Team2_VFood_Preliminary Design Document 02.12.2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Team2_VFood_Preliminary Design Document 02.12.2012


    GE401- Innovative Product Design & Development I

    Preliminary Design Document


    Team 2

    Seydi Afin nlEmirhan Akdemir

    Cansu Acar

    Melodi TrkiliOnur entre

    Engin yidoan

    Version: 1.0

  • 8/3/2019 Team2_VFood_Preliminary Design Document 02.12.2012



    Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

    Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................... 3

    Description of Main Blocks and Their Relationships ..................................................................................... 3

    Descriptions of Subassemblies...................................................................................................................... 5

    Arduino Uno .............................................................................................................................................. 5

    Stepper Motors ......................................................................................................................................... 5

    Stepper Motor Drivers .............................................................................................................................. 5

    Gas Compressor ........................................................................................................................................ 5

    Cooling System Control Card .................................................................................................................... 5

    UPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

    Steel Case .................................................................................................................................................. 6

    Pasta Tank ................................................................................................................................................. 6

    Ingredients Tanks ...................................................................................................................................... 6

    Bowl Slot ................................................................................................................................................... 6

    Helical Mixer for Pasta .............................................................................................................................. 6

    5 x Helical Mixers for 5 Ingredients .......................................................................................................... 6

    Product Tree ................................................................................................................................................. 7

    Interfaces ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

    Bill Validator .............................................................................................................................................. 9

    LCD Display ................................................................................................................................................ 9

    Keypad .................................................................................................................................................... 10

    LEDs ......................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Output Slot .............................................................................................................................................. 11

    Bowl Slot ................................................................................................................................................. 11

    Software Structures .................................................................................................................................... 11

    Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 12

    References .................................................................................................................................................. 13

    Appendix A. ................................................................................................................................................. 14

    Appendix B. ................................................................................................................................................. 15

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    The aim of this report is basically to describe the main blocks of the MacQuick and the

    relationships and interfaces between these blocks. It will be supported with the block diagram

    and the software flowchart to illustrate the functioning of the product which also gives a more

    clear understanding of the relationships between blocks. (See Appendix A,B)The product tree

    will be given in the document which clearly indicates the needed components to build the

    product completely and their quantity. In product tree, unique codes will be assigned to each

    component to prevent any confusion in the process of building the product. So the preliminary

    design document of MacQuick is also a guide in the process of assembling and turning a number

    of components to a functioning MacQuick.

    Block Diagram

    Since in Preliminary Design Document it is aimed to define the components of MacQuick and

    the relationships between them, it is a good idea to give the block diagram of MacQuick

    beforehand. So that, the reader can easily follow the information provided in the report. The

    block diagram is provided in Appendix A.

    Description of Main Blocks and Their Relationships

    There exixts basically 4 main blocks in the system. First main block can be titled as the user

    interface block which consists of bill validator and keypad. Second block includes Arduino Uno

    and can be named as the brain of the system. Main operations of the system; in particular, filling

    the bowl with pasta and macaroni, is done in the third block. Last block is the cooling system.

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    Descriptions of Subassemblies

    The descriptions of the subassemblies which are the parts of user interface are provided in the

    Interfaces title. So here, the rest of the subassemblies will be explained under separate sub

    topics as follows.

    Arduino Uno

    Arduino Uno is a microcontroller card with the microcontroller ATmega328. It is used as the

    brain of the MacQuick. It s responsible all the processes except cooling control that are explained

    in detailed in the light of the flowchart in Preliminary Design Document of MacQuick.

    Stepper Motors

    Stepper motors are the motors that you can easily control how many degrees it will turn. This isimportant in our application since it is planned to control the amount of pasta and ingredients

    with the number of turns of the helical mixers.

    Stepper Motor Drivers

    Even if stepper motors receive the command from Arduino Uno, Arduino Uno can not provide

    enough current to start the motor movement. For the purpose of providing enough current to the

    motors while not damaging any other component in the system, Stepper Motor Drivers are used.

    So they basically provide enough current to the motors.

    Gas Compressor

    The pasta and the ingredients will be cooled to the 15 degree Celsius with the traditional vapor-

    compression refrigeration. It consists of a gas compressor basically compresses the gas to the

    pipes to keep the cooling process going.

