Tea book final

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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by Téa Sloane Smith

Téa Sloane’sAdventureA Sparkly Taleof Whimsy andMeaning Foundin NYC

Tea Sloane’s Adventure: Text and illustrations copyright © 2013 by Jennifer Aaker and Téa Sloane Smith

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of briefquotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address [contact info to come]

ISBN-13: 978-1494471064

ISBN-10: 149447106X

Typography and design by Brandon Ly.

Téa Sloane’s Adventure: A Sparkly Tale of Whimsy and Meaning Found in NYC

This book is dedicated to Grandma Robin and TJ because they died

and I never got to see them. I also want to dedicate this book to Alex

from Alex’s Lemonade Stand – she was a girl who was strong, happy

and had cancer. I read her book every night, and when I do, I wish

that I was one of the kids on the pages helping Alex.

Love, Téa Sloane

by Jennifer AakerLyrics by Doug Gleicher

Téa Sloane’s AdventureA Sparkly Tale of Whimsy and Meaning Found in NYC

Illustrations by Aly Flock

and Téa Sloane Smith

Téa Sloane’s AdventureA Sparkly Tale of Whimsy and Meaning Found in NYC


It was just a normal day in San Fran, CA.

Téa Sloane had her best friends over to play.


Discussing duct tape designs

for wallets, skirts, and shorts.

When TSloane found out

she was moving to New York!

“I can’t wait!” she yelled,

but there was doubt in her eyes:

“New York will be awesome,

but I’ll miss you guys…”


“TSloane don’t be crazy, you’ll have so much fun!

New places to see, new designs to get done.”

So with her friends’ blessings she was destined to be

the best duct tape designer in all NYC.


On the plane she was psyched, but a little bit stressed.

“How will I ever find a new BFF?”


Her worries subsided when the plane touched down.

She hopped in a cab to explore this town.


Skyscrapers, commotion,

and people galore.

Téa Sloane had never seen

so many faces before.

As she walked

down the streets

with her brothers and fam

She was taken aback

by the glitter and glam.


“This city’s amazing, but it’s lacking some action -

my DuctTape Designs: TSloane Fashion!”

She saw inspiration in every trip that she took;

Guggenheim to learn art, Harper Collins to learn books.

Exhausted and inspired at each day’s end

she would climb into bed, quietly missing her friends.

She whispered to her mom, “I kinda miss Cali,”

here I can’t find a Julia, Leyna, Laurel, or Tali.”

Where is a Paige, Parker, Elsa, or Olivia?

A Kaikai, Landon, Elena, or Lydia?”

She thought of her friends

as she closed her eyes

And dreamt of tomorrow

and what thrills might arise.


In the morning TSloane went with Cooper and Devon

to find Dylan’s Candy Bar – a rainbow sugar heaven.

While she wandered the store she thought, “Wouldn’t it be handy:

a convenient duct tape basket to hold all my candy?”


In the morning TSloane went with Cooper and Devon

to find Dylan’s Candy Bar – a rainbow sugar heaven.

While she wandered the store she thought, “Wouldn’t it be handy:

a convenient duct tape basket to hold all my candy?”

So she created a duct tape candy basket, then two

and got carried away, and made duct tape shoes!

She saw new NY sights she had only imagined

each one ever-fueling her passion for fashion.

Téa noticed Fashion Week lacked some things

so she designed duct tape dresses, bracelets, and rings.



But it didn’t stop there, she’s an entrepreneur,

so she headed to Central Park, and set up a store.

With Coop, she started to develop her brand

inspired by Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


She made new designs and some whatchamacallits

from purses and baskets to couches and wallets.

She even learned how she could tell her own story,

genesis of her products, in all of their glory.

Soon the city was filled with TSloane’s tape creations

with orders coming in from all over the nation.

But deep down she felt like something was empty,

all the people she’d met were amazing and friendly...



Something that she could wear - and they would too.

When you touch it, you could feel the words, ‘I love you.’

When done, she’d mail them all off with a kiss

to create looks of delight on the faces she missed.

Yet her search for a new best friend came up short

she wished her BFFs could all move to New York.

Suddenly, an idea - something she could create

a friendship bracelet made out of duct tape!


She loved knowing when things were not going their way

her friends could touch it, and that would brighten their day.

The bracelet became her most popular piece of retail

selling out in mere seconds when she’d put more for sale.


You can’t build your spirit through anyone else,

you have to be happy in being yourself.

And it’s great getting love from your mom, dad, and brothers,

but the thing that feels best is giving your love to others.

TSloane had discovered an important lesson,

something to carry her through adolescence.

The bracelet reminded love comes from within,

that when others seem far, you have yourself to believe in.



So it’s through independence that TSloane came to be

the most successful designer in all of NYC.


I want to thank Aly for drawing the fun pictures in this book, for Doug for

writing his fun rhymes, Brandon for designing this fun book. I also wanted

to thank all my other friends in this book, like Kathryn, Adriana, Sarah,

Sophie, Mia, Sami and Maile. It was hard to fit all the names in the poem,

but I love you guys. And finally, I want to dedicate this to the Essermans.

Ivette is really fun and Chuck is really funny. And I want to thank me for

thinking of the idea, and I also to thank my mom for writing it with me.

Dear Readers,

This is a special book

about the time that I lived

in NYC. It is about me

leaving my friends, and

moving to New York for

four months. It is a sad

and happy story. It is

sad in the beginning, and

happy in the end. So I

hope that after you read it,

you feel mostly happy.

Love, Téa Sloane