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The Canyon Weekly, news for our side of the canyon



The Canyon WeeklyApril 24, 2013 Volume 4, Issue 17

News and Life - For Our Side of the Mountain!Serving the communities of Lyons, Mehama, Elkhorn, Mill City, Gates,

Niagra, Detroit, Breitenbush, Idanha and Marion Forks

75 centsYour purchase helps us keep your news fresh and local. Thanks for helping us

grow the Santiam Canyon!

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Detroit bikeway project divides commissioners

Landscape reigns in Spring for new

City Hall

After a year of working, the Detroit Lake Recreation Area Business Association (DL-RABA) is closing in on their goal of desig-nating the road between Estacada and De-troit as a bicycle tour route. The Two Rivers Pedal Bikeway project was created to help boost tourism in the area, by installing road signs and getting the route on national maps. But a few minor hurdles remain, like get-ting approval from Marion County. The county is one of the last agencies to approve the plan. The project has been giv-en the green light from nearly every other government and private agency involved, but the Marion County Commissioners are divided on the issue. Commissioner Sam Brentano doesn’t think

the designated road is a good idea. He’s de-clined to endorse the project, citing road use conflicts. “I’m not a great bike fan,” said Brentano at a recent public meeting. He said he doesn’t like the idea of anything getting in the way of commercial activity, and thinks tax free road use shouldn’t happen. “There’s so few dollars for the roads, and I’m not a big fan of anyone using them that isn’t paying for it.” But the group only needs two of three commissioners to get the project approved by Marion County, and Commissioner Janet Carlson was not aware of the project until last week.. Commissioner Patti Milne seems more in-clined to see it happen, said Yvonne Mess-mer. “I have spoken to Commissioner Milne

several times. She reinforced that she is very much in favor of our application and had some very good questions for me. She also told me that she would be taking this topic to the next commissioner’s meeting.” The next Marion County Commissioner’s meeting is on April 24, 9am in Salem. Video will be available at DLRABA will be meeting on Saturday, April 27 at 9am at the Detroit meeting room to talk about the Two Rivers Pedal Bikeway project. “We will be discussing our progress since our last meetings and starting to form the plan itself,” said Yvonne Messmer, who also asks local businesses and organizations to bring letters of support to the meeting.

Santiam Canyon School District Candidate Forum

Hosted by the PTOSaturday, April 27 at 5pm

Santiam High School AuditoriumThe Q&A forum will give the candidates an oppor-tunity to answer questions submitted by the com-munity, and an opportunity for patrons to learn a little bit about the candidates. Questions from the community for the candidates are welcome; contact Jill Saari at 503-897-3581,

Mill City’s newly constructed City Hall com-plex is undertaking a landscaping project that will provide four seasons of outstanding color for its center stage location in the city. The first phase of the public donation project is nearing completion with the planting of pink dogwood, flowering crabapple, yellow ash, Silverlock Spruce and Japanese Maple. These tress were funded by over a dozen residents and businesses of Mill City. Phase Two Landscaping is progressing as

more donors participate. This phase will feature shrubs, perennials, lawn and hard-scaping, such as containers and benches. The Landscape design itself was donated by local designer, Bev Redding, and can be viewed at City Hall for specific details. Francis Thomas, a long time resident and contributor, when asked why she chose to

donate to the landscape project stated, “you can never find a better place than Mill City to grow up. I love this town.” Any persons or businesses wishing to partici-pate in this part of the project can contribute at City Hall. Donations of actual plants in the planned design or amounts ranging from $5-$50 are welcome. A future event is planned to recognize all who have contributed to this project.


Postmaster, please leave our blue mail box in Gates

I sent this letter to U.S. Senators Wyden and Merkely, U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, and State Legislators, Sherrie Sprenger and Fred Girod. I encourage Gates residents to do the same. Let's save an important part of our Gates mail service! First let me thank you for the work you do on behalf of our District. It is most ap-preciated. Background: We have an issue here in beautiful downtown Gates OR, popula-tion 495. We have a contracted post office that thankfully managed to miss the cut-backs of small post offices. The hours are 9:30 to 5:00 with no service at noon. We have Saturday service from 9:30 - 12:30. The building is not open beyond these hours so one cannot get their mail. With such limited hours we rely on the blue mail box in front of the PO to post mail before the PO opens and after it closes, especially on Saturdays. We are but one of many small e-tail businesses here in the canyon and timely shipping is key to our business success. The Problem: As of May 1st USPS is removing the blue mail box for cost sav-ings, a decision I can't understand. The Gates Post Mistress collects the mail from the blue box--and she is already paid. So I don't see where any savings are to be gained. Without the blue box we have to make a 7 mile round trip to the Mill City Post office, which is very inconvenient and not environmentally friendly. This blue box also serves the Hwy 22 commut-ers as it is visible from the highway and is regularly used in that fashion according

to the Post Mistress. So if you could help us keep our blue mail box it would be greatly appreciated. I know you have much more important issues to concern yourself with, but for us, this is an issue that affects many small businesses out here. Thank you for your consideration.

Colleen Samuel, Gates

State Rep: Bill is really a back door to shutting down pregnancy resource center

Dear Friends, there are several bills that I have been watching closely this session because I feel that they are not good for Oregon. One of those bills is Senate Bill 490 which targets Pregnancy Resource Centers. Senate Bill 490 is, in my opinion, a back door attempt to shut down Pregnancy Re-source Centers. As many of you know, I served on the board of directors for the Pregnancy Resource Center in Albany for several years, so I am well aware of all the good work they do in the communi-ty. They offer great services in a profes-sional manner. They do not receive any state or federal funds. In 2012, Pregnancy Resource Centers in Oregon served over 15,000 women, saving the State of Ore-gon over $2 million dollars in health care costs. In 2012, they provided weekly par-enting and infant support services to more than 10,000 women. Pregnancy Rescource Centers are an ex-cellent example of community caring for it’s own, and I sincerely hope that SB 490 is defeated.

Sincerely, State Representative Sherrie Sprenger

The Canyon WeeklyPO Box 721 Lyons, OR

503-990-3037The Canyon Weekly is published weekly each

Wednesday by Karen Widmer/ The Canyon Weekly 160 N. 1st St, Mill City, Or, 97360 P.O. Box 721

Lyons, OR 97358. Subscription price: $38 annually. Application to mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is

Pending at Mill City, Oregon 97360 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Canyon Weekly, PO Box 721,

Lyons, OR 97358. Phone: 503-990-3037.

US Postal Permit Number 5610

Letters to the Editor may be edited for space or content and are printed as the opinion of the author.

StaffKaren WidmerOwner, Editor, Publisher, Billing, Subscriptions, Advertising Sales, Photography, Reporter 503-990-3037Michelle GatesAssistant Editor, Copy Editor, Pagination, Layout and Design, Lyons/Mehama Circulation, Advertising Design 503-510-4396 (pls leave message)

Tim WidmerPrinting & Circulation, Online SubscriptionsWeb Content/Online Web GuruAdvertising Design, Photography, Billing

G.R. Vince Johnson - Contributing Writer Melody Munger - Contributing Writer

Carissa Bruce - Contributing Photographer

Letters to the Editor...Letters to the Editor are the opinion of the writer and not necessarily those of The

Canyon Weekly. Letters to the Editor may be edited for space or profanity. Send your letter to with your name and town.

