Team Building Across Generations

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Today’s economic situation may have leveled the playing field in terms of the impact rising unemployment is having across all the generations, however, this does not diminish the fact that each generation brings its own unique way of dealing with the world and its ever changing terrain. This manifesto addresses the uniqueness and similarities of the four generations known as the: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials with regards to workplace teams.



presented by

Lorraine RinkerPractical Effects Manifesto:Team Building Across Generations

Practical Effects 2009

Although every effort has been made to ensure this guide is free from errors, this publication is made available with the understanding that the authors, editors, and publisher are not responsible for the results of any action taken on the basis of information in this work, nor for any errors or omissions. The publishers, and the authors and editors, expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, in respect of anything and of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. If expert advice is required, services of a competent professional person should be sought.

Additionally, the author relies on a combination of published data AND real-world first-hand interviews with people and organizations managing actual transition, therefore, this publication is considered a living document and may be followed up with future re-releases.

important disclaimer

Practical Effects 2009


Today’s economic situation may have leveled the playing field in terms of the impact rising unemployment is having across all the generations, however, this does not diminish the fact that each generation brings its own unique way of dealing with the world and its ever changing terrain. This manifesto addresses the uniqueness and similarities of the four generations known as the: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials with regards to workplace teams.

“Not everyone in the workplace is motivated by the same things anymore. To get the most out of each generation in the workforce, you have to be willing to be more flexible. When managers and companies learn to do this, it will be incredibly rewarding.” - - Harvey Mackay (Foreword from When Generations Collide)

Practical Effects 2009

four generations in today’s workforce

• Traditionalists (born 1900-1945)• Baby Boomers, aka Career Makers (born 1946-1964)• Gen X, aka Career Builders (born 1965-1980)• Millennials, aka Career Changers (born 1981-1999)

We all go through similar life stages, but we do not all

approach them the same way. How each generation

goes through these stages distinguishes one generation

from another.

Practical Effects 2009

workforce at a glance





Workforce % Tomorrow

Traditionalists BoomersGen X Millennials




Workforce % Today

Traditionalists BoomersGen X Millennials

Source: Delta College Corporate Services

Practical Effects 2009

career goals

• Traditionalists - “Build a legacy.”• Baby Boomers - “Build a stellar career.”• Gen Xers - “Build a portable career.”• Millennials - “Build parallel careers.”


Practical Effects 2009

fyi: market fact

So much for the notion that young workers prize career growth more than

cold, hard cash. Half of new college graduates say they would

rather have high-paying jobs, even if it means less-satisfying careers,

according to an Experience Inc. survey. More than one-quarter cite student

loans as a big factor. WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT | 12.23.08

Practical Effects 2009

fyi: real-world fact

A few recent college graduates share their first-hand perspectives at a Sacramento

CEO Round Table. Here’s how these successfully employed Millennials describe the “ideal


Creativity and innovation

Approachable, open-door management

Technology and pace that matches our individual strengths

Relaxed dress-code

Now, my fellow Boomers, doesn’t this list sound familiar to our own early aspirations?Actual Panel Discussion – CEO Round Table – CSUS Alumni Center| April 2009

“There’s never a day when I’m not learning something new!” – Derek

Practical Effects 2009


• Traditionalists “The satisfaction of a job well done.”

• Baby Boomers“Money, title, recognition, the corner office.”

• Gen Xers“Freedom is the ultimate reward.”

• Millennials“Work that has meaning for me.”



• Traditionalists“Support me in shifting the balance.”

• Baby Boomers“Help me balance everyone else and find meaning myself.”

• Gen Xers“Give me balance now, not when I’m sixty-five.”

• Millennials“Work isn’t everything, I need flexibility so I can balance all my activities.”

Practical Effects 2009


Practical Effects 2009


Traditionalists – RewardBaby Boomers – Retool

Gen Xers – RenewMillennials – Recycle

Practical Effects 2009


Traditionalists – Talk about

history and the future. Tell them how they

can help the customer. Flexible schedule.

Boomers - Emphasize company’s values,

people-focus, communicate how they can

contribute to product/service, status (corner

office, parking space), flexible schedule.

recruiting (cont’d)

Millennials - Opportunity to learn new

things. Diverse work experiences. Mentor them.

Gen Xers - Talk about creative environment.

Offer diverse work experiences. Emphasize future

plans and how they can contribute to them. Flexible


Practical Effects 2009


Boomers - Show they’re making significant

contributions. Provide challenging work. Publically

recognize their accomplishments.

Traditionalists – Tend to be loyal. Many have

reached financial security, enough to consider making a move if

unhappy. Turnover among Traditionalists may be a barometer

as to how bad retention problems really are. Let them mentor

your less experienced employees.

Practical Effects 2009

retaining (cont’d)

Millennials - Provide good supervision and

structure. Communicate clear objectives. Emphasize their

ability to make a difference. Use technology to deliver

information. Provide interesting, meaningful work.

