Team Trivia The Revolutionary...

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Team Trivia:

The Revolutionary War

Sit with your assigned group and get ready to


Team Trivia:

The Revolutionary War

■ Teams should be no larger than 4 people.

■Write your answers on the provided pieces of colored paper.

■ You have until the music stops to turn in your answers.

■ You MAY use your notes/books/etc.

■ Each team will receive one point for every correct answer. The winning team will receive TWO SWAG tickets each!

Unit 2 Review: The American Revolution

■Groups compete against each other:

–Teams will be presented a prompt & asked to provide as many correct answers as possible within the time given

–Groups earn 1 point per correct answer

–If any part of the response is incorrect, teams receive no points for that question.




Which era in U.S. history

is shown in these maps?




Which era in U.S. history

is shown in these maps?

Colonial Era before the French and Indian War

America after the French and

Indian War

America after winning the

Revolutionary War

1. What was the relationship like between Britain and the colonists in 1750 before the French and Indian War? (Include at least 1 specific vocabulary concept in your answer)

2. What caused the French and Indian War?

3. How did the French and Indian War change the relationship between Britain and the American colonists? (Include at least 1 specific vocabulary concept in your answer)

1. Salutary neglect: the colonists were happy with their colonial assemblies; Mercantilism: colonial trade was regulated via the Navigation Acts but the colonists were happy

2. Land dispute in the Ohio River valley between Britain and France

3. Parliamentary Sovereignty: Britain began to control the colonists as a means of collecting revenue taxes to pay of war debts

1. Name three specific actions British Parliament took to save money or raise money in the years immediately after the French and Indian War

2. What idea is best defined as the strict political control of the American colonies by the British government?

3. Why did Ben Franklin suggest his Albany Plan of Union in 1754?

4. What Indian uprising helped convince the British Parliament to create the Proclamation Line of 1763?

1. Proclamation Line of 1763, Quartering Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts

2. Parliamentary Sovereignty

3. To create a plan to defend colonists from Indian attacks on the western frontier

4. Pontiac’s Rebellion

Name the New British Law

1. Direct revenue tax on paper goods like newspapers, marriage licenses, cards

2. Indirect tax on lead, glass, tea, paper

3. Law that required that British soldiers stay in colonists’ homes as a means of saving money (and not building barracks)

4. Law forbidding colonists from moving across the Appalachian Mountains and into the Ohio River Valley

1. Stamp Act of 1765

2. Townshend Acts of 1767

3. Quartering Act of 1765

4. Proclamation Line of 1763

Name the New British Law

Name the Colonial Reaction

1. Method used by the colonists to protest revenue taxes and get them repealed

2. Radical group of protesters who led the colonial rebellion during the Stamp Act, Townshend Acts , and Boston Tea Party

3. Groups that were formed during the era of colonial protest that wrote letters to others about British restrictions and taxes

4. Slogan used by the colonists to protest new British restrictions

5. European philosophical movement that inspired the fight against tyranny

1. Boycotts

2. Sons of Liberty

3. Committees of Correspondence

4. “No Taxation without Representation”

5. Enlightenment

Name the Colonial Reaction

Cause and Effect Relationships

1. ______ First colonial boycotts

2. Tea Act of 1773 ______

3. _______ Propaganda poster that showed the British army as murderers

4. Boston Tea Party ______

5. Publication of Common Sense _______

Cause and Effect Relationships

1. Stamp Act First colonial boycotts

2. Tea Act of 1773 Boston Tea Party

3. Boston Massacre Propaganda poster that showed the British army as murderers

4. Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts (“Coercive Acts”)

5. Publication of Common Sense Calls for colonial independence from Britain

Name that Person

1. Primary author of the Declaration of Independence

2. Created this poster

3. Wrote Common Sense that convinced colonists to demand independence

4. Enlightenment philosophe who wrote about liberty and government ruled by the “consent of the governed “

5. One of the two leaders of the Sons of Liberty

1. Thomas Jefferson

2. Benjamin Franklin

3. Thomas Paine

4. John Locke

5. Samuel Adams and John Hancock

Name that Person

Cause and Effect Relationships

1. ______ Led to the formation of the First Continental Congress (1774)

