Tecumseh Middle School€¦ · Education, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Fine...

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Tecumseh Middle School Grades Six, Seven, and Eight

Site Demographics:

Tecumseh Middle School has maintained an average of 484 students since the 2010-2011

school year. There are 33 classroom teachers divided into the following areas: Special

Education, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Fine Arts, Instructional

Technology, Information Literacy/Library Media Specialist, and Health, Safety, and

Physical Education teachers. In addition, the middle school also has 1 Principal, 1

Assistant Principal, 1 Guidance Counselor, 2 Secretaries, 1 Social Worker, 1 Adjunct

Teacher/Title VI Counselor, 2 Aides, 4 Paraprofessionals, 4 Cooks, and 4 Custodians.

The Enrollment data for Tecumseh Middle School is as follows.

2010-2011 - 481

2011-2012 - 481

2012-2013 - 486

2013-2014 - 497

2014-2015 - 476

The Special Education data for Tecumseh Middle School is as follows.

2010-2011 - 52

2011-2012 - 64

2012-2013 - 62

2013-2014 - 75

2014-2015 - 70

The Economically Disadvantaged data for Tecumseh Middle School is as follows.

2010-2011 - 318

2011-2012 - 317

2012-2013 - 335

2013-2014 - 343

2014-2015 - 324

Language Arts

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

1. Where We Are:

We currently have the following course offerings:

6th grade English and Literature & Pre-AP Language Arts

7th grade English and Literature & Pre-AP Language Arts

8th grade Language Arts & Pre-AP Language Arts

Classes are designed for students to gain content knowledge at each grade level and apply

that knowledge learned to the next level language arts course. On the 2015 State Report

Card our scores do not reflect where we want to be academically in meeting the reading

standards of the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests. Sixth grade students did not meet the

benchmark scoring at 60% in reading. Seventh grade students met the benchmark and

were above the state average in reading with a 85%. Eighth grade students met the

benchmark for reading and writing with an 82% score for reading and a 78% score for


2. Where We Want To Be:

Tecumseh Middle School desires to meet the benchmark of 70% in all grade levels. We

also would like to achieve a 3% gain of students scoring in the advanced category of the

Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests.

3. How Are We Going To Get There:

We plan to communicate more effectively as a department to align curriculum within the

department and with Oklahoma Academic Standards, implement benchmarking with pre

and post testing to understand better if students are learning the concepts being presented,

implement two part exams (knowledge level and application of knowledge learned), have

more multiple choice assessments, and target those students coming from grade five that

had difficulty with reading. We will also continue to provide remediation to those

students scoring limited knowledge or unsatisfactory on the Oklahoma Core Curriculum

Tests through in-class activities and academic coaching opportunities.

4. How Will We Monitor And Assess The Program:

The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests will be the primary means of assessing our growth

in the areas of reading and writing. In addition, we will also use the STAR test, the

diagnostic reports generated from the accelerated reader program, benchmark tests in the

classroom, and remediation progress. We will continue to use traditional assessments

such as teacher observations, daily work, teacher-generated materials, and oral reading.

OCCT Test Results in READING

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

2010-2011 - 67 2010-2011 - 77 2010-2011 - 75

2011-2012 - 64 2011-2012 - 76 2011-2012 - 83

2012-2013 - 63 2012-2013 - 76 2012-2013 - 86

2013-2014 - 54 2013-2014 - 74 2013-2014 - 74

2014-2015 - 60 2014-2015 - 85 2014-2015 - 82

OCCT Test Results in WRITING

8th Grade

2010-2011 - 93

2011-2012 - 95

2012-2013 - 65

2013-2014 - 67

2014-2015 - 78


Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

1. Where We Are:

We currently have the following course offerings:

6th grade Math and Advanced Math

7th grade Math and Pre-Algebra

8th grade Pre-Algebra and Algebra I

Classes are designed for students to gain content knowledge at each grade level and apply

that knowledge learned to the next level math course. On the 2015 State Report Card our

scores do not reflect where we want to be academically in meeting the math standards of

the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests. Sixth grade students did not meet the benchmark

scoring at 61% in math. Seventh grade students did meet the benchmark scoring at 75%.