Genes Meat Market- “Wow” Check This Out!

3(cont’d on page 4)

Santiam Canyon school board candidate statements

The Canyon Weekly is inviting all Santiam Canyon School District Board candidates to sub-mit up to 300 words, to be printed in future issues. Please send your submission to by Friday, April 19. Candidates seeking the first seat will be featured in the April 17 edition, the second seat in the April 24 edition, 3 seat May 1, 4th seat May 8,

and seat 2-1 will be printed on May 15.

503-859-225711267 Grove St.

M-Sat 8-6 Sun 9-3

Fresh PlantsPots, Hanging Baskets

Candidate Erick Nordmo To concerned residents of the Santiam Can-yon: As a candidate within this years school board elections, I am writing a brief statement regarding what I believe will need to be done in order to continue to provide an avenue of education within the boundaries of our own Santiam Canyon School District. First and foremost, the future of our chil-dren’s education should be upheld with every decision made. With the loss of tax revenue continuing, many options within our district have either been lost or reduced. These losses are resulting in a decline of opportunities for our children. Every loss contributes to an edu-cation which is not equitable with either higher learning or the actual realities of life. Every chance we have to increase these learning ad-vantages will result in a much more balanced future for our children. This continuing drop in revenue and preced-ing scandal, are just a few items that the school board corroboratively; not individually, will need to focus on. The trust and respect of the community will need to be regained through transparency. Active participation in keeping administration accountable not only for their actions and budgetary expenses but policy as well. With lawsuits still proceeding, protocols involving future district risks will need to be assessed, set and maintained in order to avoid any further litigious situations. Graduation rates are at a level deemed un-acceptable by state standards and new policy needs enacted or current policy reviewed in or-der to keep kids within this district while still upholding the discipline necessary to maintain order and function. These are just a few of the issues at hand, all will need to be reviewed with our children’s education and the community as a whole as our top priority. Wisdom, common sense and equality will need to be utilized in our deci-sions rather than emotion.

Candidate Holly Breen (Ohrt)My name is Holly Breen (Ohrt), and I am run-ning for school board Zone 1, Position 2.My family has lived in the Santiam Canyon

School District for over 50 years. My parents along with their siblings are all graduates of Santiam High School. My brother, sister, and myself, and many cousins were raised in Mill City and attended Gates Elementary, Mill City Middle School, and graduated from Santiam High School. As an adult my husband and I made the decision to raise our three children in this same community. In the past few years, as our children have reached school age, I’ve begun attending school board and some budget meetings. My biggest concern is for the future of our children and our community. We have seen our budget cut year after year, and in recent meetings we learned we are still overspending. As a mem-ber of your school board, my number one goal would be to balance our budget. Once we can accomplish a balanced budget, we can then be-gin to grow our district again. Being part of the board means I can have a vote and you can have a voice that will be heard. I plan to continue volunteering in our schools, seeking the opinion of parents, staff and students, and also reaching out to other districts so I can help make the most informed decisions. I also believe we need to rebuild a strong relationship between our school district and the city governments within our district. Much work needs to be done to make our com-munities attractive to families looking for a place to raise their children. Growing our com-munities means growth to our schools. If elected to your school board, I promise to operate with transparency, and listen to the concerns of the community. There will be many hard choices ahead, and there will be no quick fixes, but there will be follow through. I hope this helps explain my focus and passion for the future of Santiam Canyon School Dis-trict.

Candidate Angie Fencl I am a local business owner and a mother of 5 children. I worked in the medical field for 15 years and was a local preschool teacher for 3 years. Obviously, I love children.I am unique from the other candidates because of my time, energy, and focus I have

Position 1 - Zone 2 SCSD Candidates

Community members are invited to attend the first Community Roundtable at Mill City City Hall on May 3, 8am, said city officials. The goal of the meet-ing is to create a network of community leaders, to find a common vision for the community and to work together for common goals. Leaders of non-profits, service groups, school district, churches, fire districts and government entities are invited to attend. “We would like each representative to come prepared with a short statement on their mission, who they serve, and what their long or short term goals are,” said organizers. “This first meeting is just to get to know each other and figure out what groups are active in the communi-ties of the Santiam Canyon. We plan to hold a regular monthly meeting to up-date on what each group is doing and how they can work together.” Info: Elai-na Turpin, 541-852-2893 or Stacie Cook at Mill City Hall, 503-897-2302.

First Community Roundtable scheduled


dedicated to our district for the last 14 years - through volunteering and event planning. During the last 2 years, I have fully immersed myself in our schools affairs. I have spent

countless hours talking and listening to parents, staff and other community mem-bers. I even elected myself to go line by line with the business manager to fully understand our budget challenges. I have helped organize and facilitate community meetings to express concerns and ideas to our current board. We still have tough decisions before us. I am willing to make good informed deci-sions for our schools without loyalties or emotions clouding my judgement. I have creative ideas and solutions. THE PLAN:* Ensure safe learning environment and fa-cilities. *Di sect budget & job descriptions

to ensure the most efficient spending with the least impact on students.*Utilize more partnerships with Cheme-keta College/ Online Programs*Support Technology, Agriculture, Arts & Vocational Programs to ensure well-rounded graduates.*Seek creative funding (Grants, Fundrais-ing & Business Relationships )* Support Teachers to meet State Require-ments for 40/40/20. (Our graduation popu-lation must meet: 40% University/ 40% Community or Trade School/ 20% Ready for Workforce. ) Serving on the school board would not just be a past-time for me ; my own chil-dren stand to benefit or suffer from my de-cisions. I cannot think of any better moti-vation to keep a board member determined and focused. I am prepared and up to speed for this task. Electing me would ensure a smooth transition to the school board. I’m counting on your vote!

Chiropractic Physicians Clinic & Wellness Center

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(cont’d from page 3)

Congratulations to Santiam High School

senior Brittney Thompson for be-ing selected as the

recipient of this year's William L. Quinn scholarship to the

University of Oregon. This scholarship will cover approximately 60% of yearly costs for the University of Oregon in Eugene.

Brittney Thompson awarded Quinn Scholarship

Brittney plans on majoring in education and becoming a teacher.

Cont: SCSD Candidate Statements

Santiam Young Life and Wyldlife is hosting an informational gathering and training to help interested people in the Santiam Canyon find out what it’s all about and to see how you might fit into this valuable ministry. Join us Friday, May 3, 6-9pm at Gates Fire Hall. Dinner will be

served. Please RSVP to Dan and Ruth at 503-897-3014 or Curtis and Elaine at 503-897-3498. We are working toward sending 40 7th and 8th grade (Wyldlife) students to camp and 20 high school (Young Life) students to camp, all at Wash-ington Family Ranch.

