Technopak CII Foodtech 22 June2009

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Presentation by Sanjay Sethi, Vice President - Food and Agriculture, Technopak Advisors at the CII Foodtech Seminar at Delhi


Effective Technologies for Harvesting Indices Sorting, Grading & Coating of

Agro Products

- Sanjay Sethi , VP – Food and Agri, Technopak Advisors

22nd June 2009


Brief on Post Harvest Losses Effective Technologies for –

Harvesting Technologies Grading & Sorting Food Coating

Key Findings and Recommendations

India wastes 35% of the produce which constitutes a value of Rs. 500 crore

A majority of this percentage results from farm level wastages

Post farm gate wastages majorly occurs while transportation re-packaging & re-distribution losses

Post Harvest Losses…

Farm Level Wastages

Harvesting Technologies…

Reapers with efficient outputs –

Vertical conveyor reapers with cutting width of 0.9m and 1.2m

GRH-1.2 reaper operates with vertical upper delivery device

These reapers are widely adopted in south asian countries. The adoption level in India is at nascent stage

Harvesting Technologies …

Reapers with efficient outputs –

In dry fields with straight, suitable height stalks the reaper can reach high output of 2.5 –3.0 ha/day

It overcomes the shortcomings of existing reaper like field distractions, huge labour requirements and poor output quality

It utilises a diesel engine of 7-8 hp

These reapers are efficient enough to operate at a width of 1.5m

Harvesting Technologies …

Hoang’s combine harvester -

Utilses features like –

33 hp Second-hand 4-wheel drive with automobile chassis Vertically transferring-reaping part of vertical conveyor reaper width of 1.85m Transferring part to drum: conveyor belt with lug plates width 0.5m Threshing and cleaning part is vertically installed The combine works well in the well-timed dry fields.

Harvesting Technologies …

Self-propelled sugar cane harvester THM –

Sugar cane harvesting is costly and hard because of the manual steps- Cutting Whittling Top removing Tying Transferring

Conventionally the cost for cutting, whittling and top removing is 35 –40 man-days/ha constitutes of 60% of the total cost

Self-propelled sugar cane harvester can bring down the cost by 30%

Harvesting Technologies …

Maize combine harvester TBN –2

This way of harvesting is appropriate with new production process, protective and re-fertilize the fields

This harvester can overcome the current problems in design and manufacturing with marked effects of existing Maize harvesters

The machine picks corn, cuts the stalks then buries them in the ground

This harvester delivers an effective output of 0.2–0.25 ha/hour

Effective Sorting & Grading Technologies…

Belgian Electronic Sorting Technology is an innovative technology which uses laser machines to sort based on –

Colour Structure Size Shape differences &

Biological characteristics

Features which are invisible to the human eye but, are dangerous for human health, such as aflatoxins in nuts and carrots.

This technology is cost effective and is applicable to an extensive variety of food products:

Effective Sorting & Grading Technologies…

FLUO Technology -

Researched from the University of Brussels

Able to screen chlorophyll containing products like lettuce, spinach, peas and other green vegetables for foreign material contamination with minimal loss of good product.

It creates a kind of black and white contrast that results in a very high detection efficiency and very little false reject.

Effective Sorting & Grading Technologies…

Microwave Sensing grading Technology

The technology rectifies the fruit grading constraints on measurement systems immunity to metallic objects moving in the vicinity of the fruit operates at frequencies whose wavelength is smaller than the fruit.

Uses a focused beam system operating at frequencies above 8 GHz

Good results has been proved in kiwifruit, orange and avocado

This technology can be usefully applied for the measurement of fruit moisture content and dry matter

In the case of citrus fruits, their acidity, firmness and skin thickness can also be measured accurately

The avocado measurements have shown that moisture content, dry matter and stone size can all also be measured.

Effective Sorting & Grading Technologies…

NIR - Near Infra Red Sorting Technology

Sorts the produce not just by size and color, but by indicators of produce taste

This is done without damaging produce as no mechanical mechanism touches the individual fruit

Facilitate Brix sorting that …

Is effective at commercial packing speeds Provides superior accuracy Interfaces with most existing and new sorting machines Places control in the user's hands Provides solutions for all varieties of fruits Does not damage produce

Food Coatings…

Use of Morpholine in Apple Coatings –

Morpholine is a substance which is added to some waxes used to coat apples

It is normally added to the wax as morpholine dissolves and spreads the wax

The wax is dried by a hot air treatment

Any residual morpholine evaporates

This is not practiced in India, even though the scope of apple exports, and

processing is increasing

Safety issues associated with this practice needs yet more research

Food Coatings…

Method of coating food products with un-gelatinized and unmodified high amylose starch prior to deep fat frying

This is the process for manufacturing ready to heat deep fried foods i.e french fries

The french fries are coated with 0.1 to 1.5 percent of an unmodified ungelatinized high amylose starch having an amylose content of at least 50 percent

The resulting product has improved texture and absorbs less oil than those french fries prepared by conventional methods.

This method has been incorporated by companies like McCain Foods

They have no adverse side effects to the human health

Food Coatings…

Protein coating technique developed by Proteus

Used mainly for frozen pre cooked/ fried food products

Can result in a 50 to 80 percent fat reduction in the final product

Research results show that up-to 90 percent reduction if fat can be achieved

Though adopted in the USA, the technology is yet to gain popularity in other parts of the world

The “Trans Fat” tag can up-lift the product overall quality

Corporate can create pull in the market for their products through this technology.

Key Challenges …

Lack of Technological Training Know-How

Customer AcceptanceFunding Assistance

Cost Effective Multi Commodity Integrated Technology

Governmental Interventions

Key Findings & Recommendations…

Intensive need of farmer as well as customer education

Technology up – gradation at the farm level

Capital infusion through private sector participation, FDI and FII’s

Risk management by providing services and information in time

Enabling regulations at farm level for uniformity in the produce

The Way Forward to Tap the Untapped …

Thank you !
