‘Tell the people the full message of this new life’ – Acts ...

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15 April 2019 Vol 81 No 18 Free On Request: office@nlife.com.au

‘Tell the people the full message of this new life’ – Acts 5.20b www.nlife.com.au





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VOLUME 81 NUMBER 18 ISSUE DATE: 15 April 2019 FILE NO: NL 2019-04-15 ISSN: 1033-7903 FOUNDER: Eric J. Daley (1910-1992) EDITOR: Rev Bob Thomas Phone: 0417 592 646 Email: editor@nlife.com.au Postal Address: PO Box 457 Mitcham VIC 3132 OFFICE MANAGER: Rachael Maskell Phone: 0415 612 646 Email: office@nlife.com.au WEB-SITE: www.nlife.com.au SUBSCRIPTION: Free On Request ACCEPTANCE OF ADVERTISING DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. NEW LIFE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ADVERTISING DEEMED UNSUITABLE. PUBLISHED BY: New Life Australia Ltd ABN: 15 005 035 138 NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS: New Life is archived by the National Library of Australia. It is assumed that contributors agree with this arrangement and so are willing to be published on this basis.

Living With Joy And Delight

Karlie Brake adores her pet rabbits, works hard at her job, and loves the Lord. Although the 27-year-old administration assistant was born with Down Syndrome, a chromosome condition, this has not stopped her living a life full of joy and delight. She attends St Barnabas’, Ingleburn (south western Sydney) with her family, where she enjoys listening to the Bible teaching, greeting parish-ioners and serving morning tea. ‘It’s pretty good, the people are friendly,’ Karlie says. ‘I like going to morning church better, because I don’t miss my favourite shows.’ Her favourite show at the time of our chat is I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here, which airs Sunday evenings. ‘When I’m on the door with Mum, we say “Hello” to people and hand out the sheets. I say “Hi” to everyone who comes to church. For morning tea, we take biscuits, fruit, dip and chips. Marshmallows are my favourite.’ When she’s not at church, Karlie’s life is quite full. She does zumba twice a week, works part time and attends a weekly program for people with intellectual disabilities where they cook, do craft and exercise to-gether. Her family describe her as warm and thoughtful with a sassy sense of humour. She is known for always having a cup of tea ready at the right moment, diligently attending to her duties, being a great gift giver and af-fectionately caring for rabbits Hamish and Jack. ‘Hamish is mine, he is a mix of colours,’ she says. ‘He’s good at cuddling and he watches TV with me.’ Karlie first understood the Gospel when she was in primary school. Her teacher showed The Jesus Film, which brought her to tears. ‘[My favourite thing about Jesus] is that He died for our sins on the cross,’ she says. She also likes the story of Moses, ‘because he brought the Israelites out of Egypt. God parted the Red Sea and the Israelites went through, and then God …’ She mimics the sea crashing down with her hands. ‘I like reading the Bible with Mum,’ she says. ‘We’ve been doing devo-tions every night. Last night we read Psalm 139 about God creating us. We pray for work, for the contestants on I’m A Celebrity, for my sister trav-elling to uni, and for Grandpa, that he’d be saved.’ – Tara Sing, newsletter@sydneyanglicans.net


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Trans World Radio Helps Central Asians Face Challenges Proclaiming and practising the Christian faith can be very difficult in Central Asia, but signs of hope are visible in this region, once part of the Soviet empire. A TWR contact in one of the countries reported that changes in the law have led to more surveillance and control of religious organizations. His country is freer than some of its neighbours, the contact said, but areas of persecution exist. ‘Young people [in this country] are becoming more and more religious, and the churches also are increasing their effort to reach the youth,’ the contact wrote. ‘The TWR radio programs help us face the challenges in the same way as the he-roes in the Bible, with the Lord’s power. The broadcasts strengthen our souls and help us to understand many things better when we have questions in our walk with God.’ TWR has been broadcasting in Central Asia for decades, and gifts and prayers by supporters made possible the recent installation of the Silk Road AM transmitter to greatly enhance that outreach. Now that same support is needed so Gospel pro-grams will keep being produced so they can keep strengthening and keep informing listeners across this region. – http://emailtrk.twr.org EVENTS UPCOMING: GREAT DEBATE: JESUS – GOD­MAN OR SERVANT OF GOD? Rev Peter Barnes, incoming Mod-erator General of the Presbyte-rian Church of Australia, will be taking part in a debate with Waseem Ravi, Student of Islam and Comparative Religion on Sat-urday 27 April from 6pm to 9pm in the Darebin Arts And Enter-tainment Centre, Cnr Bell St and St George’s Rd, Preston (Vic). Registration is a must. To register go to: ireaworld.org ACTIVATE CONFERENCE 2019 Nataliya Osipova will be the Keynote Speaker at the Mukti Mission Activate Coference 2019 to be held on Saturday, 4 May at Syndal Baptist Church, Cnr High Street Rd and Blackburn Rd, Syn-dal (Melbourne, Vic). Bringing to-gether churches, students, young