    Cooling System Control Card

    As explained, cooling system will be controlled with a different microcontroller which will be

    provided in the refrigeration system itself . It has a temperature sensor and an ADC in it and the

    controller card sends the command turn on the gas compressor if the current temperature is

    above 15 degree Celsius and sends turn off command if the currently measured temperature is

    below 15 degree Celsius.

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    Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) will be used to supply the system if any power cut situation

    happens. Also it will prevent the system from the harmonics which means transient ripples that

    may occur in the input current. In brief, UPS enables system to maintain its durability.

    Steel Case

    To prevent any breaking in attempt, the case of the MacQuick will be steel.

    Pasta Tank

    This tank is a part of the internal mechanical structure and it keeps all the pasta inside it. Since

    MacQuick will not be refilled in the middle of the day, it will be big enough to store enough

    pasta for one day. It will be a inverted conical shaped tank so that the macaroni will constantly

    tent to move down where the empty blow is.

    Ingredients Tanks

    Ingredients tanks are again inverted conical tanks due to the same reason. However, it will be

    relatively smaller than the pasta tank.

    Bowl Slot

    In the vending process it is expected the user to take a empty bowl from the bowl slot and place

    into the output box. So we are providing the user the empty bowls in the bowl slot. Bowl slot is a

    slot near the output slot where the user can take an empty bowl by just applying a small force

    downwards like in the electric water fountains. It can

    Helical Mixer for Pasta

    As stated, the mechanical component to drop the pasta and the ingredients will be a helical

    mixer. By turning it for a specific angle, a specific amount of pasta will be dropped.

    5 x Helical Mixers for 5 Ingredients

    The helical mixer to use for ingredients will be smaller ones of the pasta version. Since

    MacQuick offers 5 different ingredients, there are 5 same sized helical mixers for each


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    Product Tree

    According to VFood component numeration system all components of MacQuick numerated as


    1 x x x x x --> MacQuick1 0 x x x x --> MacQuick Internal Structure

    1 0 1 x x x --> MacQuick Internal Structure - Electrical Components

    1 0 2 x x x --> MacQuick Internal Structure - Cooling Components

    1 0 3 x x x --> MacQuick Internal Structure - Mechanical Components

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    Bill of Material

    Table 1: Bill of Material for MacQuick except Cooling Unit

    Assembly Stock Number Assembly Part Description

    100000 MacQuick

    Stock Number Part Describtion Number Used

    101001 Arduino Uno 1

    101002 LCD 1

    101003 Keypad 1

    101004 Bill Validator 1

    101005 Stepper Motor 6

    101006 Motor Driver 6

    101007 Adapter 1

    101008 LED 12

    102000 Cooling unit 1

    103001 Steel Case 1

    103002 Pasta Tank 1

    103003 Ingredient Tank 5

    103004 Bowl Slot 1

    103005 Helical Mixer for Pasta 1

    103006 Helical Mixer for Ingredients 5

    Drawing no Prepared by Checked by

    100000 - BOM Emirhan Akdemir Seydi Afin nl

    Assembly Part

    Description Date

    MacQuick 12.08.2011

    Table 2: Bill of Material For Cooling Unit of MacQuick

    Assembly Stock Number Assembly Part Description

    102000 Cooling unit

    Stock Number Part Describtion Number Used

    102001 Gas Compressor 1

    102002 Control Card 1

    102003 ADC Block 1

    Drawing no Prepared by Checked by

    102000 - BOM Emirhan Akdemir Seydi Afin nl

    Assembly Part

    Description Date

    Cooling Unit 12.08.2011

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    This section includes all user interface components specifications. There are 5 different of user

    interface components in MacQuick:

    Bill Validator

    The first interface component is bill validator which is used by customers to give an input to the

    machine. G-13.mft is used as bill validator.Bill validator is the component that counts the money

    that user pays and sends the money is paid signal to the microcontroller. It has a small slot that

    takes the coin money as input and a locked small case that keeps the paid money inside.

    Figure 1: Bill Validator

    LCD Display

    LCD display is main interface component that is used to show messages to users. It is standard

    4x20 LCD that is used with a micro-controller easily. Total credit of the customer, problem

    messages, informing messages such as the the message shown when the macaroni is ready, are

    displayed through LCD screen.