Eighth grade students scored also reached the benchmark by scoring 74%.

2. Where We Want To Be:

We would like students to leave our school with math skills that will prepare them for

Algebra I at the high school level. We want students to be able to use higher order

thinking skills to analyze situations and solve problems. Students should be able to

transfer knowledge and use current skills to apply learning in unfamiliar areas. We

would also like to see our students performing at or above state averages on the

Okalahoma Core Curriculum Tests.

3. How Are We Going To Get There:

We plan to communicate more effectively as a department to align curriculum within the

department and with Oklahoma Academic Standards, implement bench marking with pre

and post testing to better understand if students are learning the concepts being presented,

implement two part exams (knowledge level and analytical problem solving), have more

multiple choice assessments, and allow students being served on an IEP to use a


4. How Will We Monitor And Assess The Program:

We will review the data from the benchmark tests along with the results of the Oklahoma

Core Curriculum Tests to assess student learning. We will continue to improve

communication with teachers and parents. We will use our existing curriculum to help

with assessing student learning, and teachers will supplement lessons using technology

and other materials relating to the Oklahoma Academic Standards in their lessons.

OCCT Test Results in Mathematics:

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

2010-2011 - 56 2010-2011 - 64 2010-2011 - 63

2011-2012 - 66 2011-2012 - 73 2011-2012 - 66

2012-2013 - 70 2012-2013 - 71 2012-2013 - 83

2013-2014 - 62 2013-2014 - 63 2013-2014 - 62 2014-2015 - 61 2014-2015 - 75 2014-2015 - 74

EOI Test Results in Algebra I (for high school credit)

8th Grade

2010-2011 - 100

2011-2012 - 100

2012-2013 - 99

2013-2014 - 91

2014-2015 - 100


Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Science

7th Grade Science

8th Grade Science

o Pre- AP Science

o Regular Science

o Science Discovery (for 7th and 8th grade students)

All Science classes are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards, and curriculum

maps have been developed for all classes. The textbook currently in use in all three

grades is the Prentice Hall Science Explorer Oklahoma Edition. Supplemental materials

include the Guided Reading Study Book and the adapted version of the same study book

for special needs students.

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Science Classes:

All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

The recognition and use of key science concepts and inquiry skills

Process skills

o Scientific Method

o Metrics

o Graph interpretation

o Lab safety

Conceptual standards

o Life science

o Physical science

o Earth science

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Science:

Increased OCCT and EXPLORE scores

Improved quarterly grades

Improved use of lab techniques and lab safety

Improved understanding and connection of relevant science terms

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Provide additional instruction through extended day programs

o Homework Helpers tutoring program (after school)

o Individual teacher tutoring (lunch/after school)

o Study Skills classes (during school hours)


o Assessment of needs

o Counseling

o Double enrollment in core classes if needed

Parent involvement

o Conferences

o Emails

o Classroom visits

Classroom strategies

o Implement additional/varied skill practice

o Additional time to complete the skill

o Peer tutoring

o Assignments segmented into smaller sections

Using Technology Through The Science Department:


Recording and managing grades

Organizing and managing lesson plans

Generating and storing assessments

Online science projects (laptop labs)

OCCT practice tests

Research through the internet

Accessing textbooks

Email communication with parents

Library usage

Smartboard and Projector Projects

o CPS reviews and testing

o Bell Work

o Pertinent videos

o Power point presentations by teachers/students

o Note taking

o Internet research involving entire classroom

o Virtual classroom tours (National Zoo, etc.)