adults, and mission organisa-tions, Activate seeks to inspire, challenge and mobilise young adults toward missions involve-ment, particularly among the least-reached peoples of the world. Registration is now open: http://activateconference.org BIGGER QUESTIONS RETURNS Robert Martin invites you to ‘Come with us on a journey 300 million kilometres through time and space and relive the excite-ment of the !irst lunar landing on this 50th anniversary.’ Three ex-pert speakers will take you on this journey: Dr Dianne McGrath; geologist Dr Jonathan Clarke; and astrophysicist Dr James Murray. The event will run from 7 to 8.15pm on Monday 3 June at Level 1, Campari House, 23 Hard-ware Lane, Melbourne. Cost: $25. Afterwards on the rooftop bar

there will be an opportunity to view Saturn and Jupiter (weather and light permitting). Go to: https://biggerquestions.org For tickets STORIES WITH BREAKFAST On Thursday 9 May at The Athenaeum Club, 87 Collins St, Melbourne, at 7am for a 7.15 start, Bishop John Harrower OAM, will speak. John has min-istred in Argentina for some in-teresting years of church and university work. Upon returning to Australia, he held a variety of roles including Vicar of St Paul's Glen Waverly, Bishop of Tasma-nia, and now Bishop Assisting the Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia. CMA invites you to join with John in engaging with a selection of stories !it for break-fast. Go to gary@cma.net.au to register.

2019 Banner Of Truth Minister’s Conference – There’s Nothing Like Being There

As its ministry continues to expand, with an ever-growing catalogue of publications, the monthly Banner of Truth Magazine reaching a wider au-dience since it became available on-line as well as in print and its Minis-ter’s Conferences in the UK, USA and Australia, the 2019 Minister’s Conference in the UK not only attracted a large attendance, but also goes out now into all the world by live-stream on the world-wide web. And it’s mind­boggling to consider how far and wide this ministry now reaches as it works strenuously to deepen the faith of the Lord’s people both directly and through deepening the faith of His ministers as they pass it on in preaching to and pastoring His people. Truly, through the ministry of the Banner Of Truth, ‘He makes His ministers to be !lames of !ire.’ Now, with the live-streaming of each session of the UK Conference, virtually anyone anywhere who has access to the internet can bring the conference into their own study space – just by going to www.ban­neroftruth.com Good and all as that is, I have to say, ‘There’s nothing like being there.’ The work of the ministry can be long, lonely and laborious. So to join with hundreds of like-minded fellow pastor/teachers in prayer, praise, Bible study, fellowship, sharing, networking, is both an encouraging and enriching experience to better prepare one for effective ministry in these dif!icult and challenging times. Almost everyone I spoke to emphasised the value of fellowship with like-minded fellow pastors and of sharing burdens. Some 300 men attended this year’s conference at Yarn!ield Park Con-ference Centre near Stafford in the English Midlands. They came from all over the UK and from many countries around the world – India, Burma, Uganda, Canada, the USA, Nigeria, Zambia, Malawi, Finland, the Czech Re-public, Romania and, yes, Australia – to name a few. Beyond this, the num-ber who watched the live-stream can scarcely be computed. Like so much of the work of Banner, only in Eternity will we know the full effect of this ministry. This year the theme was I Believe In The Holy Spirit. Christians can eas-ily concentrate so much on one or two aspects of the person and work of the Holy Spirit, be it the gift of tongues in Biblical times, the bestowing of gifts for Christian life and ministry or the fruit of the Spirit in the life of the believer, that they fail to know His over-reaching and all-encompassing presence in all of life and all of God’s great works in creation, providence and redemption. The gifted and warm­hearted team of speakers drawn together for this year’s conference expanded our knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit in His person and work. Stephen Curry, from Northern Ireland, gave the opening sermon on John 20.21, ‘Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.” And with that He breathed on them and said, “Re-ceive the Holy Spirit”.’

(Continued on Page 6.)

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Carl Muller, Pastor of Burlington Reformed Baptist Church in On-tario, Canada, loves the atmosphere of the Ban-ner Conference, its sobri-ety, joy and focus on God’s Word rather than on the preacher. ‘This conference takes me to the Bible,’ he says, ‘and refocuses me on God. It also makes me feel that I’m not alone.’