Young Life and Wyldlife ministry: learn more about these on May 3


Bill Sanderson’s River Report April 20, 2013 (503)897-3301

Local rainfall can muddy the waters below Detroit dams, and the Little North Fork (along with Rock Creek, Mad Creek, and Stout Creek) are the main sources of sediment. It only takes part of a day for the river to quickly regain color after the rainstorms pass. Since most of the rain upstream from Detroit is be-ing impounded to fill up the Lake, we have ex-cellent river conditions (with a few impulsive events sponsored by Mother Nature) most of the time for Spring, Summer, and Fall. How-ever, we do expect some last minute changes. Serious river people keep track of the varia-tions and can provide input about scheduling. Something unusual is happening in the office at Fish and Wildlife/Army Engineer Corps. The new fish passage numbers and dailyWillamette River temperatures have not been posted since April 11. The problem will

probably be resolved soon so we can see what the prospects are for good river and fish conditions. North Santiam Watershed Council’s coordinator (Liz Re-don) has accepted a new job with the Watershed Enhancement Board, and there is a going away party for her April 22 (Monday) from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Gilgamesh operation at 2065 Madrona SE, Salem, OR. It will be continuous discussion about the past, pres-ent, and future of the Watershed Council, the Watershed Enhancement Board, and Liz Re-don. Members and visitors are invited. North Santiam River Guides Association meets on April 24 at Neufeldt’s Diner in Aumsville at 6:00 p.m. There will be discus-sions about the boat slides and fish ladders at Stayton Island (Bennett Dams). There also will be discussions about fish passage and about upcoming “Learn the River” Trips. The run from Mehama to Stayton will hap-pen on May 4. Boats shove off in the river at 10:00 a.m., and people often unload their boats at 7:30 at Stayton Bridge so they can do the shuttle in time for the trip. Volunteer driv-ers are always appreciated. The trip usually ends at 1:30 (approximately) at Stayton and it

is easy to get a ride back to Stay-ton. The purpose of these trips is to show boatmen which channels to take and how to run the trip. There is not time for serious fish-ing on these trips, but participants will learn enough to go back on another trip and know where to fish, put in, and take out. Steelheaders Salem Board meets on May 1 at Sportsman’s Ware-house in Salem at 6:30, and the same trip will be discussed along

with other club functions. Steelheaders are looking for additional club events to partici-pate in. Several events are coming up on the North Santiam and perhaps on the Nestuc-ca. Siletz and Alsea trips can be organized through Mike Huddleston and family. There will be a Learn the River trips from Fishermen’s Bend to Mehama on June 1. Members from Steelheaders Salem, North Santiam River Guides Association, and North Santiam Watershed Council partici-pate in these trips. The trip from Packsaddle to Fishermen’sBend will be discussed later. Trips on any of the river sections is available on a fee basis any day or week of the year through North Santiam River Trips, and the schedule for the club trips is also available.

ProWrestling Tournament & Fundraiser at Mari-Linn School

Sponsored by:

We had such a great time at our last wrestling event that we’re bringing it back! The Salem based professional wrestling team from West Coast Wrestling Connection is returning to Mari-

Linn School to raise funds for the PTA and school ASB activities like Muffins for Mom and Doghnuts for Dad, class field trips and other celebrations for Mari-Linn students. Get ready for summer

with a night of rockin’ good fun on the first Saturday in May!

Saturday, May 4 6:00pm-8:00pm

Mari-Linn School Gym

Tickets available at Mari-Linn School

or Mehama True Value

Mehama NAPA

Tickets:$10 front row$7 second row

$5 general admission

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Sunday Worship 10 am


On a chilly night, February 9th, 2013, in the Santiam High School gym, Mill City, Ore-gon, during the final minutes of a JV boy’s basketball game, an event took place which shook the world of those in attendance. Waldport, the visiting team, up by a dozen points or so, subbed in a strong, young man sporting a green and purple mohawk of school colors, determination in his demean-or and Down’s Syndrome characteristics, Number 10. He burst off the bench and flew to his des-ignated spot on the floor; a three pointer po-sition to the left of Waldport’s basket, amid scattered applause from Waldport fans. As the game resumed, Waldport brought the ball in and a quick chest pass brought the ball into the hands of Number 10 , who let loose a high shot in hopes of a three pointer. Miss. Rebound by Santiam. Pounding of feet to Santiam’s basket with Number 10 finding his spot on defense. It is here where events, which led to the event which shook the world of the people in that gym in that tiny town, began to play out. Waldport teammate, Number 13, pivoted out of his defensive position to slide over to

guard his teammate, Number 10. A captured rebound by Waldport forced the play to return to Waldport’s basket. Again, Number 10 found his three point spot, was fed the ball and picked up two de-fenders; one Santiam player and one team-mate, Number 13, defending Number 10 as he set up to take his shot. He was being defending by his teammate! Cheers of ap-plause rose from the crowd as another three pointer was attempted. Miss. Rebound by Waldport. Bounce pass to Number 10. Shot. Miss. Rebound. Pass. Shot. Miss. Rebound. Pass. By this time, the entire audience’s atten-tion was riveted on the attempted shots of this young man as Santiam and Waldport fans alike began cheering for the remark-able teamwork that was playing out before their eyes, nudging one another; saying, “I hope he makes it!” “Check out Number 13! He is protecting Number 10!” On the 7th attempt, as the audience held their collective breath, the shot went high, sailed through the air...SCORE! A three pointer! Arms held high, Number 10 was mobbed by his teammates as loud cheers erupted from the crowd, not only for that determined young

man, but for his teammates who unselfishly fed him the ball, protected him, and gave up their opportunities for glory. The hero? Certainly the Down’s Syndrome young man who practiced diligently for years to perfect his shot and shared his school spirit by cheering his teammates on. The heroes behind the hero? Certainly his parents, who against great odds, chose to raise this young man. Certainly his teammates, especially Num-ber 13, who protected and fed the ball at just the perfect moment, time and time again, so this young man could score. Certainly Santiam’s JV coach, who asked his players to back off just a bit and who recognized the real game being played, sac-rificing points his team could have made. Certainly, small schools, like Waldport and Santiam who enjoy the privilege of “small-ness” where coaches know their players; each player’s strengths, weaknesses and re-spect given for those same qualities in oppo-nents....small schools...where there is room to give everyone a chance. The “smallness” that allows the opportunity to let the least of these become the greatest.

The Heroes Behind the HeroBy Melody Munger Loud cheers erupted from the crowd, not only for that determined young man, but for his teammates

who unselfishly fed him the ball, protected him, and gave up their opportunities for glory.

Love, Peace and Harmony-and

its Free!

Congratulations to Kara Conner, Hannah Thompson, Timmy Hagen, Braeden Cook and Joey Walczak for becoming the newest members of

the National Honor Society at Santiam High School.

Santiam welcomes new inductees to Honor Society

Correction: Ark Animal Care of Mill City will be holding their low cost vaccination clinics each Thursday from 2-4 pm,

not from 10 am-2 pm as previously written in the Canyon Weekly. Our apologies for any confusion!