o Test review

o Test taking

o Student interaction with textbook software teaching tools

OCCT Test Results in Science

8th Grade

2010-2011 - 92

2011-2012 - 88

2012-2013 - 78

2013-2014 - 53

2014-2015 - 67

Social Studies

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Geography

7th Grade Geography

8th Grade American History

8th Grade Pre-AP American History

Multicultural Studies

Current Events

All Social Studies classes are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards, and

curriculum maps have been developed for all classes. The textbook currently in use in

sixth and seventh grades is Holt World Geography. Supplemental materials are map and

image resources from various internet sites and video collections. The textbook currently

used in eighth grade is Holt American History Beginnings to 1877. Supplemental

materials used for eighth grad are documentaries: The American Revolution, War of

1812, Mexican - American War, Civil War, Aftermath - Reconstruction, and U. S.

Presidents, maps, and movies (John Adams and Gods and Generals) are also used.

Civics, Multicultural Studies, and Current Events have no specific text. Projects and

supplemental material are used to create the curricula for these classes.

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Social Studies:

All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

The recognition and use of social studies terms and vocabulary

Geography skills for 6th and 7th grades

o Map Concepts






o Physical Systems



Natural Disasters

o Human Systems

World Cultures

Population Issues

o Human Environment Interaction

Natural Resources

Human Modifications

o Geography Skills




American History Skills

o Recognition of History terms

o Events and reactions to events that developed into U. S. History

o Historic Events

Events that impacted the nation

Events that affected our government and principles of our nations

o Historic Persons

Actions of historic persons

Decisions of historic persons

Consequences of historic persons

o Historic Consequences

Intended outcomes of historic choices

Unintended outcomes of historic choices

o Historic Outcomes

Ability to recognize possible outcomes or possible consequences

o Historic application to modern day choices

Learning how history (personal and social) can be repeated or


o Development of skills in using historic tools

Reading maps

Using timelines

Formulating conclusions based on the available information at that


Gauging history based on the morals, values, and social norms of

it's time (not by present day standards)

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Social


Increased OCCT and EXPLORE scores

Improved quarterly grades

Increased use of social studies terms to develop ideas and answers to assessments

Improved higher order thinking and reasoning skills

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Provide additional instruction through extended day programs

o Homework Helpers (after school)

o Individual Teacher Tutoring (lunch/after school)

o Study Skills (during school hours)


o Assessment of need

o Counseling

o Double enrollment in core classes if needed

Parent involvement

o Conferences

o Emails

o Classroom visits

Classroom strategies

o Implement additional/varied skill practice

o Additional time to complete the skill

o Peer tutoring

o Assignments segmented into smaller sections

Using Technology Through The Social Studies Department:


Recording and managing grades

Organizing and managing lesson plans

Generating and storing assessments

Writing projects (laptop labs)

OCCT practice tests

Research through the internet

Accessing textbooks

Email communication with parents

Smartboard and Projector Projects

o CPS reviews and testing

o Bellwork

o Pertinent videos

o Powerpoint presentations by teachers/students

o Note taking

o Internet research involving entire classroom

o Virtual classroom tours (National Zoo, etc.)

o Test review

o Test taking

OCCT Test Results in Social Studies:

7th Grade Geography 8th Grade American History

2010-2011 - 91 2010-2011 - 83

2011-2012 - 94 2011-2012 - 82

2012-2013 - Field test 2012-2013 - Field test

2013-2014 - Field test 2013-2014 - 67

2014-2015 - 67 2014-2015 - 69

Information Literacy

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Literature

7th Grade Literature

8th Grade Language Arts and Pre-AP Language Arts

Reference Materials

Internet capable, ten unit computer lab


Specialized research center

The primary mission of the Tecumseh Middle School Library is to serve the students and

teachers by augmenting the library with new reading books, software and internet-based

programs, reference materials, and appropriate educational films so that lifetime

reading/research skills can be developed in each student. The materials available in the

library are catalogued in an automated system called Alexandria. Technical assistance is

available online at all times. We are a member of the Oklahoma State Video Cooperative

which enables us to attain films which augment our curriculum. Students are brought

into the library each semester for presentations to familiarize them with new literature in

the library.