Mike Wilhelmson, a pas-tor from Finland, has just finished his first year in parish ministry. He says, ‘It is refreshing to hear other men preach and through the preaching of God’s Word to be revived. I also enjoy meeting and find-ing fellowship with like-minded men.’

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‘STRIVING TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL’ ‘STRIVING TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL’(Continued from P.5) ‘Mission and evangelism lie at the heart of the Trinity. The church as a whole and every believer are called by King Jesus to be Gospel-minded Spirit-!illed people as Christ sovereignly sends them,’ Stephen said. John 20.19 gives us con!idence in evangelism. Although the doors were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus does not blame or criticise them, but says ‘Peace.’ He purchased peace on the cross, ful!illing prophecy with many convincing proofs. Christ came incarnationally into the world – a world which despised and cruci!ied Him – and as He came into the world, we must go into the world. Mission and evangelism are not optional extras, they are at the heart of Gospel witness, and to do them we need the Holy Spirit. Just as the disciples needed the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, so we need to be em-powered from on high. We need the breath of Heaven on our ministry, for which we must ask and ask often, never being content until He answers. Derek Thomas gave three addresses on The Holy Spirit And The Doc­trine Of The Trinity. Quoting extensively from Scripture, he showed that there is no doubt in Scripture about the deity of Jesus or the deity of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is LORD and the Holy Spirit is the initiator and facilitator of Jesus’ plans. The Spirit’s work of bringing sinners to life necessitates an emphasis on His work. Speaking on Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3.14­21, particularly ‘that you might be strengthened by His Spirit in the inner man’, he showed that the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Scripture is vast and comprehensive as He gives ‘power to comprehend with all the saints, the length and breadth and height and depth … to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowl-edge … to be !illed with all the fullness of God.’ ‘What is there that you cannot do,’ he asked, ‘when you are “!illed with all the fullness of God” and are empowered and strengthened by the Holy Spirit?’ Lindsay Brown, former President of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, and great ‘encourager of the brethren’, warmed our hearts as he spoke on The Spirit Of Mission; The Spirit Who Persuades. Beginning with Acts 2 and the Day of Pentecost, noting that many distinct language groups were listed in vv9-15, he said that Pentecost was descrip-tive rather than prescriptive, and a looking forward to the advance of the Gospel under the work of the Holy Spirit until the day when ‘Jesus shall reign where’re the Sun doth his successive journeys run.’ The naming of the people groups shows that God’s strategy is to send His people out to preach. He highlighted the latter day missionary movements, from Calvin and the Huguenots to Luther and his followers, to William Carey and Adoniram Judson, Hudson Taylor and Cameron Townsend. Giving examples from China, Afghanistan and Nepal he said that world-wide, evangelicalism has grown astonishingly in the last quarter of the 20th Century, especially through the ‘Age of the Diaspora’ and the im-pact of work among international students (and begging the question for some of us as to what extent Billy Graham and his Evangelistic Association might have in!luenced this). ‘And God uses all kinds of people,’ he said, ‘with the Holy Spirit giving courage, conviction and con!idence to go and preach the Gospel.’

(Continued on Page 7)

Gosa Karna, an Indian pastor who ministers near Hyderabad and has established The Joshua Foundation, a ministry among Dalits, says, ‘This conference is a great opportunity for learning and refresh-ment, and establishing new friendships. It teaches me that the Lord’s work is the same everywhere and His Word speaks the same message to His people everywhere.’

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‘STRIVING TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL’ ‘STRIVING TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL’(Continued from P.6) Dr Ted Donnelly, a warm­hearted Irishman known to many as their ‘Father In The Faith’, spoke from Romans 8.1-17 on the theme: The Spirit Of Life – Freedom And Control, Obligation And Assurance, noting that as he writes of the new life of the man or woman in Christ, Paul mentions the Holy Spirit 20 times in this passage, more than in any other chapter. Dr Donnelly said that the Holy Spirit brings us freedom from fear and guilt, He enables us to show evidence of conversion as we live in the Spirit, put sin to death (‘You are either killing sin or sin is killing you’), live in peaceful, personal knowledge of our Father in Heaven, who is awe-some and majestic but not remote, far away, cold or disinterested. John Benton, recently retired as editor of Evangelicals Now, took as his theme, The Spirit From Heaven. He was thinking particularly of those nearing the end of their journey, reminding us that it was said of Richard Sibbes, ‘Heaven was in him before he was in Heaven.’ He asked: ‘Is the Holy Spirit’s work only for this life? Surely His pres-ent in-dwelling in the “now” is the !irst fruits of redemption, the foretaste of glory.’ By the Holy Spirit’s presence with us in this life we are assured of Heaven, and challenged to begin living the life of Heaven now as we put off sin. This should make us evangelistically bold because the worldly need Christ and His cross in order to know true life. Secularism trashes people, but God made us to live with Him. John Benton said that the old glory fades but the new glory lasts, as we are bound for glory in Christ. Preaching the closing sermon, Ian Hamilton, editor of the Banner Of Truth Magazine, spoke on Watch And Pray – The Spirit’s Help In Tempta­tion. The Holy Spirit came in answer to Jesus’ promise to send Him. He is our help in our weakness. Without His help we would be utterly over-whelmed; but with it we will be victorious. Overall, the conference was notable for its clear, af!irmative and prac-tically applied Biblical teaching. It appealed !irst to the head, con!irming our faith, and adding to our knowledge. It warmed our hearts as the Holy Spirit !ired up our spirits and deepened the bonds of fellowship with like-minded brethren. It made our feet beautiful as we came away determined to ‘go, labour on, spend and be spent, our joy to do the Father’s will.’ The UK Banner Of Truth Ministers’ Conference 2020 will be held from 23 to 26 March at Yarn!ield Park Conference Centre, near Stafford, Eng-land. Conrad Mbewe, Andrew Randall and Christopher Ashe will be among the speakers. It will be live-streamed. Watch banneroftruth.co.uk for further details. – Bob Thomas.