Come One, come ALL as Santiam Hearts to Arts presents: Love, Peace and Harmony, a exhibit of local musical talent, and a celebra-tion of the Canyon Community spirit on May 11, 7 pm at Santiam Auditorium in Mill City. The evening will feature the Santiam Com-munity Chorus, led by Joanne Hebing, Amer-ican Pop Culture , and Mill City’s own Tom Cole of the famed Stoddard and Cole Show. “We’ll be singing about loving each other, and the universal want of Peace and Harmony in the world, including songs from other cultures around the globe...If everyone would make music together, the world would be a better place in which to live in Love and Harmony,” writes Joanne Hebing, chorus director.

Admission for the evening is FREE! Any donations will go to H2A to further mu-sic education in our schools like American Pop Culture and Ethos.


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Local talent filled the stage last weekend at Santiam Heart’s to Arts Spring Awakening music festival. Pic-tured top left: Sheila Hoover, president of Santiam Hearts to Arts enjoys some on stage banter with John Chinburg of The FlexTones, whose band brought the crowd to dance in the aisles. Top Right: recent Santiam graduate, Valley Hood swooned the crowd with her acoustic Folk sound, including some breakthrough originals. Below: Santiam’s American Pop Culture class inspired the audience with an eclectic mix of tunes, playing well loved songs from the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s and in-cluding current trends as well.

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By an anonymous Wolverine Writer Santiam has competed fiercely and suc-cessfully at there last two meets. San-tiam has their first conference showdown against Kennedy on there home track. Santiam had many close calls and 1st placing at their home meet. Santiam’s female wolverines were successful with Girls Kara Conner coming out on top in the 100m as well in Javelin. Kristin Mouser with victories in triple and long jump. Santiam’s boys competed well with many close runner ups and first places. Joey Walzack taking 1st place in the 800m, Tim Hagan 1st in High Jump, Pay-ton Dupuis in the 3000m and Matthew Schroeder 1st in polevault. Santiam’s first 4x4 team was assembled this year for the meet and took a first place leaving Kenndy in the dust. San-tiam’s 4x4 team was composed of Carlos Delacruz, Chris Smith, Jordan Saari and anroching Joey Walzack. Close runner ups were Chris Smith (100m), Santiam’s team, Jordan Saari (javelin) Joel Hills (Long jump, (pole vault )Matthew Schro-eder (triple jump). The following week Santiam Traveled to Culver to a four way meet facing off with South Wasco County, Culver and

La Pine High (4A). In this meet San-tiam’s 4x1 had an interesting story. 2nd leg(Joey Walzack) entering the exchange zone to hand off to 3rd leg (Jordan Saari) hurdlered over a competitor from LaP-ine who fell into his lane giving Jordan a late handoff, still not all was lost. Jor-dan ran hard. When anchor (Chris Smith) got the handoff Santiam was in last place with WASO county in 1st place 25me-ters ahead of them. With no time to lose Santiam’s Chris Smith ran hard and then gaining stride to pass and take lead at 50meters landing Santiam a first place in the 4x1. Santiam’s 1st placers included Joel Hills for two events Long Jump and Triple Jump, Jordan Saari Javelin and Chris Smith 100m and 200m. Kristin Mouser placed 1st in 100m hurdles. Runners up were Brittany Thompson (300m hurdles), Kara Conner (Javelin, High Jump), Joey Walzack (800m, Long Jump), Braeden Cook (3000m), Matthew Schroeder (Pole vault). Three of Santiam’s Athletes qualified and went to compete at Willamette Uni-versity’s invintal the Meet Of Champi-ons: Chris Smith (100m 200m) Kristin Mouser (100m hurdles) Joey Walzack (800m).

Santiam “On Track” For Success at recent meet


Autobody & PaintCanyon Auto Rebody 21916 Ferry Rd. SE, Mehama (503) 859-3247Auto RepairClassic Auto and Tire Center (503)897-2256Antiques/ResaleLyons Timbertown Resale Home accessories, gifts, more. 1313 Main St. Lyons. 503-859-4054; 503-507-1326. Facebook. Bus. DevelopmentGROW EDC: Free business & non-profit consulting. Allison McKenzie (503) 871-5188 info@growsantiam.orgCoffee StandsCanyon Espresso at the corner of Hwy 22 and Gates Hill Rd., (503) 897-6031Computer ServicesWidmerWeb Design Services (503) 569-1229 www.widmerweb.comConstructionHueller Construction Inc. CCB #114169 503-859-3575.Farrier ServicesVeronica Gates, Professional Farrier Serving the Santiam Canyon (541) 619-7416Firearm InstructionOld West Enforcement Professionals NRA#1787-91947 BCI# 1102466 503-580-9397 www.oldwestpro-sconcealandcarry.comHealth and WellnessSantiam Healing Arts Reconnective, energetic healing for all. Special Can-yon pricing. Colleen Samuel (503) 897-3357Mill City Dental (503)897-2353Mill City Pharmacy 218 S.W. Broadway, Mill City (503) 897-2331Santiam Medical

Clinic 280 S. 1st Ave. Mill City (503) 897-4100Heating and CoolingFocus Heating and Con-struction, Inc. CCB#168985. (503)428-2591Lyons Heating and Cooling Inc. CCB#96400 (503)859-2325Grocery Mountain High Grocery and Gifts 220 D St. Detroit, (503)854-3696Detroit Market and Supplies 100 Detroit Ave. N. (503) 854-3767 FacebookMill City Market 829 1st Ave. Mill City (503) 897-2006 www.SMH-Selectmarket.comLandscapingSiegmund Landscape, Excavation and Supply (503)769-6291Locksmith Gabriel Smith licensed locksmith: lock repair, keys, parts. OCLS #5373 (541)519-2410LodgingCurt’s Place Rental Suite in Gates. (503)897-6126Adventure Vacation Homes 528 N.E. Santiam Blvd. (Hwy 22) Mill City (503)897-6500 Lodge at Detroit Lake 175 Detroit Ave, Detroit (503) 854-3344 www.lodgeatdetroitlake.comAll Seasons Motel 130 Breitenbush Road, De-

troit (503) 854-3421 Elkhorn Valley Inn B&B 33016 North Fork Road S.E, Lyons (503) 897-3033 facebookOutdoor ExcursionsInto the Wild Equine Adventures (503)586-8072 www.itwtrailrides.comKayak the Santiam Mill City (503)569-1229 www.enrgkayaking.comNorth Santiam River Trips with Bill Sanderson (503) 897-330 www.nsrtrips.comPets/Vet & TrainingArk Animal Care Veterinary Services (503) 897-6004 Santiam Healing Arts Reconnective Healing for your horses and pets. Special Canyon pricing. Colleen Samuel. (503) 897-3357PsychotherapyGregory J. Johanson, M .Div, Ph.D., NCC Director, Grace Counsel-ling Center. (503)897-4830 greg@gregjohanson.netReal EstateGreen Mountain Real Estate Sandy Lyness, Broker 280 NE Santiam Blvd, PO Box 1157, Mill City (503)551-2645Restaurants & Dining

