Technology To Enhance Learning

Post on 24-May-2015

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Learning via technology is the focus of many incoming students in today’s colleges and universities, so it is imperative that library staff embrace new technologies in order to stay relevant. This session will focus on how St. Petersburg College librarians, Gail Lancaster and Chad Mairn, have implemented several innovative technological services to assist students in finding and evaluating information. This presentation will include: the use of many web-based products that can be modified for use by libraries; unique methods in incorporating library services into the college’s course management system; how to successfully market these services to student and faculty, and how to measure the effectiveness of these new services.


  • 1. Gail Lancaster, Ph.D. Chad Mairn, MLIS St Petersburg College Technology to Enhance Learning

2. Web 2.0 Tools 3. Using Twitter for class conversations Extra credit: Ask students to use Twitter. DM @cmairn 4. Twitter Feedback SAP 2009 / Page 5 5. Conferencing within Facebook! 6. Using Diigo to highlight and annotate parts of articles 7. Online Brainstorming Tool Encourages Collaboration Encourages Creativity 8. Jing Personalized student feedback Sample Student Feedback 9. TRAILS Tool for Real-time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills Pre/Post Assessment Higher level assessments now available Sample assessment 10. TRAILS Tool for Real-time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills 11. TRAILS Tool for Real-time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills Other instructional resources available through ILILE 12. Using Technology to Gauge Student Attitudes Turning Point Clickers 13. Research Tips 14. Polleverywhere Reports 15. I want to evaluate the information I use in my research. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree StronglyAgree Agree DisagreeStronglyDisagree 0% 0%0%0% 16. I want my conclusions to be based on the information I have found. StronglyAgree Agree DisagreeStronglyDisagree 0% 0%0%0% 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly Disagree 17. Reporting Features Before the Presentation Following the Presentation I want to evaluate the information I use in my research 18. Reporting Features Before the Presentation Following the Presentation I want my conclusions to be based on the information I have found 19. Follow-up Survey Collaborate with professor Feedback at the time the assignment is due Survey Monkey 20. Measurable Value? Improved access to information via sharing tools. Marketing services and resources to help provide more visibility. Instant and inexpensive (oftentimes free) communication with students. Interaction Enhanced learning? Follow up surveys should help. 21. Share what technologies you are using to enhance learning. 22. Thank you This presentation will be available at: 23. Contact Information (727) 341.7181 + 1 (727) 537.6405 With your phone take a quick photo of this code and youll be directed to my mobile contact page. For the software, visit @cmairn 24. Contact Information (727)791.2617