Veteran Banner Man Geoff Thomas, recently retired as Pastor of Alfred Place Bap-tist Church in Aberyst-wyth, Wales, began attending at the second Banner of Truth Confer-ence in 1963 and has only missed one conference since. He comes seeking spiritual inspiration and refreshment, ‘And I never fail to get it,’ he says. Now aged 80, Geoff says that he never regretted the Lord’s claim on his life and is grateful to have been so long in the Lord’s service. ‘While the world descends ever deeper into the pit and large sections of the visible church deny the truth of Scripture, it be-comes all the more impor-tant for us to be faithful to the truth,’ he says. ‘We must not deviate from it because God Himself is ab-solutely true, with not an atom of deceit in Him.’

Elizabeth Kendal’s New Book ...

War! Destruction! Violent Persecution! Martyrdom! Forced Displacement! For hundreds of thousands of now destitute Christian families, this is the new reality.

Yet contrary to all appearances, God is at work in the Middle East. ‘Kendal’s book is a godsend to anyone who is at a loss to understand what lies behind the suffering in the Middle East. Drawing on authoritative voices from the region, her clear-eyed analysis untangles the conflicts with the heart and insight of a prophet.

– Jeff M. Sellers, Editor, Persecution News Service, Morning Star News.

For more information go to: www.ElizabethKendal.com

Joni Eareckson Tada has been released from hospital after her ongoing treat-ment for cancer. The leader of Joni And Friends, a ministry to the disabled, she was hospitalised late last month after completing radiation treatments, with significant pain issues, including difficulty with breathing. She was released from hospital last week saying, ‘I just signed my discharge papers and I am free! Praise God for healing of my lungs. Fresh air never felt so good!’ Joni thanked all who prayed for her during her 14 days in hospital. ‘Now it’s on-ward and upward!’ she says. Joni Eareckson Tada is no stranger to serious health issues. She has endured 51 years of quadriplegia, chronic pain, and a battle against stage three breast cancer. – CBN Christian World News.

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Globally High Levels Of Persecution The latest survey by persecution watchdog Open Doors shows that one in nine Christians globally experience ‘high’ levels of persecution. It is worst across Asia and the Middle East, where one in three Christians experience ‘high’ levels of persecution. The annual Open Doors ranking of religious perse-cution in 50 countries indicates that at least 245 million Christians in 73 countries experience high levels of persecution – up from 215 million in 58 countries in the previous year. The sources of per-secution vary from government and nationalist crackdowns to Hindu and Islamic attacks. – Open Doors International

Superbook Saves Boy From Suicidal Tendencies An 11-year-old Vietnamese boy has been saved from depression and suicidal tendencies by Super­book, according to his mother. Minh Viet's addiction to playing video games began at eight years old, and since then, he's been at it for hours every day. Minh’s mother Le says she was disturbed when her son kept saying he wanted to commit suicide, as told him by the games. As a Christian, Le knew Minh needed spiritual help, but something that

would catch his attention, just like the video games. She says she was delighted to learn Superbook had come to Vietnam and been translated into their lan-guage. Superbook teaches children positive life les-sons through Bible-based adventures. Mrs Viet told CBN News Minh has learned how much Jesus loves him, and his school work is much improved. In Viet-nam, 7,000 children are learning the Word of God through Superbook. – CBN Christian World News Easter Songs Of Praise The BBC has announced that two episodes of Songs Of Praise In The Holy Land, will be produced for Easter viewing. Aled Jones will accompany a choir of young Christians on Palm Sunday as they visit the key holy sites, including the Garden of Gethse-mane, where they will also sing Easter hymns and songs. On Easter Sunday Aled presents from Chris-tianity’s most sacred city – Jerusalem – where the program explores the faith stories of Lion King star Shaun Escoffery, and renowned soprano Laura Wright. (Warning to ABC viewers: these episodes might not reach Australia until some time after Easter.)