Mill City/GatesRosie’s Mt Coffee House

647 N.E. Santiam Blvd. (Hwy 22) Mill City (503)897-2378 www. FacebookGiovanni’s Mt.Pizza 146 N.W. Santiam Blvd. (Hwy 22) Mill City (503)897-2614 Mountain Edge Cafe 320 N.W. Santiam Blvd. (Hwy 22) Mill City (503)897-2741Sierra Restaurant and Market 302 N. Santiam Hwy (Hwy 22) Gates (503) 897-2210

Lyons/MehamaTrexler Farms 20146 Ferry Rd. SE, Mehama (503)859-4488 Facebook

Detroit/IdanhaIdanha Grill and Store 183 Hwy 22, Idanha (503)854-3354 or facebookK.C.’s Espresso,Sandwiches and Stuff 210 Forest Ave., Detroit (503)854-3145 facebookRV RepairSantiam RV Service (503)394-2348Signs & GraphicsWhite Water Signs and Graphics (503)804-3613 True Value 11267 Grove St. Mehama (503) 859-2257 Barn Bar and Grill 916 Main St., Lyons (503)859-2826 facebookTrio Tavern and Food 815 SW Linn Blvd. Mill City(503) 897-3380 facebookTowingSTR Santiam Towing and Recovery 1-877-859-5757 www.strtowing.comWood Products-retailHardwood Components, Inc. (503)859-2144WeddingsWeddings Your Way All seasons, indoors or out, all denominations. Colleen Samuel (503) 897-3357.

Services Directory Get your business out there! In print and online. Services Directory listings are only $100/year Call Karen at (503)990-3037


If you have or know of a child that will be five years old on or BEFORE Sep-tember 1st, who resides in the Santiam Canyon School District area, note that it is time to come and pre-register for the 2013-2014 school year! Join us for a presentation from 6-7pm at the Santiam Elementary commons on Wednesday May 8. While parents are in the commons com-pleting paperwork, the “future” kinder-garten students will be visiting the class-room to complete a craft! With this year being a presentation style format, we will be able to go over all of the necessary school information, and it will allow the parent(s)/guardian(s) time to ask questions while filling out the pa-perwork.Please be sure to bring the following:* Birth Certificate (or proof of guardian-ship) * Social Security card * Immu-nization card * Custody paperwork or legal documents (if applicable) * A list of emergency contacts and their phone numbers Please call Santiam Elementary with any questions that you may have at (503) 897-2368. We look forward to seeing you there!

Family Building Blocks has 5 spots remaining for their Circle of Security parenting class, said group organizers. Anyone parenting children 6 weeks-5 years old from the community are invited. According to Julie Hilty, the Community Outreach Coordinator, a lot of parents ask this question, “Is my child just doing that to get back at me?” After the Circle of Security par-enting series a mother then exclaimed, “I never knew he was just trying to communicate his needs to me!” Another parent shared after a class: "I thought my daughter was always looking for attention. But, it wasn't attention. She was looking for connection." Circle of Security Parenting Class starts April 29 (9 week series) 10am-12pm at Foothills Church, 975 Fern Ridge Rd, Stayton. Childcare & refreshments are provided and RSVP is required. Info: 503-769-1120


Parenting Classes Available Kindergarten registration for Mill City

schools: May 8

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Mail to: The Canyon Weekly PO Box 721 Lyons, OR 97358 or Drop at: Kelly Lumber Sales, Mehama True Value or

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Garden work party planned for Santiam Elementary

Thanks to a generous grant offer from Santiam Canyon Youth and Family Alliance the grounds of Santiam Elementary will be getting an upgrade. The focus will start on the area just left of the front doors of the school. A garden work party is planned for Saturday April 27, from 10 am to Noon. All are invited to participate! Just show up with gloves and shovels. Call (503) 897-2368 for more information.


Now is the perfet time to purchase a ductless mini-split system. Many tax rebate incentives available.

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Mural project brings awareness and funds to play-ground restoration

Pictured top: The Grand Prize Mural winners announced April 11 - Sophie

Widmer, Aolani Gouveia, Arianna Saari, Grace Lindemann and Dae-

lynn Aerni. Great job girls! Pictured above: Artist Denise Sanders works

on the final version of the mural.

The Santiam Canyon Parent Teacher Organization and Santiam Hearts to Arts has joined forces to help raise funds

for a safe playground at Santiam Elementary. There was a contest for all elementary students on why they love living in the canyon. Fifty-five students submitted entries of their original and colorful work. Of those five grand prize winners were chosen and announced at the April 11 all school assembly. But the kids had a surprize in store for them. Thanks to the ingenuity of Mehama artist Denise Sanders and project coordinator Nancy Ford is was announced that all of the students who participated will be able to see their artwork as a part of the mural. Denise Sanders is taking the

students’ drawings and transferring them onto 4x8 plywood pan-els. Winning entries will be the featured art in the center of each panel, and will be surrounded by reproductions of the remaining entries, so everybody wins!

“All the entries were so beautiful and so thoughtfully presented, I couldn’t choose just one. And then when it came down to it I realized I couldn’t choose just five, so fifty it is!” said Sanders.

When completed, the murals will have a permanent home on the outside South wall of Santiam Elementary School, facing the playground. The plan is to have the completed murals unveiled at the Canyon Arts Festival on May 25.

According to Nancy Ford, PTO Vice President and Chairperson of the Mural project, the fundraiser raised $16,600 just during the month of March!

A Thousand Thank you’s to The Frank Lumber Company Founda-tion, Freres Lumber Company, the Oregon Community Foundation, the Mill City Lions Club, the City of Mill City and everyone who has donated to this important project.

Updates will be made as the project progresses. You can also watch the progress on the Santiam Canyon School Districts Faceebook page and Denise Sanders Artist Facebook page.

Coming soon: Community Roundtable at Mill City City Hall on May 3, 8am. See article, this issue. Info: Elaina Turpin, 541-852-2893 or Stacie Cook at Mill City Hall 503-897-2302.Santiam High School Presents~A Mid Summer Night’s Dream by William Shake-speare featuring students from Santiam High School Drama, Guitar and Choir. May 3 and 4 at Santiam Auditorium, 7:30 pm.

Lions Club Highway 22 Clean-up be-tween Gates and Mill City on May 8. New members welcome! Mill City Lions Club meets at Mt. Edge Cafe on May 8, 6:30pm. All volunteer programs go 100% back into the community. Info: Sandy Lyness 503-551-2645, Dan Lemke 503-897-3014 or Joe Uffelman 503-897-2324.Canyon Readers at Trexler Farm in Me-hama. Upcoming books include - May 9: Lazy B by Sandra Day O’Connor. June 13: Fool by Christopher Moore. Dinner 6pm, discussion at 7pm; meets every second Thursday of the month. Info: Herb Bastus-check 503-859-2668.Canyon Gleaners Mother’s Day Plant Sale May 9th, 10th, 11th from Noon-7pm at 158 SW Broadway Mill City.Santiam Hearts to Arts presents: Love, Peace & Harmony at Santiam Audito-rium, May 11, 7pm. Free Event!Detroit Lake Fishing Derby May 17-19. Info: www.detroitlakeoregon.orgCanyonArts Festival with Santiam Hearts to Arts. Mill City on May 25.Canyon Life Museum in Mill City opens May 27, open Fri- Sat until Labor day (or

by appt). Frances Thomas 503-897-2816.