    Figure 2: LCD

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    Keypad is another main interface component that is used to take inputs from users. It simply

    consists of several number of hard buttons. Customer chooses ingredients by pressing the related

    buttons on keypad. If an ingredient button pressed inadvertently by a customer, this can be easily

    compensated by pressing the Clear button. After the ingredients are chosen, the customer

    presses the Give me my Macaroni button and the process of preparing the macaroni starts.

    Figure 3: Keypad


    LEDs are placed to show current status of all ingredient stocks including macaroni stock. All

    these LED need to be labeled accordingly. For each ingredient, there exist two LEDs, red and

    green one. Green one indicates that the specific ingredient exists in stocks and available for

    customers, whereas red one indicates that the ingredient has ran out of stock.

    Figure 4: LEDs

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    Output Slot

    Main output interface of MacQuick is this output slot. It is the place that MacQuick fills the bowl

    that is placed. In order to avoid unwanted situations, this slot has a sensor that monitors the bowl

    before the macaroni filling process's beginning. It needs to be big enough for bowl. Also it has a

    grate that is placed at the bottom of this component. User puts the bowl to this slot and wait for

    the machine to complete the macaroni making process and takes the bowl with a macaroni from


    Bowl Slot

    This slot simply has bowls on it and the only thing user should do is taking bowl on it. Further

    information is provided under Descriptions of Subassemblies topic.

    Software Structures

    The main software related component of system is Arduino UNO board. Its language is based on

    C/C++. On the other hand, it has lots of open source libraries written by Arduino community that

    enables users to use other programming languages and development environments. Also it is

    allows the use of any ofAVR Libc functions. It is a subset package of standard C library used for

    Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers. Development environment is also provided by the

    Arduino community. The open sourced Java based Arduino environment makes us to implement

    and upload the code to the board. It is multi platform software that runs on Linux, Mac OS X and

    Windows so there is no need to install any virtual machine to run the software.

    The software flowchart that will be implemented is provided. (See Appendix B) The software

    flowchart of MacQuick is explained. The complete vending process is given step by step in

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    1. When the ingredients are filled and the MacQuick is plugged in the machine starts. When it is

    filled, the amount of ingredients is set to full.

    2. First, ingredients in each slot are checked. If there is a missing ingredient, the status is set to

    missing and a specific LED is turned to red. If not, it writes Ready to LCD.

    3. And start to wait for someone to come and pay for the macaroni. When the sufficient amount

    of money is paid it moves to step 4 given below.

    4. MacQuick starts to wait user to push the specific ingredient button or done button which

    means the user finished to choose ingredients and s/he wants the macaroni.

    5. If ingredient button is pushed, the ingredient is displayed in LCD. Increase the counter of the

    ingredient. And if user wants any more ingredients, s/he just presses the button of it and the same

    process repeats. If user pushes Give me my macaroni button, program moves to the step 6

    6. Presence sensor checks whether there is an empty bowl is placed into the output box or not. If

    not wait until the bowl is placed. If it is placed, the macaroni preparation process begins.

    7. Write Preparing in LCD until the preparing process is completed. When it is done the

    process is repeated from the beginning. And again checks ingredients.


    In Preliminary Design Document the main blocks and subassemblies are described and their

    relationships are explained. The block diagram of the MacQuick is provided in the Appendix A

    because it gives a general overview to the all the components and their connections which is the

    main discussion of this report. The software flowchart and the explanation of the vending

    process step by step also gave a further illustration of the blocks and their relationships. The

    product tree is also created. First the whole product, MacQuick is divided into 3 parts whcih are

    Electrical Components, Cooling System and Mechanical System then the subassemblies

    are listed under these blocks. Each subassembly is given a unique number and this creates a

    common language that everybody will understand in the light of our product tree.

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    1. Arduino Uno.

    2. Back UPS-Pro.

    3. EasyDriver Stepper Motor Driver. sparkfun


    4. Small Refrigeration Compressor.


    5. Specification for LCM Module.

    6. Step Motor.


    7. PIC16C5X.
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    Appendix A.

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    Appendix B.