– Inspire Magazine.

Joni Released From Hospital – ‘Fresh Air Never Felt So Good’ FAITH NEWS FAITH NEWS ... ... With STAN HUNT With STAN HUNT

Follow-Up Of Responders At Franklin Graham’s Grand Tour Now Under Way Australian churches are following up the more than 4,000 people who responded to Franklin Graham’s message during his tour of the country in February. His visit came on the 60th anniversary of his late fa-ther Billy’s famous 1959 Crusade, which changed the landscape of Christianity in Australia. Franklin’s tour took in Perth, Darwin, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney in just over two weeks, with a total of almost 60,000 people attending. Another 30,000 watched the live-streamed events in 114 coun-tries. The Bishop of North Sydney, Chris Edwards, told Sydneyanglicans.net the program was shorter than 60 years ago. He says the music was louder than in 1959 – and that’s an understatement! – but the Gospel was proclaimed just as clearly. Bishop Edwards says he could never get 60,000 people to listen to him but Franklin Graham did. Praise God. Twelve thousand trained workers are now in action following up the new Christians. – Sydneyanglicans.net

Matthew 28.19,20 – GO into ALL the world ...

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MATTERS FOR PRAYER MATTERS FOR PRAYER by Elizabeth Kendal by Elizabeth Kendal

India's 2019 general election in which some 900 million eligible voters will elect the 17th Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament) will be conducted in seven phases from 11 April to 19 May. The Lok Sabha has 543 elected seats, and the party or coalition that holds a 272-seat majority selects the prime minister. Votes will be collated and the results announced on 23 May. As a polytheistic religion, Hinduism has never been especially hostile to Christianity, seeing Jesus as just another god among many. Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) on the other hand, is more political than religious. In seeking to unite Indians as Hindus it presents Christianity as foreign and a threat to national security and social cohesion. Wherever Hindu nationalism advances, communalism and violent perse-cution of Christians escalates. The 2014 general election saw the Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party win a simple majority of seats in its own right, something extremely rare in India's multi-party system where coalitions are the norm. Furthermore, the BJP managed to 'break out of the Hindu heartland and secure votes from all quarters, geographic and socio-economic'. The popularity of BJP chief Narendra Modi was only part of the equation. The BJP's economic pitch to improve the lot of poor Muslims and Christians was also surprisingly effective. But mostly, the BJP's success was the culmination of decades of momentum generated by the near century-long, largely un-challenged, strategic advance of Hindutva ideology and forces. Indeed, Hindutva's advance has been so successful that the historically secular Indian National Congress party increasingly feels obliged to play the religion card too. The current campaign has seen Congress !igureheads go to extraordinary lengths to present themselves as devout practising Hindus in the hope of reclaiming some Hindu votes. As Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has advanced Hindutva by putting Hindutva ideologues in posi-tions of in!luence in politics, education (including universities), research institutes, state-owned busi-nesses and banks, as well as through the police, the army and the judiciary. Meanwhile, Hindutva is making headway through the tribal belt and even through north-east India by means of the Ekal Vidyalaya school network. Ekal Vidyalaya schools offer !ive years of free education and are af!iliated with the Hindu nationalist Vishva Hindu Parishad and its parent body the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. It is unsurprising therefore that they have been criticised for stoking communalism and spreading hatred, especially towards Christians. It is also unsurprising that they are targeting areas where Christianity has either long been established or is growing. Hindutva forces are also exploiting the issue of illegal mass immigration of Bengali Muslims to stoke a dangerous !ire of Hindu nationalism in Assam, a !ire which threatens to burn Christians as much as Muslims. India's southern Tamil Nadu state has long been a hub for Christian missionary training and sending. But in recent months a new trend has emerged: escalating Hindu nationalist violence against Christians. In addition to the incidents reported by Morning Star News, Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports that, on Tuesday 19 March, a mob of Hindu Munani (Hindu Front) and Vishva Hindu Parishad activists at-tacked a prayer meeting being held in a private home. The believers were abused and assaulted before being dragged down the stairs and out onto the street where their Bibles and tracts were burned. On Sunday 24 March Pastor Allen Gobi was about to com-mence a prayer service in his Family of Jesus Church (a member of the Synod of Pentecostal Churches) when the police arrived, shut down the service and escorted Pastor Gobi to the police station. There he was forced to sign a document acknowledging that he did not have permission to hold meetings on the premises. Local sources told CSW that the Hindu Munnani (Hindu Front) had submitted a petition to the police to take action against the church and that the complicity of state actors in disrupting prayer meet-ings is now a common pattern across the state. We must pray for a breakthrough against Hindu Nationalism. (See P.8 for Prayer Points for India.) Elizabeth Kendal is the author of Turn Back The Battle: Isaiah Speaks To Christians Today (Deror Books, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2012) which offers a Biblical response to persecution and existential threat; and After Saturday Comes Sunday: Understanding The Christian Crisis In The Middle East (Wipf and Stock, Eugene, OR, USA, June 2016). See www.ElizabethKendal.com