Events This WeekWednesday, April 24

6-8pm 2013 Santiam Awards Night with the North Santiam Chamber of Com-merce at Santiam High School Auditorium, 265 SW Evergreen, Mill City. Join us for a night of community recognition! Refresh-ments will be served from 6pm-6:30pm, followed by performances from the Santiam Community Chorus and Santiam High School music students, plus a special performance by local youth singer Alexis Stinnett. Awards will be given for Business of the Year, Youth of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year, Citizen of the Year, Student of the Year, the Marion White Volunteerism Award, as well as the scholarship presenta-tion from the Youth Benefit Golf Tourna-ment proceeds. The event is free to attend and open to the public. See you there!

Thursday, April 254 pm Weightwatchers at Santiam Jr/Sr High Library.4PM High School Home track meet at Santiam.4:30 High School Baseball, Santiam at St. Paul.

Friday, April 261:45 Mari-Linn School fundraising ceremony to celebrate reaching the goal of their MS fundraiser. As a special treat, Laura Murray will rap a self-written song in front of the entire student body, with surprise back up singers.NO SCHOOL for Mill City students4:30 High School Softball at Santiam vs. Delphian.

Saturday, April 278am 2nd Annual Stayton River Run 10k/5k runs plus 1 mile kids run. 8am registration, 9am race. Stayton Elementary School fundraiser for PTC. $10 for 10k/5k runs, $5 students (k-12) 10k/5k runs, $5 for 1 mile kids run. Top winners in the male, female, master male and master female categories.

10 am Garden Work Party at Santiam Elementary. Show up with shovels and gloves! All help welcome!

5pm Santiam Canyon School District Candidate Forum for the 2013 School

Board positions at the Santiam High School Auditorium. Open to the public, Q & A format is presented by the Santiam Canyon School District Parent Teacher Or-ganization (PTO). Questions to or to PO Box 273 Mill City, OR 97360. Deadline: April 22, 3pm. Info: Jill Saari, 503-897-3581.St. Mary’s School Auction 503-769-2718

Sunday, April 28Detroit Feral Cat Catch All day. Cats will be caught for vaccinations and spaying/neutering. Shari Flanders asks all Detroit residents to keep their house cats inside. Donations for this program can be made to Shari Flanders c/o All Seasons Motel PO Box 565 Detroit OR 97342 or call 503-854-3421.

Tuesday, April 30Happy 6th Birthday Thorson Widmer!!love from Mom and Dad and Sophie.2-3:30pm Navigating the Final Journey. A 4 week conversation on anticipatiing the final season of life. At Stayton United Methodist Church. RSVP (503) 769-5700.

Wednesday, April 24

Ongoing Weekly Events6am-8am and 3pm-6pm Mill City Baptist Church before and after school Kids Zone. Transportation to and from school provided. 818 Santiam Blvd. 503-536-54146am-6pm Builders: Mill City Christian Church Before & After School Program Ages K-12yrs. 503-897-2716, 251 SW 3rd St.

Mondays4pm-8pm Youth Center for 7th-12th grades. Air Hockey, Ping Pong, Foos Ball. FREE. Mill City Baptist Church.7-8:30pm Santiam Community Chorus rehearses every Monday evening at Mill City Christian Church in Mill City. All are wel-come. Jo Ann Hebing 503-859-3426

Tuesdays10am-2pm Quilting Club Canyon Bible Fel-lowship, Lyons 910-491812pm Meals on Wheels, Senior Meals Fel-lowship Hall, MC Presbyterian. Meals on Wheels. Ruth:503-897-2204. $3.50 donation recommended.7:30pm Santiam Al-Anon, Mt. View Church, Aumsville

Wednesdays9am & 6pm Downward Dog Yoga Old Fire-

Event submissions are printed FREE! The Canyon Weekly cannot guarantee placement; however, priority is given to typed and emailed submissions, and events occurring in the North Santiam Canyon (Lyons/Mehama to Marion Forks). Please submit your

event to: See any need for corrections? Please give us a call at 503-990-3037.

Calls for the Mill City Fire Department4/9-----14:43---------SE Kingwood--------------------Medical4/9-----22:34-----------SW Broadway----------------Medical

4/11-----11:27----------SE Hazel------------------------Medical4/15------10:55----------SW Parkside Drive-----------Medical

Mari-Linn Professional Wrestling Fundraiser

returns for another fun event on May 4, 6-8pm, with West Coast Wrestling Con-nection. Proceeds will benefit the Mari-Linn PTA and to ASB for community

events such as BBQ, breakfast events and luncheons. Sponsored by Lyons Heating

and Cooling. Info: 503-510-4396.


Hall on Grove St., Mehama10am-3pm Judy’s Art Class at Mill City Eagles Hall. Oil painting, all levels welcome. Weekly on Wednesdays. Drop in, open to all. 503-859-22134pm-8pm Youth Center for 7th-12 grades. Air Hockey, Ping Pong, Foos Ball. FREE. Mill City Baptist Church.7pm AA Meeting Santiam Chapel, Lyons.7:30pm AA Meeting Idanha City Hall.

Thursdays10am-3pm North Santiam Quilters, Gates Church, all levels! 897-210212pm Meals on Wheels, Senior Meals. Fellowship Hall, MC Presbyterian Church. Ruth:503 897-22043:30-5pm Good News Club at Mill City Baptist Church. Kids K-4 grade. Bible sto-

ries, singing, games, snack. Free. 815 Santiam Blvd. change ad4pm “Weight Watchers at Work” at Santiam High School Library.5:30-8pm Youth Movie Night Ages 10-18 Mill City Christian

Church. Kids MUST be picked up by 8:15. Free. Not held on weeks with Friday school.6pm Bible Study at Living Water Church of God, Sorbin St. Gates.7-9pm Bingo with the Idanha Detroit Fire Dept, every other Thursday at the Detroit City Hall meeting room.

FridaysFree Knife Sharpening Friday at Gene’s Meat Market in Mehama (limit 5 please). At the flashing yellow lightHwy 22.6am-6pm Friday Day Camp at Mill City Christian Church Come all day or part;

learning-based; snacks, tutoring & homework help, games, friends and God. Registration forms at the church or call 503-897-2714. 503-897-2716 251 SW 3rd St, Mill City. All Day KidsZone Fun, crafts, games, food. Mill City Baptist Church. 815 NW Santiam Info: 503-536-5414 Brenda 1pm Canyon Senior Center Open Pinochle 844 South First St, Mill City 503897-4176

Sunday6:30pm Youth Group at Mill City Baptist Church 7th grade to 24 years. 815 NW San-tiam Blvd. Sunday.4-6pm Mehama-Lyons Community Youth Group at Mehama Community Church 11336 Morris St. Grades 6-12; games, music and bible studies. Info:503-859-2849 or facebook.