2. _______ Led to the formation of the Second Continental Congress (1775-1777)

3. Second Continental Congress ______ (decisions made)

4. _______ France decided to ally with the American colonists

Cause and Effect Relationships

1. Intolerable Acts Led to the formation of the First Continental Congress (1774)

2. Shots fired at Lexington and Concord Led to the formation of the Second Continental Congress (1775-1777)

3. Second Continental Congress Hired Washington OR bought weapons OR created the Declaration of Independence

4. Battle of Saratoga France decided to ally with the American colonists

1. Name two advantages of the British at the outbreak of the American Revolution

2. Name two advantages of the Americans at the outbreak of the American Revolution

3. What was the main British strategy at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

4. What was the main American strategy at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

1. Better army, better navy, more money, better manufacturing, support from Loyalists

2. Familiarity with home ground, leadership of George Washington, inspired by the cause of independence, potential alliance with France

3. Split the Northern and Southern colonies (divide & conquer); Blockade American ports

4. Defensive strategy; Drag out the war; Guerilla tactics

Name that Person

1. This person was the symbol of the American independence movement and leader of the Continental Army

2. French military leader who helped train the American army

3. British general who surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown

4. American diplomat who helped convince the French to ally with the Americans

5. American military officer who betrayed the cause and gave secrets to the British

1. George Washington

2. Marquis de Lafayette

3. General Cornwallis

4. Benjamin Franklin

5. Benedict Arnold

Name that Person

Name that Battle

1. This was the first battle of the American Revolution

2. Surprise attack on British soldiers on Christmas Eve 1776 that gave Americans a morale boost

3. Turning point of the Revolutionary War because it led to the French alliance

4. The lowest point of the Revolutionary War for the Americans; Winter camp in 1777

5. This last battle led to the American victory

1. Lexington and Concord

2. Trenton and Princeton

3. Saratoga

4. Valley Forge, PA

5. Yorktown

Name that Battle

1. Name two major provisions of the Treaty of Paris 1783

2. Name 2 provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1763 that ended the French and Indian War

1. Americans gained independence, Americans gained all lands east of the Mississippi River and between Florida and Canada, British agreed to remove troops from America

2. France lost all North American territories; Britain gained Florida and all lands east of the Mississippi River; Spain gained all lands west of the Mississippi River

1. Why was Jamestown, Virginia founded?

2. Who introducing tobacco in Jamestown?

3. The Virginia colony created the first colonial assembly in American history. What was it?

4. Why was Massachusetts colony founded?

5. Pilgrims created the first example of self-government in American history. What was the name of this agreement?

6. Who led the Puritan “Great Migration” and created a “City on a Hill”?

7. Who led the rebellion of poor farmers in VA?

1. To make money for investors; So people could make money in America

2. John Rolfe

3. The House of Burgesses

4. This New England colony was founded for religious freedom

5. Mayflower Compact

6. John Winthrop

7. Nathanael Bacon

1. Name two “middle colonies” in the British colonies in North America

2. Which European nation controlled “New York” before it was taken by the British?

3. Which British colony was known for the “holy experiment”?

4. Who founded this religiously tolerant middle colony?

5. Why was the Georgia colony founded?

6. What was the name of the massive slave rebellion in South Carolina during the colonial era?

1. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey

2. Netherlands (also known as the Dutch)

3. Pennsylvania

4. William Penn

5. To serve as a buffer colony between the rich plantations in Carolina/Virginia and the Spanish colony in Florida; Also, as a place to send debtors and people released from jail

6. The Stono Rebellion

1. What is Salutary Neglect?

2. What was the Middle Passage?

3. What is mercantilism?

4. What was the name of the religious revival in America in the 1730s that challenged people to re-examine their eternal destiny?

5. Which region of colonial America did German and Irish immigrants as well as freed indentured servants typically move to?

1. The king and Parliament did not strictly control the governments of their colonies who created colonial assemblies

2. The part of the trans-Atlantic trade that brought African slaves to America

3. The idea that the mother country should profit off colonies by providing cheap raw materials and buying manufactured goods;

4. The Great Awakening

5. The “Backcountry”