Teen Night pp

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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First Teen Night

Book Club “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie October 11th, 6-8 pm Discussion questions 2 activities Pass in book Survey Future events

Arnolds says his parents are pretty good parents…”Sure, my dad has a drinking problem and my mom can be a little eccentric, but they make sacrifices for me. They worry about me. They talk to me. And best of all they listen to me.” What do you think? Are they good parents?

Arnold says his grandmother’s most important quality is tolerance. Why did he say that?

The Occupation of Alcatraz was an occupation of Alcatraz Island by 89 American Indians who called themselves Indians of All Tribes (IOAT). The Alcatraz Occupation lasted for nineteen months, from November 20, 1969, to June 11, 1971, and was forcibly ended by the U.S. government.

At Junior’s grandmother’s funeral, Junior’s mother gives a white billionaire his comeuppance to the delight of the whole community. “And then my mother started laughing” Junior says “and that set us all off. And I realized that, sure Indians were drunk and sad and displaced and crazy and mean but we knew how to laugh. When it comes to death, we know that laughter and tears are pretty much the same thing.” How does this reflect a cultural insider’s perspective and how does it disrupt stereotypes about stoic Indians(Pocahontas- Kocoum)?

Comeuppance- a punishment or fate that someone deserves. "he got his comeuppance" synonyms: just deserts, just punishment, due, retribution, requital, what's

coming to one

Nobody is more surprised than Junior when he becomes popular at Reardon. What about him draws people to him?

What did his drawings and cartoons contribute to the book? What does his drawing do for him?

How are Junior’s friendships with Rowdy and Gordy different? Rowdy Gordy

Does South Western PA have cultural markers? What is the behavior, speech pattern, way of seeing the world, ethics and principle that belong here?

How does Rowdy and Junior handle their anger?

PG.42 Mr. P mentions that all the white people on the rez deserve to get their face smashed in for trying to kill Indian culture.

What does he mean by trying to kill Indian culture? Why did he think this was a good idea when he was younger? What changed his mind? “My name isn’t Easy” Debby Dahl Edwardson Indian children sent to boarding schools to forget their culture and to

learn white American culture, began in 1870’s and ended in 1978 with Indian Child Welfare Act when Indian parents were able to have legal rights to their children.

Today’s activity is going to be modeled off the illustration of Arnold’s parents. We will be creating such a drawing.

It doesn’t have to be sad, or focusing on someone that you feel didn’t quite reach their potential, although it could be. You have the freedom to choose whomever you would like, even someone famous.

Supplies: paper and coloring pencils

Why does Junior think Reardan is racist ? “So what was I doing in racist Reardan…” (56) Why is Junior offended? Should he be? Pg.115,Why is Penelope a white trophy? Does Junior see Penelope as a damsel in distress? Does it have

anything to do with her bulimia? What about her as a volleyball player, does she look weak then?

Pg. 116, What is Gordy’s argument? What does he mean by white girl privilege? Ciudad Juarez, femicide

Pg. 85, Why does Mr. Dodge automatically believe what Gordy tells him, but questions what Junior said?

Why do some of the rez people think Junior is a traitor or brave? Pg. 64, Was Roger in the wrong? Was Junior right to hit Roger when Roger was not touching him? Pg. 109, Why was Earl so against interracial dating?

Prejudice-preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

Pass out articles and read itPg.56 Reardon’s mascot. Do sports mascots offend Native

Americans and their culture? If so, in what ways? Can you think of any professional or high school sports teams that use Native

American mascots?

Cultural Appropriation “Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission. This can include unauthorized use of another culture's dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. It's most likely to be harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been oppressed or exploited in other ways or when the object of appropriation is particularly sensitive, e.g. sacred objects”. - Scafidi, author of Who Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in American Law

According to this way of thinking, if something is marketed as Native American inspired, but is made in China and is not sold by someone part of a tribe, then they are profiting at Native Americans’ expense.


Here are some examples of ways some people have chosen to express cultural appreciation:

Items bought from Native American seller https://www.palmstrading.com/how-do-you-know-its-authentic-

jewelry/ Learning about problems facing Native Americans. Ex.: Standing Rock

Sioux vs. Dakota Access Pipeline Do they think it is ok to ban costumes from a party?

Review book

Everyone work together to make one big poster book review, include a five star rating system

Poster, markers, sticky tack, pre-cut stars

Pass in books please


Teen Advisory Group Convenient times Interests Activities Books?


For researching and learning practical skills try the libraries databases on somersetcolibrary.org

Just go to the Research tab and click on Online Resources Ap Images Civics and You Free Permit Practice tests edX

Appreciation of Japanese Animation Evening Tuesday, November 22nd 6:00 PM Somerset County Library Howl;s Moving Castle, Princess Monoke, Ponyo or Kiki’s

Delivery Service Sushi Candy Soot Sprite Character figurines Build Howl’s Moving Castle Please bring small cardboard boxes