Gen Xers - Do not micromanage. Give candid, timely

feedback. Encourage informal, open communication. Use

technology to communicate. Provide learning opportunities.

Practical Effects 2009

much in common

Flexible schedules.

Provides no long term commitment.

Expects their organizations to meet their needs.

And, most importantly, all generations value trust

and want respect.

Practical Effects 2009

bringing them all together

Building multi-generation teams may be new to many but early adopters of diversity in the workforce leveraged multi-generational perspectives decades ago, long before it reached the four-generations-workforce stage of today. Early in my career in the 1980’s, I learned the value of creating teams of true diversity - - crossing all lines and blurring the boundaries.-- Lorraine Rinker

Bridging the generations takes a savvy management and leadership team;

one capable of walking the talk and following through to allow the

differences and similarities of each generation shine in the work


Practical Effects 2009

3 huge benefits of multi-gen teams

Active engagement – reduces the risk of group think by encouraging

dynamic thinking whereby everyone openly questions and validates the

team’s thought process.

Increased innovation and creativity – a diverse mix of perspectives will

foster new ways of looking at solutions and opportunities giving your

organization a competitive advantage.

Built-in mentoring – practical way to fill skill gaps; inexperienced members

learn how to avoid “old mistakes” and make new ones, experienced

members learn how to envision solutions outside their comfort zone.

Practical Effects 2009

how to build multi-gen teams

Know people in terms of:Acceptance/resistance to hierarchiesDealing with changeTechnology and communication preferencesFeedbackWork ethic

Practical Effects 2009

how to build multi-gen teams

Begin with a culture of inclusion!

Competencies that support inclusion:• Ongoing renewal and self-awareness• Demonstrate respect and recognition• Candid communication and dialogue• Participative decision making and problem solving• Consultative leadership style and advanced moral reasoning


Practical Effects 2009

the future is now!

Generations of “the young and the clueless”[1] have survived

their rise through the ranks with varying degrees of tripping

and falling. We must all remember that every rising star or

successful leader past and present was once a fledgling.”

– Lorraine Rinker

[1] Phrase adopted from title of Harvard Business Review article Young and Clueless (2003)

Practical Effects 2009

invest in lateral moves

Leadership gaps exist across our economic landscape, but

don’t be in such a hurry to move every star performer up

the promotion ladder. A high degree of emotional

intelligence is very important today. Effective leaders need

to be able to connect with everyone. Give your star

performer a chance to succeed by assigning him/her cross-

functional roles where negotiation and

persuasion skills are the key to influencing people

and get things done.

Practical Effects 2009

future leaders need mentors today

Leverage the wisdom of your

experienced staff and encourage

informal learning partnerships

between existing and emerging


With mentors as part of their

continual personal development, your

managers will learn about different

leadership styles and perspectives.

Practical Effects 2009

consequences of inaction

What happens if you choose not to take action to ensure generations work

effectively with one another during these challenging times?

Life will go on and your status quo will remain in tact. Your organization

will continue to work below its potential, experience heightened

frustration, and eventually lose top performers. All of which will lead to

increased tangible and intangible costs. Bottom line, you’ll more than

likely fall behind your competition and be ill-positioned when the

economy makes an upturn.

But it doesn’t have to end that way . . .

Practical Effects 2009

act on your commitmentTake the leap to be your best right now. Celebrate

the values and principles all of these generations

have in common. Leverage the unique talent

each generation brings to your organization.

Weave all of those strengths together and you’ll

develop an organizational “fabric” that can

withstand more than you ever imagined.

Hold yourself accountable for your own

bright future - - today is your day to make a

difference. Now, get on your way!

Practical Effects 2009

about the authorAs a former Fortune 100 Information Technology executive, Lorraine Rinker “lived” in corporate America for 22 years until she decided it was time to do something new and different. Opting for the road less traveled, Lorraine is very familiar with change in that she is a Navy daughter who spent most of her formative years “on the move” in Tokyo Japan, California, and Hawaii. Believing that “your career journey is a series of unfolding views”, she now applies her passion for helping others realize their career dreams and goals through career and business coaching-consulting.

Lorraine formed her own private practice as a leadership career coach in 2005 and since then has helped numerous people from all walks of life discover their true potential. Lorraine is a winner of the Luminary Award presented by the National Association of Women Business Owners recognizing businesses that “light the way for others” and she was recently commended by the California Judicial Council for her leadership work as Board Chairman and President for Child Advocates of Placer County.

Lorraine lives in El Dorado Hills California with her husband Bob and enjoys volunteering her time to local and national humanitarian efforts for children’s rights, veterans in transition, and HIV/AIDS legislation.

Lorraine Rinker – Radical

Lorraine’s portrait by Sirlin PhotographyImage credits to,, and