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Information Literacy:

All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades research skills

The use of technology to research and write

Reading skill improvement

o Improved reading comprehension

o Improved reading level

o Increased interest in a variety of reading materials

o Development of a lifelong interest in reading/researching

o Improved and appropriate social skills while researching in the library

Research skills

o Increased skill in researching on the internet for appropriate material

o Improved skill in using research material effectively

o Increased vocabulary skills

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Information


Increased OCCT and EXPLORE scores

Improved quarterly grades

Improved research skills

Increased use of technology in research

Improved reading skills

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Provide additional time to learn the skills necessary to function well in a library


More classroom visits to the library

Book Talks in students' classrooms by media specialist

Individual tutoring by media specialist

Implement additional/varied skill practice

Peer tutoring

Using Technology Through Informational Literacy:


Organizing and managing lesson plans

Generating and storing Accelerated Reader assessments

OCCT practice tests

Research through the internet

Accessing textbooks via the internet

Email communication with parents

Library usage

Smartboard and Projector Projects

o CPS reviews and testing in classroom setting

o Pertinent videos

o Power point presentations by teachers/students

o Internet research involving entire classroom

o Virtual classroom tours (National Zoo, etc.)

OCCT Test Results in READING

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

2010-2011 - 67 2010-2011 - 77 2010-2011 - 75

2011-2012 - 64 2011-2012 - 76 2011-2012 - 83

2012-2013 - 63 2012-2013 - 76 2012-2013 - 86

2013-2014 - 54 2013-2014 - 74 2013-2014 - 74

2014-2015 - 60 2014-2015 - 85 2014-2015 - 82

Career and Technology Education Program

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

8th Grade Careers elective class

EXPLORE Career Interest Inventory for all 8th grade students

Gordon Cooper Technology Center Tour for all 8th grade students

Classroom visits by counselor to discuss Career Interest Inventory results for all

8th grade students

Career and Technology projects are aligned with the State Regents program which is

aimed at recognizing students for their strong academic performance as early as the

eighth grade. English, mathematics, reading, and science are academic areas which are

emphasized in the Oklahoma State Regents EPAS Recognition Program. In addition, the

counselor incorporates Holland's six personality types into the results of the of each

student's inventory. The inventory has sixteen career clusters which assist students in

determining their career preferences. Also the students' EXPLORE scores are explained

in reference to high school and postsecondary plans for education. A culmination of the

project is a tour of a Technology Center.

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Career and Technology

Education Program:

Creation of personal career goals

Research possible career alternatives

Discover how present classroom goals effect career choices

Exploration of various career fields

o Education/Social Services

o The Arts

o Science and Technology

o Technical Fields

o Business Operations

o Administration and Sales

The effects of technology on the environment

How technology is used to create useful products and systems

How to think critically and problem solve using experimentation

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Career and

Technology Program:

Increased EXPLORE scores

More students opting for appropriate career preparation courses

More students researching career choices using information from the interest


More informed participation in the Career Fair

More students participating in the Oklahoma Promise scholarship program

More informed choices in Technology Center career choices

Improved skills in successfully operating various software programs which are

essential to worldwide communication

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Parent involvement

o Conferences

o Emails

o Pamphlets

Counseling strategies

o Individual career counseling

o Small group (classroom) counseling/guidance

o Career Fair interest surveys

Using Technology Through The Career and Technology Education


Research through the internet

Email communication with parents

Smartboard and Projector Projects

o Pertinent videos

o Power point presentations by teachers/students

o Student interaction with the Interest Inventory

EXPLORE Test Results

Reading Math English Science Composite

2010-11 13.3 14.0 12.8 15.0 13.9

2011-12 14.1 14.2 12.6 14.7 14.4

2012-13 13.9 14.5 13.3 14.9 14.9

2013-14 14.8 14.6 14.6 14.8 15.2

2014-15 16.1 15.3 15.8 17.0 16.0

Fine Arts

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Choir

6th and 7th Grade Beginning Band

7th Grade Advanced Band

7th and 8th Grade Choir

8th Grade Savage Pride Band

All Fine Arts classes are aligned with the Oklahoma Academic Standards, and curriculum

