Telephone skills A2 M. van Eijk

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Provide a suitable greeting and farewell to callers


Use the telephone effectively

Transfer and/or place a call on hold

Learn telephone phrases

Take a written message

Do’s and Dont’s when answering

the telephone Be prepared

pen and paper

telephone extension


Avoid chewing, eating,

drinking or smoking

Use correct posture

Answer the call with a smile on

your face!

Answering the Telephone

Answer quickly,

maximum within three rings

Answering the Telephone

Provide a greeting

“Good Morning, Ans Waheed speaking”

“Good Afternoon, this is Rob Trip


“Good Evening, Erasmus University,

Sumera van Dyk speaking.”

Answering the Telephone

Identify the Department:

Marketing Department: dealing with marketing and sales

Operations: the flow once the customer has purchased

Customer Service: ensuring that the Customer is always happy

Human Resources Department: charged with finding, screening,

recruiting and training job applicants

Sales Department: Handling the Sale once it has reached that point

in the process

Accounting Department: manages the money flow

Legal Department: works on all types of contracts. They usually

create sales and employment contracts

Answering the Telephone

Identify yourself:

“Astrid Brim speaking”

“Patrick Parsley speaking”

NEVER SAY: You are speaking with XXXXX,

from (use of) of Delra Airlines.

Answering the Telephone

Offer assistance “How May I Help/Assist You?”

Answering the Telephone

Some phrases:• X speaking.

• Can I help you?

• Who's calling please?

• Who's speaking?

• How may I help/ assist you?

• Hold the line please.

• Could you hold on please?

• Just a moment please.

Answering the Telephone

Some more phrases:• Thank you for holding.

• The line's free now ... I'll put you through.

• I'll connect you now / I'm connecting you now

• I'm afraid the line's engaged. Could you call back later?

• I'm afraid he's in a meeting at the moment.

• I'm sorry. He's out of the office today. /

He isn't in at the moment.

• I'm afraid we don't have a Mr./Mrs./Ms/Miss. ... here

• I'm sorry. There's nobody here by that name.

• Sorry. I think you've dialled the wrong number./

I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.

Answering the Telephone

• The line is very bad ... Could you speak up please?

• Could you repeat that please?

• I'm afraid I can't hear you.

• Sorry. I didn't catch that. Could you say it again please?

• Can I leave / take a message?

• Would you like to leave a message?

• Could you give him/her a message?

• Could you ask him/her to call me back?

• Could you tell him/her that I called?

• Could you give me your name please?

• Could you spell that please?

• What's your number please?

Answering the Telephone

“Good Morning, Business Center, John speaking, How

may I help you?”

Good afternoon, Business Center, Mara speaking,

what can I do for you?”

“Good Afternoon, Finance, Fatima speaking, How

may I help you?”

“Who would you like to speak to?”

Transferring or

Placing Calls on Hold

Handle calls yourself where possible

Transfer calls directly to the correct extension

Transferring or

Placing Calls on Hold

Always ask if you can put the person on hold

and wait for the answer

Example: “Mr Mankell, the extension is busy,

may I please place your call on hold?

Transferring or

Placing Calls on Hold

Explain delays “Thank you for holding, Mr Frost, the extension is still

busy, would you like to continue

holding or shall I ask

Mr Derrick to call you back

as soon as his extension

is free?”

Transferring or

Placing Calls on Hold

Let the caller know:

why you are transferring the call

who they are being transferred to

Example: “Mr Mankell, I am transferring your call to

to Ms Tulip who will be able to assist you

in this regard.”

Transferring or

Placing Calls on Hold

Always stay on the line until the transfer is complete!

Explain to the person receiving

the call:

why you are transferring the call

who the caller is

Transferring a Call


“Sarah, this is John, I have Mr. Frost on the line who

needs some information about Corporate Room


“Good morning, Mr. Frost, this is Sarah. I understand

that you would like to know about our Corporate

Room Rates, is that correct?”

Transferring a Call

Use guest’s name (personalise the call)

Confirm understanding of the reason for the call

Ask a closed question for confirmation


Do you agree to that?

Taking Messages

Message for…

Name and title of caller

Company name

Telephone number

Time and date of call


Taking Messages

Action required

Name/initials of person

taking the message

Repeat the message


Ending the Call

End the conversation on a positive note

Thank the caller

Use the caller’s name

Ending the Call

“Thank you for calling Mr Mankell, goodbye.”

“Thank you for the booking, Mrs Armstrong,

we look forward to seeing you.”

“Goodbye Ms Jamra and thank you for calling.”