Teaching Of The Buddha

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Teaching of the Buddha for the buddhist.


“A gift of dhamma conquers all gifts”

Thought-habits can harden into character.

So watch your thoughts.

( Buddha )


A good friend who points out

mistakes and imperfections

and rebukes evils is to be

respected as if reveals

a secret of hidden treasure.

( Buddha )


Conquer a liar with truth.

( Buddha )


Better than a thousand hallow words

is one word that brings peace.

( Buddha )


An idea that is developed and put

into action is more important than an idea that

exists only as an idea

( Buddha )


A man is not to be considered

a good man just because he is an able talker.

( Buddha )


Wise persons are diligent persons.

( Buddha )


A generous heart is good for the

right sort of people.

( Buddha )


A very able man directs

the unruly thoughts properly.

( Buddha )


Know well what leads you forward

and what hold you back,

and choose the path that leads to wisdom.

( Buddha )


To the one who endures,

The final victory comes.

( Buddha )


The words we utter should be

Chosen with care,

For people will hear them and

be influenced by them for good or ill.

( Buddha )


One had better refrain from incorrect speech.

( Buddha )


Work out your own salvation.

Do not depend on others.

( Buddha )


Proper efforts at being mindful

Culminate In Samadhi ( absorption )

( Buddha )


He who loves 50 people has 50 problems;

he who loves no one has no problems.

( Buddha )


Hatred does not cease by hatred,

but only by love;

this is the law of the universe.

( Buddha )


One should learn to watch

And examine carefully.

( Buddha )


However many wholesome words

you read and speak,

what good will they do you

if you do not act sagaciously on them?

( Buddha )


He who envies of others does not obtain

full peace of mind.

( Buddha )


Happiness can be the outcome of doing good.

( Buddha )


Whose body is calmed,

experiences ease more easily.

( Buddha )


Wrong views are essentially unwholesome.

( Buddha )


Only the experience of nirvana makes it

Comprehensible to the wise.

( Buddha )


To keep the body in good health is a good task.

Otherwise we shall not be able to keep

our mind strong and clear.

( Buddha )


Being undisturbed and very steadfast of mind is

a gain to be used or directed toward

Great Deliverance.

( Buddha )


How few here see clearly!

( Buddha )


You yourself, as much as anybody

in the entire universe deserve

your love and affection.

( Buddha )


Faithfulness is essentially very good.

( Buddha )


Perfect ones have pointed out the way.

( Buddha )


Few are the people

who make it to heaven unaided.

( Buddha )


Doubt can be a poison that disintegrates

Friendships and breaks up pleasant relations,

thorn that irritates and hurts.

( Buddha )


Neither overrate nor underestimate

what you have received.

( Buddha )


Your body is precious.

It is our vehicle for awakening.

Treat it with care.

( Buddha )


A family is a place where minds come in

contact with another.

if these minds love one another

the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden

but if these minds get out of harmony

with one another it is like

a storm that plays havoc with the garden.

( Buddha )


Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man,

he may no more comprehend the truth than

a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup.

( Buddha )


One should strive to understand

what underline sufferings and diseases

and aim for health and wellbeing

while gaining in the path.

( Buddha )


One life’s journey

( certain) deeds are a shelter.

( Buddha )


Of all the worldly passions,

lust is the most intense.

Make proper use of it.

( Buddha )


Avoid evil deeds as a man

who loves life avoids poison.

( Buddha )


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it,

Or who said it, no matter if I have said it,

Unless it agrees with your own reason and

Your own common sense.

( Buddha )


One should refrain from

Intoxicating drinks and drugs.

( Buddha )


One should understand

according to reality and true wisdom.

( Buddha )


Giving properly means doing so confidently

and without too much encumberments.

( Buddha )


Living well favors a serene

death and rebirth in a happy state.

( Buddha )


Death is not to be feared so much by

One who has lived wisely.

( Buddha )


Avoid aiming at the ruin of others.

( Buddha )


The way is not in the sky.

The way is in the heart.

( Buddha )


A good path is free from torture

and groaning and suffering.

( Buddha )


One is to cultivate the seven factors of

Enlightenment : mindfulness,

Investigation into phenomena,

Energy, bliss tranquility,

Concentration, and equanimity.

( Buddha )


Right conduct is to form a proper

Livelihood to prosper by.

( Buddha )


Strive to be true

To the best you know.

( Buddha )


We are shaped by

our thoughts to some extent.

( Buddha )


Right focus brings about reality.( Buddha )


Be greatly aware of the presents.

( Buddha )


Let us rise up and be thankful,

for if we didn’t learn a lot today,

at least we learned a little,

and if we didn’t learn a little, at least

we didn’t get sick,

and if we got sick, at least

we didn’t die;

so let as all be thankful.

( Buddha )


Profound truth, so difficult to perceive,

difficult to understand,

tranquilizing and sublime,

is not to be gained by mere reasoning

and is perceived only by the wise.

( Buddha )


Whatever, after due examination

and analysis, you find to be kind,

conducive to the good,

the benefit, the welfare of all beings;

believe and cling to that doctrine,

and take it as your guide.

( Buddha )


Dhamma darna

by Sympathy

May you all be happy now and forever…