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Technology in Action

Alan Evans • Kendall Martin

Mary Anne Poatsy

Tenth Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Technology in Action

Chapter 3

Using the Internet:

Making the Most of the Web’s Resources

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter Topics

• The Internet and How It Works

• Communicating and Collaborating on the


• Web Entertainment

• Conducting Business over the Internet:


• Accessing and Moving around the Web

• Searching the Web Effectively

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The Internet and How it Works

• Internet is a network of networks

connecting billions of computers globally

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The Internet and How it Works

The Origin of the Internet

• Developed while U.S. was in midst of Cold

War with Soviet Union

• Created to respond to two concerns

– Establishing a secure form of military


– Creating a means by which all computers

could communicate

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The Internet and How it Works

The Origin of the Internet

• Evolved from Advanced Research Projects

Agency Network (ARPANET)

– Vinton Cerf

– Robert Kahn

• First communication occurred in 1969

• World Wide Web is subset of the Internet

– Common protocols enable computers to talk

to each other

– Special links enable navigation Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5

The Internet and How it Works

How the Internet Works

• Web browser – software that lets you

display and interact with text and other

media on the web

• Computer connected to the Internet acts in

one of two ways

– Client is computer that asks for data

– Server receives the request and returns data

to the client

– Client/server network

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The Internet and How it Works

How the Internet Works

• Requests travel along transmission lines

– Similar to highway system of roads

– Some are faster then others

– Internet backbones: Transmission lines with

faster speeds

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The Internet and How it Works

How the Internet Works (cont.)

• Internet Protocol (IP) address

– How computers connected to the Internet

identify each other

– Websites are assigned unique IP addresses

– Text versions of IP addresses are used

because IP addresses are hard to remember

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Communicating and Collaborating

on the Web

• Web 2.0

– Social web

– Allows users to collaborate

• Social media

– Google Docs, Facebook, Yelp,

YouTube, Pinterest

– Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and


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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Social Networking

• Means by which people use the Internet to

communicate and share information

– Facebook

– Twitter

• Networking in business community

– Finding and filling job positions

– LinkedIn is business-oriented network

– Marketing and communicating with customers

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Social Networking (cont.)

• Privacy concerns

– When social networking first became popular

there was concern over privacy

– Most sites have improved privacy protections,

reducing concern but not eliminating it

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Social Networking (cont.)

• Privacy concerns (cont.)

– Precautions to consider

• Keep personal information personal

• Know who your friends are

• Do not post information like favorite teacher often

used as security question to verify identity

• Use caution when posting images

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Social Networking (cont.)

• Employers and colleges use social

networks to check out potential applicants

• People have been fired or expelled for

using social media in a questionable way

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Social Networking (cont.)

• Questionable content includes

– Negative comments about poster’s job,

employer, or colleagues

– Inappropriate content about the poster

• Responsibility for your content rests with


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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web


• E-mail is still primary the means of

communication on the Internet

• E-mail: Written message sent or received

over the Internet

• Asynchronous

• Convenient

• E-mails really are not private

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

E-mail (cont.)

• E-mail etiquette

– Be concise and to the point

– Use spell-check

– Avoid texting abbreviations

– Include meaningful subject line

– Include signature line with basic contact or

corporate information

– Include only people who need to receive it

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

E-mail (cont.)

• Two different types of e-mail systems

– Web-based e-mail client

• Accessible from any device that can access the


• Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, or Gmail

– E-mail client

• Accessible only from computer on which e-mail

client software is installed

• Microsoft Outlook

– Both systems can be used together

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Instant Messaging (IM)

• Programs to communicate in real time

over the Internet

– Casual conversations between friends

– Businesses use for quick and instant


– Some provide video chat with webcam

• Proprietary IM services: AIM, Google Chat,

Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo!


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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Instant Messaging (IM)

• Facebook chat with “friends”

• Universal chat services: Trillian, Digsby

• Web-based universal chat service: Meebo

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web


• A Wiki is a website that allows users to

change content

• Wikipedia uses wiki technology so content

can be updated continually

• Google Docs has wiki-like features

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Wikis (cont.)

