TECHNOLOGY TRENDS...2 When it comes to the latest beauty trends, often times the most popular hair...

Post on 08-Aug-2020

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When it comes to the latest beauty trends, often times the most popular hair styles, make-

up, or even fashion styles are considered. However, the different types of procedures and

advanced technology that help assist in the beauty process and even improving your health

are often overlooked.

As technology continues to advance, so do the procedures and treatments at Allure Medical

Spa. From technology to seamlessly remove an unwanted tattoo to helping with hair resto-

ration, Allure Medical Spa focuses on providing the best experience with the best results.

Before you decide to embark on a new procedure, or try a treatment to rid yourself of acne or

varicose veins, it is best to be informed about the treatment and even the technology that will

be used. Here we’ll cover the treatments and procedures that help you with:

Tattoo Removal

Hair Removal

Acne Treatment

Fat Excess Removal

Vein Treatments


In addition, this whitepaper thoroughly explains the

technology and process for each of these procedures

performed at Allure Medical Spa. When you decide to

get started on your new journey of health and beauty,

you will be prepared with all of the information about

the latest trends and technology available to you.






TECHNOLOGY TRENDS | Procedures and Treatments


Tattoo RemovalWith the popularity of tattoos increasing, there comes the occasional regret and need for tattoo removal. Up until now, however, the tattoo removal process has been largely inefficient, requiring excessive treatments often with suboptimal results.

The PicoSure laser is sure to change that.


WHAT IS PICOSURE?The name PicoSure refers to how fast the laser fires. Whereas all other lasers fire in one billionth of a second, the PicoSure laser fires in one trillionth of a second. This improved speed breaks up the ink much more effectively and decreases the chance of harming your skin.

HOW DOES PICOSURE WORK?The PicoSure laser uses ultra-short pulses to make a photomechanical impact and crush the ink into dust-sized particles. This fragmentation makes the pieces small enough that the body can absorb them and discard them through its natural processes. Each treat-ment clears more of the tattoo from the skin, and it all happens at a rate faster than any other tattoo removal method. Within 2-4 treatments, it is not uncommon to see a 75% reduction in the tattoo. Even with the more difficult tattoos that require more treatments, the progress is much quicker than with other removal techniques.

HOW EFFECTIVE IS PICOSURE?The question people seeking tattoo removals want to know is simply whether or not it will completely remove their tattoo. In most cases, the answer is an emphatic yes. The PicoSure has become the first picosecond aesthetic laser to be cleared by the FDA. Although certain colors and older tattoos can be more difficult to eliminate entirely, the PicoSure laser is dependable and will almost completely do away with most tattoos.


Tattoo Removal

Within 2-4 treatments, it is not uncommon to see a


reduction in the tattoo.

TECHNOLOGY TRENDS | Procedures and Treatments


Hair RestorationFor anyone who is experiencing or has experienced hair loss or hair thinning, there is an alternative to transplantation surgery: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections.



WHAT IS PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP)?PRP is an agent for growth and a stimulant for healing that is found in your own blood.

HOW DOES PRP WORK?After your scalp has been numbed, the PRP is injected via a needle as thin as an eye-lash. The injection of PRP is often combined with Acell MatriStem, another agent that pro-motes growth. The PRP and Acell MatriStem stimulate the portion of the scalp that feeds the blood to the hair (dermal papilla). Research from Dr. Gearge Cotsarelis demonstrates that hair follicle stem cells are just as dense in bald areas as they are in areas that grow healthy hair. Dr. Fabio Rinaldi built upon this research and determined that PRP is able to stimulate these follicles in bald areas and cause them to grow new hair.

HOW EFFECTIVE IS PRP?Results prove that PRP effectively grows hair even for people whose hair falls out from a medical condition (such as with alopecia areata). It promotes new hair growth and leads to thicker hair. Its results do not last quite as long as those of hair surgery, but it carries two significant advantages:

1.) QUICKER RESULTS: PRP results are visible in 3 months versus up to a year with surgery

2.) SIMPLER AND MORE RELIABLE PROCESS: Hair surgery is way more complicated with higher risks

Although the field still has much room to advance, PRP has tested as the most consistent method for stimulating new hair growth.

Hair Restoration

PRP is able to stimulate these follicles in bald areas and cause them to

grow new hair.

TECHNOLOGY TRENDS | Procedures and Treatments


Acne TreatmentMillions of people suffer from acne in the United States, and because of its prominence, countless medications and cleansing techniques have been posed as ways to solve the issue. There have been so many treatment options over the years that it is hard to even choose a method.

Isolaz is a new procedure that can help make that decision easier.



WHAT IS ISOLAZ?Isolaz is the only acne treatment in existence that pairs a light-based technology with a vacuum. This Photopneumatics™ technology is the best new way to clear up acne, reduce the size of pores and even out skin tones to produce a more desirable complexion.