INDIA: Breakthrough Needed Against Hindutva

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TURN BACK THE BATTLE: TURN BACK THE BATTLE: Isaiah Speaks To ChristiansIsaiah Speaks To Christians Today.Today. With persecution escalating globally, Elizabeth Kendal calls us to revisit the prophecy of Isaiah, maintaining that Isaiah 1-39 provides an unambiguous treatise on how God's people are to respond to persecution, suffering and existential threat. For purchasing options, visit: www.ElizabethKendal.com

(Continued from Page 7) Please Pray Specifically That: • God will raise up voices of integrity and in!lu-ence that will repudiate Hindu nationalism's highly seductive narrative and present Indians with a better way. • Jesus Christ will continue to build His Church in India, a Church which is growing, especially among the nation's poor and long-oppressed Dalits (untouchables) and despite escalating persecution. • the Holy Spirit will provide the Church with 'wisdom and understanding' for a strategy to reach the powerful and prosperous, highly re-sistant Brahmin caste (priestly caste, the highest caste in the Hindu world, and consequently the most resistant to egalitarian Christianity). • That God Himself will !ight for India (Exodus 14.14) for the sake of His threatened, persecuted Church and for the sake of India's many millions who desperately need to hear the Gospel. • May the LORD effect a breakthrough.

– Elizabeth Kendal An Idea We’d Like To See Catch On

John and Pauline Freeman, retired SIM mis-sionaries, in their SIM Seniors’ News, which they send to their fellow SIM retirees, are promoting New Life by including New Life’s masthead (see above) with the message: ‘Did You Know That New Life Is Free? All You Have To Do Is Ask.’ (Details are included on the masthead). Could YOU use this bright idea to encourage others to join up and receive New Life fortnightly by email?

Did you know that New Life is FREE on request? All you have to do is ask!



NEW LIFE – 15 April 2019 – Page ElevenNEW LIFE – 15 April 2019 – Page Eleven

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BFTW Partners With Luis Palau To Spread The Gospel In Africa Bibles For The World is spreading the Gospel in Côte d’Ivoire, Africa by working with the Luis Palau Association. Earlier this year, BFTW provided The Gospel Of John to every person who at-tended the Luis Palau Festival Love Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan, the capital city of Côte d’Ivoire. It encompassed several days of events, including: eyeglass clinics, medical clinics, sports clinics, and events at local schools. The festival had over 100,000 people attend in person and was broadcast in 59 different nations. Messages centered on the Gospel of John. Vice President of BFTW Jeff McLinden says, ‘In Abidjan just last month, there were 19,000 people who registered a decision for Christ … For 20% of the crowd to make a !irst-time decision for Jesus Christ is pretty re-markable.’ For BFTW, this is a very strategic partnership and a good way to spread the Gospel. ‘There are churches in their areas, but every church has a limited outreach. This provides the opportunity for us to really touch a signi!icant number of people, many of whom will be hearing the Gospel for the very !irst time,’ Jeff says. The Love Côte d’Ivoire festival came after almost a year of training and mobilizing local churches. The Luis Palau Association works with local churches to help build their network and prepare them for the event. It also teaches them how to continue ministering to new believers after the event has taken place. For this event, 2,200 partnering churches and 5,000 people were trained in personal evangelism. With 19,000 new believers in Côte d’Ivoire, it’s likely that churches will grow and expand. There will be many people stepping in to help spread God’s Word and make sure new believers are growing in their faith. ‘Part of the Palau impact is that they are encouraging a Great Commission focus among the churches that they work with there. They are able to show demonstrable impact through the other kinds of events like this that they have done … they have done hundreds of these events all over the world,’ McLinden says. As a partner with the Luis Palau Association, BFTW is committed to making sure festival attendees receive a copy of Scripture they can read for themselves. – Sarah Traill