Chili dog and 16 oz latte 5.95

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North Santiam Funeral Service


Our Family serving yours.Locally family owned and owner operated

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ObituaryVirgil C. McfarlandMarch 23, 1928 - March 31, 2013

Virgil, better known to us all as Pop, passed away peacefully in his home on Easter Sunday. Pop was born in Gree-nup, Kentucky to Harrison and Myrtle McFarland. He moved his wife and 10 children to California where he worked as a Welder for a water truck company. There were times he worked 3 jobs just to support his family. After his retirement, he moved with his wife to Or-egon, where he lived for the past 20 years in Lyons. Pop was a very spe-cial man who worked very hard and always did all that he could to help others that were in need. If he saw a man walking in the rain he’d pull over and give the man his jacket right off of his own back. He

was a great inspiration to all the people he came into contact with and a man we could all look up to. Pop had many hobbies, some including fishing, playing cards, and also building

whatever he could imag-ine. Pop is survived by his wife Gladys, of 65 years. As well as 7 of his 10 children, Clay, Sandy, Pam, Lucy, Mark, Nancy and Blanche. Also, by many grandchildren, great grandchildren and even great great grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents, siblings, and 3 of his children, Mike, Cindy, and Rocky.

Poppy you will be missed by us all and forever in our hearts. Arrangements entrusted to Weddle Fu-neral Services, Stayton.

Soduku Hard

Soduku Medium


by noon the day before the meeting if you need an interpreter for the hearing impaired or any other special accommodation. If you have any questions related to the application, call City Hall (503- 897-2302).

Classified AdsHelp Wanted!

Help wanted Tow Truck Driver/ Battery Ser-vice. Apply at 611 Main St. Lyons, OR.

Help wanted: Marion Forks Restaurant is taking applications for full time cook, and part time waitress. Cook will have a 40 hr/ week job, with benefits and housing. I am also looking for a part time cook. Life is good at Marion Forks. Call 503-854-3669. Ask for Wayne. Must be able to relocate.

A call for Artists and Crafts-People for the 2013 Canyon Arts Festival May 25th at San-tiam Elementary School grounds. Art Gallery 503-897-3918. Crafts booth: 503-897-3116

For Sale!For Sale New Price $40,000 single wide older manufactured home on a 50 x 100 foot lot in Mill City. 2 bedrooms with a built on addi-tion. Ready to move in today. Info: Mike or Pam Wright 503-897-3206, 503-871-7141

For Sale: “76 dodge Jamboree 22 foot Class ‘C’ Motorhome. Well maintained with many upgrades. $3,000. Located in Mehama. Call Mike 503-871-1057.

For Sale: Lightly used spot free Queen size Mattress, Box Spring & Bed Frame. All for $200. (503)385-6290.

Local Classes!Judy’s Art Class Every Wed. at Eagle’s Hall in Mill City 10am to 3pm. Cost: $10 a day. Judy Holman 503-859-2213.Handgun Safety Class with local experts Bob and Shane Pedroli. Range classes are ongoing. Oregon and Utah/Arizona multistate certifications available. Next class is April 13. Info 503-580-9397 www.oldwestproscon-cealandcarry.comCPR/AED/First Aid Classes: American Heart Association certified classes for Public and Healthcare Providers. Contact instructor Kurt Hueller at 503-859-3575 or

For Rent!For Rent: Studio $450 + $500 dep.$300 non ref. ,$100 elect. dep. 1 bdrm $450 $500 dep. $300 non-ref. MOVE IN $950 503-897-4941 (Lori)


COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Com-mittee of the Mill City Rural Fire Pro-tection District, Linn/Marion County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, will be held at 400 South First Avenue. The meeting will take place on the 13th day of May, 2013 at 7 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive com-ment from the public on the budget. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after May 6, 2013 at the fire hall, 400 South First Av-enue, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. noon. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the budget Com-mittee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee.The meeting hall is accessible to per-sons with handicaps. If you need any special accommodations, please con-tact Justin at 503-897-2390 seven days prior to the meeting.


A public meeting for the Budget Com-mittee of the Gates Rural Fire Protec-

Classified Ad RatesText: 25 words for $5/week.

Photo: 25 words + photo $10/week.Addtl words: .20 each

Rideshare ads are FREE!Lost & Found ad are FREE!

max 25 wordsDeadline: Saturday noon for the

following Wednesday publication. Submit your ad to Drop Box Locations:

Mehama True ValueKelly Lumber, Mill City

Gates Post OfficePublishers Notice: All real estate adver-tising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal

to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on color, race, sex, religion, handicap, familial status or na-tional origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimina-tion. The Canyon Weekly will not know-

ingly accept any advertising that violates this law. All dwellings advertised are avail

on an equal opportunity basis.

tion District, Marion and Linn Counties, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 will be held at the Gates Fire Hall, Gates, OR. The meet-ing will take place on the 16th of May, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to receive the budget message and document of the Dis-trict. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained after May 15, 2013 at Gates City Hall, Gates, OR during normal business hours. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Com-mittee.

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Mill City Planning Commission will hold the following public hearings at its regular meeting on May 10, 2013 at 9:30 a.m at the City Hall, 444 1st Avenue, in Mill City. The Commission will consider the following proposals:

(1) File No. 2013-03 Setback Variance - McClung

Gary and Sharon McClung request the City approve a side yard setback variance to al-low for construction of a new garage at 1250 SW Spring Street in Mill City. They propose to build a second new 22’ x 30’+ garage/shop building to be located approximately seven (7) feet from the south (back) prop-erty line. He requests the setback variance because the structure is taller than 16’. Sec-tion 17.44.010.C of the Mill City zoning code requires buildings higher than sixteen feet to have a 10’ setback from the property line. Linn County Assessor’s Map T09S R3E Sec-tion 30CD, Tax Lot 1100. The hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Fri-day, May 10, 2013 during the regularly sched-uled planning commission meeting at the City Hall, 444 S. First Avenue, Mill City, Oregon. The application, decision criteria and staff re-port will be available at City Hall seven days prior to the hearing. Any person wishing to provide testimony must address the decision criteria. Variance decision criteria are found in Section 17.56.030 of the Mill City Zon-ing Code. The Searchable City Code can be viewed under “Documents” at the City of Mill City website: Failure to raise an issue precludes appeal and failure to specify to which criterion the com-ment is directed precludes appeal based on that criterion. City Hall is accessible to persons with dis-abilities. Please call City Hall (503-897-2302)


Date: 04/14/13 Time: 19:20 DISTB-NOISE Mill City DEER-HORN APTS Caller upset that her neighbor always plays his music super loud. Caller would like a deputy to contact her. Date: 04/15/13 Time: 11:04 ELDER ABUSE Mill City caller got an apartment for her mother. she has told her brother not to come around. mom is afraid of her son and wont tell him to leave. Date: 04/15/13 Time: 12:53 ANIMAL - GOAT QUEENER DR to the south of caller’s address at “queener gun club” they have goats and they are out all the time. caller would like the owner talked to because Date: 04/15/13 Time: 12:56 MENTAL-OTHER Mill City PR says that woman was at listed location and was yelling about wanting help. When PR tried to help her started screaming. PR says that she told her that she was going to Date: 04/15/13 Time: 15:45 Counter Traffic Mill City PR says that she would like to talk to a deputy about some people who have moved in with her parents and wont leave.

