Technology will destroy the world and us

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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By Logan Juffs

Technology Will Destroy the World and Us


• Examples why

technology is going

to be the end

• Reasoning behind

the examples

• YouTube Videos

• Sources

• Advancements in weaponry

• Advancements in smart technology

• Television

• Advancements in medicine

• Social networking

• The knowledge of technology

• Robotics


Advancements in Weaponry

• Advancements creates new ways for people to harm and kill each other

• We have enough advancement in weaponry so that we could destroy the human race over and over again

• In the pursuit of finding resources for survival we end up killing people that get in others ways


Advancements in Weaponry

• Causes more harm then good, even though developers say that the weapons save lives in the long run

• Other religions don’t have the same beliefs as others do and when it comes down to can cause people to kill others

• We have bio-weapons that can lead to destruction of towns, cities and even a country, its just a matter of time till someone has had enough of another


Advancement in medicine

• Longer living people will cause pensions to be increased and could lead to no benefits and pensions for up coming generations

• Will cause the population of the world to increase causing more recourses to be used

• Health care would experience longer waits in emergency rooms


Advancement in Medicine

• Certain surgeries would go untouched for days because of increase of patient volumes

• With new medicine coming to the market scientists need people to test these drugs and could lead to death or other harmful side effects


Social Networking

• Anyone can put anything they want on these sites and could be miss leading to others

• Make people want to live there lives online

• People spend more time on these sites then they do with other people, leading to isolation

• Some people on these websites are not who they appear to be which could lead to abductions and pedophiles


Social Networking

• Online bullying is happening more and more because of these technologies


Advancements in Robotics

• Humans will be eventually be replaced everywhere which will make us lazy and jobless

• Within medicine robotics are taking over jobs of surgeons because of precision

• Because of precision of applications and speed robotics have taken most of jobs in the industry sector


Advancements in Robotics

• Robotics will eventually take over jobs within other sectors causing poverty levels across the world to rise

• Corporations are taking robots over people do to there speed, precision and cost less overall then people do


• Oak, M. (2011, September 22). Pros and cons of artificial intelligence. Retrieved from

• Social Networking. (n.d.). Are social networking sites good for our society. Retrieved from

• Resistor. (2009, August 13). 10 reasons technology will be our downfall. Retrieved from

YouTube Videos & References