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PAKISTAN: Almost 200 Christians Facing Blasphemy Charges Dozens of Christians in Pakistan face charges of blasphemy, research published by the Roman Catholic Church has found. There are 187 live cases involving believers accused of insulting religion. Suspects face execution or life imprisonment if found guilty. Blasphemy accusations have in the past been made to settle personal vendettas against Christians. James Channon from the Peace Centre in Lahore, said, ‘Blasphemy laws destroy the lives of those who have been accused, even if they avoid being executed. When Christians are accused of blasphemy, all Christians in the region are in-dicted with them. This often leads to acts of vio-lence against Christians. Pakistan’s blasphemy laws have drawn international attention during recent years in light of the lengthy legal case involving Asia Bibi. The Christian mother-of-!ive spent eight years on death row after being accused of insulting the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She always denied any wrongdoing. She was acquitted by the Pakistan Supreme Court last October; however, hard-line Is-lamists have been demanding a review of the rul-ing. They say Ms Bibi ought to be publicly executed. Even now, after her acquittal, she is anything but

safe. Radical Islamists are trying to !ind her so they can kill her. That is why she is currently under state protection.’ – Premier News Service via Australian Prayer Network.

INDONESIA: Polarisation, Islamisation And Violence Indonesians will go to the polls on Wednesday 17 April to elect a president and vice-president, a Sen-ate and House of Representatives, as well as provincial legislatures and local councils. After decades of Islamisation, this election might be the most polarising yet with Islamic conservatism emerging as pivotal. Please pray that God will lead Indonesians to vote for candidates who respect the traditional Indonesian values of 'unity in diversity' and 'pancasila',which emphasises religious plural-ism, social justice, civility, unity and democracy. Since December, some 32,000 mostly Christian in-digenous Melanesians in the central highlands Nduga region of Indonesia's eastern Papua Province have been driven from their homes by Ja-vanese-Muslim military violence. Demanding the end of Indonesian occupation, indigenous Papuans are preparing to boycott the elections. Tensions are soaring. Please pray. – Elizabeth Kendal

A human rights committee in Malaysia has concluded that police officers were responsible for the 2017 disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh, according to published reports. The prime minister of Malaysia told reporters on 3 April that the government would investigate the abduction of the pastor and the 2016 disappearance of a Shiite charity leader if it determines the committee’s conclusion that police abducted them is factually based. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the National Human Rights Commission must have evidence to support its conclusion that the special branch of police forced Pastor Koh into a car in Selangor state on 13 February 2017. He has not been seen since. The commission also concluded that the special branch was responsible for the 24 November 2016 disappearance of Amri Che Mat, the Shiite leader of a charity in the officially Sunni Islam country. Asserting that police cannot be allowed to break the law, the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship called on officials to reopen the investigation into the ‘heinous injustice’ against the two religious leaders, the AP reported. – Christian Solidarity.


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Police Guilty Of Pastor Disappearance

Terrorist Threat To Pakistan Churches Authorities in Pakistan fear that a terrorist linked to Islamic State is planning an attack that could target Christians in Punjab province at Easter. The bomber is likely to try to carry out a suicide attack in Lahore, a contact of Release says. Please pray for safety for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, especially in Lahore, over the Easter period. Easter has been a particularly dangerous time for believers in Pakistan. Last year four members of one family were shot dead in Quetta by terrorists deliberately targeting Chris-tians. During Easter 2016, a suicide bomber targeted church-goers at a park in Lahore, killing more than 70. Most of the victims were women and children. Thank God for the witness of His church in Pak-istan and ask Him to protect His people. Pray especially for safety at Easter church services and cele-brations. Pray that the authorities will put in place effective measures that would prevent any attack from happening. Ask God to convict all those whose hearts are !illed with hatred towards Christians to repent of their actions and turn to Christ . – Release

