain a different


If an incorrect password is enter, a specific error message (red triangle ) is display on the upper

left corner; in this case the "MyIC Phone" is not connected to "OXO web services" and will not work

with full feature.

In order to modify and re-synchronise the password between OXO and MyIc 8082 use the following


MyIC Phone 8082 end user data reset:

- In OXO, Reset the subscriber password in using OMC/Subscribers/details/Password/reset menus

- In OMC/subscribers list, set "MyIC Phone" name to: "resetUserData" (upper and lower cases

format must be respected) and validate by "modify":

All personal data's (personal pictures, com.log, directory, password, …) on the concerned "8082 MyIC

Phone" will be erased.

- Then "MyIc 8082 phone" should reset after few seconds and restart *

- When the phone restart is completed, enter the default password "1515" when password is requested

- Then enter your new password 2 times in the following screen….

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 10

If "MyIc 8082" Phone does not reset, go to the phone menu:

- Setting/Security/password,

- Select the field "Password"

- then enter the default password "1515"

- Followed by the new desired password.

4. How to manage administrator password

The default administrator password is "admin".

This password can be modified via OMC "Subscribers Misc/Generic parameters for SIP

Phones/OmniTouch My IC Phone/ Administrator password.

5. How to set My IC Phone to default configuration

To reset "8082 MyIC Phone" to default configuration or factory settings, use the following process:

A "SSH" client (example: putty) must be connected to the concerned "8082 My IC Phone" set.

"My IC Phone" must be started

Check its IP Address in Settings/Network/Ip "MyIC 8082" phone menu

Enter the "8082 MyIC Phone" IP address in the "SSH" client to establish the connection

Select "SSH" protocol, then click on "Open"

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 11

Once the connection to the "8082 MyIC Phone" is established, a "Terminal" Windows opens:

And the phone proposes to enter in session:

Enter the administrator login and password: login = admin

Enter the password = admin (by default; check via OMC the administrator password if it was


When the session is correctly established to the concerned "8082 MyIC Phone",

Enter the "SSH" command : reset flash then validate using "enter" key

The "8082 MyIC Phone" resets and restarts in "Dynamic mode"

Bluetooth handset is no more paired to "8082 MyIC Phone" : you need to associate it again to the set

("0000" is the default "8082 MyIC Phone" Bluetooth handset password).

The SSH command "reset flash" performs the following actions on the set:

- Deletion of all the configurations data (IP configurations, Ethernet, Time zone, 802.1x, …) and settings

set to default,

- Deletion of all "CTL" data and clients certificates

- Restore of default admin password : tx8000# (case sensitive: respect lower letters)

- Deletion of all files stored in administrator account (/home/admin/)

- Reboot the terminal

Other "SSH" commands are available as: "reset", "reset help", etc…..

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 12

6. How to perform 8082 My IC Phone screen shots (see also § 7)

- Download and install "Putty" software available on "Putty download page"

- Download and install "Winscp" (file transfer application)

- With "Putty" connect in "SSH" to the concerned "MyIC Phone" (see §5)

- execute the command:

$ /usr/sbin/fbgrabjpg –q 60 /home/admin/screenshot.jpg

- The destination file "screenshot.jpg" is created in the phone under /home/admi/ repertory

- Launch "Winscp" application and connect to the concerned to "MyIC Phone" entering it's IP

address, login "admin" and password "admin" to retrieve this file through "SFTP" protocol.

- then copy the concerned file "screenshot.jpg" to the PC:

- Every time the command "/usr/sbin/fbgrabjpg –q 60 /home/admin/screenshot.jpg" in

enter via "Putty", a new file "screenshot.jpg" is generated in "admin" phone repertory.

- If you want to store different files, you may send the command, just changing the name of the

destination file from "screenshot" to "screenshot1", etc….

If needed, Technical Support can provide you a script to automate the screenshot.

Product: Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office / 13 Article TC1619 Ed 02 13

7. Complete trouble shooting guide

For more information's about trouble shooting guide, please refer to Technical communication

"TG0065 for MyIC Phone OT 8082 Trouble shooting Guide"

Or Contact Alcatel-Lucent Technical Support

End of document

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