Teaching Teens About Their IGS and the Law of Attraction

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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If you teach your teen to listen to his own IGS, he or she will make the right choices, every time.


Conscious Parenting: Apply the Law of Attraction

to Raising Teens

From Author, TV Show Host, and Life CoachSharon Ballantine



It is natural for parents to worry about their children and even more so as they

approach their teenage years.


By teaching our children to become familiar with their internal guidance

system (IGS) we will also reap the benefits.


We can reduce our own stress and anxiety levels and also empower our

children to make better and more deeply informed

choices in their own lives.


The key to enabling our

children to make better decisions and to achieve their goals is to

teach them about their IGS.


As parents, it is our role to guide them toward deep internal listening. Show them how to focus and receive the messages

flowing through them as opposed to relying solely on external signs, cues

and messages.


When they have

developed the ability to tune in to cues and

focus on reading internal


they can be guided to focus on moving

towards the things that

feel best for them.


Conversely, you can help to guide them away from the things that

don't make them feel good.


The internal feeling of wanting to do or have something, or not wanting to do or have something serves as

an extremely effective guide.


This example will help you to understand this phenomenon better:

A teen chooses to skip school to engage in an activity that she

perceives to be more fun than school.

Perhaps she believes that she will not learn anything at school, and

therefore, she will not see the benefit of going to school.


As a parent, it is likely that you will not agree

with this choice.

From your perspective, school holds much benefit for her; therefore you

want her to attend class.


Considering the Universal Law of Attraction and the recommended

course of following oneʼs IGS, should you, "the responsible parent,”

demand that she attend school?


Or… Is it possible that the teenʼs choice will serve her best interest?


There is no general answer to this question. It is all dependent on

whether or not she is in alignment.


When your teen is in

alignment she will be firmly,

joyfully, rooted on her path towards the

answers she is seeking.


When she is in this state she will be in tune with her Internal

Guidance System and she will receive clear direction and

inspiration from the universe.


There are times when

children enjoy doing things that we, as

parents, donʼt necessarily

approve of or agree with.


It can be difficult, but it is crucial that we remember that a child who is in alignment is not walking a path of destruction.


If she is in alignment the laws of our Universe will not support destruction.


She may lose credits at school and

certainly her grades may be negatively affected. She may

even face academic suspension for

skipping school.


These repercussions will function as learning tools that will help her to tune in more closely to her IGS.


She will be impelled to make better life choices

down the road. She will be impelled to make better life choices down the road.


Life presents many choices. By listening to our IGS and teaching our children to do the same, our choices will lead us down the highest path of

our soulʼs true desire.


When your teen listens to her IGS and is in alignment, then her choices will always lead her to the path of what is her soulʼs

true desire, her highest path!


For more advice on applying the Universal Law of Attraction, visit...
