Teaching Philosophy: CONSTRUCTIVISM Prepared By: Group III.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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WHAT IS CONSTRUCTIVISM? Constructivism refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves---each learner individually (and socially) constructs meaning--- as he or she learns. A learning theory that “equates learning with creating meaning from experience”


Constructivism refers to the ideathat learners construct knowledgefor themselves---each learnerindividually (and socially) constructsmeaning--- as he or she learns. A learning theory that equates learning with creating meaning from experience MAjor Scholars of Constructivism and their Key claim: Lev Vygotski A Russian psychologist who had atheory that laid the basis ofConstructivism. Believed that learners develop strong thinking skills through interaction with culture and their surroundings. JEROME BRUNER has made significantcontributions to humancognitivepsychologyandcognitivelearning theoryin educational psychology, as well as to history and to the general philosophy of education. Key people of CONSTRUCTIVSM: Jean Piaget Swiss developmental psychologistand philosopher known for hisepistemological studies withchildren. Believes that children learn through experience, they adapt to situations based on what they have previously learned from other situations. Key people of CONSTRUCTIVSM: John Dewey John Dewey advocated The learning process of
experiential learning t hrough real life experience to construct and Conditionalize knowledge, which is consistent with the constructivists. Key people of CONSTRUCTIVISM: Characteristics of Constructivism: TWO VIEWS OF CONSTRUCTIVISM 1. INDIVIDUAL. CONSTUCTIVISM 2. SOCIAL
This is also called cognitiveconstructivism It emphasizes individual, internalconstruction of knowledge. It is largely based on Piagetstheory. Learners should be allowed todiscover principles through theirown exploration rather than directinstruction by the teacher. SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVSM This view emphasizes thatknowledge exist in a socialcontext and is initially shared withothers instead of beingrepresented solely in the mind of anindividual. It is based on Vygotskys theory. Construction of knowledge is sharedby two or more people The role of the instructor
Instructors as facilitators a facilitator helps the learner to get tohis or her own understanding of thecontent. In the former scenario the learner plays apassive role and in the latter scenario the learner plays an active role in the learning process. The nature of the learning process
Learning is an active, social process Dynamic interaction between task, instructor and learner Collaboration among learners Traditional Classroom vs. Constructivist Classroom Traditional Classroom
Curriculum begins with the parts of the whole. Emphasizes basic skills. Strict adherence to fixed curriculum is highly valued. Materials are primarily books and workbooks. Learning is based on repetition. Teachers disseminate information to students; students are recipient of knowledge. Teachers role is directive rooted in authority. Assessment is through testing, correct answers. Knowledge is seen as inert. Students work primarily alone. Constructivist Classroom Curriculum emphasizes big concepts, beginning with the whole and expanding to include parts. Pursuit of students question and interest is valued. Materials include primary sources of material and manipulative material. Learning is interactive, building on what thestudent already knows. Teachers have dialogue with the students, helping students construct their own knowledge. Teachers role is interactive rooted in negotiation. Assessments include students workobservations, and point of view as well as tests. Process is as important as the product. Knowledge is seen as dynamic, ever changing with our experiences. Students work primarily in group. Why is Constructivism the best Framework?
Constructivism Enhances Knowledge Constructivism is Practical Constructivism is Holistic Constructivism is Inclusive Constructivism is Effective Thank you for Listening!
If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. But if you ley me experience, I will learn. Lao-Tse 500 B.C Thank you for Listening!