The setting is the Feast of Booths, or Tabernacles, a harvest thanksgiving festival, but also a time when the Israelites lived for seven days in tents, reminding themselves of their nomadic wanderings and God’s redeeming them from Egypt. There was also the recognition of God’s protection and provision as their forefathers journeyed through the wilderness and looked towards the Promised Land. In this sense, God had ‘tabernacled’, or dwelt, among His people (Leviticus 23.33–43). Jesus’ biological brothers (Matthew 13.55), who do not yet believe in Him (v.5), suggest that He move to Jerusalem, the seat of religious and political power, rather than performing signs in rural Galilee. Even John the Baptist might be concerned (see Matthew 11.1–3). If Jesus is the promised Messiah, why is He not in Jerusalem? Jesus eventually moves to Jerusalem and begins teaching in the temple (v.14). In verses 14–24, Jesus makes it clear that He is from God (v.16). His teaching is God’s teaching (vv.16,17) and His chief concern is to glorify God (v.18). Moses had given the Jews the law, including the commandment, ‘Do not murder’, yet they try to kill Him (v.1). Jesus questions their judgment (v.24). They pursue Him for restoring a man’s wholeness on the Sabbath (John 5.1–16), yet they circumcise on the Sabbath, an act only of limited bene!it compared to healing. The crowds are confused about Jesus’ identity (vv.12,20,26,27,31,40–43), hence the confused response of the Pharisees and their of!icers. The key words of Jesus, delivered on the last day of the feast, are verses 37,38. The Lord Jesus will go to the Father, where they cannot come (v. 34). His going will herald the coming of the Holy Spirit (v.39). Jesus thus promises thirst­quenching water – a permanent source of refreshment and life coming from within the believer, referring to the Holy Spirit. Notice we do not receive the Holy Spirit by believing in the Spirit, but by coming to Jesus and believing in Him. The Spirit is given to us because of the work of Jesus (Acts 2.33), and we receive Him when we believe in Jesus (2.38). The apostle Paul deals with a de!iciency of the Holy Spirit by telling the disciples of John about Jesus (Acts 19.1–4). The Holy Spirit has been called ‘the shy member of the Trinity’; He seeks no prominence. He is the witness who points away from Himself to the Lord Jesus (John 15.26,27; 16.13–15). The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to remind us that we become God’s children through Christ. We are to trust God as our Father and to live out the family likeness (Romans 8.15–17). J. C. Ryle writes, ‘All who come to Christ by faith shall !ind in Him abundant satisfaction ... the greatest of all mistakes is to try to !ind relief in any other way.’

NEW LIFE – 15 April 2019 – Page ThirteenNEW LIFE – 15 April 2019 – Page Thirteen

JOURNEY THROUGH JOHN JOURNEY THROUGH JOHN withwith David CookDavid CookChrist – The Only One Who Really Satisfies – Read John 7.1-52

FOR PERSONAL REFLECTION: Think of some ways in which people try to receive ful!il-ment in this life. How can you pray for them so that they would come to re-alise that Christ is the only satisfaction?

Reprinted from Our Daily Bread Journey Through Series® – Journey Through John by David Cook (Copyright © 2017) published by Discovery House. Used with permission of Discovery House. All rights reserved.

For further enquiries please visit: journeythrough.org or email: australia@odb.org

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BOOKS WORTH READING BOOKS WORTH READINGGENDER WARS IN CHRISTIANITY, Guy Manuell, Connor Court Publishing, Queensland, 2018. ISBN 978­1925826­27­2. In launching this book, Mike Raiter said, ‘This is a brave book meeting a great need.’ Indeed it is both of these things. It throws light from God’s Word on a question which has perplexed many Christians, particularly in recent times, over which there is often strong disagreement. All in all, there has been more heat than light in deal-ing with the matter of headship and mutual responsibility between husband and wife. Guy Manuell, an Anglican layman in the Diocese of Melbourne and member of Holy Trinity, Doncaster, would have us think calmly and Biblically on this vexed question. In commending the book Mike Raiter set down some valuable criteria of authorship which Guy Manuell has exhibited: 1. Conviction. Since there is ‘no end to the writing of books,’ the author should be convinced that his boook is important. 2. Passion. Writing is a long and laborious proces and the author should be so convinced that his book is important that he will persevere with it to the end. 3. Clarity. Is what the author writes true? Is it faithful to God’s Word? Is the argument cohesive? Can it be understood? Guy Manuell has clearly kept these questions in mind in writing this book. 4. Engagement. Will the reader want to read this book, and read it to the end? 5. Courage. Once a book is published it’s in the public arena – for better or worse – and leaves the author open to abuse and ignorance. Gender Wars In Christianity passes this test. In commending the book Dr Larry Crabb says: ‘In our day one of Satan’s most effective strategies to undermine God’s intention for relationships is to foster confusion about gender identity and roles. Our culture desperately needs a strong voice to declare a Biblical understanding of what it means to bear God’s image as male and female, and to reveal that image by how we live and relate. Manuell’s book pro-vides that voice. His thorough dependence on Scripture issues a call the church must heed.’ Veteran Anglican minister Donald Howard knew Guy and Bernice Manuell when they were members of his parish in Burwood East, Sydney. He says: ‘Guy Manuell has painstakenly negotiated a theological and sociological mine!ield to deliver a Biblical and logical apologetic on the gender issue. The book is highly readable and obviously the product of considerable research.’ One can only agree with these worthies and commend the book to a careful reading, all the while ask-ing oneself, ‘What does God the Lord say concerning this?’ – Bob Thomas


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I lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

! Psalm 121.1,2 The Forcan Ridge of The Saddle, South Shiel Hills, Scotland. Photo: Rev John Ross