• Wikipedia is not a

good source for

research papers

– Users might add

erroneous content

– Tighter controls are

being implemented

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web


• A blog (short for weblog) is a personal log

or journal posted on the Web

– Single author

– Arranged as entries on single page

– Most recent entry on top

• A video log (vlog) is a personal journal that

uses video as primary content

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Blogs (cont.)

• Sites offering free blog hosting

– Blogger

– Wordpress

• Blog popularity has created a problem

– Splogs

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Podcasts and Webcasts

• A podcast is a series of audio or video files

distributed over the Internet

– Files that come to you through syndication

– Podcasts are available on a wide variety of

topics and content

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Podcasts and Webcasts (cont.)

• Really Simple Syndication (RSS) –

podcasts use RSS to deliver content

• Aggregator – locates all the subscribed

RSS series and downloads new content

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Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

Podcasts and Webcasts (cont.)

• A webcast is the broadcast of audio or

video content over the Internet

– Live or one-time events

– Continuously feeds audio and video content

– Facilitates viewing and downloading of large

audio and video files.

– Can be interactive, inviting audience response

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Web Entertainment

• Web entertainment


– Streaming audio and


– Internet radio

– MP3s

– Interactive gaming

– Smart TV

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Web Entertainment (cont.)

• Multimedia is anything that involves one or

more forms of media in addition to text

– Graphics

– Audio files

– Video files

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Web Entertainment (cont.)

• Streaming audio: Continuously feeds an

audio file to your browser

• Streaming video: Continuously feeds a

video file to your browser

• Do not have to wait to download entire file

• Netflix and video on demand from your

cable provider

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Web Entertainment (cont.)

• Plug-in (or player): Special program often

needed to view or hear some multimedia


• Many plug-ins are preinstalled

• Can download the plug-in free of charge

• Update your plug-ins frequently

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Web Entertainment (cont.)

• Cache: Temporary storage place

• To keep system running efficiently

– Delete temporary Internet cache regularly

– Click Refresh or F5 key to ensure most recent

website content is displayed

– Clear your Internet cache manually

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Conducting Business over the

Internet: E-Commerce

• E-commerce or electronic commerce is

the process of conducting business online

– Business-to-consumer (B2C)

• Purchases consumers make at online stores

– Business-to-business (B2B)

• Businesses buying and selling to other businesses

– Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

• Consumers selling to each other

• eBay, Freecycle, Craigslist

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Conducting Business over the

Internet: E-Commerce

• Social commerce - e-commerce subset

using social networks to assist in

marketing and purchasing products.

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Conducting Business over the Internet: E-Commerce

E-Commerce Safeguards

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• Businesses must have some form of

security certification to give customers a

level of comfort

• Look for visual indicators a website is

secure: URL changes from “http://” to

“https://” – with the “s” standing for secure

socket layer

• Shop at well-known, reputable sites

Conducting Business over the Internet: E-Commerce

E-Commerce Safeguards

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 35

• Pay by credit card

• Check the return


• Avoid public

computers for

online transactions

Accessing and Moving around the Web

Web Browsers

• Web browser is software installed on your

computer that allows you to locate, view,

and navigate the web

• Graphical browsers display

– Text

– Pictures

– Sound

– Video

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Accessing and Moving around the Web

Web Browsers (cont.)

• Web browser features

– Tabbed browsing

– Pinned tabs

– Tear-off tabs

– Thumbnail previews

– Tab isolation

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Accessing and Moving around the Web

Web Browsers (cont.)

• Web browser features (cont.)

– Combined search and address bar

– SmartScreen filter

– Privacy browsing

– Add-ons

– Session restore

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Accessing and Moving around the Web

URLs, Protocols, and Domain Names

• Every web site has a unique address

– Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

• URLs have several parts that help identify

the web document

– The protocol

– The domain name

– The path or subdirectory

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Accessing and Moving around the Web URLs, Protocols, and Domain Names (cont.)

• HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

– Web server – computer that hosts the website

– The most common protocol

– Part of Internet protocol suite

• File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Part of Internet

Protocol suite

• BitTorrent – protocol used to transfer files

using a peer-to-peer networking system

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Accessing and Moving around the Web URLs, Protocols, and Domain Names (cont.)

• Domain name identifies the site’s host

• Top-level domain: The suffix after the dot

• Each country has own top-level domain

– Further divisions can be made for regions or


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Accessing and Moving around the Web URLs, Protocols, and Domain Names (cont.)

• When URL is domain name: Requesting

site’s home page

• File or path: Information after forward

slash following domain name

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Accessing and Moving around the Web

Hyperlinks and Beyond

• Hyperlink is specially coded element

• Clicking on hyperlink lets you jump to

another location

– Breadcrumb trail

– Back and Forward buttons

– Recently visited sites

– History list

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Accessing and Moving around the Web

Hyperlinks and Beyond (cont.)

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Accessing and Moving around the Web

Favorites, Live Bookmarks, and Tagging

• Favorites feature place marker of site’s

URL on list on browser’s toolbar

– Favorites (Internet Explorer and Safari)

– Bookmarks (Firefox and Google Chrome)

• Live bookmark feature (Firefox)

– Provides up-to-date information using RSS

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Accessing and Moving around the Web Favorites, Live Bookmarks, and Tagging (cont.)

• Social bookmarking or tagging

– Store, organize, and manage bookmarks

– Keyword or term assigned to web page, digital image, or video

– Delicious, Digg, and Reddit

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Dig Deeper

Discovering the Semantic Web

• Semantic web (Web 3.0): Evolving

extension of the web

– Data is defined to be easily processed by


• Beginning to emerge in technologies such

as Siri

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Searching the Web Effectively

• Narrow down the vast quantity of web

information by using

– Search engine: A set of programs that

searches the web for keywords (specific

works you wish to look for or query)

– Subject directory: A structured outline of

websites organized by topics

– Metasearch engine: Searches other search

engines rather than individual websites

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Searching the Web Effectively

Using Search Engines Effectively

• Search engines have three components

– Spider constantly collects data on the web

– Indexer program organizes the data into large


– Search engine software searches indexed

data, pulling out relevant information

• Resulting list appears in your web browser

as list of hits

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Searching the Web Effectively Using Search Engines Effectively (cont.)

• Search engines use unique formulas to

formulate searches and create results

• Search engines also differ in which sites

they search

• Search engines also let you search for

images and audio and video files

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Searching the Web Effectively Using Search Engines Effectively (cont.)

• Boolean operators - words such as AND,

NOT, and OR that describe the

relationships between the keywords in a


• Initially were used to refine searches

• Today advanced search pages are


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Searching the Web Effectively Using Search Engines Effectively (cont.)

• Additional strategies for refining searches

with key phrases

– Place quotation marks around keywords to

search for exact phrase

– Search within a specific site

– Use a wild card

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Searching the Web Effectively Using Search Engines Effectively (cont.)

• Other specialty search strategies and


– “More” hyperlink in Google

– “Even More” option in Google

• Scholar

• Custom Search

• Product Search

• Alerts

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Searching the Web Effectively

Evaluating Websites

• Before using an Internet resource,

consider – Authority

– Bias

– Relevance

– Audience

– Links

• These factors will help decide if a website

is a good source of information

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Chapter 3 Summary Questions

1. What is the origin of the Internet?

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2. How does data travel on the Internet?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 56

3. How can I communicate and collaborate

with others using Web 2.0 technologies?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 57

4. How can I communicate with others using

e-mail and instant messaging?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

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5. What multimedia files are found on the

web, and what software is needed to

access those files?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

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6. What is e-commerce, and what online

safeguards are available?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

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7. What is a web browser, and what are a

URL and its parts?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 61

8. How can I use hyperlinks and other tools

to get around the web?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 62

9. How do I search the Internet effectively,

and how can I evaluate websites?

Chapter 3 Summary Questions

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,

mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written

permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

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