Date: 04/17/13 Time: 5:01 VEH-ABANDONED LYONS MILL CITY DR unoccupied Date: 04/17/13 Time: 15:26 DISTB-OTHER Mill City caller advises people are breaking into her house caller now advises sub-jects are bringing her kids over caller has been drinking Date: 04/17/13 Time: 18:08 LITTERING MCCULLY MOUNTA Caller reporting some-one left a dead donkey wrapped in a canvas on his property. Caller states the donkey is on the North side, near the BLM gate. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 3:27 WELF CHECK COLE SCHOOL RD Caller said that he received a call about 30 mins ago and she said that she needed help as she has not been eating or drinking for days. Caller Date: 04/18/13 Time: 5:24 WELF CHECK Mill City Norcom received a 911 call from a female who only said “help me.” Date: 04/18/13 Time: 8:23 DOG COMPLAINT CHERRY ST Mill City Caller advising that there are 3 dogs at the location that have been neglected and are now abandoned. Caller believes

that one in particular may be dy-ing. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 14:06 CRIM MISCHIEF Lyons Caller reporting that there is a bullet hole in the window of his shop. He has not entered the bldg yet. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 15:53 CRIM MISCHIEF KINGSTON-LYONS DR Caller advising that his mailbox was hit about 3 ago. Blk pu heading east. Unk how many person in the vehicle. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 16:16 BITE-DOG/ANIMAL Mill City Caller states that her daughter was just bit by a pit bull. Does not medical attention but does want a deputy to call her. She is walking towards the gas station. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 18:29 DISTB-OTHER Lyons callers neighbor is acting strangely and may be under the influence of drugs he was outside exposing himself to others. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 18:50 DISTB-DOMESTIC Mill City Female reporting 2 females argu-ing and one of them running from the other, she went into one of the out buildings on the property. Date: 04/18/13 Time: 20:34

SUSP-PERSON Mill City Caller reporting there is a male subject laying in the middle of the road, crying and bleeding. Caller’s brother is out with the male subj now, who states he does not need Date: 04/19/13 Time: 13:04 SUSP-VEHICLE THOMAS CREEK RD veh unoccupied operator was up on the hill, said he was hiking. Date: 04/19/13 Time: 23:00 JUV-COMPLAINT Mill City caller reports that juveniles have been harassing him this evening. Jvnl have been standing/blocking callers driveway, and Date: 04/20/13 Time: 9:31 CRIM MISCHIEF Mill City Pr reporting that someone shot her vehicle while she was driving. Date: 04/20/13 Time: 14:39 DOG COMPLAINT Mill City caller complaining about a neigh-bor in the bldg with a dog that is leaving fecal material outside on the the property contact caller at location- speaks limited english

Linn County Sheriff’s Office Police Log: Apr 14 to Apr 20

Gates Community Church of Christ“..reaching

the canyon for Christ.”Mike Stair, MinisterSunday School 9:45am

Worship 11am40070 Gates School Rd


For Rent: Very nice Single-wide 1 bed/1 bath in Gates. $450/month plus $450 deposit. Stove/refigerator/washer/dryer plus water and garbage included. 503-897-3420

House for Rent in Gates: 2 bed/1bath with Garage & Storage Shed. $650/mo. plus deposit. Available May 1. Call 503-859-3575.Need something printed? Give Tim a call at (503) 990-3037. Black and white & full color, fliers, brochures, bi-folds, tri-folds, pamphlets. up to 11X17 post-ers, you name it! All with veggie based ink. Shop local and save!

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75 centsg

Submitted exclusively for

The Canyon Weekly by G. R. Vince Johnson

One of the more meaningful virtues abun-dantly present within the United States is the unique diversity of our demographics. To say that our diversity vastly exceeds that of any other of nation populated by over 300 million people would not be bragging so much as it is a matter of fact. Our nation accepts and respects more dif-ferent religions than any other. Our popu-lation includes more different races and mixed races than any other. We have more different nationalities and ethnic mixtures than any other. Our citizens speak as many or more dif-ferent languages than any other. We allow, respect and protect more different cultural traditions than any other. We are involved with and furthering as many or more scien-tific endeavors as any other. We have as many or more highly popular musical and literary genres than any other. We have more charitable, civic, profession-

al, societal and fraternal organizations than any other. A symphonic orchestra can serve as an example of why our diversity should be considered a virtue. Here we have a highly diverse group of people working together to achieve a nearly perfect level of together-ness. Their ages can range from the teens into the 90’s. They are of widely varied na-tionalities, races, genders, religions, politi-cal beliefs, personalities, varied educational achievements and they pursue a myriad of individual living habits such as different fa-vorite foods, various preferences in clothing styles, literary tastes, hobbies, attitudes, and more. Think about all that diversity hidden in the harmony of the beautiful music they create together! When a symphonic orchestra performs, the unity of widely diverse musicians blends with the unity of the widely diverse audi-ence. As the performance moves along, a wondrous feeling of togetherness leads toa standing ovation. Bravo! The standing ovation! It is one of those rare times when achievement and appreciation mingle their

way into that place where unforgettable mo-ments are stored for a lifetime. There are those who insist that diversity is an insurmountable obstacle that prevents bringing societal harmony into a world-wide reality. They refer to the many divisive issues diversity has created within America. Unions vs. Management. Liberals vs. Con-servatives. Pro Life vs. Pro Choice. Global Warming. Name a tradition such as Mar-riage or Christmas and you have also named an issue dividing people rather than bring-ing them together. Questions: If a highly diverse group of mu-sicians can create beautiful music, why can’t a highly diverse citizenry create a beautiful society? Are we ever to be beautiful, or are we always to be ugly? Conclusion: We should appreciate our di-versities rather than fear them. Recommendation: Never forget that there is much credible evidence indicating that something within the diversity of the human spirit seeks to understand each other and will never give up. Contact Vince at:

Reality Check with G. R. Vince Johnson

The Virtues of Diversity


Are you up to date on the application of Oregon Ethics laws and Oregon Public Meetings law regarding Executive Sessions? Public officials in the State of Oregon face many challenges, but understanding how the provisions in ORS Chapter 244 and ORS Chapter 192.660 affect you, your relatives and businesses with which either you or your relative are associated should not be one of those challenges. Oregon ethics laws affect public officials at all levels of govern-ment - state, county, city, and special district - whether elected or appointed, paid employees or volunteers. Find out how these statutes affect you in your role as a public official. Proactively learn to act in compliance with the law. Hear examples of the specific issues you face. From brand new employ-ees to seasoned staff who want a refresher, there is something for

everyone. The training will cover prohibited financial benefits and allowed financial benefits, conflicts of interest, executive sessions, and plenty of time for questions. The training will be held at Mill City City Hall. Check in: 4:45pm Session Begins at 5pm-7pm. Please bring a pen and your reading glasses. RSVP to: Tammy He-drick at 503-378-6802 or

Oregon Government Ethics Training coming to Mill City