maps have been developed for all classes. Curriculum is based on music performance

and participation in daily practice sessions. Musical symbols and signs are taught in a

variety of ways: method books, daily drills, standard counting system, and a variety of

musical selections.

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Fine Arts:

All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

The recognition and use of musical terms and symbols

Vocal and Instrumental Music

o Demonstrate proper posture

o Perform proper concert etiquette

o Notate simple pitch and rhythm patterns aurally

o Demonstrate musical expression




Perform basic tonal patterns and rhythm

Read music

Conduction patterns

o Define elements of music





Tone color



o Recognize musical historic and cultural perspective

o Learn the appreciation of music



How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Fine Arts:

Improved quarterly grades

Improved solo scores

Improved ensemble scores

Increased use of music terminology

Increased chair placement in honor groups

Improved contest scores

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Provide additional instruction through extended day programs

o Individual Teacher Tutoring (after school)

o Private Tutoring (private lessons)

Parent involvement

o Conferences

o Emails

Classroom strategies

o Implement additional/varied skill practice

o Additional time to complete the skill

o Peer tutoring

o Aural testing

Using Technology Through The Fine Arts Department:


Recording and managing grades

Organizing and managing lesson plans

Generating and storing assessments

Part simplification with music writing programs


Research through the internet

Listening via the internet

Email communication with parents

Smartboard and Projector Projects

o Power point presentations

o Note taking

o Assignments

OCCT Test Results in Fine Arts: Not Applicable

Health, Safety, and Physical Education

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Fitness

7th Grade Fitness

8th Grade Fitness

7th and 8th Grade Boys and Girls Athletics

All Fitness classes are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards, and curriculum maps

have been developed for all classes. Physical fitness and safe physical training are the

primary goals of these classes. Dexterity, fitness, and muscle tone are essential elements

of the curriculum along with social skills and team work.

What We Expect Students To Learn Through Health - Safety - Physical


All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

To develop a routine of physical activity

o Agilities

o Throwing / catching skills

o Evasive games

o Jump Rope

o Hand / eye coordination

To develop a baseline knowledge of the value of life-long appropriate physical


To develop team and individual skills

o Individual fitness routines

o Weight training

o Body composition

o Team sports

o Cooperative and collaborative training

To develop personal and social skill development

o Working together

o Applying rules and etiquette

o Learning about and using respect

o Understand benefits of physical activities


Physical fitness

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Health -

Safety - Physical Education

Improved fitness

Improved social abilities

Improved individual skills

Improvement in teamwork activities

Improvement in physical appearance

1. Weight

2. Appropriate muscle development

3. Posture

4. Agility

Improvement in attitude toward physical fitness

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Create a more positive climate in the classroom

o Teams

o Individual testing to assist in personal evaluation of physical needs

o Differentiated activities designed for individual student needs

Classroom strategies

o Implement additional/varied skill practice

o Additional time to complete the skill

Using Technology Through The Health - Safety - Physical Education



Recording and managing grades

Accessing textbooks

Email communication with parents

Additional Activities Offered at TMS to Promote Physical

Fitness and Social Skills

o 7th Grade Athletics (Girls and Boys)

o 8th Grade Athletics (Girls and Boys)

o Health Classes

o Proper Diets

o Social Health

o Personal Hygiene


Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Health

7th Grade Health

8th Grade Health

All Health classes are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards, and curriculum maps

have been developed for all classes. The textbook currently in use in all three grades is

Glencoe Teen Health. Supplemental materials used are:

Ten Real Life Stories

Bullying in Schools

Youth Tobacco Prevention Program

Shawnee News-Star

Appropriate videos on drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, and character education

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Health:

All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

The recognition and use of health vocabulary

Personal health issues

o Being in charge of personal health

o Understanding how to be in charge of personal health

Safe and healthy relationships

Physical health and fitness

Decision making skills

o Drug abuse

o Safety

o Nutrition

o Disease prevention

o Environmental safety decisions

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Health:

Improved quarterly grades

Improved ability to defend personal decisions regarding health, nutrition, drugs,

safety issues, environmental issues, and other health related topics

Increased use of health vocabulary

Improved involvement with peers and teachers

Improved citizenship

Provide additional instruction through extended day programs

o Homework Helpers (after school)

o Individual Teacher Tutoring (lunch/after school)

o Study Skills (during school hours)

o Counseling

Parent involvement

o Conferences

o Emails

o Classroom visits

Classroom strategies

o Implement additional/varied skill practice

o Additional time to complete the skill

o Peer tutoring

o Assignments segmented into smaller sections

Using Technology Through The Health Department:


Recording and managing grades

Organizing and managing lesson plans

Generating and storing assessments

Writing projects (laptop labs)

Research through the internet

Email communication with parents

Smartboard and Projector Projects

o CPS reviews and testing

o Bell Work

o Pertinent videos

o Group writing projects

o Power point presentations by teachers/students

o Note taking

o Internet research involving entire classroom

o Test review

o Test taking

OCCT Test Results in Health: Not Applicable

Instructional Technology

Tecumseh Middle School

May 27, 2016

Tecumseh Middle School offers:

6th Grade Computer Keyboarding

o Projects using Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel)

7th Grade Computer Keyboarding

o Projects using Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel)

8th Grade Computer Keyboarding

o Projects using Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel)

All Computer classes are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards, and curriculum

maps have been developed for all classes. The textbook currently in use in all three

grades is Century 21 Jr. Input Technologies and Computer Applications. Supplemental

materials are Teacher Created Resources Computer Basics and Computer Activities

Through the Year. Keyboarding is taught in a variety of ways including daily

participation, keyboarding technique, keyboarding speed, keyboarding accuracy, and

written theory tests.

What We Expect Students to Learn Through Instructional Technology:

All Oklahoma Academic Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

The recognition and use of computer terms

Keyboarding skills

o Correct keying position

o Correct reach techniques

o Satisfactory keyboarding speed

o Satisfactory keyboarding accuracy

Microsoft Office skills

o Microsoft Office Word

Simple MLA Reports

Basic Personal-Business and Business Letters

Projects involving text boxes; clipart; font formatting; etc

o Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Presentations involving slide design; clipart; custom animations;

font formatting; etc

o Microsoft Office Excel

Basic math formulas

Pie chart

How We Know When Students Have Learned It Through Instructional


Improved keyboarding speed

Improved keyboarding accuracy

Improved word processing skills using Microsoft Office

Increased classroom test scores

How Do We Respond When They Do Not Learn It?

Provide additional instruction through extended day programs

o Homework Helpers (after school)

o Open Lab (lunch)

o Individual Teacher Tutoring (lunch/after school)

o Study Skills (during school hours)

Parent involvement

o Conferences

o Emails

o Classroom visits

Classroom strategies

o Implement additional/varied skill practice

o Additional time to complete the skill

o Peer tutoring

o Assignments segmented into smaller sections

Using Technology Through The Instructional Technology Department:


Recording and managing grades

Organizing and managing lesson plans

Generating and storing assessments

Keyboarding/Word Processing projects (Classroom Computers and Laptop Labs)

Research through the Internet

Email communication with parents

Projector Projects

o Bell Work

o Demonstrating computer lessons to classroom students

o Pertinent videos

o Power point presentations by teacher/students

o Internet research involving entire classroom

OCCT Test Results In Instructional Technology: Not Applicable