HOW DOES ISOLAZ WORK?The vacuum begins the process by loosening and removing dirt and excess oils un-clogging your pores. The light-based technology then eliminates acne-causing bacteria, repairs sun-damaged skin and decreases unwanted facial redness. The procedure does not require any numbing since it causes little to no pain. After the treatment, you are free to continue your daily activities without having to worry about any new regimens, and the process itself only takes 15-30 minutes. Sun exposure is to be avoided for a short time after each treatment.

HOW EFFECTIVE IS ISOLAZ?The procedure is routinely performed 5 times, and afer a few treatments results are no-ticeable. Photopneumatics™ not only clears your skin, but it also prevents future break-outs. The FDA declared Isolaz to be an effective standalone acne treatment as well as a good compliment to other acne therapies. Patients who tried Isolaz but did not respond well to other acne treatments found that their lesions were reduced by more than 75% in just two months. If you want to finally beat acne without completely changing your day-to-day routine, Isolaz is the perfect fit. If you have a darker skin type or are tan, we also have other options available.

Acne Treatment

Patients who tried Isolaz found that in just two months, their lesions had more than

75% reduction

TECHNOLOGY TRENDS | Procedures and Treatments


Excess Fat RemovalAre you unhappy with the weight you have gained over time? If you think it’s about time to trim off some of that excess fat, Vanquish is worth considering.



WHAT IS VANQUISH?Vanquish is a fat removal procedure that works by heating fat until it melts.

HOW DOES VANQUISH WORK?Using energy waves (radio frequency), Vanquish comes in close contact with your skin and heats the skin to about 101 degrees, which subsequently heats the underlying fat to about 120 degrees, causing it to melt. The procedure can be performed on the love handles, back and stomach. Each treatment typically takes about 45 minutes, and usually four or more treatments – spaced a week apart – are needed in order to maxi-mize effectiveness. The patients must drink plenty of water afterward in order to wash the dead fat cells from the body, but there is no downtime or recovery time needed. Patients can resume their normal activities once the treatment is finished.

HOW EFFECTIVE IS VANQUISH?Results vary, but patients often see immediate results after their first treatment and at least two inches off their waists by the end of their fourth treatment. When you arrive for our appointment, be sure to arrive well hydrated to get the best results. Vanquish is non-invasive and avoids the surgical side effects of Liposuction and Gastric Bypass. No patients have reported pain after treatments, but redness and warmness of the skin may cause slight discomfort.

Excess Fat Removal

Patients often see immediate results after their first treatment and at least two inches off their waists by the end of their fourth treatment.

TECHNOLOGY TRENDS | Procedures and Treatments


Vein TreatmentsSpider Veins and Varicose veins can be both unsightly and uncomfortable to live with. Fortunately, there are a few different procedural options to help get rid of both types of veins. Deciding on the right option for you depends on the type of veins you have and what you’re comfortable with. There are laser removal procedures, ultrasound sclerotherapy or even the options of extracting the veins. Contact us today to discuss the different procedures and consult with one of the professionals at Allure Medical Spa to find the right treatment for you.


ENDOVENOUS ABLATION VEIN THERAPYThis procedure treats varicose veins by causing them to shrink and collapse out of sight. The healthcare provider uses an ultrasound and laser or radio frequency to injure the vein inside the leg while protecting all of the surrounding tissue. This causes the vein to die and be absorbed as a bruise.

ULTRASOUND GUIDED SCLEROTHERAPYDirected by an ultrasound, sclerotherapy treats varicose veins with precisely targeted injections. An ultrasound shows the exact area and dimensions of the veins that will be treated, and the surgeon accurately injects the needle into the veins and releases medica-tion that causes the veins to dissolve. There is no necessary downtime after the procedure. Patients simply need to wear compression socks to prevent the veins from opening up.

SCLEROTHERAPY TREATMENTSSclerotherapy is an effective way to remove unwanted spider veins. A chemical solution injected into the veins causes the veins to swell and then close up. It usually takes more than one treatment for the veins to completely dissolve, but the patients feel little to no pain in the meantime, and the treatments only take 15-30 minutes.

MICROPHLEBECTOMY TREATMENTSMicrophlebectomy is a procedure to extract varicose veins. After using an ultrasound to determine the locations and sizes of the veins, the healthcare provider will make minuscule punctures along the path of the vein and remove it through the holes. In order to prevent any potential pain, they will first administer a local anesthetic before beginning the proce-dure. It only lasts an hour, and the patients only need to expect 1-2 days of recovery. It is an excellent alternative to vein stripping surgery, which requires general anesthesia, a hospital stay and large incisions. It gives more cosmetically pleasing results than sclerotherapy and has less risk for dilated, large veins close to the skin.

Vein Treatments


Patients only need to expect 1-2 days of recoveryafter having a microphle-bectomy treatment.

TECHNOLOGY TRENDS | Procedures and Treatments

Now that you have a better understanding of the technology behind the treatments

offered at Allure Medical Spa, you’re on the way to becoming a more beautiful and

healthier you! Be sure to consult with one of our doctors or staff to choose the right

procedure for your needs and schedule an appointment today to

begin your journey to a more attractive you.