Teacher-in-charge: Mr. Sewanu Emmanuel, Government Unit.

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Teacher-in-charge: Mr. Sewanu Emmanuel, Government Unit.



1. Electoral crises -Federal election crisis, 1964-Western Nigeria election crisis, 1965-General election crisis, 1979-Executive versus Legislative crisis, 1981 in Kaduna.-General election crisis, 1983-General election crisis, 1993

2. The Interdependence of nations and globalization

-Interdependence of nations-Community of nations-Purpose of interaction-Nigeria’s international interaction (economic, political and socio-cultural)-Merits and demerits.

3. Nigeria’s Foreign Policy -Meaning of Foreign Policy-Factors affecting Nigeria’s foreign policy-Aims and objectives of Nigeria’s foreign policy

4. Nigeria’s Foreign Policy -Nigeria’s Foreign policy since independence -Non-alignment-Nigeria and non-alignment.

5. International Organization

-Origin, aims, objectives and achievements of : ECOWAS, AU.-NEPAD: Meaning, aims and objectives.

6. International Organization

-Origin, aims, objectives and achievements of Commonwealth, UN.

7. International Organization

-Origin, aims and achievements of FAO, WHO, UNICEF,UNESCO and UNDP.

8. Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)

-Meaning of MDGs-Goals of MDGs e.g. eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empowerment of women.

9. Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)

Goals of MDGs.

10. Revision Revision

11. Examination Examination

12 Examination Examination

**FEDERAL ELECTION CRISIS OF 1964-The election was between major and minor political parties. -Different alliances were formed for a greater political battle.

*CAUSES OF THE CRISIS-Two alliances were formed i.e NNA and UPGA . Both desperate to win the election .-Election were flagrantly rigged-Elections were boycotted in Eastern region ,partially in the West and Mid- Western region .

*EFFECT OF THE CRISIS-Massive destruction of lives and properties-Increased tribalism-A broad based government was formed -Contributed to the 15th January , 1966 coup d’etat

**WESTERN NIGERIA ELECTION CRISIS 1965*CAUSES OF THE CRISIS-There was discrimination in the provision and acceptance of nomination paper against UPGA-Announcement of conflicting result -Adegbenro and his supporters were arrested and detained .*POLITICAL IMPLICATION -Personality clashes between Awolowo and Akintola that almost tore the West apart .-People were denied electoral right and discouraged from participation in political activities -It paved the way for military take over of government in Nigeria.

*GENERAL ELECTION CRISIS OF 1979-Five political parties contested the 19979 election, i.e NPN,UPN,NPP,GNPP and PRP.-The presidential candidate of NPN fulfill the 2nd condition i.e 25% of the total number of votes in at least 2/3 of the number of state in Nigeria.-NPN won 25% in only 12 states-The presidential candidate of UPN challenged the result.-Tribunal was set up to look into the result -In spite of all these , Shehu Shagari was sworn in as the president of Nigeria.

*GENERAL ELECTION OF 1983-CAUSES OF THE CRISIS -All the political parties were determined to win the presidential election at all cost.-The parties{NPN,UPN,NPP,GNPP,PRP} wanted to retain the states which they controlled -Large scale of electoral malpractices were recorded.

*EFFECTS OF THE CRISIS.- Violent protests and thuggery occurred.-Wide spread court actions for nullification of results-The crisis ushered in the military government of Gen Muhammadu Buhari.

**JUNE 12,1993 GENERAL ELECTION CRISIS -The result of the presidential election showed that M.K.O Abiola won the election-The result was annulled by the government without any genuine reason.-The annullment was followed with wide spread of protests and demonstration.-Babangida stepped aside and handed over to an Interim National Government {ING}led by Chief Ernest Shonekan.-Abiola declared himself as new president of Nigeria in June 11, 1994.-He was arrested on July 23,1994 and died in detention ,where he died on July 8, 1998.

*CONSEQUENCES OF THE CRISIS-Political Instability-Economic paralysis-Mutual distrust among Nigeria ethnic groups.

WORK TO DO **Explain seven causes of military rule in Nigeria.